Putnam County News And Recorder, Sept 30

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We are 143 years old but new every Wednesday CXLIII No. 39


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Philipstown & Putnam Valley


Unanimous Opposition

Legislature Overrules Bondi’s Budget by Eric Gross The 2010 Putnam County budget process that will culminate in two weeks has sharply divided the executive and legislative branches of county government. The legislature, reversing much of the budget proposed by County Executive Robert Bondi, registered its opposition to the much-protested cuts to senior citizens’ programs. Instead, they proposed serious cuts in the budget of the county executive’s office, in spite of vigorous protest from Mr. Bondi, who warned that the legislators were doing away with checks and balances. Executive Robert Bondi’s initial $137 million fiscal spending

plan proposed eliminating 49 full-time positions as well as the laying off of the county’s parttime STOP-DWI administrator; 15 percent reductions in contributions to outside agencies such as libraries, Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Putnam

‘Maybe we don’t need a county executive!’ Robert Bondi Historical Society, Southeast Museum, and the Putnam Humane Society; elimination of Friday trolley service in Cold Spring; and closing adult day care programs in Patterson,

the Saturday senior program in Mahopac, and the Cold Spring Senior Center. Members of the legislature met for the past month in committee, reviewing Bondi’s recommendations, and last Thursday evening in a sixhour-long marathon meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee, virtually restored all of the executive’s cuts and, in an unprecedented move, slashed a number of positions on their own accord. The legislators not only reinstated the STOP-DWI administrator post filled by Naura Slavinsky, but also saved the recycling director’s position occupied by Walt Thompson. Legislator Dan Birmingham of Brewster told his colleagues

and an audience of some 75 gathered at the historic Putnam Courthouse: “Now is not the time to cut DWI funding. This position is not a luxury but a necessity.” Legislator Vincent Tamagna of Cold Spring called the elimination of the recycling director’s position a “terrible loss. No one does a finer job for our residents than Walt Thompson.” The legislature eliminated the office of Community Affairs

(See Budget on Page 9)

Bondi Defends ‘Painful’ Cuts Interview with Eric Gross on page 9

DeStefano Pleads Guilty by Eric Gross

C a r o l i n e B a l d u cc i

All Fired Up at Haldane

The annual Haldane Homecoming started off with a pep rally followed by a Main Street parade that culminated in a Friday night bonfire. Mike Klubnick provided the musical entertainment while all sports teams were introduced. See page 7 for more pictures and page 14 for the results of Haldane’s homecoming game against Lincoln Hall.

Dining Out


P h i l ip s t ow n

Cold Spring Board Discusses Revaluation by Michael Mell

Jeannette Doellgast and Mohsen Alam El Din, proprietors

Plumbush Inn Offers Rustic American Fare Part of a series on local eateries by Joe Lindsley Jr. In a shady grove off Route 9D sits the secluded Plumbush Inn, a rambling Victorian nestled among oaks and maples, where lunch and dinner are served daily except Mondays. To those driving by, it might seem there is not much activity on the wooded estate, but the restaurant housed in the old country manse regularly serves “rustic American cuisine” to a wide variety of guests, including millionaires,

ambassadors, and prominent television personalities. The interior of the Plumbush Inn resembles a country manor; some of the oak paneling actually comes from an old estate in the south of France. The heavy oak bar is an ideal setting for a scotch nightcap or a fine plate of Beef Wellington. And the food is fitting for the setting: While many restaurants today offer lighter fare for more money, Plumbush serves hearty meals, such as their trademark Beef Wellington. Other popular

(See Plumbush on Page 10)

At its September 22, 2009, meeting, the Cold Spring Village Board, prompted by a report from Mayor Seth Gallagher on a county workshop he attended, entertained the idea of a residential real estate revaluation. Such revaluations are taken periodically by all municipalities to ensure an equitable sharing of the tax load. The valuation is expressed as a ratio of the market value of a property to its assessed value. The lower the ratio, the less tax paid. The last revaluation in Philipstown occurred about 12 years ago, and Gallagher indicated his feeling that the time may be ripe again. New York State is among the states with the highest property taxes, and Putnam County is among the top ten counties in the nation. The mayor prefaced the discussion with statistics from the workshop that identify New York State among the one third of states that do not mandate regular revaluations. He also pointed out t h a t P h i l i p s t o w n a n d C a rmel are the only towns in Putnam County that do not value property at 100 percent. “As revaluation moves closer to market value,” the Mayor said, “it will realign the balance of taxes paid by low- and high-end homes.” Mayor Gallagher continued, saying, “Revaluation makes sure that everyone pays their

fair share.” Trustee Ralph Falloon, ever vigilant for the bottom line, asked, “What does the village get?” Gallagher’s response was that “Cold Spring may end up paying less town and county taxes.” At issue for now is how and when. Gallagher said that while Philipstown is keen to do a revaluation, the county assessor does not appear to be in any rush. The actual process appears to be more art than science. Assessors are not permitted to inspect home interiors and Trustee Gordon Robertson stated that they are not even allowed onto the property. This results in what is often referred to as “drive-by assessments.” At issue, as well, is the staffing of the county assessor’s office, which is likely insufficient for such a largescale undertaking. Gallagher said that no costs are passed onto Cold Spring. Still, a county-wide revaluation will certainly cost money in time, personnel, and training. The board appeared to reach consensus that revaluation would ultimately benefit Cold Spring; but there was no discussion of steps the village might take to move the process along. The recent robbery of a group of teens at the bandstand was a matter of concern to all board members, who questioned the mayor about

(See Revaluation on Page 9)

Andrew DeStefano sought the office for Putnam’s chief lawman, yet this same NYPD career law enforcement officer pleaded guilty on Monday to charges that he filed fraudulent signatures in connection with last month’s bitter Sheriff’s GOP Primary. DeStefano appeared with his attorney, Pat Bonanno, i n S o u t h e a s t To w n C o u r t , where he was arraigned on charges of Offering a False Instrument for Filing as well

as committing Misconduct in Relation to Petitions. DeStefano, a Patterson resident who withdrew from the race just days before the primary, offered guilty p l e a s t o b o t h c h a rg e s b e fore Southeast Town Judge Robert Vercollone and was sentenced to a $1,000 fine, 100 hours of community service, and is being prohibited from running for any political office for the next 5 years. District Attorney Adam Levy commended members

of the New York State Police for conducting a “complete, thorough, and methodical investigation that resulted in Mr. DeStefano’s arrest. Working in conjunction with my office, hundreds of pages of documents were reviewed, along with dozens of wit nesses being interviewed . . . [DeStefano] took full responsibility for his actions and apologized to his supporters, his family, and the community for this breach of their trust.” (See DeStefano on Page 10) Andrew DeStefano

In Tough Economy, Scams Hit Area Nelsonville board discusses fraud; continues opposition to polling place changes by Michael Turton One of the effects of the tough economy has been a dramatic increase in the number of calls to the New York State Office of the Attorney General from victims of fraud and unfair business practices. Judith McCarthy, assistant attorney general in charge at the Westchester Regional Office in White Plains, addressed members of the Nelsonville Village Board on September 21 to outline services that she and her colleagues offer to consumers. “Often we’re able to simply direct consumers to the right place to get help; but other times we mediate,” McCarthy said. Last year h e r o ff i c e m e d i a t e d s o m e 1,500 complaints, ranging from landlords failing to return rent deposits to helping people who have been treated unfairly in their health care coverage. “ We c a n ’ t p r o v i d e l e g a l representation to consumers; they would have to sue,” McCarthy said, explaining that the role of the Attorney General’s office is to look for patterns in the way businesses operate and to medi-

ate on behalf of consumers when that pattern is one of mistreatment. She said that while consumers often spend a lot of time trying in vain to get businesses to hear their complaint, “It’s amazing how quickly businesses listen when they know that the Attorney General’s office is calling.” McCarthy gave a number of examples of how the Office of the Attorney General can help people. In one case, when an un-bonded business closed its doors, her office mediated on behalf of about 100 people who were owed money. “They didn’t get it all back, but at least they got a little back,” she said. Health care advocacy is a big part of the office’s work. McCarthy gave a compelling account of a woman whose health insurance company denied her coverage for a mastectomy. The company paid for the initial surgery to remove the woman’s cancerous breast, but when she chose to take the drastic step of having her other breast removed as a precaution, the insurance company refused to pay for the second mastectomy. McCarthy’s

P u b l i c N o t i c e — Village of Cold Spring The Water Department will be conducting a hydrant flush of the distribution system, beginning Sunday, Oct. 4 at 9pm, through Friday, Oct. 9 at 5am. Each night during the hours of the flush, residents may experience low water pressure and a period of discoloration. Residents are encouraged to run their cold water until clear. On Monday, Oct. 5, between the hours of 9am and 5pm, commercial sprinkler systems will be permitted to conduct flow testing for annual certification requirements. These tests may also cause a period of discoloration. Any questions can be directed to the Water Department at 265-7986, or via e-mail at [email protected].

office mediated, and the insurance company agreed to pay for both. McCarthy said that a common practice coming out of

the poor economy is for small health insurance companies to save on administrative costs by using larger, outside firms (See Nelsonville on Page 9)

Police Still Seeking Bandstand Bandits by Eric Gross

band of his pants.”

A joint investigation continues this week into a report of a strong armed robbery that occurred at the Cold Spring Bandstand. The Putnam Sheriff’s Department and Cold Spring Police are looking for three suspects, and possibly a fourth accomplice, who have been accused of taking money from a group of youths who had gathered on a Friday night near the village’s waterfront. C a p t a i n Wi l l i a m M c N a mara said the incident took place at 10:20pm when three young men approached the youngsters and after engaging in conversation alleg edly demanded money: “A witness reported one of the robbers might have had a handgun tucked in the waist-

The victims turned over an undisclosed amount of cash and the suspects got into a waiting car and sped off. No one was injured. The suspects have been described as two Hispanic males—one light skinned and the other darker, along with a Caucasian about six feet tall—all about 18 to 20 years of age. Capt. McNamara said the getaway car was described as a red Hyundai four-door sedan being operated by a fourth person, possibly a young woman. Police have asked anyone with information about the i n c i d e n t t o c a l l t h e S h e riff’s Department at 225-4300 where all calls will be kept confidential.

What’s Inside



A Full Page of Letters to the Editor

Tough Games for Haldane, Putnam Valley

page 6

page 14

Page 2


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mark Your Calendar – Meetings This Week Thursday 10/1

Friday 10/2

7 PM - Cold Spring Recreation Commission

No Meetings Scheduled

7 PM - PV Board of Ed Work Session 7:45 PM -Philipstown Town Board Public Hearing followed by Board Meeting

It was a beautiful fall evening as the Putnam County Historical Society celebrated their annual gala Saturday night with a record turnout at the Bird and Bottle Inn. It was a virtual “who’s who” of the Hudson Valley. Dinner was chaired by Gov. and Mrs. Pataki and the honorees were John Cronin and the Osborn family of Philipstown. Despite the chilly temperatures, a good time was had by all. Make it a rule in your house this weekend: No cooking allowed. Instead go to the Oktoberfest at Our Lady of Loretto on Saturday and Sunday. From 5-10pm on both days, enjoy German food, beer, Italian ices, children’s games, a dunk tank, live entertainment, gaming wheels, and more while the parish celebrates both German culture and Feast of the Holy Angels. See details in the ad below. Birthdays this week include Ketki Gandhi, Josie Fleming, Eric Richter, Becky Azznara, Marissa Oser, Brianna Oser, Pamela Hustis, Wendy Ordway, Jayson Graham, Sunita Patel, Mahatma Gandhi, Ann Moritz Chesnut, Suzanne P. Marria, Sam Giachinta, Anthony Dahlia Jr., Brian Rubino, Marina Yashina, Manisha Patel, Cynthia Vergilli, Lisa DeNardo, Michael P. Lyons Sr., Evan Duncan Campbell, Patricia Nichter Cornwell, Terri Allen, and Carly Solis. A wonderful birthday to all!

Monday 10/5 7:30 PM -Town of Philipstown Zoning Board of Appeals


Tuesday 10/6

Wednesday 10/7

7 PM - Haldane School Board Meeting

7 PM - Cold Spring Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Special Board

7:30 PM-Cold Spring Board Weekly Workshop

11 AM - Philipstown N. Highland Fire District Workshop

North Highland FD: Observe Fire Prevention Month with 911 Signage by Matthew L. Riner, Assistant Chief, North Highland Fire Department There are many ways that we try to improve our lives. Some do it through what they do for a living while others do community service. But did you ever think that despite the diversity of everyone in the community, we all can have something in common to improve our lives? It is very simple. October is Fire Prevention month, as many of you know. Children across the community get a refresher on fire safety. They draw pictures, hear lectures and, what seems to be the most fun, crawl around a real

fire truck. But this time we want to educate the adults in what can make a difference. Adequately numbering your house is a simple way to help emergency responders quickly identify your residence. In a time of need, it is important to allow us to reach you as quickly as possible, day or night. No more “looking for the white house with brown shutters, fifth house on the right” routine. So here is what you can do about it: North Highlands Fire Department wants to be able to help you and your family. We a r e g o i n g t o d o t h i s through a campaign to have your house number highly visible. What this does is not

only allow the fire department a faster response, but all emergency agencies to quickly identify and locate a particular address. If you called 911 right now, could we find you quickly? So here is how it works. Over the next couple of weeks, members of the North Highlands F ir e D ep ar tmen t w ill b e coming door to door in the North Highlands area to ask you to participate in our campaign to purchase a 911 sign. Our volunteers will suggest the most appropriate location to affix the sign. The best part is we will even handle the installation if you so choose. Should you not be home at

Corrections and Clarifications

the time of our door to door campaign, we will leave a form that you may mail in. Please include your name, proper 911 address, contact phone number, and check or mo n ey o r d er f o r $ 2 5 p ayable to the North Highlands Fire Department and mail to 504 Fishkill Road, Cold Spring NY, 10516. We will then come to your house and install the sign. If you have any questions please contact the North Highlands Fire Department directly at 265-9595 or 914804-5951 and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for helping us help you.

The front page article in the September 23 issue on Foodtown expansion indicated that 17 parking spaces were being proposed for a parking lot at the corner of Benedict and Marion. The actual number of spaces is 27. We regret this typographical error.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Page 3

Bless the Animals and Children Give Them Shelter From the Storm

ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE HIGHLANDS 1 Chestnut Street, Cold Spring Fr. Shane Scott-Hamblen, Rector, 265-2539 Mr. Ron Greene, Senior Warden, 265-3624 www.stmaryscoldspring. dioceseny.org Sun. Masses: 8am (spoken); 10:30am (sung); Sunday school in Parish Hall during 10:30 mass Thurs. Fri. & Sun.: AA in parish hall, 8pm FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF THE ATONEMENT Route 9, Garrison 424-3671 graymoorcenter@ atonementfriars.org Sunday Eucharist - 11am, Pilgrim Hall. Daily Mass - Mon. - Sat. 11:30am. Mondays - Holy Hour, 8pm. Centering Prayer - 8pm. Monthly Prayer Meeting 2nd Sunday of every month at 2 p m. Rec o v e r y I n c . e very Wednesday, 7:30pm. Sun. Oct 4 - Blessing of the Animals, 2pm Renewal Farmers’ Market: Every Friday, 10-3, during growing season.

OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH Fair Street, Cold Spring 265-3718 www.ourladyoflorettocs.com Fr. Brian McSweeney, Pastor Masses: Sat. 5:30pm, Sun. 7 : 3 0 a m , 9 , & 11 : 4 5 a m . , Weekdays: 8:15am, St. Joseph’s - Garrison, Sun., 10:15am. Holy Days: 8:15am & 7:30pm Mass, Holy Day Vigil: 5:30pm Confessions: Sat., 4:30-5pm Fri/Sat Oct 2/3 - Oktoberfest, in celebration of the Feast of the Holy Angel. 5-10pm. German food, beer, Italian ices, more. Children’s games, dunk tank, live entertainment and gaming wheels. 265-3718 Sun. Oct. 4 - Blessing of the Animals, 1pm Sun. Oct. 4 - Respect Life Sunday, collection after Mass

CAPUCHIN YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES 781 Route 9D, Garrison 424-3609 www.cyfm.org Thu/Sun Oct. 8-11 - Day by Day Agape Girls’ Weekend Retreat

ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH IN THE HIGHLANDS Episcopal 1101 Route 9D, Garrison Across from school Rev. Francis H. Geer, Rec. 424-3571 - e-mail: [email protected] 8am - Holy Communion 10:30am - Main Service Choir–Thu, 7:30pm Junior Choir–Sun at 9:15am Sunday School–Sun 10:30am Acolytes – Sunday 9am Adult Class – Sunday at noon Sun. Oct. 4 - Blessing of the Animals, 10:30am Life Support Group – Wednesdays at 7:30 PM

PHILIPSTOWN WORSHIP GROUP Quaker Meeting 424-3525 Meeting for Worship – 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 10am, at 848 Old Albany Post Road (Whyatt Stone Cottage), Garrison. Call for directions. Children of all ages welcome.

GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley Pastor Tony Mecca 845-526-3788 Sunday Service & Sunday School: 10 am. Prayer Service w/ Communion: Tues 7 pm. “Tuesdays w/ Tony” - Discussion group, 9am.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PHILIPSTOWN Academy & Cherry Streets Cold Spring - 265-3220 Rev. Leslie Mott, Pastor www.presbychurchcoldspring.org

email: FPCP@verizon. net Worship Service: 10:30am Office Hours: Mon. and Wed. 9-11:30, Tues. and Thurs 9-2 Contemplative Prayer Group: Wednesdays 7am Jazz Vespers Service: Every 3rd Saturday of each month 5:30pm UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES OF COLD SPRING & SOUTH HIGHLAND (Garrison) 265-3365 South Highland UMC, 19 Snake Hill Rd. Garrison Cold Spring UMC, 216 Main Street Pastor Margaret (Peggy) Laemmel South Highland in Garrison worship service at 9:30am. Cold Spring worship service at 11am. Sundays Oct 4 - Nov 20: Bible Study “Living the Gospel of Mark,” 1-2pm Sat. Oct. 10 - Bake Sale, Foodtown, 9:30am-noon

PHILIPSTOWN REFORM SYNAGOGUE P.O. Box 94 Cold Spring, NY 10516 All Services at St. Mary’s Parish House For more information call 265-8011 and leave a message or e-mail REFORM TEMPLE OF PUTNAM VALLEY 362 Church Road Putnam Valley Rabbi Allen Darnov 845-528-4774 www.rtpv.org Shabbat Services: Fridays, 8 p m ; Yo u n g p e o p l e ’ s s e rvice- third Friday of the month, 7pm. Hebrew School, ages 3+ HISTORIC TOMPKINS CORNERS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 729 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley 845-528-5076 www.tompkinschurchny.org 1st Sunday of the month worship: 2pm ST. LUKE’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 65 Oscawana Lake Rd., Putnam Valley www. stlukesputnamvalley.org 845-528-8858, [email protected] Sunday Worship - Service: 9am, Coffee hour: 10:15am, Family Communion Service including Sunday School: 10:30am Thu. - Prayer Service, 8pm

COLD SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH (American Baptist Churches, USA) Jay Camp (Interim Pastor) 245 Main St., Cold Spring ST. JOSEPH’S CHAPEL A mission Chapel of Our 265-2022 Sunday Services, 10:30am Lady of Loretto Church Upper Station Rd., Wednesdays: Prayer- FelGarrison, 265-3718 lowship time, 7pm Sunday Mass: 10:15am

Graymoor Hosts Annual Procession and Blessing of the Animals

Our Lady of Loretto to Celebrate Respect Life and Blessing of Animals

The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement will hold their annual Procession and Blessing of Animals on Sunday, October 4, at 2pm at Graymoor in Garrison. This annual event honors St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. The procession of animals and their human friends will begin at the main entrance of the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center and proceed to Pilgrim Hall, where a brief service of blessing will take place. From 12 to 3pm Carl Rankel, a Garrison landscaper, will offer maple syrup from trees tapped at Graymoor. Nature and wildlife photographer Bruce Colin will have a sampling of his work including prints and bookmarks.

After the celebration of Oktoberfest in honor of the Holy Angels on Friday and Saturday October 2 and 3, on Sunday the 4th, the Parish of Our Lady of Loretto will celebrate Respect Life Sunday with a collection after all the Masses for Birthright, the not-for-profit organization that provides caring, non-judgmental support to girls and women who are distressed by an unplanned pregnancy. In the afternoon of October 4, the Parish will celebrate the annual Blessing of Animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. October 4 is the Feast Day of St. Francis, the 13th-century Catholic friar and founder of the Franciscan Order. Besides being the founder of

Cold Spring photographer Maggie Benmour will photograph pets and people and will forward them later in the day via e-mail. Representatives of the Putnam County Humane Society and Glen Highland Farm, a border collie rescue organization in Morris, NY, will also be on hand. The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, whose motherhouse is at Graymoor, is a Roman Catholic religious order with pastoral, social, and ecumenical ministries on three continents. For more information, call the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center a t 4 2 4 - 3 6 7 1 , e x t . 2 111 o r e-mail: graymoorcenter@ atonementfriars.org.


the Franciscans, St. Fran cis inaugurated the popular Christmas devotion of the Nativity Scene also called the Crèche, or Manger. Because of his love for nature, St. Francis has also been called the first environmentalist, and he is one of the patron saints of animals. It is in his honor that the ceremony called the Blessing of the Animals is celebrated each year at many Catholic Parishes throughout the world. The ceremony is a short one and includes the sprinkling of holy water on the pets and their owners. All are invited to bring their pets to the steps of Our Lady of Loretto Church on Fair Street at 1pm on Sunday, October 4 to join in the blessing.

St. Philip’s Church will Celebrate the Blessing of the Animals at 10:30 AM on Sunday, October 4

Page 4


ONGOING: Cold Spring Farmers’ Market, Saturdays through Thanksgiving, 8:30am-1:30pm, at The Nest, Chestnut St. Putnam Valley Farmers’ Markets: Fridays, 3-7pm, Tompkins Cnrs Methodist Church, outdoors, 729 Peekskill Hollow Rd. June 19-Oct. 9 ALSO Wednesdays, 3-7pm at Putnam Valley Grange, Adams Cnrs, 128 Mill St. Indoor/Outdoor, year round.845-528-0066

THIS WEEK: Wed. Sept. 30 - Senior Roast Beef Dinner and Bingo, Philipstown Community Center, Noon - 3pm. Free. Philipstown residents only. Res. required by Sept. 28. 424-4618. Fri. Oct. 2 - HH Land Trust’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, The Garrison, 6:30pm. Tickets call 424-3358, www. hhlt.org. Fri. Oct. 2 - Philipstown Rec provides transportation to Golden Idol Senior Vocal Competition Event, Westchester County Ctr, White Plains, 2-5pm. Res. req’d. Info about participation, call Margaret, 424-4618.

Fri/Sat Oct 2/3 - Oktoberfest, in celebration of the Feast of the Holy Angel, Our Lady of Loretto, 5-10pm. German food, beer, Italian ices, more. Children’s games, dunk tank, live entertainment and gaming wheels. 265-3718 Sat. Oct. 3 - Haldane School Fdn. Benefit to Support Environmental Studies, 5-8pm. Gynwood Center, Tickets $50 before Sept. 30, $60 after. Tickets: Haldane School Foundation, PO Box 364, Cold Spring NY 10516 or [email protected]. Sat. Oct. 3 - Big Band Concert & Sunset Picnic, Boscobel, 5-7pm, pack a chair & picnic. $14/adult, $9/children 6-12, under 6 free. 265-3638, www. Boscobel.org Sat. Oct. 3 - Lecture at PC Historic Society with Kate Johnson, curator at Historic Hudson Valley on the1909 Hudson-Fulton Celebration. 5pm, 265-4010, www.pchs-fsm.org Sat. Oct. 3 - Fall Artists on Location, Garrison Art Center, Garrison’s Landing. Over 85 artists paint on location; paintings are later auctioned at 5pm, free, www.garrisonartcenter.org Sun. Oct. 4 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Fire on the Mountain w/ Jordan Dale. Bring a bag lunch. Meet: 10am. Surprise Lake Camp Main Bldg. 4 hrs, difficult.: www.hhlt.org, 424-3358

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sun. Oct. 4 - 4th Annual Farm & Harvest Tour, 11am-4pm, Willow Ridge Farm, 174 Canopus Hollow Rd., Putnam Valley. Demos, animals, farmers’ market, tastings, music. 845878-7918

Sat. Oct. 10 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Fall Foliage & Tree ID w/ arborist Lew Kingsley. 9am, Garrison train station parking lot, 2 hrs., easy/ family-friendly/no strollers. www.hhlt.org, 424-3358

Sun. Oct. 4 - Sunset Series: Readings at Chapel of Our Lady Restoration. Poet Edwin Torres. 4pm, wine & cheese reception follows. Free, park at MetroNorth station.

Sat. Oct. 10 - The Old Road Society of Philipstown Annual Membership Meeting in the lower fields at Saunders Farm, 853 Old Albany Post Road, in cooperation with Collaborative Concepts art installation. 1pm. Bring a picnic lunch or snack and a blanket.

Sun. Oct. 4 - Putnam Cty Fall Classic Half Marathon & 5K Race, begins at Brewster Village Train Station, 10am. Bring family & visit Village Street Fair after the race. Register: www.active.com; info at www. brewsterrotary.org Tue. Oct. 6 - Program: Practical Strategies for Effective Student Advocacy, hosted by CHADD Putnam & Vicinity, 7:30pm, Four Winds Hospital Ctr., Rt. 35, Katonah, 914-729-2067

COMING UP: Fri. Oct. 9 - VA Hudson Valley Health Care System Veterans Job Fair, 11am-3pm, Castle Point, Route 9D. Meet employers, service orgs, etc. Bring several copies of resume and discharge papers. Sat. Oct. 10 - Sustainable Putnam Workshop: Water Wisdom/ Protect Drinking & Surface Water, sponsored by Cornell Coop Extension. Putnam County Emergency Training Ctr., Don Smith Campus, 112 Old Route 6, Carmel. www.cce.cornell. edu/Putnam or 845-278-6738.

Sat. Oct. 10 - Bake sale, sponsored by South Highland UM Church, 9:30am-noon, in front of Foodtown Sat. Oct. 10 - Mid-run reception: Collaborative Concepts Farm Project 2009: more than 60 artists installing art on a historic, working farm. 2-6pm; open every day dawn to dusk through Oct. 31. 853 Old Albany Post Rd., Garrison. 845528-1797 Sat. Oct. 10 - Public prayer of the Fatima Rosary, 12 noon at the Cold Spring riverfront bandstand. Sun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Camille King, soprano, Regan Smith and Carol Leone, piano. Haydn, Mendelssohn and Rachmaninoff. 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, park at MetroNorth station. Sun. Oct. 11 - 4th Annual Hudson Highlands Greenway Triathlon: kayak, bike, and run or team up. 9am start from Dockside. Register at Active. com. See www.HudsonHighlandsTriathlon.org 845-8034145.

Sun. Oct. 11 - Hike to Lost Pond at Manitoga, led by Chris Galligan, $10 admission supports trail maintenance. Bring picnic. Res. req’d. www.russelwrightcenter.org Tue. Oct. 13 - Stonecrop Gardens guided tour of Fall foliage, 5-6pm, $10/members no charge, 265-2000, www.stonecrop.org Thu. Oct. 15 - Philipstown Seniors River Rose Cruise & River Grill Luncheon. Lunch & cruise the Hudson. $45 members/$50 non members. Eileen, 265-5098. Thu. Oct. 15 - Keep Seniors Safe & Mobile, Office for the Aging program at PV Senior Ctr, 12pm complimentary lunch, 1-4pm program, free, res. req’d: 845-528-2662. Fri. Oct. 16 - PV Music Assn 5th annual Variety Show, 7pm, PV High School, 146 Peekskill Hollow Rd., $10, 845-526-7847, x 1369 Fri/Sun Oct. 16/17/18 - Philipstown Recreation Dept’s Annual Haunted House.Young Children’s Fun House - Sat, 5-6:30pm; Sun, 3-4:30pm. Horror House - Fri/Sat, 7-10pm; Sun. 5-80pm. Children under 12 and Seniors, $4, Adults, $6 Sat. Oct. 17 - Jazz Vespers w/ renowned jazz musicians, 5:30pm, free, First Presbyterian Church, 10 Academy St. Cold Spring, 265-3220 Sat. Oct. 17 - Putnam Highlands Audubon Society Wine & Delectables, Local Expert Richard Guthrie will share his experiences tracking down the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, 5pm, Taconic Center; coincides w/ birdseed pick up. $15/RSVP [email protected] or 2653773.

The Putnam County News & Recorder is happy to announce your event. A complete listing of Coming Events is on our website at www.pcnr.com. To send your listing: PCN&R, PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516; fax 265-2144; e-mail, [email protected].




Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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Nature: A Classical View at Lecture Heralds Opening the Desmond-Fish Library of Postcard Exhibition

JULIA L. BUTTERFIELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rtes. 301 & 9D 845-265-3040 www.butterfieldlibrary.org Mon & Wed: 10am-8pm T, T, F and Sat: 10am-5pm Sun. 12-3pm ONGOING PROGRAMS Tuesdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 9:30am Thursdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 1:30pm Friday, Sept. 11 - CPR for Moms & Caregivers, $35, 10 am. Reg req’d Mondays: - Writing Clubs: grades 6 thru 12/3 pm, grades 3/5, through Nov. 2 FILLED. Sat. Oct. 3 - Silent Film Series, Hunchback of Notre Dame Mon. Oct. 5 - Math Moments for Parents & Caregivers, 7pm Thu. Oct. 8 - Play Math with Me, ages 3 to 5; 1:30pm; 4 weeks. Reg. req’d Sat. Oct. 10-Annual Halloween Party & Craft WorkPUTNAM VALLEY LIBRARY 30 Oscawana Lake Rd., 845-528-3242 www.putnamvalleylibrary.org Hours: Sun. 1-5; Mon. 10-6; Tue/Wed 10-8; Thu/Fri 11-5; Sat - 10-5 Book Club begins again in Sept. on 3rd Tues of each month. Oct. book is Heart of Darkness. Storytimes: through Oct 21 Tues at 10:15am & 1:30pm for ages 3-6. Tues 10:15am for ages 3-6 and Toddlertime at 11am for under 3 yrs.

