Pta Vision And Mission

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Parents-Teachers’ Association – Agsoso Elementary School Agsoso, Loon, Bohol VISION: Each pupil turned into a successful FarmTalEntrepreneur Kada usa sa magtutungha nahimong usa ka malampusong Mag-uumang Negosyanteng De-abilidad Through a Team-Synergistic PTA Pinaagi sa usa ka mabungahong pagtinabangay sa PTA Bringing true total progress and sustainable development to the old village Nga naghatud ug tinuod nga ka-asensohan ug maluntarong kalambuan sa karaang balangay Where the good of the ancient meets the best of the modern Diin ang mga maayong butang ug pamaagi sa karaan ug bag-ong panahon nag-abot Thus, preventing forced migration, foreign slavery, Nga maoy nakapaundang sa pinugos nga paglalin, kaulipnan sa langyaw nga nasud, And marital breakdown and family disintegration and scattering, Ug pagkawasak-wasak ug pagkabungkag sa kaminyoon ug pamilya, Sparing our children from the temptations and short-lived passing sweets of the cities, Magapalikay sa atong mga kabataan sa mga tentasyon ug lumalabay katam-is sa syudad, Shielding them from the immorality and spiritual degeneration Magataming kanila batok sa imoralidad ug spirituahanong pagka-ot-ot and lasting bitter pains and deadly dangerous traps of the modern world, ug kalamayong mapait nga kasakit ug mapanganib nga mga lit-ag sa modernong kalibutan, Restoring the ancient ideal of whole happy family, Nagpabalik sa karaang aydiyal nga tibook ug malipayong pamilya, Praying together and working together just around the corner Sabay mag-amo ug sabay nanginabuhi And living together in one home, Ug nahiusang nagpuyo. So that as one family and one nation, together we love, together we serve, Aron isip usa ka pamilya ug nasud, sabay kitang nahigugma, sabay kitang nagsilbi Yahweh-Jehovah-Jesus, our Father, God and Savior Kang Yahweh-Yehoba-Hesus, atong Amahan, Ginoo ug Manluluwas And together we love our fellow Creation as well as ourselves and families, Ug sabay kitang maghigugma sa atong isigka-Nilalang sa Dios ug sa atong mga kaugalingon ug mga pamilya, Enjoying inner peace, abundant joy, true and full freedom, Nagtagamtam sa tiunay nga kalinaw, madagayaong kalipay, tinuod ug hingpit nga kagawasan, Lasting prosperity and eternal life in Christ Malungtarong prosperidad ug walay katapusang kinabuhi diha ni Kristo. And harmony with God, Fellow Creations, Family and Self. Ug naangayng kalinay uban sa Dios, Isigkanilalang, Pamilya ug Kaugalingon. 1

So help me Abba. Busa alalayi ako Amahan. PTA MISSION TO ACHIEVE THE VISION: To wholistically educate children so they will be turned into successful, self-employed, independent, enterprising, home-based AGRO-INDUSTRIAL CITIZEN, that is, Farmer-Talentist-Entrepreneur (FarmTalEntrepreneur).  Who and What Is a Farmer-Talentist-Entrepreneur (FarmTalEntrepreneur)? He is a A WHOLISTICALLY EDUCATED & TALENTED CHILD OR PERSON Who is willing and committed and very able to help achieve the National Vision for the country.  WHAT IS A WHOLISTICALLY EDUCATED & TALENTED CHILD OR PERSON? The whole person is made of heart-spirit, mind-soul and physical body. So, a wholistically (holistically) educated child or person is he or she who is Well-cultivated, nurtured and developed in body, mind-soul and heart-spirit Where the body is strong, healthy and beautiful, Where the mind-soul is intelligent and wise in God’s ways, not worldly ways, And where the heart is filled with love and loving emotions towards God, neighbors and self, Leading to prosperity and abundance in material things, in wisdom-intelligence and in healthy, loving, positive feelings-emotions Based on the Order of God where He is our Father and we are brothers and sisters to one another (Matthew 23), becoming rich or prosperous in both earthly and spiritual riches.


REGULAR AGENDA:  Sharing of deeper interpretation and understanding of our PTA Vision and Mission by assigned parent and teacher and other instant volunteer/s;  Suggestions on how to achieve our PTA Vision and how to accomplish our PTA Mission;  Agree to a common plan, project, program or action to attain our PTA Vision and Mission and assign them to an ACTION AGAD TEAM OF VOLUNTEERS – PROJECT X;  Monitor the progress and evaluate these common plans, projects, programs or actions; agree on ways to facilitate or speed up their completion;  Count the blessings and benefits of achieved common plan, project, program or action. Give gratitude to whom it is due, e.g., to man and to God and other benefactors.  Information dissemination useful to parents and teachers and pupils;  Skills trainings and enhancement for parents, teachers and pupils;  Effective livelihood for teachers, parents and/or pupils;  Resolution of problems of teachers, parents and pupils;  Success techniques of teachers, parents and pupils;



Cooking PTA snacks; Baking demos; Health & healing demos; Skills demos; Livelihood lectures and demos; Presentation of Pupils’ Talents

REGULAR PTA MEETINGS: FIRST SUNDAYS OF JULY, SEPTEMBER, NOVEMBER, JANUARY & MARCH Note: Subject for movement in case of other important schedule or celebration.


PTA-AGSOSO ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE GRADE I CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1. 2. Peace Officers 1. 2.

GRADE II CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor 1. PROs: 2. Peace Officers 1. 2.

GRADE III CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1: 2: Peace Officers 1: 2:

GRADE IV CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1: 2: Peace Officers 1: 2:

GRADE V CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1: 2: Peace Officers 1: 2:

GRADE VI CLASSROOM OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1: 2: Peace Officers 1: 2:

SCHOOL PTA OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Auditor PROs: 1: 2: Peace Officers 1: 2:

COMMITTEES-TEAMS Chaired by the most experienced among classroom officers with the most experienced teacher-adviser and some experienced parents COMMITTEES: TEAM LEADER MEMBERS ADVISER PROGRAM & STAGE PREPARATION FOODS FUND RAISING / LIVELIHOOD





Grade I

Mrs. Liezel Ohina

Grade II

Mrs. Jean Quimpan

Grade III

Mrs. Lourdes Tindoy

Grade IV

Mr. Pedro Seprado

Grade V

Mrs. Vilma Ocdenaria

Grade VI

Mrs. Trinidad Tubaces


OUR VISION WE, the Filipino, a tribe in the family of nations, Cradled in this beautiful and richly blessed Pearl of the Orient, Created after the image of the Almighty and All-loving Father of all Mankind, Whose purpose is peace, happiness, success, prosperity, justice, equality and abundant life for all of us His human children, envision ourselves as a people who are economically prosperous because we are founded on and guided by the true moral values that, among us, nurtured faith and love; taught discipline, diligence and productivity; borne peace and happiness; and guaranteed total sustainable development of and for our people and nation. WE envision of a prosperous people and a peaceful society, Established upon the solid foundation of the true moral values of honesty and discipline, patience and diligence, resourcefulness and responsibility… of the Christian beatitudes of love and compassion, mercy and kindness, faith and hope, humility and gentleness… which are the true and eternal keys to total and sustainable development. We envision of a society where there is abundance of beauty and richness of nature. The valleys are verdant and the plains are beckoning. The landscape is awesome and the surrounding is poetic and musical. A society where life thrives and living is conducive, joyous and exciting. A lush beautiful dwelling place abounding in clean and plenteous water, bubbling fresh. And abounding in pure, cool, refreshing air. The land is fat and the farm exudes health and brilliance to all families. The food is abundant, delicious and nutritious We envision a family life in the countryside which is farm-based. 6

A farm which provides us with sufficient, fresh and nutritious fruits, vegetation and crops. A farm that gives health, strengths, healing, wisdom and wealth.

We envision a sea with wealth and abundance Which are more than enough for countless of succeeding generations. A sea which showcases the beauty of Creation and tells of the greatness of the Creator We envision of an agro-industrialized country Where both agriculture and industry thrive together and mutually support each other. This means to say that it is an industry that does not deplete our soil, Nor degrade the richness of our lands, nor poison our livestock and vegetation, Nor pollute our rivers and seas, air and food, Nor deny us of our health nor rob us of our precious life. Rather, it is an industry that preserves and protects our environment Replenishes the resources of the Earth, respects our life relationships And contributes to our well-being and happiness. It will be an industrialization that is situated in places Where there are enough trees and plants to absorb the exhausts And recycles the wastes of factory and its products; Thus, preventing pollution of the air, food and water. More hopefully, it will be an industry whose products as well as wastes are life-friendly, That is, not harmful to the environment or to human beings. We also envision of an industrialization that spreads into the countryside To solve and further prevent urban congestions, traffic, pollution, poverty, fires, crimes and immoralities. We envision an industry that protects and preserves the sanctity of marriage and family. It is an industry that is usually rural-based So that workers will be safe and away from the dangers of the spiritually degenerating cities. As mush as possible, it will be a home-based industrialization 7

