
  • July 2020
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  • Words: 233
  • Pages: 1
Quiz 10 The Resurrection 1. Who rolled back the stone in front of Jesus’ tomb? ____________________________ 2. When Jesus appeared to the disciples for the first time after His resurrection, what did they think they were seeing? ____________________________________________ 3. How long did Jesus wait after the resurrection before He ascended into Heaven? ____________________________________ 4. What final words of instruction did Jesus give to a gathered crowd just before His ascension? “Go into all the world and _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________.” 5. Jesus promised that when the Holy Spirit came upon His disciples, they would have _________________________________________________________________________. 6. The Bible predicts that all the dead bodies of those who believed in Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be raised from the dead and together with those believers who are alive at the time will be ________________________________________________. 7. The Bible predicts that when Jesus returns to earth as conquering King and righteous Judge, what name will be written on His clothes? _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Into what will Satan eventually be thrown to be tormented forever and ever? ____________________________________ 9. Finally all the dead will be raised and stand before the Great, White Throne of God to be judged. Those whose names _________________________________________ ________________________________ will be thrown into that same Lake of Fire. 10. According to the Bible, what will be in heaven? (name at least four): ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ a free teaching tool from ChristianAnswers.Net

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