Nh August General Election Results

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  • Words: 298
  • Pages: 2
Populus Research n=600 Likely General Election Voters Survey Results- August 18th & 19th, 2009 4% Margin of Error

1. Are you a male or female? Male Female

46.0% 54.0%

2. If the general election for Congress were held today would you vote for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate? Republican 49.0% Democratic 51.0% 3. Do you approve or disapprove of President Barack Obama’s job performance? Approve 51.9% Disapprove 45.6% Unsure 2.5% 4. Do you approve or disapprove of Governor Lynch’s job performance? Approve 50.6% Disapprove 46.4% Unsure 2.9% 5. Do you approve or disapprove of Congressman Paul Hodes job performance? Approve 36.4% Disapprove 43.1% Unsure 20.5% 6. Generally speaking would you vote for the likely Democratic nominee Paul Hodes or his Republican opponent? Hodes 45.2% Republican 44.8% Unsure 10.0% 7. And if the candidates for Senate next November were Paul Hodes and Kelly Ayotte, who would you vote for? Hodes 49.2% Ayotte 50.8%

8. Paul Hodes and Carol Shea-Porter are not holding any town hall meetings during this August recess. On a scale do you approve or disapprove of their decisions? Strongly approve 17.9% Somewhat approve 13.4% Neither approve nor disapprove 22.8% Somewhat disapprove 5.8% Strongly disapprove 40.2%


Populus Research n=600 Likely General Election Voters Survey Results- August 18th & 19th, 2009 4% Margin of Error

9. If John Lynch ran for and won re-election in 2010 he would be the longest serving governor in state history. Do you think that John Lynch deserves another term as Governor, or is it time to give someone else a chance? Lynch 52.3% Someone new 41.4% Unsure 6.4% 10. Regardless of how you said you would vote today, are you registered to vote as a Republican, a Democrat or something else? Republican 31.1% Democrat 35.2% Something else 33.8%


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