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SLIDE-01 Sejarah Komputer Achmad Choiron Teknik Informatika Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Present and Future •

Intel Quad Core PC with 4GB RAM and Superb Graphics. • The H2 is the first Quad Core PC you can fit in your hands. At only 2.5 liters in volume, it offers server class performance (up to 8GB RAM!) in a thin client form factor. Larger than the Mac Mini, but with equal graphics capability, better I/O, and far greater processing power

Information System

Computer on Military

CNC and Industry

Kilas Balik

• m/ibm/history/exhibits /vintage/vintage_tech nology.html

Electromechanical systems •

Electromechanical machines to punch, tabulate and sort cards at high speed were the heart of data processing through the mid-1940s. In 1940, the electromechanical system seen here multiplied two 10-digit numbers in five seconds. It used electric relays and punched cards. Soon, though, even the fastest punched card machines were bypassed by technological change in the late-1940s, as vacuum tubes began to replace electromechnical wheels and levers. (VV2109)

Vacuum tube systems • The electronic computer was born of the vacuum tube. Developed for the radio industry, the vacuum tube permitted machines to calculate several times faster than did earlier electromechanical relays. This tube system from 1946 could multiply two 10-digit numbers 40 times a second. (VV2111)

Magnetic cores •

Magnetic cores originated with two inventors: A. Wang and F. W. Viehe, who independently began experimenting with cores for computer memories in the 1940s. Later development work was done by others, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RCA and IBM. In the 1950s and 1960s, cores were progressively miniaturized to produce highspeed memories. In this 1955 view, a group of IBM cores is compared in size to a pencil and a printed circuit. (VV2116)

Transistor & printed circuit • By 1958, new, small, solid-state transistors, accompanied by printed circuit techniques, permitted greater speed and better reliability. Ferrite core technology replaced vacuum tubes for stored programs. That advance meant that two 10-digit numbers could be multiplied 100,000 times per second. (VV2118)

Tube, transistor & chip •

Seen here in 1964 are three eras of computer technology: the vacuum tube (at left) of the late-1940s and early-1950s, the transistor (middle) of the late-1950s and early-1960s, and the chip transistor (that little dot at right). At first, transistors, whose wire connector legs made them look like spiders, were wired with other components, such as resistors, on circuit cards to form logic and control elements of processors. But, starting with the IBM System/360 in 1964, circuits were closely combined on halfinch ceramic modules. The era of microelectronics had begun. (VV2124)

Thermal conduction module •

By 1987 the information processing power of electronic computers of the 1960s could be held in one hand. The Thermal Conduction Module seen here was the marrow of the large IBM 308X computers. Six inches square, the TCM had room for up to 133 chips, each with 704 circuits. Each ceramic block of the material had 28 to 33 differently wired layers. More than 350,000 holes provided paths for the vertical wiring for layer-to-layer communication. The chips were joined to the substrate through a total of nearly 16,000 contact points, using IBM's unique chip-joining technology. All that circuitry generated 300 watts of heat -enough to destroy the chips. But the heat was drawn off through spring-loaded aluminum pistons (seen in the cutaway section) that pressed gently against each chip. In turn, the pistons were housed in a "hat" filled with helium, an excellent heat conductor. Chilled water flowing through a conduit attached to the hat whisked the heat away. One TCM alone -- there were about two dozen in a 3081 computer -- packed as much computing punch as a medium-size System/370 of only a decade before. (VV2137)

Circuit card •

To form circuits in the early 1960s, transistors were combined with capacitors, resistors and other electrical elements on circuit cards such as this. On the reverse side, electrical paths were printed -to improve reliability and speed manufacturing. The circuit cards were then plugged into "gates" and the cards interconnected by wires to form the logic and control elements of processors. (VV3071)

SABRE terminals • The SABRE reservation system for airline passengers was the first large, high-speed commercial computer/communication s network that operated in "real time" -- handling transactions at the time they occurred. It was developed by IBM for American Airlines over six years of joint research and became operational in 1962. (VV3072)

