Question To Be Answered Vedic Civilization

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 2
The questions that needs to be answered ¨Civilizations developed as man being a social animal always strived to live in a group,and therefore there was a need to develop a social, cultural, political, structure to keep the groups in an inherent control from within inside, for the groups to be economically viable and sustainable. Therefore who was the, or which was the earliest such structured group which evolved into a successful civilization and where was this civilization centered and is there a continued presence of such a structured group today? If so who are they and where are they ? This is one of the question that I had in my mind for a long time. About four to five years back, I was in London, I came upon a book titled “The Murder of Tutankhamun “ by the renowned Egyptologist Bob bryer. The book was very griping in its content and I was instantly hooked on to it. In the course of my reading I came about some very interesting facts that kicked my pulse racing. This short article is all about those interesting facts which I want to share with everyone who is interested, and who is not interested. During the reign of the Pharaoh Ramesis II the Egyptian kingdom and its culture was at its peak. Egyptian social and cultural organization, in short the Egyptian Society was structured by a multi God Stratification where by the Osiris was at the top of the stratification and the Sun God or Ra at the lowest rank of the stratification. The priest of the Osiris temple enjoyed equal power as that of the Pharaoh. The capital of the Egyptian reign was Thebes and with Ramesis at its helm, it was at its full glory. Ankhenaten was Ramesis's son who succeeded him. Ankhenaten was a man who was suffering from a genetical disorder called maraud syndrome,which made him look like a one with many feminine characters. But it was he who brought about a revolutionary change in the Egyptians culture and social structure. He abolished the multi god structure and brought the one God concept. The Sun God or Ra was the one that had to be worshipped, and he shifted the capital from Thebes to Amarna some 100 km north of Nile. He named The Sun God Temple as Karnaak Temple. I was stunned by the similarity ---Konarak temple also a Sun God Temple situated in Orissa in India, and one of the most revered temple for the Hindus. The phonetic similarity and the similarity of purpose. When a pharaoh dies , according to the book of the dead, there are plenty of rites and duties that has to be followed by royals, the priests, as well as the subjects, and the commoners. Among them, there is one ritual which is very striking, When the royal mummy is taken to the western bank of the Nile for burial there are people who line up on either side of the path through which the royal mummy will pass, and they mourn by beating their chests. For this particular act all these people are paid. There is an exactly similar group of people in rajasthan, India ,( according to some eminent writers, the origin of such a group was from the purulia district of west Bengal ) and their lively hood also is

exactly similar, they beat their chest and mourn the passing away of kings, or the zamindars. It is done to express the grief when a person of wealthy means dies. and they are called --”The Rudalis” The similarity of purpose again. In the Egyptian language namely the heireloglyphics the word “wadi” means a beautiful lush green valley. In the devnagri phonetics of which the language Hindi is a derivative the word “Wadi” also means the same thing. These are few of the many other similarities that I have found in that book. The question therefore is why so many common things between the two civilization? This set me doing a research ,by reading more about various other civilizations of the world. Among the Celtic civilization there is a concept of four ages, viz, The platinum age, The gold age, The silver age, and The iron age and when we add up the years of all these ages the result is 4.3 to 5 billion years, roughly the age of the earth. As per the Vedic scripture,there are the similar four ages or the “yugas” as they are called. The Yugas are The Satya yuga, The treta yuga, Dwapar yuga, and the Kali yuga. The total years of these ages again is approximately 4.3 to 5 billion years. Again we see a similarity of structure between the two civilization. The similarities don’t stop there. There are similarities between the Jewish and Vedic civilization,between Anatolian and Vedic civilization,between Mayan and Vedic civilization,and others. So the question is the factor of commonality between one and many. Why is there so much similarity between one—Vedic civilization and the others ? The other being the other civilizations. THIS QUESTION NEEDS TO BE PRODED AND AN ANSWER TO BE FOUND.

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