Psych Warfare: Brainwashing Becomes Culture-washing

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Invisible Guns: st

21 Century methods of Social Control By J.R. Johnson © 2009 [email protected]


Introduction When you look back over history there is one issue that appears over and over again. It is the question of control. The goal of every organization is to control its members. The most powerful organization is government. Any leader that wants to stay in power must not only gain control, but he must also hold onto it. For centuries the easiest way to maintain control was “at the point of a gun.” For the most part this method works fairly well. It has its drawbacks. First, people know they are being controlled. They can see the gun. Second, if you use the gun, you create martyrs. Martyrs inspire others to resist. History is the story of the development of invisible guns. But always, behind the invisible resides the real gun. 1.

The opposing force to the gun has come from Christians and the Bible. True freedom is a Biblical concept. What most people call freedom is a variation of anarchy. True freedom requires self-control and a standard of conduct. This is what the Bible provides. What Christians provide is the incentive to resist the gun. Most people, given the consequences of dying, would rather be slaves than dead. Without a belief in heaven, there is fear that resisting may bring about consequences most serious.


Even as warfare has evolved over the centuries, so have the methods of control evolved. Leaders have sought to refine their techniques. This refining has been in the area of disguise. How do you hide your gun? If somehow, a dictator can come up with a weapon that works upon the insides of the person, then control will be much easier to maintain. Many psychological studies are for the development of techniques to help individuals behave in a certain way.


The great fear of the dictator who lives by the gun is that someone will come along with a bigger or better gun. This is called a revolution. While the masses may be told that they are fighting for freedom, they are really just fighting for a change of hands that hold the guns. No sooner is the revolution over then someone else is now pointing the gun at the people. He now must maintain control. And the cycle starts all over.


The mission in today’s world is to identify the new methods of control and see how they are being used to maintain the current power structure. The new guns are mental and social. They are invisible. And the idea of freedom has been lost in our culture. One of the weapons being used is the control of language. Freedom has been given new meanings. Freedom now means personal anarchy or the freedom to do what I want as long as I do not hurt anyone else.


Into this mix of freedom versus control by the state, we have the Church. Throughout history the Church has sided first with control and then with the state.


Any good dictator wants the Church to support his power structure. Any organization such as the Church wants to perpetuate itself. Given this, the Church not only will often side with the dictator but will imitate the state in its desire to maintain control. The alliance of the dictator and the “pope” means the ultimate in social control. 6.

The purpose of this study is to trace of evolution of the new forms of social control that are being developed and to show how these new forms show up in issues. Modern political has fostered the development of a whole new system of governing. I will show how this new system has been developed so thoroughly that the need for a religious alliance has been eliminated. The dictator’s need for a pope has been replaced by a new religion controlled by the dictator. So many of the conflicts of today are nothing but the old faiths fighting for their share of control in a world that finds them unnecessary.


One important step is left. The dictator has been replaced by the caring shepherd. In surveys today, people are asked if they think the current candidate or the current administration cares for them. In the past the measure of good government was the fact that it left people alone. In current thought, freedom does not mean being left alone from the government, but being cared for from birth to death. The idea of care is that it frees us from the burdens of life, so that we are now free to be our true selves. Freedom at one time meant the ability to choose one’s dependencies. Now we have been freed from all dependencies except one, the good shepherd who cares for us.

In this new world that we live in, the description of reality has changed. In the past the ultimate description of an age has been its theology. There was a set of beliefs that gave people a working knowledge of the world as it was thought to exist, how to navigate though that world, and the limits that had been placed on mankind. Whenever there is a new understanding, there is what has been called a revolution: The Exodus of Israel from Egypt, the Crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah, the Reformation and Renaissance, the French Revolution, and finally the SocialistCommunist Revolution. Each revolution presented a new understanding. Each age had a new theology. What we have been witnessing over the last two hundred years has been the replacement of the Christian Reformation theology with the out workings of the French Revolution. There have been three trends over the last two hundred years. There has been a whole new description of reality as gradually a new theology has replaced the heritage of John Calvin and his fellow reformers. There has been a series of crises that have worked to instill the new theology into American culture. Most people do not give up old beliefs easily. There must be events which show that the old ways do not work and that a new understanding is necessary. Into these trends have been the attempts by Christians to keep adjusting their beliefs so that they do not appear obsolete in the new world. We are now at that point where the Christians and their theology can no longer stand the scrutiny of the modern mind. I believe these three trends are heading for a showdown. One more crisis is needed to see what the next theology is going to


look like. Since the first draft, the events of 9/11 indicate that this may be the necessary crisis to change forever the nature of Christianity. There is a great silent revolution going on right now. Using words from the past, we are moving into the age of The New Tyranny. But it is not called that. It is called by various names sounding like The Great Society: The New Freedom, The Great Deal, or The New World Order. Regardless of the name, we are experiencing a revolution and the management of that revolution is what the tension and stress we feel in current American politics. Since my first draft of this book, the world has experienced another great theological shift and psychological advancement initiated by the events of September 11, 2001. The world is learning that the ultimate invisible gun may have been fired during this time. The development of the invisible gun is covered in the first section. The second section attempts to show how the last two hundred years of American history have had as its goals the development of a new civilization based upon the invisible gun. The third section will show how the new invisible gun has required the destruction of both Christianity and Western Christianity. Just as the events of the 14th and 15th centuries led up to the Reformation, so the last two hundred years have led up to another revolution. This age may come to be known as the great age of government and business, or it may come to be known as the age that destroyed the traditions of the past.

How is society changed from one civilization to another? This is not easy. The masses do not give up their cherished beliefs. Those who wish to change a society must manipulate events so that the old ways of doing things do not satisfy the masses. There are many ways this can be accomplished, and some of the techniques used to destroy Western Civilization are listed here.


THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES The following are the techniques which the new leader must use to gain and maintain power. Most manuals describe the world the way we want it to work. The techniques that now must be used to rule are not the ones we have been taught. But we do not live in that world. Facing the new world honestly will help us understand the way we really do live and why we feel as we do. This section is written as if written to a future leader. The purpose is to illuminate the techniques that are being used. The best way to do that is to act as if these techniques are the best and only way to rule over the new world that is arising from the ashes of Christianity and the Western Civilization. It is a guidebook for the future shepherd, but it reality, it is an alarm for the sheep. By seeing how the new world civilization operates, it will be easier to examine the events that have led up to the current situation.



The point of a gun approach will get the shepherd in trouble too easy. A method must be found to only use the gun as a threat of last resort. People resist the direct confrontation but can be fooled into going along with the shepherd’s program through the use of subtle techniques. The first technique is one most easily adopted. A system must be developed that encourages compliant behavior without any obvious beliefs attached. The old saying is that people will go along to get along. This does work.


The term used to describe this technique is attitude-discrepant behavior. We see this all the time in our jobs. We are expected to act a certain way on the job. The boss will say, “I don’t care what you believe or what you do off the job, but when you are here you will think and act a certain way.” It doesn’t take too many job losses for us to figure out that earning a living requires certain compromises. This behavior is taught in the schools and most learn it before their first job. By the way, that is why so many of us growing up have dreamed about jobs that required no compromises. Kids dream of being a rock musician or star athlete or novel writer. Any job that gives us the freedom from social control. There are not many job openings in those ...Philip Zimbardo assigned similar groups of people to differing roles. In a simulated prison constructed in the basement of Stanford University’s psychology department, he subjected some decent intelligent college men to important features of the prison situation. Among this volunteer group, half, by a flip of a coin, he designated guards. He gave them uniforms, billy clubs, and whistles and instructed them to enforce certain rules. The other half, the prisoners, were locked in cells and made to wear humiliating outfits. After little more than a day, the guards and prisoners, and even the experimenters, got caught up in the situation. The guards devised cruelly degrading routines. The prisoners broke down, rebelled, or became apathetic. ... There developed, reported Zimbardo, ‘growing confusion between reality and illusion, between role-plying and self-identity....’ SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Myers, p. 203. areas, but the dream persists. Eventually, we all learn on-the-job behavior. At first we will joke off the job about what suckers our fellow workers are. We look at the older workers and think they have sold out to the system. And of course, we will never do that. But in time, we do. Tests have been conducted to prove this type of change. For example, people are asked to listen to a speech that goes against what they believe. Others were given an outline and asked to give a speech that goes against their beliefs. Those asked to give the speech were more likely to change their beliefs than those who just sat and listened. The first group had their beliefs confronted directly while the second group was asked to pretend to believe something they did not. Acting as if I believe something will result in believing the same thing. I worked for more than twenty years at a major corporation (more than 200,000 employees). It did not take long to discover what I called the twenty-year syndrome. Those who worked there for a number of years took on the company image. The values and beliefs of the company became part of their personality and reason for living. It was often difficult to get these workers to retire. The company had become such a part of their world view, that leaving the company caused large amounts of anxiety. The workers were often told to leave their beliefs and problems at the gate and just do their job. To not bring any outside baggage on the job with you. There are consequences for those who do not do this. It is not always being fired (that involves too much paper work) but every corporation has jobs inside the company know as ‘Siberia.’ The persons ending up there are to learn ‘attitude adjustment.’ There is a law in our brain that wants to please others. We actually have to be provoked


in order to resist. Here again, another study points this out. A test subject is given a brief biography of some person. He is then asked to repeat the biography to others. If the test subject is told to repeat the biography to someone who likes the person described, the test subject will repeat the biography emphasizing the positive aspects of the person. If the test subject is told to repeat the biography to someone who dislikes the person described, the subject will repeat the negative aspects of the story. We all just naturally want to please. There is one more thing about the above test. When the test subjects were asked later to recall the biography, the person remembered not the real biography but the one they gave. The ones who gave a positive talk remembered positive things, and the ones who gave a negative talk remembered negative things. This is a very important principle in social control. Avoid attacking someone directly. All you have to do is develop a system where people are required to act a certain way or speak a certain way. In time you will have won a convert without having had to use your gun. And better yet, you will not only have gotten control and with results you want, but you will have eliminated the need to use your gun. You will have gained a convert without any mass rallies or indoctrination courses. I have been a selfish being all my life, in In the current political environment, practice, though not in principle. there is a large emphasis on politically correct Jane Austen, English novelist behavior, especially when one acts in some public arena. The individual is said to be free inside his own brain, but when he expresses himself around others he is to behave in a manner that would offend no one. While it is popular in some circles to make fun of the many politically correct positions, they do serve a purpose. Just as a person is to develop corporate correct behavior while on the job, everyone is expected to behave in a certain way when they are in public places. In times past one was to behave in a civil manner in public, that is no longer as important as having the correct political verbal behavior while in public. For example, on college campuses, unruly behavior is not punished as harshly as politically incorrect behavior. A student who graduates is not only there to learn a profession, but to learn the new proper ways to behave in the new world culture. T

The leader will encourage everyone to behave one way in public while maintaining the primacy of private beliefs. Few will realize that their public behavior will either warp or destroy their private beliefs.

2 CREATE INTERNAL CONFLICTS A second way of achieving obedience, without using the political gun, is to create a situation that results in the subject experiencing internal conflict. The term here is cognitive dissonance. Just as people naturally want to please others, they also naturally want to achieve an internal harmony. Our brain resists doing what we do not like doing, do not believe in doing, or doing things we believe are wrong. If a situation requires us to violate one of our internal codes of conduct, internal tension is created. We will act in such a way as to lower the tension.


Despite what we may think of others, we do not like being labeled a hypocrite. There seems to be a universal disposition to be honest and be the person we say we are. ...when people behave in ways that are This tendency can be used to control discrepant with their attitudes, they often go people and change them to the shepherd’s on to change those attitudes... program without having to create a direct SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Brehm and confrontation. If an individual can be made Kassin, p. 475. to act in a matter that is inconsistent with what he believes, he has opened himself up to control. Now there are several ways to relieve the discomfort. When persons believe one thing and are forced to behave in a way that contradicts their beliefs, what should a person do ? This is not only an uncomfortable position, it questions one’s personal beliefs. Most people expect their philosophies to function without conflicts. Fundamentalists believe in an Anti-Christ. They look for some dictator to require them to take a number and serve him instead of the God of the Bible. During the reign of President Franklin Roosevelt, all adult Americans were given a Social Security number. Many were uneasy about taking a number but they were assured that the number was just for their retirement insurance and would not be used for any other purpose. As the government programs expanded, the Social Security number became an important part of one’s identity. In fact, just as predicted in the Bible, a person found it impossible to have a job, bank, or live without the number. The Christian had already gone along initially, despite misgivings. By the time the Fundamentalists realized what was happening to them, it was too late. They found themselves in a situation where if they acted on their beliefs, they would no longer be able to function in society. He was acting in a cognitive dissonant way. This created tension. Something way had to be found to lower this tension. Either he had to change his beliefs or change his behavior. There was too much to lose in changing his behavior, so his beliefs had to change. This will lower tension and help the person adjust to modern society. In an effort to further lessen tension, the person opens himself up to continued acts of obedience. We often are not even aware of the thought processes. But it goes on and cognitive dissonance is doing its work. The individual will usually adopt the set of beliefs that brings the least discomfort. The new leader recognizes that when individuals find themselves in a dissonant, most go along to get along. Most will choose the belief that causes the least trouble. T

The new leader will never attack most people’s beliefs openly. He will merely allow people to have two levels of belief. One set of beliefs for private and one set for functioning in the new society. In time, this dissonance will do its work.

3 MANUFACTURE SOCIAL TENSION One of the prime motives of human behavior is to reduce tension. We not only seek to be rational, we not only seek to go along with the crowd, we feel we must reduce tension in our


lives. It is one of the mysteries of human beings that tension causes anxiety which causes distress. We do not like to be in situations that cause tension. We may run away if we can. If no easy and permanent escape is possible, we seek ways to reduce the tension. One of the easiest ways to change someone’s behavior without him being aware of it is to create situations for the subject that cause tension. Most people will react in predictable patterns. For example, suppose a government wants to get people to move off of farms into the city. The point of the gun approach, knowing the independence of farmers, would probably create an armed revolt or at least armed resistence. Propaganda could be used but this would only draw attention to your plan. People may do what you want, but they might resist. And if they do resist, they will hate the source of the propaganda. This is where, what I call the tight To an outside observer an individualist society seems in the grip of some strange obsession. It ceaseless agitation strikes him as a kind of madness. And, indeed, action is basically a reaction against loss of balance–a flailing of the arms to regain one’s balance. To dispose a soul to action we must upset its equilibrium. And if, as Napoleon wrote to Carnot, ‘the art of government is not to let men go stale,’ then it is essentially an art of unbalancing. This is particularly true in an industrialized society which requires a population disposed to continued exertion and alertness. The crucial difference between the Communist regimes and the individualist Occident is thus perhaps in the methods of unbalancing by which their masses are kept active and striving. THE ORDEAL OF CHANGE, Eric Hoffer, p. 27. shoe approach, the indirect method will work wonders. Situations are created artificially or ways are found to use natural situations such as a drought or hurricane or fire etc. For example, by creating a situation of tight credit you can cause tension that cannot always be traced back to its source. There are almost innumerable conflicts that can be created. And by alternating the conflicts no one will suspect they are from the same source. One year of tight credit, one year increased taxes, one year a crippling strike that affects farmers, or one year a monopoly may cause wholesale prices of farm products to fall. Because the list can be extended and rotated, there will never seem to be a common source of trouble. Each situation creates tension. People can only live for so long in a situation where they do not feel comfortable. After awhile, their resistence breaks down. And here is the beauty of this situation. The very government that in one way or another that caused the problem can now launch the trigger. Tension exists. Something must happen to motivate the person to change. A government subsidy of city housing, of job training, or of a farm buy out programs will be the necessary triggers to get people to move in the direction desired. And the beauty of this method is that not only can the shepherd achieve his desired results, he can blame innocent parties of causing the problems from which the shepherd offers a solution. How perfect. One of the least written about aspects of the settlement of the American West, was the role of the Civil War. Those who chose not to fight in the war, or who did not want to live in an area near the battlefields, often migrated to the turbulent West. While under normal conditions,


many would choose to remain safely where they lived, in times of social tension, the West took on a whole new meaning. The possibility of escaping the war made the dangers of the migration seem less severe. While people thought their moving was their own decision, it was actually one of the results of the war that served the government’s desire to settle the land. And the government appeared as the good shepherd by offering free land to those willing to risk their lives and fortunes in the journey. T

The leader can accomplish his goal most directly through the use of indirect tensions. In difficult times, the shepherd is allowed to help his people to the desired land of tension release. A destination designed by the leader.

