Publication Of Shrauta Prayoga - An I..

  • November 2019
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Publication of Shrauta Prayoga - An Initiative The Vedas have a very high position in the eternal heritage of India. The Vedas elucidate the means for betterment of life and for attainment of the ultimate good. The means are the Karmas (actions) prescribed by the Vedas and the knowledge imparted by the Vedas. Every individual desires to attain the likes and avoid the dislikes. For fulfilling this the Vedas started its Karma Kanda section dealing with the Karmas. Starting from Agnihotra till Ashvamedha are the Karmas prescribed by the Vedas. Worldly actions, though performed well, may not be fruitful. But the Karmas prescribed by the Vedas, Agnihotra etc, are not destroyed without giving its fruit. Hence he Vedas call these actions as Satyam or the truth. Shastric Karmas are of two kinds - Smartha Karma, prescribed by the Smritis and Shrauta Karma, prescribed by the Shruti or the Vedas. The Smartha Karmas are performed using one sacred fire. A Grihasta (householder) performing Aupasana in the Aupasana Agni, the Vaishvadeva, the Parvana Shraddha etc which are collectively called Saptapaaka samstha Karmas are some of the Smartha Karmas. Similarly Rudra Homa, Chandi Homa, Navagraha Homa etc are also Smartha Karmas. The Shrauta Karmas are performed using the three sacred fires, viz. the Garhapatya, the Ahavaniya and the Dakshinaagni. The following are the Nitya Shrauta Karmas * Agnihotra - performed everyday during the sunrise and sunset. * Pindapitr yagna - performed on the newmoon day. * Darshapoornamasa Yaga - performed on the day after full moon and new moon. * Navaagrayana Ishti - performed in the Autumn season. * Chaturmasya Yaga - performed once in four months. * Nirooda Pashubandha Yaga - performed in the rainy season. * Soma Yaga - performed in the Spring Season. The Rishis like Apastamba, Bauddhayana etc have described elaborately the method of performing all these Karmas i the works called Kalpa Sutras. For elucidating the Kalpa Sutras, the prayogakaras have composed the works called as the Prayogas, for the convinence of the performers of the Karmas.The Shastras aver that the performance of these yagas not only bestows good on the performer of the Karmas but bestows on the whole world peace, prosperity, good health, good rains, progeny with good health & instinct etc. Unfortunately by the influence of the dark-age of Kali, the performance of Shrauta Karmas has dwindled. In the whole of India the number of Agnihotris can be fingered. Presently, the palm leaf manuscripts are the only resource available to the performers for reference, posing impediment for the people who are willing to perform the Karmas and students who are willing to learn it. The commoners do not have even awareness of them. The students willing to learn and people willing to perform the Shrauta Karmas are becoming lesser and lesser. The precious heritage of this knowledge is in the verge of extinction. Our organization, perceiving the hapless state, desirous of rejuvenating the Vedic heritage by making this knowledge accessible even to a commoner, has taken up the task of publishing a series of books on Shruta Prayoga for the first time in the history. In the series of books that we have planned to publish, the first book will contain the Shrauta Prayoga based on the Shrauta Sutra of Apastamba, with complete description of the * Agnyadhana * Darshapoornamasa Yaga * Navaagrayana Ishti * Chaturmasya Yaga * Nirooda Pashubandha Yaga * Soma Yaga Apart from publication, our organization into imparting knowledge of Sharauta Karmas and helping the interested people perform the same. This initiative is in need of enormous financial assistance and can definitely see the light of the day with the goodwill contributions by people like you. So, by contributing for this noble cause may all be blessed by Yajneshwara, the Vedapurusha, the personification of the Vedas. M S Ashwattanarayana Avadhani, President Shruthi Shankara Samskrita Samshodhana Pratishtana Mattur Shimoga - 577203 Phone - 08182-237728 Mobile - 9448933121 Note : The DD may be drawn in the favour of "Shruthi Shankara Samskrita Samshodhana Pratishtana".

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