So that family members will not be separated from each other, So that each workers be safe from the abuses of alien oppressive employers, So that couples shall be spared from the temptations Caused by geographical and emotional separation. So that all members of the family can share work, Life and happiness together Thereby building a close-limit family as the foundation of a strong society And as the source of strong and upright leaders And builders of tomorrow ‘s renewed Philippines. We envision of a mechanized country to lighten up the burdens and toils of each man and woman. To enhance the quality of workmanship and to speed up production And, consequently, allow families enough time off work To enjoy family life together And for each member of the family to develop his/her talents into hobbies Or even turn his hobbies into an enterprise for more excellent service to mankind Nevertheless, such mechanization should not be pollutant So that our environment would be kept fresh and healthful. Furthermore, it should not be too concentrated in one place So that our place would not become too unbanized To the extent that our value of familism would get eroded And godliness replaced by materialism and immorality. In others words, we envision a society where there is much beauty and health, cleanliness and freshness, Where Love and righteousness, work and leisure, joy and peace, richness and abundance Are preserved and spread to all parts of nation and to all the earth — Where the all-important God-ordained institutions of marriage and family Are protected from destruction Where mechanization produces an industrialization That does not endanger our relationship with and in our families, neighbors, and with our Creator. This is our vision of total and sustainable development, For the people, by the people, with the people, through the people 8

And with the help, blessings and the guidance of the Almighty Ever-merciful God Who is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Everlasting Father. This is made possible Because we are a people made after the image of God Richly endowed with Wisdom and Love from above. Because of which we are a diligent, patient, responsible, disciplined, Upright, kind, merciful, peace-loving people. We build, nurture, sustain and maintain. We produce rather than consume. We save rather than spend. We invest rather than waste. We are a thrifty, honest and diligent and productive people. This, too, is our vision for a national character. And this we will achieve with all our hearts, mind and might, In service to man for the glory of God….. So guide and equip us God…. ***



MEEKNESS DRIVES AWAY CRUELTY One time, the Lord was exhorting the disciples to be meek, and not repay evil for evil, nor anger for anger, nor fire for fire. On this, He cited the little unimposing gnat who playfully buzzes around and though a little bet bothered, the mighty lion dismisses its presence and allow its activity for the gnat is below the dignity of the king of the forest, meaning: it’s not for a lion to fight against a gnat! Drawing lesson from this example: We can understand that one’s smallness or humility will spare us many troubles. As a matter of fact, it is the meekness or softness of a woman that can pacify the anger of a mighty man. You might be also surprised to realize that the lowly coo of a turtledove spares it from the preying hawk hovering above looking for its meat. “When nature wakes soft pity's coo The hawk deserts the dove, Compassion melts the creature through, With palpitations felt by few, The wrecking throbs of love. “ From the poem The Powers of Love, George M. Horton Analyze the line of the poem. The pitiful coo of the turtledove (Visayan: tokmo, crocoto) melts the cruel heart of the hovering hawk and ‘the hawk deserts the dove’. Gentleness conquers cruelty. That is what God and His servants keep on reminding us. King Solomon wrote a proverb: ‘Soft answer turns away wrath.’ Paul wrote: “Do not repay evil for evil. But when your enemy gets hungry, feed him… Overcome evil by doing good.”1 This has been the behavior of our race – the black and brown race, the descendants of Cain-Ethiope. Even if our curly-haired, thick-lipped, black Negrito race lived long in the wild forest, we were not ferocious, but as the foreigners said, “we were a gentle race”. This kind of character is very likeable. Even the hawk-wise Americans like us to be their employees and fondly consider Filipinos their ‘little brown brothers’. Peace and prosperity also reigned between the White race and Black slaves in America when and as long as compassion was in the heart of the white master and humility in the heart of the black slave. In this case, ‘slave’ is a nice experience. TURTLE MEEKNESS GIVES WAY TO ABUSE OF AN EVIL HAWK


Romans 12


Not dove only is meek; a turtle too. And not good wisdom alone resides in a hawk, also an evil cunningness. When meekness is turtle’s, it is naïve meekness. It is meekness paired with dullness. It is this kind of meekness that opens up for abuse and exploitation by the deceitful animal of prey. When the cunningness of the hawk reigns in the heart of the master, as with many of our former Spanish masters, then misery would be the lot of the people! For neither brotherly love nor neighborly love does reign in such master’s heart, but greed, lust, pride and covetousness. And so, he would turn his subjects into a milch cow, a prostitute, and a slave. It is because he does not love. Let me quote to you, for the nth time, the negative parable of the hawk and the turtle, to wit:

THE PARABLE OF THE HAWK AND THE TURTLE One day, there was a turtle struggling on a mudhole in the meadow. On the other hand, in the sky there was a hawk hovering. The hawk noticed the struggling turtle. The Lord: “The hawk first eagerly helps the turtle out of its mud-hole in the meadow, only to be grabbed by the hawk in its neck during its search for herbs, carried aloft and smashed into a rock. “Why did the hawk do that? So that she can enjoy the turtle’s flesh as a reward for its previous eagerness to help. My, children, do not do that! “Do not follow the evil inhabitants in hell who serve out of selfishness, for everyone there expects to be served. “They are like the story of the turtle and the hawk “Service should be given in love and with true brotherly feeling, as is customary in the heavens.” 2 I envision not of a humility with naivety, such as that of the turtle3, which renders us outsmartable and oppress-ible. I envision of a meekness-humility-mercifulness like that of a Dove4, who by its wakening coo “The hawk deserts the dove, The former’s heart melts by compassion With palpitations felt by few, The wrecking throbs of love.” I do not however envision us to remain a Turtledove5 (naivety and shortsightedness of a turtle and weakness of a dove) who by its sad and sorrowful coo, softly tells the world that it is unhappy in its humbled condition. Its plaintive cooing indicates that it is ‘quietly mournful’ and ‘weakly complaining’ e.g., probably because it is oppressed or suppressed and does not find freedom within its sphere like a discontented mother and a regimented wife. Great Gospel of John IV/99 Turtle – properly designates all reptiles with a shell 4 Dove is any of several pigeons; symbol of meekness and peace 5 Turtledove – a small variety (11 inches) of light-brown dove found throughout temperate areas in Europe and Asia, such as the Philippines. It is known for its plaintive cooing and the affection it shows for its mate. In Visayan: tokmo, crocoto. Plaintive – quietly mournful; weakly complaining. 2 3


I envision a meekness where wisdom, peace, love, joy and freedom reign. I envision us as individuals and as a nation evolving from a unhappy turtledove into a happy peaceful dove. While at the same time, I envision us as individuals and as a nation like an awakening turtle getting out of the confinement of its shell so that, light and free, it can metamorphose itself into a bird, untouched by the treacherous hawk, able to soar the sky on its own, and view the whole perspective, and thus, become wise – even wiser than the hawk or as wise as a serpent, as Jesus said, without losing the harmlessness [meekness, gentleness] of the dove and never adopting the evil cunningness and treachery of the hawk-serpent.


THAT IS MY VISION OF CHARACTER FOR MYSELF AND FOR MY PEOPLE. It is the turtle’s naivety, ignorance, and lack of wisdom that makes our meekness corrupt and impure, weak, gullible, beguile-ible, easy to fleece, easy to seduce, easy to deceive, abusable, oppress-able. Without true wisdom, the Filipino meekness has become a weakness. That is why we were colonized by many foreigners for over 400 years. That’s why we were exploited, suppressed, oppressed, and deceived. But with wisdom, the Filipino meekness will be purified of its inherent weakness and soon will be like that of a dove whose coo melts the heart of the preying creature [e.g., hawk], provokes its into compassion. A meekness that conquers all cruelties. I am challenged to think that had we had Christ’s wisdom and not the turtle’s naivety and carabao’s unselective, unconditional submission, certainly the Spaniards would not have subjugated us for 300 years and they would not have corrupted our character with pride, wastefulness [gambling, drunkenness] and indolence. We would have been long time ago a nation rich in God’s blessings, and thus, great in the nations’ eyes. As a promise which can be attained, we could be “the head and not the tail; we shall lend and not borrow” as we shall “serve and not be served”, and “not a slave even as we are not a master”. Towards the true greatness that God has in store for us all, attainable by any nation, we can advance our selves by (1) first, purifying our meekness using God’s wisdom, thus converting it from being a turtle meekness into a dove meekness; and (2) if that is accomplished, proceeding to expanding our self-love into divine love for God, neighbor and self. Thus, we’ll have positioned ourselves prepared and ready to accomplish any thing – any dream – any vision – any mission – any goal – any aim – any purpose – any height - that this matured noble love may set before us! That is the strategy towards our Vision for a National Character.


Our Vision and their Charter Change A work of love by: Agape Foundation (Agasoft) October 2006


A great sage once said, “Without Vision, the people will perish”. Why? Because they will cast out all restraint, refuse to discipline themselves and neglect to direct their steps to a destination. Without vision, they have no aim. Like driftwoods, they are tossed to and fro by the ebb and tide of the never-ending sea. Without Vision, they have no propeller to make advance steps to some beautiful destination. With vision, they are like boat without rudder to guide themselves to a happy end. Following is our National Vision. This is our Blue Print – our map for the future. This National Vision will act as our propeller (fuel and inspiration to keep us moving) and our rudder to guide us away from danger and towards the safe paths of life. Then our life will be meaningful and purposeful! This National Vision is very necessary in the face of the efforts of others to complete the disintegration of this poor wretched nation. With this Vision, animated by our love, we shall no longer perish! These men are orchestrating the Charter Changes which we do not need; as a matter of fact, their proposed Charter Changes will further bring us to greater captivity and poverty. After printing our National Vision below, will follow our comments whether or not their versions of Charter Change will help us achieve our vision.


