R-c General Election Guide

  • November 2019
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Useful links Douglas County Clerk’s Office http://cltr.co.douglas.nv. us/elections/election centerhome.shtm

Welcome to The Record-Courier’s printed version of a candidates forum. Like a candidates forum, we issued formal invitations to participate and in some cases tracked down information about candidates and their races. The information contained in this guide is provided by the candidates. It gives them an opportunity to talk directly to you about what they think is important after providing us with some basic information we think is important. The organization of the guide is simple with local elections in the front, state elections in the middle and federal elections at the end. Below is a list of candidates and their information. Voter registration is closed and Saturday is the first day to vote early in the Nov. 4 election. We wish all the candidates the best of luck and encourage everyone eligible to cast a ballot. Kurt Hildebrand editor

Candidates County commissioner District 1 — Page 3 Anje de Knijf Greg Lynn Local Ballot Questions District 3— Page 4 Doug N. Johnson Eric Rieman District 5 Nancy L. Epstein Michael Olson School Board — Page 5 Area 1 Karen H. Chessell Charles ‘Chuck’ Swanson Area 3 Greg Felton Cindy Trigg Gardnerville Town Board — Page 6 Paul Lindsay Robin Bernhard Michael Smith Indian Hills — Page 6 Art Baer Brian Buffo Dianne Humble Fournier Laura Lau Gardnerville Ranchos — Page 7 Cade Baligad David Bourne Jeremy D. Davidson Assembly — Page 8 JoEtta Brown David Schumann James Arnold Settelmeyer Supreme Court — Page 9 Mary ‘Kris’ Pickering Deborah Schumacher Thomas Frank Christensen Mark Gibbons State School Board — Page 10 Dave Cook Barbara Myers State ballot questions U.S. Congress — Page 11 Craig Bergland Jill Derby John Everhart Dean Heller

Check your registration http://cltr.co.douglas.nv.us/ elections/vripri-general.cfm Nevada Secretary of State’s Office http://sos.state.nv.us/elections/ Federal Election Commission www.fec.gov/ Source: Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer’s Office

VOTE in the November 4th General Election

Nancy Epstein

County Commission District #5 I am running for office because it is time for citizen representation on the Douglas County Commission. As a 14-year resident of the Carson Valley with 25 years of business experience, I bring independence and loyalty to ALL residents of Douglas County. As your County Commissioner I will • Stand up for fiscal responsibility • Find real solutions to growth • Protect our quality of life I’m working to be your voice on The County Commission. Please join me in a campaign that unites our community and moves us to a bright and secure future. This is your community… it should be your voice. “I pledge to work hard for Douglas County with ALL decisions based on the county’s BEST INTEREST….” - Nancy Epstein

I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT 775-267-5107 • [email protected] www.NancyEpstein2008.com

The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/



Douglas County Commissioner District 5



Community Leadership • 5 years on the Douglas County Planning Commission • Extensive work on the 10 year master plan update • Graduate of Leadership Douglas County • President Business Council of Douglas County Community Understanding: • • • •

Water issues Economic Issues Open Space Infrastructure

Community Direction: • Work within the Master Plan • Retain open space and local water rights • Planned Infrastructure • Stable Budget


Endorsed by: • East Fork Fire Employees Association • Douglas County Sheriff Protective Association • Sierra Nevada Association of Realtors (SNAR) • LakeTahoe Gaming Alliance


It's Your Community

Local races

Page 3

Douglas County Board of Commissioners District 1 Anje de Knijf

Greg Lynn

Party: Democrat Address: 1218 Sierra Vista Drive, Gardnerville Occupation: Realtor Age: 58 Contact information: [email protected]

Party: Republican Place of residence: 1218 Bobwire Lane, Gardnerville, (51⁄2 years, 28-year local resident) Occupation: General building contractor Age: 62 Contact information: 265-9340 [email protected] [email protected] www.electgreglynn.com Education: Bachelors, St. Mary's College, California, 1967 Graduate studies, San Francisco State University, 1967-69

Education: Graduated from San Diego State University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology with distinction in my major with a specialization in statistical analysis and experimental design. Honors: I attended the Douglas County Chamber of Commerce Leadership program Platform: The upcoming election is a critical one that can determine the economic future of Douglas County for a long time and I felt compelled to run so that as a county commissioner I can make those decisions that would be to the best interest of our county. As a county commissioner I will address and support economic stability as the No. 1 priority in Douglas County. I see the managed growth that we currently enjoy hampering the economic growth we could realize. Managed growth is fine when there is growth to manage. However, the current building permit allocation system is actually impeding those who desire to build in Douglas County from realizing their goals. Why constrain an owner from building by having them wait until the next allocation quarter before issuing a permit when there are allocations left begging each quarter? This does nothing to boost our local economy but prevents work for builders, orders to building supply outlets, building permit revenues for the county, hookup fee revenue for the improvement districts. I think that it is going to be difficult enough to provide necessary services in the first responder segment, education sector and senior services with our current budget let alone the reduced county revenues we would have with managed growth. Why deny channels of revenue that the county can certainly utilize? I am, however, opposed to development of our Valley corridor (along Highway 395). Our quality of life is certainly deserving of protection. The potential consequences have not been sufficiently researched to give carte blanche to projects like the Park proposal. Our longstanding ranching community certainly deserves the support and respect of the board of commissioners. As a county commissioner i will always have the good of the entire county as my No. 1 priority. A vote for me is a vote for Douglas County.

Platform: My connection with Carson Valley goes back to before I was born. My mother was in the Army during WWII flying B-17s out of the Minden airport as a ferry pilot. My father was also a pilot and ran a crop dusting business here during the war. In the winter they dumped hay out of the bombers to feed the range cattle. When folks gripe about growth and say they’d like to see the Valley the way it was in 1995 (or 1990 or 1985), in a perfect world I’d like it the way it was in 1955. Alas, those days are behind us. I’m a life-long Republican, a 28-year local resident and have lived in the district I seek to represent since 2002. I’ve also been doing business in district since 1995 and have run a general contracting business in the county as a licensed contractor since 1985. In the late ’80s and early ’90s I was involved with what was then the Builder’s Association of Douglas County, serving as vice-president for four years and also serving as association liaison to the county building department where I wrote the department’s newsletter for 10 years, keeping the building community current with code and policy changes. More recently I spent 16 months sitting across the table with representatives from the

