Questionnaire On Online Transaction

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 831
  • Pages: 3
Questionnaire on A Descriptive Study on Online Transaction Please tick ( ) on appropriate option. Gender: Male(




Age: (a) 17-21 (b) 22-26 (c) 27-30 (d) 31-35 (e) over 35 Occupation: (a) Student (b) Teaching Faculty (c) Non-Teaching Faculty. Department: (a) Engineering (b) Non-Engineering

1. How often do you use internet? (a)Daily

(b)Couple of times a week

(c)Once a week

(d)Once a fortnight (e)Once a month (f)Rarely

2. What is the main purpose for using the World Wide Web?( please tick one) (a)Just Surfing (b)Collecting information (c)Keeping Touch with Friends (d)Shopping (e)Any other

3. In general, how concerned are you about security on the Internet? (E.g. people reading your email, finding out what websites you visit, etc.) (a)Not at all concerned (b)A little concerned (c)Somewhat concerned (d)Very concerned 4. How concerned are you about security in relation to making purchases or banking over the Internet? (a)Not at all concerned (b)A little concerned (c)Somewhat concerned (d)Very concerned 5. Would you report a security break-in of your personal machine or network to a clearinghouse that maintains your anonymity? Please rate on a scale of 5, where 5 is extremely concerned ,3 is neutral 1 is least concerned 5 4 3 2 1 6. Would you have a concern about conducting business online outside of your own country without a statement of the security procedures used? where 5 is extremely concerned ,3 is neutral 1 is least concerned 5 4 3 2 1 7. Which is more important to you: CONVENIENCE or PRIVACY? (a) Convenience (b) Privacy (c)Both are equally important


8. Have you ever Peviously did any online Transaction? (a) Yes (b)No 9. Are you willing to use your credit card on the web? Please rate on the scale of 5, where 5 being definitely yes, 3 being neutral and 1 being definitely no. 5 4 3 2 1 10. Would you put your name and address in a directory for public access on the Web (e.g. the online equivalent of a phone company's "White Pages")? a)Very likely (b)Somewhat Likely (c)Neither likely nor unlikely (d)Somewhat unlikely (e)Very unlikely 11. Would you conduct banking on the Web without a statement from the bank of the security procedures used?

a)Very likely (b)Somewhat Likely (c)Neither likely nor unlikely (d)Somewhat unlikely (e)Very unlikely 12.How likely are you to participate in an "online auction" for something you were interested in purchasing? (a)Very likely (b)Somewhat Likely (c)Neither likely nor unlikely (d)Somewhat unlikely (e)Very unlikely 13. Do you think using the Internet for shopping and banking would make your life easier? (a)Very likely (b)Somewhat Likely (c)Neither likely nor unlikely (d)Somewhat unlikely (e)Very unlikely

14.Would security features be a factor at all in your choosing whether or not to do business with an Internetbased company? Please rate on the 5 point scale, where 5 is definitely yes,3 is may be and 1 is definitely no. 5 4 3 2 1 15. If you wanted to report a security breach or ask a question about online security, where would you do this? (a) To the contact us link

(b) Do not know the right authority to contact

16.Do you think metrics to measure "how secure" a specific site is rated be of any help or value to you? Please rate on the 5 point scale, where 5 is deciding factor,3 is just a factor and 1 is definitely not a factor 5





17.What conditions refrain you from filling the online registration form at the websites?(Please rate on 5 points, where 5 is definitely yes,3 is may be and 1 is definitely no) a. Takes too much time 5 4 3 2 1 b. Requires to give name 5 4 3 2 1 c. Requires to give address 5 4 3 2 1 d. Not aware of how the date will be used 5 4 3 2 1 e. Not worth revealing the information 5 4 3 2 1 f. Don’t trust the websites 5 4 3 2 1 18.Why you use Online transaction? (a) E-Ticket

(b) Auction Buying

(c) Net Banking

(d) Online trading

19.Is Anybody recommended you to use online transaction? (a) Friends (b) Parents (c) Any other (............................)

(d) None

20.Is any time you had a bad experience with online transaction? (a) Yes (b)No 21.How you find doing Online Transaction? (a) Very easy (b) Easy

(c) Moderate

(d) difficult

22.How often you doing online transaction? (a) Daily (b) In week

(c )In month


23.For what reasons you generally doing online transaction? (a) Time saving (b) Convenient (c) Less stress

(d) To do work Speedily

24.Which are the websites you normally use for online transaction? (a) (b) (c) Banking websites (d) Anyother websites(......................................). 25.Sometime some hidden charges are there when doing online transaction .Is that affects your online Purchasing next time? (a) Yes (b)No 26.How you do your online transaction?(if you are taking any Help) (a) Friend (b)Family members (c) Internet center people

(d) None

Thanks for spending your precious time.

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