OUR NATIONAL VISION WE, the Filipino, a tribe in the family of nations, Cradled in this beautiful and richly blessed Pearl of the Orient, Created after the image of the Almighty and All-loving Father of all Mankind, Whose purpose is peace, happiness, success, prosperity, justice, equality and abundant life for all of us His human children, envision ourselves as a people who are economically prosperous because we are founded on and guided by the true moral values that, among us, nurtured faith and love; taught discipline, diligence and productivity; borne peace and happiness; and guaranteed total sustainable development of and for our people and nation. WE envision of a prosperous people and a peaceful society, Established upon the solid foundation of the true moral values of honesty and discipline, patience and diligence, resourcefulness and responsibility… of the Christian beatitudes of love and compassion, mercy and kindness, faith and hope, humility and gentleness… which are the true and eternal keys to total and sustainable development. We envision of a society where there is abundance of beauty and richness of nature. The valleys are verdant and the plains are beckoning. The landscape is awesome and the surrounding is poetic and musical. A society where life thrives and living is conducive, joyous and exciting. A lush beautiful dwelling place abounding in clean and plenteous water, bubbling fresh. And abounding in pure, cool, refreshing air. The land is fat and the farm exudes health and brilliance to all families. The food is abundant, delicious and nutritious We envision a family life in the countryside which is farm-based. A farm which provides us with sufficient, fresh and nutritious fruits, vegetation and crops. A farm that gives health, strengths, healing, wisdom and wealth.

We envision a sea with wealth and abundance Which are more than enough for countless of succeeding generations. A sea which showcases the beauty of Creation and tells 15

of the greatness of the Creator We envision of an agro-industrialized country Where both agriculture and industry thrive together and mutually support each other. This means to say that it is an industry that does not deplete our soil, Nor degrade the richness of our lands, nor poison our livestock and vegetation, Nor pollute our rivers and seas, air and food, Nor deny us of our health nor rob us of our precious life. Rather, it is an industry that preserves and protects our environment Replenishes the resources of the Earth, respects our life relationships And contributes to our well-being and happiness. It will be an industrialization that is situated in places Where there are enough trees and plants to absorb the exhausts And recycles the wastes of factory and its products; Thus, preventing pollution of the air, food and water. More hopefully, it will be an industry whose products as well as wastes are life-friendly, That is, not harmful to the environment or to human beings. We also envision of an industrialization that spreads into the countryside To solve and further prevent urban congestions, traffic, pollution, poverty, fires, crimes and immoralities. We envision an industry that protects and preserves the sanctity of marriage and family. It is an industry that is usually rural-based So that workers will be safe and away from the dangers of the spiritually degenerating cities. As mush as possible, it will be a home-based industrialization So that family members will not be separated from each other, So that each workers be safe from the abuses of alien oppressive employers, So that couples shall be spared from the temptations Caused by geographical and emotional separation. So that all members of the family can share work, Life and happiness together Thereby building a close-limit family as the foundation of a strong society And as the source of strong and upright leaders And builders of tomorrow ‘s renewed Philippines. We envision of a mechanized country to lighten up the burdens and toils of each man and woman. To enhance the quality of workmanship and to speed up production 16

And, consequently, allow families enough time off work To enjoy family life together And for each member of the family to develop his/her talents into hobbies Or even turn his hobbies into an enterprise for more excellent service to mankind Nevertheless, such mechanization should not be pollutant So that our environment would be kept fresh and healthful. Furthermore, it should not be too concentrated in one place So that our place would not become too urbanized To the extent that our value of familism would get eroded And godliness replaced by materialism and immorality. In others words, we envision a society where there is much beauty and health, cleanliness and freshness, Where Love and righteousness, work and leisure, joy and peace, richness and abundance Are preserved and spread to all parts of nation and to all the earth — Where the all-important God-ordained institutions of marriage and family Are protected from destruction Where mechanization produces an industrialization That does not endanger our relationship with and in our families, neighbors, and with our Creator. This is our vision of total and sustainable development, For the people, by the people, with the people, through the people And with the help, blessings and the guidance of the Almighty Ever-merciful God Who is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Everlasting Father. This is made possible Because we are a people made after the image of God Richly endowed with Wisdom and Love from above. Because of which we are a diligent, patient, responsible, disciplined, Upright, kind, merciful, peace-loving people. We build, nurture, sustain and maintain. We produce rather than consume. We save rather than spend. We invest rather than waste. We are a thrifty, honest and diligent and productive people. This, too, is our vision for a national character. And this we will achieve with all our hearts, mind and might, In service to man for the glory of God….. So guide and equip us God…. *** 17

OUR ANALYSIS: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? Our National Vision states: “Whose purpose is peace”… WILL THEIR CHA-CHA GIVE US PEACE? The Administration’s first five proposed amendments will consolidate and perpetuate their power? What kind of leaders and people they are to deserve consolidated and less-auditable and longer power? •

They are the ones who approved GATT-WTO/Trade globalization to flood our domestic market with cheap and quality products, and prosecute patent-infringer, causing the bankruptcy of thousands of small Filipino entrepreneurs, instead of placing safety nets to allow them to survive while working out to legalize and improve their competitiveness; the people’s savings from cheap and quality imported products have come in exchange for their friends and relatives closing shop or losing jobs; No lunch is free, so they say. They are the ones who have ordered TESDA, Dole and other government agencies to hasten the deployment of our people abroad particularly women without work certainty and protection. They are very much aware of the deception by employment agencies, namely: that it is not actually decent works that await most of our Filipinas but immoral works of prostitutes or sex slaves, as well as low-respect domestic works prone to abuses. But they play deaf ear to the dangers that our Filipinas face. Mostly, it was too late: rape was already done. Or the OFW already has come home – inside a coffin! Some they had saved but where is praise for saving what they had fed to the “terong” in the first place? Where is gratitude deserved? With the 7th proposed amendment, they will literally sell our land, country, our natural resources to the foreigner whose mere cents can but hectares of land here?

How can peace be felt after seeing their superior technology driving our businesses to bankruptcy? – after seeing their thriving businesses and mansions dotting our lands while us losing our lands, houses, and freedom? How can peace be there when they become our employers or masters in our own land? This happened to Poland, Germany and Spain: when the government allowed the Jews to settle in their land. The Jews by their financial genius and business acumen, eventually became their rich lenders and masters, while the citizens became either slaves, employees of the Jewish businessmen or they became bankrupt in their own businesses – poorer than before the Jews came. The seeming economic development was benefiting only the foreigners as well as the government who enjoyed higher tax collection, thanks to the Jews. But overall, the lives of the citizens did not improve. The banking or financing system run by the Jews also proved disastrous. What promised to help ended up binding the people into deeper debts! When the people saw it, they revolted and drove away the Jews, to the sorrow of the government officials. The Jews were efficient tax-makers! 18

If we allow foreigners buy out easily our land, waters, and businesses with their almighty dollars and powerful technology and become our employers and masters, instead of rising up ourselves and moving to resurrect the independence and prosperity of this country, then, like Poland, et. al., we will suffer amidst foreigner-induced economic prosperity, and then eventually, in sheer disgust and hatred, we will drive these foreigners, the bringer of economic prosperity as well as the impoverisher of the masses, away in some bloody insurrection. So, I prefer that they share or sell their technology to us (that is there systems, machinery) but leave us alone here. Technology Transfer, not their transfer of residence and business. For them to live with us or among us, will surely be troublesome. We won’t achieve peace side by side foreigners. Japan only asked for knowledge from America and Europe. The Japanese government never entertained the idea of letting the foreigners make prosperity for them! They are the main makers of their own prosperity with a little help from foreign benefactors or workers. They took charge their own fate. They charted their own destiny. Not the foreigners. Nor did they allow foreigners to hinder them or stand on the way! They did not delegate nor surrender their future to unknown foreigners! U.S. Ambassador Armacost also noted that Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong and China also have attained their economic prosperity by giving foreigner equity investment, surely, not 100% foreign ownership of businesses and properties. I suggest we also ask the advices of Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Mahathir of Malaysia and Kozomi of Japan regarding the proposed amendments of our Charter especially the one on foreign business ownership. Of course, they will say “yes” to the 7th proposal so they can do business fully in our country. But do not ask them as businessmen; ask them what they will do if they were in our place. What they did when presented with the same problem? Did they allow the foreigners enjoy the full privileges of their citizens? Were there no laws that serve as safety nets for our people? I guess, that in this level of immaturity, where each nation possesses more Selflove than brotherly, we can not expect them to work fully for our welfare. They will take more than they would be willing to give. That is a proven fact. And there hearts have not changed; only worsened! Like in Germany, Poland and Spain, the Jews or foreigners continued to grow rich while the natives continued to grow poorer as a result of the foreigners’ unfair economic system!