4 ESTABLISH CLASS CONFLICTS If the above social tension approach is used properly, a secondary result can be achieved at the same time. Once you have created tension, someone must be blamed. Strikes can be blamed on those greedy workers which the government is working hard to control, or monopolies can be blamed on greedy businessmen. Even natural disasters can be blamed on God. The most famous use of this method was the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 was used by philosophers to show how God had no concern for His people or His planet. We are alone down here and it is up to us to make the best of it. No situation is above being blamed on someone and it is best to blame someone who interferes with the shepherds plans. Those who hold and those who are without Thus we come to the plan made property have ever formed distinct interests famous by Marx, but actually used by every in society. Those who are creditors, and shepherd that knows how to rule. Wherever those who are debtors, fall under a like two or more people gather together, there will discrimination. A landed interest, a be divisions of class. Ever watch kids on the manufacturing interest, a mercantile interest, playground. You will see constantly arguing a moneyed interest, with many lesser and fighting. One of the reasons is that the interests, grow up of necessity in civilized kids are establishing class relationships. nations, and divide them into different Because society doesn’t impose class on the classes, actuated by different sentiments and play field, the kids must establish it views. themselves. Every society distributes wealth, THE FEDERALIST, James Madison, x. prestige, honors, education, and a host of other benefits unevenly. Even if people were equal in every way except our difference in how we choose to spend our time, we would end up with classes. But as it is with so many differences of people and so many choices to be made, differences happen without any outside interference. Because classes are so natural and result without any outside interference, they are the ideal weapons in the shepherd’s arsenal. The reason classes are natural is elaborated in most introductory sociology texts:


(1) Positions in society must be filled. (2) There is a hierarchy of positions. (3) Society runs most efficiently when the most qualified people are in each position. (4) The most qualified are motivated by being offered greater rewards. To this natural order of things, is added the philosophy that once men gain power they will use power for their own gain, they will develop a philosophy to justify their position, and they will organize society to perpetuate their rule. Once this philosophy is in position you have the belief that perpetual warfare is the mark of all societies. There can be no peace for those in power will be resisted by those out of power. If the out -of-power gain power, they will now act as the “in’s” of power and the war continues. This is one of the most potent weapons for those who are out of power and wish gain power. Where people are not class conscious, The great Author distributed the ranks and class consciousness can be easily created in offices in men in order to materially benefit the name of eliminating classes or and comfort, that one man should plow, discrimination. All that is necessary is to another thresh, another grind, another labor at start programs that favor people of a the forge, another knit or weave, another sail, particular class. This is all done in the name another trade. of equality. Once the program is in place and SERMONS, Isaac Darrow, 1679 A.D. helping a favored class, those outside the plan will maintain that they are being discriminated against. This is the perfect result of a perfect program. Where no tensions or very few tensions existed, now new conflicts are born. Of course the leader must deny that his program had anything to do with the new uproar. At the worst, he can maintain that his efforts to help end discrimination only proved how deep the problem runs. This will, of course, call for new programs to promote a classless society. This has a duel result. The more conflict calls for a more powerful leader and he calls for more programs to further his agenda. And it is ironic that now both groups are looking to the leader to solve the problems that he initiated. Could anything be more perfect? T

The leader is aware that class and special interests are a natural part of all societies. However, these natural divisions can be used for the leader’s purposes if he plants the idea that the good society which he desires will be without divisions. All that is required is a good leader with good laws for all get their share of whatever their special interests desire. 5. MAINTAIN IDEOLOGICAL CONFLICTS

The next step in maintaining power and control is to develop an ideology that can be exploited for one’s personal gain. Rather than seeing society as an outcome of natural law, the evolution of a common law, or the outcome of a society’s free choices, society is viewed as the result of a war. The victorious side has made society the way it is. There is nothing natural about it at all. It is all a construct. Again, rather than maintain power through the point of a gun, encourage people to develop ideologies that pit one side against another. Even better, develop


The spirit of party serves always to distract the public councils, and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasional riot and insurrection. Farewell Address, George Washington, Sept 17, 1796. several ideologies where no group can maintain control. The result is a constant battle. This can be seen in the meaningless battles between the Republicans and the Democrats. Very few could even describe the ideological content of their platforms with any detail. Even more, there seems to be little philosophical consistencies in their beliefs. There is an ideological conflict which serves to place people in two groups. It serves to divert everyone’s energies to the conflicts that are chosen by the two parties. Human energies are wasted fighting battles which often have the same result. Real issues are called divisive. The battles between the two parties, maintains the impression of solutions being concluded through some national consensus. An important corollary of this is that once people become engaged in ideological struggles, they lose perspective on their own personal interests. If people in a society do not have an ideological war, they will tend to divide up pursuing their personal interests. Parents may demand control of the schools. Communities may demand to set up their own ethical standards. Localities may want to establish their own legal system. This is bad in the long run. It also leads to forms of localism, which is contrary to any leaders goal to lead a unified nation. The masses will tend to regard this pursuit as a right synonymous with freedom and will fight to maintain it. This makes it difficult to get them to pursue great national and social goals that every leader must have if he is to maintain power. How can a leader be a leader if he has no pressing agenda? He becomes nothing more than a symbol of the nation such as the Statue of Liberty. Also, by diverting people’s attention There can not a great judgment befall a to the various ideologies, there will be the country than such a dreadful spirit of division channeling of desires. Most, except for a few as rends a government into two distinct deviants, will focus on achieving their goals people, and makes them greater strangers and through the accepted channels. By more averse to one another than if they were controlling the ideologies there is less chance actually two different nations. the people will ask embarrassing questions of THE SPECTATOR, Joseph Addison, July its leadership. An example in our current 24, 1711. society would be the Federal Reserve System. Because all major parties accept it as a fact of life, no one asks if we really need it. No one asks if there are cheaper ways for a government to form money. No one will ask if there are persons making money off of society that is not necessary. No one will ask if the reserve system is used to keep people in debt. In ideology that represents the above questions has the potential to threaten the power structure.


We go by the major vote, and if the majority are insane, the sane must go to the hospital. Horace Mann, American educator. The old saying about ‘divide and conquer’ is just part of this device. It includes the idea of developing false divisions amongst the masses. This is seen in the fanatical loyalty people have for their local sports team. This loyalty to constructed causes is used to create false loyalties to unimportant political battles. When all is said and done, it really does not matter at all whether one’s team wins or loses. It is just a game. So it is with the masses and the ideological issues which the good leader provides for his people. For example, the only reason abortion is such a divisive issue is that the government insists that one law apply to every locality in the nation. If each community could set their own policy, it would not engender the political war that is seen today. T

The good leader realizes that when the masses are made to hate each other, they will look to the good shepherd to protect them from their enemies. Without such petty hatreds, a strong leader is not necessary.

6 INFORMATIONAL OVERLOAD SHOULD BE CONTINUOUS Life is complex. The average person requires leaders to simplify life. This simplified life is presented as an ideology. This is good so far. The goal is to prevent new ideologies outside of the shepherd’s control. Here again, the shepherd can do this through the point of a gun. But censorship draws attention to the ideas that the shepherd wants to suppress. Censoring an idea is like shooting your enemy. It makes a martyr out of your enemy and projects his views into the limelight. A system must be developed that censors ideas without drawing attention to the ideas being suppressed. That old rule applies here--that the best place to hide something is to hide it in plane sight. There is an old story of a frontier What is all our knowledge worth? We do prospector that went into the woods to look not even know what the weather will be for gold. He marked trees along the way so tomorrow. he could find his way back. Another Berthold Auerbach, 1865. prospector working the same area did not want the first prospector to find his way back. If he discovers gold others would follow and the original prospector would be out of luck. So he is behind the interloper. He could not erase the marks on the trees. So he merely marked every tree. This is an example of an information overload. If you cannot control information, or wish not to control it because of the down side of censorship, merely release a tidal wave of information. All but the few will be so confused that they will give up all attempts at independent thought and rely on others to do their thinking for them.


In our society there are so many When a man’s knowledge is not in order, sources, so many competing ideas, and such the more of it he has the great will be his constant background noise, that the whole confusion. world becomes blotted out. People retreat to Hebert Spencer, 1873. their own private space where they can control the flow of information. And private lives do not interfere with the shepherd in the pursuit of his goals. Even if some individual wanted to oppose the shepherd he would just be adding to the overall noise. Good ideas can be most easily defeated by being buried under an avalanche of bad ideas. I cannot Everyone understands the need for change in emphasize it enough. The best methods the abstract, but on the day-to-day level remain invisible. The shepherd must appear people are creatures of habit. Too much as the victim just like everybody else. He innovation is traumatic, and will lead to can say, we all know that life is tough, that revolt. If you are new to a position of power, things are out of control, but that he is doing or an outsider trying to build a power base, his best to just keep a lid on the chaos. make a show of respecting the old way of Only when people are lost do they doing things. If change is necessary, make it want a road map or stop to ask someone for feel like a gentle improvement on the past. directions. This is an important point to remember for the new shepherd. It is vital THE 48 LAWS OF POWER–p. 392 that the masses learn to think of themselves as lost in a sea of facts. The events of the day must appear to be a mixture of the antics of mad men. The masses must see confusion in everyone’s faces in a world that appears to be out of control. The masses must learn that they are lost and in need of a road map and a person who knows the directions. The new shepherd should present the image of a man who has the world’s experts at his beckoning. The new leader should appear as the only one who has the power and the resources to guide the masses through the chaos of life daily confusion. T

The new leader must appear as the wise old philosopher. He must appear as the modern guru. He is the high priest of the new secular religion. The more the leader can imitate the gods of the ancients, the more he will be allowed to impose his will upon the people. 7 OBEDIENCE IS BEST GAINED IN INCREMENTS

Just as people resist the point of a gun, they will also resist big changes. Change that occurs in such small steps that either no one notices, or each step is so small it is not worth resisting, is the most worthy goal of every director of control or shepherd. A good example in the United States was the introduction of the income tax. If the bill had started out with today’s current rates of taxation, the bill never would have passed. It started out as a law that would only


tax the rich and it would only be one or 2 per cent. Sounds like a good law. There is no reason to oppose that. With every crisis, the definition of rich grew broader and the percentage kept going up. Today, if you are not starving, you are rich and must pay your dues. And at this point, people have become so adjusted to paying and so used to telling the government all of their financial secrets, that any revolt is just talk. The same procedure is used in brain washing by the Communists. They will get the prisoners to comply in very little things at first. After they have got people to comply with their prison guards or overseers, they gradually go from meaningless compliance to getting the patient to submit in more and more meaningful ways. In time, the prisoner is writing letters condemning his friends or letters justifying the very people who hold him a prisoner. This same principle can be used by people who want to accomplish anything. You climb a mountain one step at a time. If you just take one step at a time, you will eventually accomplish your goal. It sounds nice, but it does not work for people unsure of their destination. The shepherd says: “Just take this little step.” Now take this little step. The citizen never stops to think of the final destination that all of the little steps lead. The leader knows where those little steps are leading. If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. Once begun upon this downward path, you never know where to stop. Many a man has dated his ruin from some murder or other that perhaps he thought little of at the time. MURDER AS ONE OF THE FINE ARTS, Thomas de Quincey.

To show how far things can go is just to consider what has happened to privacy. The American trait of privacy has almost been destroyed by gradualism. A shepherd cannot rule as long as he does not know what his people are doing. Privacy must be destroyed. We are to the point today where just about every financial transaction you do is recorded somewhere. All of your phone calls are recorded. Your internet activity can be monitored. People will tell government officials at schools or clinics all about their sex life and other private details. About the only thing done in private must be done alone behind a locked door with no electronic hook ups. And if someone wants to, by using special infrared sensors, you are not even private then. T

The leader can do just about anything if he is patient enough. The story of the tortoise and the hare should be his example. The image for the new leader should be of a deep thinker who only takes action when events force him to move. The man of action must appear to be a man of thought.

8 GOALS CAN BE ATTAINED THROUGH SOCIAL INSECURITY Words tell us a lot about ourselves. Social security is something the government is


claims to provide. But social security is something inside of us when our society is functioning properly. When individuals have proper relationships with small local groups, they have social security. It used to be that people belonged to churches, local school organizations, local labor unions, and a whole host of local support groups: Groups that actually governed one’s world. These groups provided the necessary security to make us feel secure and important as individuals. As these groups have broken apart, it has opened up a window of opportunity for the shepherd. In fact, it is not necessary for the shepherd to wait for these local groups to fail. By transferring power to central institutions the meaningfulness of local groups causes them to become just impersonal crowds with no meaningful activity taking place. They become just social clubs similar to the church which degenerates into a club with pot-luck dinners.

