Purification Of Beings

  • Uploaded by: Ravi Kumar Reddy Kanamatareddy
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,806
  • Pages: 70


• 15 years of Meditative Understanding +

Little theory is behind this Power Point. (As a House Holder)

• Almost this is self explanatory. • Live voice is added now but not live music.

One Wise Person Said!

• Do not believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it.

One Wise Person Said!

• Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

One Wise Person Said!

• Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumored by many.

One Wise Person Said!

• Do not believe in anything (simply) because it is found written in your religious books.

One Wise Person Said!

• Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

One Wise Person Said!

• But after observation and analysis, when you find that

anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it.

Purification of Beings!

• Let us take the body of a human being. • Take a small part where life is there. • Divide, dissect and come to an atom. • Now come to a sub atomic particle.

Subtlest part of the Mind

• At the Subatomic Particle, there is a

Vibration. • This Vibration interacts with the Sub atomic particle. • This vibration feels the subatomic particle. • Let us call this as Feeling Vibration or Vedana.


• Integrated together, this is the whole body full of subatomic particles and feeling vibrations (Vedana).

Mental Structure!

• There are other kinds of Vibrations which are entangled with these Feeling Vibrations (Vedana).

• These are the Vibrations of Awareness

(Consciousness), Vibrations of Memory and Evaluation (Sanya) and Reactive Vibrations (Samskaraas).

Mental Structure!

• These Mental Vibrations are entangled in

such a way can be compared to a “Rope”.

(Ex: Reactive Vibrations: - Anger, Hatred, Ill will, Animosity, Lust, Compassion, Appreciative Joy etc.)

Mental Structure!

• The Mental Structure (Rope) is connected to the Body with the Feeling Vibrations (Vedana).

• Feeling Vibrations are the Bridges between the Body Sub atomic particles and Other Mental Vibrations.

“I” = ?

• (At gross level) The entire mass of Body connected with the Mental Structure (Rope): Is this “I” ?

• (At the subtlest level) The Sub atomic

particle interacting with the Feeling Vibration connected with other Awareness, Memory and Evaluation and Reactive Vibrations: Is this “I” ?

CHANGE! • Every moment ‘CHANGE’ is taking place in these subatomic particles. (We are ageing. Young boy to young man to old man)

• Every moment ‘CHANGE’ is taking place in these mental vibrations. (The mental structure is filled with desire. It changes to some other desire or filled with anger and anger is gone after sometime etc.).

• Is there anything “Unchanging” in this ‘Mind Matter’ phenomenon?

One has to investigate.

Probe into Mental Structure! (SIX SENSES – CONSCIOUSNESS VIBRATIONS) 1. Eye Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – situated in Head)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

+ Ear Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – situated in Head) + Nose Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – situated in Head) + Tongue Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – situated in Head) + Whole Body Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – situated in Head) + Mind Consciousness Vibrations (part of conscious mind – SITUATED BELOW CHEST)

Conscious Mind!

• All Six Senses Consciousness Vibrations form conscious mind.

(Conscious mind is the present technical word taken for approximation.)


• The remaining parts of the Mental

Structure i.e. the Memory and Evaluation Vibrations (Sanya), Reactive Vibrations (Samskaaraas) and Feeling Vibrations (Vedana) form the Sub Conscious Mind.

Mental Structure

• Now let us come to this combination of

Conscious and Subconscious mind as the total mental structure i.e. “Rope”.

ROPE • This Rope – Mental Structure undergoes through ‘Stress and Strain’.


• Flow of life has Physical Bodily Actions, Vocal Actions and Mental Actions which affect the Mental Structure. HOW?

Let us investigate.

Investigation • Unwholesome Bodily Actions (Ex: Killing directly/indirectly, Taking what is not yours {Stealing}, Sexual Misconduct, Taking intoxicants, Over Eating)

• Unwholesome Vocal Actions (Ex: Telling Lies, Speaking Harsh Words, Bad Words, Words of Back Biting)

• Unwholesome thoughts/feelings Lead to Twisting of this Rope i.e. the Mental Structure. Tightening of this Rope. Tension in the Rope. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE SHOWS THIS. (Any Negativity arises in the mental structure, you are your own victim)

Further Investigation • Wholesome Bodily Actions (Giving Donations,

Living the life of Morality, Helping others etc.)

• Wholesome Vocal Actions (Words of Truthfulness, Speaking softly, pleasantly etc.)

• Wholesome Mental Actions - Thoughts, Feelings

(Thoughts filled with pure love, compassion etc.) THE ROPE GETS UNTWISTED LITTLE BY LITTLE.


Further Investigation Also: • Bodily actions (good or bad) • Vocal actions (good or bad) • Mental actions (good or bad) leave certain mental impressions at the depth of the mind (Sixth Sense) called Mental Volitional Formations or Seeds of Karma or Seeds of Samskaaraas.

