Pyramid Of Success

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,340
  • Pages: 16


GOAL MUST BE SMART • S – Specific • M- Measurable • A – Attainable/Achievable • R – Realistic • T – Tangible/Time – Bound.

Why Written Goals? – To Save Time. – Help Measure Progress. – Produce Motivation. – Reduce Conflict. – Form Basis for Action. – Simulate Visualization.

Values & Goals •

Values guide all plans, decisions & actions.

• • • •

Goals for the future, Values are now. Goals are set, values are lived. Goals change, values are rocks you can count on. Goals get people going values sustain the effort.

Values become real only when you demonstrate them in the way you act and in the way you insist others to behave.

TRUE CONGRATULATIONS T – Timely R – Responsive U – Unconditional E – Enthusiastic.


Doctors / Nurses Staff

Methods/ Processes

Management Environment Total Quality of Service

Equipments Instruments

Medicines Utilities



Quality is totality of characteristics & features of a product, service, system or part that bears upon its ability to satisfy stated & implied needs of a customer.

Quality is no accident, must be planned & there are no shortcuts.

Quality is conformance to requirement & is achieved through prevention not appraisal.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES – Customer focus – Leadership – Involvement of people – Process approach – System approach to management – Continual improvement – Factual approach to decision making – Mutually beneficial supplier relationship

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 01 Dr . Deming has said that ‘ Every system must have an aim, without an aim there is no system’. The aim of these 14 points is ‘ to make it possible for the people to work with joy’. 1 . Create a constancy of purpose toward improvement of product & service, with the aim to become competitive & to stay in business & to provide jobs. Create & publish to all concerned a statement of all the aims & purposes of the company or other organization. The management must demonstrate constantly their commitment to this statement. Creating value or satisfaction & thereby making profit should be the purpose. It must bring out the long term vision of the organization preferably stating how it intends to stay in business through creating value for all those impacted in any way. Company should not only write the statement of purpose but also demonstrate through actions the commitment to the statement.

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 02 2 . Adopt the new philosophy . We are in a new economic age . Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities & take on leadership for change. Learn the new philosophy, top management & everybody. We use to defend & always try to find excuses for the non – achievements. If we are not getting output don't increase the input, attack the cause, that is process. Analyze & improve the process. Adopt the win-win philosophy, expanding the market rather than capturing it .

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy of Managing - 03 3 .Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into the product in the first place. Understand the purpose of inspection -for improvement of processes & -reduction of cost, i.e as an audit of the process . If the quality is built in the process there is no necessity of the inspection. 4 .End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price tag alone. Instead, minimize total cost . Move toward a single supplier for any one item, on a long – term relationship of loyalty & trust. Reduce variation, practice co–operation, educate them, train them so that they contribute towards the organization.

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy of Managing - 04 5. Improve constantly & forever the system of production & service to improve quality & productivity & thus constantly decrease costs . Continual improvement means unending & it is forever. At the time of designing process think of what will go wrong & be prepared for it . 6. Institute training on the job . If we know why are we doing then we can do it in a better way.

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 05 7.Adopt & institute leadership. The aim of leadership should be to help people & help machines do a better job. Teach & institute leader. Create leaders . Managers job is to work on the system & continually improve it with help from the people & the customer by leading people, coaching them & counseling them in a non – judgmental manner. Create an environment for learning & for growing. Every single person has a part to play in the system. Helping people to do a better job is leadership. 8. Drive out fear so that everyone can work effectively for the company . Encourage two way communication. Create trust. Create a climate of innovation. Find out problems before they find you. It takes time to correct the process. People should not be afraid of making mistakes, but should not repeat the same.

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 06 9. Break down the barriers between the departments. People in research , design, sales , production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production & in use that may be encountered with the product or service. Optimize toward the aims & purposes of the company the efforts of teams, groups, staff areas. Encourage systems thinking in the organization where everybody focuses on creating value for the customer & not just meeting departmental or sectional objectives. 10.Eliminate slogans, exhortations & targets for the work force demanding zero defects & new levels of productivity. Concentrate on the process & continually improve it . A genuine leadership culture focuses on improving the work environment, so that people are intrinsically motivated to do productive work.

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 07 11.Eliminate work standards ( quotas ) on the factory floor. Substitute leadership. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers, numerical goals , Substitute leadership. Learn & institute new methods of improvement. Learn the capabilities of processes & how to improve them. We quantify the things rather than qualify them. Encourage system thinking means Understanding & establishing interdependencies between the different parts of the system. 12.Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship . Develop joy in work . Develop a sense of ownership in every employee working in the system so that he or she could take pride & joy in the work they do .

Dr. Deming’s Philosophy Of Managing - 08 13.Institute a vigorous programme of education & self – improvement. Encourage education & self improvement for everyone. There is an end to education but learning is unending. Pay is not as much a motivator as learning is. Continual learning leads to continual innovation & improvement . 14.Take action to accomplish the transformation. Create a structure & a system in the organization that embodies all the above principles. Nurture the relationships. Extend the boundaries of the organization to include all those impacted including environment .


Take Appropriate Action


Study The Effects Of Implementation


Determine Goals & Targets

Determine Methods Of Reaching Goals Engage In Education & Training Implement Work


Change In Mindset •

Source Of Salary

Satisfied Customer


Manage Process

Lead People

Through Processes

Continuously Improve Process

Reduce Variability closer To The Target Value




Eliminate Waste

Minimize Inventory

Maximize Flow

Pull From Demand

Empower Workers

Meet Customer Requirements

Do It Right The First Time

Abolish Local Optimization

Partner With Suppliers

Create A Culture Of Continuous Improvement

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