Stretch console •

This is the maintenance console of IBM's Stretch, the industry's most powerful computer when first delivered in 1961. Stretch had 150,000 transistors and could perform 100 billion computations a day. Stretch pioneered in various advanced systems concepts, such as look-ahead, overlapping/pipelining of instructions, error-checking and correction, controlprogram operating systems and the 8-bit byte. (VV3073)

SLT circuits • The Solid Logic Technology (SLT), introduced in 1964 by IBM in System/360, was the industry's first highvolume, automatic, microminiature production of semiconductor circuits. Mounted on 1/2-inchsquare ceramic modules seen here, the SLT circuits were denser, faster and required less power than the previous generation of transistor technology. (VV3081)

64K-bit chips • This 3 1/4-inch production wafer contains 109 silicon memory chips, each able to store 64,000 bits of information. In 1978, IBM was the first to mass-produce 64,000-bit chips for use in production line computers. (VV3101)

IBM 3081 logic module • By the early-1980s, the information processing power of electronic computers of the 1960s could be held in one hand. The logic module used in the large IBM 3081 system, introduced in 1980, was part of the industry's densest circuit packaging technology. Up to 133 electronic chips mounted in each module (shown above) contained a total of 45,000 logic circuits, as well as other circuitry. (VV3121)

Copper plane • This 24 x 28-inch copper plane is part of the densest computer packaging seen in the late-1980s. Used in large IBM computers, the plane was one of 20 layers in a 1/5-inch-thick printed circuit board that contained nearly a mile of wire interconnections. (VV3122)

1MB chip •

This IBM computer memory chip, 3/8-inch long, stored more than one million bits of information. IBM was the first to develop and mass-produce chips of this density. At the beginning of 1987, the only such chips operating in the industry were in the IBM 3090, System/38 and System/36 computers and in the IBM 3880 disk "cache" control unit. (VV3131)

Chip testing • By 1981, more than 50 computer-controlled systems designed by IBM were quality-testing thousands of different circuit parts on IBM production lines. In less than a minute, this device could test a silicon wafer that had more than 100 complex logic or memory chips containing thousands of transistors. (VV3132)

Diskette •

In 1971, IBM began producing computer systems using a new form of magnetic storage medium. The medium, ultimately called a "diskette," would in a short time be adopted around the world in the design of small and low-cost systems. The diskette was a flexible magnetic disk enclosed in a jacket measuring eight inches square and one-sixteenth of an inch thick, and weighing just a few ounces. Originally intended for loading microprograms and diagnostics, users soon began to employ diskettes as a medium to distribute, exchange and archive data, programs, microcode and other digital information. The first diskette had a formatted disk capacity of 81.6 kilobytes on 32 tracks; six years later, the formatted capacity had been increased to 1.2 megabytes on 154 tracks. (VV2132)

Komputer Digital Pertama weighed 28 tons, consumed 170,000 watts of power and required several operators. It conducted 5,000 operations a second. Since the 1930s, Bell Labs had been looking to replace tubes with an electronic switch. •

Fine-tuning ENIAC. J. Presper Eckert (the man in the foreground turning a knob) and John Mauchly (center) designed ENIAC to calculate the trajectory of artillery shells. The machine didn't debut until February 1946, after the end of World War II, but it did launch the computer revolution. Credit: Computer History Museum




Vacum Tube, Transistor, IC, hingga VLSI

Hukum Moore • Moore's law describes an important trend in the history of computer hardware: that the number of transistors that can be inexpensively placed on an integrated circuit is increasing exponentially, doubling approximately every two years. • The observation was first made by Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore in a 1965 paper

Super Conductor


Kesimpulan Perkembangan komputer terjadi pada 1. Bahan / komponen, semakin ditemukan super conductor yang lebih baik maka akan semakin cepat kemampuan komputer. 2. Tujuan penggunaan, komputer sebagai alat hitung berubah menjadi berbagai fungsi seperti otomatisasi pekerjaan, pengolahan informasi, hiburan, edukasi, riset, komunikasi, dan lain sebagainya. 3. Perkembangan Aplikasi Komputer menjadi isue utama pemanfaatan komputer dalam ruang lingkup Information Technology (IT)

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