Queen Of Blades V1

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  • Pages: 3
Queen / King of Blades v1 12, March, 2009 The power of limited arcane and psionic powers are indeed easy to almost any race can become a Queen of Blade if born under the right behold when a Queen of Blades enters a fury. circumstances. With all of her Blades at her disposal she cuts her enemies to shreds Other Classes: Sword Wielding classes as the Barbarian or the Fighter are while standing unscathed at a distance watching. usually impressed by the ability to wield swords with the mind, and are The Queen of Blade have no real arcane powers nor psionic powers usually curious or interested in the gift, as well as the Queen of Blades are except the powerful ones of her Blades! usually comfortable in the people that understands Adventures: A Queen of Blade's are usually outcasts of their the power she wields isn't a curse rather a respective hometown for their differences, even other arcane users gift. shun them for their inability to master the arcane art, as well as Arcane Casters usually shuns Queen of having psionic powers, and usually wanders around, making a Blades for their inability to use the Arcane Arts as living using her powers as a mercenary, a city guard or merely it should, and for blending it with psionic powers. scouting dungeons, and other dangerous areas that might hold At best they will act friendly, but secretly shun them. riches, all depending on her alignment. At worst they will act hostile and pursue them. Characteristics: The Queen of Blades are not an arcane Psionics view the Queen of Blades with pity and they nor psionic caster though her abilities are arcane and psionic usually act friendly or compassionate for them in nature, controlled by sheer mental force, hand gestures, lacking the full extent of their Psionic powers. and concentration she can unleash a doom of Blade Flurry Role: A Queen of Blades can act a number of roles but upon their enemies. her primary roll is a second line damage dealer. She also Though as a sword wielder her position is not melee as have limited ability to protect her fellow companions. she is limited to Light armor because of her need for concentration and free movement of her hands to guide the Clerics have the following Game Statistics swords. Abilities: Wisdom determines how powerful the Usually they carry sheath's to carry the swords in to not Queen of Blades Blades are, though depending on her overexert their minds, though they in theory have no use for role Dexterity for extra AC or Intelligence for Extra them. Crafting could be a good idea. Constitution is Queen of Blades usually have the trait associated with their always nice if you expect to be a Melee Queens alignment (At the bottom) their most dominant personal Blade, though strength is of really no use to the Queen of Blades. trait. Alignment: A Queen of Blade is usually Chaotic by nature, from the scars Alignment: Must never be True Neutral, it cannot become True Neutral even through magical means. of her outcasts making her freewilled, though she is not limited to only Hit Die: d6 chaotic. Alignment: Can never be True Neutral. The nature of her personality altered by magic disallows the True Neutral Alignment, only allowing the Outer Alignments to be chosen. This means she is immune to any alignment altering effects that may make The Queen of Blade's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: her True Neutral. Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (Psionic), Religion: Having no specific religion at all, Queen of Blades usually choose a God with a War domain, they also choose from a big broad array of Knowledge (Arcana), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis) Skill points at first level: (4 + Int Modifier) x 4 God's though they rarely choose a True Neutral God. Background:The Queen of Blades can comes from any part of Faerun and Skill points each level afterwards: 4 + Int Modifer Weapon and Armor profiecency: A Queen of Blades are proficient in all usually in a place where a lot of Arcane casters are around, usually they are simple and martial Slashing weapons as well as light armor.. born just around Mage Towers and the likes, where major magic Class Restrictions: Because of their damaged link to the weave and the disturbances are around, making them be born with two innate and limited evolved psionic ability the Queen of Blades can never multi class incomplete abilites. into a Psionic nor Arcane class, nor gain any psionic or arcane powers. She Their Arcane and psionic abilities to wield swords first comes apparent at can still multi class as divine. puberty, where Butter Knifes and Daggers come to life at their command. Races: As rare as the Queen of Blades are, they are still usually human, as A dragonblood character CANNOT take levels in Queen of Blades Queen of Blades must be started at first level. the optimal conditions for the abnormality is usually located in a Human settlement, the condition is never seen in Dragonbloods, besides that

