Quran E16 Prayer1

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 854
  • Pages: 3
In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Message for Lesson No. 16 Start Understanding Qur’an – The Easy Way (Short Course). Dear Brothers/Sisters! Every time you pray for the Prophet, pbuh, remember his sacrifices for us and then remember to respond to his roles. • His role was to recite the Qur’an. The verses are recited today also. Do I bother to understand them? Or I just don’t care! • He was sent as a teacher of the Qur’an. Who should then be his students? Of course, we. But each one of us has a standard, “I am busy!” When someone says busy, he is not dead in that interval. He is doing something which he thinks is more important. So, when I say I am busy when it comes toQur’an, it simply means that of all the 24 hours, I don’t have any slot, even of 15 minutes, whether in morning, afternoon, evening, or night, that can be reserved for Qur’an!!! In other words, ‘Becoming his student is not worth my time’ Astaghfirullah. Or, “Everything else I do is more valuable and important than studying Qur’an!” Astaghfirullah. Is this how we VALUE our Prophet pbuh? Therefore, everytime we recite the prayer on the Prophet, pbuh, make sure PLAN FOR ‘TODAY’ and EVERYDAY. All this can planning can be done in seconds in your brain! And don’t ever say, “I am busy” when it comes to Qur’an. Please send your suggestions, comments, or feedback at [email protected]. IN THIS LESSON, YOU WILL LEARN THE FOLLOWING: FROM Salah: Prayer for the Prophet pbuh. IN GRAMMAR: Apply the fa’ala table on three verbs (Type-b): razaqa (he provided, he gave); dakhala (he entered); and ‘abada (he worshipped). LEARNING TIP: Every time we pray for the Prophet (Allahumma Salli ‘alaa Muhammad), let us try to remember to respond to his roles. May Allah give us Tawfeeq to fulfill all the rights of the Qur’an.

Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem Understand Qur’an Academy, Hyderabad. P.S.: PLEASE INSTALL THE FONTS TO WATCH ARABIC IN PPT FILES. You must have received the .ppt and the pdf for this lesson along with this email. To get full explanations, please download the .wmv file and watch it. To download wmv files, 3gp files, mp3 etc. click on the link below : http://www.understandquran.com/Ramadan_SC_eng.html

Lesson – 16

Praying for the Prophet pbuh (FROM: PARTS OF SALAH) ***** Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) *****

O Allah! Send peace on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad; as You sent peace on Ibraheem and on the family of Ibraheem. Indeed, You are worthy of praise, full of glory.







the family of Muhammad;

and on

on Muhammad

Send peace

O Allah!

 ! "#$



 ! "#$  


(of) Ibraheem.

the family

and on

on Ibraheem

as You sent peace


Practice the following 21 forms of (



' )




full of glory.

worthy of praise,

Indeed, You are

122 (1b), 78 (1b), ,

he provided



he entered




‫ ِْ َُ رِع‬

ِ َ ِْ














‫ ِْ َُ رِع‬

ِ َ ِْ



















‫ ِْ َُ رِع‬

ِ َ ِْ



& !   


he worshipped


&# $





   143 (1b).


" # $ % 

















# $%'( )(

Worksheet for Lesson – 16

Praying for the Prophet pbuh


After studying the lesson thoroughly, fill up this worksheet. Translate the following.

***** Durood (Sending prayers on the Prophet, pbuh) *****


    ! "#$


' )

GRAMMAR: Write the 21 forms of the verb

122 (1b),

Write the 21 forms of the verb

78 (1b),

Write the 21 forms of the verb

   143 (1b).



 ! "#$  




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