Our National Vision states: “happiness, success, prosperity, justice, equality and abundant life for all of us His human children, envision ourselves as a people who are economically prosperous…” Where our lands, minerals, precious metals, owned or taken over by foreigners, we cannot expect those vision to get fulfilled. 19

“and guaranteed total sustainable development of and for our people and nation.” Let us not trust them. The foreign mining firms as well as the U.S.A. military have left toxin chemicals that have destroyed our environment, polluted our waters (portable water, rivers, seas and rains) and have brought deformities and cancers upon our people! Our National Vision states: “WE envision of a prosperous people and a peaceful society” This cannot be achieved if we become slaves and employees of foreigners in our own land. “We envision of a society where there is abundance of beauty and richness of nature. The valleys are verdant and the plains are beckoning. The landscape is awesome and the surrounding is poetic and musical.” Foreigners are known polluters of pure Nature. Their sciences and technology causes such pollution. That’s a fact. And we better take pre-cautions with that! “A society where life thrives and living is conducive, joyous and exciting. A lush beautiful dwelling place abounding in clean and plenteous water, bubbling fresh. And abounding in pure, cool, refreshing air. The land is fat and the farm exudes health and brilliance to all families. The food is abundant, delicious and nutritious.” I assure you: Their science, knowledge, technology and machinery will never help us fulfill this vision. To the contrary, their chemicals and their greed will produce the opposite. The U.S.A. is a case in point. There’s a book that proved with solid proofs that America is a poisoned country. The title of the book is: “America the Poisoned”. And when these poisonous products and companies were told to stop the poisoning, they transferred to ignorant nations like the Philippines! The purity, the freshness of our Nature or Environment will disappear if we let their technology abuse them – all in the name of profit.

Our National Vision states: “We envision a family life in the countryside which is farm-based. A farm which provides us with sufficient, fresh and nutritious fruits, vegetation and crops. A farm that gives health, strengths, healing, wisdom and wealth.” This sweet vision, we can better attain without the intervention of the foreigners. The foreigners’ involvement such as in funding will instead paralyze us because we would wait forever their funding or would be led to think that without their funding we could do nothing! 20

Just take the “bakhaw” planting for example. Indeed I saw that the local government succeeded planting a few hectares of shores with bakhaw. What surprised me was when I was told that in order to do that, the local government had to loan P5 millions! I surveyed the place and analyzed the complexity or possibility of the project. I concluded that it could be done by the municipal government with just one employee who will do the seedling preparation, and in a matter of months; or by the people in the area. Millions of pesos were not needed. The bakhaws can be seeded in the nursery or at home and easily planted at low tide. All that we needed is: Self-reliance or independent frame of mind. The mind of a person with initiative. The mind of an entrepreneur. The mind of a diligent person. The mind not of the beggar nor of a lazy dumb servant who cannot move or act without their master’s further instructions. We need the character of the ants: They work without masters. All of them are workers. They fight without captains generals; all of them are soldiers!

Our National Vision states: “We envision a sea with wealth and abundance Which are more than enough for countless of succeeding generations. A sea which showcases the beauty of Creation and tells of the greatness of the Creator” Do you know that the factories of these foreigners have produced volumes of toxic wastes which they loaded on ships and threw into our seas and oceans? Now, ever wonder why our marine lives are dying, including our fishes? If we copy their factories, and install them in our backyards, where do you think will you throw the wastes? Will these foreigners allow us to throw our wastes on their own seas?

Our National Vision states: “We envision of an agro-industrialized country Where both agriculture and industry thrive together and mutually support each other. This means to say that it is an industry that does not deplete our soil, Nor degrade the richness of our lands, nor poison our livestock and vegetation, Nor pollute our rivers and seas, air and food, Nor deny us of our health nor rob us of our precious life. Rather, it is an industry that preserves and protects our environment Replenishes the resources of the Earth, respects our life relationships And contributes to our well-being and happiness.” 21

The good news is this: This can be achieved without much help and intervention from foreigners. We can just copy the proven organic farming system such as the SRI or System of Rice Intensification which is now fast become the fad among fertilizer-wary and pesticide-infected farmers all over the world! All we need is a basic knowledge on ecology and organic farming which is spelled as follows: Tender loving care of our non-human neighbors, namely: plants and animals and the rest of the creation. Our National Vision states: “It will be an industrialization that is situated in places Where there are enough trees and plants to absorb the exhausts And recycles the wastes of factory and its products; Thus, preventing pollution of the air, food and water.” The type of heavy industry of these foreigners does not suit to this vision. We have to design that type of industry by ourselves. No foreigners will help us achieve that because he is here to make money, not to waste time and his resources in achieving such vision in a country not his own. It is us who will do it. The framers of our 1987 Constitution were wise to base industrialization on our agriculture. The provision states: “The state shall promote industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources…” Article XII, Section 1. Although the same section states that “The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned corporations involving either technical or financial assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils” which more probably than not, will entail pollution of our environment, the following purpose statement should serve as guide to wit: “based on real contribution to the economic growth and general welfare of the country.” General welfare of the country should mean the protection and preservation of the basics of life such as land, water, air, food, etc. This means to say first and foremost, that any business undertaking that will pollute or destroy these basics of life should not be pushed through! Only life-friendly technology for sustainable life shall be allowed. I recently read one high official in the National League of Municipal Mayors in the Philippines lambasting the to him naïve framers of the Constitution for the above-quoted provision preventing the kind of industrialization responsible for the progress of nations like the England, the U.S., Germany, Japan, etc. May I advise that man to please review the kind of progress these mentioned nations had gone through in the past centuries. And then to ask them whether or not they would like to go through the same experience. My naïve official, do you know that this kind of progress that you were referring to is the same force that has destroyed their rivers 22

and underground waters, with chemicals, poisoned their farms, polluted their air, and brought their people tremendous sufferings in the form of cancers? Deformed children. Debilitating sicknesses. Sky-high cost of medications. Immeasurable sorrows! What do you call them? Progress? Even in terms of farm output, their chemical-based methods are giving them progress in reverse! The high yield that they were celebrating thanks to scientific methods is fast diminishing, due to totally dead soil and highly poisonous chemicals. I advise you further to secure the U.S. book titled “Poisoned America” and you will certainly back track with your ill-informed desire to follow their example of industrialization! Look up! We already have an ozone hole in Antarctica, 27.4 million sq km, thanks to the huge thick CFC smoke from the U.S. crude fossil oil refineries that lined up her coastal states facing the Atlantic opposite the Middle East. Result: killer hurricanes! O foolish leaders of this country! When will you come to realize that you do not deserve to lead this nation because you are blind men leading the blind! Yes, shameless ones, time is soon when you will resign because of new-found shame!

Our National Vision states: “More hopefully, it will be an industry whose products as well as wastes are life-friendly, That is, not harmful to the environment or to human beings.” Piles of evidence are being brought everyday to prove that INDUSTRY BASED ON CHEMICALS ARE ANTI-LIFE, ENVIRONMENT-HOSTILE AND HARMFUL TO HUMANS! It means poisoning and diseases such as cancers!

Our National Vision states: “We also envision of an industrialization that spreads into the countryside To solve and further prevent urban congestions, traffic, pollution, poverty, fires, crimes and immoralities.”

This we can do with our own families. No need for foreign investors! Our National Vision states: “We envision an industry that protects and preserves the sanctity of marriage and family. It is an industry that is usually rural-based So that workers will be safe and away from the dangers of the spiritually degenerating cities. “As mush as possible, it will be a home-based industrialization 23

So that family members will not be separated from each other, So that each workers be safe from the abuses of alien oppressive employers, So that couples shall be spared from the temptations Caused by geographical and emotional separation. So that all members of the family can share work, Life and happiness together Thereby building a close-limit family as the foundation of a strong society And as the source of strong and upright leaders And builders of tomorrow ‘s renewed Philippines.”

The most important thing we MUST DO is restore the capacity of our land, farm and barangay to support its families! And organic farming holds the key to the return of high-yielding fertility and sustainability. WE don’t need foreigners to achieve this vision. All we need is God, His teachings or guidance, the land and natural resources that He has given us, and our obedience and diligence.

Our National Vision states: “We envision of a mechanized country to lighten up the burdens and toils of each man and woman. To enhance the quality of workmanship and to speed up production “And, consequently, allow families enough time off work To enjoy family life together And for each member of the family to develop his/her talents into hobbies Or even turn his hobbies into an enterprise for more excellent service to mankind Nevertheless, such mechanization should not be pollutant So that our environment would be kept fresh and healthful. Furthermore, it should not be too concentrated in one place So that our place would not become too unbanized To the extent that our value of familism would get eroded And godliness replaced by materialism and immorality.” Some countries possess and sell this kind of machinery. We can buy them. Our National Vision states: “In others words, we envision a society where there is much beauty and health, cleanliness and freshness, Where Love and righteousness, work and leisure, joy and peace, richness and abundance Are preserved and spread to all parts of nation and to all the earth — Where the all-important God-ordained institutions of marriage and family 24

Are protected from destruction Where mechanization produces an industrialization That does not endanger our relationship with and in our families, neighbors, and with our Creator.”

And then, we end with a sort of epilogue: “This is our vision of total and sustainable development, For the people, by the people, with the people, through the people And with the help, blessings and the guidance of the Almighty Ever-merciful God Who is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Everlasting Father. “This is made possible Because we are a people made after the image of God Richly endowed with Wisdom and Love from above. Because of which we are a diligent, patient, responsible, disciplined, Upright, kind, merciful, peace-loving people. We build, nurture, sustain and maintain. We produce rather than consume. We save rather than spend. We invest rather than waste. We are a thrifty, honest and diligent and productive people. This, too, is our vision for a national character. And this we will achieve with all our hearts, mind and might, In service to man for the glory of God….. So guide and equip us God….”

