Puisi Melody From Nusantara

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 667
  • Pages: 2
‫بسم ال الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫نحمده ونصلى على رسوله الكريم‬ MELODY FROM NUSANTARA To those who love I present Sunni intellectual way In the Malay World beloved land far away Embracing all countenance of knowing traditional and rational way All manner of knowing –divine and human mental sway Guaranteeing Truth acts honour and man’s worthy way In globalization values and morals withering away Knowledge begins as lights from One Most Knowing Then touching universal reason- manifesting revealing Descending to human recipient prophetic receptacle receiving Moving then unto human reason purified being Crystalizing as pearls treasure in Sunni way of knowing Combining in totality traditional and rational path perceiving Within this ocean dive the learned in sacred sciences From the Companions the blessed to ones like Ash’aris Continuing with Baqillani to al-Ghazali and al-Razi Truly including al-Shafi’I and the mujtahids all Sunnies Therein ibn Khaldun among learned in rational sciences Also Suyuti up to Waliyullah al-Dihlawi In Sunni World here there is al-Raniri ‘Abd al-Rauf also al-Fansuri Also al-Falimbani again al-Banjari again Yusuf Makasari Continuing with Daud Ahmad and Zain al-Fatani Rows of them the learned divines of the Sunnies Presenters of the creed, sacred laws, morals, rationality, spirituality In costellation stars in knowing among Sunnies Sunni frame in knowing total harmonizing Capable of salvation for morals and heart realizing Curing the malady of minds confused in fever suffering So many suffering seriously yet choosing the way of covering Sunni way giving safety in faith values and morals in behaving Facing fatal trials while globalizing Only through these truth in faith be solved Including about God in servitude devotions involved Values on good and evil in life resolved As in the adage ‘life is based on customs followed Customs based on Sacred Law hallowed Sacred law based on Scripture obeyed’

Through their intelligence pearls of knowledge more than thousand years Strength for handhold human intelligence anchored on sustained views Giving conviction confidence to man in cultures with conflicts In age of postmodern culture clashing without ends In age when power of Satan serenading false melodies Come we take shelter for safety under shades In culture of dialogues we need certainty The axis determining truth direction and equity Without Sunni mode of knowing constituting truth sustainability We drift away to the coasts of destruction cultural calamity Sans meanings sans directions sans identity Bereft of honour enemies victorious we in bankruptcy Together in this meeting in Bangi we arrive at the decision Determine Sunni frame of knowing guaranteeing salvation Combining within it the welfare of the world and eternal salvation Enhancing philosophy of knowing in religion and worldly life estimation Combining works of reason the senses with guidance of revelation That is the path the one only with acts saving civilization Come we save the Malay World this Sunni region We choose the frame for way of knowing for saving the religion Facing the West those against reality of human welfare Empowering all strength from revelation prophecy and human reason Combined within it sharpness in intellectual penetration , taqwa and morals in iman Realizing the life of a servant of the One being His vicegerent This is the path one only coming from the One Creator Teaching mankind life of devotion not in disobedience Providing the way good and evil values stable with power Way of life civilization complete ready Combining strength of reason the heart and senses Bestowing manner of knowing securing life of safety and success From God we make supplications for blessings and clemency Our gathering bestowed with guidance and mercy So that this will recur in the land showered with mercy In the Nusantara with history promoting learning in plentty This being continuous guidance for the region for the Community Guidance in the age when civilization and culture ravaged by infamy Composed by the Roving Preacher of the Malay World 23rd of August 2001 Composed in English -the Second Conference of Islamic Thought UKM 6th Oct.2009. To be recited in the Bilek Senat UKM on 6th Oct.2009

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