Ra6- Davies

  • December 2019
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RA Planning for Purposeful Talk and the Construction of Meaning If You Give a Moose a Muffin Author: Laura Joffe Numeroff Name: Molly Davies

Cooperating Teacher/Grade: Irvin, 1 Date: 04/05/2019 Remember to do these things with the read aloud:  Read your book several times and practice! Read with expression and fluency. (Be sure you know how to pronounce all the words)!  Set an intent for your readers as a way of guiding their thinking.  Think aloud and/or reread when there are confusing parts of the text or when there are misunderstandings  Allow space for students to bring up their own questions and comments, but be sure the conversation is about the text. (See Nichols)  Give the students time to look at the illustrations  Build in some questions and attention to multiple perspectives and critical thinking  Be flexible. Deeper meaning in text: Big ideas, or critical understandings What will you do or say before you read the story? you think children should construct (either in this read, or over  Read the Title and Author several reads):  Preteach vocabulary or concepts (up to 3 words): If a big hungry moose coes to vist, you might give him a muffin to make hm feel at home. If you give him a muffin, what will happen next?


Set an intention: Let’s see if the moose gets all of the muffins he wants!

Standard(s): Key ideas and details.  Logical inferences  Draw conclusions  Determine central ideas  Summary

Differentiation Instructional Support (including language support, content support, extensions): (What are you going to DO for the kiddos in your class?)

Stopping Place (choose places that support students in thinking about the big ideas, themes, or critical understandings) Include page # or phrase, and prompt (turn and talk, share out, act it out, think aloud, stop and jot, draw it out)

Reason for stopping What are the kinds of things you hope students will be saying (if they are beginning to understand the big ideas)?

“He’ll want to go with you?”

What does this say about the moose?

If talk doesn’t get beyond the surface, what scaffold will you use to get them talking

Synthesizing information

“He’ll need some cardboard and paints.”

What does the boy do when the moose asks Comprehension him for muffins?

Based on this picture, how does the boy “Seeing the blackberries will remind him of feel when the moose sees the blackberries? her jam.” Why does the moose ask for more?

Comprehension Visual Comprehension

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