DESMOND-FISH LIBRARY Route 9D & 403, Garrison 845-424-3020 http://dfl.highlands.com Hours: M/ W/F: 10am-5pm Tue & Thu 2-9pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 1-5 PUTNAM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY & FOUNDRY SCHOOL MUSEUM 63 Chestnut St., Cold Spring 845-265-4010 www.pchs-fsm.org M u s e u m h o u r s : We d - S u n , 11am-5pm Office hours: Tues/Fri 10-5 Sat. Oct. 3 - Tue. Dec. 15 - Exhibit: Traveling the Hudson in the Wake of Robert Fulton: 1,000 Post Cards from America’s First Working River Sat. Oct. 3 - 5pm, Lecture with Kate Johnson,curator at Historic Hudson Valley on the1909 Hudson-Fulton Celebration. MANITOGA/THE RUSSEL WRIGHT DESIGN CENTER Route 9D, Garrison (845) 424-3812 russelwrightcenter.org Tours on selected weekdays; every weekend at 11am and 1:30pm, res. a must. Grounds open for hiking all year. Sat. Oct. 10 - Dutchess County Day: discount tour rates for residents; reg. req’d. HOWLAND LIBRARY 313 Main St., Beacon (845) 831-1134 www.beaconlibrary.org M, W, F: 9:30am - 5:30pm Tu & Th 9:30am - 8pm Sat.10-4pm, Sun.12-4pm

GARRISON ART CENTER Garrison’s Landing 845-424-3960 garrisonartcenter.org [email protected] Gallery Hours: Tue/Sun 12-5pm Sat.Oct. 3 - Artists on Location, viewing 3:30pm, auction 5pm; silent auction runs through Oct 11

PHILIPSTOWN DEPOT THEATRE Depot Square, Garrison’s Landing philipstowndepottheatre.org 845-424-3900 Oct 23 - Nov 15 - Musical, Secret Garden, Fridays and most Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. Sat. Oct 31 performance 2pm only, no evening show.

PARAMOUNT CENTER 1008 Brown Street, Peekskill 914-739-2333 [email protected] FILM: The Hurt Locker Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 at 8pm FILM: Lorna’s Silence - Oct. 2,3,4 and 8 at 8pm Sun. Oct. 4 - Visiting Filmm a k e r s E v e n t , “ Ti c k l i n g Leo,” 3pm Fri. Oct. 9 - Dickey Betts & Great Southern, 8pm

BOSCOBEL Route 9D, Garrison 845-265-3638 www.boscobel.org Opendaily except Tues., 9:30am-5pm,last tour 4pm $16/adults, $12/seniors, $7/children, 6-14, under 6/free Sat. Oct. 3 - Big Band Concert & Sunset Picnic, 5-7pm, bring picnic Sun. Oct. 18 - Apple Shindig, 5:30-8:30pm

CHAPEL OF OUR LADY RESTORATION 45 Market St., Cold Spring 845-265-5537 www.chapelofourlady.com Sun. Oct 4 - Sunset Reading Series: Edwin Torres, poet Sun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Camille King, soprano, Regan Smith and Carol Leone, piano. 4pm, free. Haydn, MenVAN BRUNT GALLERY 137 Main St.. Beacon (845) 838-2995 www.vanbruntgallery.com Thu/Mon 11am-6pm

STONECROP GARDENS 81 Stonecrop Lane Cold Spring 845-265-2000 www.stonecrop.org Mon–Fri, plus 1st & 3rd Sat., 10am – 5pm; also open Fri. until dusk through Oct 2; $5/ members - no charge We d . O c t . 7 - Te r r a r i u m Workshop, 5-8pm, $40/$30 members, res. req’d.

Sunrise, Block Island by Carolyn Smith Photographs by Carolyn D. When she moved from BaySmith will be on display at side, Queens, to Putnam Valley, the Desmond-Fish Library in her natural canvas widened Garrison from October 3 to exponentially, and she has 18. The title of the exhibit is spent the past few years in a Nature - A Classical View. Most photographic exploration of of the photographs have been the Hudson Highlands. The taken in the Hudson Highlands, images shown here represent and help us see its beauty with her ever-increasing apprecianew eyes. There will be an tion of her surroundings, both opening reception on Saturday, close up and farther afield. October 3 from 1 to 3pm. Carolyn’s photographs have Carolyn Smith’s interest won prizes in a number of in nature photography was contests, most notably those sparked in the early 1980s by of the New York City Audubon her father’s gift of a Nikkormat Society and the Queens Trisingle-lens reflex camera and bune. Her work has appeared a brother’s suggestion that in Nature Photographer magashe invest in a macro lens for zine, on the National Audubon close-ups. Viewed through this Society’s home page, and in new medium, nature revealed publications of the Hudson itself as full of marvels and Highlands Land Trust and miracles. Constitution Marsh Sanctuary.

Join the Putnam County Historical Society this Saturday for an exhibition opening and lecture that puts historical postcards in the spotlight. The evening begins with an opening reception for PCHS’s latest exhibition, Traveling the Hudson in the Wake of Robert Fulton: 1,000 Postcards of America’s First Working River, featuring printed images of the river and its environs from NY Harbor to the headwaters north of Albany. A special section features images of parade floats and river celebrations from the 1909 Hudson-Fulton Celebration. The postcards date from the first third of the 20th century, with most from 1905 to 1911, drawn from a collection of some 4,000 cards compiled by Larry Demers, a former resident of Cold Spring. The exhibition curator, Dr. Trudie Grace, will be on hand to answer questions. The evening continues with a lecture by Kate Johnson, curator and director of collections for Historic Hudson Valley, and author of The Hudson-Fulton

Celebration: New York’s River Festival of 1909 and the Making of a Metropolis. This once-in-a-lifetime event lit up the Hudson Valley from New York City to Troy and attracted millions of visitors. Much of the documentation exists in postcard form, and she will discuss the related postcards in the exhibition. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Village of Cold Spring. The exhibition is funded by a grant from the New York Council for the Humanities. Additional exhibition funds have been provided by Terry & Charles Polhemus, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., Robert’s Total Hair Salon, and Mind, Inc. This special evening will take place at PCHS’s Foundry School Museum, 63 Chestnut Street. Admission for the lecture and opening reception is free for members and donors, and $5 for the general public. Space for is limited; reservations are strongly suggested. Please call 265-4010 or visit www.pchs-fsm.org.

Hudson Beach Glass Sets Beacon On Fire

Poet Edwin Torres Reads From His Work at Chapel On October 4, The Sunset Reading Series will present the

electrifying poet/performer Edwin Torres. This will be the final reading of the year. Torres, the author of numerous books of poetry, creates performances that intermingle poetry with vocal and physical improvisation, sound-elements, and visual theater. His work has been published in many anthologies and was part of The Whitney Museum’s exhibition, The American Century Pt. II. As one of the original performers at the famed Nuyorican Poets Café in New York City, Torres was an integral part of a movement that began in the early 1990s where, rather than simply read their work, poets began to perform it. The role of the audience changed too as they became active participants. Torres has performed his work internationally and was featured on MTV’s Unplugged. He has a new collection, In The Function Of External Circumstances, forthcoming from Nightboat Books. Torres will read at 4pm at Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St., Cold Spring, adjacent to the Cold Spring Metro-North Station. A free wine and cheese reception will follow. Please visit www.sunsetreadings.org for more information.

The Firehouse has the show it has been thinking about for 8 years. Hudson Beach Glass bought their Firehouse in 2001, and ever since then, they have been thinking about this show: Beacon on Fire. They thought it would be fun and fitting. While the show is fitting to the space, the fire in these seven artists’ work is not the warm glow of campfires, but rather the raging flames that burst through windows and the tickle of light that sparks our adrenaline. The two largest paintings in the show measure 36” x 48”, but the fire Leigh LiYun Wen depicts is composed of thousands of tiny lines. Through the flames, you can just make out the remnants of a blackened structure. There is no sky; there is no land; there are only the intense flames and the distant reminder of its fuel. The fuel of fire is the subject of Tom Holmes’s work. His

three sculptures are all wood, torched, and transformed into charcoal. It is as if Holmes and Wen collaborated. Holmes’s work is the aftermath of the brilliant flames Wen depicts. Jill Reynolds explores the mysterious side of fire. Her piece is a cylindrical glass tank filled with inky liquid and immersed in that darkness a candle flickers. The work is mysterious and stirring, but there is also an element of fun. How did she do that? The subject of Rosalind Schneider’s video is the production of the glass that fills the shelves in the downstairs gallery. It is projected onto a glass tile panel that suspends from the ceiling. Other participating artists are Emil Alzamora, Rudy Mendoza, Stephen Spaccarelli, and Beacon on Fire will be up until November 15, 2009. Gallery hours are daily 10 to 6pm and Sundays 11 to 6pm. For more information, please visit www.hudsonbeachglass.

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The Putnam County News and Recorder

Letters New Zoning Will Restrict Rights

Covering Philipstown and Putnam Valley in New York’s Hudson Highlands founded in 1866 as the Cold Spring Recorder a publication of the Putnam County News & Recorder, LLC, a subsidiary of the Hudson Valley Freedom Press, LLC “We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” —Thomas Jefferson

The Putnam County News & R e c o r d e r is published weekly on Wednesdays (except for certain holiday conflicts) 86 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516 Periodicals postage paid at Cold Spring, New York USPS 605-240 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Putnam County News & Recorder, P.O. Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To the Editor: I am a 10th generation land owner in Garrison who has concerns regarding the proposed zoning law changes currently presented by our Town Board. In 1968, the Town reduced my property from Industrial use to B-2. I am currently permitted by right under the B-2 zoning to operate my contractor yard with soil processing. Now, under the current zoning proposal my property status has been slated for “elimination” according to part 3 on page 24 of the EAF along with two other B-1 properties along the Route 9D corridor. The current proposed zoning changes would severely hamper my ability for growth or change and it would prevent my heirs and/or a future buyer to change from my current use without special permit. M o r e o v e r, t h e S P O w o u l d require me to make a 100 foot wide green landscaping on my Route 9D frontages, thus reducing the available property by a third as shown in the proposed zoning changes 175-15G on page 21. While I agree that zoning laws are needed to prevent negative impacts to our town, I simply do not see why we need to overhaul them. Can we not simply better enforce the laws we have and leave ourselves with some flexibility to make simple changes and/or amendments as the Town grows and develops, as we have all along? Under the current proposal, it appears that almost any action desired on almost every parcel of land both commercial and residential will need to approach the Town for a special permit. Even something as simple as planting a 50 x 100 foot stretch of grass will require a permit according to the proposed zoning changes 175-15 D 2 on page 21. I foresee that the Town will be bombarded with applications for the simplest of changes. Will the Town be hiring more help to process these applications? If so will they be imposing a fee for these applications to offset the cost of processing them or will they simply raise the taxes on our properties to pay for this additional help? The proposed zoning law as it stands is complex and difficult for the average citizen to read, interpret and to live by. For years we have been able to protect the character and beauty of our Town with the zoning laws currently in place while allowing responsive development to the Town’s current needs. I do not see why we need to fix what is not broken. We should be seeking better ways to enforce our current laws instead of restricting our rights further. This is not just a matter for businessmen on Route 9 or 9D. Nearly all properties will be affected in some way. I encourage all land owners to obtain and read the Comprehensive Plan, the proposed zoning laws and the EAF so that you may understand how these changes will affect each of you and if you are as concerned as I am, then attend the Town Workshops. Charles Polhemus II Garrison

Be Afraid of Zoning Proposals To the Editor: I don’t understand how anyone living in the town of Philipstown could write a letter stating they are for the new proposed zoning laws or even worse make accusations that everyone at the last zoning workshop were all greedy business men. Anyone who has read this proposed zoning laws with all the insane

to the

overlays that go with it would understand this affects every resident of Philipstown not just business men. It will have a huge impact on the residential tax base. It will overload and stress our current school system. It will devalue residential property as well as commercial property. If I was a resident of Philipstown— and I am!— I would be very afraid of what’s coming! Tyler Gagnon Cold Spring

Letters: A Love Story To the Editor: Last week’s newspaper had two letters countering my criticism of the contract signed by the Haldane Board and the teachers’ union. The points they made, with varying degrees of civility, indicate that a zero increase for teachers was not on the table in this negotiation. I saw this negotiation as an opportunity to plant a flag in the ground and make a stand for taxpayers, many of whom have been in financial retreat for years. Perhaps this was wishful thinking. It certainly is a very difficult subject to broach since teachers are decent people with financial worries of their own. With malice towards none of them, I believe the needs of the community trump the needs of the union. Perhaps if schools were not financed by property taxes those needs would better coincide. And so, all these school tax letters over the years warrants two fair questions for the author: 1) What’s in it for me? N o t h i n g . I c a n a ff o r d a n y tax increase Haldane throws at me. Also, the pats on the back and the dirty looks that I receive amount to the same thing: people are afraid, perhaps of different things, but money always figures in. This unjoyful thought removes all pleasure in getting my letters into this newspaper. 2) Why do I bother? Bec a u s e m y d e a d m o t h e r, a daughter of the Great Depression, instilled in me the quaint notion that we should try to look out for those less fortunate than ourselves. In this case, I refer to those people living here who are struggling financially in this great recession and may not have been doing so well a few years ago when many others were flush. These letter s ar e mer ely s eed s th at might cause some change to take root that will permit them to stay in Philipstown a bit longer. Finally, I stand by the statement I made in my previ ous letter: “In my view, we are fortunate to have Dave Merandy and Michael Junjulas as senior members of the Haldane Board.” After this praise, I criticized them with language that was overly p r o v o cativ e an d , f r o m th e tone of their responding letter, hurtful. Out of respect for who they are (great guys) and what they do for the community (a lot), I apologize. Joseph Barbaro Cold Spring

Vote Shea for Supervisor To the Editor: I was surprised to read Catherine Portman-Laux’s letter in last week’s PCN&R. In 2006, Mrs. Portman-Laux generously donated the use of her home office to support Democrat John Hall’s first congressional campaign. As a volunteer on that campaign, I was impressed to see that she could step across party lines to support the right candidate for Philipstown. Because Richard Shea is the right candidate for Philipstown Town Supervisor, it is


unfortunate that she is unable to do the same in our current race for Supervisor and join me in supporting Shea. What Richard Shea and the entire Democratic ticket share is an intense personal dedication to public service. Richard works every day for the benefit of all of us because he loves and believes in this community. Over the past seven years that he has been on the Town Board, we have all benefited from his commitment to fiscal oversight and responsibility, and attention to the future. Richard has wisely pursued grants for Philipstown, and it is important to remember that grants come from various sources, not just governmental agencies. I wonder if Mrs. Portman-Laux considers Federal highway spending to be a Marxist practice? I was also surprised to read whispering accusations from Mrs. Portman-Laux regarding sexism. I have known Richard Shea for close to 15 years now, and I am proud and happy to be serving as his campaign manager. There are four women on our campaign team: Marit Kulleseid, Grace Kennedy, Peggy Clements, and me. If you know any of us, you know that we aren’t the sort of women who tolerate nonsense on that front. Finally, although Mrs. Portman-Laux implies that the other candidate for supervisor has gained support, he lacks a single endorsement from any local party, including his own. Richard Shea, on the other hand, has been endorsed by the Democratic, Independent, and Conservative parties because he has earned that confidence through hard work and a strong record of service to the Town. I encourage everyone to support Richard Shea at the polls on November 3. Kim Conner N o rt h H i g h l a n d s