Sustainable Growth Initiative Committee, coming to a compromise agreement that ultimately resulted in the adoption of the current building permit allocation system in July of 2007. Additionally, I spent the summer of 2007 as facilitator of a county/industry review panel updating the county’s design manual for development projects (roads, sewer, water and drainage). We were able to come to terms on just about everything, except for the drainage element, and the update was adopted by the board of commissioners in the fall of 2007. Also, in 1997 I was approached by the county to design and build the Douglas County Shooting Facility. This project was done on a volunteer basis on my part, largely employed trusty labor from the jail, as well as participation from a variety of local contractors, and was completed in the spring of 1998. In the fall of 2007 I again volunteered to reconstruct this facility to improve public safety for the long run, and this effort was completed in November of 2007. Last but not least, I spent a good part of last summer working on the floodplain management ordinance, both through the workshop process, and the technical review committee that actually hammered out the language and worked through the sticking points. What I hope to demonstrate with this brief resume is a long-term familiarity with the internal county dynamics and a history of working with a variety of county department staff, from manager, sheriff, parks, and others. I’ve come to the decision to run for this office through a somewhat non-traditional series of public service experiences. Rather than describe this complicated sequence of events, I’ll just say that I’ve had 20 years of practice at doing the homework and am ready and willing to put forth the effort required. Anyone is welcome to call for more details or expansion on my thoughts on how I feel the county should work. I’m a working man so I’m not home during the day and you’ll get my answering machine. Don’t worry, I’ll call back.

Douglas County ballot questions DOUGLAS COUNTY ADVISORY QUESTION NO. 1 Should the Douglas County Building Permit Allocation and Growth Management Ordinance, Douglas County Code Chapter 20.560, passed by the Board of County Commissioners, and effective July 1, 2007, and as amended, remain in effect?

DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND QUESTION: Shall Douglas County School District be authorized to issue general obligation school bonds to improve, equip, acquire and construct school facilities? Taxes generated by the district’s existing school bond property tax not needed for payment of bonds and purposes related to the

bonds including the required reserves for bonds in any year may be used for capital projects. District projections at the time the bonds are issued must indicate that issuance of the bonds will not result in an increase of the existing school bond property tax rate of 10 cents per $100 of assessed value. If approved, this authorization will expire Nov. 4, 2018.

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Local races

Douglas County Board of Commissioners District 3 Doug N. Johnson Party: Republican Address: 656 Mustang Lane, Ruhenstroth, 24-year Douglas County resident Occupation: Investment manager Age: 45 Contact information: 790-3195 [email protected] www.vote4doug.net Biography: Born in Olympia, Wash. in 1963. Married at Walley’s Hot Springs in 1989 to wife Janice. We have two young adults age 17 and 16. Worked 20 years at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe in various positions. Volunteered 10 years with Ruhenstroth Vol-

unteer Fire Department Completed Leadership Institute, New York University 2008 Current occupation is managing private investments. Enjoy camping, hiking, river rafting, off-highway activities, horses, water sports, snowboarding, collecting junk and gardening. Record of Service: Four years as Douglas County commissioner. Carson Water Subconservancy, 2005-present Nevada Association of Counties (NACO), 2005-present Virginia & Truckee Railroad Commission, 2007 Carson Valley Chamber 2005-present (alternate) China Spring Youth Camp 2005-present NACO Meth Committee 2006 Honors: Douglas County Commission Chairman 2007 Nevada Off Highway Vehicle Committee Chairman 2007

NACO Legislative Committee Chairman 2008 Platform: Progress in motion. Steady improvement towards the goal of a lean, transparent government not dependent on making deals with developers at the expense of the people of Douglas County! In a joint effort involving residents, staff and county officials, I supported and worked to create Douglas County's first growth ordinance and building permit allocation. This ordinance will protect both the rural community and development rights within our code. I have worked, and am still working tirelessly on resolving many issues like growth ordinance adherence, responsible flood drainage management, keeping public lands open, retaining sheriff deputies and firefighters, fiscal responsibility and maintaining our rural community airport. With your help there is nothing we can't achieve in Douglas County. I ask you for your support and your vote Nov. 4. Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail.

Eric Rieman Party: Independent American Address: 750 Highway 395, Gardnerville Occupation: Rancher Age: 44 Contact information: 265-5326 ericrieman@clearwire. net

District 5 Nancy L. Epstein Party: Democrat Address: 1582 Saratoga Ct., Minden Occupation: Closed-captioning provider/Owner of Captivision Age: 50 Contact Information: 267-5107 267-5118 [email protected] www.NancyEpstein2008.com P.O. Box 2406, Minden, NV 89423 Education: Associate in Science Degree Two years of Conversational Sign Language Record of Service: Court Appointed Special Advocate Active member of the Douglas County Democratic Central Committee Active member of the Douglas County Democratic Women Elected delegate to the 2008 Nevada Democratic State Convention National Court Reporters Association United States Court Reporters Association Honors: Registered Professional Reporter Registered Merit Reporter Federally Certified Real-Time Reporter Platform: My family and I moved to Carson Valley in 1994 from Anchorage, Alaska. My hus-

band, Kim, owns Toiyabe Builders and we have two daughters. As a small business owner for 25 years I feel I understand the unique challenges facing our community. I am running for county commission because I believe in the public process and an open and transparent government that serves its residents well. I am a fair and open-minded candidate who is not beholden to any special interests. As your county commissioner I will: ■ Stand up for fiscal responsibility ■ Find real solutions to growth ■ Protect our quality of life I want to participate in balancing the budget while protecting cuts that may have a detrimental effect on our teens and senior citizens. I think we should follow the master plan and the growth management ordinance for a 2 percent cumulative cap on growth. We need to support our law enforcement, public schools, libraries and parks and recreation department to preserve our wonderful quality of life. I am committed to supporting our local small businesses and as a token of fiscal responsibility, all of my campaign funds will be spent within Douglas County. No donations from PACs have been accepted. I have the time and energy to commit to the board of county commissioners (about 40 hours a week) and I have the ability, good judgment and heart to put the best interests of the residents of Douglas County first in all decisions that are made. I ask for your support.

Michael Olson Party: Republican Address: 3605 Silverado Drive, Jacks Valley Occupation: Manager Risk Services Age: 47 Contact information: [email protected] www.electmikeolson.com 267-2611 Education: Business and science courses Record of Service: I am currently in my fifth year as a Douglas County Planning Commissioner. I have served on the Carson Tahoe Hospital Building Committee and am in my second term as the President of the Business Council of Douglas County. I also participate in many other volunteer functions throughout Douglas County. Platform: My interest in running for this office is based on our community. I believe we are losing our sense of community. The divisiveness that our community is experiencing is helping to deteriorate our “let’s raise the barn together” attitude and damaging our loved rural character. We need to get back to addressing the issues together and solving them together; keeping the focus on what is good for Douglas County. I believe that type of direction comes from the top and I can display that attitude. I am a business person and believe that the county should be run like a business. When addressing continued budget issues, we need to make the necessary cuts without letting the train get off the track. We will have many tough decisions coming before the county commissioners in the next four years and I believe that I will be a good representative for the people of Douglas County. Call me, if you would like to discuss the issues.

