
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,280
  • Pages: 12

Quiz on Adjectives From the choices provided after each sentence select a word or phrase that would correctly complete the sentence. Submit the form using the SUBMIT APPLICATION button at the end of the exercise. Your score will be returned to you in a few seconds.

1. Those are probably the ___________ curtains in the store. fancyest fanciest most fanciest

You're right!

2. Uncle Carl is really ______________________ man. an old sweet a sweet, old a sweet old

You're right!

3. The Karmen-Ghia used to be _________________ sportscar. a fine German a German, fine a fine, German

You're right!

4. Everyone was home for the holidays. What could make for ___________ Christmas than that? a merryer the merriest a merrier

You're right!

5. They grew up in ___________________ house in Mexico City. a comfortable, little a little, comfortable a comfortable little

You're right!

6. Diehard is the ____________ movie I've ever seen. most excited most exciting most exciteable

You're right!

7. Tashonda wanted to take a course with _____________________ professor. that interesting new Japanese economics that Japanese interesting, new economics that interesting, new, Japanese, economics

You're right!

8. Of all the mechanics in the shop, Jerzy is surely ______________ . the less competent. the least competent. the competentest.

You're right!

9. In the fall, the valleys tend to be ___________ than the hilltops. foggy more foggier foggier

You're right!

10. My cold is definitely _________ this morning. worse worst worser

You're right!

Quiz on Pronoun Usage Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. Don't click on a HINT button unless you really need it.

1. My grandmother really loved Juan. She left all her money to Federico and _______ . he him You're right! When you compound a pronoun with something else (even Federico!), don't change its form.

2. A student in that all-women's college should have no fears about ________ future. her their You're right! The singular "student" requires a singular pronoun, "her."

3. He was so worried about ________ he should ask to the big dance, that he ended up not asking anyone. who whom You're right! You need the object form of the pronoun, whom, here.

4. Neither Tashonda nor _____ am responsible for this mess. I me You're right! You need the subject form of the first-person pronoun here: I.

5. This is a matter for you and _______ to decide. I me You're right! Here you need the object form (the object of the preposition for): me.

6. Everybody in this class has completed ________ homework already. his or her their

Everybody is singular (even though it seems to be talking about more than one person). Usage on this is changing: it is now acceptable to say their in this sentence in speech, although most careful writers would continue to use his or her.

7. No one on this bus seems to know ______ way around this part of New York City. their his or her You're right! Careful writers would use his or her because No one is singular. It would be considered permissible, however, to use their in everyday speech. Results: 6 Correct -- 1 Wrong -- 0 Skipped

Choose the correct article to complete the sentence Q1 - ...... apple a day keeps the doctor away An The A Q2 - Mount Everest is in ....... Himalayas a the ---Q3 - ....... President of the United States was elected last year The A ---Q4 - We spent a lot of time swimming in ...... sea on holiday the a ---Q5 - London is on ...... River Thames ---a the

Q6 - She did ..... MA in French literature an a ---Q7 - My garden's looking lovely now that ...... daffodils are in flower ---a the Q8 - It's ...... most expensive hotel in town ---a the Q9 - .......Mount Everest is in the Himalayas a the ---Q10 - My mother is allergic to ........ cigarette smoke the ---a Q11 - An atheist does not believe in ....... God a the ---Q12 - He never listens to ....... classical music a ---the Q13 - You can pay that bill at ..... bank the ---an Q14 - My flat is on ..... second floor the a an Q15 - It was ...... excellent meal last night

the an ---Q16 - We usually have ...... dinner at eight a the ---Q17 - I'm against ..... capital punishment the ---a Q18 - ...... Underground is a very convenient way of getting around London A The ---Q19 - Could you turn off ...... light when you leave? a ---the Q20 - I don't go to ...... theatre very often a the ---Q21 - His birthday is on ...... fourth of May a the ---Q22 - I bought ...... umbrella last week an a ---Q23 - ..... roses are my favourite flowers ---The A Q24 - I don't believe in ...... death penalty for any crime

---a the Q25 - Do you know how to use ....... computer? a an ---Q26 - Would you like .... orange? a an ---Q27 - Did you see the film on ..... TV last night? the ---a Q28 - I've got to get to ...... post office before it closes a ---the Q29 - It is ...... largest producer of computer keyboards in the world the a ---Q30 - I always listen to ..... radio on my way into work a the ---Q31 - ..... Andes are in South America The ---An Q32 - An apple a day keeps ...... doctor away a ---the Q33 - There is a major problem with ....... crime nowadays

---the a Q34 - Paris is ...... capital of France a ---the Q35 - Could you close ..... door, please? a the ---Q36 - They go to ....... church every week ---a the Q37 - They crashed because they had ..... burst tyre the a ---Q38 - Would you mind turning off ...... lights when you leave? ---the a Q39 - The party was so loud that she asked them to turn ...... music down a the ---Q40 - They live in ...... lovely flat the ---a Q41 - Their offices are on ....... fifth floor ---the a Q42 - We start ...... work at a quarter to nine

---the a Q43 - The only sport I enjoy is ...... rugby ---the a Q44 - It's ...... old house and needs some work the an a Q45 - I left it at ...... office the an ---Q46 - Could you take ....... books you borrowed back to the library, please? ---the a Q47 - Come in- ...... water's lovely and warm the ---a Q48 - He joined .... union when he started work a an ---Q49 - It's in ....... Milton Road the a ---Q50 - It's ...... second road on the right the a ---Q51 - He's wearing ..... blue suit

a ---an Q52 - He's wearing ...... tie I gave him the a ---Q53 - What time would you like ...... breakfast? a ---the Q54 - I don't know anywhere in ...... world quite as beautiful as here a ---the Q55 - We were stopped by ...... police last night the ---a Q56 - She's been looking for ...... job since she was made redundant the a ---Q57 - The River Nile is .... longest river of all a ---the Q58 - I was really angry because I missed ...... bus a the ----Q59 - Christmas Day falls on ...... Sunday this year a the ---Q60 - There were no buses so I had to take .... taxi

---a the

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