US Mail:

all in order to protect this amazing place. I’m sure that Richard will agree with me when I tell you that any skirmishes, or hard feelings, or divisive letters to the editor are a small price to pay for the honor of serving the town we both love so well. Nancy Montgomery P h i l i p s to w n

I Was Slighted

Sheriff Takes the High Road

To the Editor: A recent letter to the PCN&R suggested that I was treated unfairly in a public forum. I don’t see Richard Shea’s quick response as a slight to me. I was more slighted by the PCN&R’s front-page article about Cold Spring’s Senior Nutrition Center that photographed and listed all the m a l e p u b l i c o ff i c i a l s w h o attended, but left me out. Mr. Shea is dedicated to communicate openly about zoning. His passion did override my comment at the public meeting, but I hope that the Philipstown community will not waste time on provocative non-issues during an election cycle when there are so many more important issues facing our town right now. New zoning, the threat to the senior center, and reduced tax revenue are just three of dozens of important issues that need the entire Town’s immediate attention. Being first to get one’s point across at a public meeting is one way to address these issues, taking action to face them head on is another. Richard and I have done both. It’s time for everyone to join their neighbors at the public meetings, focus on t h e i s s u e s t h a t w i l l a ff e c t the future of our town, and make their opinions heard. Two years ago I chose to run for public office because of Richard Shea. Richard and I share common goals: that our senior citizens live with dignity in the town they helped build, that the beauty of our section of the Hudson Highlands remains intact in the face of private and corp o r a t e o v e r- d e v e l o p m e n t , and that every nickel of the public’s money is spent efficiently, and only with just cause. I continue to fully endorse Richard Shea for Philipstown Supervisor on November 3. Richard and I serve you

To the Editor: On September 15, a hotly contested Republican primary was held with the Sheriff Don Smith defeating his two Republican challengers. The race was one of the nastiest in recent memory, with numerous personal attacks and misrepresentations made by the challengers in the race. Unfortunately for some this constitutes politics as usual. The Sheriff took the high road and kudos to him for not being dragged down into the fray. The voters have spoken many times on this, and the whole nastiness and disrespect shown by some candidates disenfranchises them and keeps them away from the polls. Now as we look to the general election it appears we will be subjected to more of the same by the Democratic candidate for Sheriff. He recently ran a letter which was originally published during the 2001 Sheriff’s race and written for Sheriff Smith’s opponent that year, which was again a personal attack on Sheriff Smith. I found it interesting that the part that said “paid for by the committee” to elect this candidate was in the smallest font possible, as if the Democratic candidate wanted to have the letter published but hoped that most would overlook that he was responsible for its placement. Maybe he was embarrassed that so early he had decided to take this approach and go negative. Maybe he was just ill advised by his people and advisors. Let’s keep to the issues for the remainder of this race. It sure would be a refreshing change. As Joe Friday would say, “Just the Facts.” Or, better yet, as my mother always told me, if you have nothing nice to say maybe you should say nothing at all. Randall J. Chiera P h i l i p s to w n

PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516 email: [email protected]

Time for a New Face alone demanded that senior on Philipstown Board services not be reduced….” To the Editor: It’s time for Philipstown to have a new face on the Town Board. Terry Polhemus is that person and I urge you to elect her as Town Councilperson this November. Terry is part of the Polhemus family, which is one of the oldest respected families in our town. Throughout her years working in the business, Terry has developed necessary skills such as budget planning and problem solving. These skills are required for a town board member. Terry understands the concerns of business owners. Terry is also open minded, considerate, and knowledgeable. She is always ready to listen. I feel that Terry is approachable by everyone whether you are a business o w n e r, a s e n i o r c i t i z e n , a student, a farmer, or any concerned Philipstown community member. I believe she will keep a careful eye on property owners’ rights while balancing the needs of open space and technology. Terry will make sound decisions in government and NOT support laws that fail to take into account the rights of Philipstown citizens. Terry Polhemus is the fresh face we need on this board. Please support her in November. Nikki LaSala Garrison

Be Vigilant for Seniors To the Editor: In the September 23 issue of the PCN&R, Eric Gross wrote an outstanding article, “Victory for Seniors.” His last sentence probably “sealed the deal” for most of us: “The legislature still must vote on Bondi’s budget, and Bondi could still exercise his veto power, though any veto would likely be overturned by the legislature.” My first impression—relief. My careful re-read of “would likely,” sent up a red flag. A conclusion well-supported as Eric describes: “…150 senior citizens… had crowded into the historic Putnam Courthouse…were promised that senior programs would not be impacted by the county’s 2010 budget…A petition drive was begun, as 300 seniors from Cold Spring

A cynic, maybe, but I’m a believer in the trite words “It’s not over ‘til its over” and “many a slip between the cup and lip.” So, I say, “Sign the Petition” and spread the word as I attempted with an ad in last week’s issue, where I characterized the situation as “Bondi’s Blunder”. I don’t think Mr. Bondi performed adequate due diligence before making his budget cuts. I was despaired when I followed Mayor Gallagher’s “Call for Action” and went to the American Legion Hall (home or our Senior Center) to sign the petition to “Save the Philipstown Friendship/ Nutrition Center”. My visit to the Senior Center was both enlightening and shocking. I met with the site manager, who I had known from my two years volunteering at the Putnam Valley Senior Center. I stated in the September 16 issue, “Perspectives”, that I had observed very few seniors (approximately 35) taking advantage of the Nutritional Program at Putnam Valley and gave my reasons. The shocker was the fact that the Putnam Valley Senior Center is making 50 additional meals per day and delivering th em to C o ld S pr ing . O n e facility with a capacity of 100+ (Putnam Valley) and another with a highly cramped facility (Cold Spring) benefitting more from the Office of Aging Nutritional Program. If Bondi prevailed, how can he rationalize the continued support of the Putnam Valley Senior Center? Come on now Mr. Bondi, we all know a state spon sored building costing $8 million in Kent, will surely end up costing $12 million-the $175,000 to support the existing Cold Spring Senior Center is pocket change. And what are you going to do if a fully-staffed kitchen (equal to that in Mahopac feeding 100+) in Putnam Valley isn’t making 50 meals? My dream is that our Senior Center receive the same services, facilities and environment to that now enjoyed on the East-Side of Putnam County at the Mahopac, Putnam Valley and under-construction Senior Center in Kent. Something is very wrong with the current picture. Sid Gibson Garrison

Letters to the editor must be less than 500 words. Send letters to [email protected] Please include your phone number for verification.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


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Perspectives Proposed Zoning Changes

Democracy at Work in Philipstown “We cannot change our destiny overnight but we can change our direction overnight.” ­— J. Maxwell I really like our town right now. I am enjoying it and I am thrilled to see the democratic

J. CARLOS SALCEDO process taking place anew and revitalized. I confess I am a fan of Philipstown today, let me rephrase it, I have been a believer in this town for a good while. I moved to this corner of the world from the Andes Mountains of South America some 22 years ago. I raised my family here, made great friendships, and unreservedly invested my time, financial resources, and energy to build a business right smack in the middle of this community. In short I can honestly say that I put the deep stakes of my tent in this town for good. In the process, I embraced a new citizenship, a language, and a home town. This is where I decided to live and it is my wish that my children’s children may also call Philipstown their home.    A few weeks ago, a voice arose out of the quietness saying that sweeping zoning changes were going to be inflicted on the residents of Philipstown. The so called Philipstown Comprehensive Plan was giving birth to a new zoning law that if passed,

will severely impact everyone who lives or may plan to live in this town for the next 20 to 30 years. I got a copy of the Comprehensive Plan and the ensuing new zoning documentation; I have to say that I really went at it with an open mind. I wanted to judge it for myself. It did not take long to realize that perhaps, what at one time had been intended for good, had been transformed in the process into a very restrictive, and  intrusive way of determining how you or I should live, enjoy our properties, and carry out lawful business.  Furthermore, it also became very obvious that the new code was written in a language worthy of an IRS publication, only worse. It is for all to see, just pick up your own copy at the Town Hall. While I was pondering whether this situation was a runaway train and in defiance of essential rights, I noticed the old and slow wheels of the democratic process turning. I saw citizens organizing themselves,  started initially by the businessmen who are at risk of becoming the victims of a zoning genocide of sorts; the winds of democratic process did not stop there, citizens at large, those who have lived here for a long or a short time, people that pay property taxes, or those worried about the schools or other services, senior citizens of Philipstown, all started to realize that their lives were going to be radically

impacted by the proposed changes. I saw a groundswell of democratic participation.  H o w e v e r, t h i s e v e n g o t better, the Town Board under the leadership of  Bill Mazzuca was quick to reach out to the community, looking to foster a dialogue; a standing -room-only workshop session took place September 16 at the hall of the new North Highlands Fire Department (NHFD is another source of pride in our town), but it did

“I saw citizens organizing themselves, started initially by the businessmen who are at risk of becoming the victims of a zoning genocide of sorts” not stop there, the Supervisor of the town actually had a Fact Finding sit-down meeting with concerned citizens, and apparently other board members may follow this example. This zoning matter cries out for our participation. A genuine dialogue is expected, all voices ought to be counted. The Town Board will have to be an impeccable example of

democratic leadership in motion. This is too big of an issue to lose itself in acrimony, or in some illusion of progress or pseudo-democracy.   Yes, I am glad that, so far, we are dealing with this critical town matter with civility and dignity. I wish that at the end of the process, we may find that the town is united and stronger, not wounded and divided. That our elected town officials indeed represented the best interest of the whole community, as the impact of this proposed re-zoning will weigh on us for generations to come.     One more thing, we just not only need for the right facts to come up, but we also need the right spirit to look at those facts.  I want to stay here and I wish for my friends and neighbors to stay here as well. I like this piece of geography we call Philipstown and hope that it does not become unrecognizable and unaffordable for most of us. Yes, I remain optimistic that fairness will prevail over calculated agendas of any kind from anyone.      Juan Carlos Salcedo, born in La Paz, Bolivia, moved to live in Philipstown in 1985. Now a citizen of the USA, he has been married for more than 30 years to Linda Salcedo, and is the  proud father of Michael and Matthew. He is the  Managing Director of Intensus Engineering, located in Cold Spring.  

Disagree? The PCN&R encourages robust, civil dialogue. Submit letters to the editor and op-ed suggestions to [email protected]

Haldane Homecoming

C a r o l i n e B a l d u cc i

Haldane High School students, alumni, families, a n d f r i e n d s c a m e o u t i n f o rc e t o s u p p o r t t h e i r s c h o o l o n F r i d a y n i g h t a s t h e a n n u a l b o n f i re w a s l i t u n d e r the supervision of the Cold Spring Fire Company. The golden glow lit up the night and the faces of the excited Haldane fans who gathered to celebrate. Go Blue Devils!

PCN&R Calls for Candidate Platforms All candidates for local elections will be allowed to run one submission of no more than 700 words free of charge. This submission may serve as a candidacy announcement, biography, and platform statement, accompanied by a photo. Emailed submissions are preferred. Platforms may be sent as early as you wish but no later than two editions (generally 20 days) prior to the date of the election. Deadlines are Mondays at noon. The deadline for the November 3, 2009, election is Oct. 12 at noon. The PCN&R will not edit

the submission—not even for spelling errors. Candidates may write no more than one Letter to the Editor per month, and none in the two editions prior to the election. All other material from candidates must be in the form of paid political advertisements, with no deadline restrictions. The PCN&R will ask questions of all candidates for office and will publish their answers in an Election Special that will run in the week preceding the November election (the October 28 issue).

C a r o l i n e B a l d u cc i

C a r o l i n e B a l d u cc i


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fall Fun in the Hudson Highlands

Annie Chesnut

Maggie Benmour

Annie Chesnut

Photos Courtesy of Richard de Koster and Elizabeth Ailes

Constitution Island also celebrated its annual Fall Family Day on Saturday, and the turnout was large and enthusiastic. Offerings included boat rides, birds of prey, horse and buggy rides, hiking, beekeeping, and face painting. Visitors who gathered at the Cold Spring Train Station parking lot took the free shuttle bus onto the island.

Maggie Benmour

Saturday, September 26 marked the annual Cold Spring Harvest Festival, sponsored by the Cold Spring Chamber of Commerce. Several thousand residents and visitors crowded both Main Street and the sprawling lawn of St. Mary’s Church to sample the best of our local shops, restaurants, and crafts vendors. Rich fall colors were the order of the day, whether in flower displays, vegetable tables, or cupcakes and sweets. Local groups from the Philipstown Lions Club to the Cold Spring Fire Department were on hand to promote their activities or simply offer a hot dog and a cool drink for sale. The perfect fall weather complemented the mood of the occasion. Annie Chesnut

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

REVALUATION (Cont’d from front pg.) the facts of the case and how it was handled. Mayor Gallagher said he was informed on Saturday morning and that an investigator from the Sheriff’s department was working on the case.

Discussion then turned to response and prevention. The teens had called 911 from a cell phone, which routed the call to Newburgh, causing a delay in police response. Tr u s t e e F a l l o o n e x p l a i n e d


Assessed Value


$ 83,000 98,060 105,000 110,000 118,200

Sale Price $ 342,500 410,000 257,200 157,500 297,000



Assessed Value $ 755,700 575,600 512,360 444,800 438,100

Sale Price $ 2,500,000 1,125,000 3,650,000 1,120,000 735,000

Based on Town of Philipstown records for the period July 2007-June2008 Annie Chesnut

that a cell phone call is routed to the nearest tower, which in this case is in Newburgh. “Short of erecting a tower in Cold Spring,” Falloon said, “there is nothing that can be done.” Discussion then turned to preventive measures, such as camera surveillance. Mayor Gallagher indicated that he wished to avoid a “Big Brother” scenario, but that in a small village, “a single camera can make a big difference.” Trustee Robertson cautioned against rushing into this approach, on general principle, and in consideration of changes being considered to lighting at the dock. David Cooke, of the Cold Spring Antiques Dealers Association, asked about the investigation of the spate of store break-ins earlier in the summer. Gallagher responded that it was ongoing, but he would have to look into the details. He also reminded Cooke that Trustees Miller and Robertson are planning


BUDGET (Cont’d from front pg.) a security seminar for village merchants, to include store layout and technological concerns. Caryn Canova, owner of Payning by Caryn, reported on her conversation with Verizon to allow holiday lighting on the lower portion of the utility poles on Main St. during Christmastime. The upper portions of the poles are owned by Central Hudson, which has previously given permission to suspend lights at no cost to the village. The issue of permission from Verizon has not been in doubt, but the board had suggested that Canova seek an exemption from the one-time fee of $500 plus $7.50/pole. Ms. Canova reported that Verizon says exemptions are not allowed by federal law, but that she plans to proceed with the assistance of Pidala Electric, which has volunteered once again to provide installation and other necessary services. The board set the October 13 monthly meeting for a hearing on proposed increases to parking fees. As discussed with Justice Costello, some fees will be reduced and a few increased, including an increasing schedule of penalties for late payment. Fines will be doubled after 30 days and tripled after 60 days.

