R05412111 Rockets And Missiles

  • May 2020
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Set No.1

Code No: R05412111

IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, November -2008 ROCKETS AND MISSILES (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. Describe in detail, how the quantity of charge of an igniter for a solid rocket motor is decided. [16] 2. Describe the two types of profullant feed systems in a cryogenic engine.


3. (a) Explain lateral aerodynamic forces and lateral damping forces on a rocket. (b) Explain the different types of classifying rockets and missiles. (c) Explain rocket dispersion.


4. (a) Explain the cases of vertical flight, constant pitch angle flight and gravity turn in the case of a rocket flight. (b) Also explain free space, vacuum, and uniform gravity field. (c) Derive the expression for the burn-out range (distance covered by the time of burn-out) by a single stage rocket in any one of the cases referred to above. [4+2+10] 5. (a) Explain Mass ratio, payload ratio, propellant ratio, and structural efficiency. (b) Explain the various methods of stagings for a multi-stage rocket. (c) Derive the expression for the burn-out velocity of a multi-stage rocket of ‘n’ stages in vertical flight in homogeneous gravity field. [6+4+6] 6. (a) Explain attitude control. (b) What are the difference in attitude control of solid rockets and attitude control of liquid rocket? Explain clearly. Use neat sketches. [4+12] 7. (a) Explain all the forces and moments acting on the two separating stages in a multi-stage rocket. Draw neat sketches showing details. (b) Explain the differences in the two separations of a multi-stage rocket - tandem stage and parallel stage. [8+8] 8. (a) Describe the criteria for selecting materials for fabricating rockets and missiles. (b) List out the different materials used to fabricate the parts of a rocket identifying the materials used for each part. (c) Do you use composites for rockets? If so what are the parts? What is the advantage? [6+6+4] ????? 1 of 1

Set No.2

Code No: R05412111

IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, November -2008 ROCKETS AND MISSILES (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. Explain, in detail, the factors to be considered in the design of an igniter for solid motors of a rocket. [16] 2. Describe the two types of propellant feed systems in liquid rocket engines.


3. (a) Explain the lift and drag forces acting on a rocket. (b) Explain the components of drag coefficient. (c) Does Oswald’s efficiency factor play a mojor role in the drag of a rocket? Explain. (d) Write a short note on rocket dispersion.


4. (a) Derive the equation for the burn-out velocity of a rocket in free space. (b) Derive the expression for the burn-out range in the case of constant specific thrust. [8+8] 5. (a) Explain: Mass ratio, Payload ratio, propellant ratio, and structural efficiency. (b) Derive the expression for the maximum ideal burn-out velocity of a multi-stage rocket of ‘n’ stages in free space. (c) Hence, Derive an expression for the maximum ideal burn-out velocity of a two stage rocket of identical structural efficiencies. [6+8+2] 6. (a) Write short notes on Attitude control of a rocket. (b) Is thrust vector control easy in a solid rocket or in a liquid rocket ? Why? Explain in detail. [4+12] 7. (a) Draw sketches explaining the axes system used in describing the dynamics of separation. Mark all the forces acting on the two stages. Explain all the symbols used. (b) Describe the various systems used in stage separation.


8. (a) What are the parts of a rocket which are exposed to high temperatures? (b) What is the source of heating for these parts? Explain clearly. Draw sketches if necessary. (c) What are the metallic materials used in rockets and missiles? and why? [4+6+6] ????? 1 of 1

Set No.3

Code No: R05412111

IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, November -2008 ROCKETS AND MISSILES (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) Explain the types of ignition system used in solid motors. (b) Describe the burning process in a solid propellant. 2. Describe the various sub-systems in a liquid rocket. Draw neat sketches.

[16] [16]

3. Explain, using neat sketches: (a) Body up-wash (b) Down-wash (c) Lateral aerodynamic forces and moments (d) Longitudinal stability of a rocket.


4. (a) Derive the Tsiolkovsky’s equation for the velocity of a rocket. (b) Derive the expression for the burn-out range (Range at burn-out) in the case of constant thrust. [8+8] 5. Derive the expression for the culmination altitude of a two stage rocket. Explain all the assumptions very clearly. [16] 6. Explain the various methods of thrust vector control in a rocket. Explain clearly what is thrust vector control. [16] 7. (a) Explain the dynamics involved in stage separation in a multi-stage rocket. (b) Explain the separation system used in separation of parallel stages.


8. (a) What is Thermal protection in a rocket or a missile? Explain clearly. Why and where it is requited? (b) What is ablation? (c) What is cryogenic material? (d) What are the structural materials used to make rockets with oxygen and hydrogen as fuels? [4×4] ?????

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Set No.4

Code No: R05412111

IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, November -2008 ROCKETS AND MISSILES (Aeronautical Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks ????? 1. (a) In the content of a solid motor of a rocket, what is burn rate? (b) What are the factors influencing the burn rate of a solid propellant? 2. Describe the different types of injectors in a liquid rocket.

[8+8] [16]

3. (a) Explain the forces acting on a missile while passing through the atmosphere. (b) Write on rocket dispersions.


4. (a) Derive the expression for the velocity of a rocket in free space. (b) Derive a similar expression for a rocket in vertical flight in a homogeneous gravitational field. [8+8] 5. (a) Explain homogeneous gravity field. (b) Derive the expression for the culmination altitude of a two stage rocket in vertical flight in a homogeneous gravity field, in vacuum. (c) What is the effect of assuming that the flight is in vacuum?


6. (a) What is thrust magnitude control? Explain clearly. (b) Explain the methods of controlling the thrust magnitude in solid and liquid rockets. [16] 7. (a) Write the equations which describe the dynamics of separation of stages in a multi-stage rocket. (b) Explain the various separation systems employed in stage separation of a multi-stage rocket. [8+8] 8. (a) Explain what is meant by thermal protection system (TPS). (b) What are the parts of rockets where TPS are used? Explain in detail, using good sketches. (c) What are the different types of TPS used in rockets and missiles? ?????

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