Putnam County News And Recorder, Oct 7

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We are 143 years old but new every Wednesday CXLIII No. 40


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Putnam Property Taxes are Sky High by Eric Gross


Fellowship of Mariners:

On Sunday morning the Putnam County Sheriff Marine Unit hosted a gathering of the Marine units of the Hudson Highlands area law enforcement agencies. The Cold Spring Boat Club supplied the facilities and refreshments. Participating agencies included NY State Environmental Conservation Police, NYS Park Police, Westchester County Police, Orange, Rockland, & Putnam County Sheriff’s Departments, and Sea-Tow.

Sheriff’s Deputy Faces 15 Years in Prison by Eric Gross On Monday District Attorney Adam Levy called the 28-count indictment of veteran Sheriff’s Deputy Barbara Dunn, a “sad day” for law enforcement. Dunn, 41, a 13-year career member of the Putnam Sheriff’s Department, was indicted on charges of grand larceny, perjury, and official misconduct. She appeared before Westchester County Judge Jeffrey Cohen in Putnam County Court, since Putnam’s two county court justices—James Reitz and James Rooney—both recused themselves. Dunn pleaded innocent to all charges before being released without bail pending a court hearing January 11. Dunn faces a maximum period of incarceration of up to 15 years in a state penitentiary if found guilty. Shortly after the arraignment, Levy sat down with this reporter and outlined the accusations: “Charges first

arose from Deputy Dunn’s false claim that she received injuries on June 3, 2008, by falling down a flight of stairs at the Sheriff’s Department. Evidence revealed that she had been injured earlier when she was thrown from a horse she was riding.” Dunn was also charged with the theft of more than $56,000 for falsely claiming what the D.A. described as an “onthe-job injury” and collecting worker’s compensation instead of returning to work. Levy said the claim of a “jobrelated injury allowed her to collect a full salary, tax-free, without using accrued sick or personal time.” Perjury charges were also leveled against the deputy as a result of testimony presented in Kent Town Court before Judge Peter Collins. The judge concluded that Dunn had lied under oath relating to evidence she gathered in an animal abuse and neglect case. Levy said Dunn was the “lead

Dining Out


investigating officer in the case and she perjured herself as a result of in-court testimony regarding evidentiary matters related to purebred Maltese dogs belonging to breeder Linda Nelson.” Levy admitted the case was difficult: “I knew from the beginning that Barbara Dunn enjoyed a good reputation in the Sheriff’s Department and she cared about what she did. When the investigation got underway, my staff and I had a heavy heart, hoping that the allegations were not true. As the indictment suggests, the allegations were, in fact, true and as a result Ms. Dunn has been indicted.” Attempts to reach Dunn were unsuccessful—she has an unlisted telephone number, and her cell phone is not accepting calls. Her attorney, Bill Aronwald of White Plains, painted a different picture. In a telephone interview Monday night, Aronwald charged, “no

basis exists for these charges. People who had knowledge and information were never questioned or brought before the grand jury. Barbara Dunn is not guilty and we will prove that in a court of law.” Aronwald said two separate series of transactions had been joined together in a single indictment: “The alleged perjuries stem from the Kent Court case in 2007. The grand larceny charge has nothing to do with the Linda Nelson case.” Aronwald said charges that Dunn had lied about falling down a flight of stairs at the Sheriff’s Office were preposterous: “The injuries sustained, including a punctured lung, broken ribs, a back injury requiring soon-to-beperformed surgery, and numerous contusions, couldn’t have happened by her falling off a horse. Given the extent and nature of those injuries it would have been impossible (See Deputy on Page 12)

Bond Rating Improves for PV Schools

P h i l ip s t ow n

by Michael Mell

the popular local eatery and gathering place since he took it over in 1996 after having worked there as a chef when the café was known as Karen’s Kitchen. The Foundry is intimate and comfortable. It is at times

The October 1, 2009, meeting of the Putnam Valley school board began at 6pm with the board immediately adjourning into executive session to discuss collective negotiation strategies relating to the Taylor Law. The meeting reconvened at 7pm to address a short agenda that included NYSSBA resolutions, the MS/ HS building connector (see related article on page 13), board protocols, and participation in a local government efficiency grant program. Not on the agenda, but welcome news nonetheless, was an announcement by Assistant Superintendent Paul Lee that the district’s bond rating has improved. Moody’s Investment Service has upgraded the PV school district bond rating from A3 to A2. Done as part of a periodic reevaluation, the A2 rating indicates a judgment by Moody’s that the district is “financially sound and stable.” The bottom line result will be easier access to credit markets and lower interest rates for borrowing. The rating system employed by Moody’s assigns AAA as

(See Foundry on Page 12)

(See PV Schools on Page 13)

M i c h a e l T u rto n

Jeff Consaga (center) with the staff of the Foundry Café.

Fresh, Creative Cuisine at Consaga’s Foundry Café Part of a series on local eateries by Michael Turton Owner and chef Jeff Consaga is pretty clear about why customers rave about the food at his Zagat-rated Foundry Café at 55 Main Street in

Cold Spring. “Everything is made right here. It’s fresh. It’s top quality. I don’t use cheap ingredients,” he said recently after a busy, packed-house autumn Sunday of serving up food to locals and visitors alike. Consaga has been churning out breakfast and lunch at

So you want to live in Putnam County? Be prepared to dig deeply when it comes to property tax! For the second consecutive year, Putnam has ranked in the top 10 highest taxed counties in the nation. The only good news is that Putnam has dropped down the list a bit from the 8th highest taxed in 2007 to the 10th highest in 2008. Results of the 2008 American Community Survey were released last week, indicating Putnam’s median tax was $7,324 last year, which compares to median property taxes of $3,622 across New York State, and $1,897 nationwide. Putnam is not alone when it comes to sky-high property taxes since, according to the national survey, Westchester remains as the highest taxing county in the U.S., while Rockland is ranked fifth, behind Nassau County on Long Island and Hunterdon and Bergen counties in New Jersey. “Taxes, taxes, and more taxes,” is how Mary Brenner of Mahopac summed up the news. Brenner, who has seen her total tax bill more than double during the past 20 years told the PCN&R: “I don’t like paying increasing taxes each year but what am I going to do? Putnam County is my home. I’m not going to move to some far-off place in order to save a few dollars on a tax bill. Taxes are like death. They are facts of life.” Barry Stern of Brewster agreed: “I want my kids to have a good education. Education costs money. I don’t believe we need village, town, and county levels of government in a small county like Putnam but what can we do—fight city hall?” Not everyone was as philosophical. Irma Martin of Putnam Lake said taxes were “killing” her: “I am on a fixed income. I want to stay in a community that my children grew up in but it’s getting very difficult. The cost of everything continues to escalate, but my Social Security barely increases.” Kenneth Sinclair of Kent agreed: “Our government is dysfunctional. We don’t need town and county layers of bureaucratic nonsense. There’s where money can be saved!” A former Carmel resident who recently relocated to Scarsdale, which has some of the highest school taxes in the nation, called it relative: “I want my kids to experience the finest education they can. If I lived in New York City, private school tuition would exceed $120,000 for my three youngsters. My school tax bill in Scarsdale of $105,000 is a bargain when you think of the community that I now reside in.” Teddy Harrison of Carmel said he complains about property taxes all the time but “you pay for what you get. I want my family to live in a nice, safe, semi-rural community. I have it here. Putnam County is truly a beautiful place that is easily accessible to shopping, theater, sports events, and the Big Apple. What more can I want? How about lower property taxes—in my next life perhaps!”


Philipstown & Putnam Valley

Red Light, Green Light Who will pay for Route 9 traffic signal? by Michael Turton A p p a r e n t l y, n e w t r a ff i c lights do not come easily, even when there is unanimous agreement that public safety demands one. All parties, f r o m N e w Yo r k S t a t e D e partment of Transportation (DOT) to the Putnam County Highway Department to the To w n o f P h i l i p s t o w n , a n d even the Haldane Central School District, have agreed for some time that a traffic signal is needed at the intersection of Route 9 and Fishkill Road—especially in the wake of the realignment of that intersection, in an area known to be prone to serious traffic accidents.

But agreeing that a traffic light is warranted, and paying for it, are two different matters. At last week’s Philipstown Town Board meeting, Town Supervisor Bill Mazzuca described as “mind boggling” Putnam County Executive Robert Bondi’s request that Philipstown pay part of the cost of the new light. The saga of the new traffic light has been going on for many months. The DOT had agreed to install the new light, a project with a $150,000 price tag, including $50,000 for engineering. But on the DOT’s schedule, installation would not have taken place until 2012 or 2013, a time-

table that was not acceptable to local officials. Enter Putnam County, which negotiated with DOT and agreed to pay the $50,000 in engineering costs and install the light, with the state picking up the remaining costs. The county estimated that the light would be in place by Thanksgiving. Two weeks ago, town board members were surprised when, at a weekly workshop, Putnam County Executive Robert Bondi suggested that Philipstown ought to pay half of the $50,000 cost of engineering. Since then, New York Senator Vinnie Leibell was able to help secure $25,000

(See Route 9 on Page 12)

Down by the Riverside Gonna study what to do long and hard

M i c h a e l T u rto n

The Dockside property, with Storm King in the background. Some want to keep it an open, grassy park. Others miss the popular restaurant that used to draw visitors and commerce to the waterfront. Its future use is under discussion. by Michael Turton The Village of Cold Spring boasts a resource that has to be the envy of most other communities—its Hudson River waterfront. Like many small communities, Cold Spring is looking to conserve its natural resources while struggling to find ways to develop a more vibrant local economy. The future of one property on Cold Spring’s waterfront, the old Dockside restaurant area just north of the Hudson House, may hold the key to Cold Spring’s future—protecting a vital resource while po tentially boosting the area’s economy. At its September 29 workshop, the Village Board heard a presentation from the Special Board that is developing a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (LWRP) along with a new Comprehensive Plan for Cold Spring. The presentation focused on ideas for how the old Dockside property might

Public Notice Village of Cold Spring The hydrant flush originally scheduled for Sunday, October 4th, has been postponed. A revised schedule will follow.

be used. Technically speaking, the property is 24 acres in area, however only about six acres is dry land. Currently the property is an informal, passive park offering river views, an open, grassy area, and several large shade trees. The property was purchased by the Open Space Institute in 1999 and ownership was subsequently transferred to New York State. The Village of Cold Spring is now negotiating with the state to take over the development and management of the property. The state must approve the village’s proposed uses of the property and last week’s meeting was a key step towards the development of such a plan. Village trustees had asked the Special Board to consider how the Dockside property might be used. In making the presentation, Vice Chair Anne Impellizzeri stressed that the Special Board was not making recommendations but rather presenting

possibilities to be considered in conjunction with plans for the more extensive LWRP area, which takes in the entire waterfront and much of the village. Ideas presented came in large part from a survey of village residents and from public meetings held in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan process. The face of the Cold Spring waterfront could change dramatically depending upon which ideas are implemented. Many residents still lament the loss of Dockside as a waterfront restaurant, and food services were identified as a possible use for the reinvented site. Suggestions include a restaurant with limited indoor seating and an emphasis on take-out foods. Alternatively, a seasonal food concession could be considered. The need for more opportunities to eat on Cold Spring’s waterfront was in the top ten responses to the Special Board’s 2007 (See Dockside on Page 12)

What’s Inside



Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

More Tough Games for Haldane, Putnam Valley

page 7

page 17

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mark Your Calendar – Meetings This Week Thursday 10/8 6 PM - PV Town Board Budget Work Session 7 PM - Cold Spring Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Special Board

This week we introduce a new feature to the PCN&R. Washington Irving’s classic, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” will be serialized in the paper for 14 weeks, including the PCN&R’s original illustrations. We hope that you and your family will read this tale, which offers brilliant descriptions of the beauty of the Hudson River and the lands surrounding it. As we approach the Columbus Day weekend, remember that although the post office, banks, and schools will be closed Monday, the PCN&R will be open; our deadline will remain Monday at noon. Felicissimo Giorno di Colombo, of Mahopac’s Italian American Club, describes why we celebrate Columbus Day: “While we recognize that Columbus was an Italian explorer with an indomitable spirit, who was looking for a shorter route to the trading ports of the East, we are thankful today that, by the Grace of God, he came upon this great continent which hosts our nation. Since then, many more such brave, just, and adventurous men and women have shown us the way to a better life and guided us towards a nation of freedom and liberty without equal in the world. It is to the memory of Columbus and all those who followed his good will that we dedicate these festivities now and in the future.” Birthdays this week are Joan Fincham, Tom Lilly, Eric Roessel, Tommy LaBelle, Kyra Cimino, Francis Colbert, Kayla Allen, Tim Flanagan, Liv Schmidt, Ann Marie Nicholls, Zack Trenner, Jon Thatcher, James Fazzari, Angela Katanic, Kiefer Thorpe, Barry Goldberg, Lorraine Wade, Tami Warner, Rebecca Haviland, Faheem Memon, Rita Medina, Pratul Gandhi, Neeta Doshi, John Lijoi, Roy Markey, and Mario Cofini.

Friday 10/9

Monday 10/12

No Meetings Scheduled

SUNDAY 10/11

COLUMBUS DAY: Federal Holiday

11 AM - Philipstown N. Highland Fire District Workshop

Mixing Scottish and Hudson Highlands Philipstown Garden Club hosts Highland Fling by Margaret O’Sullivan Gardening this year was tough for everyone, whether you were trying to grow tomatoes, pumpkins, or flowers. There was just too much rain for the plants and the gardeners to cope with. Never mind that, the Philipstown Garden Club, member of the Garden Club of America, had a flower show scheduled for mid September. Club members planted, planned, and prodded their plants during the entire summer so that they could enter their finest specimens in the various divisions and classes of the flower show. The theme was Highland Fling, mixing the mystery of the Scottish Highlands with

the majesty of the Hudson Highlands. The Photography Division depicted the theme in color and monochrome for all to enjoy. Myra and Anne Endler were the co-chairs of the show and their skill in dealing with every eventuality made the show a true success. The Best in Show in the Photography Division was N a d i a Va l l a o f T h e L i t t l e Garden Club of Rye. In Flower Arrangement, Sue Detjens from the Millbrook Garden Club won the GCA Dorothy Vietor Munger Award in the Brigadoon Class. Marie Greener won Best in Show in the flower arranging division and in addition, the GCA Sandra Baylor Novice Award for her unusual modern line design using triangular stone and garden flowers. In Horticulture, JoAnn Brown won Best in Show in the Auld Lang Syne Class

Photos, Left to Right: M a rg a re t O ’ S u l l i v a n ’ s award-winning Bodhi tree. Beverly Leardi’s prize dahlia. Marie Greener won Best in Show in the flower arranging division. and Beverly Leardi won the GCA Rosie Jones Award for her beautiful dahlia. Margaret O’Sullivan won the GCA Clarissa Willemsen Award for her Bodhi tree in the trained potted plants class, Highland Mary. And finally there were the children. Their arrangements were adorable and they all received 1st awards in the Laddies and Lassies class. Who knows what seeds for their future were sown by entering a flower arrangement in the Philipstown Garden Club flower show.

Changes at Cold Spring Chamber Maureen Meltzer-McGrath has resigned from her position as Executive Director of the Cold Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. She held the position for several years. Nat Prentice, President of the Chamber praised Maureen, saying she made a significant contribution to the growth of the organization. In an e-mail to members, he said the Board will be sharing

responsibility for the assumption of Executive Director’s duties. Currently serving on the Chamber Board of Directors are William C. Bujarski, Vice President; Katie DeMarco, Treasurer; Kendall Ingenito, Secretary. Board members are Debbie Darman, Cecilia Dinio Durkin, and Christina McCoy. Robert Lomino recently stepped down.

Tuesday 10/13

7:15 PM - Cold Spg Board Public Hearing on Parking 7:30 PM - Cold Spring Board Weekly Workshop 7:30 PM - Cold Spg Planning Board Hearing on app. of Go-Go Pops at 103 Main St. AND Workshop on Restoration of 144 Main St. 7:30 PM - Philipstown Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC)

Wednesday 10/14 6 PM - PV Town Board Septic Tank Pumpout Law, Phosphate Ban Law Workshops 7:30 PM - Philipstown Board Weekly Workshop 8 PM - Cold Spring Historic District Review Board


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 3

Birth Announcements Giovanni Michael Abate Born at Hudson Valley Hospital on August 24, 2009 to J’Jean Girolamo Abate and John Abate of Putnam Valley. Maternal grandparents are

Gabriel Palmer

Mr. and Mrs. Girolamo, of Mahopac. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abate, of Mahopac.

Born at Hudson Valley Hospital on September 16, 2009. to Tamires Maeiro Palmer and Joseph Palmer of Cold Spring.

Erik Dunstan ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN THE HIGHLANDS 1 Chestnut Street, Cold Spring Fr. Shane ScottHamblen, Rector, 2652539 Mr. Ron Greene, Senior Warden, 265-3624 www.stmaryscoldspring. dioceseny.org Sun. Masses: 8am (spoken); 10:30am (sung); Sunday school in Parish Hall during 10:30 mass Thurs. Fri. & Sun.: AA in parish hall, 8pm FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF THE ATONEMENT Route 9, Garrison 424-3671 graymoorcenter@ atonementfriars.org Sunday Eucharist - 11am, Pilgrim Hall. Daily Mass - Mon. - Sat. 11:30am. Mondays - Holy Hour, 8pm. Centering Prayer - 8pm. Monthly Prayer Meeting 2nd Sunday of every month at 2 p m. Rec o v e r y I n c . e very Wednesday, 7:30pm. ST. JOSEPH’S CHAPEL A mission Chapel of Our Lady of Loretto Church Upper Station Rd., Garrison, 265-3718 Sunday Mass: 10:15am CAPUCHIN YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES 781 Route 9D, Garrison 424-3609 www.cyfm.org Thu/Sun Oct. 8-11 - Day by Day Agape Girls’ Weekend Retreat PHILIPSTOWN WORSHIP GROUP Quaker Meeting 424-3525 Meeting for Worship – 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, 10am, at 848 Old Albany Post Road (Whyatt Stone Cottage), Garrison. Call for directions. Children of all ages welcome. ST. LUKE’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 65 Oscawana Lake Rd., Putnam Valley www. stlukesputnamvalley.org 845-528-8858, [email protected] Sunday Worship - Service: 9am, Coffee hour: 10:15am, Family Communion Service including Sunday School: 10:30am Thu. - Prayer Service, 8pm

OUR LADY OF LORETTO CATHOLIC CHURCH Fair Street, Cold Spring 265-3718 www.ourladyoflorettocs.com Fr. Brian McSweeney, Pastor Masses: Sat. 5:30pm, Sun. 7 : 3 0 a m , 9 , & 11 : 4 5 a m . , Weekdays: 8:15am, St. Joseph’s - Garrison, Sun., 10:15am. Holy Days: 8:15am & 7:30pm Mass, Holy Day Vigil: 530pm Confessions: Sat., 4:30-5pm Sun. Oct. 25 - 2nd annual Senior Luncheon, Begins w i t h 11 : 4 5 a m H o l y M a s s , anointing of the sick; followed by food, entertainment, fellowship & prayer. Caregivers welcome too. Free. RSVP 265-3718. Bingo - Thursdays, doors open 6pm, first game begins 7 : 1 5 p m . $ 1 , 5 0 0 i n To t a l Cash Prizes. Concessions available. Weekly Events: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Mon. 7pm; Miraculous Medal: Wed., after Mass. R o s a r y, Sat. after Mass. ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH IN THE HIGHLANDS Episcopal 1101 Route 9D, Garrison Across from school Rev. Francis H. Geer, Rec. 424-3571 [email protected] 8am - Holy Communion 10:30am - Main Service Choir–Thu, 7:30pm Junior Choir–Sun at 9:15am Sunday School–Sun 10:30am Acolytes – Sunday 9am Adult Class – Sunday at noon Life Support Group – Wednesdays at 7:30 PM St. Philip’s Nursery School M-F–9am to Noon GRACE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley Pastor Tony Mecca 845-526-3788 Sunday Service & Sunday School: 10 am. Prayer Service w/ Communion: Tues 7pm. “Tuesdays w/ Tony” - Discussion group, 9am. GREEK ORTHODOX CHAPEL OF SAINT BASIL’S ACADEMY Route 9D, Garrison 424-3500 Fr. Constantine L. Sitaras, General Director

Bonus Ball Comes to Our Lady of Loretto Bingo Our Lady of Loretto Parish has been holding weekly bingo since mid-April and things are about to get very interesting with the addition of Bonus Ball. Bonus Ball games will be added to t h e alread y e x c i t i n g p rize

package offered on a weekly basis. Stop by on Thursday evening to find out more and enjoy an evening of fun and the chance to win Bonus Ball Bingo. Doors open at 6pm and the first game begins at 7:15pm—come play!