Local races

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Douglas County School Board Area 1 Karen H. Chessell Address: 2626 Gordon Ave., Minden Occupation: Consultant for Family and Consumer Sciences, Nevada Department of Education. State advisor for the Career & Technical Student Leadership Organization, Family, Career & Community Leaders of America. I’m also the civil rights compliance coordinator. Age: 48 Contact Information: 234-4124 [email protected] 450-7888 Incumbency: I was appointed in January 2006, elected, un-opposed in August 2006. Education: Bachelor of science in home economics education from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1983 Master of arts in educational administration from California State University Long Beach, California, 1993. Record of Service: I was a classroom teacher for 20 years. I taught at middle and high school levels in California and in Clark County before moving to my current position in 2004. Scout leader for five years in Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts Career and Community Leaders of America for more than four years. Honors: Member of Nevada School Board of

the Year, 2007. Educator of Excellence Award Platform: I have been active in education for 24 years, as a classroom teacher, on school improvement committees and as the Family and Consumer Sciences consultant for the State Department of Education. I have two children who attend Douglas County schools. I’ve been a school 1 board trustee for 2 ⁄2 years. I have added to the conversation on many issues. I bring a perspective of a classroom teacher, of career and technical education, civil rights compliance and the experiences my children have had to the board. It takes time to learn the role and responsibilities of a board member. The citizens of Douglas County put their trust in me two years ago and I feel I have learned my role and continue to have a positive contribution to make for our students. Each student has unique needs. I’m interested in understanding these needs and working with my colleagues to meet them in the most fiscally responsible way. I’m interested in promoting opportunities for each student toward their high school diploma and success in life beyond high school, both personally and professionally. I want to make sure that conversations on student achievement include discussions on the needs of all students, not just the needs of gifted and talented students or the students who are not meeting the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law.

Charles ‘Chuck’ Swanson Address: 1037 Sunburst Drive, Sunridge Occupation: Consultant – professional civil engineer Age: 64 Contact information: [email protected] Education: Bachelor of science, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. Masters of science (Aerospace Engineering), Pennsylvania State University; Masters of business administration, CW Post Center, Long Island University Record of service: Numerous volunteer positions including city environmental and design review boards, homeowners associations, and adult teaching. Extensive professional management and engineer positions with U.S. Army, City of San Francisco, National Park Service, and Lyon County. Full time assistant professor teaching core engineering. Past trustee and chairman of Indian Hills General Improvement District. Honors: 20 years of service in U.S. Army awarded Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, and Air Medals.

Platform: Education is a local responsibility. That as a community, we all should take interest and concern in the academic and personal development of our children. Whether we have children in the school system or do not, we as a community do have a responsibility for a strong, educated citizenry. The effective use of a limited budget should be for the most critical needs. Budget should reflect a performance based education system that at a minimum achieves basic skills in mathematics, language, science, and history. The establishment of the priority of needs must include the wisdom of the public. I am a strong believer in open government with discussion and decisions made in the light of the public. My background and education in development and implementation of budgets, in relationship with unions and employees, in establishment of priorities of capital and operating programs, in facility and public works management, and in various civil engineer fields would expand the current expertise and dedication of the existing school board.

Douglas County School Board Area 3 Greg Felton

Cindy Trigg

Address: 204 Hubbard Drive, Stateline Occupation: Aviation Consultant (I analyze aircraft accidents and testify to their true causes) Age: 45 Contact information: [email protected] www.felton.vpweb.com Education: Harvey Mudd College – bachelor of science in engineering Claremont Graduate School – master of science in engineering University of San Diego – master of business administration Platform: In simple terms, I promise to dedicate myself to understanding each issue that comes before the board and to make rational decisions for the students and taxpayers. I know all the current issues but it’s impossible to know what else might arise, though clearly financial pressures will be an ongoing theme which I’m prepared to manage. In all cases, I’ll listen first rather than force my opinions on others. I’m focused on running a positive campaign. ■ Our exchange student is from Chile. I now better understand the challenges of non-native English speakers. ■ I analyze issues and propose innovative solutions. I collaborate, but don't mimic. ■ I'm running because I simply care about our kids. I would strongly encourage all voters to review my Web site, felton.vpweb.com, which I will continue to update with answers to questions from people like you. I hope I can count on your vote on Nov. 4.

Address: 238 Terrace View Drive, Stateline Occupation: Retired American Airlines, volunteer organizer Age: 54 Contact information: [email protected] 338-1561 Education: California brokers license, leadership and cultural training American Airlines International purser program, recruiter and trainer International Flight Attendants. Record of Service: Elected in 2004 for four-year term, currently serving as vice president, on Nevada Association of School Boards. Former Douglas County Democratic Central Committee co-chair, Douglas County Democratic Women fundraising chair and scholarship committee, Whittell High School cheer coach and scholarship committee, Kingsbury Middle School Parent Club Community Service Award, Nevada Association of School Boards School Board of the Year, American Airline service awards, Recognized by retired Gen. Wesley K. Clark in 2006 for community involvement. Platform: “The Sky is the Limit, Education is the

Vehicle.” Your school board must be fiscally responsible with your tax dollars. It needs to have long term vision, effective communication skills and be enthused about parent, teacher, community and board member collaboration. The current budget crisis demands experience on your board. I am committed to working in a manner that finds solutions with the district office and my fellow board members to maintain and grow student achievement. In fiscally difficult times extra curricular programs all become very vulnerable. I am committed to working with our community, parents and local businesses to develop innovative ways to help fund these programs, programs that for many students keep them in school. Alternative education, credit recovery and career and technical education must continue to grow these have a direct effect on high school graduation rates. Our gifted students can not be ignored, as a board we need to come to the community with policies that enable all our students to reach their full potential. With the critical issues and budget cuts imminent experience matters. I am proud to have served Douglas County for the last four years and proud of my record and my work with my fellow board members. I am asking for your continued support and your vote.

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Local races

Gardnerville Town Board Paul Lindsay Occupation: Electrical Engineer Age: 37 Contacts: 790-1205 [email protected] Incumbency: 6 years Education: Bachelor of science in electrical engineering and a master of science in computer science Record of Service: My first opportunity to become involved in the community came at age 31 with my appointment to the Gardnerville Town Board. Since then I have been an ongoing member of the GE Volunteers organization where I have participated in such projects as the playground construction for the Family Support Counsel. I was the Gardnerville Town Board chairman during Gardnerville’s 125th birthday celebration, participated in the public meetings for the creation of the Plan for Prosperity, and have recently been appointed to the Main Street Gardnerville Program board that works

for the continued economic development of Gardnerville’s downtown. Honors: Nevada State licensed Professional Engineer Platform: It is my hope to continue helping Gardnerville further develop itself as a family focused community that keeps an eye on growth while honoring its heritage. With projects such as the Main Street Gardnerville Program we can help stimulate economic development in our area by using concepts that have been proven by more than 2000 other communities. In addition to programs such as this, by organizing more community events such as movies in the park, concerts, and other holiday festivities we can continue to build a town that welcomes visitors and serves the needs of its people. I believe that Gardnerville has a bright future and I hope to be a part of it.