NELSONVILLE (Cont’d from front pg.) to handle billing. The larger companies have sometimes billed patients a second time for co-pay fees, even though the patient had paid at the time of their office visit or procedure. McCarthy said that patients often pay the fee a second time, “Just to get the company off their back. We don’t want that!” Internet fraud is also an all-too-common, but very difficult, problem to solve, according to McCarthy. She used the example of a bogus Yonkers loan company that didn’t exist at the address it gave to potential customers. Because the “company” had a 914 area code, consumers assumed that it was located in Westchester, when in fact calls were being rerouted to another location, possibly even out of country. “As soon as anyone asks you to wire money— you should stop!” McCarthy said. A scheme in which people are asked to send in a check for a relatively small amount in order to claim a very large lottery prize is also a scam to watch out for. “I can’t believe that people fall for it—but they do,” McCarthy said. Consumers can learn more at: oag.state.ny.us or they can email McCarthy at Judith. [email protected] The phone number for the Westchester office is 914422-8755 and the toll-free number for the Albany office is 800-428-9071. In other business, trustees met with the village attorney in executive session to discuss details of two contracts. Lochner Engineering will do the engineering on a project to improve four Nelsonville streets: Wood Avenue, Pine Street, Pearl S t r e e t, a n d C r o w n S tr ee t . Contracts could be set as early as the spring of 2010, with construction getting under way later in the year. Tr u s t e e s a l s o d i s c u s s e d a contract with an engineering firm for stormwater management work, which the village is required by the State of New York to undertake. The Putnam County Board of Elections (PCBE) has agreed to meet with the Villages of Nelsonville and Cold Spring and the Town of Philipstown to discuss the ongoing dispute over the relocation of voting places in the area. Trustee Andy Merante described the PCBE’s decision to permanently move Nelsonville’s polling place from the Justice Court to the Methodist Church located on Main Street in Cold Spring without consulting with Village officials as “a slap in the face.”

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Bondi Defends ‘Painful’ Cuts by Eric Gross

Eric Gross

Legislator Vincent Tamagna (left) makes a point during budget deliberations last Thursday night while Legislator Sam Oliverio listens to his colleague. Director currently occupied by Patricia Perez with a budget line of $88,609, and created a $25,000 part-time position under the auspices of the Health Department. The nine-member body also slashed the salary of the executive’s Chief of Staff from $97,000 to $60,000. The post has been vacant during the past few months since Lisa Denig left county employ. Legislator Mary Ellen Odell of Carmel called on the county to “reevaluate the position. The trend of top political appointments must stop.” Legislator Tony Fusco of Mahopac Falls charged the “position had been around for too long. Why can’t this position be combined with the deputy county executive?” Chairman Tony Hay warned his colleagues to “tread lightly. In our history we have never attacked executive appointments nor has the executive ever criticized our appointments.” With Legislators Hay, Sam Oliverio of Putnam Valley, and Mary Conklin of Patterson opposing, the salary cut was approved 6 to 3. An emotional Bondi approached the bench and told the legislators: “If you feel my role in this county government has been insignificant, perhaps you should think of doing away with my job as well. Maybe we don’t need a county executive! We can get away a lot cheaper with a

county manager—a person who would work and be answerable to the whims of this legislative body. I hope you don’t proceed down this path because a lot of good comes out of checks and balances.” By unanimous votes, the legislators reinstated full services to the senior centers in Cold Spring, Mahopac, and Patterson. Tamagna called Bondi’s proposal a “terrible suggestion. We did the right thing by keeping the tax rate in check and reinstating programs that were needed.”

“Victory for Seniors,” Part II The legislature returned about $300,000 to the 2010 budget for senior services, including $166,500 for the Cold Spring Center, $97,000 for the Patterson Center, and $36,000 for the Mahopac Saturday program. Legislators restored all but one of the managerial positions slated for elimination in the Bondi budget. Mr. Tamagna expressed hope that the “same kind of agreement can be reached with our CSEA employees. We cannot make such a decision due to contractual obligations. We are still hopeful between now and October 14, furloughs can be negotiated so people’s jobs can be saved.”

ness first-hand the shenanigans that occurred during t h e l e g i s l a t i v e b u d g e t d eliberations.” When asked about his proposed cuts for the senior centers, described by many as the “rallying call” behind the 2010 budget, Bondi said: “In the past 20 years this county went from no senior centers to the beautiful Koehler Senior Center in Mahopac and the state-of-the-art Putnam Valley Senior Center. Future plans call for the creation of Eric Gross a new senior center in Kent.” County Executive Robert Bondi noted that, “painful Bondi cuts had to be made to senior Last Friday, the PCN&R sat programs. To pander to the down with Putnam County seniors by placing fear in E x e c u t i v e R o b e r t B o n d i their hearts that the county Bondi to discuss the budget was going to phase out their process, which he described p r o g r a m s w a s n o t t h e a p as his most propriate soludifficult in 30 Everyone “People of all tion. years of public should have office in Put- ages are affected been motivatnam County. to buy into by the downturn ed Bondi exthe sacrifices. in our economy. Senior citizens pressed disappointment Finger pointing pay taxes too. with the legChanges and is not the islature’s accutbacks had tions: “Power to be made solution.” is not the isin senior prosue. I am not grams as well concerned as to as children’s who has the upper hand. I programs. People of all ages just hope the final decisions are affected by the downturn position the county for an in our economy. Finger pointimproved future.” ing is not the solution. We Bondi said difficult deci- must work as a team to solve sions were made—“decisions our financial problems and that were shot at, such as solve them and move Putnam laying people off and reduc- forward while positioning ing aid to libraries and out- the county for success.” side agencies. These weren’t The Putnam Legislature pleasant to do but they had will conduct a public hearing to be done. Unfortunately, on the budget next Monday the legislature has restored evening at 7pm at the Putt h e s e , p u t t i n g o ff t h e b a d nam Emergency Operations times for another year.” Center auditorium in Carmel. Bondi said what bothered The budget will be adopted him more than anything was the following evening, Octothe “vindictiveness that sur- ber 6, at the historic Putnam faced. I am not going to com- C o u r t h o u s e f o l l o w i n g t h e ment further but I wish the regular monthly meeting of public got more involved in the legislature. government in order to wit-


DeSTEFANO (Cont’d from front pg.) Assistant District Attorney Mary Jane MacCrae represented the District Attorney at the court proceeding late Monday afternoon. Outside the courthouse, MacCrae said the incident reminded us all that “no one is above the law. Certain individuals who become involved in politics can become so involved that they don’t understand laws must always be obeyed. Rules exist to keep everyone honest. This incident proves that the system works. When an individual does the wrong thing, he or she will be caught and punished.” Bonanno also conducted an impromptu news conference outside the court after DeStefano refused to talk to reporters and drove away. Bonanno called the d a y “ r e g r e t f u l f o r M r. DeStefano and his family. This is a classic example of

when good and honorable people make bad choices in life. My client has admit ted his culpability for this unfortunate incident.” When asked if the case was more disturbing because Mr. DeStefano was running for the top law enforcement position in Putnam County, Bonanno replied: “I d o n’ t know if the case is more disturbing or not. It is most unfortunate that this honorable man, who got involved in the franticness and zealousness of a political campaign made an irrational and poor decision that he normally would not have made. Havi n g k n o w n M r. D e S t e f a n o and his family and those who surrounded him in the campaign, this was the case. There had been no thought process of criminal activity committed. This was a lapse in judgment that resulted in great embarrassment. As we

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

PLUMBUSH (Cont’d from front pg.) go through life, we all experience embarrassing moments. This was Mr. DeStefano’s.” DeStefano’s downfall came when forged signatures were found on his independent nominating petitions filed with the Board of Elections. Several individuals questioned by police reported never signing the official documents, even though their names had been included. DeStefano withdrew from the contest six days before the election and issued a statement indicating that a dire family emergency had forced his withdrawal from the race against Sheriff Donald Smith and a second challenger James Borkowski. DeStefano, whose name remained on the ballot, came in a distant third in the primary won by Sheriff Smith.

items include the rack of lamb and Atlantic salmon, and, especially, apple fritters, a dessert specialty. About half of the menu never changes, while the rest depends on the season. During Lent, for example, the restaurant offers fish and wine dinners on Fridays. Like many local restaurants, Plumbush strives to use local, seasonal ingredients, to “pay respect to the purity of taste found in freshly harvested, local food.” During good weather, many diners choose to sit on the outdoor terraces, with views of the gardens and fountains on the six acre property. Jeannette Doellgast, who owns Plumbush along with her husband, Chef Mohsen Alam El Din, said that the restaurant and the surrounding estate offers guests a “mini-vacation.” Long lunches and dinners are common; in fact, one time some diners stayed at their table, enjoying food and conversation, for eight hours. Others stay overnight, in one of the three guestrooms Plumbush offers. A continental breakfast is included, as the restaurant is only open for lunch and dinner. Plumbush, with its private catering facilities, hosts weddings and other special events. Its ballroom has a capacity of 180. The restaurant also provides catering for private dinner parties in the area. Recently, Chef Mohsen served a New York Times bestselling author along with Fortune 500 CEOs and an Academy Award-winning actor. At the heart of Plumbush is the story of an Egyptian immigrant who found and seized the opportunity offered by America. Mohsen Alam El Din was born in a village 25 miles outside of Cairo, the Egyptian capital. He grew up eating stuffed pigeon, roasted goose, and slow cooked lamb, and those early

tastes influence his cooking today. Plumbush uses many Mediterranean seasonings, spices, and extra virgin olive oil. After coming to the States, Alam El Din worked at a bank for a little while and then, recognizing his love of good food, enrolled at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park. He went on to work at a Manhattan restaurant called Marmalade Park, where he met Jeannette, who also worked there. After working at the Marriott Marquis and the Bear Mountain Inn, Alam El Din owned a couple of his own restaurants, one in Manhattan and then 17 Main in Mount Kisco. One day in 2004, Jeannette and Mohsen were driving by the Plumbush property and stopped to ask if it was for sale. Ans Bender and Jerry Albin, who had run a popular Swiss restaurant and inn there for some time, had in fact decided to retire. Soon, El Din and Doellgast had opened their own restaurant at the site. The house itself is historic, having served as the residence of Robert Parker Parrott, one of Cold Spring’s most illustrious entrepreneurs. Parrott, who developed the eponymous gun which was used widely throughout the Civil War, lived at Plumbush after marrying the sister of the president of the West Point Foundry, where he was inspector of ordnance. After Parrott died in 1877, the Moffett family moved in, later to be replaced by the Shewans. James Shewan, a Scot, built a shipping yard in Brooklyn—the first to be equipped with electric power. With his millions, he a n d h i s We l s h w i f e and five children sum-

Inside the Victorian manse. mered at their Hudson River Estate, called Inverguie. In 1925, the place was ravaged by fire, and the Cold Spring villagers, instead of coming to help put out the blaze, instead looted the estate. After the fire, the Shewan daughters moved into the house down the road—Plumbush. One of the sisters, Agnus, who never married, added a warehouse room where she stored all of her worldly goods until she

died in 1970 with no heirs. Today that storeroom is Plumbush’s large ballroom. Afterward, the house was converted to a restaurant, which was later purchased by Ans Bender and Jerry Albin, who ran their Swiss restaurant and inn there until they retired in 2004. Alam El Din and Doellgast, who live in Brewster with their three young children, enjoy working in Philipstown, which Doellgast called “the perfect place to be.” “The people are so eclectic and that’s what makes it so interesting,” she said. In keeping with the character of the town, Doellgast says they work to take care of their environment. “We recycle everything possible. We try to use everything possible more than once. For example, when customers leave the table, we put [their] water in the flower garden. We have rain barrels to collect water for our garden.” Currently, they are replacing the white fence that used to line the property with green shrubs and “lowwater, drought-tolerant perennials to add color to the street.” Plumbush has won high praise from Zagat and Hudson Valley Magazine For more information, visit plumbushinn.net.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lions Throwing Halloween Antiques Road Show Regulars Bash To Benefit Food Pantry are Auction Hosts at GAC by Adele Stern Special to the PCN&R The Cold Spring Lions Club is going incognito. On Saturday, October 24, starting at 6:30pm, they will host a Masquerade Party at the Garrison Fire House, 1616 Route 9. Guests are required to be in costume and mask and carry a food item. Tickets are $20 and benefit the Philipstown Food Pantry. According to Andrea Bach, Food Pantry Organizer, the average number of Philipstown families requiring food products from the Food Pantry has leapt from 11 to 50 families per week due to the increased unemployment and outsourcing jobs. Further, she noted, the Philipstown Food Pantry has kept many seniors out of nursing homes as aides have come to pick up supplies for them. Mrs. Bach is concerned that, as the holidays approach, the demand for supplies from the Pantry will soar. In addition, Mrs. Bach has an almost daily "Bread Run," transporting produce from various supermarkets to the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen Peekskill, Walter Hoving Home, and St. Christopher's Inn, Graymoor. Food drives are year-round. She suggests taking advantage of sales, purchasing half of the quantity for your family and the other half for the Philipstown Food Pantry, or when you purchase an item, get a duplicate one for the

PFP. You can leave a bag of these items for your mail carrier to pick up, or in front of the Post Office in Cold Spring. Before shopping at Foodtown, you can pick up "shopping lists" in front of the store and leave a bag for the Food Pantry. A great way to recycle plastic bags is to bring them to the PFP along with food items. Housed at the First Presbyterian Church, 10 Academy Street, Cold Spring, individuals and young families (some with 7 or 8 members), can come and select items from the Pantry. Andrea Bach (yes, her husband is a descendent of the composer), had to shop for her incapacitated mother-inlaw and noted the amount of food and produce that went to waste. It became her mission and the mission of the church for almost 30 yeas, to serve people in need. The C.S. Lions Masquerade Party will celebrate the Fall season with dancing to music provided by D.J. Lion Fred Clarke, home-made snacks and goodies, games, and contests including "best creative costume." Come, enjoy knowing that while you are celebrating, you are contributing to an individual or family going through difficult times. Checks should be mailed to Betty Budney, 15 Church St., Cold Spring 10516, and call 265-3508 by October 17 to assure reservations. Contributions are always needed even if you are unable to attend.

Garrison Art Center’s semiannual art auction Artists-onLocation will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Saturday, October 3. In addition, there will be a toast to the 10th anniversary of auctioneer George Lowry, who has in recent years teamed up with his son Nicholas Lowry, to provide not only the best auctioneer team around, but the most entertaining. Known around the Art Center as the “dynamic duo” George and Nicho are a cross between auctioneers and stand-up comedians. Many will recognize Nicho as a regular on Antiques Road Show. George and Nicho are the Chairman and President, respectively, of Swann Auction Galleries in New York City that specializes in photographs, posters, prints, and drawings as well as books, maps, atlases, and autographs. Garrison Art Center is fortunate to have found its way into George’s heart, and now, with his son also convinced of the merits of the Art Center

and its offering, this is the only auction that the father/ son team do together. Artists on Location begins at 6am with 90-plus artists finding their way to a fa vorite river or other valley view and returning with the plein air paintings to the Art Center, where viewing begins at 3:30pm and the live auction at 5pm sharp. And then the fun begins. More than 300 arts patrons battle it out, with George and Nicho gently persuading and slipping in jokes along the way—and all this with the beautiful Hudson as a backdrop. Nearly 100 patrons go home with a masterful painting for a fraction of the cost in galleries. Artists also participate in a silent auction in the Art Center galleries that opens on Oct. 3 at 3:30 and runs through Oct. 11, 5pm. Bids may be made in person or by phone until the very last moment. For more information visit www.garrisonartcenter. org or call 424-3960.