These groups, at one time, not only It is useless for the sheep to pass provided regular interaction with others, they resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while worked to teach the skills of social life. A the wolf remains of a different opinion. strong community is not something that is William Inge, Anglican minister learned naturally. All must learn how to cooperate with others, and to enjoy the fellowship of other persons. As individuals combine with various groups, they learn how to govern themselves and their local communities. It is essential that the local support groups actually have governmental powers. It is only by working together for common goals that real character and community spirit is born. A tennis club brings individuals together, but real character is not developed. These groups provided a real socializing function in early America. There was usually an honesty of interaction that would offend the modern sensitivities. A person learned the skills of developing inner character and disciplining one’s anti-social temptations. Because membership in these groups was quite stable, there was a real interaction among real people. When people see each other often and over an extended period of time, an honesty communication develops. It is much more difficult to ‘put on air’ when everyone knows you thoroughly. There was more concern with inner character than outward impressions. After 1865 a different America was born from the ashes of the war. Two signs of social isolation occurred after the Civil War: The greatest appeal of the totalitarian party . . . lies in its capacity to provide a sense of moral coherence and communal membership to those who have become, to one degree or another, victims of the sense of exclusion from the ordinary channels of belonging in society. THE QUEST FOR COMMUNITY, Robert Nisbet, p. 37. Americans were drawn to books about image, and making social impressions. As life becomes more isolated, people become more concerned with others’ approval and less concerned about working together. When we work with groups over time, the false images we present, tend to decline. We become real people in contact with real people who are solving


real problems. Individuals cannot take meaningful social action when all alone–despite the image created in the movies. Socially isolated individuals, lack the necessary tools to take any meaningful action. The shepherd need never fear that loners might oppose the government or the leader’s policies. Individuals, who are lonely and conscious of their self image, will want to please other persons. And people who want to please others will also want to please government officials. Also, people who are conscious of their image have no trouble espousing beliefs and attitudes they really don’t believe. As you can see, social insecurity leads not only to a dependence on government programs, but the masses are less likely to be ideological. Insecure people may grumble and then obey the laws of the land, but they will not organize a revolt. They lack the necessary social skills to organize and work with other isolated Gone . . . is the troubled affection for individuals. associations based upon locality, interest, and The same insecurity that works so faith. Gone also is the profound veneration well for the shepherd, also works for for kinship, for the inviolable household, for advertisers. People who are secure and the imprescriptible authority of the housecontent do not respond well to father. Neither the family, the church, nor advertisements. A person, who can any other system of authority is allowed . . .to experience extreme pleasure working with intervene in any significant way between the others in a local group, will not be likely to individual and the absolute power of the buy something to make himself feels happy. State. Why should I pay for something that I can get THE QUEST FOR COMMUNITY, Robert for free? It goes back to supply and demand. Nisbet, speaking of the Leviathan, p. 130. If you understand this simple law, you have the tools to be rich or a shepherd. If you are selling a product or selling a government service, people will not pay for something they can get for free. That is obvious. So all you have to do is cut down, somehow, on the supply side and demand goes up. Create a shortage of something that used to be free and people will pay a lot of money for it. I used to drink tap water. No more. The shortage of good drinking water has caused me to pay money for good water. If you understand this principle, you understand the very basis of modern commercial society and the modern shepherd style government. Never forget this rule: Create a shortage, then charge to supply the need, and you will be both powerful and rich. T

The shepherd knows the masses will not turn to him if they have other alternatives. The leader is the least desirable source of security and for protection, but if it is the only source, then the masses will line up to gain their security from the leader if he appears to care about them. 9 COMPLEXITY PROMOTES CONTROL

How do you get people to accept control? The easiest way is to promote the ideas that not only are they not in control, not one is. Reality is so complex that it is beyond control: Beyond control of everyone except the expert, that is. One of the hidden purposes of the current


educational establishment is to constantly teach that reality is so complex that it takes a specialist to understand. Kids are no longer to accept the traditions of the family or society, but to rely on the expert for insights on every issue. Parents no longer teach their kids about life, but the school system and its mass-produced textbooks are the law of life. Life is just too complicated to be understood by ordinary people. Even a lifetime of learning from experience cannot be matched by the person with a degree of some sort. The news media promote this same mantra. Life is presented as a random set of circumstances. There is no pattern in life. Life just happens. Chaos is seen everywhere. Storms are here. Disasters are there. Wars, class conflicts are everywhere, and on and on it goes. Any person who watches television news or regularly reads to news magazines receives a message that is not even mentioned. Life is chaotic. All life is a battlefield between groups and corporations and private interests. Nothing makes sense. Nothing. The only person to keep the whole thing from imploding is the trained accredited expert. The shepherd thus controls the process of accreditation and thus seems to transfer control to some rational process. The image is presented that there is no control involved at all. We just have a process that assures us that Surveys show that of patients who spend upwards of 350 hours on the psychoanalyst’s couch to get better–two out of three show some improvement over a period of years. The fly in that particular ointment, however, is that the same percentage get better without analysis or under the care of a regular physician. As a matter of fact, that same ratio–two out of three people–got better in mental hospitals a hundred years ago . . . . Patients get better regardless of what is done to them. Unfortunately the analyst often interprets improvement as a result of his treatment. It does not bother him that other people use other methods with equal effect– hypnosis, electric shock, cold baths, the laying on of hands, the pulling out of teeth to remove foci of infection, suggestion, dummy pills, confession, prayer. COMPETENT TO COUNSEL, Jay Adams quoting Dr. Han Eysenck, p. 3. only qualified people will be certified as experts. This is seen also in the relatively new industry of psychological counseling. For most of human history, people have helped each other through tough times. Problems were considered part of everyone’s life at one time or another. Also, what had been considered major psychological problems, was seen as the result of a person’s making wrong choices over a long period of time. The more a person lives a life away from people and the reality checks of everyday life, the more his life and thoughts become eccentric. The answer to most problems could be solved through friends, family, and meaningful associations. Today, everyone is referred to a professional counselor during times of mental stress. It creates the image of behavior problems and the associated problems as somehow being beyond a person’s control. This creates in the person an attitude of helplessness. Mental problems are like cancer for which there are no home remedies and which can strike anyone. This is one of the most brilliant of all strategies. The goal of the shepherd is to create a system that is equated with the weather. It is just part of reality. People may grumble about the rain, but there is really nothing anyone can do about it. And the shepherd creates a system that many may not like, but is equated with reality. There are really no options. Life is complex and


is beyond understanding. The only thing a person can do, if he does not like the weather, is to find a way to hide from it. The same is with the shepherd’s reality structure. The frame of mind is promoted that the only way to dissent from the structure is to withdraw into some personal cocoon. Dissidents are thus kept out of sight and are not a factor in maintaining control. T

The new leader must understand that the masses never revolt against gravity, the weather, or death. These are all accepted as part of man’s world. The rule of the leader and his experts must be seen in the same light. Just as the isolated individual is socially powerless, so is the culturally isolated. Without a culture that teaches men the power of social groups, men are powerless and must accept leadership. 10 PROMOTE ESCAPISM AS A MEANS OF SUBMISSION

Every control structure is going to The world of human aspiration is largely have people who do not like the system they fictitious, and if we do not understand this we are living under. The control structure must understand nothing about man. . . . Man’s not only promote the cocoons mentioned freedom is a fabricated freedom. . . . He must above but must provide a system that diverts at all times defend the utter fragility of his the masses attention. Entertainment is the delicately constituted fiction, deny its most useful means of control. It takes no artificiality. . . . We have been saying that education to be controlled. The social life is a ceremonial that has to be entertainment must be mass oriented. It is flawless so that man can disguise his fictions not like the old images of ‘culture’ which and justify them; the last thing he can admit appealed to the upper classes. It must be to himself is that his life-ways are arbitrary. . available to all. There cannot be a class THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF MEANING, consciousness in the entertainment. The Ernest Becker, pp. 13-140. audience must be diverse. People of all religious beliefs and sexual orientations will sit side by side at a sporting event. Their differences will not be a factor. The boss will sit next to his employee and the races will all mix in their seats. What a perfect system that creates a nation where everyone appears equal. This creates a world view that all can accept. A person who is totally involved in such a system does not even seem to be aware that he is being controlled. It is totally invisible control. How many shepherds from history were they alive today would faint in envy at the current system and how it maintains total control. We read about bread and circuses of the Roman Empire, but the problem was that they were local and there was only one circus. The current structure creates a total system of entertainment so that no person is left out. There is something for everyone and it seems to be going on all of the time. And with satellites and cable there is no part of the country that can hide from the entertainment system. In days past people had an idea of freedom that often meant the freedom to promote my world and life view. People went to war and died for something called truth. This is the beauty of entertainment. There is no truth in such pleasures. If you don’t like one form of entertainment, you can go to another. A football fan is no closer to reality than a hockey fan.


Some to Disney World, and some go to Vegas. There are no fights over which represents the true creation and there is no class system. We are all one in our pursuit of pleasure. For the first time in history we have unity and everyone seems to be working for the same goals. Some can afford more entertainment than others, but we still have the same goals. And there does not appear to be class warfare over the inequalities of entertainment. Even if I cannot afford to attend an event, I can watch it on television. The leader must understand that one of his functions is to provide a substitute for the life as people experienced it under Western Civilization and the Christian Church. These systems provided a unity and a purpose to everyone’s life that accepted the fictions, that the philosophies the Western Church provided. As these systems of understanding are destroyed, others must be built in their place. It is vital that the new systems invented by the leader provide unity and a purpose to life without undermining the goals that the new shepherd has for the masses. Games provide this. They give life a semblance of some grand purpose and the nature of the crowd makes the participant experience a oneness with other fans. The sports fan does not notice that one form of meaning has been replaced by another. T The leader must unify his people and he must provide an outlet which diverts the attention of the masses from everyday life. Games can provide a suitable substitute for war. Both serve similar functions. When a society is not a war, games must be provided. Without either, a society would revert to the decentralized, feudal world. America has certainly become a nation of game players and spectators.

11 EVERY SYSTEM NEEDS AN ENEMY No matter how well a system works, every once in a while someone is going to ask–is this rat race really worth it? And who says that the race is so important? Or, is there more to life than just working and then finding escape from work? At times some may question: Another Sunday, is this just another football game to watch? What can the shepherd do to keep his controlled subjects from waking up from the fantasy world that has been created for them? First of all, some will wake up. A story must be provided to fit the person’s feelings into an overall system. The good shepherd must say to his people: ‘There are people out there who are seeking to destroy the things we all love. The system is not perfect and sometimes we may get frustrated at its imperfections. We must not throw out the baby with the bath water. Those who are speaking out are merely sowing seeds of discontent which will not solve the problems. We must all work together to find solutions so that we can all enjoy the life that most in of our society enjoy.’ This works to marginalize those who oppose the leader’s world. The leader must be able to use those who oppose him as a means to generate support. Those who oppose the new leader should be pictured as standing out as an enemy of the times. Those who criticize the new order of the leader can be used to promote the leader’s plans. During some crisis, the leader can blame those who oppose the leader as contributing to the problem. This places the order’s critics in jeopardy. Most do not want that. Most will shrink back into invisibility. The leader can lump his enemies into right wing conspiracies, ignorant bigots, members of the Klu Klux Klan, the militia, or religious fanatics. The natural tendency is


for most to avoid being placed among such outcast groups. At time it may be necessary to also have external enemies. War is the ultimate enemy builder, but wars have a tendency of taking on a life all of their own. It is difficult to find an enemy who can be used as a threat to our way of life and will only put up minimal resistence. The Gulf War is one example of a “good” war. It fit the perfect requirements. Iraq could shut down the world’s oil supply and thus be seen as a real threat, but there is no way the country to defeat the United States. But usually it is better to find internal enemies as these can be more easily controlled and if necessary they can be manufactured. The current war against terrorism shows how the people of a nation can be quickly brought to back a leader when the nation is under attack. A president, who was elected under suspicious circumstances, immediately became the accepted leader of the nation. A corollary of the above is what is Common sense would suggest that when called polarization. Groups tend to adopt you put a group of people together, views more extreme than the average opinion discussion of differing opinions will result in of its members. Also most people that speak some overall compromise as everyone out tend to favor the party line, especially as moves toward the group average. But that the issue becomes hotter and hotter. Those isn’t what happens. Instead, individuals who who have not even thought about the issue start off with roughly similar views end up tend to adopt the views of the majority being with more extreme positions after group expressed. The whole discussion will discussion. Put a group of moderate actually bring more people to support the conservatives together and they become more initial position of the shepherd. The process conservative. flows like this: There is a threat; we are in SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Brehm and danger; we must stand up for what is right, Kassin, p. 502. those who oppose us in any way are traitors, and we will do whatever it takes to preserve our way of life. As the crowd progresses down the line, opposition is weaker and weaker. People who have started out with only mild support of the leader end up being devoted followers of the new shepherd. And most important, the perceived enemy ends up being used to support the system he opposes. For example, he Klu Klux Klan actually helps the leader secure his position in the eyes of the people. The leader needs such groups to secure the support of the average citizen. It is important to remember that this whole process works for big enemies and small enemies. All that is necessary is that people must be persuaded that their world view is in danger. Even such things as someone opposing a local bond issue can be made to look as an enemy. And by making even the most normal objections be perceived as the ranting of an extremist tends to keep opposition to a minimal level. T

The new leader will search out some element of society that it will be easy for almost everyone to ridicule, and hate. Life is never perfect, and someone has to take the blame other than the leader or his plan for society. Whether it be Southerners and their prejudice, or Fundamentalists with their bigotry, some group on the margins of society should be pictured as the source of evil.


12 ETHICS MUST BE TAUGHT AS SOCIALLY DIVISIVE Most people need a motivation to resist a shepherd. Having a bad hair day will not supply sufficient motivation. If there is one thing that supplies sufficient motivation it is a sense of ethics. And yet people without any ethics are not in the best interest of the shepherd either. The best solution is to replace a transcendental ethic with a secular, imminent ethic. A transcendental ethic will motivate people to resist even at the cost of their lives. If people feel that God is on their side, the normal laws of sociological conformance do not apply. It is thus necessary to keep the people firmly planted on this earth and the values of a good society. And of course, a good society can be defined by the society and changed as necessary. People inspired by the Bible tend to resist control by the shepherd. The Bible gives them an absolute standard with which to judge the new leader and his new culture. A corollary of ethics is guilt. All societies must provide a way for its people to handle guilt. If people can be made to feel guilty for some perceived violation, they are much less likely to oppose the shepherd. In fact, they will tend to do some small things to help the shepherd maintain control. In tests done on people, those who have been made to feel guilty are many more times likely to engage in some activity to redeem themselves. The smart shepherd thus not only provides an imminent ethic, and he shows how we are all guilty and fall short of the perfection expected of citizens, but he provides a way to restore that person to wholeness by the doing of some act. This act will support the new ethic and if possible will be displayed publically as an example. People tend to imitate public examples. A good example, of public confession of politically correct guilt, is seen in the current confession of the Southern Baptist Church to ask forgiveness for its sins that were committed over a hundred years ago. Many Baptist ministers and leaders are traveling about asking Black audiences for forgiveness. It is also seen in the great grandchildren of slave owners writing books about their guilt and confessing the sins of their forefathers. The goals of radical integration are furthered through the use of guilt and through the establishment of public examples of such guilt. Again, sociologists have run tests to The need for atonement, the need for show this is true. People in a mall will tend cleansing, and for purity, is inseparable from to walk by someone who might be in of need man, and the advertising industry is well minor assistance. If, however, someone they aware of it. The clean look, the new product, had just walked by was helping a person in a the spotless modern home, new clothing, similar situation, they are much more likely these, these and other forms of ritual to stop and help. It is vital then that the purification are sold by advertisers to a guiltshepherd not only control who feels guilty, ridden populace in search of packaged and how they go about dealing with their atonement. guilt; it is vital that the examples pictured in POLITICS OF GUILT AND PITY, R. J. public of people doing well be doing the Rushdoony, pp. 6-7. types of behavior that the shepherd wants imitated. Again, studies have found that people are much more likely to perform some


directed good act if they are in a negative mood. Any negative mood will do. Happy, contented people make lousy subjects. And subjects who are provided with alternative solutions are much less likely to obey. T

The leader must teach the masses a new ethic that corresponds to his new culture. It must be inclusive. The desire for private ethics separates people into the saved and the lost. A new ethic should be greater than individual acts of sin or piety. All that participate in the new leader’s world are righteous. There is a unity in a world without the Christian view of sin. It is important also to provide avenues for public repentance.

13 A NEW CIVIL RELIGION MUST REPLACE PUBLIC FAITHS People are going to have a religious faith whether a shepherd likes it or not. It is important to provide a faith that the shepherd can control. A civic faith that is seen as the universal faith of all citizens is most important. There are two levels of faith. There is the private faith that is diverse as the number of people and organizations in a society. These must be allowed to exist, but only on one condition: When people step from the private realm to the public arena, their private faith must be replaced with a public one that we all must hold in common. As long as the public faith is subscribed to, any number of private faiths can be allowed to exist. When people ask if they have religious freedom, they can be told they have the freedom to form any number of private associations. In fact, the greater number of choices in the private realm the more people can be told that they are free. The Egyptians had no word for the state. A common faith must be developed The word state is too limited to express the that must be as infallible as that of any pope divine order which their land, government or authoritarian dictator. As long as this faith and ruler expressed. What for us would be is taught to the young, believed by the old, slavery to the state meant for them divine and repeated over and over again in the order and man’s only hope. Man could not media, the shepherd will be secure. Any transcend that social order; beyond it or good shepherd can handle power struggles. outside it, he was nothing. It was his life. A That is how he gained his power. And power man might fret at his conditions, but anything can be opposed with the point of a gun. It is outside of his life in the state was for him expected and no one resents such a use of unimaginable. . . . Religion being power. That is just the way power functions completely identified with the life of the in politics. But it is only a counter religious state, man was man not in terms of a faith that can effectively oppose the transcendental God but only in terms of a shepherd. It is here the shepherd must exert divine state and its social order. Man’s his most important energies. It goes without happiness was in harmony with this order. saying that the common faith will support the WORLD HISTORY NOTES, R. J. current government and all of its overall Rushdoony, p. 13. intentions.