Robin Bernhard Occupation: Owner of Bon Vivant Gourmet Gift Baskets Age: 38 Contact information: [email protected] [email protected] Education: Ohio University, Bachelors of Science in Education Honors: Winner of the Barclays Global Investors, “2007 Alpha Award” for Innovative Investment Strategy for alternative energy investment. Platform: Aside from the fiscal responsibility that must be a part of this office, I have four initiatives I’d like to bring to the town of Gardnerville. 1. I’d like to work more aggressively to develop a cohesive water plan not just for the town, but also for the whole Valley. We’re long past the time when a

sinkhole on Toler Lane (just outside the town limit) is not the business of Gardnerville. 2. I’d like to work with Bently and other developers of alternative energy to make Gardnerville a “showcase town” for alternative energy usage. 3. I am determined to see recycling pick-up brought to our town. I’ll work with vendors to make sure the service is affordable and easy for everyone. 4. As a town board, we should educate and empower the people of Gardnerville. I’d also like to reach out to suppliers of defibrillation devices, used to treat people in cardiac arrest, to get these devices displayed publicly all over the Valley.

Michael Smith Occupation: Videographer Age: 52 Education: Graduated from National Louis University of Chicago in 1990

Indian Hills General Improvement District Art Baer

Brian Buffo

Occupation: retired Resident of Indian Hills for 14 years. Record of Service: Former trustee four years, U.S. Army Signal Corps four years Biography: Scientific and process instrumentation field for 27 years; 12 years as regional manager. Platform: Retired and very interested in seeing Indian Hills continue to progress and grow. Please remember to vote.

Occupation: Minden-Gardnerville Sanitation District Age: 33 Contact information: [email protected] Education: Graduated Douglas High School 1993 Graduated RSI Technical School 1997 Platform: I was born and raised in Gardnerville 1 and I have lived in Indian Hills for 3 ⁄2

Dianne Humble Fournier Occupation: Realtor Broker Nevada and California Age: 67 Contact: www.nevada-properties.com [email protected] Education: University of California Dominguez Hills Carson, Calif. 1 Platform: I’ve lived in Sunridge for 9 ⁄2 years. I was formerly appointed to a year of service and elected to a 4-year term. I was secretary treasurer. We increased the size and reopened a bigger James Lee Park with improvements including lighted ballfields and my own special project, a skate board park, handicapped restrooms, snack bar, trees and benches on walking paths. Improved on the two Sunridge parks with barbecues child’s

years. Over the last 33 years as a Douglas County resident I have seen our community grow. Those 33 years have led me to understand the issues we face. A serious issue we face in Indian Hills is the declining state of our infrastructure. Being a MindenGardnerville Sanitation District operator has given me a unique perspec-

equipment and gazebo’s. We built a new office and board room with kitchen and restrooms. We procured a $1.7 million grant to use towards our arsenic requirements. I took classes and learned about water and wastewater issues and continue those interests today. I have held an active real estate license in California since 1973 and curently hold a Nevada brokers license maintaining my career in real estate. With the support of the board I will require financial responsibility and accountability. I have, and will continue to question overspending as in past fuel costs, and overtime in our 12-mile district. I will work to keep our water safe, and maintain our parks and streets. It is clear we need change and improvement with experience and honesty, and true integrity. I am that change who will work for the taxpaying residents. I am honest, and pocess a high level of integrity. I’m a state-licensed businessperson, willing to serve the district’s best interests.

Laura Lau Occupation: Certified plans examiner Age: 51 Contact Information: 267-4251 rocklaur@gbis. com Incumbency: I have been an Indian Hills GID Trustee for four years Douglas County Leadership Graduate, 2007 Secretary/Treasurer, IHGID Board, 2006 Vice Chairman, IHGID Board, 2007 Chairman, IHGID Board, 2008 Platform: We are living in challenging times. Therefore, we must continue to be

tive into infrastructure development and management. I would use my experience and expertise to help this board to make informed decisions. If elected, my vote would be driven by common sense and experience. My goal is to have our board make fiscally responsible decisions for now and years from now. I believe my fresh perspective would bring about some of the changes necessary for our community. I look forward to the opportunity to serve with integrity and honesty. fiscally responsible while continuing to run the district as efficiently as possible. I bring honesty, integrity, and accountability to the Indian Hills General Improvement District board. I wish to continue my work to make the quality of life better for the residents of Indian Hills. Major issues facing the district include meeting state mandated requirements for our water quality, upgrades to our wastewater facility, as well as keeping on track with our maintenance schedules for our parks and streets. We can work through this financially challenging time and still keep within our approved budget. Together we can make it happen. I would appreciate your vote.

Local races

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Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District Cade Baligad Occupation: For the past 11 years I have been a teacher Age: 35 Contact Information: 265-8809 [email protected] Incumbency: Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District trustee for the past four years. Education: I graduated from Douglas High School in 1991; Western Nevada Community College with an Associates of Applied Science in 1994; University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor of Science in 1998; and the University of Phoenix with a Master of Arts in Education, Administration and Supervision in 2001. I graduated with honors from UNR and UOP. Record of Service: It is with great pride that I have served as an elected to the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District for the past four years and for the past two years I have served as the district treasurer. I have been ranked as one of the top three teachers by The Record-Courier in 2007; served as a department chair for Douglas High School’s Career and Technical Education Department; a Skills USA Advisor; a board member for

Jeremy D. Davidson Occupation: A licensed residential designer/project manager for local based engineering and design firm Age: 31 Contact: 220-7913 [email protected] www.jd4grgid.com Education: 1995 Douglas High School graduate Record of Service: Active member for 11 years of the Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club. I served on the National Board of Active 20-30 as a regional director. Assisted with the organization and co-chaired Carson Valley’s largest event, Carson Valley Days for several years.

the Nevada State Automotive Standards; a board member for the Nevada State Collision Repair Technology Skill Standards; former member of the Nevada State Partnership to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy; former board member for Ducks Unlimited; worked as a volunteer for the Kids’ Fishing Derby; and in 1999 won the Nevada State Duck Calling Championship. Additionally, as a teacher, I am proud to say that I have served my country, state and county for the past 11 years. Platform: My platform is community based. By incorporating input from citizens, I have been able to provide quality leadership and good decisions for the residents of the Gardnerville Ranchos. As a Trustee for the past four years, there are several things I am particularly proud of: the development of Mitch Drive Park; the finalization of Bluerock Park; expansion of our trail system; the development of traffic calming devices and street improvement projects. Furthermore, I am pleased that the Gard-

nerville Ranchos has not raised the ad valorem tax rate; held developers accountable; helped develop our policies and procedures manual and our snow removal policy; and serve as a lighthouse general improvement district for our state. My personal capstone as a trustee over the past four years is the master plan for, and our development of Mitch Drive Park. Here we have taken a barren piece of district owned property and turned it into a functional park in progress. We have successfully completed a tennis court and practice wall, a trail system, picnic areas, water fountains, children’s playground and climbing wall, benches, horse trail, parking areas and landscaping. Our future plans include a fishing pond, a skate park, common areas, gazebo, restrooms and a new district office. I plan on looking into developing such things as a dog park, BMX track, and volleyball court. It is with projects like these, and with your support, I ask for your vote this November.