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Sighted: a Wedding in Storytelling at The Chapel: Bear’s Hudson Valley the Hudson Highlands Black Black Bear’s Hudson Valley Madera Vox has received a Tale, a charming story with music for children of all ages, will be presented in The Chapel of Our Lady Restoration on Sunday afternoon, October 18, at 3. Admission is $5; free for children under 12 . Directed by Beacon-based creative dance theater director Marleen Pennison, it f eatu r es s to r y an d v is u als by Iza Trapani, award-winning children’s book writer and Hudson Valley resident. Original music is by David Gluck of the chamber en semble, Madera Vox, which accompanies the tale. Mr. Gluck plays percussion with the ensemble. by Catherine Garnsey A lovely, romantic sight on the Cold Spring riverfront one beautiful late summer morning: Lilla Fekefel and Ramin Narimani of Brooklyn, NY, were observed being married at the Bandstand of the Riverfront Park on Saturday, September 12, by a local Putnam County Justice of the Peace. After the very intimate ceremony (with just two witnesses and two other guests), the newlyweds explained that they had stayed at The Hudson House a few years ago while they were dating; spending a weekend in town, shopping and sightseeing, hiking Breakneck Mountain, and enjoying the Hudson River location. “We just loved the whole atmosphere and scenery, so we decided to get married here,” explained the groom, proprietor of The South Side Coffee Shop in his Brooklyn neighborhood. Asked where they were going to honeymoon, the bride, an Art History graduate student, and freelance writer, said that they were off to Portugal for a three week holiday. And where will the wedding luncheon be? “Cathyrn’s Tuscan Grille,” replied the g r o o m , “ We r e a l l y l o v e d the food the last time we were there.”

Silents Series Continues at Butterfield The Butterfield Library is pleased to present The Hunchback of Notre Dame as part of its Silent Film Series featuring live, original music by Cary Brown on Saturday, October 3, at 7pm. In this 1923 movie, Lon Chaney stars as the infamous “monster,” Quasimodo, with Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmeralda. The film was directed by Wallace Worsley and is the best-known version of the novel by Victor Hugo. The film, called Universal’s “super jewel” of 1923, grossed over three million dollars, making it the studio’s most successful silent film. Chaney’s performance and fantastic make-up helped to make him a fullfledged Hollywood star. Musician Cary Brown will create an improvised score for the film. For more information on the Library’s Silent Film Series and other upcoming events, please visit www. butterfieldlibrary.org or call 265-3040 ext. 4.

Partners for Arts Education grant to facilitate planning with teachers and administration for a mini pilot residency at Sargent Elementary School, Beacon, using Black Bear’s Hudson Valley Tale as source material. Floyd Rumohr, Arts in Education facilitator, will join Ms. Pennison and Madera Vox in this endeavor. Other members of Madera Vox are Sylvia Buccelli, piano, Kelly Ellenwood, soprano, who narrates the story, Nicole Golay, oboe, and Cornelia McGiver, bassoon. The chapel is located at 45 Market Street, Cold Spring.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Matters

Call Pros he


Advertise in the PCN&R Email us at [email protected] or call 265-2468

Throw the First Pitch at a Putnam Valley High School Renegades Game for Haldane Welcomes the Class of 2013 Can’t think of that perfect birthday gift for your child? Have them throw the opening pitch for a Renegades game or give your child a homework pass signed and authorized by Haldane Principal Maggie Davis. If that doesn’t thrill them then get yourself a present by sending your preschoolers to Preschool Winter Fun at Montessori Mornings or inviting 5 friends over to your home for a wine class with appetizers provided! These are just some of the m a n y e x c i t i n g s i l e n t a u ction items at Haldane School Foundation’s (HSF) Fall Fundraiser benefiting environmental studies at Haldane this Saturday from 5pm-8pm at Glynwood Center on Route 301 in Cold Spring. Other exciting silent auction items include two autographed Pete Seeger albums, an autographed baseball by Ya n k e e s a n d M e t s p i t c h e r David Cone, tickets to sport events, massages, family por-

traits, original art, jewelry and gift certificates for restaurants, inns, shops, and more, and even an adorable vase painted by Haldane’s kindergartners, and bird houses hand-painted by Haldane first grade and second grade classes. In addition to the silent auction items there will be delicious hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and music provided by pianist Tom McCoy, who has played on Broadway and television. HSF is a community-based nonprofit organization that raises funds to help enrich the curriculum and support s t a ff d e v e l o p m e n t a t H a l dane Central School District. Last year HSF donated nearly $65,000 in enrichment grants to Haldane. Tickets to this event are $50 in advance and $60 after Sept. 30. To purchase tickets and for more information contact Eugenie Milroy at Eugenie@ amartconservation.com.

Journalist Juan Williams to Speak at Oakwood School Distinguished alumnus Juan Williams, Class of 1972, will be the guest speaker for The Gillespie Forum Lecture hosted by Oakwood Friends School. Mr. Williams’s lecture “From King to Obama” will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 7pm, in the A. H. Lane Auditorium. Juan Williams is a multifaceted TV panelist, reporter, a u t h o r, a n d p o l i t i c a l a n a lyst. Known for his regular c o n t a c t s w i t h Wa s h i n g t o n insiders, Williams has interviewed Ronald Reagan and every president since. He was an editorial writer, op-ed columnist, and White House correspondent during his 23 years at the Washington Post. Williams hosted the National Public Radio’s national call-in show, Talk of the Nation, and is currently a senior news analyst for

NPR. A political contributor to Fox News, he is a regular panelist on Fox News Sunday and other shows. Wi l l i a m s w o n a n E m m y Award for TV documentary writing. Among his books are the critically acclaimed Thurgood Marshall - American Revolutionary; My Soul Looks Back in Wonder; and the best seller, Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965. He is a graduate of Haverford College and received the Distinguished Alumni Award from Oakwood Friends School in 1999. The lecture is free and the public is welcome. Refreshments will be served in the theater lobby after the lecture. For additional information on this or other upcoming events, contact the school at: 845-462-4200.

On Tuesday, September 8, 2009, Putnam Valley High School welcomed the Class of 2013. The freshmen participated in Putnam Valley High School's first freshman orientation program. The students engaged in a variety of team building activities. In addition, the teachers and staff welcomed the freshmen by addressing the new students and discussing what to expect at the High School. The program was planned and coordinated by Ms. Stell a M o u y i o s , P u t n a m Va l ley High School’s library media specialist, and Ms. Angela Capodanno, Eng-

lish teacher, along with Mr. Jonathan Bryant, principal, and Mr. Sam Oliverio, Jr., assistant principal. The program was designed to allow for a smooth transition from middle to high school, and each student received a copy of the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. P u t n a m Va l l e y H i g h School thanks the Putnam Va l l e y E d u c a t i o n F o u n d a tion for their funding, which made the program possible. Students and staff enjoyed a fun-filled day of getting to know one another. Putnam Va l l e y H i g h S c h o o l l o o k s forward to more programs in the future.

Kristen Pilner Blair Earns her PhD at Stanford K r is te n P i l n e r B l a i r h a s earned a PhD in Learning Sciences and Technology Design from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and has accepted a position there as a post-doctoral researcher. Kristen, a former Cold Spring resident, attended Haldane Elementary and Junior High School and graduated from Stanford in 2002 with a BS in Mathematical and Computational Science. Kristen resides in Mountain View,

California, with her husband, S c o t t , a n d t h e i r d a u g h t e r, Alissa.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gorevic and Barclay Exhibit at Van Brunt Gallery A P o r t r a i t o f a S o l d i e r o f Mount Gulian Historic Site Two of this area’s favorite artists will be showing their work together this month at Van Brunt Gallery in Beacon, beginning October 3. Philipstown’s Cali Gorevic will be exhibiting a selection of black and white photographs taken during her recent trip to Iceland. Colin Barclay will present recent paintings of Maine, New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, and the Catskills. The show is entitled Northern Light. The title refers not only to the locations that inspired the art, but also to a certain clarity and distance between the artists and their subjects. In Barclay’s work his emotive palette and his depictions of stormy skies are balanced by a sense of vast geological time and deep space. His natural dramas are enacted on a big stage, even in his smaller works. Gorevic’s gaze is glacial on the one hand, with a sharp

eye for the eternal forms that reveal themselves in the natural world. Yet, like Barclay, she has a feel for the transient beauty found in nature, revealed i n o n e moment and gone the next. Neither has much time for the works of man, at least not in their pictures. Not a footprint is anywhere to be found. Even so, there is something very human about this work. Certainly there is compassion where so much artistry a n d e ff o r t i s e x p e n d e d t o reveal the visual poetry of the natural world, in particular, our part of the natural world, the North East, and beyond. Through the eyes of artists like Gorevic and Barclay we get to know our world better, we get closer to the heart of it and even as winter approaches, we feel a bit more of the warmth of home. Northern Light will run through November 2. There

is an artist’s reception on Saturday, October 10 from 6 - 9 p m . Va n B r u n t G a l l e r y is now located at 137 Main Street in Beacon. Gallery Hours are 11am until 6pm

Photograph by Cali Gorevic Thursday through Monday. For further information please call 845-838-2995 or e-mail [email protected].

the American Revolution

Hosts ‘Day Of Discovery’

The Fort Montgomery Battle Site Association is presenting a free lecture, presented by Robert A. Maye r s , o n T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 1, 2009, at 7pm. Using letters, muster rolls, orderly books, service records, and oral family h i s t o r y, R o b e r t A . M a y e r s reconstructs the campaign life of Haverstraw native John Allison, from the f r e e z i n g C a n a d i a n w i l d e rness through the battle of Fort Montgomery and the Sullivan-Clinton campaign against the Iroquois, to the bitter winter at Morristown, N e w J e r s e y, a n d t h e d e c i sive American victory at Yo r k t o w n , Vi rg i n i a . During Allison's eighty e a r m i l i t a r y c a r e e r, h e survived numerous skirmishes and battles across the colonies, was promoted to the rank of corporal, and returned home a local hero.

This presentation, entitled “ T h e Wa r M a n : t h e Tr u e Story of a Citizen-Soldier Who Fought from Quebec t o Yo r k t o w n , ” i s a u n i q u e opportunity to follow the entire course of the American Revolution through the eyes o f a f r o n t - l i n e v o l u n t e e r. The talk will take place at the Fort Montgomery State Historic Site, 690 Route 9W. A book signing will follow the lecture. For more information, call 845-446-2134. The site is part of the Palisades Interstate Park Commission, which administers 29 parks, parkways, and historic sites for the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preserv a t i o n i n N e w Yo r k a s w e l l as the Palisades Interstate Park and Parkway in New J e r s e y. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t N e w Yo r k S t a t e parks and historic sites, v i s i t w w w. n y s p a r k s . c o m .

Henry Hudson will be at Mount Gulian Historic Site as part of an afternoon of Quadricentennial programming for the whole family on Sunday, October 11, from noon until 4pm. "A Day of Discovery" will open with Henry Hudson, portrayed by Don Thompson, as he reviews the challenges of his 1609 voyage on the Half Moon. Thompson, in 17thcentury costume, will display some of the 17th century's primitive navigational tools and charts, similar to those used by Hudson. Storyteller, author, and director of the Center for Algonquin Culture, Evan Pritchard, will take the stage at 1:30pm to discuss the impact on Native American culture of Hudson and other early explorers. Their arrival in the region was not unexpected, Pritchard believes. Youngsters can choose to join in a role-playing activity

that has Native Americans and Europeans trying to communicate without language. At 2:30pm, Pritchard will take the position of Native Americans while Thompson stays in character as Hudson during a debate about land ownership, law, and culture. The program will conclude at 3:15pm with an opportunity to tour the Mount Gulian house and Dutch barn. Pritchard, a Saugerties resident, is of Micmac and Celtic descent. Thompson spent 34 years teaching social studies. In retirement, he began doing historic interpretations. Admission for this event is $8 adults; $6 seniors and Mount Gulian members; $5 children. For more information, visit www.mountgulian. org or call 845-831-8172. This event is made possible with a generous contribution from the Quadricentennial Commission and Stewart's Shops.

LEGAL NOTICE DIVISION OF PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF BID OPENING TO OCTOBER 7, 2009 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/or service: RFB 40-09 PUTNAM N AT I O N A L GOLF C L U B WA S T E WAT E R T R E AT M E N T P L A N T UPGRADE Contract 1-General Contractor Contract 2-Plumbing Contract 3-HVAC Contract 4-Electrical Detailed specifications may be secured at the o ff i c e o f t h e D i r e c t o r o f Purchasing, County of P u t n a m O ff i c e F a c i l i t i e s , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., M o n d a y t h r o u g h F r i d a y. A deposit of $100.00 will be required for each set of plans and specifications. Deposit is refundable in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 102. Checks should be made payable to the Commissioner of Finance. You may also visit our web site at www. p u t n a m c o u n t y n y. c o m . Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2008. dated: Carmel, New York August 24, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that a public hearing pursuant to Section 20 of the New York State Civil Service Law will be held before the Personnel Director of Putnam County in the Conference Room of Building #3 at the Donald B. Smith County Government Campus in Carmel, New York on the 27th day of October, 2009 at 10 AM with respect to amending the Rules and Appendices of the Classified Civil Service. The proposed changes concern the addition of various titles to the Non-Competitive Class Appendices. Additionally, there are proposed changes to the Rules as follows: Rule IX, Examinations (codify standards of security that are already in place, in conformance with NYS Model Civil Service Examination Rule); and Rule XIII, Probationary Te r m ( e x t e n d m i n i m u m probationary period to twenty-six (26) weeks, and give appointing authorities the right to require a full fifty-two (52) weeks of probation, to allow more time for an appointing authority to evaluate an appointee’s conduct or performance). Complete copies of the proposed changes are on file and available for review at the Personnel Department prior to the Public Hearing. All parties in interest and citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard. Paul Eldridge, Personnel Director

of Putnam Purchasing Department located at 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M.. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, beginning We d n e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 30,2009 after 1:00PM. You may also visit our web site a t w w w. p u t n a m c o u n t y n y. com. Copies of Request for Proposals documents obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Sealed PROPOSALS must be filed i n t h e a b o v e o ff i c e o n o r before Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1: 00 P.M, Dated: Carmel, New York Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department

Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned Village Clerk of the Village of Nelsonville, at her office at 258 Main Street, Nelsonville, NY 10516 until 10:00 am on Monday, October 5, 2009, when the same will be publicly opened and read aloud, for t h e s a l e t o t h e Vi l l a g e o f Nelsonville: # 2 H E AT I N G O I L DELIVERED AND SERVICE MTCE. AGREEMENT Meeting the specifications of the Village of Nelsonville. Copies of the specifications may be obtained from the office of said Village Clerk at the above address. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. All purchase contracts awarded pursuant to this notice shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 103-A, 103-B, and 103-D of the General Municipal Law. Pauline T. Minners Village Clerk DATED: September 17, 2009 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of ALLEGIANCE STRATEGIES, LLC, a NYS Limited Liability Company (LLC). Arts. of Org. filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/19/09. NY Office Location: PUTNAM County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to C/O JEFF COOK, 10 GROVE C O U RT, C O L D S P R I N G , NY 10516. Purpose: Any lawful activity. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation o f B E Q U I TA , L L C , a NYS Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/04/2009. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: C/O Rebecca M. Bardes, 32 Bank Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516. Purpose of LLC: to engage in any lawful act or activity. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation o f S TAT H E A LT H C A R E SOLUTIONS LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/24/2009. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 530 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY 10523. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: 12/31/2034. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of K & G Realty Partners, L L C . A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d with NY Dept. of State on 6/29/09. Office location: P u t n a m C o u n t y. S e c . o f State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: #201 T h e B a r n e s O ff i c e B l d g . , S t o n e l e i g h Av e . , C a r m e l , NY 10512. Purpose: any lawful purpose.