• In general we refer them as “Intentions”. (These seeds of Karma will give rise to fruits later)

Here and Now!

• Unwholesome bodily actions, vocal actions and mental actions – One is harming oneself and others.

• Wholesome bodily actions, vocal actions and mental actions – one is helping oneself and others.

Moral Life!

• Leading a moral life, Uncorrupted life: One is not making favors to others.

• It is for one’s own good, one’s own peace and happiness.


• One lives a moral life, uncorrupted life is for one’s own sake mainly.

• Of course good for others also.

Merits/Demerits or Punyam/Paapam

• These Seeds of Karma i.e. Mental

Volitional Formations or Intentions go into our ‘Credit or Debit’ account which are carried forward with the person.

• And their fruits one will enjoy or suffer.

OH! • Present and Future actions will be taken care (by leading a proper life from now onwards).

• What will happen to the past mistakes done?

The fruits of Karma Seeds will manifest when the time ripens for them.

• Wholesome seeds fine. What will happen to the unwholesome seeds?

One has to ‘SUFFER’.

One has to Suffer?

• In normal circumstances ‘YES’, one has to suffer.

• But there is a way to eradicate these

Seeds of Karma by getting them ripen immediately (so the effect will be less).

• Stop forming ‘New Mental Volitional Formations’!

Mental Volitional Formations! • Mental Volitional Formations are forming every moment, non stop either positive or negative.


• (That means) The two ends of the rope is left

open. The rope gets untwisted suddenly, very fast.

• The Seeds of Karma (seeds of vibrations) get

shaken up affecting the entire mental system and the body and get dissipated.


• Old mental volitional formations of

“negativity” such as hatred, ill will, animosity, agitation, jealousy etc. initially arise and pass away.

• When we stop forming new mental

volitional formations, old ones arise and pass away.

• This is as per “Laws of Nature” (Dharma or Dhamma in Pali)


• Like this one can empty the whole Mental

Structure of all “Mental Volitional Formations” (Seeds of Samskaras).

• One need not worry that I have done like that in the past etc.

• As the mental structure gets released of the “Old

Mental Volitional Formations” by not forming new in the present, even little by little, the mental load gets released.

• Progressively little by little “Happiness, Peace, Harmony” starts manifesting.

Stop Forming “New” Mental Formations! • How? • Bodily actions to be Zero. (Sit comfortably in a

Meditation Posture which is suitable, with eyes closed, back and neck straight)

• Vocal actions to be Zero. (By not communicating with anybody)

• Mental actions to be Zero. (At a gross level “Stop Thinking”) – {How is that Possible?}

Mental actions to be Zero! (Stop Thinking!)

• Be with the “Truths” pertaining to the

body and mind. From gross to subtler to subtlest.

• At the gross level: What the body is doing?

• Takes the breath in and leaves the breath out. (Natural Breath)

• At a subtler level: Observe the

manifestations on the body, the “Physical

Mental actions to be Zero!

• At the subtler level: Observe the mental

structure and its contents i.e. qualities or characteristics.

Mental actions to be Zero!

• That means one is with the Truths

pertaining to the Body and Mental Structure.

• Thus no new mental formations. So the old ones arise and pass away. (Laws of Nature)

Happiness, Peace and Harmony!

• As the Mental Structure (Rope) is relieved of

Stress and Tensions, and the Seeds of Karma getting exhausted one tends to experience immense Happiness, Peace and Harmony. (THIS IS THE PURIFICATION OF BEINGS) But how to come to such Right Understanding (From gross truths to subtlest truths) based on Ones’ own experience?

• By living the life as per “Noble Eight Fold Path”. (In an extroverted way or introverted way).

What is this Eight Fold Noble Path ? – • 1. Samma Ditthi • 2. Samma Sankappo

Right Understanding – Right Thought

– • 3. Samma Vaacha • 4. Samma Kammanto – • 5. Samma Ajiva

Right Speech – Right Action Right Livelihood

• 6. Samma Vayamo • 7. Samma Sati • 8. Samma Samadhi

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right Concentration

Samma Ditthi – Right Understanding 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati Awareness 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right – Right

• Experiential understanding of the four

Noble Truths is the Right Understanding.

Four Noble Truths

• 1. The knowledge of Unsatisfactoriness/Stress. • 2. The knowledge of Cause of Unsatisfactoriness/Stress.

• 3. The knowledge of cessation of Unsatisfactoriness/Stress.