So that’s all that we need! We do not need foreign assistance. We need divine assistance however to effect the kind of character which we can use as a tool to emancipate ourselves from other forms of poverty. In short, we do not need Cha-Cha to attain this wonderful and beautiful vision. We just need CHARACTER CHANGE (Char-Cha). And to attain Char-Cha, we have God to help us. All we have to do is tell Him: “Father, it’s Char-Cha that we have come up to be what we shall pursue. Please help us achieve this. As for Cha-Cha, let it not prosper. Amen.” Personally ask that and it shall be begin. He promised: If My people will pray and humble themselves, then, I will hear and heal their land! As a matter of fact, their Cha-Cha will pose a great hindrance to our attaining this vision because their Cha-Cha will make these enemies more powerful and more able to continue dispersing and driving us to other nations to get dollars to offset their stupidity, hide their incompetence, and fund their graft and corruption.


With their Cha-Cha, they will continue to drive us away from this our Native Land and they will have all the freedom and power to begin to let foreigners come in! If there is a few words to best describe their Cha-Cha, these are as follows: TREACHERY, BETRAYAL AND TREASON AGAINST THE FILIPINO PEOPLE! Their Cha-Cha is consolidation and perpetuation of their power – read: CORRUPT EVIL POWER - so that they can continue their “Fly-Now-Pay-Later” driving- away-theFilipinos program, so that they can continue stealing from the National coffer without fear of bankruptcy because there is the dollar that the OFW remits, and also without anymore the possibility of being caught because their proposed Parliamentary-Unicameral system will remove all balance-and-check engines present in today’s Presidential-Bicameral system. It is very clear what will happen: They steal the more, when the built-in checkand-balance is removed, and prevent consequent government bankruptcy by sending more Filipinos abroad to bail out the nation with their dollars, And they will let foreigners in to further rape and ravish our Motherland. After they had sent all beautiful Filipinas to be ravished, abused and raped and devoured in foreign lands! Our fat plains and fertile valleys are already in the hands of the hacienderos and the Church. What’s left – namely: our infertile mountaintops, our eroded slopes and cliffs - will be taken by the foreigners with his mighty dollars. So, if now we are in the mountain slopes, sooner we shall be pushed to the edge of the cliffs! Or to go down to the cities and beg! During the recent years, the homeless and landless Badjaos suddenly flocked in Cebu City. This alarmed Mayor Osmeña. These beggars filled the streets, and irritated the pedestrians. When asked why they had suddenly come en masse to Cebu, the Badjaos answered Mayor Osmeña: “The last source of livelihood that we had, which is the shorelines and the shallow sea, have been turned into fish sanctuaries and fishing is not allowed, and not only that, we have no equipment to fish in the deeper sea, and so, we prefer to beg here where it is surer to survive than to die in hunger.” Shall the same fate happen to us in our own country when the foreigners due to their advantage in capital, technology, management and entrepreneurial skills, higher intelligence, and access to power? I am afraid – this fear began recently – that what we, from Luzon and the Visayas – we, so-called civilized and Christianized section of our country had done to our helpless native brothers and sisters starting in the previous decades, namely: driving them away from the land, we seized and called our own, and by our merciless destruction of the forest, inevitably killed them en masse – I fear that WHAT WE DID TO THEM IS THE SAME BEING DONE TO US BY THE FOREIGNERS, namely: being driven from our homeland! 26

Are we now reaping our own sowing? Is Karma then immutable? Is God’s law of Cause and Effect inexorable? Is the Almighty giving us to the same experience for what we had done to our own blood brothers and sisters, the native tribes of this land? If this crime was true, then This will happen to us! Furthermore, when these present greed-driven leaders are secured in their consolidated and perpetuated power, thanks to our approval to their Cha-Cha this coming plebiscite, Then, all money-making operations which will destroy the moral fabric of the youth and nation shall be accelerated. I still need to mention these evil operations: gambling, drugs, flesh trade, guns, and the likes! One observer is correct to say, These men we have now in government particularly Speaker De Venecia, and his cohorts are worse than Marcos! It is heroism if someone can stop them – by all means! *** Our Vision and their Charter Change Pa r t I By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft) October 2006 A great sage once said, “Without Vision, the people will perish”. Why? Because they will cast out all restraint, refuse to discipline themselves and neglect to direct their steps to a destination. Without vision, they have no aim. Like driftwoods, they are tossed to and fro by the ebb and tide of the never-ending sea. Without Vision, they have no propeller to make advance steps to some beautiful destination. With vision, they are like boat without rudder to guide themselves to a happy end. Following is our National Vision. This is our Blue Print – our map for the future. This National Vision will act as our propeller (fuel and inspiration to keep us moving) and our rudder to guide us away from danger and towards the safe paths of life. Then our life will be meaningful and purposeful! This National Vision is very necessary in the face of the efforts of others to complete the disintegration of this poor wretched nation. With this Vision, animated by our love, we shall no longer perish! These men are orchestrating the Charter Changes which we do not need; as a matter of fact, their proposed Charter Changes will further bring us to greater captivity and poverty. After printing our National Vision below, will follow our comments in serials whether or not their versions of Charter Change will help us achieve our vision.

OUR NATIONAL VISION WE, the Filipino, a tribe in the family of nations,


Cradled in this beautiful and richly blessed Pearl of the Orient, Created after the image of the Almighty and All-loving Father of all Mankind, Whose purpose is peace, happiness, success, prosperity, justice, equality and abundant life for all of us His human children, envision ourselves as a people who are economically prosperous because we are founded on and guided by the true moral values that, among us, nurtured faith and love; taught discipline, diligence and productivity; borne peace and happiness; and guaranteed total sustainable development of and for our people and nation. WE envision of a prosperous people and a peaceful society, Established upon the solid foundation of the true moral values of honesty and discipline, patience and diligence, resourcefulness and responsibility… of the Christian beatitudes of love and compassion, mercy and kindness, faith and hope, humility and gentleness… which are the true and eternal keys to total and sustainable development. We envision of a society where there is abundance of beauty and richness of nature. The valleys are verdant and the plains are beckoning. The landscape is awesome and the surrounding is poetic and musical. A society where life thrives and living is conducive, joyous and exciting. A lush beautiful dwelling place abounding in clean and plenteous water, bubbling fresh. And abounding in pure, cool, refreshing air. The land is fat and the farm exudes health and brilliance to all families. The food is abundant, delicious and nutritious We envision a family life in the countryside which is farm-based. A farm which provides us with sufficient, fresh and nutritious fruits, vegetation and crops. A farm that gives health, strengths, healing, wisdom and wealth.

We envision a sea with wealth and abundance Which are more than enough for countless of succeeding generations. A sea which showcases the beauty of Creation and tells of the greatness of the Creator We envision of an agro-industrialized country Where both agriculture and industry thrive together and mutually support each other. This means to say that it is an industry that does not deplete our soil, Nor degrade the richness of our lands, nor poison our livestock and vegetation, Nor pollute our rivers and seas, air and food, Nor deny us of our health nor rob us of our precious life. Rather, it is an industry that preserves and protects our environment Replenishes the resources of the Earth, respects our life relationships And contributes to our well-being and happiness.


It will be an industrialization that is situated in places Where there are enough trees and plants to absorb the exhausts And recycles the wastes of factory and its products; Thus, preventing pollution of the air, food and water. More hopefully, it will be an industry whose products as well as wastes are life-friendly, That is, not harmful to the environment or to human beings. We also envision of an industrialization that spreads into the countryside To solve and further prevent urban congestions, traffic, pollution, poverty, fires, crimes and immoralities. We envision an industry that protects and preserves the sanctity of marriage and family. It is an industry that is usually rural-based So that workers will be safe and away from the dangers of the spiritually degenerating cities. As mush as possible, it will be a home-based industrialization So that family members will not be separated from each other, So that each workers be safe from the abuses of alien oppressive employers, So that couples shall be spared from the temptations Caused by geographical and emotional separation. So that all members of the family can share work, Life and happiness together Thereby building a close-limit family as the foundation of a strong society And as the source of strong and upright leaders And builders of tomorrow ‘s renewed Philippines. We envision of a mechanized country to lighten up the burdens and toils of each man and woman. To enhance the quality of workmanship and to speed up production And, consequently, allow families enough time off work To enjoy family life together And for each member of the family to develop his/her talents into hobbies Or even turn his hobbies into an enterprise for more excellent service to mankind Nevertheless, such mechanization should not be pollutant So that our environment would be kept fresh and healthful. Furthermore, it should not be too concentrated in one place So that our place would not become too urbanized To the extent that our value of familism would get eroded And godliness replaced by materialism and immorality. In others words, we envision a society where there is much beauty and health, cleanliness and freshness, Where Love and righteousness, work and leisure, joy and peace, richness and abundance Are preserved and spread to all parts of nation and to all the earth — Where the all-important God-ordained institutions of marriage and family Are protected from destruction Where mechanization produces an industrialization That does not endanger our relationship with and in our families, neighbors, and with our Creator.