Game Rule Information

Class Skills


Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save







Queen's Blade, Stacking Deflection






Queen's Blade



























+6 / +1





+6 / +1





+7 / +2





+8 / +3





+9 / +4





+9 / +4





+10 / +5




Queen's Blade, Blade Wall 1/day


+11 / +6 / +1




Dominant Personality


+12 / +7 / +2




Improved Control +4, Sentient Blade 3/day, Blade Wall 3/day


+12 / +7 / +2





+13 / +8 / +3





+14 / +9 / +4





+15 / +10 / +5




Queen's Blade, Blade Flurry, Improved Control +1

Queen's Blade

Queen's Blade, Sentient Blade 1/day, Improved Control +2

Queen's Blade, Distracting Blades

Queen's Blade, Improved Control +3, Sentient Blade 2/day,

Improved Control +5, Sentient Blade 4/day,, Blade Wall 3/day

Stacking Deflection: The Queen of Blades can stack her Using the Blade's to attack does not invoke an Attack of Deflection bonus from her swords passively hanging around and the Opportunity as usual ranged weapons. bonus that Compassion Blade Trait gives. The list of Blade Traits she can enchant she can choose from and Queen's Blade: Allows to choose any new Blade trait of her their special abilities are shown in the bottom. choice that she can enchant any non-intelligent sword with, making her able to psionically control it. If a Queen of Blade uses any Hand held item she cannot use her Enchanting a blade is a very tiring task and can only be performed Blades for the rest of her turn and till the start of her next turn, and once a week and takes about an hour uninterrupted to do so. if she uses a Blade she cannot use any Hand held items for the rest A Queen of Blades needs a Weapon Proficiency to enchant a of her turn and till the start of her next turn. weapon, as well as it have to be a Slashing Weapon obviously stated to have a Sharp Blade of some sort, the DM decides which weapons Drawing the Blades from sheaths using her powers takes a Move are appropriate. Action, Quick Draw feat doesn't change this. A Weapon that cannot be wielded one handed by the Queen of Blades cannot be enchanted, Monkey Grip cannot defy this rule. A detect Alignment spell will reveal the Blades alignment if Her weapon have to be made for her size, Monkey Grip cannot defy targeted, not the Queen of Blade's. this rule. The Queen of Blades Blade's count as a magically enhanced Arcane Several blades cannot be enchanted with the same Blade Trait. item and any effect that would disenchant an Arcane magical item will also Disenchant a Queen of Blades Blade. The Queen's Blades floats around the owner, unless sheathed, attacking for her, having a reach of 15 feet. She can add her Wisdom A Queen of Blade is not considered helpless if Paralyzed or any modifier to Attack Bonus and Damage to all of her swords, and she other state which still allows mental actions, and can attack any doesn't add Strength or Dexterity (Even with Weapon Finesse). creature within reach while paralyzed, though she incurs a -5 penalty to attack rolls. A Queen of Blades does not get an attack with all Blades she have, Any situation where she cannot use her hand to gesture the swords instead she gain's attacks as usual characters do, except she cannot movements she incurs a -5 penalty as well. use one Blade for multiple attacks, meaning she has to choose a different Blade for different attacks. A Dispel Magic effect will render a Blade useless for [1d4] rounds. When ever a Blade has attacked it's considered to occupy the same square as the target and returns at the start of the Queen of Blades A Blade cannot function inside an Anti-Magic Field. next turn. Meanwhile the Queen of Blades looses the Deflection Bonus that The following Standard feats does not give bonus to her Floating particular Blade gave (+1) and if all Blades have attacked, she is Blades, only in hand weapons: Cleave, Great Cleave, Quick Draw, considered unarmed if she doesn't carry a weapon in hand. Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Greater The Attack has a reach of 15 Feet, and is considered a Melee attack. Two Weapon Fighting. Though unless you are standing adjacent to the enemy, sneak attacks Or any similar feats. are handled as Ranged. No ranged Feats affect her Blades. Any Blade used during that round has it's special ability Activated until the start of your next turn. This means Attack of Opportunities The enchant: Speedy does not add another attack for the Blade, and as well. is only available for In hand weapon (and still doesn't give another (Using Revenge allows it to Revenge an attacking opponent, on the attack for Floating Blades) other hand, using Compassion allows you to give yourself the AC bonus) Blade Flurry: At fourth level the Queen of Blades gain the ability to gain an extra attack once per turn but only with Blades. If you want to use a Floating Blade for an Attack of Opportunity, it If the Queen of Blade attempts this action she can gain an extra must not have attacked during the last turn. attack at her highest BAB if she beats a Concentration check with a As long as a Blade is adding it's Deflection Bonus consider her full DC 20. Reach (15 feet) as threatened. Incurs a -2 penalty to Damage and Attack Bonus to all other attacks if failed, and the extra attack will not happen. The Queen's Blades also defends the owner adding +1 Deflection Bonus to AC for each Blade floating around her, an attacking sword Blade Flurry stacks with Haste and similar effects. that haven't returned doesn't add the Deflection bonus, this counts for Attack of Opportunity attacks that a Blade have performed. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The Blade acts as a weapon as being carried in hand for most rules, Improved Control: Every fourth level starting from level four, the though a disarm attempt can only succeed if the person ends up with Queen of Blades gain's an additional +1 enhancement bonus to it in his hand. Attack Bonus and Damage with a Queen's Blade. The enemy incurs a penalty to attack bonus and damage equal to the Queen of Blades wisdom during the time he holds the sword. Distracting Blades: Starting at level 12'th the Queen of Blades can Any sunder attempts against the Blades also adds +4 to the use Concentration instead of Tumble, moving through threatened Defending Blade because of how hard it would be to hit a floating squares. Or tumble, whichever is highest. weapon Dominant Personality: Starting at 15th level, an item starts to A Blade that comes outside a range of 45 feet range of it's Queen of gain intelligence if it is enchanted with the blade queen's alignment Blades will cease function till she returns. for a period of time, as her Psionic link with the Blade of her Wearing Medium or heavy armor, Shield, or being encumbered alignment becomes so strong that her personality leaks into it. After removes the Wisdom Bonus to Attack Bonus and Damage, and 5 weeks, an item has a mental score of 10 in each ability. Every 5 disallows use of Blade Flurry. weeks an item improves by 2 in 2 ability scores of the Blade Queen's choice.