Platform: I believe that 20 years of residency and 13 years of project management within the community of the Gardnerville Ranchos have prepared me to serve you, the community, and fulfill the responsibilities of the GRGID. I feel that improving the Gardnerville Ranchos will bring about quality of life to our current residents, potential residents and most important of all, our children within the community of the Ranchos. I, too, agree that growth must pay for itself. As a member of the board of trustees I will be your voice. Please vote for me on Nov. 4 and I will help fulfill our dream of a quality community within the Gardnerville Ranchos.

David Bourne Occupation: Fire Captain/Paramedic Age: 38 Contact Information: [email protected] Education: Douglas High graduate, some college Record of Service: I have been involved in the fire service for 24 years, starting as a cadet in a volunteer station at the age of 14. I have been employed in the fire service full time since 1991 holding various positions in the department. Started as an emergency medical technician, upgraded to firefighter/paramedic, and have now been a fire captain for the past five years. Platform: The Gardnerville Ranchos GID had done a good job in making sure that they district grows in a responsible manner while continuing to be fiscally responsible. As the district continues to grow, it will take a board that is willing to make the tough decisions and to ensure that the residents of the Gardnerville Ranchos get the most for their money. Here are a few items that I feel are a priority: ■ Growth needs to managed responsibly and done in a smart manner. Water is the major natural

resource that is going to effect growth. Prior to any recommendation for approval, it needs to be ensured that adequate water and other resources are available. ■ New growth should be held responsible, as they are now, for putting the water, sewer, and road infrastructure in place and then petitioning the district for annexation. Current residents of the Gardnerville Ranchos should not be held responsible for paying for this part of growth. ■ Continued growth in the area of family activities in order to make this community a more family friendly area. Additional growth and facilities at the Mitch Park as well as other opportunities that arise should be looked at. There are many green belt areas around that could potentially be used for this goal. ■ Continue the road maintenance program, managed in a fiscally responsible manner, to ensure that the roadways are maintained and will not cost more to fix in the future.

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Page 8

State races

Assembly District 39 James Arnold Settelmeyer

JoEtta Brown Party: Democrat Residence: Gardnerville Occupation: Retired after 30 years in corporate banking Contact Information: [email protected] JoEttaBrown.com Incumbency: Currently serving on the Douglas County Planning Commission Education: Attended Mount Saint Mary’s College, UCLA and extensive seminars/workshops related to banking, management, urban development, finance, diversity training, community organization, leadership training, small business development and urban renewal Record of Service: Douglas County Planning commissioner; Nevada Alliance for Retired Americans treasurer; Alliance for Retired Americans national board member; Western Nevada College Advisory Board; Board Family Support Council board, Sustainable Energy Development chief financial officer Honors: Soroptimist International governor, Olive Crest Abused Children’s Shelter president, Woman Power PAC Woman of the Year, Girl Scouts of America Leadership Award, Olive Crest Abused Children’s Shelter Service and Leadership Award, Mentor Award for Business Development Platform: The economy is now the most important issue. Two years ago Nevada had a budget surplus. This year there has been excessive cuts to Nevada’s budget. Now there will be less money to improve education or social services. There will be less money for health care for veterans and seniors. To better anticipate fluctuations in Nevada’s economy, I support improved long-term financial planning. I strongly oppose any new taxes. I support bringing a better balance to our tax structure. We need to encourage growth in small business, require that corporations pay their fair share and give relief to property owners. We should become a leader in the alternative energy business which could produce jobs in Nevada. It is the responsibility of the state’s legislature to establish laws that regulate, preserve and protect Nevada’s water. This must be done by taking into consideration what’s in the public’s best interest today as well as what’s best for the environment and for future generations. Water must be factored into decisions about growth. To improve the state’s educational system we must first provide our students with the equipment and supplies they need. Provide curriculum that will enable them to compete in a global market. We must strive to improve the efficiency of the state’s education system and the effectiveness of our educational programs. The Millennium Scholarship has played a significant part in the educational life of many students. It must remain and be fully funded this is a program where public/private partnerships could be used. Nevada should take the lead in developing solutions to improve health care access and affordability. One in five Nevadans does not have health insurance. I strongly support well planned, managed growth that provides open space. Development is a fine art that must be part of a vision that considers environmental impact over the long term.

David Schumann Party: Independent American Residence: Minden Occupation: Retired Age: 69 Contact: www.iapn.org (775) 220-8497 P.O. Box 2103, Carson City NV 89702 Education: Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Temple University. Two years work on an MBA at The Wharton Graduate Division of the University of Penna. Hired by Continental Grain before I could finish my thesis. Record of Service: Community Involvement: Chairman, Nevada Committee for Full Statehood My wife's name is Elizabeth, my son's name is David, he is 27 and works in New York City as a computer programmer. Platform: The federal government is illegally occupying Nevada. The reason given for not immediately giving the unowned land within Nevada to the state government was that the federal government wanted to use it to pay off the Civil War debt. That war ended in 1865, its time to get the Feds off the 86 percent of Nevada land they claim to own. That would allow Nevada to sell the land for housing and gain income which it badly needs. I will work to free Nevada from federal occupation. In 1994, the OECD declared American K-12 schools substandard. I have lived and worked abroad and seen how true this declaration is. I will work to achieve school choice so that parents can send their children to the school of their choice.