• 4. The knowledge of the path leading to the

cessation of Unsatisfactoriness/Stress. (i.e. this Noble Eight Fold Path)

What is Samma Sankappo (Right Thought) ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood

• 1. Thoughts of Renunciation

6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati Awareness 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right – Right

• 2. Thoughts free from Aversion • 3. Thoughts free from Violence, Killing

What is Right Speech ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right Concentration

1. Abstaining from lying 2. Abstaining from Slander and Backbiting 3. Abstaining from Harsh Words 4. Abstaining from Frivolous Talk

What is Right Action ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right

1. Abstaining from Killing. 2. Abstaining from taking what has not been given. 3. Abstaining from Sexual Misconduct.

What is Right Livelihood ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right

Give up the wrong ways of livelihood and earns livelihood by right means.

What is Right Effort ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right

By will, Strong Effort, Stirs up Energy, applies Mind and Strives

What is Right Awareness ?

1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right

The Awareness and Constant Thorough Understanding of Impermanence in Four Ways. 1. Kayanupassana (Observation of Body) 2. Vedananupassana (Observation of Sensations on the Body) 3. Chittanupassana (Observation of Mental Structure as a whole) 4. Dhammanupassana (Observation of Contents of Mental Structure)

What is Right Concentration ? 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi Concentration

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right

Detached from Craving, Detached from Unwholesome mental states one enters into 1. First absorption Samadhi 2. Second absorption Samadhi 3. Third absorption Samadhi 4. Fourth absorption Samadhi

Noble Eightfold Path 1. Samma Ditthi – Right understanding 2. Samma Sankappo – Right Thought 3. Samma Vaacha – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanto – Right Action 5. Samma Ajiva – Right Livelihood 6. Samma Vayamo 7. Samma Sati 8. Samma Samadhi

– Right Effort – Right Awareness – Right Concentration

This is the Path leading to the cessation of Stress/Unsatisfactoriness. ONE COMES TO THIS RIGHT UNDERSTANDING


1. Avoid performing sinful actions 2. Perform only wholesome pious actions 3. Keep on purifying the mind. • This is the Teaching of all the Enlightened Ones


1. Mental Structure. 2. Why we have to follow Moral Values. 3. We can not afford planting Negative

Karma Seeds. We can not afford harming ourselves. 4. How to empty the Mental Structure of all the Seeds of Karma (Samskaaraas)? 5. One comes to this understanding by oneself by living as per Noble Eightfold Path.



Benefits! • • • • • • • • •

Progressively one gets established in Morality. One develops higher concentration levels. One develops Special wisdom based on “Truth”. Physical and Mental Health improves. Stress, strain, tensions get released. Progressively one leads a very happy, peaceful, harmonious and balanced life. One develops good mental qualities. Ex: Pure Love, Equanimity, appreciative joy etc. The approach to problem facing will be different. Persons come out of their “addictions”.

Reach the Highest Goals of Life!

• Total Mental Purification. • Eradication of all unsatisfactoriness in the mind. • One can live the Life of Truthfulness. • One can realize the Ultimate Truth.

End of Basic Information

Dharma or Dhamma!

• Which “quality” the mind is holding now is called Dharma.

• The “Laws of Nature” is called “Dharma”


• “Pure Dharma” based on “Truth”. • No Blind beliefs, No Imaginations, No rites, rituals and ceremonies etc.

Kusala Dharma and Akusala Dharma!

• Kusala Dharma: The mind containing “wholesome Thoughts”

• Akusala Dharma: The mind containing “Unwholesome Thoughts”.

Arya Dharma and Anarya Dharma!

• Arya Dharma: The mind filled with “Purity”.

• Anarya Dharma: The mind filled with “Impurity”.


• Dharma: Means “Quality” or “Characteristic”.

Ex: The quality of fire is to “Burn”.

Sanatana Dharma! • Sanatana Dharma: The Law is same in the past, present and future.

Ex: One generates “Negativity” in mind becomes miserable. One generates “Positivity” in mind becomes happy.

• Another Ex: The fire burns. (Same in the past, present and future.

Swa-Dharma and Para-Dharma!

• Swa-Dharma: The reality experienced by

oneself within the frame work of the body from moment to moment. (Self Experience or Experiential Wisdom)

• Para-Dharma: The reality experienced by others.

Sukla Dharma and Krishna Dharma!

• Sukla Dharma: The mind filled with “Glow”.

• Krishna Dharma: The mind filled with “Darkness”.

Dharma – Religion!

Now Dharma and Religion are used one in the place of other. Ex: Hindu Dharma/religion, Buddhist Dharma/religion etc.

Mangala Dharma and Amangala Dharma!

• Mangala Dharma: The mind filled with wholesomeness.

• Amangala Dharma: The mind filled with unwholesomeness.

Punya Dharma and Papa Dharma!

• Punya Dharma: The mind is filled with

such wholesomeness, it purifies the entire mind.

• Papa Dharma: The mind is filled with such unwholesomeness, it makes the entire mind impure.

Dharma and Adharma!

• Dharma: Purity of Mind. • Adharma: Impurity of Mind.


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