This is our vision of total and sustainable development, For the people, by the people, with the people, through the people And with the help, blessings and the guidance of the Almighty Ever-merciful God Who is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Everlasting Father. This is made possible Because we are a people made after the image of God Richly endowed with Wisdom and Love from above. Because of which we are a diligent, patient, responsible, disciplined, Upright, kind, merciful, peace-loving people. We build, nurture, sustain and maintain. We produce rather than consume. We save rather than spend. We invest rather than waste. We are a thrifty, honest and diligent and productive people. This, too, is our vision for a national character. And this we will achieve with all our hearts, mind and might, In service to man for the glory of God….. So guide and equip us God…. ***

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part II: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “Whose purpose is peace”… WILL THEIR CHA-CHA GIVE US PEACE? The Administration’s first five proposed amendments will consolidate and perpetuate their power? What kind of leaders and people they are to deserve consolidated and less-auditable and longer power? •

They are the ones who approved GATT-WTO/Trade globalization to flood our domestic market with cheap and quality products, and prosecute patent-infringer, causing the bankruptcy of thousands of small Filipino entrepreneurs, instead of placing safety nets to allow them to survive while working out to legalize and improve their competitiveness; the people’s savings from cheap and quality imported products have come in exchange for their friends and relatives closing shop or losing jobs; No lunch is free, so they say. They are the ones who have ordered TESDA, Dole and other government agencies to hasten the deployment of our people abroad particularly women without work certainty and protection. They are very much aware of the deception by employment agencies, namely: that it is not actually decent works that await most of our Filipinas but immoral works of prostitutes or sex slaves, as well as low-respect domestic works prone to abuses. But they play deaf ear to the dangers that our Filipinas face. Mostly, it was too late: rape was already done. Or the OFW already has come home – inside a coffin! Some they had saved but where is praise for saving what they had fed to the “terong” in the first place? Where is gratitude deserved? With the 7th proposed amendment, they will literally sell our land, country, our natural resources to the foreigner whose mere cents can but hectares of land here?

How can peace be felt after seeing their superior technology driving our businesses to bankruptcy? – after seeing their thriving businesses and mansions dotting our lands while us losing


our lands, houses, and freedom? How can peace be there when they become our employers or masters in our own land? This happened to Poland, Germany and Spain: when the government allowed the Jews to settle in their land. The Jews by their financial genius and business acumen, eventually became their rich lenders and masters, while the citizens became either slaves, employees of the Jewish businessmen or they became bankrupt in their own businesses – poorer than before the Jews came. The seeming economic development was benefiting only the foreigners as well as the government who enjoyed higher tax collection, thanks to the Jews. But overall, the lives of the citizens did not improve. The banking or financing system run by the Jews also proved disastrous. What promised to help ended up binding the people into deeper debts! When the people saw it, they revolted and drove away the Jews, to the sorrow of the government officials. The Jews were efficient tax-makers! If we allow foreigners buy out easily our land, waters, and businesses with their almighty dollars and powerful technology and become our employers and masters, instead of rising up ourselves and moving to resurrect the independence and prosperity of this country, then, like Poland, et. al., we will suffer amidst foreigner-induced economic prosperity, and then eventually, in sheer disgust and hatred, we will drive these foreigners, the bringer of economic prosperity as well as the impoverisher of the masses, away in some bloody insurrection. So, I prefer that they share or sell their technology to us (that is there systems, machinery) but leave us alone here. Technology Transfer, not their transfer of residence and business. For them to live with us or among us, will surely be troublesome. We won’t achieve peace side by side foreigners. Japan only asked for knowledge from America and Europe. The Japanese government never entertained the idea of letting the foreigners make prosperity for them! They are the main makers of their own prosperity with a little help from foreign benefactors or workers. They took charge their own fate. They charted their own destiny. Not the foreigners. Nor did they allow foreigners to hinder them or stand on the way! They did not delegate nor surrender their future to unknown foreigners! U.S. Ambassador Armacost also noted that Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong and China also have attained their economic prosperity by giving foreigner equity investment, surely, not 100% foreign ownership of businesses and properties. I suggest we also ask the advices of Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Mahathir of Malaysia and Kozomi of Japan regarding the proposed amendments of our Charter especially the one on foreign business ownership. Of course, they will say “yes” to the 7th proposal so they can do business fully in our country. But do not ask them as businessmen; ask them what they will do if they were in our place. What they did when presented with the same problem? Did they allow the foreigners enjoy the full privileges of their citizens? Were there no laws that serve as safety nets for our people? I guess, that in this level of immaturity, where each nation possesses more Selflove than brotherly, we can not expect them to work fully for our welfare. They will take more than they would be willing to give. That is a proven fact. And there hearts have not changed; only worsened! Like in Germany, Poland and Spain, the Jews or foreigners continued to grow rich while the natives continued to grow poorer as a result of the foreigners’ unfair economic system! OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part III: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states:


“happiness, success, prosperity, justice, equality and abundant life for all of us His human children, envision ourselves as a people who are economically prosperous…” Where our lands, minerals, precious metals, owned or taken over by foreigners, we cannot expect those vision to get fulfilled. “and guaranteed total sustainable development of and for our people and nation.” Let us not trust them. The foreign mining firms as well as the U.S.A. military have left toxin chemicals that have destroyed our environment, polluted our waters (portable water, rivers, seas and rains) and have brought deformities and cancers upon our people! OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part IV: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “WE envision of a prosperous people and a peaceful society” This cannot be achieved if we become slaves and employees of foreigners in our own land. “We envision of a society where there is abundance of beauty and richness of nature. The valleys are verdant and the plains are beckoning. The landscape is awesome and the surrounding is poetic and musical.” Foreigners are known polluters of pure Nature. Their sciences and technology causes such pollution. That’s a fact. And we better take pre-cautions with that! “A society where life thrives and living is conducive, joyous and exciting. A lush beautiful dwelling place abounding in clean and plenteous water, bubbling fresh. And abounding in pure, cool, refreshing air. The land is fat and the farm exudes health and brilliance to all families. The food is abundant, delicious and nutritious.” I assure you: Their science, knowledge, technology and machinery will never help us fulfill this vision. To the contrary, their chemicals and their greed will produce the opposite. The U.S.A. is a case in point. There’s a book that proved with solid proofs that America is a poisoned country. The title of the book is: “America the Poisoned”. And when these poisonous products and companies were told to stop the poisoning, they transferred to ignorant nations like the Philippines! The purity, the freshness of our Nature or Environment will disappear if we let their technology abuse them – all in the name of profit.

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part IX: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “More hopefully, it will be an industry whose products as well as wastes are life-friendly, That is, not harmful to the environment or to human beings.”


Piles of evidence are being brought everyday to prove that INDUSTRY BASED ON CHEMICALS ARE ANTI-LIFE, ENVIRONMENT-HOSTILE AND HARMFUL TO HUMANS! It means poisoning and diseases such as cancers!

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part V: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We envision a family life in the countryside which is farm-based. A farm which provides us with sufficient, fresh and nutritious fruits, vegetation and crops. A farm that gives health, strengths, healing, wisdom and wealth.” This sweet vision, we can better attain without the intervention of the foreigners. The foreigners’ involvement such as in funding will instead paralyze us because we would wait forever their funding or would be led to think that without their funding we could do nothing! Just take the “bakhaw” planting for example. Indeed I saw that the local government succeeded planting a few hectares of shores with bakhaw. What surprised me was when I was told that in order to do that, the local government had to loan P5 millions! I surveyed the place and analyzed the complexity or possibility of the project. I concluded that it could be done by the municipal government with just one employee who will do the seedling preparation, and in a matter of months; or by the people in the area. Millions of pesos were not needed. The bakhaws can be seeded in the nursery or at home and easily planted at low tide. All that we needed is: Self-reliance or independent frame of mind. The mind of a person with initiative. The mind of an entrepreneur. The mind of a diligent person. The mind not of the beggar nor of a lazy dumb servant who cannot move or act without their master’s further instructions. We need the character of the ants: They work without masters. All of them are workers. They fight without captains generals; all of them are soldiers!

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part VI: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We envision a sea with wealth and abundance Which are more than enough for countless of succeeding generations. A sea which showcases the beauty of Creation and tells of the greatness of the Creator” Do you know that the factories of these foreigners have produced volumes of toxic wastes which they loaded on ships and threw into our seas and oceans? Now, ever wonder why our marine lives are dying, including our fishes? If we copy their factories, and install them in our backyards, where do you think will you throw the wastes? Will these foreigners allow us to throw our wastes on their own seas?


OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part VII: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We envision of an agro-industrialized country Where both agriculture and industry thrive together and mutually support each other. This means to say that it is an industry that does not deplete our soil, Nor degrade the richness of our lands, nor poison our livestock and vegetation, Nor pollute our rivers and seas, air and food, Nor deny us of our health nor rob us of our precious life. Rather, it is an industry that preserves and protects our environment Replenishes the resources of the Earth, respects our life relationships And contributes to our well-being and happiness.”

The good news is this: This can be achieved without much help and intervention from foreigners. We can just copy the proven organic farming system such as the SRI or System of Rice Intensification which is now fast become the fad among fertilizer-wary and pesticide-infected farmers all over the world! All we need is a basic knowledge on ecology and organic farming which is spelled as follows: Tender loving care of our non-human neighbors, namely: plants and animals and the rest of the creation.