By the use of symbols, rituals and beliefs a shepherd will be able to unite people into a new faith. The more these can be focused on the national scene and away from private, local, or personal events the more the nation can take its place as a substitute for traditional religious faiths. A country such as Ireland provides a good example of a nation divided by private faiths expressed in the public realm. The new faith will focus of democracy, elections, prosperity, security and national pride. Rituals such as national sporting events as the Super Bowl can take on a national expression. In fact, the Super Bowl has really become a national holiday of the new entertainment faith. The entire nation stops and give celebrates for a season of great diversion. T

The new leader has more to fear from revivals of Western Civilization and the Christian faith than he has to fear from armed opposition. The leader must support a public faith that unites everyone into a common public expression of his nationalistic and worldwide goals. The new shepherd is the new pope and extends his rule through the missionary activities of his military and trading allies.


12. Races must be eliminated. Nothing OF has THE divided menCIVIL more than race. It has kept them at THE THEOLOGY NEW FAITH war with each other. Men cannot achieve their greatness without the unity of all races. Those who seekequality to preserve separate races are an enemy mankind. 1. The of every person is basic. There isofno election or selection by a god and each person, no matter what his qualities or mistakes, is the equal of every other. Accidents of birth 13. A supreme government established to ruleinto andspecial coordinate all the activities of and the location of one’s birth should are not be to separate humans categories. mankind. This is to ensure that nothing happens which should hurt the plans of men to exalt themselves to theishighest offoundation achievements. All enemies global are also the 2. Democracy to be the of every political of and socialgovernment grouping. Any enemies of allthat mankind. organization denies the principles of democracy is detrimental to human potential. 14. Heaven earth isis to to be be established established through through the science medicine. Through 3. The goodon society use ofand governmental laws and the application these two foundational building stones, everythrough problem mankind can regulations.ofThere are no problems that cannot be solved theofapplication of be solved and the eternal hope of heaven can be finally established through man’s best efforts. humanistic learning to a society’s shortcomings. 4. The world is to be united through the business corporation and world trade. In place of the former ways of exploitation, empire building, and slave trade, a new business order is to be established which will benefit all. 5. There is a Unity of Mankind. A new global culture is to break down barriers which have kept men apart and prevented men from achieving their natural unity. 6. Each person is granted by government the right of choice. Any person or institution that interferes with a person’s right of choice is the enemy of mankind. 7. In areas of free choice, it is vital there be no consequences. When an individual has exercised his right of choice within a granted area, it is essential that the person experience no negative consequences from his decision. Those who try to enforce consequences are the enemy of mankind. 8. Each person strives for pleasure. In as much as possible, every government law and every regulation should attempt to ensure the maximum pleasure for all on earth. Those who try to teach negative ideas about any pleasure are the enemy of mankind. 9. In the realm of ethics, there can be no absolutes. In every area of freedom granted to men, there can be no extra standards of right and wrong. To teach that some act is wrong when the laws say it is not, makes one an enemy of mankind. 10. There is a natural goodness in all creatures. Many of the evils are the result of class consciousness. By the elimination of class, many of the evils in men can be eliminated. Those who act as if classes exist are an enemy of mankind. 11. The media is to be the electronic bonding of all men into the global village. As all become participate in the media, they are becoming aware of their unity with all others. The media is the message and the message is that all mankind is to be tied together in one great electronic network. 25

14 LAW IS A BASIS OF SOCIALIZATION The very definition of law must change if the shepherd is able to do as he wants. If there is a law that precedes the government or rises above the government, then the attempts to impose the rule of the government can be thwarted. In times past the people would rise up in revolt because they felt some higher law had been violated. Higher laws give the impression to the masses that the government is limited. The schools must teach and the media reinforce that all laws are the result of the wise men seeking to tame evolution for the good of mankind. Older laws that have been around for a long time take on the status of a revealed law. This must be countered with the idea of law as being something living. Laws for one age must be pictured as having very little application for another age. Laws must never be questioned as to . . . the belief in the capacity of man to their legitimacy. The only legitimate law is regenerate the world, and the necessity for the one currently being enforced. If people him to do so in order to fulfill his ultimate feel it is a bad law, then they must be taught destiny, provided a basis both for a conscious that their only recourse is to change the law attack upon the existing order and for the through the established means. For example, conscious establishment of a new order. The the abortion issue must always be presented sacred was used as a standard by which to as a question of what is legal or illegal. No measure the secular order. Thus the one must be allowed to being any morality or eleventh-century reformers began to judge higher law into the issue. Let the battle be emperors and kings and lords according to fought over votes or by lawyers, but never by principles derived from divine and natural religious persons speaking out in public. law. . . . So also in all subsequent great Religious beliefs are to be corralled into the revolutionary periods of Western history, church buildings, but are never to be allowed transcendent standards have been invoked to be part of public debated. After all, there against the existing power structure. is no way you can be debated right or wrong. LAW AND REVOLUTION, Harold Berman, Law comes down to the question: “Says p. 28. Who?” A law is a good law if the ‘says who’ is the government and its agencies. Any other authority must be presented as an interloper. Such a person or belief has no voice in the national forum. Society is constituted and maintained by The leader should exalt his status to acting human beings. It has no being, no that of a law maker. The very best and wisest reality, apart from this activity. . . . What have the ability to create laws which benefit appears at any particular historical moment all mankind. The masses must learn to see as ‘human nature’ is itself a product of man’s laws as something the leader imposes to world-building activity. establish a more perfect union. Without laws, THE SACRED CANOPY, Peter L. Berger, p. only the chaos of evolution is allowed to 7. reign. The new shepherd is able to create a social order that transform the world and


benefits the whole of mankind. T

The new leader must transform reality through his powers to create laws. The laws must be expressed as the only possible solution and must take on the picture of representing the real world. Only as the masses are ruled by the leader’s laws can mankind achieve heaven on earth. ‘Tis easier to make certain things legal than to make them legitimate. Nicholas Chamfort, French author, 1741-1794.

15 CONFLICTS MUST BE PICTURED AS SOCIAL WARMONGERING The more tranquil a society is, the more people will believe they have the ultimately good society. All voices of dissent must be pictured as threats to the peaceful, prosperous, and exciting culture that we live in today. A free society runs on conflicts. Separation of powers is a way of managing conflicts and keeping any one person or group from taking over the system. But as powers tend to become centralized, there are no longer local areas for conflicts to be separated. Hence the need for conflict control. In the past, conflicts were a normal part of life. Today, all persons and groups who disagree with the current established views on matters must be made to appear extreme and a threat to society. In a national unified system there is always a danger that some issue will provide enough of a fire that it will ignite people to action. And action under such a system is difficult to control on the local level. After all, there are now no Just as in politics Americans believed that they should have a ‘choice’ between candidates and policies, so did democratic social engineers use the offer of a ‘choice’ between often predetermined alternatives to engineer behavior (the quotation marks suggest how illusory real choice could be). Similarly, democratic social engineering was explicitly participatory; those whose attitudes were to be changed, or whose behavior was to be modified, had to be part of the process, to participate or be made to feel that they had participated. THE ENGINEERING OF CONSENT, William Graebner, p. 4. longer really effective local power centers to deal with power struggles on a local level. When the county system of government was strong in this nation, frustrated citizens could change the local county government and change their lives. And if people grew frustrated they were free to move to another county. And at times issues might rise to the state level, but even here the issues and conflicts could be localized. Going from New York to South Carolina would be like going to another nation. This is good for citizens but not good for the shepherd


who intends to rule over a whole nation. Fifty different states with fifty different customs and laws would be impossible to rule from a centralized location. The Civil War pretty much settled this issue once and for all. We are one nation under one set of laws. Differences will no longer be allowed to exist and control will reside in one center. It was the Civil War which modernized our nation more than any other act. We were now a nation like other nations and ready to take our place in the world arena. The very thing which makes the United States a really global power also makes freedom impossible. By that I mean freedom in the traditional sense. Freedom is now only in regards to narrow limits set up by the ruler. You are only free as long as you stay inside the limits set by the new form of government. The public acts of all citizens, now national citizens, must be monitored and regulated. All employers must be regulated, all acts of people except the most private of acts must be controlled. The new freedom is tyranny. This provides the shepherd with one of his most formidable tasks. He must constantly talk of freedom while exerting more control in the name of freedom. Every law must be seen as liberating the people from some enemy. The people must be shown as continuous victims of those who would in some way take advantage of them. The mantra must be that the more laws we have the more freedoms we have. If this is repeated often enough with the shepherd showing concern only for the good of the people, then everyone will buy into the message. Once this system is in control, then any opposition to it must be seen to be as treason. The elected officials are allowed to tinker with the system. How much deductible should parents be allowed for each child is okay to debate. Should the parents have to report births and should families be taxed at all is not acceptable debate. If debate should break out in an area that is outside the parameters of the system, then the situation can be used to show the stupidity and futility of changing something that is working so well. The shepherd that is thus able to manage conflict and to show that those that oppose him are enemies of the people and are enemies of the vast support system that the shepherd dispenses. We have become dependent on the national system of control. Anything that might damage the system is like a foreign invasion. It must be resisted. T

The new shepherd must learn to manage conflicts. He must create conflicts that give the impression of freedom, but do not infringe upon the leader’s great plans. The good leader should never crush all opposition, only the opposition that operates outside acceptable limits. 16 ETHNIC HERITAGE MUST BE SEEN AS LIFESTYLE HERITAGE

The traditions of Western Civilization used to be seen as a heritage from our English ancestors. We were the people of Anglo-Saxons who had a two thousand-year history of one struggle after another for a system of common law and local control. It was a nation built upon the Biblical view of man. It was a nation that had developed ultimately based upon the King James Bible. Individuals with a heritage of independence are difficult for the shepherd to manage. The shepherd must discredit all of this without arousing much hostility. The people who hold to the traditional Western Civilization views must be presented as ‘hicks from the


sticks’ and the resulting image. Any unusual person must be held up as an example of the remnants of the past and its hold on people. The first weapon of the shepherd must Paternal authority–authority based on the be to preach modernism. Western ability of the father to transmit skill and Civilization must be shown as a hold out learning to his children–was shaken by the from the past. Knights in shining armor are new technology of industrial America. And nice, but they would look foolish in a modern the contained authority of the village, based army. Every outmoded belief and behavior on personal knowledge and shared experience must be pictured as at war with modernism. and values, yielded inevitably to the Any attempt to return to a more stable era or heterogeneous, distended confusion and a more ethical era can be easily refuted by disorder of the emerging city. saying ‘you can’t turn back the clock’. It is THE ENGINEERING OF CONSENT, not important that statements make sense just William Graebner, p. 7. that they are repeated over and over. Modernism must always be presented as the only alternative. No choices were ever made. Modernism has a life and laws all of its own. All we can do is to make the best of the situation we are in right now. We must be the all seen as victims of the same processes. The shepherd is trying to lead us, but he must be pictured as just as frustrated and confused as the rest of us. He has trouble with his kids just like the rest of us. The second weapon against Western Civilization is pluralism. The shepherd must argue that the opposite of pluralism is colonialism. This word has been sufficiently discredited that any thing labeled ‘colonial’ brings to mind movie images of slaves cutting sugar cane while the masters sip tea sweetened with sugar. All ethical choices must be presented as nothing Only in England was the Bible in any sense but each person’s attempt to cope with the a ‘national possession,’ in that it seemed to world we live in with all of its confusing exist part in English as an original work of traits. All of us are just trying to survive and art. Indeed, not even Luther’s version we all make choices that we intend to bring (despite its impact on the development of the us contentment and happiness. Ethical German language) may be compared to the choices are not acts of rebellion against some English Bible in this way. Englishmen God of the King James Bible, but are merely carried their Bible with them–as the rock and the result of people trying to find a little foundation of their lives–overseas, even as it happiness in a world with often too much came to live in their own language with more pain for any of us to handle. Deviants are abiding force ‘than the greatest works to heroes of faith as they reach out to new paths which their authors were giving birth.’ In in a new world to discover new ways of some indefinable way, it managed to surviving. incorporate into their own history ‘a living The third weapon is to destroy the memory of the central past of the world,’ so foundations upon which Western Civilization that, over time, ‘ the deeds and thoughts of is built. While there have been others, John men who had lived thousands of years before Calvin represents the codification of beliefs in the eastern Mediterranean cam to color the handed down over centuries. Such doctrines everyday thought and speech of Britons to the as creation must be attacked and discredited. same degree,’ wrote the great historian G.M. Trevelyan, ‘as they are colored in our own day by the commonplaces of the newspaper 29 press.’ WIDE AS THE WATERS, Benson Bobrick, p. 12.

Creation implies a plan and structure. And the corollary of such a plan would be an ethical world built upon the choices of its people. In the absence of creation we have confusion and chaos. It is necessary for people to accept this belief as it leads to some overseer of the disorder we all see every day. The shepherd is thus the new savior in the world of evolution. He must picture himself as now in control of the blind forces that have been plaguing mankind for its entire history. And it is vital that the image be presented that the shepherd can make choices against the blackness that envelops us, but the people are not able to make such choices. Remember logic is not important if people buy into the overall system. A fourth weapon is racism. Western Civilization must be presented as a white bus driver ordering all others ‘to go to the back of the bus’. To be in favor of the heritage of the West is to attack of the other races who do not follow our heritage. The mere mention of a white person’s heritage must be pictured as an attack upon African civilization or as ‘anti-Semitic’. The pictures of the Klu Klux Klan and the Civil War must be presented as the last desperate attempts of the whites of Western Civilization of preserve an antique culture. Whites have been so intimidated by the charge of racism that it is like pointing the loaded weapon of guilt at their heads. It is one of the most effective weapons to control those who seek to restore values associated with Western Civilization. T

The new leader must disassociate the Anglo-Saxons from their heritage. The white person’s alliance with Western Civilization and the Bible must be replaced with new ideas about life and civilization. The one heritage that has the courage and the intellectual content to oppose the new world culture is the King James Bible culture. Every weapon must be used to render a heritage impotent. 17


This will require a unique type of balancing act. A new national faith must be imposed upon all the people and yet the separate faiths must be maintained so that no one knows that their own faith has been destroyed. It sounds like an impossible task to achieve. In philosophy the term often used is ‘the one and the many’. The shepherd should use a vague term like ‘unity through diversity’. The new theology should talk about how we are all diverse in our personal tastes which we express through our many local churches and other forms of worship. But these local expressions are just personality and ethnic issues but have nothing to do with the general public life. After all, the shape of our worship building and the rituals we perform should have no impact onto the practices of modern business and government. The traditional symbols of community in This technique is the flip side of the the West, the traditional images and development of a civil religion. It not only to metaphors, have been above all religious and develop a new national faith, it is just as legal. In the twentieth century, however, for important to redefine all religious faith as a the first time, religion has become largely a very private thing. Such events as weddings private affair, while law has become largely a and funerals should take on a central matter of practical expediency. The function. How one gets married or buried or connection between the religious metaphor and the legal metaphor has been broken. LAW AND REVOLUTION, Harold J. 30 Berman, p. vi.

the other life crisis experiences should be encouraged as the expression of religious freedom. And they have no effect on public policy and this adds to their usefulness. The media can be of help, by using churches in their productions to show these activities in their many forms. And they must all be made to appear as very meaningful on the personal subjective level, but with no objective content. A marriage ceremony can be a very moving experience whether one is married in the Catholic Church or a Buddhist Temple. They all can be portrayed in the media as very meaningful experiences on the personal level, but meaningless when seen in the light of its The emotional effects of public worship are greatly intensified if the worshipper [sic] himself is able to participate physically in the actual rite–quite independent of whether it be a simple or an elaborate form of worship. . . . If the worshipper [sic] plays an instrument, carries a banner, holds a lighted candle, or walks in a procession, his emotional response is considerably increased by such physical participation. If the worshipper [sic] participates by joining in responses or by singing, particularly if the setting is both rhythmical and uplifting, his respiration and circulation will be correspondingly affected. In most religions, kinaesthetic sensations are associated with forms of worship whose ritual acts, resonant tones, colourful [sic] presentation, olfactory stimuli, historical associations and reverential gestures create an atmosphere of great solemnity. PSYCHOLOGY AND RELIGION, G Stephens Spinks, p.140. social effects. With the continued soft pedaling of content, the religious experience can be broadened to include rock concerts, protest marches, and even tailgating at a football game. They all involve the same human emotions expressed in different ways. They all serve as expressions of human life and help give meaning to our daily routines. Human emotions should be glorified and the expression of these emotions should be pictured as the thing that makes life beautiful. The good shepherd will constantly encourage such private expressions of emotion. These expressions should be pictured as blessing the predicament of humans interactions and the coming together to become one in spirit. The more that people can be encouraged to see life through private emotions, the less they will be tempted to challenge the political order and the rule of the shepherd. The leader should encourage religion to model itself after the various service organizations. In addition to the various rituals that elevate the human being into the glorious cosmos, the local church is to become an aid to the human being and his assorted needs. The church should focus on day care services, weight loss classes, counseling, youth athletic leagues, dating groups for singles, and a whole host of other groups. The successful church in the new order will attempt to help each individual to function well in the new culture and his job. Religion should support the leader and his mission in those human needs that cannot be supplied by an impersonal political bureaucracy. Religion is to complement the political order. T

The leader knows that every culture must be unified around some person or faith.