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PHILIPSTOWN Academy & Cherry Streets, Cold Spring 265-3220 Rev. Leslie Mott, Pastor www.presbychurchcoldspring.org

email: FPCP@verizon. net Worship Service: 10:30am Office Hours: Mon. and Wed. 9-11:30, Tues. and Thurs 9-2 Contemplative Prayer Group: Wednesdays 7am Jazz Vespers Service: Every 3rd Saturday of each month 5:30pm UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES OF COLD SPRING & SOUTH HIGHLAND (Garrison) 265-3365 South Highland UMC, 19 Snake Hill Rd. Garrison Cold Spring UMC, 216 Main Street Pastor Margaret (Peggy) Laemmel South Highland in Garrison worship service at 9:30am. Cold Spring worship service at 11am. Sundays through Nov 20: Bible Study with Pastor Laemmel “Living the Gospel of Mark,” 1-2pm. Each lesson will be selfcontained so that people can attend as they are able; you need not be a member of the church to attend. Sat. Oct. 10 - Bake Sale, Foodtown, 9:30am-noon

PHILIPSTOWN REFORM SYNAGOGUE P.O. Box 94 Cold Spring, NY 10516 All Services at St. Mary’s Parish House For more information call 265-8011 and leave a message or e-mail REFORM TEMPLE OF PUTNAM VALLEY 362 Church Road Putnam Valley Rabbi Allen Darnov (845) 528-4774 www.rtpv.org Shabbat Services: Fridays, 8 p m ; Yo u n g p e o p l e ’ s s e rvice- third Friday of the month, 7pm. Hebrew School, ages 3+ HISTORIC TOMPKINS CORNERS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 729 Peekskill Hollow Road, Putnam Valley 845-528-5076 www.tompkinschurchny.org 1st Sunday of the month worship: 2pm COLD SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH (American Baptist Churches, USA) Jay Camp (Interim Pastor) 245 Main St., Cold Spring 265-2022 Sunday Services, 10:30am Wednesdays: Prayer- Fellowship time, 7pm

Centennial Liturgy and Luncheon at St. Christopher’s Over the last century, St. Christopher’s Inn has helped tens of thousands of men change their lives. Dedicated to the rehabilitation of men in crisis, St. Christopher’s Inn, a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, offers a continuum of quality health care services that facilitate physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by providing chemical dependency treatment, primary health care, and temporary housing. St. Christopher’s Inn will be celebrating 100 years of hope and compassion with a special centennial liturgy,

followed by a luncheon and tours of The Inn and “The Holy Mountain” on Saturday October 17, 2009. The public is welcome to attend. F r. B i l l D r o b a c h , Vi c e President of St. Christopher’s Inn, will be concelebrating the mass with Fr. Bernie Palka, President and CEO of St. Christopher’s Inn, along with other Franciscan Friars of the Atonement and local parish priests. St. Christopher’s Inn is located at Graymoor off Route 9. RSVP to: [email protected], or call 845 335-1081


Born on August 25, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital to Heather and Jesse Dunstan of Fishkill. Maternal grandfa-

ther is Gary Keith of Yucaipa, CA. Paternal grandparents are Fred and Judy Dunstan of Garrison.

Mia Rieleigh Mazzullo Born at Hudson Valley Hospital on August 26, 2009, to Taniya Kochar and Joseph Mazzullo of Putnam Valley.

Maternal grandparents are Pritpal and Oneza Kochar of Cortlandt Manor.

Roger Aiden Morley Born on August 10, 2009 at Hudson Valley Hospital, to Katlyn Yen and Gregory Morley, of Putnam Valley. Maternal grandmother is

Sivngek Taing, of Hopewell Junction. Paternal grandparents are Augustin Morley of Skaneateles, and Sandra Tenbrink of Putnam Valley.

Gianna Marie Nagel Born on August 5, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital, to Nicole and Michael Nag e l , o f Wa p p i n g e r s F a l l s .

Maternal grandparents are Michael and Patricia Biondi, of Cold Spring.

Maternal grandparents are Sonia and Joao Maeiro of Brazil. Paternal grandmother is Debra King of Cold Spring.

Zinnia Joy Russel Born on September 3, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital, to Charis and Frank Russel of Lake Peekskill. Maternal grandparents are Steve and

Dianne Gibson of Staten Island. Paternal grandparents are Frank Russel of Staten Island, and Edith Gahre of Manchester, VT.

Summer Olivia Scrocca Born on August 10, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital to Catherine and John Scrocca, of Putnam Valley. Maternal grandparents are Laura Bruce, of Mahopac, and Mi-

chael DeRosa, of Parkland, FL. Paternal grandparents are John Scrocca, of Chappaqua, and Patricia Scrocca (deceased).

Ella Jade Wendon Born on July 24, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital, to Tammy and Andrew Wendol, of Putnam Valley. Maternal grandmother is Jean Wood, of

New Lebanon, NY. Paternal grandparents are Edward and Ronnie Wendol, of Port Jefferson Station, NY.

Obituaries Cecile M. (Boeykens) Vercruse Belsky A mother bestows life, love and nurturing. Her child receives unwavering shelter, comfort, and protection. The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her. Cecile completed her quiet earthly journey suddenly but peacefully, September 22, 2009, during a brief illness. Her sons, Leon H. and Robert C. Vercruse, were at her bedside. She left a treasured trail of memories beginning January 24, 1916, in Chicago, Illinois. She was the firstborn to her loving parents, Henry Boeykens and Isma (Callens) Boeykens. She was predeceased by her three beloved siblings; Leon, Marie, and Noel. She is survived by her loving sisters; Margaret, Elaine, and Rosemarie. She was the devoted wife and widow to Robert C. Vercruse, Sr. and Edward E. Belsky. She was "best-friend" of Hobo the cat and Jody the dog, who were waiting alongside the angels. Wi t h i n h e r e i g h t y - f o u r years in Chicago and Geneva, Illinois, Cecile was a home-maker, career-woman, and an active volunteer for

numerous religious and secular organizations. To be with her sons she traveled east to the sublime beauty of the Hudson Highlands in the year 2000. Soon she was graciously accepted as a member of the Highlands Garden Club. In the surrounding forest, her transition from a "city-girl" to a "woods-woman" began. The woods and its creatures are pleasantly enhanced by this event. She was a gentle and generous lady who believed that doing good-works without applause or recognition was the truest reward. She will be missed deeply by those who had the fortune to be touched by her grace and spirit. Dearest Cecile, mother and my pal; our hearts once beat as one. We shall love you and remember your unconditional love for us forever. A memorial service will be held October 22, 2009, 10:30am, at Our Lady of Loretto. Donations in her memory may be made to: A.R.F. (Animal Rescue Foundation), 54 Simmons Lane, Beacon, NY, 12508.

Bible Study on Sundays at United Methodist Church There will be a series of bible study classes at 1pm Sunday afternoons at the Cold Spring United Methodist Church,located at 216 Main Street. The sessions will last

about 8 weeks, and each lesson will be self-contained so that people can attend as they are able. All those interested are welcome; you need not be a member of the church to attend.

Marion P. Burger Marion Pless Burger, 67 years old, a twelve-year resident of Fishkill and formerly of Manhattan and Pomona, died suddenly on Saturday, September 26, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital Center in Cortlandt Manor. She was born September 24, 1942, in New York City and was the daughter of Andrew Pless of Cold Spring and the late Marion Lukes Pless. Marion attended Hope College in Holland, Michigan, and was a graduate of American University in Washington, DC, with a degree in political science and earning her Master's Degree in psychology/comparative Religions. She was employed as an administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency in Manhattan until her retirement. She was a member of the Marble Collegiate Church and at tended the Unity Church, both in Manhattan. Marion enjoyed helping others and spent much time helping the homeless, and volunteered every Thanksgiving at a soup kitchen in Manhattan. She especially loved Manhattan, animals, and wildlife. Besides her father, Marion is survived by her beloved sister, Jane VanBeek of Cold Spring; a nephew,

Ryan VanBeek and his fiance, Donna Mastromonaco, of Newburgh; a niece, Dr. Corinne VanBeek of Manhattan; and an aunt, Marie Lukes of Florida. She was predeceased by her uncle, William Pless. Marion was the former daughter-inlaw of Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court of the United States. Private graveside services were held on October 3 at the Brick Church Cemetery, Spring Valley. On, Sunday, October 11, at the First Reformed Church of Fishkill, people are invited to worship at 10am, followed by a reception in Marion's honor for friends and family at 11 a m , t h e n f o l l o w e d b y a memorial service at noon for Marion. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donations may be made to the Unity C h u r c h , 2 1 3 W. 5 8 t h S t . , N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 1 9 , o r St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105, or a homeless shelter in Marion's memory. Arrangements are under the direction of the Robert H. Auchmoody Funeral Home, 1028 Main Street, Fishkill.

Charles T. Daly Charles T. Daly, age 90, of Airmont, NY formally of Bronx, NY, died on October 4, 2009, in Poughkeepsie. Born in County Cork Ireland on September 19, 1919, he was the son of the late John and Julia (Stinner) Daly. M r. D a l y w a s a r e t i r e d warehouse dispatcher for the former Western Electric in Tuckahoe, NY, and a WW II Army Air Corps veteran, having served in the Pacific theater. Survivors include his w i f e H e l e n ( Wo z n i a k ) Daly; two daughters, Mrs. Joan (Michael) Deneher of C o l d S p r i n g , a n d D r. P a t r i c i a ( Wi l l i a m ) F o d o r o f

Colorado Springs, CO. Three grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at 10am, Friday October 9, 2009, at Our Lady of Loretto Church, 24 Fair Street, Cold Spring. Interment will follow in Cold Spring Cemetery. Family and friends are invited to call at the Clinton Funeral Home, corner of Parrott and Pine Streets, 21 Parrott Street, Cold Spring, on Thursday October 8, from 5 to 8pm. Arrangements are under the direction of the Clinton Funeral Home.

“All our sweetest hours fly fastest.” —Virgil

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thu. Oct. 15 - Philipstown Seniors River Rose Cruise & River Grill Luncheon. Lunch & cruise the Hudson. $45 members/$50 non members. Eileen, 265-5098.

Sat. Oct. 17 - Putnam Highlands Audubon Society Wine & Delectables, Local Expert Richard Guthrie will share his experiences tracking down the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, 5pm, Taconic Center; coincides w/ bird seed pick up. $15/RSVP [email protected] or 265-3773.

Thu. Oct. 15 - Keep Seniors Safe & Mobile, Office for the Aging program at PV Seniors Ctr, 12 noon complimentary lunch, 1-4pm program, free, res. req’d: 845-528-2662.

Sat. Oct. 17 - Putnam County Household Hazardous Waste clean-up day, 9am-1pm, pre-reg. req’d. Fahnestock Park, Canopus Beach parking lot, Route 301, Kent. 845-278-61030, ext. 43150

Fri. Oct. 16 - PV Music Assn 5th annual Variety Show, 7pm, PV High School, 146 Peekskill Hollow Rd., $10, 845-526-7847, x 1369

Sat. Oct. 17 - Town Electronic Waste Day. Philipstown: 9am3pm at the Recycling Ctr on Lane Gate Rd; Putnam Valley, 8:45am-11:45am at the Highway Garage

Fri. Oct. 16 - Holistic Moms discussion at Desmond-Fish Library: positive parenting. Strategies for fostering independence w/ psychologist Stephanie O’Leary. 10am-12noon, www. holisticmoms.org

Sat. Oct. 17 - Presentation of Field Library’s Chester A. Smith Award to T. Coraghessan Boyle, 7:30pm, Paramount Art Ctr, www. paramountcenter.org

Sun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Camille King, soprano, Regan Smith and Carol Leone, piano. Haydn, Mendelssohn and Rachmaninoff. 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, park at Metro-North station.

Fri/Sat Oct 16/17 - Staged reading of Neal LaBute’s Wrecks by True North Theatre. 7:30pm Beacon Institute, 199 Main St., Beacon. Donation suggested. www.truenorththeatre.org

Sat. Oct. 17 - Spaghetti Dinner,48pm, Garrison Fire House Route 9. 50/50 raffle, child care, crafts table. Adults/$10, Seniors/ $8, children under 12/$6. Age 4 & under free. Call 424-4406 ext. 5 for details. No res. reqd. Walk-ins welcome.

Sun. Oct. 11 - 4th Annual Hudson Highlands Greenway Triathlon: kayak, bike, and run or team up. 9am start from Dockside. Register at Active.com. See www. HudsonHighlandsTriathlon.org 845-803-4145.

Fri/Sun Oct. 16/17/18 - Philipstown Recreation Dept’s Annual Haunted House.Young Children’s Fun House - Sat, 5-6:30pm; Sun, 3-4:30pm. Horror House - Fri/ Sat, 7-10pm; Sun. 5-80pm. Children under 12 and Seniors, $4, Adults, $6


ONGOING: Cold Spring Farmers’ Market, Saturdays through Thanksgiving, 8:30am-1:30pm, at The Nest, Chestnut St. Putnam Valley Farmers’ Markets: Fridays, 3-7pm, Tompkins Cnrs Methodist Church, outdoors, 729 Peekskill Hollow Rd. June 19Oct. 9 ALSO Wednesdays, 3-7pm at Putnam Valley Grange, Adams Cnrs, 128 Mill St. Indoor/Outdoor, year round.845-528-0066

THIS WEEK: Fri. Oct. 9 - VA Hudson Valley Health Care System Veterans’ Job Fair, 11am-3pm, Castle Point, Route 9D. Meet employers, service orgs, etc. Bring several copies of resume and discharge papers. Sat. Oct. 10 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Fall Foliage & Tree ID w/ arborist Lew Kingsley. 9am, Garrison train station parking lot, 2 hrs., easy/familyfriendly/no strollers. www.hhlt. org, 424-3358 Sat. Oct. 10 - The Old Road Society of Philipstown Annual Membership Meeting in the lower fields at Saunders Farm, 853 Old Albany Post Road in cooperation with Collaborative Concepts art installation. 1pm. Bring a picnic lunch or snack and a blanket.

Sat. Oct. 10 - Bake sale, sponsored by South Highland UM Church, 9:30am-noon, in front of Foodtown Sat. Oct. 10 - Mid-run reception: Collaborative Concepts Farm Project 2009: more than 60 artists installing art on a historic, working farm. 2-6pm; open every day dawn to dusk through Oct. 31. 853 Old Albany Post Rd., Garrison. 845-528-1797 Sat. Oct. 10 - Public prayer of the Fatima Rosary, 12 noon at the Cold Spring riverfront bandstand.

Sun. Oct. 11 - Hike to Lost Pond at Manitoga, led by Chris Galligan, $10 admission supports trail maintenance. Bring picnic. Res. req’d. www.russelwrightcenter.org Tue. Oct. 13 - Stonecrop Gardens guided tour of Fall foliage, 5-6pm, $10/members no charge, 265-2000, www.stonecrop.org

Sat. Oct. 17 - Jazz Vespers w/ renowned jazz musicians, 5:30pm, free, First Presbyterian Church, 10 Academy St. Cold Spring, 265-3220

Sun. Oct. 18: Book party to celebrate The Colorman, a novel by Erika Wood, Butterfield Library 4-6pm. 265-3040. Sun. Oct. 18 - Walkabout at Tilly Foster Farm. Guided historical tours, 1pm. Reservations rec, space ltd. 845-279-4474, www. tillyfosterfarm.org. Sun. Oct. 18 - Philipstown Democrats Annual Fall fundraiser at the Lane Gate Rd home of Libby Healey, 3-6pm, $25p/p. Reservations and info 265-3508 or 424-3456.

Sun. Oct. 18 - Apple Shindig & Community Potluck Supper, 5:30-8:30pm, music, contest, bring a side dish to serve 4, $25, res. req’d 265-3638, www. Boscobel.org Sun. Oct. 18 - Walking tour of historic Cold Spring Village conducted by Historical Society volunteer. 2pm, meet at foot of Main St (Railway Plaza). Suggested donation of $5 Sun. Oct. 18 - PV Library Awards Brunch, 11am-1pm in the Library’s Community Room. $20p/p Sun. Oct. 18 - Free speed clinic for Philipstown kids, at Philipstown Rec, Rte 9D, Garrison. Grades 5 to 8 at 2:30pm; grades 1-4 at 4pm. Bill Paget: 914-2456993. No pre-reg. reqd. Mon. Oct. 19 - Flu Shot clinic spons. by Health Dept. 2-6:30pm, Garrison Fire House. Bring proof of age & Putnam Cty residency. $20; free for those over 60. 2786130. Fri. Oct. 23 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Spooky - Not Scary: Stories on the Hudson w/ Storyteller Jonathan Kruk. 5pm Little Stony Point Park bridge, Cold Spring. 1 hr., easy/family-friendly www.hhlt.org, 424-3358 Fri/Sun Oct. 23/24/25 - Philipstown Rec’s Haunted House. Young Children’s Fun House Sat, 5-6:30pm; Sun, 3-4:30pm. Horror House - Fri/Sat, 7-10pm; Sun. 5-8pm. Children under 12 and Seniors, $4, Adults, $6 Fri. Oct. 23 - Teddy Bear PJ Party, Putnam Hospital Ctr., hosted by Mother’s Club, 6-8pm. Milk & cookies, book reading. Free… bring a pillow. [email protected].

Sat. Oct. 24 - Annual Cold Spring Chamber of Commerce Halloween Parade, meet in front of St. Mary’s Church, cnr. of Main and Chestnut Streets, 5pm; parade begins at 5:30pm down to the bandstand. Sat. Oct. 24 - Masquerade/costume party w/DJ Fred Clarke to benefit Philipstown Food Pantry, spons. by Cold Spring Lions. 6:30pm, Garrison Fire House. Costume contest, games, dancing, and refreshments. $20p/p; Call 265-3508 or [email protected] by 10/17. Checks to Betty Budney, 15 Church St., Cold Spring, NY 10516. Sat. Oct. 24 - HH Land Trust Take-a-Hike! Castle to Castle w/ the Osborn Family. Space is limited, reg. req’d. 1pm at Cat Rock, Garrison, for shuttle to Castle Rock. 3hrs., moderate/ difficult level. www.hhlt.org, 424-3358 Sat. Oct. 24 - Ghost Stories at Boscobel, 330-430pm, rec. for children 12 & older, $10/adults, $6/children ages 12 to 14 incl. grounds admission. 265-3638, www.Boscobel.org Sat. Oct. 24 - Sustainable Putnam Workshop: Water Wisdom/ Protect Drinking & Surface Water, sponsored by Cornell Coop Extension. Putnam County Emergency Training Ctr., Don Smith Campus, 112 Old Route 6, Carmel. www.cce.cornell.edu/ Putnam or 845-278-6738. Sun. Oct. 25 - 2nd annual Senior Luncheon, Our Lady of Loretto, 14 Fair St., Cold Spring. Begins with 11:45am Holy Mass, anointing of the sick; followed by food, entertainment, fellowship & prayer. Caregivers welcome too. Free. RSVP 265-3718.

Sun. Oct. 25 - Glynwood’s Community Harvest Celebration, 12noon-4pm. Hayrides, spinning wool, apple bobbing, relay games, etc. plus stews & cider. $10/14 and older, under 14/free. Advance registration: 265-3338. Tue. Oct. 27 - Holistic Moms Network monthly meeting & roundtable discussion. 7-9pm, Desmond-Fish Library, www. holisticmoms.org, 845-809-5242 Thu. Oct. 29 - Hotsy Totsy Follies, Philipstown Community Center, 1-2:30pm, free. Res. sugg. 424-4618. Fri. Oct. 30 - Halloween Festival, Sacred Heart School, 6-8pm at school gym, concessions open at 5:30pm, $12/family of 4 or $3p/p. No gory costumes, donation to food pantry apprec. Fri/Sat Oct. 30/31 - Philipstown Recreation’s Haunted House. Children’s Fun House - Sat 5-6:30pm; . Horror House - Fri/ Sat 7-10pm; Children under 12 and Seniors, $4; Adults, $6. Sat. Oct. 31 - North Highlands Ladies Auxiliary bake sale, in front of Foodtown, 8:30am until noon. Fri. Nov. 6 - Philipstown Community Blood Drive, Haldane Gym, 2:30-8pm. For appointments email [email protected]. Only 2% of eligible NYers donate. Increase the percentage; save a life. Fri. Nov. 6: Putnam Family & Community Services’ Dinner Dance Benefit, including whodunit mystery. 6:30-11pm , Sinapi’s Ceola Manor in Jefferson Valley. $95p/p. Reservations/ sponsorship: Cheryl, 845-2252700, x136 or [email protected]; www.PFCSinc.org.

Sat. Nov. 7 - 5th Annual Choices for Sustainable Living Expo, copresented by HHLT & Teatown Lake Reservation, 9am-2pm, The Garrison, www.hhlt.org, 424-3358 Sat. Nov. 7 - Family Landscape Day at Manitoga w/ the Osborn family, 9am-2pm, lunch served. www.russelwrightcenter.org Sat. Nov 7 - Putnam Hospital Center Gala Dinner and Ball, 6:30pm, Hyatt Regency, Greenwich. Auction, dinner, dancing, raffle for Mercedes. Anita, 845279-5711, Ext. 2963. Sat. Nov. 7 - Hudson Valley Hospital Center’s 2009 Auxiliary Ball, 6:30pm, Trump Natl Golf Club, Briarcliff Manor, [email protected] Sat/Sun Nov 7/8 - Museum Gift Shop Trunk Sale, Boscobel, details at 424-3868, www. Boscobel.org Sun. Nov. 8 - Concert: Alexander Fiterstein, clarinet, Rolf Schulte, violin, Aaron Wunsch, piano. A selection of classical music. 4pm, free. Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, 45 Market St., CS, park at Metro-North station. Sun. Nov. 8 - Play reading: Shirley Girl by Tony Howarth, 3pm, Arts on the Lake, 640 Rte 52, Kent Lakes, $10. 845-225AOTL, www.artsonthelake.org The Putnam County News & Recorder is happy to announce your event. A complete listing of Coming Events is on our website at www.pcnr.com. To send your listing: PCN&R, PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516; fax 265-2144; e-mail, [email protected].

