
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 418
  • Pages: 2
Quiz 1) How do the Rosens keep from being caught by the Nazis? (A) They hide in the Johansen's apartment until the war is over (B) They create false identities (C) They run (D) They escape to Sweden

2) Why do the soldiers stop Annemarie on her way to Uncle Henrik's boat? (A) They are looking for escaping Jews (B) Annemarie looks like little Red Riding-Hood (C) To find some food for their dogs (D) She is running too fast

3) Why does Henrik need the handkerchief in the packet? (A) Because many of the fisherman had caught colds (B) To keep the baby quiet (C) Because it keeps the German dogs from smelling humans (D) So that he can signal the people who will meet him in Sweden

4) Why did the Germans close Mrs. Hirsch's store? (A) They needed the buttons she sold to make uniforms for the army (B) To keep her from hiding escaping Jews (C) Mrs. Hirsch is Jewish (D) So that she could go on a picnic with her family

5) Who is afraid of the sea? (A) The German soldiers' dogs (B) The old man (C) Annemarie (D) Mrs. Rosen

6) Why must Mr. Johansen stay at home when the rest of his family goes to Henrik's? (A) To finish work on a peace proposal (B) To keep the Rosen's apartment clean

(C) So that he can bring their belongings once they have settled in (D) To keep the soldiers from being suspicious at their absence

7) Why is Kirsti upset when Ellen leaves? (A) Because Ellen left during the night while Kristi slept (B) Because Ellen was supposed to make cupcakes for Kirsti (C) Because Ellen was her best friend (D) Because Kirsti is worried that Ellen will not like Sweden

8) How does Henrik keep his Jewish passengers hidden? (A) He puts them in a dingy behind his boat (B) He dresses them in fish-skin clothing (C) He hides them under the deck of the boat (D) He leaves during the blackest part of the night

9) Where are the Johansens when Denmark is liberated? (A) In Sweden (B) On their balcony in Copenhagen (C) At Peter's grave (D) At Lise's grave

10) What popular story do the girls turn into a game? (A) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (B) The story of Little Red Riding Hood (C) Gone With the Wind (D) Middlemarch Answer: 1D – 2A – 3C- 4C- 5D – 6D – 7A- 8C- 9B- 10C

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