LEGAL NOTICE LOCAL LAW #16 OF 2009 A L O C A L L AW T O AMEND ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 31 OF THE CODE OF PUTNAM COUNTY ENTITLED “VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC” Be it enacted by the Legislature of the County of Putnam as follows: Section 1. A new Section 31-36 entitled “Duty to Comply with Traffic Control Signs and Signals” is hereby added to the Code of Putnam County to read as follows: S e c t i o n 3 1 - 3 6 - Tr a ff i c Control Signs and Signals No person shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any instruction, direction or regulation displayed upon any post, standard, sign or marking on any drive or other device installed or placed for the regulation of moving traffic on county property. Any and all traffic devices so placed under this law must comply with New York State Ve h i c l e a n d Tr a ff i c L a w s and the rules and regulations of the State of New York with regard to the placement of said traffic devices. Section 2. The existing Section 3136 is hereby renumbered to Section 31-37. Section 3. The existing Section 3137 is hereby renumbered to Section 31-38. Section 4. The existing Section 3138 is hereby renumbered to Section 31-39. Section 5. This local law shall take effect immediately. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Qualification of SAHN EAGLE LLC. Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/13/09. Office location: Putnam County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 5/26/09. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 3 1 P r i v a t e Wa y, G a r r i s o n NY 10524. Address to be maintained in DE: 160 G r e e n t r e e D r. , S t e . 1 0 1 , Dover DE 19904. Arts. of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activities. LEGAL NOTICE Philipstown Planning Board Announcement The Philipstown Planning Board will hold its October m e e t i n g o n T h u r s d a y, October 22, 2009 at 7:30 at the VFW Hall on Kemble Avenue in Cold Spring. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Qualification of HUDSON EAGLE LLC. Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY ( S S N Y ) o n 0 9 / 11 / 2 0 0 9 . O ff i c e l o c a t i o n : P u t n a m C o u n t y. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/09/2009. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 31 Private Way, Garrison NY 10524. Address to be maintained in DE: 160 Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover DE 19904. A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d w i t h D E S e c y. o f S t a t e , 4 0 1 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activities.

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of KAPLAN’S KOSHER KART L L C . A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/24/09. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process t o : M i c h a e l T. L a m b e r t i , Esq., 180 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797. Purpose: any lawful activity. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE10/2009 September 25, 2009 Please be advised that the next meeting of the Planning Board will be held at Town Hall, 265 Oscawana Lake Road on Monday, October 5, 2009, for the purpose of considering the following applications: Communications: 5:30pm Regular Meeting Start Time: 6:00pm AGENDA SKETCH 1. M i c h e n e r, S h e r y l Woods End Road (TM: 63.-2-30/File: 2009-0046 The applicant is proposing a six (6) lot subdivision on ±130.74 acres of land l o c a t e d o n Wo o d s E n d Road in the Low-Density Residence (R-3) Zoning District. The Planning Board will commence review of the plans. REVIEW 2. Wa r e x T e r m i n a l Corp.-157 Bryant Pond Road (TM: 74.-1-60/File: 2008-0027) The subject site consists of approximately 2.87 acres and is located at the intersection on Bryant Pond Road and Wo o d S t r e e t i n t h e C C - 2 Zoning District. The site is currently developed with a ±2,260 s.f. convenience store and eight (8) fueling stations with associated parking. The applicant’s proposal includes, but is not limited to, the installation of two (2) fuel pumps (four (4) additional fueling stations), extension of the canopy, and expansion of the parking area. The subject site is located within the Ground and Surface Water Protection Overlay District. 3. Landi, Joseph & Nancy-33 Seifert Lane (TM: 53.-3-6.2/File: 2008-0017) The Planning Board previously approved a Site Development Plan for the construction of a singlefamily residence on 5.3 acres of land located on Seifert Lane. The residence has since been constructed and during a site visit it was discovered that the driveway was constructed over a portion of the adjacent lot and field conditions were not consistent with the approved Site Development Plan. In addition to Amended Site Development Plan Approval, the applicant requires a Lot Line Change. The Planning Board will continue its review of the project plans. 4. Lantz, Michael-Irma Drive (TM: 73.17-1-30/File2009-0047) An application has been filed to construct a single-family residence on approximately 1.20 acres of land located on Irma Drive in the R-2 Zoning District. The Planning Board will commence review of the project plans. 5. DeRiggi, DinoPeekskill Hollow Road (TM: 73.-2-21/File2009-0045) An application has

been filed to construct a single-family residence on approximately 26.8 acres of land located on Peekskill Hollow Road in the R-3 Zoning District. The Planning Board will commence review of the project plans. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approve Minutes of September 21, 2009 LEGAL NOTICE Liz's Chemo Survival Kits, LLC filed on June 30th, 2009. Office location, Putnam County, NY. SSNY is designated as agent upon process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process against the LLC to 63 Hamlin Road, Mahopac NY10541. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICE HEARING NOTICE The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a continue public hearing on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00PM for the purpose of hearing public comment on the application of Constantine Serroukas, 21 Maryland Av e . , P o u g h k e e p s i e , N Y to construct a one story addition to the Food Town shopping center building at 49 Chestnut Street (in the B-2 Designated Shopping Center zoning district) to house the relocated Cold Spring Post Office. The proposal will require the (D), lot coverage variance from 134-10 (E), corner lot sight distance variance from 134-17 (B). This application is paired with a Use variance application to construct a 27 space parking lot at the corner of Marion Ave. and Benedict Road (in the R-1 zone) to serve as required parking for the Shopping Center. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a continued public hearing on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7:00PM for the purpose of hearing public comment on the application of Constantine Serroukas, 21 Maryland Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY to construct a 27 space parking lot at the corner of Marion Av e . a n d B e n e d i c t R o a d (in the R-1 Single Family Residential zoning district). The proposal will require a Use variance from Section 134-7A of the Village Code. This application is paired with an Area variance application to construct a one story addition to the Food Town Shopping center at 49 Chestnut Street (in the B-2 zone) to house the relocated Cold Spring Post Office. LEGAL NOTICE Philipstown Planning Board Site Visit - October 18, 2009 The Planning Board will m e e t o n S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 18, 2009 to inspect the following sites: - E. Polhemus Enterprise, L L C - H o r s e m e n ' s Tr a i l , Cold Spring -Bird & Bottle Inn - Route 9, Garrison The Board will meet at the Polhemus site at 9:30 a.m.

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Trolley service in the Village of Cold Spring is proposed to be eliminated on Fridays beginning in May 2010. Currently, the service operates on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day from Memorial Day weekend through the week ending prior to the Christmas Holiday. A Public Hearing on the service reduction will be held by the Putnam County Legislature on Monday, October 5, 2009 at the Emergency Operations C e n t e r, 11 2 O l d R o u t e 6 , C a r m e l , N e w Yo r k immediately following the Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget for 2010. Written comments may be sent to the Putnam County Legislature at 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York 10512 by October 5, 2009. LEGAL NOTICE DIVISION OF PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/ or services: 1. Quanics and Geo Mat System Installation RFB130594 Project # 10202009 Detailed specifications can be picked up by Licensed Experienced* Septic Installers at the offices of the Septic Repair Program, 100 Rte. 312, Brewster, New York between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., M o n d a y t h r o u g h F r i d a y. There will be a SITE VISIT o n We d n e s d a y. O c t . 1 4 , 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at The Septic Repair Program, 100 Route 312, Building No. 4, Brewster, New York. If you are interested, please contact Michele at (845) 278 8313. Sealed bids must be filed with the Director of Purchasing, C o u n t y o f P u t n a m O ff i c e Facilities, 110 Old Route 6, Carmel, New York on or before 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009. *Experience requires 5 Projects Inspected/ Approved by the Putnam County Department of Health. RFB130594 requires manufacturer's certification or attendance of the Quanics, Inc. and Geomatrix in service seminar, in addition to the above mentioned 5 Projects Inspected/Approved by the PCDOH. dated: Carmel, New York Sept. 24, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Putnam Valley Town Board will be conducting a Budget Work Session on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. with respect to working on the 2010 Town Budget. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Eileen Royael Town Clerk

Send Legal Notices to [email protected]

LEGAL NOTICE Public Hearing Notice T h e Vi l l a g e o f C o l d S p r i n g B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s will hold a public hearing o n Tu e s d a y, O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2009 at 7:15 p.m. at Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY to consider and hear public comment on proposed Local Law #3 of 2009 entitled, “A local law to repeal Village Code Chapter 126, Section 12623, “Penalties for Parking Violations, and enacting in its place and stead a new Section 126-23.” Copies of the proposed local law are available at the Office of the Village Clerk. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and be heard. Dated: September 24, 2009 Mary Saari, Village Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7 PM at the Village Office, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, N.Y, for the purpose of hearing public comment on the application of John and Sandra Falloon, 9 Pine Street, Cold Spring, NY for variances from front yard setback requirements of 134-7C(4) of the Village Code for Tax Lot 49.5-4-52. The property is in the R-1 zone. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and be heard. Dated: September 28, 2009 Donald Mac Donald, Chairman Village of Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Legislature of the County of Putnam will hold a Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget for the year 2010, as presented by the County Executive and the Report of the Budget & Finance Committee of the L e g i s l a t u r e o n M o n d a y, October 5, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at the Emergency Operations C e n t e r, 11 2 O l d R o u t e 6 , Carmel, New York. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that any interested persons may review a copy o f t h e Te n t a t i v e B u d g e t for the year 2010 at the Office of the Clerk of the Legislature, Room 313, 40 Gleneida Avenue, Carmel, New York, any time during regular business hours after September 8, 2009. PURSUANT TO SECTION 359 OF THE COUNTY LAW, the maximum salary that may be fixed and payable during the fiscal year 2010 to the members of the Putnam County Legislature and Chairperson, thereof, respective, is as follows: Legislator’s Compensation -- $35,136 Chairperson’s Stipend -- $ 8,783 BY ORDER OF THE PUTNAM COUNTY LEGISLATURE M. Chris Marrone Clerk LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals, will be received. by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/ or service: R F P # 0 8 - 0 9 NEXT GENERATION 9-1-1 SYSTEMS MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT Detailed specifications may be secured at the office of the Director of Purchasing, County

LEGAL NOTICE D I V I S I O N O F PURCHASING AND CENTRAL SERVICES COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR BID NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/or service: RFB 48-09 AUTOMOTIVE R E P L A C E M E N T PA RT S (AFTER MARKET NON O E M O R O E M PA R T S O N LY ) A N D N U T S & BOLTS Detailed specifications may be secured at the o ff i c e o f t h e D i r e c t o r o f Purchasing, County of P u t n a m O ff i c e F a c i l i t i e s , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at www.putnamcoutftnv.corn. Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2009. dated: Carmel, New York September 21, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village of Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7 PM at the Village Office, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring, N.Y, for the purpose of hearing public comment on the application of Ari Straus, 2 Northern Gate Lane, Cold Spring, NY for variances from front yard setback requirements of 134-7C(4) of the Village Code for Tax Lot 48.8-113.7. The property is in the R-1 zone. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and be heard. Dated: September 28, 2009 Donald Mac Donald, Chairman Village of Cold Spring Zoning Board of Appeals LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of JDO Properties LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/6/09. Office location: Putnam Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: James O’Hagan, 21 Shallow Stream Rd., Carmel, NY 10512, also registered agent. Purpose: any lawful activities.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Haldane Varsity Football 9/11/2009 9/17/2009 9/26/2009 10/3/2009 10/10/2009 10/17/2009 10/23/2009

L, 28-14 L, 18-13 L, 18-14 6:30 PM 3:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM


Putnam Valley Varsity Football 9/17/2009 9/26/2009 10/2/2009 10/9/2009 10/17/2009

W, 18-13 L, 47-30 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM


Haldane Loses to Lincoln Hall in Final Seconds by B.J. O'Brien

P h o to s


B.J. O’B r i e n

Everything lined up perfectly for the Haldane Blue Devils to pick up their first win of the season against the Lincoln Hall United last Saturday. It was their homecoming, the weather was perfect, and there was a good turnout by their fans. The only thing that wasn't perfect were the final seconds of the fourth quarter. With the Blue Devils ahead 1412, Lincoln Hall scored on a long pass play with no time left on the clock to pull out an 18-14 win. The loss dropped Haldane to 0-3 on the season, and this seemed to be the most painful loss of all. Some of the Haldane players fell to their knees in disbelief and frustration after the final play. It was obvious in talking to him after the game that H a l d a n e h e a d c o a c h To n y Percacciolo felt the same way. He pointed out that the final play wasn't the only problem, adding that his team committed too many penalties and missed the opportunity to get turnovers. " We b e a t o u r s e l v e s , " h e said. There were many times

when Haldane committed penalties when they could least afford to have them. "Instead of it being third and 4 it is third and 14," Coach Percacciolo said. His team led 14-0 in the third quarter. Running back Derek O'Dell scored a touchdown on a one yard run in the first quarter. The extra point kick by Rafael Famighetti made it 7-0 in favor of the Blue Devils. They extended their lead to 13-0 when receiver Elias Lopez caught a 19 yard touchdown pass from quarterback Frank Fusco. Another extra

point kick by Famighetti made it 14-0. Lincoln Hall scored later in the quarter to make it 14-6. The United scored twice in the fourth quarter, including the go-ahead touchdown at the end of the game. Coach Percacciolo said that his team once again exhibited poor tackling, which is something that also occurred in the Putnam Valley game. Despite coming into this game 0-2, he knew that Lincoln Hall would put up a good fight. "We knew somebody was going to come out with their

first win," Coach Percacciolo said. What also made Lincoln Hall difficult to beat is that they had quite a few good athletes who made great plays. "We could not match up with their athleticism," Percacciolo noted. Quarterback Frank Fusco completed three of six pass attempts, including one for a touchdown. O'Dell led the team in rushing with 86 yards on 25 carries. Famighetti had 51 yards on nine carries. Ryder Hine had two carries for no yards and Fusco ran twice for six yards. Lopez led the Blue Devils in receiving with one catch

for 19 yards. Famighetti had one for 10 yards and O'Dell had one for six. Famighetti also lost one fumble on offense. On defense, O'Dell led the team in tackles with 12. Famighetti, James Moss, and Cameron Zampino had seven, and John McGuire and Rich Ferguson each had six. Christian Callahan blocked one punt and Zampino had one fumble recovery. Fusco had one punt for 40 yards. Famighetti had one kickoff return for 19 yards while O'Dell had two for 33 yards. Haldane's next game is Saturday at 1:30pm at Tuckahoe.