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


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A ‘Thousand Hudson River P V L i b r a r y A n n o u n c e s Views’ at the Historic Society Recipients of Service Awards

JULIA L. BUTTERFIELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY Rtes. 301 & 9D 845-265-3040 www.butterfieldlibrary.org Mon & Wed: 10am-8pm T, T, F and Sat: 10am-5pm Sun. 12-3pm ONGOING PROGRAMS Tuesdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 9:30am Thursdays, Bouncing Babies, infants thru age 2; 1:30pm Friday, Sept. 11 - CPR for Moms & Caregivers, $35, 10am. Reg req’d Mondays: - Writing Clubs: grades 6 thru 12/3 pm, grades 3/5, through Nov. 2 FILLED. Thu. Oct. 8 - Play Math with Me, ages 3 to 5; 1:30pm; 4 weeks. Reg. req’d Sat. Oct. 10-Annual Halloween Party & Craft Workshop, 11am Sat. Oct. 10 - Digital Photography Workshop with Sally Delmerico, 3pm; Part 2, Sat. Nov. 14. Reg. req’d PUTNAM VALLEY LIBRARY 30 Oscawana Lake Rd., 845-528-3242 www.putnamvalleylibrary.org Hours: Sun. 1-5; Mon. 10-6; Tue/Wed 10-8; Thu/Fri 11-5; Sat - 10-5 Book Club begins again in Sept. on 3rd Tues of each month. Oct. book is Heart of Darkness. Storytimes: through Oct 21 Tues at 10:15am & 1:30pm for ages 3-6. Tues 10:15am for ages 3-6 and Toddlertime at 11am for under 3 yrs.

DESMOND-FISH LIBRARY Route 9D & 403, Garrison 845-424-3020 http://dfl.highlands.com Hours: M/ W/F: 10am-5pm Tue & Thu 2-9pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 1-5 MANITOGA/THE RUSSEL WRIGHT DESIGN CENTER Route 9D, Garrison 845-424-3812 russelwrightcenter.org Tours on selected weekdays; every weekend at 11am and 1:30pm, res. a must. Grounds open for hiking all year. Sat. Oct. 10 - Dutchess County Day: Sun. Oct. 11 - Hike to Lost Pond led by Chris Galligan, $10 admission supports trail maintenance. Bring picnic. Res. req’d. PUTNAM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY & FOUNDRY SCHOOL MUSEUM 63 Chestnut St. Cold Spring 845-265-4010 www.pchs-fsm.org M u s e u m h o u r s : We d - S u n , 11am-5pm Through Tue. Dec. 15 - Exh i b i t : Tr a v e l i n g t h e H u d son in the Wake of Robert F u l t o n : 1 , 0 0 0 P o s t C a rd s from America’s First Working River VAN BRUNT GALLERY 137 Main St.. Beacon 845-838-2995 www.vanbruntgallery.com Thu/Mon 11am-6pm Thru Nov 2: Cali Gorevic & Colin Barclay

GARRISON ART CENTER Garrison’s Landing 845-424-3960 garrisonartcenter.org [email protected] Gallery Hours: Tue/Sun 12-5pm Sat.Oct. 3 - Artists on Location, viewing 3:30pm, auction 5pm; silent auction runs through Oct 11 PARAMOUNT CENTER 1008 Brown Street, Peekskill 914-739-2333 [email protected] FILM: Lorna’s Silence - Oct. 8 at 8pm Fri. Oct. 9 - Dickey Betts & Great Southern, 8pm FILM: Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldb e rg , O c t . 1 0 , 11 , 1 5 , 1 6 at 8pm Sun. Oct. 11 - Visiting Filmmakers Event: Against the Current, 3pm CHAPEL OF OUR LADY RESTORATION 45 Market St., Cold Spring 845-265-5537 www.chapelofourlady.com Sun. Oct. 11 - Concert: Camille King, soprano, Regan Smith and Carol Leone, piano. 4pm, free. Haydn, Mendelssohn and Rachmaninoff TILLY FOSTER FARM MUSEUM 100 Route 312, Brewster 845-279-4474 Open every day, 10am-4pm www.tillyfosterfarm.org Sun. Oct. 18 - Walkabout historic tour, 1pm

First Novel from Cold Spring’s Erika Wood to be Celebrated at Butterfield Library Erika Wood’s first novel, The Colorman, will be celebrated at a festive book party on Sunday, October 18, from 4 to 6pm at Butterfield Library in Cold Spring. The author will be available to sign the books, and wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. The novel tells the colorful and riveting story of Rain Morton, a young painter, attempting to make her mark in Manhattan’s art world, despite her art critic husband, her art dealer step-mother, and her famous author father. As Rain begins to be successful artistically, a string

of setbacks and betrayals sends her down an intriguing path of self-discovery. At the fringes of Rain's tumult is the mysterious colorman, James Morrow, of Highland

Morrow Paint Manufactory, whose ancient and arcane paint-making techniques— and hermitic existence in the Hudson Highlands—help Rain elucidate her increasingly muddled world. He eventually acts as ballast to Rain’s struggles. Erika Wood is an artist and writer. A graduate of Swarthmore College, she attended NYU’s Creative Writing program and now resides in Cold Spring with her husband, Seth Gallagher, and two children. Please contact the library at 265-3040 or www.butterfieldlibrary.org.

PHILIPSTOWN DEPOT THEATRE Depot Square, Garrison’s Landing philipstowndepottheatre.org 845-424-3900 Oct 23 - Nov 15 - Musical, Secret Garden, Fridays and most Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. Sat. Oct 31 performance 2pm only, no evening show. BOSCOBEL Route 9D, Garrison 845-265-3638 www.boscobel.org Opendaily except Tues., 9:30am-5pm,last tour 4pm $16/adults, $12/seniors, $7/children, 6-14, under 6/free Sun. Oct. 18 - Apple Shindig, 5:30-8:30pm STONECROP GARDENS 81 Stonecrop Lane Cold Spring 845-265-2000 www.stonecrop.org Mon–Fri, plus 1st & 3rd Sat., 10am – 5pm; also open Fri. until dusk through Oct 2; $5/ members - no charge We d . O c t . 7 - Te r r a r i u m Workshop, 5-8pm, $40/$30 members, res. req’d. Tue. Oct. 13 - Guided Garden Tour - Fall foliage, 5-6pm, $10/members no charge PUTNAM ARTS COUNCIL Tilly Foster Farm 100 Route 312 Brewster 845-278-0230 www.putnamartscouncil.com Art Classes for All Ages ongoing thru Fall: pottery, watercolors, oils, chine colle, etc.

Traveling the Hudson in the Wake of Robert Fulton: 1,000 Postcards of America's First Working River, the exhibition mounted by the Putnam County Historical Society (PCHS), contains printed images of the river and its environs from New York Harbor to the headwaters north of Albany. The postcards date from the first third of the 20th century. They are drawn from a collection of some 4,000 cards compiled by Larry Demers, a resident of Cold Spring from 1984 to 1997. Mr. Demers began his collection only six years ago. His interest developed originally from seeing postcards of the Hudson River region in an antiques store in Nelsonville. His first acquisition was a book of postcards of covered bridges in Vermont, where he now lives, but he soon turned back to the Hudson and credits his years in Cold Spring, where he developed an appreciation for the enormous historical significance of the river. He

has traveled all around and acquired the postcards from antique stores and postcard dealers in New York State, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland. Perhaps amazingly in this virtual day and age, only one card was purchased on the Internet. Mr. Demers's collection has never been on public view. Individually the postcards present a thousand snapshots of a bygone age. Collectively they contribute to the understanding of the history of the river over an extended time and in an immediately accessible form. This exhibition is funded by a grant from the New York Council for the Humanities. Additional funds have been provided by Terry & Charles Polhemus, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp., Robert’s Total Hair Salon, and Mind, Inc The exhibition opened October 3 and runs to December 13. More information is available at 265-4010 or www. pchs-fsm.org.

The Putnam Valley Library Board of Trustees is delighted to announce their 2009 award recipients. Both residents and community organizations participated in determining the recipients of these prestigious awards through their nominations. Steve Axinn was selected as the recipient of the Virginia C o n n o l l y Vo l u n t e e r C o m munity Service Award. For o v e r 4 0 y e a r s , M r. A x i n n has demonstrated his commitment to the preservation of the environment and community resources. Mr. Axinn was a co-founder, in the early 1970s, of the Committee to Save Lake Oscawana. He h e l p e d o rg a n i z e t h e L a k e Oscawana Civic Association, Inc. and currently serves as their President. Mr. Axinn was the driving force behind the development of a lake management plan, which the Town Board adopted in Nov. 2008, as the Master Plan for Lake Oscawana. Mr. Axinn has also served on the Board of Temple Israel, located in Lake Peekskill. The Putnam Valley Volunteer Ambulance Corps was selected to be the recipient

of the Harriet Gair Community Spirit Award. This year the Award honors the Corps, a group of Putnam Valley volunteers who exemplify a dedication of time and a generosity of spirit to help o t h e r s i n t h e c o m m u n i t y. The Board of Trustees has also selected Don Graesser for special recognition for his years of commitment to the Ambulance Corps. Mr. Graesser has personally responded to 5,000 calls with the Corps. The Awards will be presented at the annual Awards Brunch, which will be held o n S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 1 8 , f r o m 11 a m - 1 p m i n t h e L i brary's Community Room at 30 Oscawana Lake Road. The brunch is also a fundraiser for the Library and tickets for this delicious event are $20 per person. The menu will include: bagels, crepes, assorted wraps, spinach quiche, pasta with shrimp, eggplant parmigiana, fruit bowl, cake, and beverages. Please contact the Director, Kathleen McLaughlin, at 845-528-3242, to reserve your ticket or a table for this community event.

Butterfield Library to Host Annual Halloween Party Ghouls, goblins, ghosts, and maybe a giraffe or two, will flock to the lawn of the Butterfield Library on Saturday, October 10, at 11am for the Annual Halloween Party. Children up to age 8 are invited to come in costume and join in the candy hunt on

the grounds of the Library, make some holiday crafts to take home, and listen to a spooky story or two. Please note that while every attempt will be made to use peanutfree candy, the Library cannot guarantee that it will be allergy-free.

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The Putnam County News and Recorder

Letters Kudos to the GVFC

Covering Philipstown and Putnam Valley in New York’s Hudson Highlands founded in 1866 as the Cold Spring Recorder a publication of the Putnam County News & Recorder, LLC, a subsidiary of the Hudson Valley Freedom Press, LLC “Here comes the orator with his flood of words and his drop of reason.” —Benjamin Franklin

The Putnam County News & R e c o r d e r is published weekly on Wednesdays (except for certain holiday conflicts) 86 Main Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516 Periodicals postage paid at Cold Spring, New York USPS 605-240 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Putnam County News & Recorder, P.O. Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

To the Editor: Not being bashful about offering criticism, I believe it only fair to offer a compliment when one is due. At Thursday’s Town Board meeting, the GVFC voluntarily agreed to forgo a contractually mandated increase for the final year of their 3-year contract with the town. While there are those who think that the rollback could have been greater, the GVFC’s action should be appreciated. I believe this is a step in the right direction by the Fire Company, and I look forward to continued cooperation in 2010 as their contract comes up for renewal. Joe Regele Garrison

Standing Up to the Land Barons To the Editor: “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” the old adage goes. I confess to being a kitchen personality from my Massachusetts roots through my life in Washington, DC, and New Jersey before relocating to Philipstown. I have learned two important lessons: (1) My political adversaries, when unable to refute my arguments, dodge addressing them, attacking me personally; (2) For every political enemy I make, I acquire a loyal friend. The friends stay; the earth seems to swallow up the enemies, like the two local men in my political past who became liabilities even to their own party. So, after my “letter to the editor” about Richard Shea’s addiction to grants and his conduct at a public meeting, I squared my comely shoulders for the attacks to come: 1. The Shea campaign manager does not address the grants issue: that grants are not free; most are paid for by taxpayers in other locales, just as our tax money goes to grants spent elsewhere from which we derive no benefit. It should be noted that both letters defending Richard Shea generalized about how great he is and offered no specifics about his performance. 2. The Shea campaign manager’s remarks about Federal roads are irrelevant. These are paid for out of tax funds allocated for this purpose and benefit everyone; unlike grants, they are not pork allocated to a favored few. 3. Same campaign manager accuses me of a “whispering” campaign about sexism. There was nothing whispering about it; I said it and I stand by it. He would not have silenced a man in this same fashion or even women willing to stand up to him and demand to be heard. Incidentally, I have not been alone in making this observation. I had heard it before, but had to see it myself to believe it. 4. Nancy Montgomery’s heroic defense of the fellow party member who squelched her is to be expected. It’s called “team play.” The silenced councilwoman, whom I did support in her run for office, makes reference to her enjoyment of serving the community despite “divisive” letters. Guess what? Politics is divisive, even between wellmeaning forces, requiring one philosophy to confront another so that the public can make an educated choice. It’s called “democracy.” 5. As to Shea’s Republican opponent, the Republicans’ failure to groom a candidate is a reflection on the local party’s weak leadership and not on the valiant Matthew Mastrantone, who stepped up to the plate when his flailing party failed to put up a candidate. Voters had better love him, because he is all that now stands between business owners/residential taxpayers vs. the land barons. Catherine Portman-Laux G arrison

to the

Philipstown Needs New Leadership To the Editor: Having attended many Philipstown Town Board meetings over the years, I was never as appalled and upset as I was after last Thursday’s meeting. The arrogance demonstrated by Richard Shea, in criticizing residents for expressing their opinions, was truly breathtaking! Toward the end of the meeting Richard stated, “he” didn’t want the new zoning plan to become a political issue. Referring specifically to letters to the editor and ads placed in the PCN&R on this subject, Mr. Shea accused his fellow citizens of turning the proposed zoning plan into a political event and presumptuously told those in attendance, that “this has to stop.” At the risk of being publicly scolded by Richard, I’ll ask, How should residents voice their concerns over the zoning proposals? How should residents have input to their elected officials, to make them aware of their concerns regarding zoning, or any issue for that matter? What could be more important than hearing from the public about how their Town Board’s decisions will impact them? Decisions, that in this instance will have ramifications for property owners and livelihoods­— that in some cases have been part of the fabric of our community for decades. As a councilman and candidate for Town Supervisor, Richard Shea should make use of every possible avenue—including letters to the editor and ads—to determine how all residents of Philipstown want the proposed zoning plan to move forward before he and the other town board members cast a single vote on it! Transparency in decision making, public engagement, willingness to compromise and respect for opposing opinions, are the hallmarks of responsible leaders. We deserve no less from our elected representatives in Philipstown. Joselle Cunane Candidate for Town Council P h i l i p s to w n

Change, but Don’t Reject, Zoning Proposals To the Editor: Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. The call to reject outright the pro posed new zoning law because of problems with certain of its provisions is misguided. Let’s respect the legislative process and recognize that what’s before the Town Board is a draft that can and will be revised. Indeed, many of the objections rightly raised by members of the business community could be addressed by a simple change to the maps that would include their properties in a business zone and not in an overlay district. Outright rejection, rather than revision, of the proposed law would leave us with our current Zoning Code. Enacted in 1968, the current Code has since been amended over thirty times, in a manner described in the Comprehensive Plan as piecemeal “without consideration of how it works as a whole. As a result, the Code is complicated and difficult to administer or enforce.” To ask, as one of your letter writers does in opposing the proposed new law, “can we not simply better enforce the laws we have” misses the point. If we want a zoning law that is readily enforceable, we need a new one. A law that is “complicated and difficult to administer” is costly. The boards that try to administer it have difficulty interpreting it and become overly dependent on one or more experts. The approval process for development is lengthy, often requiring re-


view by two boards where one should suffice. And the boards are left without the benefit of adequate standards to guide them in their permitting decisions. Under state law, a town’s zoning law must be consistent with its comprehensive plan. And as our Comprehensive Plan itself points out, “To truly fulfill the goals of the Comprehensive Plan . . . the Town will need a new zoning code that better protects and reinforces its rural qualities and hamlet character.” The proposed new law would achieve these goals and in the process would better safeguard our drinking water, help protect our property values, and constrain our taxes. Most of the best opportunities for low impact development in the town have now been exhausted, and it would be a mistake to assume that when development pressures return, the protections afforded by the existing Code will be adequate. We need the enhanced protections called for by the Comprehensive Plan and provided in the proposed law. That said, the proposed law is not perfect. Some of its provisions are susceptible of unintended interpretations and should be corrected. (To interpret 175-15D to mean that site plan approval would be required just to plant a lawn is an example. No one wants or intended such a result. Nor did anyone intend to require the owner of a commercial property to plant a green buffer where site plan approval is not otherwise required.) So let’s change what needs to be changed, work together to improve the draft before us, and enact the best zoning law possible. David Brower Garrison Jordan Dale N o rt h H i g h l a n d s

Fear Tactics Obscure Zoning Debate To the Editor: Fear-mongering should have no place in our community’s zoning discussion. Yet it seems to be the weapon of choice for some who for reasons of their own would like to scare us into judgment about a draft of a plan. They paint a remarkably open process as a dark and sinister plot. Worse, they would like to frighten us into refusing to protect ourselves by finally adopting a comprehensive, balanced approach to zoning that will benefit all, not just a few. In last week’s paper, some vocal fear-vendors made inaccurate, almost hysterical accusations about a draft (please note the word draft) — It will destroy the residential tax base! Overload our school system! The businessmen of Philipstown will be the victims of a ‘zoning genocide’! —All of this misdirected at the most inclusive and sustained effort ever launched in our community, including six years of open debate and consensus-building, to at last take long-needed steps to protect ourselves. Supervisor Mazzuca and the members of our town board are to be commended for shepherding this complex and often frustratingly slow process. In particular, councilman Richard Shea has been tireless in his outreach to the business community, often personally visiting businesses along Route 9 to learn more about their perspective and hear their concerns. Some allege the process has somehow been anti-democratic. That is flat-out wrong. We are openly debating what will become the closest thing we as a town can achieve to the will of our people. The best antidote to hysteria is simply to read the summary of the draft, available on the town website at philipstown.com/ zon%20summary%20august. pdf and participate in the

US Mail:

community workshops that the board will be holding in the coming weeks. Even after years of work, the proposal needs refinement. But it is already an honest reflection of what the people of Philipstown want for their community in the years ahead. Stephen Ives Garrison

If You Like Freedom, Pay Attention to Zoning Changes To the Editor: Regarding the new proposed zoning regulations: Normally I don’t get involved with politics; however this is one not to close my eyes to. Do you like your freedom? Then be aware. If you take a look at these new regulations, where the new zoning has pretty much every right to dictate any changes to your existing properties, as well as any future you want to build or subdivide. As it is— we have county regulations and town regulations that keep things at bay and this is one of the reasons our community is not o v e rg r o w n o r u n m a n a g e d . However— now they want to take it to an entire other level. I would not understand the enormity of this proposal had I not been invited to listen in on the last zoning workshop. It was open to the public and the majority of citizens that attended were mostly property owners on Route 9 where the new rules turn a lot of those properties into residential zones and actually just terminate their existence. Imagine this is your source o f i n c o m e . Yo u l i v e h e r e , raise your children, want to subdivide property to pass onto your children or pass your business on or sell. This is what you have been planning to retire with. What will our community do without our businesses? The few that we have. And how about the taxes? Who’s going to take that burden? It was not only business owners that attended, however it was the majority. The residential owners were just as upset. Residential is getting affected as well. They are rezoning and adding overlays (more restrictions on the already changing zoning). (Straight from the proposal) Overlay Districts for Resource Protection: An overlay district is designed to add additional restrictions for land that lies within its boundaries. It is called an “overlay” because it often “overlays” different land use districts. The underlying land use district zoning remains in place except to the extent that the overlay district provisions specifically change the regulations. These overlay districts do not prevent development, but rather require a more careful review process. You get that? There are seven overlay districts and some overlay each other (imagine that?) This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more. Please take notice—you can pick up a copy at the Town Hall. If you have questions, write the board and attend the next meeting. Lisa Brown P h i l i p s to w n

Budney Takes Care of Business To the Editor: This letter is in support of Betty Budney for Philipstown Town Board. In F ebruary of 2002 the Grand Union market in Cold Spring burned down. Within a week I received a call from Betty asking me if I would volunteer to shop for an elderly person at the senior apartments on Chestnut Street until a new store was erected. I agreed, and Betty introduced m e t o a w h e e l c h a i r- b o u n d gentleman who was more than happy to have my assistance.

PO Box 185, Cold Spring, NY 10516 email: [email protected]

Last Chance to Write About the Nov. 3 Election! Please note that next week is the last opportunity to submit letters regarding the upcoming elections. Deadline is Monday, Oct. 12, at noon. After that, all election letters (in the Oct. 21 and 28 editions) must be in the form of paid advertisements. Send letters to [email protected]. Betty made this happen. Betty is a grassroots, on the ground, taking care of business Town Board member. She has no agenda, except the welfare of the people of Philipstown. She was instrumental in bringing the 9 11 e m e rg e n c y n u m b e r t o Philipstown and getting taxes paid by New York State for State-owned park lands in Philipstown. The lists of her accomplishments are too long for this letter. I urge you to vote for Betty Budney for Town Board on November 3. Ray Fitzgerald Cold Spring

I think tax payers need to realize the importance of commercial property in the community. Over 70% of every taxpayer’s taxes are school taxes, every tax payer gets the right to send their children to school here with the exception of commercial tax payers, They pay that same 70% but don’t get to use a dime of it. The more commercial taxes paid equals a bigger tax break on the residential tax payer that utilizes the most important part of any community, the schools we send our children to. Casey Marden P h i l i p s to w n

Importance of Commercial Property

Why Do We Need to Change Philipstown’s Character?

