Purposes And Principles Of Asean

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  • Pages: 6
Purposes and Principles of ASEAN Under Article 1 - Purposes Point 3. To preserve Southeast Asia as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction.

In the short future surprises within the region similar to the threats North Korea has been delivering to the world. The Generals keep reporting to UN and to ASEAN the opposite to their not so “honest” activities such, purchasing weapons, working secretly with North Korean technicians in various over-sensitive areas with the purpose to store weapons, nuclear, and any other military equipment. Russia’s relationship providing continuous training to Burmese elite military in the areas of: technology and “harm-less” nuclears. Point 4 To ensure that the peoples and Member States of ASEAN live in peace with the world at large in a just, democratic and harmonious environment.

Since the Saffron Revolution in September 2007, the region has observed an increment of illegal displaced people due to the Burmese junta burning of villages, confiscating land, extortion, forced recruitment, rape on minors, ethnic killings and many other human rights abuses. The region areas such as Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia even here in Australia we are forced to house illegal immigration generated by the inefficient governance of the Burmese regime. Bangladesh is forcing the illegal refugees back into the Burmese border without a care that illegal/refugees would be wiped out by the Burmese army patrolling the areas. Of course “diplomatic cooperation” is being practice between neighbouring countries, “send them back we will kill them as soon they cross the border”. Rohingyas have been stripped off their right to nationality even though they have rights to be treated as Burmese nationals but the junta do not want to recognize Rohingyas and force them into poverty, lack of education, forbidden to marry, forbidden to travel, forbidden to work, forbidden to register their births. Rohingyas are causing instability within the borders, harmony at the borders is tense, neithercountry wants them. What to do with them?… Point 6 To alleviate poverty and narrow the development gap within ASEAN through mutual assistance and cooperation

As the above point, people are becoming illegal immigrants and or refugees, running away from slavery, in the case of the Rohingyas, they are exploited or disposed of like match sticks. It has been observed during the cyclone Nargis, the junta refused to offer assistance to its own people their referendum was shown as more important. It has been observed the misappropriation of the international aid by junta officials; some at high rank others at distribution rank. It has been observed the income generated by the junta from the sale of Jade/Gems and from the gas/oil business is not enough to cover poverty, health crisis, HIV/Aids, lack or bad education for the lower class known as Burmese. Non-Burmans do not deserve education under the present Burmese regime. It has been observed the lifestyle of the military at rank above Captains, it has been observed the facilities and benefits the Burmanelite enjoy compared to the lower class of citizens. Where does the cooperation go into? Straight into the military pockets, and making sure the military keeps growing fat and lazy as there is a new breed of people to produce for the military, they are called “slaves” coming from the non-Burman classes. Point 7 To strengthen democracy, enhance good governance and the rule of law, and to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, with due regard to the rights and responsibilities of the Member States of ASEAN

To strengthen democracy Unless the citizens practice yes sir, no sir, democracy will be practiced behind prison bars in solitary and or under torturing interrogations. To enhance good governance This is a tricky one, the bookkeepers are good painting the revenues, the ledgers are hardly filled or disguised. The bookkeepers have no idea how to balance the cheque books, the distribution of revenue goes into one single area and that is called; “military personnel and military equipment. “give us the money, we will distribute it” said one of the Ministers during the cyclone Nargis last year. They even managed to keep some millions of US$ cyclone aid during the conversion into local currency and they are no accountable for that theft. To enhance or practice the RULE OF LAW Volunteers during the cyclone Nargis are doing long term prison for being humane. Lawyers are threatened for interfering with the law for defending

democracy activists. Democracy activists are being imprisoned for long terms under false charges, created by the junta to make the activists or the like as criminals. Suu Kyi is facing trials under false and ridicule charges, the charges she is facing should be applied to the ones that failed to perform their duty instead, Suu Kyi is an activist therefore she has been charged under false crimes invented by the soon to be “democratic military regime”. For the reason of being friendly with a NLD or democrat the junta will “amend” the law to fit with their imaginative charges. There are no Political Prisoners in Burma because all are sentenced for breach of any created crime by the junta the best sample is Suu Kyi. The rural areas are worse as the junta authorities take the law in their own hands by extortion, slavery, forced recruitment etc, poor farmers have to pay for the soldiers weddings and the commander of the troop allocates how much each person is to “contribute as a compulsory gift”. Indeed the Rule of Law is being enhanced and practiced by the present and the future Burmese government. To promote and protect Human Rights Favourite words for the Than Shweregime. Human rights exist for the “yes sir, no sir” troops. Even if they have not suffered any mal-doing they are protected by Human Rights, for example, soldier rapists are protected under Human rights by the army, they cannot be touchedthey cannot be imprisoned. Soldiers harmed by landmines, if they enjoy military ranks, they deserve healthcare and government support, but if the soldier is a lower rank, the soldier is kicked out of the army and the poor person has to become a beggar selling books around Rangoon hoping to earn his dollar to support his children. To promote fundamental freedoms Oh that is freedom for the military wives to go shopping to Singapore or Thailand. Freedom for the military children, the elite children to go abroad on false passports to obtain a better education and better lives abroad. Point 10 To develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning, and in science and technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN community.

