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  • Words: 738
  • Pages: 2
The US from time to time makes belligerent noises or even outright threats against a wide range of sovereign nations, while meddling in the affairs of many more others. It could do so because it has the biggest military budget in the world. In the recent past, the US military spending has hovered around 500 to 600 billion dollars. The actual figures are vastly understated, and the total could be as high as $1 trillion annually. The US is the single most dangerous threat that imperils world peace and security today. The US and its minions not only shake their fists at others buy also engage in virulent propaganda operations designed to hoodwink all those considered as neutral parties. Such is their evil. Right now, not only is their Secretary of State whipping up a feverish tempo about the supposedly existence of a North Korea- Myanmar 'nuclear cooperation' programme but even their media is heavily promoting the 'news' even though experts have described it as an information blackhole. Along with Iran, the names of these nations are now being mentioned with the word, 'nuclear' in the same breath. This has very sinister and ominous connotations. The suspicion is that it could be used as a pretext to lauch an attack on one or all of these countries. After all the West is so concerned about their planted agent(s) there. Asean should be aware of this. The rest of the world should not forget that these are the voices of the very same people who have silently condoned acts of horror inside the prisons in the US itself, even today, right now. The public must not fail to note that the US is conveniently silent on countries with names like India, Pakistan and Israel when it comes to the word 'nuclear'. In fact the military ties between the US and these countries are getting very cosy by the day. These countries are being offered purchase packages for new US-made weapons. New Delhi, for example has been offered purchase of the F-16IN, the most powerful version of the Flying Falcon fighter jet. This version is equivalent to the F-16 Block 60, a jet sold only to the UAE. One cannot think of any reason for the US to supply such advanced weaponry, other than for the sole purpose of mischief-making. The US possesses such an abysmal record in its dealings not only with all these countries mentioned above, but also with countries in Latin America and in the ex-Soviet bloc. The US has very illegally meddled in their internal affairs, from nurturing death squads and right-wing terror groups in Latin America to encouraging mischief-making and promoting the interests of warmongering little Hitlers in the former Soviet republics. Yet the US has the gall to speak about 'human rights' to Asean. Far from having any moral authority to talk about it, all the US

agents like Clinton are no more than perverts and corruptors. Clinton has been ceaselessly groaning about the hidden snake in Myanmmar but she has been cleverly silent about others in Asean. The death of Teoh Beng Hock, no matter what the circumstances were, was nothing less than murder, yet Clinton has not dared to speak on it. This is the typical two-faced stance of the US regime. Even human rights come second to the cause of political conveniences. The US has been suffering from enormous deficits of all kinds for the past several years and this has not in any way affected the gargantuan US militarty spending. Far from it, the amount of money given to its soldiers has actually increased greatly. Imagine what could have taken place had the US not incurred these huge deficits. The mischief-making, warmongering, political meddling and blackmailing and killing would swell by frighteningly increases. Definitely, the US is the single most dangerous threat to world peace and security today. Clinton should just go home and stop meddling in Asean affairs. It would be better for her to go back to the White House and start a romantic affair with Obama or some other male staff in the White House. That way, she could have a revenge on Bill for all that he did when he was in the White house. At the very least, she could think about Monica Lewinsky. Just keep away from Asean. Do not vent your frustrations on the countries here. Clinton should get lost and go home.

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