To the Editor: There seems to have been a misjudgment in the amount of advertising needed to notify the public on the proposed zoning changes from the towns adopted “comprehensive plan.” Only about 10% of the residents and property owners know about the legal notice known as “article 175” and only a handful have some understanding of it who have consulted zoning knowledgeable attorneys and engineers. The only informative advertising in laymen’s term’s that has seen has been paid for by private funding. Residents and residential property owners need to get educated on this matter, not just business owners as for this will affect everyone’s taxes as well as their rent and the use of their property. The only way to get educated on this proposal is to consult an attorney or engineer and even they are having a hard time making heads or tails out of this very complex plan. The board has acknowledged that changes need to be made as for even they don’t fully understand the impact of a plan of this magnitude. There still needs to be a economic and social impact study for in the worst economy this country has seen in decades with our county and town sales taxes, budgets, and school funding already in the negative, every resident and property owner in this town needs to take a close look at the end result of this proposed plan. Route 9 is a state owned commercial traffic route which the town has little control of. Changing commercial property to residential property on Route 9 is as good of an idea of putting residential property on Interstate 84 or the Taconic Parkway. Those of us who live on Route 9 already know this for we have feared for our lives trying to put our children on the school bus during the morning rush hour. I am sorry but putting more residents on one of the highest fatality roads on the east coast is not a good idea as I can confirm this myself from doing towing and recovery on this road for the past 16 years, and I’m sure the local EMTs and Volunteer Fire Department will agree to also. Residential property owners also need to know that in some places according to this plan their neighbor will now be able to run a business from their house witch will also devalue their property as well as this plan will devalue commercial property.

To the Editor: The Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2006 is intended to “Preserve elements that contribute to Philipstown’s Rural and Historic Character” to quote from the Comprehensive Plan, “There is no overwhelming groundswell of support for drastic changes. On the contrary, the deepest concern was to retain the town’s character and authenticity while managing future growth.” What I heard at the workshop at the North Highland Fire company was almost all the undeveloped commercial acreage would be re zoned to residential. Existing developed commercial property would be grandfathered and a request for a special use permit from the ZBA would be necessary to increase its use by no more than 25 percent, and their commercial property would no longer be a permitted use by right! Residential Zoning would drastically change. The minimum building lots would require several acres to build a modest home and just in clustered areas. Currently building lots that could be subdivided would be further impacted by wetlands, open space, and steep slope restrictions. The comprehensive plan provides “Maximize tax revenues while minimizing the costs of providing municipal services—this can be accomplished by encouraging commercial development in appropriate locations and upgrading existing commercial property to increase its assessed value. ” This Comprehensive Plan did not propose almost total elimination of commercial zoning! Why do we need to change the basic nature of the town when by our own estimate the current plan is maintaining the growth in a very controlled manner and preserving the scenic quality of the community? My observation of the proposed zoning laws is not to “Preserve elements that contribute to Philipstown’s Rural and Historic Character.” The zoning laws as currently proposed will drastically change the character of the town and create an elitist community that will stop almost all commercial development and severely reduce residential development to the extent that moderate homes will require

(See Letters on Page 7)

Letters to the editor must be less than 500 words. Send letters to [email protected] Please include your phone number for verification.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 7

‘ The Leg end o f S leepy H o llow’ Editor’s Note: The PCN&R will begin serializing Washington Irving’s short story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” published in 1820 and set in a town not far away. Irving was a son of the Hudson Valley, and for this reason Putnamites might especially appreciate his work. The series will run for 14 weeks, with original illustrations.

WASHINGTON IRVING FOUND AMONG THE PAPERS OF THE LATE DIEDRICH KNICKERBOCKER. A pleasing land of drowsy head it was, Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye; And of gay castles in the clouds that pass, Forever flushing round a summer sky. CASTLE OF INDOLENCE.


n the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent the eastern shore of the Hudson, at that

E l i s e M at i c h

broad expansion of the river denominated by the ancient Dutch navigators the Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently shortened sail and implored the protection of St. Nicholas when they crossed, there lies a small market town or rural port, which by some is called Greensburgh, but which is more generally and properly known by the name

of Tarry Town. This name was given, we are told, in former days, by the good housewives of the adjacent country, from the inveterate propensity of their husbands to linger about the village tavern on market days. Be that as it may, I do not vouch for the fact, but merely advert to it, for the sake of being precise and authentic. Not far from this

village, perhaps about two miles, there is a little valley or rather lap of land among high hills, which is one of the quietest places in the whole world. A small brook glides through it, with just murmur enough to lull one to repose; and the occasional whistle of a quail or tapping of a woodpecker is almost the only sound that ever breaks in upon the

accomplish the goal changed after listening to new ideas from others. I observed Terry as she refocused her efforts to support the goals of the group. Her ability to consider the ideas and concerns of others and establish and achieve outcomes will benefit Philipstown. Terry will listen to the concerns of citizens which will provide them a stronger voice in the town’s government. I know that her concern for the community of Philipstown is the reason she is seeking a position on the town council. Her desire is to make Philipstown attractive to families and insure the continued stability of the area. Families will remain in an area that has affordable living and a government that is committed to them. Through the years, Terry has honed the drive and spirit required for ensuring a prosperous community. I believe Terry will promote the interests of the people of Philipstown. Peter McGough V irginia

integrity. You will find her to be someone you will feel comfortable with, and someone who will follow-up with you to see that your concern has been resolved. She will make an excellent addition to our town board. Joseph Missale P hilipstown

uniform tranquillity. I recollect that, when a stripling, my first exploit in squirrel-shooting was in a grove of tall walnut-trees that shades one side of the valley. I had wandered into it at noontime, when all nature is peculiarly quiet, and was startled by the roar of my own gun, as it broke the Sabbath stillness around and was prolonged and reverberated by the angry echoes. If ever I should wish for a retreat whither I might steal from the world and its distractions, and dream quietly away the remnant of a troubled life, I know of none more promising than this little valley. From the listless repose of the place, and the peculiar character of its inhabitants, who are descendants from the original Dutch settlers, this sequestered glen has long been known by the name of SLEEPY HOLLOW, and its rustic lads are called the Sleepy Hollow Boys throughout all the neighboring country. A drowsy, dreamy influence seems to hang over the land, and to pervade the very atmosphere. Some say that the place was bewitched by a High German doctor, during the early days of the settlement; others, that an old Indian chief, the prophet

or wizard of his tribe, held his powwows there before the country was discovered by Master Hendrick Hudson. Certain it is, the place still continues under the sway of some witching power, that holds a spell over the minds of the good people, causing them to walk in a continual reverie. They are given to all kinds of marvellous beliefs, are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sights, and hear music and voices in the air. The whole neighborhood abounds with local tales, haunted spots, and twilight superstitions; stars shoot and meteors glare oftener across the valley than in any other part of the country, and the nightmare, with her whole ninefold, seems to make it the favorite scene of her gambols. The dominant spirit, howe v e r, t h a t h a u n t s t h i s e n chanted region, and seems to be commander-in-chief of all the powers of the air, is the apparition of a figure on horseback, without a head. It is said by some to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a cannon-ball, in some nameless battle during the Revolutionary War, and who is ever and anon seen by the

country folk hurrying along in the gloom of night, as if on the wings of the wind. His haunts are not confined to the valley, but extend at times to the adjacent roads, and especially to the vicinity of a church at no great distance. Indeed, certain of the most authentic historians of those parts, who have been careful in collecting and collating the floating facts concerning this spectre, allege that the body of the trooper having been buried in the churchyard, the ghost rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head, and that the rushing speed with which he sometimes passes along the Hollow, like a midnight blast, is owing to his being belated, and in a hurry to get back to the churchyard before daybreak. Such is the general purport of this legendary superstition, which has furnished materials for many a wild story in that region of shadows; and the spectre is known at all the country firesides, by the name of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. It is remarkable that the visionary propensity I have mentioned is not confined to the native inhabitants of the valley, but is unconsciously imbibed by every one who re-

sides there for a time. However wide awake they may have been before they entered that sleepy region, they are sure, in a little time, to inhale the witching influence of the air, and begin to grow imaginative, to dream dreams, and see apparitions. I mention this peaceful spot with all possible laud, for it is in such little retired Dutch valleys, found here and there embosomed in the great State of New York, that population, manners, and customs remain fixed, while the great torrent of migration and improvement, which is making such incessant changes in other parts of this restless country, sweeps by them unobserved. They are like those little nooks of still water, which border a rapid stream, where we may see the straw and bubble riding quietly at anchor, or slowly revolving in their mimic harbor, undisturbed by the rush of the passing current. Though many years have elapsed since I trod the drowsy shades of Sleepy Hollow, yet I question whether I should not still find the same trees and the same families vegetating in its sheltered bosom.

tolerated then and even less so now. My thanks go out to my parents for having the courage to move not across town or to another part of the county but to move across a continent to a different country where my parents had the opportunity to exercise their freedoms. The message is clear. While we always have the privilege and right to disagree, not many ever exercise that option. That

is why it is impossible to ignore the primary results. Please remember, over half of our fellow constituents have exercised their conscious decision to demonstrate their disapproval in private manner but in a public way. That is not a sign from the stars, “that is just the facts.” Yes, there is a new face running for the Sheriff’s position. He brings over 29 years of law

enforcement experience. He was the Chief of Metro-North Police Department, the seventh largest law enforcement agency within New York State. I have also known Kevin personally for over fourteen years. Not once in those fourteen plus years has he ever demonstrated anything that tells me that he is not qualified to do his job and do it well. I know that he loves and cares for his family

deeply. He has remained steady, strong, and most importantly consistent in his beliefs. In the end, the choices you make today, dictate the options you have tomorrow. Those are but a few of the reasons why I am supporting Kevin McConville as our next Sheriff. Those are the facts! Airinhos Serradas P hilipstown

To be continued  .  .  . 

LETTERS (Cont’d from pg. 6) several acres of land to meet the new zoning requirements. This is not implantation of the Comprehensive Plan. If enacted it would be land use reform, and that is not the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. This appears to be a concerted effort by a small group of special interest groups that do not have the best interest of the vast majority of the residents of Philipstown. I’m concerned that I will be forced to leave a community that I have lived in for almost forty years, paid taxes in, supported its government and raised my family in. In the end as working class residents we will not be able to own a home on several acres with taxes that only the most wealthy can afford. This is the town of Philipstown home for many working class residents and every one of us need to keep a close eye on this process, if we don’t we will eventually be priced out of this community that we worked all our lives for! Richard Sporbert N orth H ighlands

It’s Only a Draft To the Editor: For almost a decade the citizens of Philipstown have worked to create a new Comprehensive Plan—a blueprint for our community that preserves what residents value and minimizes the fallout from unplanned development. The current draft zoning law is an integral part of the implementation of that Comprehensive Plan, and State law requires that zoning reflect the values and philosophy that the people of our Town wrote into it after lengthy and open deliberation. It is disturbing that some aspects of the draft zoning law have so inflamed a portion of our community that there is a danger that the entire comprehensive plan could be jettisoned. This would be calamitous for our community. In the absence of zoning revision, our community would be open to full build out. That would lead to increased demand for services; more traffic on our highways; new pressure on our school system, and—inevitably, the higher taxes that so many fear will force them to leave Philipstown. It would also mean the loss of most of what we value about our community—scenic beauty, rural character, and the “feel” of a small town. The important thing to remember in the current debate is that this is only a DRAFT. Like most such preliminary versions, it may have faults— such as the proposed re-zoning of stretches of Routes 9 and 9-D from commercial to resi-

dential. Such faults can be remedied. Their presence in a draft law must not be used to wreck the work that many dedicated fellow citizens have done to ensure that Philipstown will be as great a place to live in the future as it has been in the past. Ru and Sheila Rauch C old S pring

Polhemus is a Natural Leader To the Editor: As a previous Philipstown resident, I am pleased to be writing this recommendation for my sister, Theresa “Terry” Polhemus, during her candidacy for Philipstown town council. Terry is a natural leader. She is known for identifying needs, creating plans, and achieving goals. She develops solutions and achieves results either independently or as part of a team. Terry demonstrated leadership characteristics at an early age. One example occurred in middle school. She participated in an extracurricular school program in elementary school and discovered that it did not exist in her middle school but did exist in high school. This two-year break created a gap in the training of talented students, causing many of them to loose interest. As a result, the high school program had low enrollment. Terry took her concerns to leaders in the school system. She communicated her vision in a clear manner and proposed a plan for creating a program. Initially, the school refused her proposal due to a lack of funds and instructors. Her spirit and drive never faltered as she encountered numerous obstacles to her proposal. She had the discipline to work toward her vision of having a cohesive program in the school system. She figured out how to obtain equipment, coaches, facilities, and funds. During this undertaking, she demonstrated the ability to coordinate people for a cause. She enlisted the aid of other students, teachers, parents, and school leaders to accomplish this goal. Due to her diligence and dedication, the school began to offer this extracurricular program to students. This offered continuity for students involved in this activity through their primary, intermediate, and secondary education. It would be easy to say that everything Terry set out to do was accomplished. However, there were times when her initial vision did not match those of the group that she was part of, or her plan to

Continental Villagers Should Have a Say To the Editor: Philipstown consists of many different areas. Many of the residents refer to themselves as belonging to a specific section of the town, such as Cold Spring, or Garrison, etc. Our town board at present has a good cross section of the town represented, with one glaring exception. We do not have anyone from Continental Village on the town board. I frankly cannot remember when we last had a person from Continental Village sitting as a councilperson. Does anyone? I believe the time has come to change that and I urge voters to elect Joselle Cunane to the town board. Joselle has been a resident of Continental Village for many years. She understands the particular issues that face this southernmost portion of Philipstown. She knows many of the residents who live there, has always participated in Continental Village events, and will take the time and energy to examine the concerns of the residents, listen to problems that are expressed, and will work hard to solve issues as they arise. A government is supposed to be representative of all its citizens, and Joselle will make that premise accurate with her election to the town board. For those of you who may not know Joselle Cunane, please take the time to meet her and speak with her. You will find her to be intelligent and caring, someone who will speak her mind with honesty and

Cunane for Philipstown Board To the Editor: As a long time resident of Philipstown and a concerned citizen, I feel that our town board needs balance and fresh perspective. We need both a healthy economic base and a carefully preserved natural environment to maintain our Philipstown lifestyle for all our varied residents. Joselle Cunane, of Continental Village, and Terry Polhemus, of Garrison, are both professional women who will bring efficiency, enthusiasm, and a new outlook to the running of our town. I would urge everyone to vote for them in the upcoming election. Sally Singh N orth H ighlands

McConville for Sheriff To the Editor: There is a new Sheriff in town. This is politics. Both candidates have served and will continue to serve. I would like to think that most adults recognize that fact. When a statement is made that appears to be an attack then it is an attack. When a statement is made that appears to be an attack but it is correct, then that is “Just the facts.” I have the right to vote and freely exercise that right by crossing party lines, when I see fit. There was a larger statement made during the Republican primary than any one campaign staff could have ever dreamed to achieve. Winning 48% means to me that there were 52% of the voters during that primary that were disconcerted. This was a shot across the bow. I bring another point of view all the while acknowledging that this letter could be construed in one of two ways. One is as a private citizen who expressing his viewpoint or two, as a private citizen using the pen to promote more background noise. I am offering my opinion as is permissible within the constitution and for that I thank this great nation. Where I was born, dissention was not readily


Wine and Woodpeckers at At Audubon Talk and Fest

by Adele Stern Special to the PCN&R The Putnam Highland Audubon Society wild bird seed sale is underway. To coincide with the pickup of bird seed orders, PHAS will have a wine and delicious tidbits event (including vegetarian chili) on Saturday, October 17, 2009, after the pickup, which is from 1-5pm. What better way to celebrate autumn than by lingering at the Highlands Lodge at the Taconic Outdoor Education Center with its backdrop of fall foliage and a glass of wine around the warm fireplace? After wine and sustenance, Richard Guthrie, our local expert who has been back and forth to Arkansas, and has actually seen the Ivorybilled Woodpecker, will be presenting a PowerPoint on his experiences tracking down the elusive, sought-after bird. Many of you have already met this enthusiastic speaker, who has been birding for over 50 years. Rich has been a volunteer for the Cornell University search team for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

The Ivory-billed Wo o d pecker (Campephilus principalis) is a large member of the family Picidae. It was considered extinct for many years until a series of possible sightings began in 1999. It is currently officially listed as a critically endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Reports of at least one male bird in Arkansas in 2004 and 2005 were suggested in April 2005 by a team lead by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which would make the Ivory-billed Woodpecker a "lazarus" species, a species that is rediscovered alive after considered extinct for a time. Tickets for the Wine & Delectables Fest & Lecture are $15. You need not have preordered bird seed, but if you did, you have a great excuse to linger awhile and hear about this fascinating bird. Those interested in attending should contact Paul Kuznia at [email protected] or phone 265-03773. Please make checks payable to PHAS and mail to PO Box 292, Cold Spring, NY 10516.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Website Pinpoints Locales Only a Pond: The Story of Earth in a Drop of Water of Outages During Storms

Nature’s Notebook: Earth’s Harvest Night Light

Customers of Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation may now obtain geographical information o n e l e c t r i c s e r v i c e i n t e rruptions due to storms and other emergencies through an interactive map, available in the StormCentral section of Central Hudson’s website. “The StormCentral outage map pinpoints the location of power outages within Central Hudson’s service area, provides the number of affected customers and offers estimated restoration times, when available,” said Charles A. Freni, senior vice president of customer services. “The map is available around the clock, and updated every 15 minutes. Users may see an overview of all outages, as well as outages and restoration information by county, municipality, and even individual address.” A short, instructional video on the outage map is available on the site, highlighting its many features. “We’re offering this tool as another way to keep our customers informed during emergen-

by Nathaniel Macy

cies and severe weather conditions that may impact our area,” he said. “It’s important that customers still report their power condition after damaging storms to help us determine the extent and location of needed repairs, and to provide the information used to update the map and our data systems,” said Freni. Power conditions can be reported directly on the StormC e n t r a l , o n l i n e a t w w w. CentralHudson.com under “Outages,” or by calling the automated PowerLine 845-452-2700 or 1-800527-2714 and following the simple prompts. In addition to the map, StormCentral also provides information on how to prepare for storms, what to do if the power goes out, and ways in which customers can report and check status of power outages. To view StormCentral, the map, instructional video, and other features, log onto w w w. C e n t r a l H u d s o n . c o m and visit to the StormCentral section.

The Hudson Highlands Nature Museum presents their Fall Evening Speakers Series: Only a Pond: The S t o r y o f E a r t h i n a D ro p o f H u d s o n Va l l e y Wa t e r . This lecture will take place on Tuesday, October 20, at 7:30pm at Painter’s Tavern, 266 Hudson Street, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Join former Cold Spring resident Matthew C. Ally, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York/BMCC (a lifelong pond-watcher), for a philosophical, ecological, and ethical journey to a seemingly ordinary pond in the Hudson Highlands. The unexpected richness of this little pond’s tale and the remarkable complexity of its many local, regional, and even global interconnections make it a perfect microcosm of the state of the environment. In its still w a t e r s w e s e e t h e r e f l e ction of the proper place of humankind in the broader fabric of nature. This program is funded, i n p a r t , b y t h e N e w Yo r k Council for the Humanities

and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Admission for the lecture is $7, Museum Members$5. Due to limited seating, pre-registration is requested. Seats will be held until 7:15pm then walk-ins are welcome. For registration and information call 8455 3 4 - 5 5 0 6 , e x t . 2 0 4 . Vi s i t the museum’s website at www.hhnaturemuseum.org


. c o m

The Moon is one of the most observable celestial bodies in the evening sky, and for about a week each month it fully illuminates the night sky. This month a special surprise will be easy to observe with family and friends simply by looking up into the evening sky. This full moon is unique, and as a result it receives a special name—“The Harvest Moon.” Due to orbit variations of the earth, the Harvest Moon would usually occur around mid-September, near the autumnal equinox when daylight and night are of equal length; every four years it occurs in October, which is the case this year. One unique characteristic is that it stays fully illuminated for a few extra days than normal for this phase in other months. Full moons have their own special characteristics based on the Ecliptic or plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. For example, it can be seen in many different colors, depending on the season. In this case, the Harvest Moon appears bigger, brighter, and more colorful than other moons. This optical illusion is a result of the seasonal tilt of the Earth. At this time of the year the moon is low in the sky.

Thus it appears reddish as it ascends above the horizon. When the Harvest Moon is in this position, it gives one the opportunity to observe in detail the landscape of the moon. Many of us are unfamiliar with the night sky, so like anything unknown, understanding what you are viewing improves the experience, especially with children. So gather some information about the craters and large, flat gray patches known as Marias before you go outside. One of the most simple, practical, and unthought-of ways to observe the moon without a telescope, is to use binoculars. Immediately the surface texture catches your eye in a new way. For thousands of years, the Harvest Moon has given Native Americans, farmers, and stargazers alike a celestial event that ushers in a new season. Native American tribes kept track of the seasons by giving each full moon a distinctive name. The full moon in autumn also signaled that the corn, pumpkins, squashes, and beans were ready for harvesting. Nathaniel Macy is an Outdoor Educator at the Taconic Outdoor Education Center.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 9

Water Wisdom: Facts, Fads, Substance Abuse Program PARC Notes 55th Anniversary with Awards Brunch the leading provider tor Susan Limongello, will Rose & Kiernan Insurance, intervention and preschool, at Putnam Hospital Center ofPARC, Future: a Workshop services for children and f e a t u r e a g o u r m e t , s e r v e d B r o a d v i e w N e t w o r k s , a n d day habilitation, vocational

Cornell Cooperative Extension will host a workshop on water quality on Saturday, October 24, 9am -12noon, at the Lawlor Building, corner of Routes 311 & 164, in Patterson. The program will cover issues relating to how to protect your drinking water, how to design a rain garden, and how to protect our lakes. Learn about the importance of well-testing, how to have it done for a reasonable cost, how to read the test reports, and what to do if problems are found. Debra Hall, founder of Hopewell Residents for Clean Water, brings her experiences in dealing with well water problems both in her family and her community. Speakers also include Bill Meyer, chief landscape designer for John Jay Landscape

Development, who will explain how to build a rain garden, the most popular new way to reduce stormwater runoff, protect water quality, and have a more beautiful landscape. Alyssa Perrone, an aquatic ecologist from Fordham University, will discuss how to protect the ecological balance in our lakes. Also on the program are Dianne Olsen and Jill Eisenstein, who will share ideas on how the world of water is changing, from supply to quality to conservation. Tickets are $15 per person, $25 per couple. Reserve by calling Cornell Cooperative Extension at 845-278-6738 or by email to putnam@cce. cornell.edu. Find more information and a downloadable registration form at www.cce. cornell.edu/putnam.