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part VIII: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “It will be an industrialization that is situated in places Where there are enough trees and plants to absorb the exhausts And recycles the wastes of factory and its products; Thus, preventing pollution of the air, food and water.” The type of heavy industry of these foreigners does not support this vision. We have to design that type of industry by ourselves. No foreigners will help us achieve that because he is here to make money, not to waste time and his resources in achieving such vision in a country not his own. It is us who will do it. The framers of our 1987 Constitution were wise to base industrialization on our agriculture. The provision states: “The state shall promote industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources…” Article XII, Section 1. Although the same section states that “The President may enter into agreements with foreign-owned corporations involving either technical or financial assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and utilization of minerals, petroleum, and other mineral oils” which more probably than not, will entail pollution of our environment, the following purpose statement should serve as guide to wit: “based on real contribution to the economic growth and general welfare of the country.” General welfare of the country should mean the protection and preservation of the basics of life such as land, water, air, food, etc.


This means to say first and foremost, that any business undertaking that will pollute or destroy these basics of life should not be pushed through! Only life-friendly technology for sustainable life shall be allowed. I recently read one high official in the National League of Municipal Mayors in the Philippines lambasting the to him naïve framers of the Constitution for the above provision industrialization which was responsible for the progress of nations like the England, the U.S., Germany, Japan, etc. May I advise that man to please review the kind of progress these mentioned nations had gone through in the past centuries. And then to ask them whether or not they would like to go through the same experience. My naïve official, do you know that this kind of progress that you were referring to is the same force that has destroyed their rivers and underground waters, with chemicals, poisoned their farms, polluted their air, and brought their people tremendous sufferings in the form of cancers? Deformed children. Debilitating sicknesses. What do you call them? Progress? Even in terms of farm output, their chemical-based methods are giving them progress in reverse! The high yield that they were celebrating thanks to scientific methods is fast diminishing, due to totally dead soil and highly poisonous chemicals. I advise you further to secure the U.S. book titled “Poisoned America” and you will certainly back track with your ill-informed desire to follow their example of industrialization! O foolish leaders of this country! When will you come to realize that you are not deserving to lead this nation because you are blind men leading the blind! Yes, shameless ones, time is soon when you will resign because of new-found shame!

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part X: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We also envision of an industrialization that spreads into the countryside To solve and further prevent urban congestions, traffic, pollution, poverty, fires, crimes and immoralities.”

This we can do with our own families. No need for foreign investors!

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part XI: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We envision an industry that protects and preserves the sanctity of marriage and family. It is an industry that is usually rural-based So that workers will be safe and away from the dangers of the spiritually degenerating cities. “As mush as possible, it will be a home-based industrialization So that family members will not be separated from each other, So that each workers be safe from the abuses of alien oppressive employers,


So that couples shall be spared from the temptations Caused by geographical and emotional separation. So that all members of the family can share work, Life and happiness together Thereby building a close-limit family as the foundation of a strong society And as the source of strong and upright leaders And builders of tomorrow ‘s renewed Philippines.”

The most important thing we MUST DO is restore the capacity of our land, farm and barangay to support its families! And organic farming holds the key to the return of high-yielding fertility and sustainability. WE don’t need foreigners to achieve this vision. All we need is God, His teachings or guidance, the land and natural resources that He has given us, and our obedience and diligence.

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part XII: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “We envision of a mechanized country to lighten up the burdens and toils of each man and woman. To enhance the quality of workmanship and to speed up production “And, consequently, allow families enough time off work To enjoy family life together And for each member of the family to develop his/her talents into hobbies Or even turn his hobbies into an enterprise for more excellent service to mankind Nevertheless, such mechanization should not be pollutant So that our environment would be kept fresh and healthful. Furthermore, it should not be too concentrated in one place So that our place would not become too unbanized To the extent that our value of familism would get eroded And godliness replaced by materialism and immorality.” Some countries possess and sell this kind of machinery. We can buy them.

OUR ANALYSIS OUR NATIONAL VISION AND THEIR CHA-CHA – Part XIII: Will Their Cha-Cha Help Us Achieve Our National Vision? By: Arnulfo Yu Laniba Agape Foundation (Agasoft)

Our National Vision states: “In others words, we envision a society where there is much beauty and health, cleanliness and freshness, Where Love and righteousness, work and leisure, joy and peace, richness and abundance Are preserved and spread to all parts of nation and to all the earth — Where the all-important God-ordained institutions of marriage and family Are protected from destruction


Where mechanization produces an industrialization That does not endanger our relationship with and in our families, neighbors, and with our Creator.”

And then, we end with a sort of epilogue: “This is our vision of total and sustainable development, For the people, by the people, with the people, through the people And with the help, blessings and the guidance of the Almighty Ever-merciful God Who is our Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Savior and Everlasting Father. “This is made possible Because we are a people made after the image of God Richly endowed with Wisdom and Love from above. Because of which we are a diligent, patient, responsible, disciplined, Upright, kind, merciful, peace-loving people. We build, nurture, sustain and maintain. We produce rather than consume. We save rather than spend. We invest rather than waste. We are a thrifty, honest and diligent and productive people. This, too, is our vision for a national character. And this we will achieve with all our hearts, mind and might, In service to man for the glory of God….. So guide and equip us God….”

So that’s all that we need! We do not need foreign assistance. We need divine assistance however to effect the kind of character which we can use as a tool to emancipate ourselves from other forms of poverty. In short, we do not need Cha-Cha to attain this wonderful and beautiful vision. We just need CHARACTER CHANGE (Char-Cha). And to attain Char-Cha, we have God to help us. All we have to do is tell Him: “Father, it’s Char-Cha that we have come up to be what we shall pursue. Please help us achieve this. As for Cha-Cha, let it not prosper. Amen.” Personally ask that and it shall be begin. He promised: If My people will pray and humble themselves, then, I will hear and heal their land! As a matter of fact, their Cha-Cha will pose a great hindrance to our attaining this vision because their Cha-Cha will make these enemies more powerful and more able to continue dispersing and driving us to other nations to get dollars to offset their stupidity, hide their incompetence, and fund their graft and corruption. With their Cha-Cha, they will continue to drive us away from this our Native Land and they will have all the freedom and power to begin to let foreigners come in! If there is a few words to best describe their Cha-Cha, these are as follows: TREACHERY, BETRAYAL AND TREASON AGAINST THE FILIPINO PEOPLE! Their Cha-Cha is consolidation and perpetuation of their power – read: CORRUPT EVIL POWER - so that they can continue their “Fly-Now-Pay-Later” driving- away-the-Filipinos program, so that they can continue stealing from the National coffer without fear of bankruptcy because there is the dollar that the OFW remits, and also without anymore the possibility of being caught because


their proposed Parliamentary-Unicameral system will remove all balance-and-check engines present in today’s Presidential-Bicameral system. It is very clear what will happen: They steal the more, when the built-in check-and-balance is removed, and prevent consequent government bankruptcy by sending more Filipinos abroad to bail out the nation with their dollars, And they will let foreigners in to further rape and ravish our Motherland. After they had sent all beautiful Filipinas to be ravished, abused and raped and devoured in foreign lands! Our fat plains and fertile valleys are already in the hands of the hacienderos and the Church. What’s left – namely: our infertile mountaintops, our eroded slopes and cliffs - will be taken by the foreigners with his mighty dollars. So, if now we are in the mountain slopes, sooner we shall be pushed to the edge of the cliffs! Or to go down to the cities and beg! During the recent years, the homeless and landless Badjaos suddenly flocked in Cebu City. This alarmed Mayor Osmeña. These beggars filled the streets, and irritated the pedestrians. When asked why they had suddenly come en masse to Cebu, the Badjaos answered Mayor Osmeña: “The last source of livelihood that we had, which is the shorelines and the shallow sea, have been turned into fish sanctuaries and fishing is not allowed, and not only that, we have no equipment to fish in the deeper sea, and so, we prefer to beg here where it is surer to survive than to die in hunger.” Shall the same fate happen to us in our own country when the foreigners due to their advantage in capital, technology, management and entrepreneurial skills, higher intelligence, and access to power? I am afraid – this fear began recently – that what we, from Luzon and the Visayas – we, so-called civilized and Christianized section of our country had done to our helpless native brothers and sisters starting in the previous decades, namely: driving them away from the land, we seized and called our own, and by our merciless destruction of the forest, inevitably killed them en masse – I fear that WHAT WE DID TO THEM IS THE SAME BEING DONE TO US BY THE FOREIGNERS, namely: being driven from our homeland! Are we now reaping our own sowing? Is Karma then immutable? Is God’s law of Cause and Effect inexorable? Is the Almighty giving us to the same experience for what we had done to our own blood brothers and sisters, the native tribes of this land? If this crime was true, then This will happen to us! Furthermore, when these present greed-driven leaders are secured in their consolidated and perpetuated power, thanks to our approval to their Cha-Cha this coming plebiscite, Then, all money-making operations which will destroy the moral fabric of the youth and nation shall be accelerated. I still need to mention these evil operations: gambling, drugs, flesh trade, guns, and the likes! One observer is correct to say, These men we have now in government particularly Speaker De Venecia, and his cohorts are worse than Marcos! It is heroism if someone can stop them – by all means!



SHALL WE GO TOO FAR SO AS TO SELL OUR LAND AND RESOURCES TO THE FOREIGNERS? If ever we need foreigners, we need righteous foreigners who will do good business but also obey our God’s law: “Replenish the earth” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”! We need foreign brothers who can help us attain SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, which is not for us only but for our children and their children’s children! If we can have our own capital, such as from our OFWs, then, we need foreign brothers who can sell their good technology (not the bad technology based on chemicals and motivated by greed) to us in return for royalty fees, or whatever. Their technology or even management skill we ask to transfer or impart to us. Like what they did to the Japanese. The Japanese did not let foreigners replace them in their lands. They just bought or copied their technology. Technology Transfer is the name of the solution. That is the way Japan employed and not the proposed selling of our lands, metals, minerals, and all other resources to the suspect foreigners. Therefore, let us VIGOROUSLY oppose the 7th amendment without guaranteed safety nets to prevent evil businessmen from coming to further ravish and rape our Mother Land! They have already ravished us from afar. And now shall they be allowed to come near to further do their evil deeds?

