Q1 2009 Outlook Results

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 3

DEVICE JAPAN By Gerald Bullock

2009 OUTLOOK SURVEY RESULTS Medical and Life Sciences Japan March 18, 2009 (Tokyo) - In a recent industry poll conducted by Optia Partners’ Medical & Life Sciences Group, 364 professionals reported their outlook for the next 12 months after the first quarter of 2009. The majority are still upbeat, experiencing or expecting increases in sales, new market expansion, and no lay offs. But nearly a third of the industry is despondent, with Q1 sales orders decreasing, negative prospects for the remainder of 2009, and expecting headcount reductions at their company. Overall business environment outlook for 2009 is still mixed and uncertain, with similar numbers pessimistic and optimistic. Notably, 20% unsure what is happening in their company internationally.

SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS “Majority upbeat and growing, but 30% experiencing or expecting decline.”

68% 40% Domestic Sales Orders in Q1: 40% say sales are about the same, 30% say sales are decreasing.

Q1 2009 vs. 12 months ago: 68% say prospects are the same or better.

65.4% Headcount: 65.4% expect same or more employees, 30% say headcount decreasing within the year

68% New domestic expansion: 68% say their company will expand into new Japan markets

Domestic Sales Orders

Employment Outlook

Have you noticed a change in DOMESTIC (in the market where you are based) sales/orders for your company during the last 3 months?

Do you think your company will employ MORE or FEWER people one year from now? (  /)

( 3       


Unsure N/A  ) 8%

Unsure 5%

Increase 22%

More 23%

Decrease 30% No Change 40%

Fewer 30%

Same 42%

Domestic Market Expansion

Overall Business Environment

Does your company plan to expand into new DOMESTIC markets (in Japan) in 2009?

When you think about the OVERALL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT for the YOUR industry, which statement best describes your personal outlook for 2009?

(  & 2009 '()  *+,-./01 234)

( 56789:;<=>+? @ ABCDEFG 2009 'H I JKL MNO P/4Q) Neutral 22%

Don't know 11%

NO 21%

YES 68%

Worse 38%

Better 40%

DEVICE JAPAN Device Japan is an industry blog that focuses on industry news and career information for the medical and life sciences industry in Japan. DeviceJapan.com is authored by Gerald Bullock, Senior Consultant at Optia Partners, K.K. Within the Life Sciences Group, Gerald specializes in executive search and placement for the Medical Device and Life Science Tools & Services industries in Japan. While the majority of his searches are for Marketing and Sales professionals, he has also successfully placed candidates in various functions including Quality, Regulatory, Customer Support, and Technical Service roles. For more information please go to: www.devicejapan.com.

OPTIA PARTNERS, K.K. Optia Partners is a Tokyo based executive search firm, licensed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Our core business is to provide contingency and retained executive search services to multinational firms seeking bilingual professionals in Japan while assisting candidates in identifying career opportunities within the world’s leading companies. We are a full service executive search firm covering all major industries and professions from mid to senior level management positions. For more information please go to: www.optiapartners.com.

Optia Partners, K.K. Gerald Bullock, Senior Consultant, Medical, Life Sciences Group 5F Reinanzaka Bldg. 1-14-2 Akasaka, Tokyo 107-0052 Ph: 81-3-5549-9850 / Mobile: 090-3969-3141 www.optiapartners.com

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