The leader should create an atmosphere where individual faiths are only private events. If at all possible, the leader and his vision for society should be the unification of the culture. Rival faiths must never be allowed to become public faiths as this will only divide society and replace the leader as the focus of order. 18 THE PERFECT SOCIETY MUST BE THE GOAL OF EVERYONE The new leader should constantly talk about the creation of the perfect society. Mankind seems to have an innate longing for utopia. There is that desire for the perfect society. Every leader needs to use this theme to pursue his agenda. Plus, the great thing about perfection is that it cannot be achieved. For this reason, this goal serves two functions: (1) the shepherd appears necessary to continue our striving for the perfect society, and (2) with the continual falling short of perfection, policies can be promoted as bringing us closer to perfection. The obvious conclusion is that we need the leader and we need his policies. I heard one politician say, “As long as there is one poor person in America, this program cannot end.” That should pretty well provide funding forever. Perfection is perfect in that it can be The future is lighted for us with the radiant applied to any area. The cry goes out for colors of hope. Strife and sorrow shall perfect justice, the end of all racism, the disappear. Peace and love shall reign achievement of one 100 per cent literacy, or supreme. The dream of poets, the lesson of the end of all wars. The list could go on and priest and prophet, the inspiration of the great on. People are to be trained in terms of never musician, is confirmed in the light of modern being content with society just as it is. That knowledge. would lead to a demand for less government THE DESTINY OF MAN, John Fiske, 1884. and more money to be spent on private concerns. The other side of perfection is that the enemies of the shepherd can be portrayed as responsible for social imperfections. If we just had more laws to control racists, we could put an end to all hatred in our lifetime. If we could just raise teachers’ wages, then we could have every high school graduate, pass a reading test. The underlying purpose of all of these perfect goals is that any frustration that people feel must be seen in the light of some problem. Life should be perfect and if it is not, then there must be a reason for it. There are people who are preventing perfection, and there are programs that can be launched that will cure the problem. People must be trained to think of the shepherd as the only source of healing. The problems we encounter must not be viewed in terms of ethical or social failings. Individual responsibility must not be the source of any problem the shepherd seeks to solve. Individual responsibility only comes into play when it involves people who oppose the policies of the shepherd. Those people responsible for causing us to fall short of the shepherd’s goals must be controlled or punished. But people are never responsible for not being able to read, or not being able to find a job. It is the people’s fault for not supporting the shepherd’s plans. History should be taught about all that has held us back from achieving perfection. The Revolutionary War and the Civil War can be taught not as political struggles over goals that


could have been achieved in other ways, but as great events in human history in our efforts to form a perfect union. History can take on the element of a great myth of mankind’s eternal goal of fighting for the perfect world with a perfect system. The Biblical idea of the fall of man into sin must be converted into the idea of man’s lack of government to achieve the necessary controls to prevent sins. With enough laws, enough bureaucracy, with enough funding, and with enough experts, there is no sin that cannot be defeated. With sin being seen as lodged in the nature of our understanding of organization, then there will be no effort to turn to any other source than the shepherd to solve any problem. T

The Bible teaches original sin in order to bring us to a dependence upon God for the achievement of perfection. The new leader should teach a perfection that can only be achieved through a powerful leader and the imposition of his plans. The culture that will satisfy our every need and end every frustration is the goal of every government program. 19 DO AWAY WITH REAL HISTORY

The teaching of history must be the planned replacement of the Bible. For centuries the King James Bible has provided an orientation for Western Civilization. The perfect goal would be the elimination of all history except as a vehicle to show the evil that existed before the current government was able to gain control. While that should be the long term goal, to achieve it would mean the elimination of the many social markers left by history. One long term goal is the elimination of historical sites and monuments. This will take time. Some sites probably could never be eliminated. Gettysburg will always be with us, the meaning of the site can be All history is abstraction, generalizations on human experience. I think none of us would make the mistake of assuming that the history we teach and write about is identical to what happened in the past–the events and experiences themselves. Students and teachers of history have long looked at written history as deliberately selective. The historian chooses his subject, asks what he considers the most crucial and necessary questions, selects his data, and constructs his argument and narrative with an eye toward discriminating between that which he finds compelling and essential and that which appears incidental and of no consequence. Different moments, we all know, urge different necessities; and in a different time, a different historian will ask different questions, discover significance in data others believed dross, construct different order, and tell a different story. HISTORY IN THE SCHOOLS, edited by Bernard Gifford, p. 115. changed so that it only represents some achievement of mankind. Other items that can be achieved are the retelling of history through movies and popular historical novels. People will watch the television series North and South and believe they are now experts of a sort on the Civil War. And any future information will be filtered through the


lens of the information supplied by the movie. As books go out of print and they are not reprinted, then censorship can be achieved without the burning of one book. Book burners are for dramatic purposes only, as the best form of censorship is just the passing of time. By the constant replacement of the old history with the new history, the goal of killing history can be achieved without one protester. There are several ways to kill history. One is to publish books about how people lived in times past. Hundreds of pages on building construction, social life, and the kinds of food eaten give the impression of telling history without anything getting in the way of the shepherd’s current goals. The danger that the Bible has always presented is that it has not only taught history as an interpretation of past events toward a certain goal, it has provided examples of what real history really is. Here again, the suppression of the Bible must be achieved through indirect means. The accurate translation of the Bible into modern English should be discouraged. By defending the archaic King James Bible as God’s true Word, the Bible can be kept out of the people’s hands. The other goal would be the promotion of so many inaccurate translations that the very idea of an accurate translation will be abandoned. The general public will get the impression that the Bible is one confusing book that has many different meanings. Another way to kill the Bible is to make it mean something entirely differently by sponsoring theologians that can change its meaning. A two pronged approach is best. For the more liberal mind, provide an interpretation that relegates the teachings of the Bible to the private religious experience. It is a book of poetry, a book of comfort, a book of inspiration, but it is not a book that has something to say about the real world of governing people. For the more conservative mind, provide an interpretation that emphasizes cosmic truths. Dwell on the evil that all men battle throughout history, and dwell on the mission of proclaiming a sentimental Jesus. And dwell on the second coming aspects on the return of Jesus, at which time, He will then have something to say about the running of the world. Both approaches effectively kill the Bible. The shepherd must accomplish this as all costs if he is to rule effectively. Nothing can be allowed to stand above his rule and decisions. T

The new leader should surround himself with the writers of history. These men should understand that the writing of history is vital to the establishment of a new world culture. Everything in the past that cannot be reinterpreted should be discarded. The new history should see that all of the past as leading up to the leader and his agenda for mankind. 20 PROVIDE A VISION OF AMERICA’S DESTINY TO THE WORLD

The idea of heaven or of some kind of afterlife has dominated people’s minds for the entire history of the human race. It is an axiom of all leadership that a ruler cannot rule without providing some hope beyond everyday life. But that is the problem. The hope of heaven has often led people to rebel against their leaders. So a new heaven must be provided that does not give too much hope of a better life and enough roots in this life that no one is going to risk everything for some vague hopes that may not be real. This is where the shepherd must preach


the big myth, the story of the nation that we are all working towardly. It can be labeled ‘manifest destiny’, ‘the war to end all wars’, ‘making the world safe for democracy’, or ‘putting an end to fear’. To the shepherd, the phrase is ‘the big lie’ but he must convince his subjects of the truth of the vision. Every society will go through crises, The Unites States is a visionary nation. and the only thing that can keep people in Americans believe in the promise of a better line during terrible times is the belief that world. Unlike other societies, the United they are working for a better world for their States has no shared ethnicity, no common kids. People will die for such a vision, but religion, no sense of historical heritage. they will not die for lower oil prices. People Instead, there is an idea. Tunning through the need a reason for giving up self-interest. A currents of our history is a presumption that it great example is The Statue of Liberty. The is possible to have it all. And not just that a motto that America welcomes the rejects of few people can have it all, but that all of us the world and this nation will remake them can. into a shining example through the power of Americans believe that all needs can be liberty. The statue gives a vision that is satisfied, that we can have wealth and purely secular and also gives a vision that happiness, homes and spiritual fulfillment, will not interfere with the shepherd’s plan for comfort and community, sated appetites and ruling. Just like the vague admonition on the satisfied souls. The only thing missing us statue, all visions must be kept sufficiently how. Convinced that abundance is possible, vague that the people will not infer any policy we continually strive for it and are always from its vision. Inspire, give hope, but don’t looking for the means to achieve it. give any details. A VISIONARY NATION, Zachary Karabell, War monuments are also good. But p. 4. here also, keep the monuments focused on the lives that were lost for some vague ideal. Even a statue of some general can get a shepherd in trouble in time as the life of the hero can sometimes lead to embarrassing details. It would be bad to build a monument to General George Patton, but George Washington makes for a good monument. The policies that Washington advocated are sufficiently out of date that he will not provide too much inspiration beyond vague generalities. Patton was controversial and some of the things he said can still get a shepherd in trouble. Another area that provides good vague inspiration is the conquering of space. There is nothing in a space program that would influence people to resist the laws of the land. Tributes to fallen astronauts are inspiring just like war memorials to dead soldiers. The danger today is that in our efforts to cut our self off from our past we are losing the necessary heritage that can be used to inspire people. This leads to the sprouting of various cults that seem ridiculous on the surface, but show the human hunger for some meaning beyond pleasure and the routine of everyday life. There have been attempts to substitute ‘saving the environment’ as a new form of heavenly bliss. It works for the few, but people will not die to make the world safe for rain forests. The other dream of a world government will not suffice. A nation will not die to help the people of another nation: Especially when that other nation is in trade competition and is seen as the destroyer of American jobs. The good shepherd must take on the image, at times, of the television evangelist. He


must sell himself and his goals to the masses. The people must like their leader, as this is a prime motivator. Just like those who buy from a salesman they like, so the masses will buy into the vision of the leader if they like him. He must be careful to manage his image in keeping with his desires to rule the masses and to inspire them. He must wrap himself in a vision which the people see him as giving to them. He must be seen as living his life for the people. The vision of a great nation, a great people, and a world united in peace must be the new faith. The leader should constantly seek to inspire people with the greatness of the mission they all share. T

The new leader must give the masses a reason to fight his battles. He must use the innate desire to accomplish great things, and to be part of something bigger than the routine of everyday life. He must give his people a mission. He must ask them to build a living monument through their self-sacrifice and the sacrifice of their children. 21 THE IDEA OF PERSONAL FRIENDSHIPS MUST BE DESTROYED

There are two forms of social groups that must be controlled. The first is the mob. But by the control of the media, the mob can easily be turned into a positive. Mobs require leaders and by substituting the leaders of the shepherd and by controlling the release of information, the mob becomes just another tool in the hands of the leader. Now friendship is another thing entirely. It only takes two people to form a friendship. This makes it difficult to stop, at least on the surface. The power of friendship to motivate people to action is one of the most neglected of topics. While leaders can be promoted by the shepherd and his media, but the power of friendships to create leaders, makes it an institution to be feared. The story of the French Revolution has in it The power of an army is often most some of the darkest pages in the history of determined by the bonding of its men into modern civilization, due to the breakdown of friendship. Men may enlist for an ideal, but social trust. they die for their friends. When a soldier is In the Paris of those days a man had to be under fire, it is his loyalty to his fellow always on his guard, watching his acts, his soldiers that keeps him going. And it is the words, even his looks. It was a panic, worse private army of citizens that a shepherd must than avowed civil war. Friendship could avoid. Citizens who have formed private have little place in such a frightful palsy of bonds will take action that no solitary mutual confidence, though there were some individual will ever take. Men do great noble exceptions. The wreck of friendship things for other men, but will only seek through deceit is always a step toward social pleasure if left to themselves. The solitary anarchy, for it helps to break down trust and individual is not only lonely, he is often good faith among men. without a majestic purpose. It is the bonding FRIENDSHIP, Hugh Black, p. 139. of men into groups that brings out men’s greatest qualities, and it also gives them ideas and strengths which by themselves they would never inculcate.


The lonely, solitary individual is easily manipulated by the leader. He is not a threat. He will not bond himself to groups which bring out the necessary courage to oppose a leader. The new leader should encourage the social structures in his society that create the lonely individual. Solitary individuals can also be useful to the shepherd as scapegoats, or as people to be made an example of through some show trial or any form of public punishment. No one cares what happens to some lone gunner. No one cares what happens to some crackpot. Loners tend to be out of touch with real people so that no one is going to come to their defense. This is what can make friendship so dangerous. Friendships provide a maturing process that changes individuals into leaders. The maturing process keeps the individual in touch with reality and therefore is more likely to gather others around himself. A person with a friend is more likely to receive motivation to keep going during tough times. He is less likely to be intimidated and diverted from his goals in life. The bonds of friendship are one of the most powerful unions in society right up there with marriage. Just as the marriage bond is a threat to the good shepherd so is the bond of friendship. Friends supply each other with a reality that the false forms of reality provided by the shepherd cannot supply–people who have tasted good food The [Nazi] youth movement began its search for a genuine community as it members roamed the countryside trying to rediscover the inner feelings they felt they had lost in the city. Boys took up sunbathing and nude swimming, and the steeled, bronzed body became part of the movement’s ideal of manly beauty. Again, the Greek example we referred to, and naturalness stressed over artificiality. Shame had no place here: ‘nudity equals truth,’ as they put it. To such tenets, German youth added the assertion that unity of body and soul must prevail. These young people saw themselves as alienated from the society of their parents. The cure they sought took the form of a communal affinity encompassing all aspects of life. NATIONALISM AND SEXUALITY, George L. Mosse, p. 56. are never satisfied with junk food. In studying history, one is able to discover that the successful dictator seeks to do two things: He must undermine the ideas in society that promote friendships, and he must provide false substitutes for friendship. The false substitutes can be such things as male oriented sporting events or getting men involved in some mass activity that is essentially impersonal–a million man march or some such activity. One of the easiest ways to destroy friendship is to destroy the bonds of trust that must exist in any relationship. By promoting sexual promiscuity and by legalizing homosexuality, the shepherd has lowered the personal relationship to the sexual and selfish level. Friendship is viewed as suspicious not only in the public’s eyes but friends themselves will often be afraid to form too close a bond. A healthy society is based on trust. The basic trusts are formed in marriage and in friendships. A people left without trust become dependent people. What good is a vow or promise if people cannot be trusted? What good is the promise of friends to stand with you through thick or thin? The shepherd controlled legal system becomes the substitute for trust. Every relationship can be viewed under the legal view of rights. What are the rights of the marriage partner and what rights can be legally expected from a verbal promise of commitment?