A program on “Contemporary Drugs of Abuse and Vo l a t i l e S u b s t a n c e A b u s e Inhalation,” cosponsored by Putnam Hospital Center, the National Council on Alcoholism/Putnam, and the Putnam County Youth Bureau, has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 14. It will be held from 6 to 8pm in the Michael T. Weber Community Auditorium at Putnam Hospital Center, 670 Stoneleigh Avenue in Carmel. The program is intended

for health care professionals, EMS and law enforcement personnel, mental health and school counselors, and other related professionals, and will feature Michele Caliva, RN, CSPI, of the Upstate Poison Center, Upstate Medical University, as the guest speaker. The program is free but registration is required by calling 845-279-5711, ext. 6263, or emailing pvarveri@ health-quest.org.

adults with developmental disabilities in Putnam County will host a celebration of its 55th anniversary on Sunday, October 18, 2009, at Mahopac Golf Club, from noon to 3pm. The Emerald Anniversa ry Brunch & Celebration, 1954-2009, will honor and commemorate the 55 years o f PA R C a n d t h e p e o p l e , families, and participants who have established and supported PARC through the years The event, hosted by PA R C ’ s E x e c u t i v e D i r e c -

brunch, a silent auction, and live music by Steve LaMattina. The agency’s board of directors and executive managers will honor the following individuals and families for their dedication to PARC throughout its 55-year history: New York State Senator Vincent Leibell; Longtime Board member Helga Beyer; Partners with PARC Board member Charles Daniels; businesswoman and PARC supporter Mary Courtney; and longtime PARC Facilities Director Spencer Terwilliger. The event is sponsored by

ShopRite Stores. PARC was recognized as a chapter of NYSARC, INC., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, in 1954 through the efforts of ten families who sought services for their young children who were not protected by legislation ensuring equal education. PARC currently employs 450 staff and has grown to be the lead provider of services to over 640 people from birth through advanced age, and their families, in Putnam County. PA R C p r o g r a m s i n c l u d e residential programs, early

rehabilitation, work readiness, community employment, clinic services, educational advocacy, service coordination, traumatic brain injury network, guardianship, inhome residential habilitation, respite programs, self advocacy, and adult education. Tickets to PARC’s 55th Anniversary Celebration are $65 per person and all proceeds directly support programs and services in Putnam County. Tickets may be purchased by v i s i t i n g w w w. P u t n a m A R C . org or calling 845-278-7272, ext. 287.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Paintings by Ed Burke at Arts On The Lake Presents TrueNorth Theatre Reads Locals Appear in Taconic Opera’s Macbeth Production Violinist Eric Grossman Mount Beacon Gallery Wrecks by Neal LaBute

Stacks Green Dot, Painting by Ed Burke Mount Beacon Fine Art Gallery at 155 Main Street, Beacon, is pleased to announce Persistent Thoughts, Arguments, and Symbols, an exhibition of new paintings by Peekskill artist Edward Burke, from October 10 through November 6, 2009. An artist's reception will follow the opening on Saturday, October 10 from 6 to 9pm. The opening coincides with

the Beacon Artist Association's “second Saturday,” the monthly citywide celebration of the arts, with gallery openings, various music venues, and other art -related events. The galleries and specialty shops remain open for late night shopping and browsing. This exhibit focuses on Burke's exploration and reinvention of his personal aesthetic and language, a journey taken by the artist over the past forty years as a painter. Repetitive symbols and ideas are expressed in dimensionally-rendered flat, hard edges and contour lines creating a powerfully provocative image, asking questions and creating a dialogue about contemporary issues that face our society. Burke states: “My hope is the viewer as curious explorer, finds my paintings a tranquil, thought-provoking, and unique presentation of these timely life issues we all face together.”


Eric Grossman and his Stradivarius violin, along with pianist Lida Grossman, return to perform at Arts on the Lake at the Lake Carmel Cultural Center, 640 Route 52 Kent, Saturday, October 10, 2009, at 8pm with an evening of music that includes Kreisler, Sinding, Paganini, Lopez-Marin, Sarasate, and Brahms. Bringing the audience to its feet when he performed last September in Kent as part of Midhat Serbagi’s Classical Planet, Grossman and his pianist wife Lida are “happy to return to an audience that welcomed us so warmly.” Praised in the New York Times as a “brilliant soloist,” Grossman has been hailed for his flawless technique, superb musicianship and commitment to a wide range of repertoire. A graduate of Juilliard, Grossman has given highly acclaimed recitals and solo performances with orchestras in the U.S., Europe, and Asia under renowned conductors including Zubin Mehta, Stanislaw Skrowaczewki, and Michael Gielen.

Lida Grossman studied piano with her mother, Viera Mancheva, a pianist and musicologist, as soon as she could reach the keys. In 1996 she received a scholarship to study piano at the National University of Costa Rica, under the tutelage of the Russian master Dr. Alexander Skliutovsky. In 1997 the University awarded her the Distinguished Student title. She completed her masters degree in piano and music pedagogy, summa cum laude, at the University in 1999. Mrs. Grossman has been praised by critics for her "musicianship, lyricism, technique,” and "emotional performance.” Lida has performed widely throughout United States, Cuba, and Costa Rica. Admission is $12 per person, $10 for AotL members. Tickets may be purchased at www.artsonthelake.org. For information, visit the website or call 845-228-2685.

Wrecks, a one-act monologue by acclaimed playwright and film maker Neal LaBute, will be presented as a staged reading by the TrueNorth Theatre Project on October 16 and 17 at 7:30pm at the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, 199 Maint Street in Beacon. Seating is limited and on a first-come basis. Not recommended for children. A donation is requested. Starring in the role of Edward Carr, Kurt Zischke brings a wealth of experience on Broadway, off Broadway, in numerous national tours, and in more than 70 leading roles in regional theatres. Ed Herendeen, director, is the founder of the Contemporary American Theater Festival. He has also directed in re-

spected regional theatres including The Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, The Old Globe, The Lyceum Theatre, and the Williamstown Theatre Festival. Wre c k s i s a n i n t r o s p e c tive monologue by a sixtysomething man who has just become a widower. It follows his and his wife's life together and ends in the kind of startling revelation that LaBute is noted for in his plays and films. Tr u e N o r t h w a s f o u n d e d by eight professional actors, writers, and designers who want to bring theatre to "where we live". The co-founders are Brad Bellamy, David Brin, Suzanna Hay, Lynn Hawley, Michael Heintzman, Kurt Rhoads, Nance Williamson, and Don Brown.

From Pottery to Ballet, at Putnam Arts Council A wide variety of short creative activities await busy adults who are interested in the arts. If you would like to try making a pottery tray or bowl, you’ll have a chance on October 31 from 10:30 -12:30. One-time workshops will be offered on Sunday afternoons in November on Making Monotypes, a Painting Critique Workshop and a delightful lecture on learning to understand abstract art. There is even an offer for a free painting class for those who haven’t taken one at the Arts Council before! On the longer-term side, children and adults who are

interested in studying ballet with world-renowned former principal dancers of the New York City Ballet, Maria Calegari and Bart Cook, without traveling to Manhattan for such an opportunity, should take a look at the website for details. Classes start soon. Artistic entertainment for all includes two free independent film screenings, and the 47th Annual Fine Art Exhibit with an opening reception on October 17, 4-6 where you can meet the artists. Visit w w w. p u t n a m a r t s c o u n c i l . com or call 845-278-0230.

In its 12th Season in We s t c h e s t e r C o u n t y, t h e Taconic Opera is taking its biggest risk yet and mounting one of opera’s largest warhorses, Verdi’s masterwork, Macbeth. “Not only does it feature some of the m o s t d i ff i c u l t s i n g i n g f o r the leading roles,” exclaims General Director, Dan Montez, “but it is also Verdi’s largest chorus opera.” The Taconic Opera chorus has been expanded for this production which will include twenty-two witches cackling and brewing in prophetic horror as they manipulate a p o w e r- h u n g r y k i n g a n d his wife into murder and insanity. Included in the cast are soprano Lori Santaniello, of Cold Spring; Harley Church, b a s s , f r o m G a r r i s o n ; Ti m Gregg, bass, from Carmel, and young James Perkins, a Cold Spring eighth-grader, who sings in the chorus. The opera will be traditionally staged with a few magical surprises. The set is designed by professional designer Sean Martin, and

the company has some new singers who will be making their debuts with the company. In an important agreement reached with the Circolo Culturale Mola, the Taconic Opera will be featuring a United States premiere this spring that will be televised simultaneously in Italy. “The company is growing up,” b e a m s D a n M o n t e z , “ We weren’t sure we were going to survive last year with the economy the way it is, and that was a wake-up call. We knew we couldn’t just try to survive anymore, but had to grow and change more drastically.” Tickets can be purchased online at taconicopera.org or by calling 914-245-3415. There are discounts for seniors, students, and groups. There are four performances. Three are in Yorktown, at the Yorkstown Stage, 1974 Commerce Street, October 16, 8pm; October 17, 8pm; October 18, 2pm; and one in Harrison High School: October 24, at 7pm.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

FOUNDRY (Cont’d from front pg.)

ROUTE 9 (Cont’d from front pg.)

M i c h a e l T u rto n

quiet and at times boisterous. Weekday commuters are well aware and appreciative of the Foundry’s coffee—beans are ground fresh every day— and the hot, fresh, right-out-ofthe-oven muffins. The day-to -day coffee is Colombian and there’s always a coffee-ofthe-day for those who want something more exotic. Customers with a little more time to spare often stop for a sit-down breakfast that might include one of the Foundry’s trademark omelets, a breakfast sandwich, or oatmeal made from organic Canadian rolled oats. “The Crunch,” may, with good reason, be the most popular rendition of their hearty oatmeal, which truly is a meal in itself. The Crunch includes vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, sunflower seeds, and almonds. Even so, pancakes rival the oatmeal in popularity. But the superstar of the breakfast menu is without question the Foundry’s French toast. Customers have been known to wait up to two hours for an order. Out-of-towners have come to the Foundry specifically to try the French toast after reading about it on line. “It is the bane of my existence,” Consaga laughs. He puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of Jeff Wigdor, a café regular who, a few years back, asked Consaga to add fruit to his French toast as a special order.

What Consaga created would be considered a visual work of art in any other context. Lunch is no less noteworthy. Soup-of-the-day is served steamy-hot by the cup or bowl and is delicious. This time of year, butternut squash is a favorite, along with navy bean with Andouille sausage, cream of mushroom, wild mushroom and barley, and potato pepper pot. If French toast rules the roost at breakfast, the lunch time champion may be The Storm King sandwich. “It’s without a doubt the biggest seller,” Consaga says. The ingredients: turkey, lettuce, tomato, sprouts, avocado, and jalapeno mayonnaise. A wide range of other sandwiches and salads are also served. Vegetarians have nothing to fear at The Foundry. The lentil cakes are Consaga’s own recipe and are popular, even among non-vegetarians. The Zen burger and vegetarian chili are also often sought after by vegans in the crowd. Quiche specials are offered every day, with the cheddar, onion, apple, and Andouille sausage version getting consistently great reviews. Then there are the desserts, most notably the cheese cake. Add to that list cherry-apple crumble, chocolate cake, apple pie, Linzer raspberry torte, brownies, oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies—all baked

fresh on the premises—and you can forget your diet. Consaga’s love of music adds to the casual atmosphere at The Foundry. His eclectic collection of several hundred CDs provides background music every day, from Beethoven to Neil Young to Miles Davis. The test of whether or not you are a true Foundry regular lies in being chosen to select the CD to accompany morning coffee. The walls are covered with numerous large photos of the Foundry’s live music nights, which sometimes take the form of an intimate, ticketed, live performance complete with a special dinner menu offered just before show time. At other times, impromptu music events are planned, featuring a steady stream of talented local musicians. One such event was planned on less than a day’s notice to celebrate the anticipated arrival of the year’s first snow storm. The snow did come—and so did the musicians, along with the Foundry regulars who packed the house. The house band that has evolved out of the music sessions has come to be known as The Foundry All Stars. Consaga’s day starts at 5:30am and ends many hours later. The Foundry is open from 7 until 3 on weekdays, and is closed Wednesdays. Weekend hours are 8 to 5.

for the project, reducing the County’s share to $25,000. Philipstown Supervisor Mazzuca expressed shock at being told by Deputy County E x e c u t i v e J o h n Tu l l y l a s t week that Philipstown would still be expected to kick in $12,500 towards the County share of engineering costs. “We absolutely refuse to do that,” an angry Mazzuca said. He appears to have good reason to be upset. Neither of the roads in question is a town road: Route 9 is a State Highway and Fishkill Road is a Putnam County Road. Senator Leibell attended last week’s Town Board meeting and confirmed Mazzuca’s view as to who is responsible for the costs. “There is no need for the town to pay. It’s not a Town Road,” Leibell said. Also in attendance was Putnam County Legislator Vinny Tamagna, who said he was “absolutely appalled with the County administration … It is just outrageous that (they) are not willing to step up to the plate,” Tamagna said. Other safety concerns were also discussed including suggestions that signage could be improved, the speed limit reduced, and rumble strips added in an effort to slow traffic in the area of Fishkill Road and Route 9. Philipstown Highway Superintendent Roger Chirico said that he was “most upset that the

turn-off lanes are not long enough” at the realigned intersection Mazzuca called for a meeting involving all parties in order to move the project f o r w a r d . “ We n e e d t o g e t everyone to sit down in the same room. There are real safety issues there,” he said, adding that due to liability issues the Town attorney ought to attend, as well. In other business Steve Biolsi, a project manager with Habitat for Humanity addressed the Board and outlined the organization’s plans to begin doing projects in Putnam County, building and repairing homes for those in need. Anyone interested in volunteering can email Biolsi at [email protected] The Town Board authorized Supervisor Bill Mazzuca to sign the deed to a 40-acre park being donated to the town as part of the development of the Glassbury Court residential complex on Route 9. Signing of the deed is contingent upon approval by the Philipstown Planning Board. The park will include a pond, fitness trail, picnic area, lawn, and dog walking area. In the future, fishing and small boats will also be permitted. Town Board member Nancy Montgomery, who serves as liaison with the Philipstown Recreation Department, said that she expects the park to open in

DOCKSIDE (Cont’d from front pg.) mid-spring. Update reports were made by Gillian Thorpe, executive director of the Butterfield Library, and Jamie Copeland, president of the Garrison Vo l u n t e e r F i r e C o m p a n y (GVFC). At the suggestion of the GVFC, the Town Board also agreed to amend the contract with the fire company, eliminating the expected three percent budget increase in 2010, an adjustment that, according to GVFC’s accounting practices, would save the Town some $21,480. A Business Aesthetic Commission Grant of $2500 was awarded to The Plumbush Inn for landscape improvements. Matching grants of up to that amount are designed to assist Philipstown businesses improve the appearance of their property. Board members also passed a resolution opposing Putnam County Executive Bob Bondi’s plan to cut off funding for the Philipstown senior nutrition site as part of the 2010 budget. Also approved was a donation of $500 towards the participation of ten West Point cadets in this year’s triathlon. Last week’s meeting began on a sad note as a proclamation was read honoring long time GVFC volunteer and board member Donald Lefari, who died recently at his Garrison home.

survey. Some would rather leave the property as an “open space.” A more active approach could include the development of a “river walk” trail for cycling and walking, to run along the shoreline from the bandstand through Dockside, along the tidal inlet, and ultimately connect to Mayor’s Park. In order for that to happen, a bridge would have to be constructed over the MetroNorth rail line. Such a trail system would also mean converting the village garage site to other uses and moving the garage, truck yard, and salt storage to an alternate site. The village garage was mentioned several times as a prized site whose full potential is not realized in its current use. Another concept would see a small inn with facilities for meetings and conferences developed on the garage site as a means of boosting the village’s tax base. During the past summer, the site served as a venue for a number of concerts and the development of a stage or bandshell was also listed as possible use for the site. A community center is another potential use. The need for such a center somewhere in the village, to serve teens, seniors, or the entire comm u n i t y, w a s i d e n t i f i e d b y many residents in the Special Board’s 2007 survey.

Expansion of boating facilities on Cold Spring’s waterfront was also discussed, however such expansion would likely involve more than the D o c k s i d e p r o p e r t y, t a k i n g into account the role of the Cold Spring Boat Club and the Foundry Dock area. Ideas for Dockside include marina development, passenger-boat docking facilities, a launch for motor boats, or the addition of moorings that would allow boaters to come ashore. Also mentioned was the possibility of a facility to house the Building Bridges Building Boats program. Tom Rolston, owner of The Depot Restaurant, was one of about a dozen residents who attended the meeting. After hearing the ideas Rolston commented that, “This has the potential to be one of the premier parks up and down the entire Hudson River.” George Trakas, a consultant who has done work on Beacon’s waterfront, cautioned that no matter what uses are chosen for the site, the most pressing need is to protect the property from further erosion. According to Cold Spring Mayor Seth Gallagher, the ideas presented in the Special Board’s report would be used as the basis for a conceptual plan in further discussions with the State of New York and plans would be available for further public input as they are developed.

of irregularities discovered in an animal abuse case that she handled. The probe was assigned to a special prosecutor and was later assumed by Levy and his staff. Levy commended the FBI for its assistance: “Special agents interviewed witnesses, reviewed documents, and worked closely with my office during the 18-month investigation. Special Agents Timothy Lauzon and Robert Neuendorf worked with our Criminal Investigator Henry

Lopez and Chief Assistant D.A. Christopher York in a thorough, meticulous, and professional manner. The case is a perfect example of how state and federal law enforcement agencies can work together for the public good.” Levy also thanked Sheriff Smith for his cooperation by providing “my office with pertinent information necessary to complete the inquiry.” The sheriff stressed that the charges against his deputy were “accusations, and she, like

anyone who stands accused, is entitled to a legal presumption of innocence unless and until the charges are proven in a court of law.” Smith admitted being troubled by the allegations: “This kind of wrongdoing alleged in the case tears against the very fiber of the Putnam Sheriff’s Department and is opposed to everything the office stands for—integrity, honesty, service, and the fair and impartial enforcement of the law.”

DEPUTY (Cont’d from front pg.) for anyone to have sustained the extent of the trauma and not require medical attention while functioning normally throughout the balance of her tour while interacting with her peers without calling attention to herself.” Aronwald promised to file a motion to have the two series of allegations severed so the disability claims will be separate from the alleged perjury claim. Aronwald said what bothered him more than anything was “people in the position to

discredit the allegations were not questioned nor asked to appear before the grand jury. Had the grand jury known the full picture, I question whether the charges would have been filed.” Meanwhile Sheriff Donald Smith suspended Deputy Dunn Monday evening from her $75,000-a-year job in the wake of the indictment. The sheriff said the investigation began three years ago when he notified former District Attorney Kevin Wright

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 13

PV School Board Questions New Library October Marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The 4,600-sq.foot PV High School library features a high arched ceiling, a wall of windows (left), book shelves, and table tops for jigsaw puzzles and other group projects, various sized seating, including bean bag chairs, and group and individual study spaces (right). Library Media Specialist Stella Mouyios (left) is in charge, but lost a library aide in the last round of budget cuts. by Michael Mell At its October 1, 2009, meeting, the Putnam Valley School Board was not swayed by administrators’ arguments in favor of what is now being termed a “Middle School/High School Learning Commons.” This latest incarnation of what has previously been referred to as either a “building connector” or a “middle school library” was described by Assistant Superintendent D r. B a r b a r a F u c h s a t t h e board’s work session last week. In an educational jargon-laden presentation, Dr. Fuchs presented a model for a 21st century media-centered library, apparently inspired by a recently created program in Chelmsford, MA. A follow-up presentation by Assistant Superintendent Paul Lee included some of the same images from a presentation he gave at the last meeting, with some new data added. In spite of the fact that the board has yet to approve the proposed project, Mr. Lee’s presentation ended, again, with a proposed schedule leading to a referendum for public approval.