Page 15


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Page 16

SPORTS Hastings’ Run-Game Dominates PV Putnam Valley Takes Its First Loss

FROM THE FIELD by Alex Basso As the Putnam Valley Football team arrived at the Hastings High School Football field they knew they would have to put up a huge fight against a bigger team. They also know that they would be down a few key players, but despite this they started the game with the ball and with a bang. In previous weeks Hastings defeated Yonkers by a wide margin and lost to defending champion Croton Harmon by a touchdown. In these two games Hastings running back Luke D'Alessandro was putting amazing numbers up on the stat sheets. To make things worse, the Tigers were missing defensive stud Jerry Z i mbaldi t o a k n e e i n jury and running back/linebacker Jon Warden, who was suited but did not play because of a coach’s decision. On the second play of the game quarterback Mike Nallan dropped back and threw one up for none other than Marcus Givan who broke a

huge tackle and took it 60 yards for the score. That gave Putnam Valley a huge spark. On Hastings’ next series they went three and out and were forced to punt it away. But Hastings would not stay away for long: Their next two series led to touchdown runs by quarterback Luca Cobucci, making the score 16-6. In the second quarter each team had scored once. Putnam Valley was first, scoring on a Nallan to Givan pitch and catch for another 25 yards making the score 16-14. But Hastings came right back, scoring on a 25 yard catch of their own from Cobucci to wide receiver Kevin Flaherty. Going into the half, Hastings led the Tigers, 24-14. Hastings’ run game was an immense factor as they combined for more than 250 yards rushing, led by D'Alessandro, who had nearly 200 yards rushing alone with two touchdown runs. Hastings was just dominating in the trenches as the Putnam Valley defensive line was being pushed all over the field. After three Hastings touchdown runs (two by D'Alessandro), and another Nallan to Givan connection, Hastings was leading 47-22. A l t h o u g h t h e Ti g e r s w e r e disappointed with their display on Saturday afternoon towards the end of the game there seemed to be a bright spot for the Tigers’ future in sophomore quarterback Connor Gembecki. This game was his first action at the varsity level and he showed some great poise for a firstyear varsity player and also showed a little room for improvement. He was making some great throws down the

field leading the team to a late 4th quarter score using his own legs, and running it in. Although he did overthrow some passes, and miss some receivers here and there, he gave good confidence to the Putnam Valley Football team, especially to Coach Heitman. The final score was 47-30, and, yes, the Tigers were very disappointed with this game, especially after winning their first two in a convincing fashion. The bright spots of the day for Putnam Valley were obviously quarterback Mike Nallan (13-26, 140 yards, 3 touchdowns), wide receiver Marcus Givan (9 catches, 160 yards, 3 touchdowns), and Gembecki. With Givan’s three touchdown catches Saturday, he now has seven touchdowns in the first three games of the season. Givan is a huge weapon for Putnam Valley, specifically for quarterback Mike Nallan, and with Givan in this team’s starting lineup each game, it adds a little more “spice” to the Tigers offense, and they are extremely fortunate to have him. Player Profile This week’s top Tigers performer was: Name: Marcus Givan Height: 6’2” Weight: 160 Position: Wide Receiver Strengths: Marcus is a huge target on this Tigers offense. Not just the fact that he is 6’2”, but when he leaps in the air for a pass he seems another foot and half taller. He has a ridiculous wingspan and break-away speed, even though when he runs it s e e m s e ff o r t l e s s . T h r o u g h the first three games of the

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2009 varsity football season he has six touchdown catches for nearly 300 yards receiving. Not only does he catch everything thrown to him but he returns kickoffs as well and he’s scored in that category also. A lengthy receiver that can out jump anyone in Section 1, he is a huge help for quarterback Mike Nallan. He has many strengths and although he only plays on the offensive side of the ball, he contributes enough to compensate for both sides. Other Comments: The Nallan-Givan connection is becoming one of the greatest, being up there with some of the top quarterback-wide receiver duos in Putnam Valley history. They’re comparable to the Mike Whalen-Mike Gembecki connection that picked defenses apart in their years at Putnam Valley. If they keep this up they could be looking at all-league honors for each of them by the end of the season. Givan is also a stud on the Putnam Valley basketball team; he led the Tigers in scoring last season with over 200 points. Marcus lives at home with his mom, Londe; dad, Gerald; and sisters Alexandra and Nia. He would like to play football in college and he is undecided in his college selection. “I’m just looking to get recruited, and hopefully get a scholarship, whether it be for football or basketball,” Givan said. His one goal for this season is: “I would like to score at least one touchdown every game so that each team that we play can’t say that they stopped me, and obviously to help the team win and get us to sectionals.”

by Mike Horton After winning its first two this season, the Putnam Valley High football team suffered a tough loss away from home Saturday, dropping a 47-30 decision at Hastings. When asked to describe the game, coach Frank Heitman said “We couldn’t stop them all around. It was a complete meltdown. We had our moments, but we didn’t capitalize. We didn’t play to our potential and we haven’t yet. We’ve got some problems to fix; we have to stress not repeating our failures.” PV would strike first on a 62 yard TD pass from Mike Nallan to Marcus Givan. Hastings responded by putting together two TD drives. Both

TD’s were scored by Hastings QB Luca Cobucci on 13 yard runs, and both were followed with two point conversions. PV would answer with another Nallan-to-Givan hookup, this one for 32 yards. But once again the PV defense got burned, this time on a 30 yard pass from Cobucci to Kevin Flaherty. A twopoint conversion would give Hastings a 24-14 lead heading into the half. PV was looking for a boost coming out of halftime; the Tigers went with an onside kick which they would recover, but they would fail to capitalize by going three and out. S h o r t l y a f t e r, H a s t i n g s rattled off 23 unanswered points. Two TD runs by Luke

D’Alessandro and another by Brandon Abrahante gave Hastings a 47-14 cushion. PV tried to rally late, getting another Nallan-to-Givan TD pass, and later a rushing TD by Connor Gembecki. The PV running game was ineffective, much like the first two weeks. Mike Nallan led the team with 49 yards on 10 carries, and the whole team was only able to put together 82 yards. The passing game was more effective. Nallan went 17-for32 for 185 yards and three TDs. All three PV quarterbacks saw action, and PV racked up 283 passing yards in all. Marcus Givan contributed 181 yards receiving on 12 grabs. On a forgettable day defen-

Philipstown Steelers Win Against East Fishkill

sively, Ryan Fitzgerald had six tackles which led the team, and Kevin Christopher added five. The defense obviously missed lineman Jerry Zimbaldi, who was out injured. As a captain he is an anchor for the defense. Heitman said, “We didn’t tackle or block very well once again. This is stuff that we have been working on all year . . . We just have to be tougher, mentally and physically. We have to not hang our heads.” The Tigers will have their chance Friday at home in a 7pm game against Albertus Magnus. Heitman said, “We don’t have an easy game all year; I think it’s got tougher every week. So we have to get ready.”

Philipstown Rec to Host Free Speed Clinic On Sunday, Ocotober 18, the Philipstown Recreation Department will have the Parisi Speed School on site to host a free speed clinic for children in grades 1-8. It helps athletes be quicker, stronger and boost confidence. Grades 5-8 will be at 2:30pm and Grades 1-4 will be at 4pm at the Recreation Department on Route 9D in Garrison. No pre-registration is required.

From Left to Right:Dillon Kenny at bat. Joey Marigliano p la yin g th ird . C o n n o r M cC u llo u g h a t b a t. Ph o to s b y C a r o l i n e B a l d u cc i

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Page 17

SPORTS Golf Tourney Haldane Girls Varsity Soccer Splits a Pair ‘ M i t e y - H a w k s ’ Marks 100 Years of Give Valiant Effort St. Christopher’s by Reid Thorpe Stats by Kiefer Thorpe

On September 14, 2009, 100 Years of Hope and Compassion were celebrated at the St. Christopher’s Inn Centennial Golf Classic, at The Garrison Golf Club. Pictured are Father Bernie Palka, S.A., President and CEO of St. Christopher’s Inn (left) with Scott Clark, WABC-TV Sports Director and Anchor.

Fred Kohut

The Haldane Girls’ Varsity Soccer squad had a win and a loss last week. On Monday, Sept 21, Haldane beat Poughkeepsie 7-1 and on Thursday, Sept 24, they lost to Croton Harmon 3-2. The team returns to action on Wednesday, Sept 30, in their first league game, against Pawling, at St. Basil’s field.

PV Volleyball Snags First Win PV Field Hockey Keeps Rolling by Mike Horton The Putnam Valley High volleyball team got its first win last Thursday after dropping its first five meetings. The win came at home against Lakeland. PV actually lost the first set of games but went on to win 3-1. Coach Heather Miench said “It was a nice competitive match. All four of the games

were pretty close, none of them were decided by any more than four points. League play starts this week, so it was good to get a win heading in. It helps boost confidence and skill level.” Their league D schedule won’t be easy; it will include games against Croton-Harmon and Hen Hud, who both won their first seven matches this year, and Ossining, which took six of their first seven.

Amanda Davoli had a good game defensively with 12 digs. Amanda Matterasso added five kills and five d ig s . N ico l e Tu r n e r h ad a team-leading six aces and 11 kills, which also led the team. Carey Berry also played well, racking up two aces, nine kills, and two blocks. Miench said, “We played well every match. We played well together and everything fell into place. It was nice.” Today (Thursday) Putnam Va l l e y w i l l h a v e a t o u g h league matchup at Hen Hud at 4:30pm.

by Mike Horton The Putnam Valley High field hockey team snatched an impressive 8-3 victory over Brewster at home last Tuesday. PV has been playing well lately, and the Tigers continued to gel in their showdown against Brewster. Brewster would score the game’s first goal. PV Coach Toniann Cortina said “It took a bit for us to get going, but once we did it was good. We played well once we got rolling.”

The Tigers would roll, indeed, finishing the first half with a 6-2 advantage. The second half was quiet mostly, but they held Brewster off with a solid defensive showing. Amanda DeChent was on fire, scoring four goals. Hannah Tavella added two goals and two assists. Maria Rao added a goal, and Erin McCrudden had a goal and an assist.

“Everyone is starting to get a feel for one another,” Cortina said. “We played well on both sides, it was a good effort all around and a good win.” This weekend the Tigers will have a league matchup against a tough Hen Hud team at home and a non-league game against Rondout Valley which will also be at home.

Ti n y M i t e H a w k s Fall to Hyde Park by Ryan McCollum On Sunday, September 27, the Philipstown Tiny Mite Hawks traveled to Millbrook to take on the undefeated Hyde Park Eagles. The Hawks o p e n e d u p o n o ff e n s e a n d on the first play gave the ball to running back Conor McMahon, who took it for a first down. On the next play, quarterback Riley Johanson picked up big blocks from Nate Allen and Luke Hammond on his way to a touchdown on a bootleg. That gave the Hawks the lead 6-0. Hyde Park got the ball back and immediately tested the Hawks’ defense. Matthew Champlin and Christian Pezzullo made nice tackles trying to hold the Eagles at bay. However, after a long drive

the Eagles scored on a sweep to tie the score 6-6. The Hawks got the ball b a c k o n o ff e n s e a n d w e n t back to work behind their strong offensive line of Peter Angelopoulos, Will Etta, Ian Flanagan, Tyler McCollum, Graeme McGrath, and Jake Patinella. The Hawks were able to pick up a few first downs but halftime came before they could put it into the end zone. Hyde Park came out firing in the second half, completing a pass and then a long touchdown run on first down giving them a 12-6 lead. The Hawks responded with their own pass play from Johanson to McMahon and then a nice run for a first down by Allen. The Hawks were unable to put it in the end zone, however, and turned the ball over on downs. The defense continued to play well with Jagger Beachak and Kole Bolte making several gang tackles. Andrew Aiston, Ryan Irwin, James Phillips, and Darrin and Daniel Santos played extremely well on the line for the entire game. Hyde Park was able to score again on a sweep and that made the final score 18-6 Hyde Park. The Tiny Mite Hawks next take on Northern Dutchess at Wappingers Middle School at 12 noon on Sunday. Ryan McCollum is a 7thgrader at Haldane.

It was cold, the clouds were low, but despite the weather, the Philipstown Hawks were ready to play football against the White Plains Wolverines. The game began with a kickoff to the Hawks. The kick was received by Wilson Thorpe who returned it to the Hawks’ own 30 yard line. The next play was a run by Thomas Percacciolo for ten yards and the first down. After a quarterback sneak by Brandon Twoguns for a gain of 11 yards and another first down, the Wolverines recovered a fumble by the Hawks. Even though the Hawks turned over the ball on the first drive, William Martin sacked the quarterback and forced a fumble, which was recovered by Wilson Thorpe. The drive that the fumble set up amounted to no points for the Hawks but the quarter ended soon thereafter and the score was 0-0. After a couple of aggressive defensive plays by the Hawks including a sack and other great plays by Tyler Outhouse and Ronan Tinsley, the Wolverines scored a touchdown making the score 6-0. The kickoff by White Plains was recovered by Michael Champlin, and Thomas Percacciolo followed up the return with a 5 yard run but the Hawks later turned over the ball on downs. The Hawks’ defense went right back to work dominating the line and crowding the quarterback, resulting in two sacks on the same drive, one by Anthony

Pezzulo, and another by Ned Flanagan. After halftime, the score was still 6-0 in favor of the Wolverines but on the first drive of the half, White Plains scored and converted the extra point despite an aggressive defensive rush by Sam Giachinta and Luke Junjulas, making the score 13-0. The kickoff was recovered by Wilson Thorpe. After the return, Thorpe and Brandon Twoguns ran for a total of 17 yards, the ball was turned over on downs. But again the defense of the Hawks forced a fumble and Derek Champi recovered the loose ball. After a touchdown by Luke Junjulas was brought back due to a flag, a mix of big runs by Junjulas and Wilson Thorpe gave Brandon Hodge a gateway for a touchdown, making the score 13-6. All of the Hawks hustled to score but despite the efforts of Ben Corrado, Joey Digregorio, Nick DiPalo, and all of the H a w k s ’ o ff e n s e t h e g a m e ended after the Hawks forced yet another fumble but no more points were scored. The Hawks gave another strong effort and proved their toughness and determination. There were a total of three forced fumbles and four sacks by the tough Hawks defense including great football players like Anthony Lombardo and Kevin Barry. No matter when, no matter where, the Hawks will play their hearts out, and that is truly admirable. The Hawks play this Sunday at 1pm at Mayor’s Park against Peekskill. Come support the team!

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Page 18


Wednesday, September 30, 2009 OFFICE SPACE AVAIL for Healthcare Professional in Cold Spring. 845-265-2275


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TRANQUILOFFICE SPACE for rent overlooking pond. Perfect for consultants or writers. 2 offices, both good size. Price negotiable. Rent one or both. Furniture if needed. Full Kitchen, meditative walk to pond. Also, upstairs bedroom suite for rent on per night basis if needed. Call Susan, 845661-0350

PUTNAM VALLEY Dog control office operates small impound. Please contact them if your dog is missing and might have travelled into Putnam Valley. They maintain list of lost dogs and sightings. Adoptions are also available. 526-3293 DOGGIE DAY CARE & RESTFUL SLEEPOVERS. I welcome your furry friend as a true guest in my home. They have total access to my home and my one acre fenced yard in the woods. Bow Wow Haus [email protected] 845-424-6017 John Funck 43 Cutler Lane, Garrison

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