Education is for the high rank military children and for the wealthy elite who can afford such privilege. Presently the military receive training in Russia in technology, or any different areas the military might need like; building tunnels, electronics, aero-mechanics etc.

ASEAN will have a very powerful military in the short future. Perhaps ASEAN will be under the powerful military in the future. Point 11 To enhance the well-being and livelihood of the peoples of ASEAN by providing them with equitable access to opportunities for human development, social welfare and justice

This is a joke as only the elite or military can enjoy such benefits. Point 13 To promote a people-oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encouraged to participate in, and benefit from, the process of ASEAN integration and community building

So farwe have the Karen, Shan and Rohingya running away from the junta to avoid becoming porters as forced recruitment is the order of the day around the borders. Who will benefit? The army and elite only. Point 14 To promote an ASEAN identity through the fostering of greater awareness of the diverse culture and heritage of the region

This promotion is being implemented and is called “genocide” or “ethnic cleaning”. Customs and culture will be preserved underground only. ARTICLE 2 – ASEAN and its members states shall act in accordance with the principles Point (e) non interference in the internal affairs of ASEAN members’ states

That is correct; ASEANs should not interfere in the genocide the Than Shwe government has been implementing and continue implementing with the present ethnic generations. Point (g) enhanced consultation on matters seriously affecting the common interest of ASEAN

Of course, ASEAN should consult with the junta how they are completingthe “cleansing process” without being noticed. Or the longer the consultations take, the quicker the junta will obtain their purpose of “cleaning the ashes” as to leave no proof of “wrong doing”. Point (h) adherence to the rule of law, good governance, the principles of democracy and constitutional government

So far, the ASEAN Charter has been “lightly” updated and whilst the meeting ‘consultations’ were being held, in Burma 50 NLD members were

arrested for attending a ceremony to commemorate the death of country’s hero AungSan. By now Burma should be implementing the ASEAN’s principles instead they are “playing and destroying human lives”. Point (i) respect for fundamental freedoms, the promotion and protection of social justice

As above, 50 NLD members have been arrested yesterday, Sunday 19 July 2009, whilst ASEAN held their Summit in Thailand. Point (j) upholding the United Nations Charter and international law including international humanitarian law subscribed to by ASEAN members states.

United Nations? International Law? Humanitarian Law? But the NLD, non-Burmans, low rank military are disposable negative elements, not to the Than Shwe standards therefore, any of the UN, IL, HL are useless within the Than Shwe government. ARTICLE 5 – Rights and Obligations Point 2 Member states should take all necessary measures, including the enactment of appropriate domestic legislation, to effectively implement the provisions of this Charter and to comply with all obligations of membership.

Members should, famous words, this resounds on the walls of the Burmese generals’ compounds like a soft echo hardly perceived. ARTICLE 20 – CONSULTATION AND CONSENSUS Point 1 As a basic principle, decision-making in ASEAN shall be based on consultation and consensus. Point 2 Where consensus cannot be achieved, the ASEAN Summit may decide how a specific decision can be made. Point 3 Nothing in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall affect the modes of decisionmaking as contained in the relevant ASEAN legal instruments. Point 4 In the case of a serious breach of the Charter or non-compliance, the matter shall be referred to the ASEAN Summit for decision.

This sounds again like gaining time for the junta to continue performing their criminalities. How is ASEAN planning to implement “adherence” to the ASEAN Charter? Is beyond comprehension as ASEAN is protecting the junta with their Article 2, Point (e), “non interference” in the internal affairs of the General regime. Whilst ASEAN keeps working on a solution, on how to word the Charter and how to force (convince) the junta generals to adhere to their obligations as ASEAN members, more lives will be expended. Jeg 20 July 2009

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