Trust becomes only what is legally enforceable. And the legal system is expensive and does not really help the common person through his everyday life. Thus with the element of trust destroyed, people are thrown back into the shepherd’s arms as the only cheap alternative to trusting another person. Without trust, there is no individual freedom. The only real freedoms are the ones that occur in groups of people we can trust. The local church often provided a ground where common trust and commitment could be learned. Even such once local activities as the community school, the grange, the labor union, and city and county government provided avenues where people learned to interact and trust each other at their word. And that is what freedom and government are all about–it is individuals who trust each other, interacting, and finding solutions to govern themselves. There is no need for a good shepherd for such people. They have each other. When people have such a common bond and trust, so many other needs are also met that they become very difficult to bend to mass causes and campaigns. T

The leader realizes that lonely men long for some form of bonding. If he can prevent their bonding with each other, they are open to a national bonding with the good shepherd. The great myth appeals to men who lack the emotional support and courage created by men who have deep friendships. 22 CREATE UNCONTROLLABLE THREATS TO EVERYONE’S SECURITY

Human nature being what it is, problems will always arise. In order to rule as a shepherd, the new leader will see that there are many problems that are left uncontrolled. It is not natural for people to want a shepherd. A need must be created. The people must be made to see that unless they have a good shepherd over them that the problems will certainly overwhelm them. It is thus absolutely necessary that problems be created that appear to be out of everyone’s control. Crime and drugs are two of the easiest disasters to befall a nation. These can give the appearance of making everyone the victim and the need of help from the ruler. Once a problem has been sufficiently used to create fear and insecurity a people will willingly turn over their freedoms to the shepherd in exchange for the right just to live out ‘The world is coming to an end in our lifetime!’ their lives in peace and quiet. ‘Disaster is about to strike!’ The more problems that can ‘The sky is falling! The sky is falling!’ be created, the greater the success of ‘Birth defects on the rampage!’ the ruler. While foreign threats are Besieged by murder, rape, and robbery!’ an excellent source of insecurity, it is ‘Hamburgers kill kids!’ just as important that the shepherd Are these the pronouncements of wild-eyed, crazy create the threat. Once an enemy has preachers on street corners–and the Chicken Littles of been created, it is much easier to fairy tales? Are they headlines from tabloids sold a control. A lion on a leash is the goal supermarket check-out stands? No–these types of as long as no one is allowed to see headlines appear in respectable media such as the the leash. Hitler was financed with New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago foreign bankers supplying the Tribune, Time, Newsweek, and the evening network news. ARE WE SCARING OURSELVES TO DEATH? 38 Cohl, p.7. H. Aaron

money. Soviet Russia was built into a military threat using western technology freely supplied from the United States. Both nations lacked the necessary infrastructure to carry on a real war for any length of time. For example, Germany during World War II was the size of Texas and yet was made to appear as a world conqueror. A nation without an oil supply and a limited number of civilians available for combat could only be expected to fight until the world was ready for the good shepherd’s solution. The masses must be taught that the world is chaotic and is a constant threat. They must be told that society will collapse without the most sophisticated legal and police force. The ruler must look to organized crime as a teaching tool whenever he needs to see how a nation is to be ruled. Just as criminals can exhort money from merchants through the promise of safety from the fires which criminals have started, so the leader can extort submission from the masses. Even if the merchants realize that the fires were deliberately started to scared them, that knowledge does them no good. There is no way to fight back except by going along with the system. So it must be with every problem created by the ruler. Local solutions must be thwarted. By the nationalizing of laws it thus becomes impossible for any local community to take action. T

The new world leader is not something people turn to naturally. The need for a powerful leader must be created in the hearts of men. Men, in the face of life’s most unconquerable opponents, look for a savior. The new leader thrives when men’s hearts cry out in despair. Only in the dark of the night are men willing to sell themselves to anyone possessing light. The new leader is to be that light, and is to pattern himself with that in mind. 23 FALSE WATCHDOGS MUST BE CREATED

The shepherd must not only create or at least allow major problems to exist, he must create so-called independent organizations to give the appearance of investigating everything. By the means of watch dogs on a leash the leader can give the appearance that everything is on the up and up. The people can be assured that if anything illegal or immoral were going on, then the media, the police, or someone would stand up and blow the whistle on the whole mess. The impression must be created that Mainstream journalists are accorded a there is a whole army of free people out there, certain degree of independence if they just looking for a little wrong doing to demonstrate their ability to produce copy that expose. With the systematic exposure of is not only competently crafted but also free petty criminals or of criminals who have of any politically discordant tones,. Indeed, become too smart for their own good, the competence itself is measured in part by impression can be pulled off with the public one’s ability to report things from an sacrifice of these unfortunate scapegoats. ideologically acceptable perspective, defined The image is thus kept before the as ‘balanced’ and’ objective.’ In a word, public, that though times are tough, we not journalists are granted autonomy by only live in the best of all possible worlds, it demonstrating that they will not use it beyond acceptable limits. They are independent agents in a conditional way, free to report what they like as long as their superiors like 39 what they report. INVENTING REALITY, Michael Parenti, p. 35.

is the only possible world. There must be seen as no alternative to the current situation. What we have is reality and while we can improve this or change that, there is really nothing more than anyone can do. Every voice that says differently must be silenced, and if not silenced must be made to appear as an extremist or as fool. After all, if there were a better way, surely the watch dogs or the shepherd would tell the people about the new and better world. The only time a new and better world should ever be brought up is in the extreme case where the shepherd and his helpers have let things go a little too far and there is the real threat of them losing power. In such a case, the shepherd must be the revolutionary evangelist to ward off any attempts on his throne. A shepherd must be willing to do what the baseball manager does at times to save his job: He will fire his coaching staff. The shepherd must be willing to throw his own people to the watch dogs and allow his appointed dogs tear the person up. This cannot only prevent further damage but also increases the prestige of the shepherd as he is shown to be on the side of the people no matter where he finds evil. And the watch dogs love it because they can now pretend to be the real protectors of public order and lawfulness. Everyone is happy and comes across as looking good. The shepherd must never forget that he is putting on a show to entertain the people of his country. If he is not a good showman, he is not a good ruler. And it helps if the showman can be portrayed as just one of the ordinary folk who is now in a position of power to In 1975 a Senate intelligence committee found that the CIA owned outright ‘more than 200 wire services, newspapers, magazines, and book publishing complexes’ and subsidized many more. A New York Times investigation revealed another fifty media outlets run by the CIA in the United States and abroad, and at least twelve publishing houses, which marketed over 1,200 books secretly commissioned by the CIA, including some 250 in English. As the Times explained it, these figures were far from the whole story. The CIA subsidized books on China, the Soviet Union, and Third World struggles which were then reviewed by CIA agents in various U. S. media, including the New York Times. INVENTING REALITY, Michael Parenti, p. 233. help his own kind. T

The leader must give the impression that his every move is under scrutiny. It is vital that he have opponents who appear to be his greatest critics. The masses gain a false assurance from the idea that if there were some misbehavior, one of the leader’s critics would expose it. If there is no exposure, everything must be alright. 24 EVERY CRISIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE EXPLOITED

Not every event can be controlled by the leader. Sometimes things just happen. The shepherd must be alert to use every opportunity to create a situation which calls upon him to act as a leader. It is also important that every problem, no matter how local it may appear, be made to appear to be a national problem. The bigger the problem can be made to appear, the bigger


the leader is needed. The ultimate problem would be a world wide crisis. This is why such issues as war, crime, drugs, terrorism, and the environment are such useful tools to power. None of these problems seem confined to the local arena for solutions. It is a well-known fact that human emotions When people see themselves as out of become more intense when frustrated, and control, they cry out for a savior. Religion people are never more prone to suggestion accomplishes this with the problem of sin. than when their desires for foo, shelter, Sin can never be solved completely so there safety, prestige, and the rest have been is always a need for a priest. Professional thwarted–hence the frightening suggestibility fund raisers always are looking for a threat of the revolutionary mob. that has no short term solution. The last thing TECHNIQUES OF PERSUASION, J. A. C. a professional priest wants is a cure for sin. Brown, p. 24. And the charitable organization does not want a solution to the problem on which its income is dependent. The shepherd thus, must copy these con artists as much as possible. He has one big advantage. He has the power not only to create problems, but the power to make sure no solution is ever found. And with the media going along with the leader, success is assured. The media and the leader have a symbiotic relationship. The media needs crises to keep their ratings sufficiently high to be attractive to sponsors. A world content and at peace with itself is not going to turn on the evening news. Good news does not sell papers. While no media person would admit at creating problems, their exaggerated coverage of even minor problems can help create much large problems. And there is a similar symbiotic relationship between the media and those desiring to be news makers. There are enough people who desire attention, that merely showing the public what it takes to become a notorious celebrity helps create others who also want their share of the fame. The media hold a monopoly on such fame today. The media makes and creates celebrities and the news makers. A school shooting that in one area is magnifies some to celebrity status, creates others who are willing to create problems in exchange for a moment of fame. The constant barrage of problems creates an atmosphere of helplessness. People are made to feel like the world is out of control. Because the problems are so much larger than life, there is the constant state of helplessness. With enough coverage, an environment of fear can pervade the entire society. If fear becomes firmly established, the masses will go through life looking for saviors in all areas. The fun of just everyday life will have been destroyed. Hanging behind every laugh is the shadow of fear. Who can relieve the world of constant fear? The good shepherd can move into this world and promise a law that can attack every fear in our lives. The good shepherd has a plan for crime, for free medicine, for clean air, and the vision of a future when there shall be a world without fear. A President Roosevelt can promise that he will give people the freedom from fear. This is the new role of the leader. He will lead his people into green pastures, he will lead them besides clean pure waters, he will restore their strength, he will cast out all fear, and the person will be secure and live happily ever after. The new leader must see this as his mission. If he wants to prepare himself for the role of leader, he must study the great faiths in history and the words leaders used to manipulate people. The more he can imitate the man of faith, the more secure he will be as the good shepherd.


One excellent thing about being able to project the image of the man of faith is that the loyalty that normally would be planted in a religious faith will be transferred onto the good shepherd. While some nations have gone over board with statues and posters of leaders everywhere and created a dependent and resentful population, it is important to be seen as the servant leader. A dictator comes across as someone on a great ego trip. A shepherd comes across as someone just like the common man, who cares for us, but one who has the power and the necessary talent to accomplish our every demand. When he talks to us on television it is like he is talking to us alone and that he understands our every problem. T

That Hitler succeeded . . . was due to his intuitive understanding of what the German people felt and therefore he was able through his propaganda machine to tell them what they wanted to hear. It is assumed that most people want political doctrines explained to them rationally, that they cannot stand being bamboozled, that they prefer an easy life to a hard one, and that they inevitably prefer pleasures to pain, love to hate. This may be true under ideal conditions, but in the circumstances of ‘quiet frustration’ in which most lives are live it is not true at all. TECHNIQUES OF PERSUASION, J. A. C. Brown, p. 111.

The leader knows the truth about trouble, problems, and disaster. They are his bread and butter. He not only needs them, he needs to promise relief from them for the masses. Yet, the end of problems is not his goal. His goal is to give the masses a belief in the power of the leader to be their good shepherd who cares about them in troubling times. 25 MEGATRENDS MUST BE BLAMED FOR DIRECTION WE ARE TAKING

The leader must be in total control in two vital areas. He must control the interpretation of the past, and he must control the visions of the future. He must constantly be talking about the Megatrends that control our lives. A nation needs a vision of something more than everyday life. If the leader does not provide a hope and vision, a new rival leader will and that could mean the loss of power or the launching of unnecessary conflict. Leaders in the past have failed by putting all of the resources of the government into preserving the present. That may have worked during some past dark ages, but not today. Even the United States government with all its financial resources cannot stop change. And what is even more surprising is that the Soviet Union despite all of its propaganda and security resources could not stop change.


This book will attempt to analyze some of the important economic, political, and social problems that confront modern society. In the case of nearly every problem, we shall find the underlying cause to be cultural lag–the failure to adapt our institutions to new material conditions of living. . . . We are living in a period of critical social change. Whether we like it or not, the old order is being swept away and a new one is taking its place. It is our responsibility to determine whether we shall take the initiative and construct a sound new social order that will provide liberty, justice, prosperity, security, peace, and happiness for all, or whether we will shirk our task and allow society to drift into dictatorship, war, misery, and chaos. THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, Harry Elmer Barnes, p. 13. If change is going to be with us, then it is important to have change on our side. Change must be the leader’s friend. He must be seen as not the victim of change, but as the person who most understands change. If a leader lives in a farming area and it rains on the thirsty crops, why not take credit for it. In the same way, change is like the rain, it is going to happen. The shepherd must explain how change is good and that he understands change. The people need to be assured that with the proper leader, change is a sign of a healthy society. Most persons fear change so assurance is necessary that change is for the best. There is an old saying from the days of the French Revolution. It goes: I must find out where the people are going so I can lead them there. That must be the motto of the good shepherd. He must come to understand change, embrace it, and decided how it can be best used to keep himself in power. Every few hundred years in Western history In recent times change has become there occurs a sharp transformation . . . accepted more and more and normal. In [which] I called a ‘divide.’ Within a few times past we had doomsayers predicting the short decades, society rearranges itself–its end of the world if things kept on changing. worldview; its basic values; its social and In England, when people ran out of wood for political structure; its arts; its key institutions. fuel, it was viewed as the end of the world. Fifty years later, there is a new world. And Then coal and the necessary steam pumps to the people born then cannot even imagine the mine it were discovered. Hope and world in which their grandparents lived and prosperity returned to even greater heights. into which their own parents were born. We Now we see the ending of the coal and oil are currently living through just such a age, and again we see doomsayers on the transformation. It is creating the posthorizon. There is a great movement capitalist society, which is the subject of this underway to stop change. If we are running book out of oil, let’s ration it so we can survive a POST-CAPITALIST SOCIETY, Peter F. view more years is the constant cry. The Drucker, p. 1. leader that falls into this trap is going to lose power. He will be left with those who feared that if everyone owned a horse and buggy that there wouldn’t be enough hay. As we some have grown to accept and even embrace change there have been better and better techniques devised for discovering its direction. One of the ironies of change is that


happens all by itself and any attempts to control it will fail. The leader does not direct change but discovers it. He must find out where change is going so he can lead the people there. It other words, he must take credit for what is happening and what would happen without him. The leader must be aware of the social and historical Megatrends. He must then lead the people in those directions. A leader that think he can stop the internet or computer technology is going to end up with the Luddites who between 1811 and 1816 destroyed textile machinery thinking it would preserve jobs. Change is really one of the least understood forces of history and it of such a nature that politicians do not even know how to make a stand. Liberals end up talking like conservatives and conservative like liberals. The liberal supporting labor is against trade while the conservative who resists change likes what trade does for business. A leader who does show understanding of change should encourage conservative activities while at the same time as seeking ways to lessen the blows of change. A shepherd might establish a national heritage holiday as a substitute for the feelings of lostness in a sea of change. If the leader does not establish an improved substitute then the door is open for the Luddites to run society. I cannot emphasize it enough, as tempting as it is, siding with the Luddites will only result in social and political death. T