The item's ability mental scores cannot exceed the owners. Chaotic Good: Revenge Determine powers according to Table: ITEM INTELLIGENCE, Immediately attacks the attacker of the Queen of Blades if in reach WISDOM, CHARISMA, AND CAPABILITIES. Powers cost of 15 feet of the Blades current position. The Revenge Attack is experience instead of gold, determined by Price/10. A Blade Queen's immediately after the attackers first attack, it doesn't matter if the weapon can never have a special purpose unless it mirrors an attack hits or misses. obsession the Blade Queen has herself. Even though the item is a The Revenge attack gains a +1 to attack bonus and damage every reflection of the Blade Queen's personality, it is by no means five class levels the Queen of Blades have. subservient. It has an ego score like normal and behaves as an The Revenge attack can only happen once per enemy per round. intelligent item as normal. This means it may have a chance to If the Queen of Blades is Chaotic Good she can choose an ally that dominate the Blade Queen. An item typically behaves after the trait is affected by this ability if the ally is within 10 feet. The enemy it is named after, for example, a chaotic good sword will want to get have to be in reach from it's current position. revenge if a village has recently been pillaged. Failure to go after the raiders will result in a personality conflict. If you fail the will Chaotic Neutral: Freedom save, the blade will gain Adds a 1 + 1 to all saves equal to every five class levels the Queen dominance over you. of Blade have starting at +1 and ends at +5 at Level 20, to the Queen of Blades saves. If the Blade is disenchanted or destroyed the Blade looses all of it's If the Queen of Blade is Chaotic Neutral she can choose an ally that powers as an Intelligent Item and progress have to be started from is affected by this ability if the ally is within 10 feet of the weapons scratch, an intelligent Blade cannot float on it's own without an current position. appropriate enchant or power. Chaotic Evil: Hatred, Blade Wall: At 14'th level the Queen of Blades gain the ability to Adds 1 + 1 to damage for each five class levels the Queen of Blades make a Blade Wall once per day, surrounding the target completely have, starting at +1 and ending at +5 at level 20, to the Blades with blades for [1d4 + Half Wisdom] rounds or till the Queen of attack. Blades returns the blades. If the Queen of Blades is Chaotic Evil the Blade gains double This ability requires the complete concentration of the Queen of amount. Blades and any attacks made against her requires a concentration check similar to spell casters to maintain the ability. Lawful Good: Duty As well, the Queen of Blades cannot take ANY actions other than Adds a 1 + 1 attack bonus for each five class levels the Queen of returning her Blades while Blade Wall is in effect. Blades have, starting at +1 and ending at +5 at level 20, to the Depending on whether the target is considered hostile or friendly theBlades Attack. ability changes. If the Queen of Blades is Lawful Good, double the amount. For a friendly target it grants 16 Deflection bonus to AC and any monsters adjacent will be attacked by at most one sword each round Lawful Neutral: Authority with a -4 penalty to Attack Bonus. The Blade limbs the target reducing their movement speed to 5 for 3 For a enemy target it distracts the target removing their dexterity rounds on a hit target 1 + 1/day for each six class levels the Queen bonus to AC as well as all Blades attack at the maximum BAB with of Blades have starting at 1 and ends in 4 at level 18. a -4 penalty, and the target is unable to move. The Player can choose immediately after hitting if she wish the effect to be applied. Sentient Blade Letting a single Blade at a time attack on it's own, If the Player doesn't choose immediately the effect cannot be staying at the target for [1d4 + Wisdom] rounds. applied before the next hit. While the blade is "Sentient" it doesn't gain any damage bonus If the Queen of Blades is Lawful Neutral she gains doubles the from the Queen of Blades Wisdom and the Special Ability it have amount of daily uses. doesn't apply. Meaning, Revenge will not counter attack, Hatred will Only creature capable of being critical hit can be affected by not gain the extra damage, etc... It will attack using the Queen of Authority. Blades max BAB. It will not take from the Queen of Blades usual max attacks and will attack solely on it's own. Lawful Evil: Cruelty If the Queen of Blades move out of range of the Blade, it is Can amplify of the hit targets pain 1 + 1/day for each five class dispelled, it will fall to the ground and the effect is over. If the target levels the Queen of Blade haves, starting at 1/day and ending in dies before the effect is over, it will stop attacking and return to it's 5/day at level 20. master, and the effect is over. The target receives additional 2 + 2 damage for each six class levels The Queen of Blade can stop the effect and it will return at the start the Queen of Blade haves, starting at 2 damage and ending in 8 of her next round. If it is "disarmed" into the enemies hands, it will damage at level 18, for the next [1d5 + 5] hits or for 2 rounds. still incur the Queen of Blades wisdom to the enemies attacks, but The target have to be will be unable to attack. Though it will still not be capable of The Player can choose immediately after hitting if she wish the attacking a creature of the same alignment. effect to be applied. If the Player doesn't choose immediately the effect cannot be applied before the next hit. If the Queen of Blades is Lawful Evil double the amount of Daily Neutral Good: Compassion uses. 2 + 1 Deflection bonus to AC for each five class levels she have, Only creature capable of being critical hit can be affected by starting with +2 and ends at +6 at level 20. Cruelty. If the Queen of Blades is Neutral Good she can choose an ally within 10 feet instead of herself.

Blade Traits

Neutral Evil: Envy 1 + 1/day for every five class levels the Queen of Blades can steal a magical effect from a hit target (Like Haste, Cat's Grace, etc.), starting at 1/day and ends at 5/day at level 20. If the Queen of Blades is Neutral Evil she can do it the double amount per day.

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