Party: Republican Residence: Gardnerville Occupation: Ranch Manager Age: 37 Contact: 770 Highway 395, Gardnerville 89410 265-7739 [email protected] www.JamesAD39.org Legislative Building 401 South Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701-4747 (775) 684-8843 [email protected] www.leg.state.nv.us Incumbency: Fist elected by the constituents of Assembly District 39 in 2006 Education: Douglas High California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, bachelor of science in agricultural science/education Concord Law School Completed Contracts, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law Criminal Procedure, Torts, and Property Law courses Graduate National Conference of State Legislators Legislative Academy Graduate Council of State Government Western Leadership Academy Record of Service: Carson Valley Conservation District secretary, then chairman. Appointed to the Nevada State Conservation Commission. Elected as the vice chairman the first year, and chairman the second. Named outstanding young Nevada farmer award in 2003, while attending the awards congress in Louisville, Ky. U. S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency County Committee vice-chairman. In the Legislature, serves on the Commerce and Labor, Governmental Affairs, and Election Procedures and Constitutional Amendments committees. Serves on the Senior and Veterans study committee, and the Blue Ribbon Property Tax Committee. Honors: ■ Chairman, Carson Valley

Conservation District Elected by the landholders of Carson Valley. ■ Volunteer Teacher, Jacks Valley Elementary School daughter's kindergarten class every Friday. ■ Eagles in Agriculture presenter in this program since its inception. ■ Coach, FFA Livestock Judging Team ■ Coach, 4-H Livestock Judging Teams ■ Founding father, Farmhouse Fraternity, a nationally known nonalcoholic fraternity. ■ Member, California Agricultural Teacher's Association Platform In these economic times the government like the people of this great state are having to do more with less. This is not the time to increase taxes on the people it is time to find ways to help them. The state needs to evaluate all of its programs and establish if they are meeting their objectives and eliminate ones that are not, or modify them to meet the objectives. The government waste that exists cannot be tolerated and must be discussed whether it is benefiting corporations, unions, or the bureaucracy itself. My and my colleagues already have bills that seek to address these issues. The best government is like a good insurance policy. It costs you money from time to time. It's there for you in bad times and in the good times you don't know it exists. In that vein, I feel government involvement in private affairs should be minimal at most. Government size must be kept in check. I did this last legislative session and plan on doing it again, if chosen by the citizens of Assembly District 39. We must preserve our natural resources my actions on the state conservation commission and local conservation district, and endorsement by the Nevada Conservation League combined with my knowledge of water resources will allow me to protect our communities and states limited resources. There are so many issues to speak to that there is not enough room to list them all. So I ask of you the reader, my constituent to contact me for more information


Page 9

Nevada Supreme Court Seat B Mary ‘Kris’ Pickering Residence: Las Vegas Occupation: Trial and Appellate Attorney Age: 55 Contact Information: [email protected] www.krispickering.com (702) 474-9472 (775) 829-6000 Education: I graduated from Reno High School. Graduated from Yale with honors Attended law school at Georgetown University Law Center and the University of California, Davis, School of Law. Record of Service: After law school, I served as a law clerk to United States District Judge Bruce R. Thompson, for whom the federal building in Reno is named. I am a Nevada Supreme Court Settlement Judge and have been since 1997. Additionally, I have served in a number of honorary positions over the years, including on the Nevada Board of Bar Examiners, as Washoe County Bar President, and on a variety of state and federal court committees. Honors: Elected member of the American Law Institute. I am recognized in Best Lawyers in America, Super Lawyers, Benchmark, Chambers, and Martindale Hubbell, all peer review rating services. I've taught law at UNLV Boyd School of Law and in ALI/ABA and NITA programs. Platform: My principal qualification is experience in law, including, specifically, Supreme Court cases. I've practiced law in

Nevada’s state and federal courts for 28 years, handling a range of difficult and complex cases. I've prepared and presented numerous appeals to the Nevada Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit and currently serve as a Nevada Supreme Court Settlement Judge. My opponent lacks comparable experience. She acknowledges she has never briefed and argued a case to the Nevada Supreme Court. She emphasizes her family court experience but this is not a substitute for Supreme Court experience. Family court matters make up just 5 percent of the Supreme Court's caseload and do not involve jury trials, which almost all criminal and many civil appeals present. Nevada needs experienced representation on the Supreme Court across the range of difficult substantive law issues the Supreme Court hears. Our appellate courts run best when presided over by judges who have actual experience before taking the bench with trying cases and preparing and presenting appeals. Both distant and current history teaches this lesson. Many of our most distinguished Supreme Court Justices – from Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. to current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts – came to the appellate bench from the private sector, with experience handling actual cases. Experience as an advocate teaches, first hand, that the job of a judge is not to legislate from the bench but to decide individual cases according to the Constitution, statutes and applicable precedent, which is my pledge to you.

Deborah Schumacher Place of Residence: Washoe County Occupation: District Court Judge Age: 53 Contact information: [email protected] www.SchumacherForJustice.com Education: Valparaiso University, BA History and Political Science University of Chicago, MA U.S. History University of Notre Dame, Ph.D. Candidate and J.D. (law) Record of Service: Washoe County District Court Judge since 1997. Served on the Supreme Court's Ethics 2000 Commission, Statewide Adoption Advisory Taskforce, and Court Improvement Project. Pro tem federal magistrate judge. Past president of the Nevada District Judges Association and teach at the National Judicial College. Honors: Nevada Women's Fund Woman of Achievement. I have been honored for by Court Appointed Special Advocates, Washoe County Social Services (for founding Adoption Day) and in June 2008, by the Sierra Association of Foster Families. Platform: Every Nevadan is affected by the decisions of our state's highest court. The Nevada Supreme Court's most important function is to provide

the final word on Nevada law. For example, the Supreme Court recently decided whether certain candidates are barred by term limits from seeking re-election and determined which names appear on our election ballots. I will provide the highest level of scholarship to the interpretation of Nevada law. If elected, I will continue to decide cases impartially and according to the law. Public confidence is undermined when courts act like legislatures. As a former American history teacher, I have deep respect for our government's separation of powers. As a judge, I am dedicated to ensuring that my performance enhances, and never undermines, public confidence in the judiciary. In my 11 years as a judge, I have never answered a judicial discipline complaint. I have unusually broad legal experience. I handled business, bankruptcy and commercial litigation as a lawyer, but I have presided over juvenile, elder and domestic cases as a judge. More than 60 percent of the work in our trial courts is in juvenile and family law. I have unique expertise in juvenile law that no current Supreme Court Justice shares. I also am the only Northern Nevada resident in my race.

Nevada Supreme Court Seat D Thomas Frank Christensen Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada Occupation: Lawyer, Arbitrator, Short Trial judge, Supreme Court Settlement judge Age: 52 Contact: 889 S. Rainbow Blvd. Ste 599 Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 (702) 216-1444 [email protected] www.electchristensen.com Education: BS Mathematics Brigham Young University 1979, Juris Doctor J. Reuben Clark Law School 1982. Service: Eagle Scout, Scout Leader, Blind Center, J. Reuben Clark Law School Alumni Board, New Vista Ranch, Honors: A-V Martindale Hubble, Certified Civil Trial Advocate National Board of

Trial Advocacy. Platform: My main promise is to decide cases based on the law. A second major promise is to "publish" more opinions. The Supreme Court of Nevada uses "unpublished" opinions far too frequently. This gives the appearance of favoritism to certain litigants, allows for sloppy legal reasoning, and does not provide leadership to the lower court, lawyers or litigants. If there were more published opinions from the Supreme Court of Nevada litigants would have greater certainty about what the law is and this would reduce litigation and the workload on the court. Finally, I would provide leadership for the entire judiciary.