The leader must make all those who oppose him appear as individuals living in the Dark Ages. Opposing the leader is to oppose progress. It is vital that the issue be between change and no change. Those who oppose change will always look like losers because change is impossible to oppose. Vastly different ways of change must not be debated. The leader promotes change and tells everyone he understands it. There is nothing fo fear from the forces of history as long as a wise person is in charge. 26 CONTROLLING ELECTIONS MEANS CONTROLLING EDUCATION

One of the mistakes the new shepherd makes in his attempt to maintain his leadership position is to think that elections are won by campaigning. That is only the harvest that yields the fruit that has been planted many years before. The campaign tries to hit certain hot buttons in people’s minds or subconscious which has been planted by the media and the education system. The great advantage of the school planting thoughts is that as we grow older we really do believe everything we learned in kindergarten, and primary school. This is where the hot buttons must be planted to be permanent. They can be planted later but then the mind will hold two contrary opinions and the leader’s opponents might try to use those unused or latent buttons. The shepherd must constantly tell the people that the purpose of education is so that the future adults of America will be able to find fulfilling jobs. Actually, the real purpose is so that the kids will grow up to be proper voters. This is why those who attack modern education can be made to look so silly. They have very little idea, of what the real issues consist. If they want to attack the fifth grade reading level of high school kids, that is fine. Let them spend all of their energies trying to raise it to a sixth grade level. But the good shepherd knows quite well that voters do not have to be able to read. In fact being able to read well might interfere with the


election process. The best way to divert attention from the hot button education being delivered is the use of standardized tests. Whenever there is a movement to improve education and the movement seems to be getting out of control, the leader is to outline a program to raise the scores on standardized tests. The leader should not tell the people that the very tests are also being controlled by the same people who want to win elections. Not only can test scores be made to rise, but the tests can be slanted toward the skills needed to vote properly. This can be done very subtlety. All tests are written in some language. Schools are first of all to teach a language to the students. I am not talking about English or Spanish, but the very words and their meanings which are planted in the minds of kids. This planting of controlled words and The secret of American schooling is that it their definitions is the real purpose of doesn’t teach the way children learn, and it education. Ask any kid today and they will isn’t supposed to. School was engineered to be able to write or at least talk about such serve a concealed command economy and an issues as freedom, crime, drugs, environment, increasingly layered social order; it wasn’t pollution, rain forests, global warning, made for the benefit of kids and families as conservation, world peace, the death penalty, those people would define their own needs. the generation gap, abortion, justice, freedom, Unceasing competition for official favor in employment, government programs, poverty, the dramatic fish bowl of a classroom the homeless, animal extinction, delivers cowardly children, little people sunk overcrowding, discrimination, sexual in chronic boredom, little people with no diversity, gay and women’s rights, energy apparent purpose for being alive. costs, foreign trade, colonialism, slavery, THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF immigration, health care native Americans, AMERICAN EDUCATION, John Taylor and the list could be extended much further. Gatto, p. 43. But you get the idea. The above words represent the buttons that have been planted in the minds of children. If you were to go back in time the kids would be much better educated but would have no idea of what the above words mean in our sense of the definition. When a leader controls the words he thereby eliminates certain things from their very discussion. If certain words are brought into the public square for discussion there will be no reaction as the words will have no emotional meaning. Try explaining how in a truly free market system is actually the best and fairest system of pricing. By the time someone has tried to explain what he is talking about the average person has disengaged the thought. Most religious issues fall under this banner. The words of faith and the Biblical faith have lost their meaning. Religion has been reduced to an emotional experience. Such Biblical words as salvation, sin, mercy, predestination, healing, prayer, atonement, sacrifice, disciple, and so many more will fall on deaf ears. Even for those who know the words, they will be seen as irrelevant. The reason The Behavioral Science Teacher Education Project identified the future as one ‘in which a small elite’ will control all important matters, one where participatory democracy will largely disappear. Children are made to see, through school experiences, that their classmates are so cruel and irresponsible, so inadequate to the task of self-discipline, and so ignorant they need to be controlled and regulated for society’s good. Under such a logical regime, school terror can only be regarded as good advertising. It is sobering to think of mass schooling as a vast demonstration project of human inadequacy, but 45 that is at least one of its functions. THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION, John Taylor Gatto, p. 41.

they are irrelevant is that none of these words were taught in school. In this way, the leader has eliminated religious opposition. The only way the opposition can approach the leader is through the words that he has created and their definitions. The leader has won the argument even before that fight has begun. If you control the “words” you control the election. In you control the educational system you control the words. With the control of the media, the hot words can be the headline news every day. There will be no escape from the total cradle to grave word control. Baring some major foul up, there is no way the leader and his followers can ever be replaced in power. No matter what happens, the blame will be diverted by the proper use of hot words. The mantra is–bad policies do not create problems but those who oppose the proper application of the particular hot word. For example, a health care shortage is not caused by the leader’s policies, but those who have money and cause health to be diverted toward the rich. Water shortages are caused by those selfish Americans who insist on having a green lawn instead planting drought free plants. T

The leader controls the masses through the control of their thinking. There are two levels of education. There are the skills which children learn. And there is the context in which they learn skills and facts. The good leader knows that the educational skills are emphasized for the masses, but control is achieved by teaching the children a pattern of thinking, and what the controlling words of society mean. 27 DEBT IS NOT ABOUT MONEY BUT ABOUT CONTROLLING PEOPLE

In all of the talk about slavery, there is rarely any mention that the person in debt is a slave to the person he owes money. There are many ways to gain control of an electorate but any thing that makes them dependent on the current system is good. No one will risk a change if they are afraid that any thing that might affect their income will cause disaster in their lives. A person in debt must keep the money coming in each month. Sometimes life requires difficult decisions. A person it debt will put off doing something that rocks the boat until he gets out of debt. The good shepherd will see that all of the people are always in debt. The leader must always remember that debt equals dependence. And the people must always be made to realize that they are dependent on the leader to provide. “Give us this month our daily payment,” must be the prayer of the people. Our very ideas have changed. Today, And the borrower becomes the lender’s when people talk of being free they are slave. Proverbs 22:7. rarely taking about being debt free. The leader must keep the economy functioning to the level needed to keep people confident enough to keep borrowing, but the nation must never be so prosperous that people are getting out of debt. Taxes, especially the hidden ones, are the best way to keep income levels at the level of middle class subsistence. What the good shepherd is really doing is creating a reality for his people to live. Just as the fish needs water, people need a reality in which to live and make decisions. If one is not prepared for them by the leader, others will arrive on the scene who will offer other visions of reality. While the joke of the


donkey following the carrot on a stick is laughed at, the leader must never forget that people are to be treated as the donkey. They need a carrot and the leader must make sure he provides a carrot, and that it is always just out of reach. The popularity of the various lotteries is part of this same mentality. Many dream about their ship coming in, even with odds about one in forty An important fact about Babylon was its use of debt to enslave men and nations. Economic control and supremacy was Babylon’s goal, and the key to its empire was debt. Babylonian merchants, heavily controlled by the state, were encouraged to sell to peoples everywhere on easy credit terms. By this means, the inner strength of one nation after another was eroded by debt, and invasion and conquest made easy. . . . Debt-slavery preceded state-slavery. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, Rousas J. Rushdoony, p.950 million. Money is the universal carrot. It is also more easily controlled. Also the money carrot can be used to motivate many different kinds of people because of its usefulness as an exchange for a multitude of assorted pleasures. The good shepherd and his bankers create money. That is one of the little understood laws of modern life. Money used to be seen as a store of value. Gold was money because it was the historical accepted store of value. Even with the introduction of paper gold and silver receipts, the paper represented a deed of ownership for stored value. A government could print receipts but only for stored value. The genius of the new shepherd is the realization that people will accept a piece of paper created by the government as stored value. The monopoly on the creation of money is the power to rule people. No money translates into no monthly payment. Of course, debt should not be limited to just individuals. Debt should be the basis of all of society. Businesses should be in debt. Local governments should be in debt. All nations should be in debt. Debt should be as universal as the air that is breathed. This is one of the great sleight-of-hands that the leader must be aware. While his people fear other nations and their armies, debt is slowly taking over the world without a shot being fired. And the whole system can be made to appear so pervading and complex that no one, not even their leader, can understand it totally. It is just something that happened and we all have to live with it. Life is not just death and taxes, but death, taxes, and debt. Even armies today cannot fight without going into debt. No debt, no armies, and not fighting. Only those armies that have credit available can fight and carry on a war. There is something called the MacDonald’s factor in the world peace movement. The hamburger chain has outlets in some seventy countries. No two countries that have a Big Mac have ever gone to war. This is often made into a joke, but there is some reality to it. A country can only support a Mc Donald’s restaurant chain if they are tied into the international debt economy. It is not safe to invest in a nation that is independent and could take over your industry. A nation dependent on international credit is going to stay in line. Just as individuals in debt can be controlled, so can nations as they struggle to make that monthly payment. It is a system that is not often talked about but it is the reality of the whole world we live in today.



The leader should preach the freedom of his people while doing every thing to make them enslaved to debt. Because the masses are fooled into thinking that all those who do not live on plantations are free, they are kept in a new form of slavery. The new slavery enables the ruler to do as he wishes without the fear of the slaves revolting against his rule.

28 PLEASURE MUST BE PRESENTED AS THE ULTIMATE REALITY The question people always want to know, “What is truly real.” Sometimes life can be confusing and many begin to ask, “Is that all there is?” The leader must be willing to step in and always have an answer for that question. But he must be careful to disguise his true intentions. There is still a Victorian carry over that regards pleasure as wrong, or at least as wrong as a goal in life. Maybe it is part of our altruistic nature to question pleasure for it seems selfish if it is spelled out bluntly. The leader must lead his people to pleasure and at the same time deny that he is doing so. If he can do this, the people will love him for it. You see, the masses actually [There] is one basic underlying message: the utter vitality of our social fictions, and the deadly seriousness of our efforts to sustain and reinforce them. The world of human aspiration is largely fictitious, and if we do not understand this we understand nothing about man. . . . Man’s freedom is a fabricated freedom, and he pays a rice for it. He must at all times defend the utter fragility of his delicately constituted fiction, deny its artificiality. That’s why we can speak of ‘joint theatrical staging,’ ‘ritual formulas for social ceremonial,’ and ‘enhancing of cultural meaning,’ with utmost seriousness. THE BIRTH AND DEATH OF MEANING, Ernest Becker, p. 139. need to be trained in pleasure. It sounds stupid but it is true. Life in the past exerted a certain discipline. So much time was oriented around surviving and all of the details that went into, that little was left to pursue pleasure. Today may be the first age in history when the common man does not need anyone else. Everything he needs can be supplied without his promising to help back in some way. In history people needed each other to survive. A good example is our taming of the prairie through free land. Settlers were given one square mile. The first thing they did was to build a house right in the middle so no part of their land was more than about one-half mile away. That was their first house. Their second house was built in the corner of the property near three other houses built in the same corners. You did not survive but with neighbors to call upon and to help when needed. Those days are over. This is the age of the totally solitary self-sufficient individual–needing no one and having every need provided by some professional service. While a king in the past may have been able to live that way, today it is open to all except the poorest. We do not like to admit but a lot of our so-called human generosity shown in the past was only but a necessary trade off. We needed


each other and by helping others, it was like putting money in the bank in the form of others’ obligation to help me back when needed. Mentally we still think we live on the prairie and we do not like to think things have changed, but they have. The leader must recognize this and supply the new needs without mentioning the basic implications of what he is saying or doing. He will tell people that we are all a loving and generous people. The government will give expression to that temper and supply all our needs so that no one may ever be in need again. He must always say, “We are a great and generous people. We must do all that we can so that every one of us has our needs met.” Such idealism appeals to our selfish Freedom is perhaps the most resonant, nature. If we took time to analyze the deeply held American value. In some ways, situation, we would realize that we are being it defines the food in both personal and lied to about this whole government cradle to political life. Yet freedom turns out to mean grave system. But we want to be lied to, so being left alone by others, not having other we can throw off any obligations which keep people’s values, ideas, or styles of life forced us from our daily pursuit of pleasure and upon one, being free of arbitrary authority in filling our days with fun activities. If I work work, family, and political life. . . . And if the all week at some boring job, the last thing I entire social world is made up of individuals, want to do is spend my weekend helping each endowed with the right to be free of somebody raise a barn or a storage shed. others’ demands, it becomes hard to forge “Let him buy a storage shed like I did,” is bonds of attachment to, or cooperation with, what we all think. Once the above system is other people, since such bonds would imply in place, it is self-perpetuating. No one is obligations that necessarily impinge on one’s going to vote to destroy the system he freedom. depends on for survival. And the skills it HABITS OF THE HEART, Robert N. takes to be a friendly neighbor have been lost. Bellah, p. 23. The skills of the new frontier are the location of the best restaurants, the best theme parks, and the best ways to meet people who share my particular form of pleasure–such as sky diving, or coin collecting. The great thing about hedonistic people is that they do not do things to stop the pleasure. They are not going to protest over the decisions that the leader may make that have nothing to do with his personal pleasure. He may worry about social security politics, but not all of the many regulations that run every aspect of his life. Hedonists do not die for a cause unless the source of pleasure has been denied. The good shepherd is like a drug dealer, he just has to maintain a certain level of pleasure going forth from his office and his addicts will not do anything to interrupt his rule. Not only do hedonists not die for a cause, they really do not want to work for one. Despite a few professional protesters, which the leader should employ, the masses are content to just let most issues take care of themselves. That is why he votes for the system every four years.


Because the average citizen is assured This ideal of freedom has historically given that this may not be the best of all possible Americans a respect for individuals; it has, no worlds, it is still the only world we have. doubt, stimulated their initiative and And while we are striving to improve things, creativity; it has sometimes even made them the world we live in is reality. The average tolerant of differences in a diverse society person should not seek to change the system, and resistant to overt forms of political but to adjust to it. The schools and the oppression. But it is an ideal of freedom that churches and the counseling services should leaves Americans wit6h a stubborn fear of all have as their goal the helping of people to acknowledging structures of power and adjust to the conditions of the twenty-first interdependence in a technologically complex century. All discontent with the system can society dominated by giant corporations and thus be redirected inward. If someone fails, an increasingly powerful state. they must be made to feel it their own fault. HABITS OF THE HEART, Robert N. At worse it is some other person’s fault such Bellah, p. 25. as my parent or school system. He must never become aware that he is living in an artificial system. The American way must never be seen as anything less that “God’s created order.” T

The new leader must give people what they want, not what they need. He must help the masses participate in an artificial reality created to disguise the irresponsibility of the people. The masses want to live in a ‘movie’ of their own making. It is the leader’s job to help them live in this unreality. The only way the masses would ever rebel against the new leader is if he failed to validate their false reality. 29 PROPERTY MUST BE REDEFINED AS CONSUMPTION

The story of Western Civilization has been the story of property. People have worked and died for property. In our history people moved west and fought the wars against Indians and the elements just for some free property. Those days are over. The leader must slowly work to move the nation away from primitive ideas. Property is divisive. Family farms are divisive. All property must become the owned by the central government so that property can be managed for the best uses and that no one will feel property is their own to do with as they wish. It is important to understand the traditional nature of property and the threat it has for the good leader. The ancient belief that property could be owned free and clear without zoning restriction and without a tax hold over it is a dinosaur.