Citing the district’s history of “cutting edge” educational developments, Dr. Fuchs prefaced her presentation, describing the idea of a “learning commons” as “extremely unique” and something that will “meet the needs of the 21st century learner.” The first slide presented a dreary picture of the current PVMS library as underutilized by s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, a n d t h e community. The few positive aspects of the current library that Fuchs described were students “doing school work, pleasure reading . . . or engaging in library-sponsored activities.” Dr. Fuchs also indicated that average daily library attendance at the PVHS library was only 137 students, although a footnote indicated that regular classroom use was not included in this figure. Questioning by board vice president Guy C o h en revealed that classroom use of the library represented another 25 percent of the student body, yielding a significantly higher number than initially indicated. D r. F u c h s d e s c r i b e d t h e physical characteristics of

the learning commons as “a totally flexible space where furnishings can be moved about to accommodate different functions and groupings.” At the same time it would also be “a virtual space which is a warehouse of digital materials . . . all available 24/7.” In support of this premise were new architectural drawings that indicated a blank space with no furniture or furnishings shown. An article about the Chelmsford school made available during the meeting, however, showed a half dozen photographs of what most would recognize as a traditional library, including book shelves, reading areas, a librarian’s station, tables, and chairs. Also described in the article were built-in counters for laptop use. The tenor of the article was that rather than a blank slate, the thinking behind the Chelmsford renovation evolved around different areas that would be attractive and useful to students. Concluding her remarks, Dr. Fuchs listed goals for the learning commons including a “school library . . . central to everything meaningful in the

school,” valuable to “teachers and all members of the PV learning community.” Also described was “an information specialist who evaluates information sources . . . and teaches informational literacy skills” and who would be an “instructional partner with teachers collaborating on curriculum design.” No attention, however, was given to the implementation of these significant goals, either in terms of the physical structure of the space or the staffing required. The board, which had listened attentively and, for the most part, quietly, to the presentation, was quick to offer questions and opinions. Board president Tina Mackay, citing current curriculum demands and schedules, asked how students would have time to use the learning commons described by Dr. Fuchs. Trustee Mary Maus suggested that librarian and teacher input be solicited prior to beginning such a program, voicing her opinion that “They have to buy in.” Trustee Valerie Fitzgerald expressed a desire to see what impact on curriculum would be. Mr. Cohen described the timetable proposed as “infeasible” in light of all the unanswered questions. Ms. Mackay and Ms. Fitzgerald agreed, requesting more specific information to make sure it “lives up to its vision.” Trustee Frank Reale asked Mr. Lee what drove the seemingly aggressive timetable. Lee’s answer was that the fall “was a traditional time.” Tina Mackay recalled the great amount of work and preparation prior to the recent laptop initiative and indicated that a similar degree of diligence will need to be applied before the learning commons can be presented to the community. The consensus of the board appeared to favor the concept, but all agreed that the proposed timing would not be propitious. It also appeared that the board wanted to have more information on which to make their decision, but no specific direction was provided, other than support for a visit to the Chelmsford school. Teacher Barbara Parmly quoted from the Chelmsford article, which states “First and above all, came the program.” She referred to the evening’s presentation as “putting the cart before the horse.” Therese Dwyer voiced concerns about intermingling of younger and older students, how community access and security would be balanced, and how it would be maintained if positions or other support were cut.

October is National Breast C a n c e r Aw a r e n e s s M o n t h , a n d D r. S h e r l i t a A m l e r, Putnam’s Commissioner of Health, urged all women to learn about their risk and talk to their health care provider about getting screened for breast cancer. “All women, aged 40 and o l d e r, s h o u l d g e t a m a m mogram every one to two years, with or without clinical breast exams, to protect their health,” Dr. Amler said. “Today, thanks to early detection and treatment advances, women are surviving breast cancer and living longer, healthier lives. When breast cancer is found early, 97 percent of the cases can be effectively treated.” Breast cancer is the sec-

ond leading cause of cancerrelated death among women i n N e w Yo r k S t a t e , a f t e r lung cancer. Last year, about 14,000 women in New York State were newly diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 2,900 women died from the disease. Although the causes of breast cancer are still un known, the following fac tors may increase a woman’s risk: Advancing age; Being younger when you had your first menstrual period; Starting menopause at an older age; Never giving birth or delayed giving birth to first child until age 30 or older; Not breastfeeding; Having a personal or family history (on the mother’s or father’s side of the family) of breast can-

cer, or carrying certain gene mutations such as BRCA 1 or BRCA 2; Being overweight or obese; Being sedentary; Having a history of radiation exposure to the chest; Taking hormone replacement therapy for an extended period of time. Having one of these risk factors does not mean that you will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer do not have any risk factors or unusual symptoms. Women who are concerned about their risk of breast cancer should talk to their health care provider. Women with a personal or family history of breast cancer might also consider genetic counseling. Although there is still much to be learned about the causes

of breast cancer, there are many ways men and women can live a healthy lifestyle and help improve outcomes: not smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke, making healthy food choices, getting regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting recommended cancer screenings. The Cancer Services Prog r a m o f P u t n a m C o u n t y, funded by a grant from the NYSDOH, is a collaborative service of the Health Department and the American Cancer Society. Please contact the Cancer Services Program of Putnam County at 845-2786558 for more information. You can also visit www. nyhealth.gov/nysdoh/cancer/ center/partnerships.

PV SCHOOLS (Cont’d from front pg.) its highest indication of credit worthiness. From this acme, the scale decreases in increments: AA, A, A1, A2, A3, B1, etc. Generally speaking any rating in the “A” category is to be applauded, while a rating in the “B” category or lower indicates issues of financial soundness and instability. In response to a question from the board, Mr. Lee said that several years ago, when the reserve fund held only some tens of thousands of dollars, the district’s rating was well within the “B” category. The increase in the reserve fund, along with prudent budgets, has steadily improved the rating assigned by Moody’s. The New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA, pronounced “nizz-buh”) provides guidance and acts as an arbiter of school board issues. Trustee Valerie Fitzgerald will attend this year’s meeting to cast votes on behalf of the board. With almost no discussion, President Tina Mackay read through the resolutions. Of particular interest is the resolution sponsored by the board itself. Although rejected by NYSSBA in the past, the PV board feels that a local (rather than a national) Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a more equitable method of determining appropriate cost-of-living adjustments. The board hopes to garner enough support to pass the resolution when it reaches

the floor. Ms. Mackay read through a list of approximately 25 protocols which, when approved, will be posted on the district website. Board protocols provide guidance to the board in their day-to-day activities and ensure they remain compliant with all state laws, rules and regulations. The board made only minor word changes to the document and concurred that the protocols be reviewed annually, to be modified as may be nec-

essary. At the suggestion of Vice President Guy Cohen, the board agreed that the annual review should occur during each summer’s reorganizational meeting. In new business, the board voted to participate in a local government efficiency grant program. In concert with 18 other districts in the Putnam/ Northern Westchester BOCES, the grant will fund a feasibility study to determine potential savings that may result from sharing out-of-district trans-

portation. Transportation for special education placements, private schools, and parochial schools continues to be a concern for school districts at budget time. If the $33,900 grant is awarded, the study will investigate avenues for savings that may be achieved by coordination among the 18 districts and BOCES. The next business meeting will be held on Thursday, October 22 at 7pm in the high school cafeteria.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nature Teaches the Lesson Local Students Named to Marist Dean’s List at Garrison School

Shane “White Feather” Hobel teaches 8th grader Sophia Vechnyak how to create a rope using raffia. I n p r io r y e a r s , G a r r is o n Middle Schoolers have completed special team-building workshops at off-site locations miles from the school. This year, their lessons were learned in their own backyard: the 200-acre School Forest. Shane “White Feather” Hobel, founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School, helped students understand basic survival skills while focusing on leadership and group work. He led sixth, seventh, and eighth graders over four days through a series of educational outdoor activities. During one workshop, Hobel, a seasoned outdoorsman, recalled how he once spent

two days making a rope from cedar trees so he could get down a steep cliff. The class then made their own ropes out of raffia. The program was funded through money set aside in the school budget for leadership training and team building for Middle School students. “Students were able to learn more about their roles in society and build skills as leaders in their clas s , ” noted Principal Stephanie Impellittiere. “They learned about tolerance, reverence towards each other, patience, self control, and the ability to focus.”

The following students were named to the Marist College Dean's List for the spring 2009 semester: Ashley A. Aquilino of Putnam Valley is a member of the Class of 2012 and is majoring in Fashion Merchandising. Kira L. Culotta of Cold Spring is a member of the Class of 2012 and is majoring in Fine Arts/History. Victoria C. Moss of Cold Spring is a member of the C l a s s o f 2 0 11 a n d i s m a joring in Communications/ Advertising. Michelle M. Scott of Putnam Valley is a member of the Class of 2011 and is majoring in Applied Mathematics. Matthew J. Trodden of Putnam Valley is a member of the

Class of 2011 and is majoring in Accounting. Alexandra Vucetic of Putnam Valley, is a member of the Class of 2012 and is majoring in Business Admin./ Emphasis: International. Marist is an independent comprehensive liberal arts college with an enrollment of 4,300 full-time undergraduate students from 39 states and 7 countries. Marist is ranked among the top tier of colleges and universities in U.S. News & World Report's America's Best Colleges guide, is listed by Kiplinger's Personal Finance as one of the country's "100 Best Buys in College Education," and is also listed in Barron's Best Buys in College Education.

Cub Scouts Learn the ‘Secrets of the Brown Pool’

Pictured: Rotarians Rita Sharples, left, and Bob Walker present the alphabet cards to Superintendent Dr. Marc Space and PV Board of Education President Tina Mackay. At a recent meeting of the Putnam Valley Board of Education, Ms. Rita Sharples, president of the Putnam Valley Rotary Club, along with Rotary members Mr. B o b Wa l k e r a n d M r. C a r l Sandberg, presented a donation of alphabet cards to the district. The cards were accepted by Superintendent Dr. Marc Space (who is also a PV Rotarian), and Elementary School Principal, Ms. Jamie Edelman. The cards will be given to each of the kindergarten students at the

Putnam Valley Elementary School to be used as a learning tool both at home and in the classroom. The Putnam Valley Rotary has also generously supported the students of the district by their donation of dictionaries to 3rd graders, thesauruses to 5th graders, partnership with the High School’s Interact Club, sponsorship of Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, and through awarding high school and higher education scholarships.

Play Math With Me at the Butterfield Library

Garrison School Announces New 8th Grade Class Officers

Pictured are Garrison School’s new slate of Class Officers: (l-r) Samantha Heanue, Treasurer; Megan Brief, Secretary; Emma Jacoby, Vice-President; and Sarah Hard, President. Both Principal Mrs. Impellittiere and 8th grade Class Advisor Mr. Disch look forward to working with the girls as they celebrate their 8th grade year at the Garrison School.

Rotarians Donate Alphabet An Abundance of Autumn’s Cards to PV Kindergartners Bounty at Pumpkin Festival

The Butterfield Library is excited to welcome Irene Keyes back for a new season of Play Math with Me beginning Thursday, October 8, at 1:15pm. This four-week workshop for preschool-age children and their parents or caregivers will run through October 29. Ms. Irene will play a different math subject each week Ms. Irene is a New York State-Certified Mathematics Teacher with over 30 years of experience. She focuses on interaction between par-

Village of Cold Spring Water Superintendant Greg Phillips conducted a tour of the waste treatment facility for the local Cub Scout boys of Den 1, Pack 137, who are third graders. According to Den Leader Jackie Hadden,“the tour was fascinating—they had a million questions, and Mr. Phillips answered them all on a level the boys could understand.”

ent and child. The activities make use of familiar objects and toys. Parents will learn how easy it is to make math an integral part of their child’s daily activities and build a foundation for future success with mathematics. This free program is limited to 12 preschool-age participants and their parent or caregiver. Registration is required. Please visit www.butterfieldlibrary.org to sign up or call 265-3040 x4 for more information.

Once again it’s time for the Beacon Sloop Club’s Annual Pumpkin Festival in Beacon. This celebration will take place at the Beacon waterfront (across from the Metro-North Beacon Station) rain or shine on Sunday Oct 18 from noon to 5pm. Tasty fall treats including delicious, fresh-baked pumpkin pie, pressed apple cider, and soup along with stone soup, chili, and more will be available for your culinary delight. An abundance of fresh-picked local grown Hudson Valley pumpkins of all sizes and shapes will also be available for purchase. During the festival volunteer crews and captains will be organizing free public sailing aboard the ferry sloop Woody Guthrie. Guests may sign up at the Sloop Club booth

during the festival, weather permitting. The afternoon will be filled will a variety of talented performers. In addition to sailing, The Beacon Sloop club is dedicated to promoting public access to the river and responsible enjoyment of this great natural resource. Environmental displays and information will be part of the festival. The Beacon Sloop Club is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. There is no admission c h a rg e a n d p l e n t y o f f r e e parking at the Metro-North Station. For more information about the festival please call 845496-5617, 845-831-6962, 914- 907-4928 or www.beaconsloopclub.org

Say Boo at Trailside Zoo! Are you looking for a less frightening alternative this Halloween season? Help Trailside Museums and Zoo c e le b r at e t h e s p o o k i e s t o f seasons with some familyfriendly fun during the Boo at the Zoo on Saturday, October 24, 2009 from 10:30am to 3pm. Help make spider cookie snacks for the black bears at 10:30, and then watch as the zookeepers let them loose on the tasty Halloween decora-

tions at 11am. Throughout the day you'll touch real animal skulls, see stuffed specimens in the nature study museum, learn about some not-so-scary owls and vultures, and find out about some of the things that make autumn such a special season. Parking at Bear Mountain State Park is $7. There is no admission fee to Trailside Museums and Zoo, however donations are gladly accepted.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 15

What Exactly Do Principals Do During the Summer? Two Teachers, Two Babies, One Day, One Hospital

Pictured (l to r) Kevin Carroll - Carmel HS, Susan Strauss - Walter Panas HS, Jonathan Bryant - Putnam Valley HS, Cheryl Champ - Lakeland HS, Matthew Byrnes - Brewster HS, and Adam Paese - Mahopac HS. More than a few people have asked the question, “What do principals do during the summer?” T h i s p a s t s u m m e r, h i g h school principals from the N o r t h e r n We s t c h e s t e r / P u t nam Principals Association

spent a day together talking about current issues and trends in education. This retreat took place at the Edith Macy Conference Center in B r i a r c l i ff M a n o r, N Y. Issues discussed included 21st-century skills for high

school and beyond and effective grading practices. Dis cussions revolved around the goal of successfully preparing high school graduates to thrive, not just survive, in whatever path they choose after high school.

T h e N o r t h e r n We s t c h e s ter/Putnam Principals Association continues to meet monthly during the school year to share best practices and continue dialogue on key issues facing high school educators.

What are the odds? Despite the small size of Haldane, two teachers, Catherine Scrocca, pictured on the left with her daughter, Summer Olivia, and Katlyn Yen, shown with her son, Roger Aiden, both gave birth on the same day, August 10, 2009, at Hudson Valley Hospital. Both teachers, who, incidentally, both live in Putnam Valley, will return to their respective classrooms this week: Mrs. Scrocca teaches first grade, Mrs. Yen, biology.

16 PV High Schoolers Earn Learn Digital Photography Dancing Dogs and Pets on at Butterfield Library AP Scholar Awards Parade in Cold Spring Sixteen students at Putnam Hannah Parzen,qualified for Photographer Sally Del- they have learned in the first

Valley HS earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on Advanced Placement exams. About 18 percent of the nearly 1.7 million students worldwide who took AP Exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award. The College Board recognizes several levels of AP achievement. Three students, Victoriea Hamilton, Janelle Herelle, and Kristen Macher, qualified for AP Scholar with Distinction by earning an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Four students, Dillon Chesnut, Jenna Isabella, Megan Mahoney, and

the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Nine students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP exams with grades of 3 or higher. The y are Ian Azcue, Daniel Consolazio, Jennifer Davis, Eric Ebeling, Gavin Rinaldo, Jake Rosner, Georgia Sommer, Natalia Stockinger, and Patrick Treacy. Of this year’s award recipients at Putnam Valley High School, seven are juniors. These students have at least one more year to complete college-level work and possibly earn a higher-level AP Scholar Award.

merico takes the mystery out of your digital camera at a two-part workshop to be held Saturday, October 10 at 3pm and Saturday, November 14 at 3pm at the Butterfield Library. This workshop will feature hands-on practical advice on the use of your camera. Sally presents the information in easy-to-understand language and will tailor it to the participants’ individual needs. The topics may include the basic operation of your camera, picture composition and lighting, transferring pictures from your camera to your computer, putting pictures on a CD and printing your pictures. She will ask participants to practice what

workshop during the month and to return for the second workshop ready to discuss their successes and the areas in which they have questions or issues. An accomplished professional photographer for over 20 years, Sally has offered th is w o r k s h o p at lib r ar ies throughout the Hudson Valley including the Butterfield Library. Her photographic work will be on display in the library’s gallery throughout the month. Registration is required for this two-part workshop. Please call the library at 2653040 ext. 4 or visit the online calender at www.butterfieldlibrary.org.

Bring your dogs, cats, and other creatures to Putnam Humane Society’s full day of animal-related events in Cold Spring on Sunday, October 11. The day will begin with a Blessing of the Animals at St. Mary’s Church, located at 1 Chestnut Street. Vendors will set up their wares on St. Mary’s lawn from 11:30am onwards, and there will be a rabies clinic ($23), and a snap test clinic (heartworm, lyme, Ehrlic, and Anaplasm -$70). There will be a great variety of activities: games, pumpkin

and face painting, music by Murray Weinstock, and to entertain everyone: dog dancing! P H S Wi s h l i s t d o n a t i o n boxes will be set up, so please bring along things like clean blankets, unused bowls, toys, etc., that the shelter can use. At 1:30pm, a pet parade will wind down Main Street to the gazebo, where there will be contests and awards at 2:30. The day will be capped by a 4pm Paws for Peace community sing at the gazebo. For more details visit www. puthumane.org

A dvertise

Glynwood Celebrates Harvest with Community Glynwood Farm invites the community to their harvest celebration day on S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 5 , f r o m noon to 4pm. There will be activities for the whole family, including hayrides, scarecrow making, butter making, and spinning wool. Kids can enjoy a haystack scramble, apple bobbing, relay games, a hay bale maze, and ice cream making. Backyard farmers can learn how to prepare a bed

in the

for garlic. A delicious lunch of Glynwood Beef Stew and Catalan Bean and Vegetable S t e w w i l l b e o ff e r e d , p l u s apple cider, and cookies and PB&J for the kids. The cost is $10 ages 14 a n d o l d e r, w i t h u n d e r 1 4 free. Advance registrations are requested, but you can p a y a t t h e d o o r. Glynwood is located on Route 301, 1.5 miles east of Route 9.


Email us at [email protected] or call 265-2468 for rates

Page 16


by Catherine Garnsey “How do we make lasting memories for the children in our community? By having an Oktoberfest. And what does that take? Good people to come together!” Those were the sentiments of John Scherer, President of the Parish Council of Our Lady of Loretto Church, as he thanked the many volunteers and sponsors who helped organize this past weekend’s Oktoberfest, which fell on the feast day of the Holy Angels. Scherer, who also serves as chairman of the Activities c o m m i t t e e t h a t o rg a n i z e d the two-night event, was pleased with the big crowds that turned out Friday and Saturday evenings. Despite Friday’s evening

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oktoberfest at Our Lady of Loretto Parish

temperatures which dipped into the low fifties, the food, music, and carnival atmo sphere delighted young and old alike. Annemarie Lynch, granddaughter of Helen Robbins, (pictured right on the grounds of Our Lady of Loretto Church) remarked, “It was so much fun that I ran out of tickets!” Hundreds of people attended, while more than a hundred volunteered serving food and drink, setting and cleaning up, running the game booths, and playing music from all across the world: World-renowned Uilleann piper Jerry O’Sullivan played at dusk Friday night, later f a i r- g o e r s w e r e t r e a t e d t o The Buddy Traina Band, storyteller Jonathan Kruk, DJ

Tommy Nastasi, Greg Phillips, the Cold Spring Fire Company Pipes and Drums, Clare Shanahan, Angela, Catriona, and Mairead Fee with their Irish step dancing, and D.J. Radio - Fred Productions. Chalet on the Hudson received high marks for their fine Oktoberfest cuisine: Sauerbraten with red cab bage, bratwurst with onions, and German potato pancakes with homemade apple sauce. Fr. Brian McSweeney surprised the crowds Saturday night when he entered the D u n k Ta n k g a m e a n d w a s successfully dunked by a fairgoer with a strong right arm!

P h o to s b y C at h e r i n e G a r n s e y On Friday and Saturday evening, October 2 and 3, Our Lady of Loretto Parish in Cold Spring held its annual Oktoberfest. Photos, counter-clockwise starting below left: Father Brian McSweeney braves the dunk tank; Olivia & Emily McDermott take a snack break; Pat Fitzgerald staffs a booth; Lydia Fadool takes a break from food serving; Philipstown Councilwoman Nancy Montgomery and friends enjoy the evening’s entertainment; a group of Cold Spring seniors enjoy the food; Annemarie Lynch is all smiles.

Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE Liz's Chemo Survival Kits, LLC filed on June 30th, 2009. Office location, Putnam County, NY. SSNY is designated as agent upon process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process against the LLC to 63 Hamlin Road, Mahopac NY10541. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation o f B E Q U I TA , L L C , a NYS Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/04/2009. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is: C/O Rebecca M. Bardes, 32 Bank Street, Cold Spring, NY 10516. Purpose of LLC: to engage in any lawful act or activity. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Qualification of HUDSON EAGLE LLC. Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY ( S S N Y ) o n 0 9 / 11 / 2 0 0 9 . O ff i c e l o c a t i o n : P u t n a m C o u n t y. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/09/2009. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 31 Private Way, Garrison NY 10524. Address to be maintained in DE: 160 Greentree Dr., Ste. 101, Dover DE 19904. A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d w i t h D E S e c y. o f S t a t e , 4 0 1 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activities. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of ALLEGIANCE STRATEGIES, LLC, a NYS Limited Liability Company (LLC). Arts. of Org. filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/19/09. NY Office Location: PUTNAM County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her to C/O JEFF COOK, 10 GROVE C O U RT, C O L D S P R I N G , NY 10516. Purpose: Any lawful activity. LEGAL NOTICE P U T N A M VA L L E Y TOWN BOARD BUDGET WORK SESSION We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 7 , 2009 6:00 P.M. REVIEW OF TENTATIVE 2010 TOWN BUDGET POSTED 10/2/09

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of Marvik Solutions, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 9/22/09. Office location: P u t n a m C o u n t y. S e c . o f State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to the principal business address: 30 Ivy Hill Rd., Brewster, NY 10509. Purpose: any lawful purpose. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Qualification of SAHN EAGLE LLC. Authority filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/13/09. Office location: Putnam County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 5/26/09. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 3 1 P r i v a t e Wa y, G a r r i s o n NY 10524. Address to be maintained in DE: 160 G r e e n t r e e D r. , S t e . 1 0 1 , Dover DE 19904. Arts. of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activities. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation o f S TAT H E A LT H C A R E SOLUTIONS LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/24/2009. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 530 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY 10523. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. Latest date upon which LLC is to dissolve: 12/31/2034. LEGAL NOTICE PUTNAM COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 110 OLD ROUTE 6 BUILDING NO. 3 CARMEL, NEW YORK 10512 PHONE (845) 225 0441, EXT. 46101 FAX (845) 225 1421 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RFQ -M PUTNAM COUNTY IS SOLICITING QUOTES FOR THE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF NINE (9) VEHICLES. (AS-IS CONDITION) THE VEHICLES ARE C U R R E N T LY B E I N G STORED AT THE PUTNAM COUNTY PLANNING D E PA R T M E N T ' S B U S G A R A G E , 8 4 1 FA I R STREET, CARMEL, NEW YORK ARRANGEMENTS TO SEE THE VEHICLES CAN BE MADE WITH ED HOLAN AT (845) 878 7433,

BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 5:OOPM, M O N D AY T H R O U G H FRIDAY THE SUCCESSFUL HIGH BIDDER MUST REMOVE THE VEHICLES WITHIN F I V E ( 5 ) D AY S O F T H E AWARD. YOUR RESPONSE IS REQUESTED BY MAIL/ FA X N O L AT E R T H A N WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2009 AT 1:00 P.M. IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT CINDY @ ( 8 4 5 ) 2 2 5 - 0 4 4 1 , E X T. 46101 DATED: Carmel, New York September 29, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that a public hearing pursuant to Section 20 of the New York State Civil Service Law will be held before the Personnel Director of Putnam County in the Conference Room of Building #3 at the Donald B. Smith County Government Campus in Carmel, New York on the 27th day of October, 2009 at 10 AM with respect to amending the Rules and Appendices of the Classified Civil Service. The proposed changes concern the addition of various titles to the Non-Competitive Class Appendices. Additionally, there are proposed changes to the Rules as follows: Rule IX, Examinations (codify standards of security that are already in place, in conformance with NYS Model Civil Service Examination Rule); and Rule XIII, Probationary Te r m ( e x t e n d m i n i m u m probationary period to twenty-six (26) weeks, and give appointing authorities the right to require a full fifty-two (52) weeks of probation, to allow more time for an appointing authority to evaluate an appointee’s conduct or performance). Complete copies of the proposed changes are on file and available for review at the Personnel Department prior to the Public Hearing. All parties in interest and citizens will be given an opportunity to be heard. Paul Eldridge, Personnel Director LEGAL NOTICE Public Notice: Vi l l a g e o f C o l d S p r i n g Planning Board will be meeting at the Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring on Wednesday, October 14 at 7:30 pm to conduct a workshop on the restoration of the building at 144 Main Street.

LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/or service: RFB 47-09 PRINTING SERVICES Detailed specifications may be secured at the o ff i c e o f t h e D i r e c t o r o f Purchasing, County of P u t n a m O ff i c e F a c i l i t i e s , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00. P.M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at www.putnamcountyny.com. Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2009. dated: Carmel, New York October 1, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta,Purchasing Director Putnam County LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of PROFITABLE VENTURES, LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 08/04/2009. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 20 Cliffside Court, Garrison, NY 10524. Purpose: Any Lawful Purpose. LEGAL NOTICE T h e Vi l l a g e o f C o l d Spring Historic District Review Board will hold their regular monthly meeting We d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 1 4 , 2009 at 8:00 p.m. at the Vi l l a g e H a l l 8 5 M a i n S t . Cold Spring Agenda: Old Business: Yona & Mitchell Feinstein, 3 Cherry St. (Deck) New Business: Cathryn Fadde, 11 High St. (windows) LEGAL NOTICE New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application Date: 08/14/2009 Applicant: TOWN OF P U T N A M VA L L E Y 2 6 5 O S C AWA N A L A K E R D P U T N A M VA L L E Y, N Y 105 79 Facility: BARGERPOND NORTH END OF ROBERTS DRIVE PUTNAM VALLEY, NY Application ID: 3-372800064/00004 Permits(s) Applied for: 1 Article 15 Title 5 Excavation & Fill in Navigable Waters

1 - Article 24 Freshwater Wetlands Project is located: in P U T N A M VA L L E Y i n PUTNAM COUNTY Project Description: T h e To w n o f P u t n a m Valley proposes to remove aquatic vegetation by hydroraking two distinct 100 ft wide x 150 ft long areas within Barger Pond [Index# H-55-12-4-P 181, Class B]. The areas to be hallmarked are the waterfronts of Barger Pond Park District Property [Tax Map# 74.17-1-67,68] and Putnam Acres District Property [Tax Map# 74.1744]. The project will result in 0.35 acres of temporary impacts to the 100' Adjacent Area of NYSDEC Freshwater Wetland ML-44. The aquatic vegetation will be removed and allowed to dewater at least 100 feet from both the shore and the regulated wetland and be disposed of at a composting facility off site. Availability of Application Documents: Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection during normal business hours at the address o f t h e c o n t a c t p e r s o n . To ensure timely service at the time of inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person. State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination Project is an Unlisted Action and will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration is on file. A coordinated review was not performed. SEQR Lead Agency None Designated State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination Cultural resource lists and map have been checked. No registered, eligible or inventoried archaeological sites or historic structures were identified at the project location. No further review in accordance with SHPA is required. DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29) It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29. Availability For Public Comment Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than 10/22/2009 or 15 days after the publication date of this notice, whichever is later. Contact Person JOSEPH R MURRAY NYSDEC 21 SOUTH PUTT CORNERS RD NEW PALTZ, NY 125611620 (845) 256-3054

LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals, will be received. by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/ or service: R F P # 0 8 - 0 9 NEXT GENERATION 9-1-1 SYSTEMS MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT Detailed specifications may be secured at the office of the Director of Purchasing, County of Putnam Purchasing Department located at 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A.M.. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, beginning We d n e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 30,2009 after 1:00PM. You may also visit our web site a t w w w. p u t n a m c o u n t y n y. com. Copies of Request for Proposals documents obtained from any other source are not considered official copies. Sealed PROPOSALS must be filed i n t h e a b o v e o ff i c e o n o r before Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1: 00 P.M, Dated: Carmel, New York Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Purchasing Director Putnam County Purchasing Department LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/or service: RFB 46-09 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 8 REPAIR Detailed specifications may be secured at the o ff i c e o f t h e D i r e c t o r o f Purchasing, County of P u t n a m O ff i c e F a c i l i t i e s , 110 Old Route B, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at www.putnamcountyny.com. Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2009. dated: Carmel, New York October 1, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Director Putnam County

Send Legal Notices to [email protected]

LEGAL NOTICE HALDANE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Cold Spring, NY 10516 LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Education of the Haldane Central School District of Philipstown will receive sealed bids until 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, October 20, 2009 when same will be publicly opened at the Business Office of the Haldane Central School, 15 Craigside Drive, Cold Spring, NY 10516 for the following: #2 HEATING OIL Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the Business Office 15 Craigside Drive, Cold Spring, NY 10516, during the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. or call 845-265-9254x111. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By Order of the Board of Education of Haldane Central School District of Philipstown, Dutchess and Putnam Counties, New York By Anne M. Dinio, School Business Manager. Dated October 1, 2009. LEGAL NOTICE BUDGET HEARING O F T H E P H I L I P S TO W N NORTH HIGHLANDS FIRE DISTRICT On October 20, 2009 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Budget Hearing of the Philipstown North Highlands Fire District will take place on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the North Highlands Engine Co. N o. 1 F ire H ous e lo cated at 504 Fishkill Road, Cold, Spring, N.Y. for the purpose of discussing the 2010 adopted proposed budget. A copy of the 2010 proposed budget may be obtained from the Town Clerk, located at the Town Hall, 238 Main St., Nelsonville, NY 120516, during normal business hours, for public inspection. Dated: October 5, 2009 Kristin D. VanTassel, Secretary BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS PHILIPSTOWN NORTH HIGHLANDS FIRE DISTRICT LEGAL NOTICE Public Notice: Vi l l a g e o f C o l d S p r i n g Planning Board will be meeting at the Village Hall, 85 Main Street, Cold Spring on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:30 pm to conduct a public hearing on the application to open Go-Go Pops, a food and drink establishment, at 103 Main Street.

LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF PUTNAM NOTICE FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing of Putnam County for the following commodities and/or service: RFB-44- 09 TREE TRIMMING AND FELLING Detailed specifications may be secured at the o ff i c e o f t h e D i r e c t o r o f Purchasing, County of P u t n a m O ff i c e F a c i l i t i e s , 110 Old Route 6, Building No. 3, Carmel, New York 10512 between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M., Monday through Friday. You may also visit our web site at www.putnamcountyny.com. Sealed bids must be filed in the above office on or before 1:00 P.M., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2009 dated: Carmel, New York September 29, 2009 Sgd/Alessandro Mazzotta, Director Putnam County Purchasing Department LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of KAPLAN’S KOSHER KART L L C . A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 4/24/09. Office location: Putnam County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process t o : M i c h a e l T. L a m b e r t i , Esq., 180 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797. Purpose: any lawful activity. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of JDO Properties LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/6/09. Office location: Putnam Co. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: James O’Hagan, 21 Shallow Stream Rd., Carmel, NY 10512, also registered agent. Purpose: any lawful activities.

LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Formation of K & G Realty Partners, L L C . A r t s . o f O rg . f i l e d with NY Dept. of State on 6/29/09. Office location: P u t n a m C o u n t y. S e c . o f State designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: #201 T h e B a r n e s O ff i c e B l d g . , S t o n e l e i g h Av e . , C a r m e l , NY 10512. Purpose: any lawful purpose.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Haldane Varsity Football 9/11/2009 9/17/2009 9/26/2009 10/3/2009 10/10/2009 10/17/2009 10/23/2009

L, 28-14 L, 18-13 L, 18-14 L, 18-0 3:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM


Page 17

Putnam Valley Varsity Football 9/17/2009 9/26/2009 10/2/2009 10/9/2009 10/17/2009


HaldaneFootball Putnam Valley Struggles in Loss Goes 0-4 after Loss by Mike Horton

The Putnam Valley high football team lost a nonleague game at home to Albertus Magnus Friday night by a score of 23-8. T h e Ti g e r s , w h o s t a r t e d the season off strong with two victories, have quickly f a lle n to 2 - 2 , af t er lo s in g to Albertus Magnus in ugly fashion. The offense was able to run the ball to a degree, something the Tigers had yet to do this year. PV broke 100 yards rushing as a team for the first time this year. QB Mike Nallan led the team in rushing with 58 yards on eight attempts. John Warden had 18 yards on four attempts, and A.J. Martinez added 14 yards on three attempts. Jerry Zimbaldi scored PV’s only touchdown on a two-yard run, it was his only attempt

of the game. The passing game gave the Tigers trouble. Backup QB Connor Gembecki went 1-for-1 with a 55-yard pass t o B r i a n M i n n e r l y, w h i c h was his only reception. The starter Nallan went 4-for-13 for 52 yards, and he threw five interceptions. Warden had three receptions for 49 yards. Marcus Givan had only one catch for three yards. The Tigers only gained 107 yards through the air. Miscues in the passing game would hurt the Tigers mightily, keeping their defense on the field, and giving Magnus great field position and many opportunities to score. Jim Ready had 11 tackles, John Warden had seven tackles and one for a loss, Kevin Christopher had six tackles and one for a loss, A.J. Martinez got six tackles, Nallan would add five tackles, Will Mauro added four tackles and

Skip Pearlman

The PV defense stuffs Magnus QB Ryan McLaughlin (10) just short of the end zone last Friday night. recovered a fumble. Valley team that looked prom- on the right track Friday at Overall it was another dis- ising early in the season. They home against Irvington at appointing loss for a Putnam will get a chance to get back 7pm.

Sloppy Performance Hands PV Second Straight Loss Kevin Junjulas

by B.J. O'Brien The Haldane High School football team suffered another tough loss to perennial power Tuckahoe Sunday night 18-0. The loss dropped the Blue Devils' record to 0-4 on the season. Tuckahoe improved to 3-1. The contest, which was h eld at Tu ck ah o e H ig h School, was originally scheduled for Saturday afternoon but was moved to Sunday night due to expected inclement weather. Tuckahoe got on the board in the first quarter on a one yard touchdown run by Gary Jennings to give his team a 6-0 lead. The point-after kick failed. The Tigers scored again later in the quarter on a 30 yard touchdown pass from Kevin Garabitos to Brad Broncati. That made the

s c o r e 1 2 - 0 . Tu c k a h o e a t tempted a two-point conversion but their running play was unsuccessful. Jennings wrapped up the s c o r i n g f o r t h e Ti g e r s i n the third quarter when he returned a Haldane kickoff 85 yards for a touchdown. A two point conversion attempt failed once again and the score was 18-0 in favor of Tuckahoe. Haldane quarterback Frank Fusco completed two of six pass attempts for 29 yards. He also threw two interceptions. Running back Derek O'Dell led the team in rushing with 70 yards on 16 carries. Rafael Famighetti added 52 yards on 11 carries. Fusco carried three times for seven yards and Ryder Hine toted the ball once for six yards. O'Dell also led Haldane in receiving with two catches

for 29 yards. He was also the team leader on the defensive side of the ball, contributing 19 tackles. Famighetti had 10 tackles. Elias Lopez had seven tackles. Hine finished with eight and Bryant Dain had six. Ray DeFrancesco and John McGuire each added five tackles. McGuire also had the team's only quarterback sack. Fusco also punted three times, averaging just over 35 yards per punt and O'Dell had one punt return for 19 yards. Famighetti also had three kickoff returns for a total of 38 yards. Haldane head coach Tony Percacciolo could not be reached for comment Monday. The Blue Devils will play Croton-Harmon at home on Saturday afternoon.

FROM THE FIELD by Alex Basso Coming off of their first loss of the season the Putnam Valley Tigers were looking to get back on track and secure a spot in the sectionals but they would first have to get past Albertus Magnus, and

that would surely be no walk in the park. The Tigers felt this was a game they should win and although Albertus Magnus was a bigger squad, they haven’t been making the big plays that Putnam Valley has been making this season. As I watched warm-ups before the game, Magnus’ quarterback Ryan McLaughlin was firing 30, 40, and even 50 yard bombs down the sidelines and at that moment a feeling of uncertainty rushed through “The Tiger’s Den.” Putnam Valley certainly had their hands full that Friday night and their defense would start on the field, hopefully improved from last week’s poor showing against Hastings. In the first quarter after a Magnus punt, PV quarterback Mike Nallan took the team into Falcon territory and under-threw one pass that was intercepted by Magnus safety Michael Celenza on their own 10 yard line. But neither team could capitalize on their op-

position’s mistakes: when Magnus retained possession on the Nallan interception they took it all the way to the 1 yard line and fumbled the snap, which was recovered by Putnam Valley. In the second quarter, Albertus Magnus scored first on a 21 yard touchdown pass from Ryan McLaughlin to Desmond Brennan. For the second straight week Putnam Valley’s run defense was letting them down and getting pushed all over the field. This week’s Tiger killer was Magnus running back Nick Romeo who totaled 25 carries for 190 yards and his counterpart, running back Michael Louis, who had 18 carries for 61 yards and a touchdown. But Magnus wide receiver/safety Michael Celezna produced perhaps the most spectacular all-around performance. On the offensive side he had three catches for 45 yards and a touchdown and on the defensive side he had

four interceptions. Obviously these stats mean that it was not a great night for PV quarterback Mike Nallan, who finished the game 5-13, with 61 yards and five interceptions. Before tonight he had no turnovers on the season. And you know something has gone wrong when Marcus Givan has no catches on the entire night and the offense only scores one touchdown. The final score was 23-8 with Albertus Magnus coming out on top. It was just an all-around sloppy performance for Putnam Valley. In addition to the five turnovers they also had more than five personal foul penalties. The Tigers fans stayed in the game the entire time but it was extremely tough because the Albertus Magnus fans were right there cheering just as loud. On the Putnam Valley side of the stands there was Dan Cray (a senior at Putnam Valley High School), who had to be louder than any

other human being at this game, pumping up all the fans in the stands, conducting cheers, and willing this team to win and I’m sure everyone in attendance at this game could hear him. Putnam Valley continuously “shot themselves in the foot” and never seemed to get anything going on the offensive side and if this team plans on getting to sectionals and making some noise, something has got to change or else this season will be coming to a halt sooner than anyone in Putnam Valley hopes. They will have a chance to bounce back this Friday night during Putnam Valley’s homecoming game against a tough team in Irvington, who will test the Tigers. Hopefully they can make the right adjustments to put this losing streak to an end. Alex is a senior at Putnam Valley High. He plays basketball and is the starting pitcher for the baseball team.

Page 18


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Recap: Haldane Varsity Wins a Pair Tiger Boys Place Ninth at Brewster XC Invitational by Mike Horton The Putnam Valley high boys and girls cross country teams competed in the Brewster Bear Classic on Saturday. The prior Tuesday they ran in Ossining at Ryder Park and lost. The Putnam Valley boys finished ninth out of 11 teams in the Brewster Invitational on Saturday. Jim Hertzel had the best showing, finishing sixth in 17:05. Hertzel is having another stellar season. He made it to States last year and is state-ranked this year. Richie Cianelli finished 37th

Fred Kohut

Right: Senior Grace O'Malley controls the ball against Pawling in the game on September 30 won by Haldane 2-0. Above: On October 2 at Dover Junior Co-Captain Kelly Semple crashes the goal in an attempt to score. The Blue Devils won 5-0. All of the Haldane goals were scored by Meghan Rohan. The team returns to action on Monday and Tuesday at St. Basil's and Thursday at JFK Catholic.

Fred Kohut

Lady Blue Devils Roll Past Poughkeepsie by David Watkins The Haldane Lady Blue Devil Varsity soccer team hit the field against Poughkeepsie Monday afternoon and were ready to end the game not long after it started. It was a crisp fall day and the weather was perfect for putting the ball into the back of the net, which is what the girls did early and often. They ran away to a 6-1 victory, making them 5-4 on the season. Senior Captains Megan Rohan and Katlyn Mastrant o ne set t h e p a c e e a r l y as

Rohan delivered a beautiful corner kick to Mastrantone, who used her head to score the game’s first goal. Just to make sure that Poughkeepsie knew this duo meant business, Mastrantone headed another ball in that was set up by Rohan. The score was quickly 2-0 and the Lady Blue Devils did not look back. They kept possession of the ball on the Poughkeepsie side of the field for the majority of the game. Defenders Quinn Kohut and Senior C a p t a i n Hannah Diebboll ensured that Poughkeepsie did not spend

much time on the Haldane side. Hannah Diebboll's aggressive and smart defense coupled with Kohut's speed set the defensive tone. Hannah's little sister, freshman Sarah Diebboll, found space late in the first half and sailed a shot in from 25 yards out, which drew cheers from the crowd. The shot made it 4-0 and Haldane had things under control by halftime. The second half started with Haldane maintaining possession and killing the clock. Poughkeepsie did cut into the lead when a loose ball got

behind the Blue Devil defense, which made the score 4-1. If the girls were sleep walking in the 2nd half the Poughkeepsie goal quickly woke them up as Katlyn Mastrantone scored another goal giving her the hat trick and lending some senior leadership to the team. The game ended with Sarah Diebboll picking through the defense and setting her sister up for the game-ending goal. Hannah Diebboll worked extremely hard on the defensive end and was rewarded, making the final score 6-1.