Mark Gibbons Occupation: Chief Justice, Nevada Supreme Court Age: 57 Contact: 533 W. Caroline St., Carson City, NV 89703 [email protected] Incumbency: Nevada Supreme Court Justice for six years Education: Bachelor of Arts Degree from University of California at Irvine; Juris Doctor Degree from Loyola University School of Law Record of Service: I have been a judge for 12 years. I was Chief Judge in District Court before I was elected to the Nevada Supreme Court in 2002. I live in

Northern Nevada. My opponent is a Las Vegas attorney. I understand the issues which affect the lives of all Northern Nevada residents. Honors: I was the top rated Supreme Court Justice in the 2008 Review Journal Survey. While I was a District Judge, I broke the record by holding the most days in jury trials in one year. I am endorsed by every major law enforcement association in Nevada. Platform: I want to reduce the cost of litigation for all our citizens. Also, the courts need to speed up all cases. Death penalty appeals should be concluded within strict time limits.

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State races

Nevada State School Board Dave Cook

Barbara Myers

Residence: Carson City Occupation: Professor of economics at Western Nevada College. Age: 58 Contact: [email protected] www.Vote4DaveCook.com Biography: I’m a 28-year resident of Carson City. I have lived in Nevada my entire life. I’m a fourth generation Nevadan. In the 1850s, my family settled in the Utah territory in what would eventually become Lincoln County. I was born and raised in Las Vegas in 1950 and moved to Carson City in 1980. Community service: ■ Eight years on Carson City School Board (1988-1996), including one as board president. ■ Two years as president of Carson City's "Silver Sage" PTA council (1994-1996). ■ Four years as a member of the State Board of Education (1997-2000), including serving as chairman of the board’s charter school subcommittee (1999-2000). ■ Four years as a member of the Carson City Charter Review Commission (2002-2005), and served as the commission's vice-president (2004- 2005). Education: ■ Bachelor’s political science (UNLV) ■ Bachelor’s of science accounting (UNLV) ■ Masters of business administration (UNLV) Honors: Western Nevada College outstanding faculty member, 1999-2000. Platform: I’ve spent my entire life educating and caring about our children, as a college teacher, local school board member and state school board member, among many other efforts. I have decided to run for the State Board of Education because educating Nevada’s children is so important to me and also because public education faces such a challenging and uncertain future. ■ I want to increase opportunities for schools to use alternative educational programs such as partnerships with local colleges, magnet schools, and charter schools. This will make our tax dollars go further. ■ We must minimize unnecessary repetitive student testing, by which I mean tests that are being done merely for the sake of statistical measurements when the results do not provide any specific assistance for individual students. ■ I want to maintain the rights of parents in Nevada to home school their children. The suppression of the rights of parents that took place in California must never happen in Nevada. ■ It has become obvious that the burdens placed upon our public schools by the federal No Child Left Behind Act are not worth the money we get from the federal government. It's time to end our participation in Nevada. I want our teachers to be free in their own classrooms without the constant interference it creates. Our education efforts need to be directed toward individual student needs in the classroom.

Residence: Carson City Occupation: School Speech Pathologist, Lyon County School District Age: 58 Contact: 882-8817 [email protected] Education: California State University, Los Angeles MS Business Organizational Management, University of LaVerne Advanced studies Communication Disorders, California State University, Northridge. Record of Service: During my eight-year tenure, I have served as board clerk for four years and served on a variety of sub-committees, interview panels, and Department of Education committees — such as the State Improvement Plan Committee. I have been the State Board Northern Liaison to the Nevada Homeschool Advisory Committee, Nevada Special Education Advisory Committee, and Commission on Professional Standards. Honors: ■ California Legislature Resolution for exemplary record of leadership ■ California Legislature Resolution for exemplary service to state vocational education plan ■ United Way Gold Award ■ Recognition by Rep. Jim Gibbons for outstanding service to students in Nevada ■ Outstanding Service Award Churchill County Educator’s Association Platform: I continue to believe that it is possible for Nevada to provide outstanding public educational opportunities for the youth of Nevada. However, there are many challenges that need to be overcome. The educational system in Nevada is fragmented. There are no fewer than 10 governor-appointed commissions in education framework of Nevada. This is a cumbersome and inefficient way to run public education. I believe that in the upcoming legislative session, groundwork that was laid in the last session, by the State Board of Education, to streamline the educational system, will come to fruition. We have to run more efficiently and be cost-effective given the budget restraints we are facing. While I don’t relish serving during economic hard times, I do have the experience to move forward and make tough choices. I have been a public school educator for 36 years and I believe that providing many types of opportunities for youngsters to learn, including charter schools, home schooling, and magnet schools, are invaluable. There must be choices available to parents. I firmly believe no one knows children better than the parent or parents. I have never accepted any campaign contributions during five previous elections. I will do the same in this campaign. I am open, honest, and accessible and listen to constituents. You won’t see my posters all over town and you won’t receive any unsolicited phone calls from me.

State Ballot Questions Question 1 Shall the Nevada Constitution be amended to eliminate an unconstitutional requirement that a person must reside in Nevada for 6 months prior to an election in order to be eligible to vote in that election?

Question 2 Shall Article 1 of the Nevada Constitution be amended in order: to provide that the transfer of property from one private party to another private party is not considered a public use; to provide that property taken for a public use must be valued at its highest and best use; t provide that fair market value in eminent domain proceedings be defined as the highest price the property would bring on the open market and to make certain other changes related to eminent domain proceedings?

Question 3 Shall the Nevada Constitution be amended to require that, before it can enact an exemption from property tax or from sales and use tax, the Nevada Legislature must: (1) make certain findings regarding the social or economic purpose and benefits of the exemption; (2) ensure that similar classes of taxpayers must meet similar requirements for claiming exemptions and (3) provide a specific date on which the exemption will expire?

Question 4 Shall the Sales and Use Tax Act of 1955 be amended to authorize the Legislature to amend or repeal any provision of this Act without an additional direct vote of the people whenever necessary to carry out any federal law or interstate agreement for the administration, collection or enforcement of sales and use taxes, and to repeal an exemption from the taxes imposed by this Act ot certain aircraft and aircraft components?