Quoted from: Foreign Debt First Before Cha-Cha Savante Servantes June 29, 2006 Agape Foundation (Agasoft)


SIX SIGNS OF A WEAKENED NATION SIGN NO. 1: MEN ARE WEAKENED BY VICES AND MADE INUTILE, OBSOLETE, AND EFFIMINATE: Like the experience the nation of Israel who backslid and followed the way contrary to God’s 10 Commandments and statutes, • •

• • • •

What used to be a faithful city has become full of harlots (Isaiah 1:21) of all kinds! What used to be full of justice and where righteousness once dwell is now full of murderers! (v. 21). Both those who directly kill and those who use the system to dry up the supplies and sources of life of the fellowman! The leaders have become rebels of God’s government (v. 23) And companions of thieves or are themselves thieves! (v. 23) They love bribes and chase after gifts (v. 23) They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them (v. 23).

Like the experience of Israel and Judah, because of sins and wickedness, the Lord will allow that our supply of life and strengths will be taken from us: •

“The Lord Almighty will take from [us] both supply and support: all supplies of food and all supplies of water, the hero and the warrior, the judge and the prophet, the soothsayer and elder, the captain of fifty and man of rank, the counselor, skilled craftsman and clever enchanter.” OUR NATION HAS BEEN LOSING HER MEN OF STRENGTH THROUGH THE ONGOING BRAIN AND SKILL DRAIN, as more and more of them are abandoning the county for a safer place [greener pasture] abroad. Our nation is also losing her men of strength in the persons of the farmers; this backbone sector of our society is fast fading as the succeeding generation is shunning agriculture. When the farmers are gone, then, the stable supply of food and life will be gone! LEADERSHIP CRISIS: MEN CANNOT LEAD, BECOME COWARDS: “A man will seize one of his brothers at his father’s home, and say, ‘You have a cloak [that is, you are the financial better off], [therefore] BE OUR LEADER; TAKE CHARGE OF THIS HEAP OF RUINS!’ But in that day, he will cry out [reply]: ‘I HAVE NOT REMEDY [solution]. I have no food or clothing in my house; do not make me the leader of the people” (Isaiah 2:6-7).

SIGN NO. 2: CHILDREN’S EVIL WILL DOMINANT AT HOME AND OUTSIDE. “I will make boys their officials and mere children will govern them” (verse 4). Results of adult leniency and lack of visionary adult leadership: o (1) “People will oppress each other – man against man, neighbor against neighbor (v. 5). o (2) “The young will rise up against the old, the base against the honorable” (v. 5) SIGN NO. 3: YOUTH & WOMEN TAKE OVER LEADERSHIP ROLES: •

“Youth oppress My people, WOMEN rule over them [at home and in organizations and government]” (verse 12). Women usually rule by charm; they use their sexual appeal to pressure or cause their men to transgress God’s law of neighborly love and so exploit their fellowmen. Thus, many men of great intellect invented methods and schemes to circumvent God’s 10th commandment “You shall not covet thy neighbor’s house, thy neighbor’s land, thy neighbor’s livestock or any property that belongs to your neighbor”. Because of women’s skill in using their sex as a strong bargaining tool as well as a powerful motivator of men, men are forced to do short cuts just to achieve the dreams, desires and high ambitions of riches, honor and luxury of their women (most specifically, wives).



Women are said to be either angel or devil. Blessed are we if our women are angel – to lead us to heaven. But woe we are if our women exert wrong influence on us. This influence is often subtle, hard to detect, but if we are not careful will led us do things not pleasing to God and harmful to our neighbors. What is the danger of female influence? “O My people, your [female] guides lead you astray; they turn you from the [right] path” (verse 13). The woman’s love is called self-love. If not matured into love [gratitude] for God and love [pity] for the poor, this love of self is good only for the family and self, and discriminates everyone who does not belong to the self, and classify them as “others”, “strangers”, “competitors”, “enemies”, etc. Included in this category are the true poor deserving of our pity and compassion; but this type of women reject and scorn them. This is the real origin of injustices and oppression. Self-love is the cause. But Jesus said of this, “The righteous feeds the hungry, gives drink to the thirsty, clothes the naked, treats the sick, shelter the homeless, helps the prisoner. Whoever cares for the least of these My brothers, he does that to Me” (Matthew 25:37-40).

WOE TO THE SELFISH WOMEN WHO URGED THEIR HUSBANDS AND SONS TO EXPOIT THE POOR: “The Lord takes His place in court; He rises to judge the people. The Lord enters into judgment against the elder and leaders of his people: ‘IT IS YOU WHO HAVE RUINED MY VINEYARD [that is, His people whom he nurtures like a garden]. THE PLUNDER FROM THE POOR IS IN YOUR HOUSES!” (v. 14). Take NOTE of this very carefully. They have plundered the poor and their loot is in their houses and inside their houses! In the Philippines, they have the following schemes to extort and exploit the people: (1) the taxation system; (2) the nationalized and institutionalized gambling; (3) making all vices into businesses, exploiting the people’s weakness and tendency to lust and pride. “‘What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the faces of the poor?’ declares Jehovah, Jehovah Almighty” (v. 15). And then the Lord proceeds to accusing the proud women of the country and forewarning them of what is going to befall upon them because of their role in today’s world topsy-turvy state: “The women of Zion are haughty, walking along with outstretched (read: ostrich) necks, flirting with their eyes, tripping along with mincing steps, with ornaments jingling on their ankles. “Therefore, Jehovah will bring sores on the heads of the women of Zion; Jehovah will make their scalps bald. “In that day, Jehovah will snatch away their finery: the bangles and headbands and crescent necklaces, the earrings and bracelets and veils, the headdresses and ankle chains and sashes, the perfume bottles and charms, the signet rings and nose rings, the fine robes and the capes and cloaks, the purses, and mirrors, and the linen garments and tiaras and shawls. “Instead of fragrance there will be a stench [e.g., STDs]; Instead of a sash, a rope [e.g., desperation, suicide]; Instead of well-dressed hair, baldness [e.g., cancer’s chemotherapy]; Instead of fine clothing, sackcloth [e.g., grieving]; Instead of beauty, branding. “Your men will fall by the sword [e.g., war that is caused by selfishness of the women] your warriors in battle. The gates of Zion [e.g., capital cities] will lament and mourn; 41

Destitute, she will sit on the ground [widowed].”6 “In that day, seven women will take hold of one man [i.e., population of men decreased by war casualties] and say, ‘We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!”7

MATERIALISTIC, AMBITIOUS, SELFISH WOMEN ARE OFTEN THE CAUSE OF WAR AND SUFFERINGS: THEY’D SWAYED THEIR MEN, SONS OR HUSBANDS, TO GRAB, EXPLOIT OR OPPRESS UNTIL THE OPPRESSED POOR REVOLTED & DESTROYED THEIR OPPRESSORS. They shall be taught with a hard lesson from experience that they can never forget, namely: the lesson to love God above all in the persons of the poor and to love their neighbor as themselves.

WARNING AGAINST WOMEN COMPLACENCE & INDIFFERENCE DUE TO THEIR LIFE OF LUXURY “You [rich] women who are complacent (self-satisfied), rise up and listen to Me; you daughters who feel secure. Hear what I have to say: In little more than a year, You who feel secure will tremble; The grape harvest will fail (e.g., financial failure), And the harvest of fruit (i.e., profits) will not come. Tremble, you complacent women; Shudder you daughters who feel secure! Strip off your clothes, Put a sackcloth around your waists [That is, stop your rejoicings. Mourn]. Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields, For the fruitful vines And for the land of My people, A land overgrown with thorns and briers – Yes, mourn for all the houses of merriment And for this city of revelry. The fortress will be abandoned, The noisy city deserted; Citadel and watchtower will become a wasteland forever, The delight for donkeys, a pasture for flocks…”8 God is displeased with the merriment of women living in luxury, merriment and revelry, who put their trust on the material riches that abound towards their granary or treasury. These, God said, will stop in a twinkle of an eye, and their feeling of security will be replaced with fear, worry, sorrows and insecurity! That is the fate of those who put their trust not in God and those who acquire their riches, not as a gift of and blessing from God, but by plundering the poor and the weak. There dishonest riches will fail them! SIGN NO. 5: SHAMELESS AND UNSCRUPULOUS:


Isaiah 3:16-26 Isaiah 4:1 8 Isaiah 32:9-14 7


“The look on their faces testifies against them; THEY PARADE THEIR SIN LIKE SODOM; THEY DO NOT HIDE IT! Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves!” (v. 9).

SIGN NO. 6: ONGOING COLLAPSE • Our present state is like that which Israel went through: “[The nation] staggers. [The nation] is falling. Their words and deeds are against the Lord, defying His glorious presence” (verse 8).

HOPE FOR THE RIGHTEOUS AND WOE FOR THE WICKED: “Tell the righteous that it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done.”



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