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The win brings Haldane's record to 5-4. Coach Gary VanAsselt has the girls taking on bigger schools this year, which has helped the team immensely. The competition has brought the girls together and with the senior leadership of Rohan, Mastrantone, and D iebboll, the team s hould see even more success as the season goes on. The girls will be taking on Kennedy Catholic and Putnam Valley during the upcoming week.

at 18:36 and Logan Bagarozy was close behind, finishing 42nd at 18:42. Casey Leake finished 51st in 26:27 for the girls, and Shelly Sperling was 55th in 27:46, out of 60 runners. “Overall we did well against some bigger schools,” said Coach Jerry Zupan. L a s t Tu e s d a y t h e Ti g e r s went into Ossining. The boys left with a 40-25 loss, the girls lost 38-19. Hertzel was strong finishing first in 19:19, Cianelli placed fourth in 21:33 and Bagarozy was sixth at 21:46. For the girls, Audrey Malek finished fifth in 34:54, Siob-

han Divernieri and Casey Leake were not far behind, they both finished at 34:55, good for sixth and seventh place out of 11. “All our kids ran well, but it was tough, Ossining is a good team,” said Zupan. “We have a shot to win the league this year if we can break up Ossining’s pack of runners.” Although the Tigers were unsuccessful Tuesday, Zupan admitted, “it was a very fun week for everybody.” Saturday the Tigers will go to Byram Hills to participate in the Bobcat Invitational. It will begin at 10am.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Page 19


Mitey-Hawks Earn Win Over Peekskill by Reid Thorpe Stats by Kiefer Thorpe It was a warm, clear, Sunday afternoon and the Philipstown Mitey-Mite Hawks were ready to play a great game of football. The game started off with a bang after Wilson Thorpe r e t u r n e d t h e k i c k o ff f r o m Peekskill for 64 yards and put the Hawks on the Peekskill 7-yard line. Two plays later, Thorpe scored the touchdown, but the extra point was no good, making the score 6-0. The kickoff from Philipstown was returned to Peekskill’s own 47 yard line but

after a fumble, a stopped reverse attempt, and an incomplete pass, Peekskill lost a total of 8 yards. The 4th down conversion was stopped by Nick DiPalo, who made a very hard hit on the running back in the backfield. Peekskill lost 5 yards and turned over the ball to the Hawks. The next drive consisted of hard runs by Brandon Twoguns, Wilson Thorpe, Derek Champi, and Nick DiPalo, but after a failed 4th down attempt the Hawks had to turnover the ball, but that marked the end of the 1st quarter. Peekskill started their next drive deep in their

own territory on their own 15 yard line. Despite Ned Flanagan stopping a reverse attempt, Joey DiGregorio stopping a first down, and Sam Giachinta and William Martin making a brutal hit for no gain, Peekskill threw a pass up there and it ended up being a touchdown. The extra point conversion was no good, making the score 6-6. Despite the Hawks’ morale being down, Brandon Twoguns made an amazing play and ran back a kickoff for 60 yards and the touchdown! The score was now 12-6. On the next kick, Michael Champlin made a great hit on the ball carrier and

stopped him on the Hawks’ 42 yard line. Two plays into Peekskill’s next drive, Ned Flanagan recovered a fumble and set-up the Hawks on their own 38 yard line. After two run plays by Brandon Twoguns and Nick DiPalo, Wilson Thorpe made a run up the middle and scored his 2nd touchdown of the day, making the score 18-6. The score remained that way until after halftime. As the 2nd half began, the rain started to pour out of the sky, making the field and ball very slippery, and Kevin Barry took advantage of a loose, wet ball and recovered it, but the drive it set

up didn’t amount to anything for the Hawks. The Hawks defense came out ready to dominate and tackles and sacks by Sam Giachinta, Ben Corrado, Kevin Barry, 2.5 sacks by Wilson Thorpe and 0.5 sacks by Ben Corrado resulted in a turnover. That drive quickly amounted to points for the Hawks, when Luke Junjulas scored making the score 24-12. Peekskill scored their final touchdown of the game making it 24-18, but the Hawks weren’t finished. Thomas Percacciolo had two sacks left in him and safety Michael Chefalo and outside linebacker Tyler Outhouse

and the rest of the Hawks stopped the Peekskill offense dead in their tracks. The game ended, the Hawks won their first victory of the season! It was an all around excellent game by everyone. The running backs could not do anything without their linemen—Liam Irwin, Anthony Lombardo, Anthony Pezz u l l o , R o n a n Ti n s l e — w h o all did a great job opening up holes and making hard blocks. Congrats to everyone who played, keep it up Hawks! The Hawks travel to Hyde Park to take on the Eagles this Sunday at 11am.

Philipstown Soccer Club Knights Tie Harrison 2-2 The Philipstown Soccer C l u b U 1 4 K n i g h t s Te a m moved up a divison for the Fall 2009 season and have been doing a fantastic job. So far, their record is one win and two ties with no losses. The girls have been working hard and want to thank their great coaches. Pictured are, front row: Jordan Erickson, Sara Jacoby, Emma Cunningham, Alexandra Monteleone, Mackenzie Cunningham, Samantha Heanue, and Isabel Jimenez. Second Row: Assistant Coach Steve Schweikhart, Tess Hansler, Sonya Kuzminski, Natalie Cumming, Emma Jacoby, Nicole Pidala, Caroline (Cali) Schweikhart, Georgia Dain, Sarah Warren, Kate Lahey, Emma Garschagen, Brianna DiFrancesco, and Coach Walter Garschagen.

S cott W arren

Philipstown Soccer Club Has Unbeaten Weekend The Philipstown Soccer Club's four squads went unbeaten in weekend play, posting two wins and two ties in four home matches. The U13 Arrows and U11 Dragons posted convincing victories, while the U10 Dynamos and U14 Knights played to hardfought draws. The Arrows, behind three goals from Kaan Solakoglu, trounced Pelham 5-1. Spencer Rundquist and Penn LeFavour also notched goals as the Arrows moved to 2-0 on the season. The Dragons notched their first win of the season by topping the Chappaqua Phoenix 6-2.

Chloe Davis tallied three times, and Hannah Regele, Millie London, and Alzie Cinquanta added goals for the Dragons. The U-14 Knights used a Brianna DiFrancesco equalizer with about ten minutes remaining to tie the Harrison Panthers 2-2. Alex Monteleone also scored for the Knights, who improved to 1-0-2 on the season. In the day's final action, the U-10 D y n a m o s p l a y e d t h e Ry e Brook Blue Wave to a scoreless tie. Saoirse Maguire had a strong game as did the entire Dynamo defense.

Tiny Mite Hawks To p p l e N o r t h e r n Dutchess Raiders On Sunday October 4, the Philipstown Tiny Mite Hawks traveled to Wappingers to take on the Raiders of Northern Dutchess. The Hawks opened up on offense and got some stellar play from their offensive line of Peter Angelopoulos, Kole Bolte, Xander Casparian, and Ryan Irwin. The Hawks were able to move the ball on nice runs by running backs Nate Allen and Jagger Beachak, and some tough yards gained by Ian Flanagan. Quarterback Matthew Champlin capitalized on the defense’s aggressiveness and took in the Hawks’ first score with a quarterback bootleg giving Philipstown a 6-0 lead. The defense came on the field determined to stop the Raiders’ “thunder and lightning” running attack. Tyler McCollum and Christian Pezzullo clogged up the middle at linebacker while Conor McMahon and Riley Johanson controlled the outside at defensive end. The Raiders put together a long drive and tied the score at 6-6. Not to be denied, the Hawks t o o k o v e r o n o ff e n s e a n d ran behind the blocking of Graeme McGrath and Daniel Santos who returned to action and again scored on a Champlin bootleg run of 50 yards putting the Hawks back on top 12-6 at halftime. The Hawks defense received

a pep talk on the bench from their defensive coordinator and it paid off to start the second half. Jake Patinella, Darrin Santos, and Robert Viggiano were solid as a rock up front while Luke Hammond made several touchdownsaving tackles. The Hawks got the ball b a c k o n o ff e n s e a n d w e n t back to the bootleg, which was able to work again for Champlin’s third touchdown of the day, giving the Hawks an 18-6 lead. Northern Dutchess was not going to go quietly, however , as they went to their Brandon Jacobs-esque running back who carried several players after first contact. On a critical down where Philipstown needed a stop defensive tackle William Etta took on the back and told him, “You aren’t going anywhere!” dropping him for no gain on the play. The Hawks got the ball back and Allen capped off the scoring for the Hawks with a run where he broke multiple tackles in the heart of the Raiders defense to reach the end zone. The final score was Philipstown 24 and Northern Dutchess 6. The Hawks have a bye week this week but play at home on Sunday, October 18, at 1pm against Poughkeepsie at Mayor’s Park. Come out and support the team!

Send sports news to [email protected]

Page 20


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE NEEDS Limited Editions Realty 21 Main Street, Cold Spring. Call 845-265-3111 or go to limitededitionsrealty.com

SERVICES PHILIPSTOWN TREE SERVICE: Land clearing, take downs, trimmings. Stump Removal. Fully insured. Reg. No. PC 607. (845) 265-2187. NR MASONRY LLC: New homes, additions, all types stonework - patios, entrance pillars, fireplaces, walls, curbing, Unilock. Brickwork, stucco, repairs. PC Lic #373, cell 914-527-1287 or H 845424-3795 BEST DEAL IN TOWN - Get a Classified Ad in the Putnam County News for as little as $6.25. Our classifieds get results! 265-2468. TREE SERVICE: Pruning, cabling, removal, stump grinding, shearing. Consultation. Certified Arborist. Fully insured. Call Henry L. Kingsley, 265-3721. PC#1566. MASSAGE: Feel Good Again! Georgia Christy, Licensed Massage Therapist. 424-4224. YOUR DISPLAY ADS can go on the PCN&R web site for an additional $10. Call Margaret @ 265-2468 for more info. SWEDISH MASSAGE: Back pain, neck pain, stress? Sleep better, heal better, think better, feel better. Dan Anderson LMT 527-7533 YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOME by Toland Construction. Renovation, restoration, remodeling and new construction. All size jobs. PC#1244 and insured. 845-265-2253 HONOR THY PLUMBER Villanova Plumbing & Heating. Masters of the fine art of plumbing and heating for over 25 years. Repairs, new installations including radiant & HW heat. No job too small. Call 845-528-3158 anytime. GARRISON TREE, INC. Tree takedowns, pruning, landclearing, cabling, chipping, firewood. Landscape design, planting, plant health care, stump grinding, mulch. Consultations available. Joshua R. Maddocks, certified arborist cert. # NY 5332A. Fully Insured. Reg. No. PC2213-A Please Call: 845-2653434 CRYSTAL CLEAR WINDOW Cleaning Service. Specializing on all shapes and sizes, store, office, & home. Free Estimates, fully insured."Got Windows"? Year round service. Call 845431-6967.

KC PAINTING - Interior & Exterior painting - sheet-rocking - taping - plaster repair. References, insured. PC #260. 265-3291. WEST SIDE CYCLE for all your motor cycle needs located at 120 Old Rte 9, Fishkill. 845-897-2444 TRANSPORTATION AW Limousine. Affordable rides in luxurious Towncars to all airports & NYC. Professional courteous drivers. 1-866304-LIMO (5466) METICULOUS HOUSE Cleaning. Affordable rates, reliable, excellent refs. Insured. Call 845-590-7146 HOMETOWN HANDYMAN painting, dry wall, all your maintenance, repair & improvement needs. No job too small. Courteous dependable, affordable service. Refs available. PC lic #2807-A. Call George 845265-4710 LOCAL LOCKSMITH Services. Licensed Bonded Insured 24 Hr. emergency service. Security since 1970 locks, safes, camera systems and more. Call 845-528-5021. www.allalertalarm.com NAIRN CONTRACTING CO., LLC. Remodeling - Building Renovations - References - Insured - PC#441 Est 1987 845265-7810 MELLON ELECTRIC Residential - Commercial. New homes & additions. Service upgrades & generators. No job too small. PC#4409 845-4462579 Bob PC COMPUTER HELP NOW! Windows slow? computer crash? We can help! virus removal, performance tuning, upgrades, Wi-Fi, backups, lost pictures, lost music, iPod/ iPhone/Blackberry sync. Call us for all your computer needs, we service individuals and businesses. MS Cert. MAC to. In biz for 20+ years . 1(845) 2842390 KIMMEL BUILDERS ALL phases of construction. Large and small projects. many satisfied customers. view our website, kimmelbuilders.com 845-656-4956 lic PC941 ADULT CAREGIVER available. Exp, drive to all appts. Dispense meds. Companion. Call Ray 845-265-3769 PAINTING AND PLASTER Repair, Interior, 22 yrs exp. George Kimmel 845-831-8723

FINE ART PRINTMAKERS Hi res scans of originals up to 6 X 8ft. Color and B&W Archival inks, papers, and canvas. Any length X 64"W. State of the art digital since 1997. 845-809-5174 www.thehighlandstudio.com HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, bathrooms, playrooms & tile work. Licensed & insured. Call 845-849-2299 for free estimates by Nick Mastrantuono. TUTOR All ages. Seventeen years teaching all subjects, including Spanish, Writing, Math, SAT plus College Essay prep. Weekly Art + Spanish Classes Frank Ortega 845-265-4236 DOWNEY OIL 90 YEARS of Warm Service. Visit our Web Site. DowneyOilNY.com 845-265-3663 PERSONAL ASSISTANT Let me help you organize your life. Home/office administration. Light bookkeeping, errands, shopping, cooking, decorating. Half or full days 914736-7737 or 914-255-7733 LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER available. Cold Spring studio and On Location Al Birnstill wishboxphoto.com 845-8095216 Portraits/Pets/Events our specialties CEDAR HILL LANDSCAPING Grounds clean-up, gutter Cleaning, Gutter guards, Leaf Removal, Driveway Sealing, Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Visit Us At Cedarhilllandscaping.net or call Nick 845-705-6424, licensed and insured PC#5009 CARPENTER/CRAFTSMAN Home repairs & Fine carpentry for home improvement projects cabinets, doors, windows & trim. Porch repair, stairs, bookcases. Hank 845-548-4994 STUDY PIANO KEYBOARD with Kathy Fitzgerald. Cold Spring Village. Highly experienced teacher 265-3769. SAVE ENERGY NOW! Home energy audits at reasonable rates. Call Home Energy Conservation Services at 914805-7787 or E-mail [email protected] Lic. and insured PC#5017 EXPERT GROUNDS MAINT Gardening, planting, landscape designs plus installation, stone walls, paver, walkways, patios. New lawns installed/maintained. Lic/Insured. www.create-a-scape.us 845424-2323

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS taught by experienced professional in Cold Spring Village. All ages and levels. Instruction geared to meet your needs 917-861-6324 or [email protected] EXPERIENCED HOUSECLEANING. Reasonable rates. Pls call 265-2209

TAG SALE MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale on Pine Street, Nelsonville. Main Street to Pearl to Pine. Sat Oct 10, 1pm-4pm Rain date Sun Oct 11. vintage, furniture, kids' stuff, books, home decor YARD SALE 14 MARION Avenue. Sat Oct 10. 9am-4pm. One blk from Farmers Market MULTI FAMILY SALE 40 Lyons Road behind Synergy Gas. Oct 10,11. 9 to 4pm. No early birds. See larger ad for more info on this page. YARD SALE SAT OCT 10 10-4pm 1085 Old Albany Post Rd, Garrison. Great stuff 4 all toys, books, boys' clothing, fabric, bedding furniture, baby items, home decore, etc. Too much to mention - Many things brand new! BEACON MULTI FAMILY yard sale. Something for everyone. Sun 10/11. Rain date Mon 10/12. 9am-3pm 855 Route 9D. INSIDE GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 10 from 10-4pm 65 Indian Brook Rd, Garrison, look for balloons.

PATTERSON FLEA MARKET Rte 22, Patterson, NY. Every Sunday, 8-4. Dealer space available $35. New and Old items. 845-265-4414 or www.PattersonFleaMarket.com

COLD SPRING VILLAGE Home: 3BR, 1+1/2 BTH, FPL, Hd Wd Flrs, Garden, Off St. pkng, + detached 2 story garage w/500 Sq Ft. office/artist studio. Great location, walk to train and shopping. $385,000. by appt only 845-265-2944 FOR SALE BY OWNER $559,000 2,800 sq. ft. 4 bed/2 bath+Den+office with private entrance. More info: www.flatfeelisting.com/1800 914 489-2584

PETS LOST OR FOUND PET? Call Dog Control Officer, 265-4732. Call Sheriff's Dept., 225-4300 only in an emergency. PUTNAM VALLEY Dog control office operates small impound. Please contact them if your dog is missing and might have travelled into Putnam Valley. They maintain list of lost dogs and sightings. Adoptions are also available. 526-3293 DOGGIE DAY CARE & RESTFUL SLEEPOVERS. I welcome your furry friend as a true guest in my home. They have total access to my home and my one acre fenced yard in the woods. Bow Wow Haus [email protected] 845-424-6017 John Funck 43 Cutler Lane, Garrison MARGARITA IS A 5 YEAR old sweet, orange kitty who was adopted from us and recently returned. She is very friendly and good with other cats. Although Margarita is affectionate, she is not much of a lap cat and can be fearful at times. We are hoping to find Margarita a family who will understand her and love her forever. margarita's adoption fee is $100. She is spayed and up to date on her vaccinations. Putnam Humane Society, Old rte 6, Carmel 845-225-7777. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat/Sun 10am-4pm. Please stop by and see all the wonderful cats and dogs waiting for their forever home! Volunteers needed.

A NEW LEASH ON LIFE Pet Care. dog walking and pet sitting 4th generations area res. Reliable, dependable, great w/ animals! Exc refs avail. Call 845-625-4481

RENTALS COLD SPRING MAIN ST store for rent 1000 sq ft. Great location 1 block RR $1600/mo. Incl heat 845-528-1975 COMMERCIAL SPACE avail at 3021 Rte 9, Cold Spring. Warehouse 1,600 sq. ft. with office 300 sq ft. $2,000 a month. Great for any type of contractor. Utilities not incld. Pls call 845-265-3434 OFFICE SPACE 11' x 13' convenient location, close to all, Garrison. $525.00 incl all utilities except phone. call 914720-4835 ask for Ann GARRISON 3BDRM 2BATH house renovated 1860 farm house, beamed ceilings, skylites, sub zero. Unique inholding in Fahnestock State Park amid 3500 acres of forest, lakes, water falls, meadows. Garrison school, lawn care, lake & beach permits incld. $2400/mo 845-265-2519 COLD SPRING/BEACON 9D Mins, DIA, I84, RR, 70 NYC, Hudson Views, Boats, 3bdrm, den, 2 bth, $1600 914-5847137 or 914-960-0069 GARRISONPROFESSIONAL Office Rental at The Stone House. Excellent Location, Rt 9 at Putnam/Westchester border. $475 Mo. Includes heat, electric, parking. 1 Mo FREE RENT + $250 lease signing bonus for credit worthy tenant. Ref, Sec. Indian Brook Properties 845-788-4191 OFFICE SPACE AVAIL for Healthcare Professional in Cold Spring. 845-265-2275 GARRISON'S LANDING large apt, 1 bedroom 2 baths plus studio/office space. River view. $2,200. Heat + parking incld. Walk to train. 845-4243937 COZY COTTAGE IN WOODS Old Albany Post Rd, Garrison Avail 11/1. Perfect writer's retreat. Full furnished. All utils incld. $1650 + dep 845-6129481 PUTNAM VALLEY - $1500/ mo. Charming, energy efficient country home w/lake rights to Oscawana. Renovated 2 BR on 1/2 acre. All new kitchen, bath, boiler. Rent w/option to buy. 914-621-1560 or 845-528-9447 TRANQUILOFFICE SPACE for rent overlooking pond. Perfect for consultants or writers. 2 offices, both good size. Price negotiable. Rent one or both. Furniture if needed. Full Kitchen, meditative walk to pond. Also, upstairs bedroom suite for rent on per night basis if needed. Call Susan, 845661-0350

LARGE STUDIO APT available in Cold Spring Village. Incld utilities. 914-7795999 $800/month. LARGE 2 BDRM APT FOR rent in Cold Spring. 1.5 bath, EIK, H/HW/Cable included. Balcony, assigned parking, laundry/storage in basement. Avail immediately. $1600/mo. Call owner 917-922-5943 GARRISON 2BR 1BTH ON 1 acre. Hardwood floors, basement w/pool table, very clean, lake rights, no pets. Excl utils. Avail now $1600. 917-9393625 GARRISON RENTAL 4 BEDROOM 3 bath 2800 sqft home on 3 acres with pond and extensive outdoor space. Totally renovated offering many amenities and comforts. $2700/ mo, security and fee. for more info, pls call He4ather at Houlihan Lawrence at 845-2655500 x306

FOR SALE ANTIQUE RUSSIAN SILVER Collection, pre-1917 very rare: spoons, milk pitchers, tray, etc., vintage Tiffany Crystal Candelholders, ca 1850. copper Bedwarmer (England) Call 917-488-5232 2000 PONTI FIREBIRD T-Top Silver/Black interior, auto, 6cyl, 55,000mi, nice condition. $7300. 914-980-8063 GRASS FED BEEF SAUNDERS Farm. Order your side of grass fed beef for delivery in November or april 845424-3150 HAY FOR SALE. GOOD feed hay for horses and mulch for erosion control. Saunders farm 845-424-3150 PUMPKINS GALORE!! Carving & cooking! Spooky & decorative squashes, gourds. big mums $13. Herbs & plants deer & woodchucks won't eat. Fresh farm goods at Garrison Market. Farmstand hours: Th & Fri 12-6; Sat & Sun 10-5pm TOTS PARK HALLOWEEN Costume swap: Until Oct 31st. Great gently-used costumes avail for just $5. All proceeds benefit the park. Email Karen at [email protected] to arrange to meet at the park to swap/buy/donate costumes.

HELP WANTED DO YOU LOVE SPORTS??? Need work? The PCN&R is expanding its sports coverage and seeks freelance reporters to start immediately. contact Joe Lindsley at [email protected] or 845-265-2468 DRIVERS: CLASS-A DRIVERS, dedicated Positions offering excellent pay, benefits and Sign-On Bonuses! Weekly Home Time! Students also Welcome! We train. Werner Enterprises recruiters will be in your area to take applications/answer questions. Friday, October 9th, 9am-3pm & Saturday, October 10th, 9am3pm. Comfort Inn 5 Lakeside Rd. Newburgh, NY 12550. Call Nicky: 1-888-567-4859, x2234

CHILDCARE COLLEGE PROFESSOR now a stay at home mom will do before and after school care for your children. Snack, social interaction + play, and homework time. All day care upon request. Experienced and loving. Call Tara at 845-2246785 CHILDCARE AVAILABLE Garrison mother available to watch your child Mon-Fri, 9-3 call 424-3553

WANTED HUD VALLEY AUCTIONEERS Antique and Estate buyers commission sales, auctions held monthly, 432 Main St. Beacon 845-838-3049, Neil Vaughn. For info visit www. hudsonvalleyauctioneers.com

MISC BIJOU GALLERIES LTD Celebrating 14 years in business at 50 Main Street Cold Spring Daily 11-5 Bijougalleries.com VOTE RICHARD SHEA for Philipstown Supervisor. More at sheaforsupervisor.com andphilipstowndc.wordpress.com

LOST & FOUND LOST CAT: Small female dark Calico, friendly but skittish, last seen top of East Mountain Rd. 265-4011

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