National Race

Page 11

U.S. House of Representatives Craig Bergland Party: Green Residence: Reno/Sparks Occupation: Casino worker, technical designer, artist Age: 59 Contact Information: [email protected] www.votebergland.org P.O. Box 12961, Reno, 89510. Education: 10 years public schooling in Sparks, graduated high school in Palm Springs, Calif. Attended college at College of the Desert, UNR and Morrison College in Reno. Taught post-secondary education in Reno for four years. Participated in the UNR Experimental College in 1973. Platform: Initially my concerns were — in order: Peak oil and sudden energy collapse (no gas), the economy, nuclear war, and climate change. Now I have waffled. Economic collapse must not happen. If our economy fails, it will lead to global depression, with millions of people in great mortal danger. Depression is nothing to ignore. My positions on the importance of self-sufficiency have succumbed to the economic crisis. Solar water heaters can only be installed if we are solvent as a nation. Unlike many others, I urge the bailout of Wall Street. This may be our only chance to regulate them. Here is what we need to do: Companies who take our tax money should be held to: No more golden parachutes. The CEO must make only 200 times what the wages of the lowest paid worker are. No more bonuses. It must all be repaid in full plus interest. Taxes and fees on all Wall Street and currency transactions. Average citizens must be able to renegotiate their credit card loans, car loans, student loans, and house loans. New laws against usury, and the end to obscene predatory lending. Full transparency and monitoring of financial transactions including penalties and prison for misbehavior. And we must come together as neighborhoods to share resources and grow our own local foods, and manufacturing. My slogan is reboot, retool, rebuild. We need a chicken in every yard, a solar water heater on every roof, a garden for every home, and a local neighborhood co-operative.

Jill Derby

John Everhart

Dean Heller

Party: Democrat Residence: Gardnerville Occupation: Educator/High Education Consultant Age: 68 Contact Information: www.JillDerby.com [email protected] Education: Doctorate University of California, Davis - Anthropology 1988 Masters University of California, Davis - Anthropology 1974 Bachelors University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Anthropology 1970 Bachelors University of California, San Francisco - Dental Hygiene 1962 Honors: 1999 National Women’s History Month - UNR Recognition Award, 2004 Woman Helping Women Award. Truckee Meadows Soroptimists Record of Service: I have also served 18 years on the Nevada Board of Regents. As a regent, I served as chairman and vice chairman. Platform: Nevada needs a change from politics as usual. Our economy has stumbled badly. Nevadans are losing their homes in record numbers. Gas prices are sky-high. Banks are failing. I am running for Congress to be an independent voice for Nevada in Washington. Our first priority must be revitalizing Nevada's economy. We can create new opportunity and growth by making our state a leader in renewable energy development. I have released the only comprehensive energy plan in this race to lower gas prices, end our dependence on foreign oil, and create a 21st century renewable energy economy. We need new oil drilling here at home and strong investment in the renewable energy sources that Nevada has in abundance, such as geo-thermal, solar, and wind. By harnessing these resources, we can create a strong supply of well-paying, permanent jobs that can never be sent overseas. We also must help homeowners renegotiate their mortgages to allow folks to stay in their homes and pay off their debt. We must solve our national healthcare crisis, so that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare. Seniors need help affording prescription drugs that are becoming more expensive every day. Our veterans deserve the full educational, healthcare, and disability benefits they have earned for their sacrifice in defense of our nation — we cannot let them down.

Party: Independent American Residence: Elko Occupation: GED teacher in the prison system. Age: 61 Contact Information: (775)340-5565 www.everhart4congress.com [email protected]

Party: Republican Residence: Carson City Occupation: U.S. Congressman Age: 48 Contact Information: P.O. Box 7237 Reno, NV 89516-7237 (775) 827-2008 www.deanheller.com Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration, finance and securities analysis, from the University of Southern California in 1985. Record of Service: U.S. Congressman Dean Heller was elected as Nevada’s Representative for the Second Congressional District in 2006. Prior service to the state of Nevada includes two terms in Nevada’s State Assembly and three terms as Nevada’s Secretary of State. Founding Board Member of the Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada and the Western Nevada Community College Foundation. He also served as an Advisory Board Member for Nevada's Foster Grandparent program. Platform: With more than $300 billion in proposed tax increases and bloated spending bills to match, I am deeply concerned with Congress’s current tax and spend attitude. Lower taxes, smaller government, fiscal responsibility are fundamental principles Congress should embrace. Congress needs to learn who pays for more government, higher energy prices, and higher food prices. We need to get our economy back on track by supporting policies that create solvency in the financial markets, adopting pro-growth measures, and developing a strong domestic energy policy that brings down the price of energy and lessens our dependence on foreign oil. We need to secure our borders and enforce current immigration laws we have on the books today. Moreover, I strongly oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants and have voted to prevent taxpayer-funded benefits like housing, welfare, health care and government contracts, from going to illegal aliens. I have supported legislation to prevent illegal aliens from receiving Social Security and authored legislation to require English only ballots for federal elections. I will continue to fight for access to public lands and support local communities in their efforts for economic development. Before any wilderness designation decisions are made, we must first determine the effects on grazing allotments, mineral inventories, right of ways, and any other uses for these areas.

Education: 1974, University of Nevada, Mackay School of Mines, B.S. Mining Engineering. 1982, University of Tennessee, Master's Degree in Education. Record of Service: A volunteer mentor at the Methodist Children's Home. A Court Appointed Special Advocate for neglected and abused children. A volunteer for the hospice program. A volunteer mentor in the Juvenile Probation, First-Offender Program. I served in Vietnam from 1968-1969 and 1971, as a Cobra Helicopter, Gunship Pilot. I was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross,and the VN Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star. Platform: Reduce Foreign Oil Dependence; Lower Energy Costs: Protect Borders: Bring troops home to defend American soil. Use all means necessary to secure borders. No unlawful resident shall be eligible for permanent resident status; US Citizenship. Every unlawful resident shall have 90days to post $25,000 bond, apply for temporary guest worker status. After 90-day window, unlawful residents apprehended, fined $12,500, and deported."Birthright" citizenship shall extend offspring of US Citizens. Require CBO to report all debt; all spending to Congress and the people. Make all earmarks a matter of public record with names, dates, sponsors, amounts. Cut wasteful, unnecessary, unconstitutional government spending on military-industrial complex; social spending. Balance federal budget, make payments on $53 trillion national debt. Reduce tax rates when possible. Extend human rights to the unborn. Protect our right to keep and bear arms. Stop spying on law-abiding citizens. I will cast 100 percent of my congressional votes with Rep. Ron Paul.






3 t c i r t is D r e n o i s s i m m Co




I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE NOVEMBER 4TH Paid political advertisement. Paid for by Doug N. Johnson for County Commissioner

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