When Theodore Roosevelt, speaking at the Sorbonne on April 23, 1910 separated the concept of human rights from property rights, he brought to public attention an approach which was clearly alien to the American system. ‘Liberty and Property’ was a battle-cry of resistance to Parliament’s encroachment in the events leading to the War of Independence. The belief that ‘a man’s house is his castle’ rested on the assumption that liberty and property not only go hand in hand but are inseparable. The increasing separation of property from liberty, and the idea that ‘human rights’ can exist to the detriment of or in opposition to property rights, clearly means the end of the historic American system, if it be continued. POLITICS OF GUILT AND PITY, Rousas J. Rushdoony, p. 164. The good shepherd must understand the psychology of property ownership. It was looked upon by its owner as a separate nation that he could rule over as he pleased. Not only could he be a minor king, he could develop the property and pass his kingdom onto his kids without any tax on his labors. The shepherd should teach that such attitudes are a hold over from the plantation days and that the people need to adjust to the new freedom that the new concept of property has. But the real reason is that private property creates a free and independent people. If a person is allowed to be free over just a square foot of property, he starts to feel like he can be king and rule over other areas as well. Any person who can stand on that one square foot and defend it from all outsiders develops an attitude of independence and is not easily made to feel dependent on the new shepherd. You cannot take away this idea of property without replacing it with something else. This applies with all that a leader does but is probably most important is the area of property. A quick glance at today’s environment will reveal the new property. It is consumer possession and consumer entertainment. In the past a person was free if he was a property owner. Today a person is free if he can consume products and experiences. Those who protest today are those who feel they are left out of the new consumer-oriented freedom. The new ownership is over our own bodies. The new freedom is to experience whatever we want with our bodies. Property ownership involved the Biblical idea of stewardship. Man was to copy God and take his property and make it over according to his own vision. The Bible declares; “ Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them rule...over all the Go to a motion picture . . . and let yourself go. . . . Before you know it, you are living the story–laughing, loving, hating struggling, winning! All the romance, all the excitement you lack in your daily life are–in Pictures. They take you completely out of yourself into a wonderful new world. . . . Out of the cage of everyday existence! If only for an afternoon or an evening–escape. Quoted from an ad in the Saturday Evening Post, in 1924, CAPTAINS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Stuart Ewe, p. 86. earth....’” Genesis 1:26 The new cultural mandate from the new shepherd must declare that men have been


declared free from all things in the past that hindered his good pleasure. The Bible must be pictured as one of those man-made tools of oppression. The Bible must be shown for what it is: A book designed to destroy pleasure. Freedom and pleasure are pictured in the Bible as opposites, but the new freedom is the freedom to enjoy pleasure. Even property must be seen as a restriction on our ownership of pleasure. It is only the government’s total control on all property that restricts the use of property for anything that might restrict our pleasure and also allows property to be used for pleasure centers. The government zones residential neighborhoods so no one will build a factory near our home. The government also controls the neighborhood and will not allow the neighborhood to rule over itself. Any community restrictions that restrict the pleasure of private individuals are forbidden: There are no neighborhoods for traditional families only. T

The new leader is to lead his people by example. He is to be an example of the new consumer, not a pious, disciplined monk. He is to set the tone for the entire culture. He is to exalt the nation of buyers, consumers, and pleasure seekers. The laws of the nation should benefit those who work and spend, not those who strive for property ownership and personal responsibility.

30 SOCIETY NEEDS UNSOLVABLE PROBLEMS AND UNREACHABLE VISIONS A good leader is a perfectionist. He America was to become for the West a myth must hold of the goal of perfection to every of the rebirth of humanity, without the sin or area of life. No area of life must be allowed evil or poverty or injustice or persecution to be free of the perfectionist inspection. which had characterized the Old World. Societies are ruled by their utopian visions. THE CRY FOR MYTH, Rollo May, p. 93-4. One thing that the leader must never forget is that people need a heaven to believe in. By promising heaven now, the leader cannot only promote a pie in the sky but can sow the seeds of eternal frustration. These two together are very important for the good shepherd. The leader must promise hope. A utopian hope is best. That way the leader can never be held accountable. If the hope is too concrete, he can fail at his promise for a better world. If he promises to build ten thousand new miles of freeways, he can obviously fall short of that goal. And the amount he falls short of can be measured. But if he promises to work for a world where traffic delays are a thing of the past, it is harder to measure. He can always say that we are making progress and all we need are more money and more commitment from our people. Also, there are a number of goals that We all cry for a collective myth which are even more vague, that can be used to gives us a fixed spot in an otherwise chaotic create hope and discontentment. Such goals universe. as the end of sexism, the establishment of THE CRY FOR MYTH, Rollo May, 53. justice for all, and the end of racism are perfect. The more such goals are preached,


the more hope there is for a world of perfect harmony. And the more they are preached, the more discontent there is. The leader can use this discontent to discredit his enemies and those who show a lack of commitment to the heavenly vision. This whole process is not for the amateur. To promise things and know in advance you are going to fail takes not only courage, but the ability to redirect criticism to the right people. Richard Nixon could never pull this off, but Bill Clinton could. The leader must picture himself as a . . . utopias are about how people should live, secular messiah. He rules through a vision of about human nature, and the meaning and creating heaven on earth. He preaches of a purpose of life. . . . with equal access to the salvation for everyone on earth. Only those bounty of nature and equal status between who oppose who rule will no enjoy the people. . . . Utopias may be concerned with benefits of the new worldwide kingdom of the happiness of the individuals in society, or pleasure and delight. Everyone that opposes with their ideal organization, and the two his vision he pictures as fundamentalists, concerns don’t always fit together very well. religious fanatics, racial supremacists, and the They are frequently associated with periods ignorant. However, his vision should be so of great social upheaval, and so are great that it can never be attained. The trick concerned with the security of the body is to convince everyone that it is attainable politic–the state–rather than individual with enough effort and sacrifice. The truth is happiness. that the problems portrayed by the ruler are UTOPIA, Ian Tod and Michael Wheeler, p.7. beyond solution. He must use the language of the Bible, while denying the truth of the Bible. In a sense, the new leader is to offer a replacement for heaven and use the problems of this earth as his stepping stones to power and control. T

The new leader provides a religious vision for the masses. He preaches of creating a heaven on earth, and uses that vision to ensure his agenda and rule over everyone and everything. Every loss of income or freedom is pictured as part of some greater good. For example, the price of oil is kept high through restrictions on exploration and drilling–for the good of the environment, of course. Or, the dependence of everyone on expensive automobiles and the associated expenses can be blamed on greedy industrialists, but never government policy.

31 THE NEW SOCIETY NEEDS A LARGE NUMBER OF PRISONS One of the least talked about aspects of the new nation is the need for prisons and even more prisons. There is a total lack of understanding of how important prisons are to the survival of the whole system. Prisons are actually of a rather recent origin. There were prisons for the insane, but not for just plain criminals. First of all, it takes money to run a prison system and it takes a lot of people. It takes a fairly prosperous society and one with a surplus of laborers to accomplish this. A farming community with small resources cannot spare the money or the


manpower. Today, some look back on the stockade and the public whippings as being cruel. The prison as a correctional and rehabilitative institution was the invention of the early nineteenth-century reform movement in the United States. Visitors from all over Europe came to see these correctional ‘wonders.’ The most famous of these visitors was Alexis de Tocqueville, who came from France in 1831 to see our prisons, and who then wrote the most insightful study of American institutions in the nineteenth century, which also became the earliest major work in the discipline of sociology, Democracy in America (1835, 1840). TOOLS OF DOMINION, Gary North, p. 405. But they were low cost and did not require a staff to maintain. And they seemed to work. You have to realize that the crimes being committed were against real people. These were not crimes against some impersonal insurance company or against the Internal Revenue Service. And they were crimes that were considered against the community in which the person lived. Public punishment was considered a deterrent. There was a different view of man. This was a theological society based on the view that punishments (such as hell) were a deterrent. There was no thought of reforming the person. All people were expected to conform to basic social roles or else. Today such physical and psychological punishment is not considered as proper behavior. But there is more to it than just a modern sensitivity. The new society demands it. The good shepherd requires more and In a sense, the prison is analogous to the more laws to rule the modern society and final judgement. . . . The ultimate earthly more and more punishments to keep people prison is the concentration camp. . . . There in line. It is not good to have public is only one way to explain this: the desire of floggings for IRS violations. Or would a the State to become God and to impose hell society tolerate a row of people in stocks for on earth. It became a goal of State policy to drunk driving. Punishment must be kept out destroy men’s lives, to leave them without of sight. No one must ever be aware of the earthly hope in the future. It was easy to go true numbers of people in prison or for the to jail without a trail. . . . The prison is a offences they are in for. It is okay to publish bureaucracy, not a market-oriented the numbers, they are abstract, but the public institution. It is run by the State through viewing of criminals would create the image taxes’ it is a bureaucratic, management of a gulag society. We do have one but it is system, not a profit management system. invisible. And the idea of punishment is also Men are trained to follow orders, not to banished. The leader promotes the idea that innovate, take risks, and meet market people who do not act properly are being demand. . . . The prison also creates other treated with the best of mental training and horrors, such as homosexuality and training they are being housed in humane living in criminal behavior for the younger inmates quarters. That takes the sting out of the by the ‘skilled’ older inmates. prison system. TOOLS OF DOMINION, Gary North, pp. The new leader understands that the 406-8. psychology of prisons corresponds with the type of society he is trying to form. In one


sense, what the leader learns through his prisons can be used to control the greater society. The real goal is to create a society in which everyone is a prisoner, although a humanely treated one. The whole idea of prisons is that people are not in control and they are in need of some form of help or therapy. The people of a society are not capable of self rule unless they meet a certain standard, which is determined by the new leader. The human is to be compared to an animal and the criminal is merely one of the animals that escaped from the proper training in his youth. He needs to be ‘society broken.’ The new leader uses the prison not only to instill fear in the general population, but to instill the proper philosophy of man into every person: Improper training and the environment make for criminals, and proper training of human can lead to excellent social behavior in the right environment. The good shepherd must be seen at all times as the really good shepherd. He cares about his people and he would not hurt anyone. As more and more laws are passed to control people the leader must emphasize that he would not hurt anyone. The whole system is there not to control people but to heal them so that we can have a better world. People do not want to see chain gangs beside the freeway. That would put fear into the average person. That could be me out there, is the thought. Such fear might lead to the desire to reform society and the loss of power by the leader. And as more and more people go to jail for humane healing, the more the leader can expand the control over society without much protest. T

One of the first of the new leaders was Abraham Lincoln. He imprisoned almost forty thousand Northerners without a trial. His plan could never have been achieved without such a prison system. He had no qualms about killing people, but prison serves a better function. It is vital not to create martyrs, but it is also important to break one’s enemies. The potential cruelties and pain of a prison also keeps future enemies under control. Fear and pain controls people better than firing squads. 32


There is another motivation for people to act that must be eliminated. The leader has already worked to destroy the motivation of groups and families. The leader has already worked to destroy the motivation of religion. One more form of motivation must be destroyed. People will often do things and take actions so they can pass on ideas or possessions to their kids. This idea must be eliminated. For centuries a large motivating force has been the idea of progress and passing on a better world to one’s kids. The idea is that one person has experience or created things that he wants his kids to have. A family works to create capital of some kind, often with a great deal of effort, to pass on to their kids. One reason many accumulate more than they need, is for this reason. Such accumulation is not only a source of power, it is also a source of financial independence.


The leader will always work to . . . the family is the major instrument in all destroy both independent sources of power history in furthering special privileges for its and financial sources of freedom. There is members. Goethe expressed the matter only one power and all power must come thus: from the leader and his government. Also, Really to own what you inherit people who have financial independence have You must first earn it by your merit. time to accomplish tasks beyond the daily This means that inheritance taxes must be pursuit of making a living and enjoying the used to destroy the family’s desire to confer pleasures of life. As has been mentioned, the special privileges on it members. rat race is for a reason. People pre-occupied In a family-oriented society, not only do with daily affairs will not resist the things the people favor their own relatives and their leader does. A nation must thank the leader friends, but they add to the special privilege for their daily “bread.” And return again factor by increasing the advantages of those tomorrow for more daily bread. When people who are advanced or are hard-working and feel free, even on minor issues, or feel in pleasing. control over small areas of life, they often This flagrant rewarding of initiative and want to branch out into areas the leader has success is an outrage to many. set aside only for himself. INSTITUTES OF BIBLICAL LAW, Rousas The other form of inheritance is the J. Rushdoony, pp. 641-2. desire to pass on ideas and experiences to one’s children. This type of behavior not only resists change, but tends to create classes. This must not be allowed. The new leader must destroy the leadership of parents. Their experiences represent the past. Their ideas are usually not those of the leaders. The earlier the children can be separated from their parents the better. The children must be trained to expect nothing from their parents. The parents are to view life as only one generation long. The children are to be trained that their parents’ ideas are out of date. Just as the parents are to live for only themselves, so the children must see themselves as alone in time. Their life consists not in the accumulation of property or capital, but the amassing of hedonistic pleasures. The very idea of a hedonistic society and the idea of inheritance are mutually exclusive. The leader wants a society that is oriented toward pleasure. It is much easier for a leader to supply pleasure than it is to provide philosophical contentment. Revolutions are fought for ideas and wars are fought for future generations. Revolutions are not fought for more pleasure. Also, morality is one of those things that are often associated with inheritance. Parents want to pass on a moral ethic to their children. Most ethics are not about pleasure, so here too, the parents must be defeated. Also, ethics implies discipline. Discipline goes against the idea of pleasure. The bottom line is that any connection between parents and their children must be eliminated. They are to have fun together and that is all.


. . . [This is] the basic law of inheritance. What we inherit from our parents is life itself, and also the wisdom of their faith and experience as they transmit it to us. The continuity of history rests in this honor and inheritance. A revolutionary age breaks with the past and turns on parents with animosity and venom: it disinherits itself. To respect our elders other than our parents is to respect all that is good in our cultural inheritance. The world certainly is not perfect, nor even law-abiding, but, although we come into the world naked, we do not enter an empty world. The houses, orchards, fields, and flocks are all the handiwork of the past, and we are richer for this past and must honor it. . . . the family inherits from the past in order to grow firmly into the future. To lay waste our inheritance, whether in the animal world or on the level of our family, is to deny life. It is playing god; it is assuming that we made ourselves and can remake our world. INSTITUTES OF BIBLICAL LAW, Rousas, J. Rushdoony, pp. 166-7, 169. The leader should institute a system in which he claims everyone is freed from their past and its restrictions. Public schools and regular examinations will sort individuals by their talents, and each child will be separated from parental advantage, monied advantage, and social advantage. Only those who do well, by the leader’s standards, will be promoted within the new society that the leader plans. This idea appeals to the masses and it gives the new leader the power to pass on privileges to those who meet the standards desired by the new global culture. In the name of social equality, the new leader can restrict those who would oppose his plans, or whose family background or religious beliefs would make the promotion of such an individual a dangerous thing. The leader should always disguise his plans behind his public desire to achieve equality for all. T

The leader knows that those who view life as beginning at conception and lasting through eternity have a different view of life than the new order requires. It is vital that life be defined as between birth and death. We bring nothing into life and we take nothing with us or leave nothing to others. Life is now each person is to live in terms of only now. 33 THE CHURCH OR TEMPLE MUST BE SEEN AS A SOCIAL OBLIGATION

There are going to be churches or their various counterparts in a society. To attack the churches head on will only be seen as an attack, which it is. Therefore, the leader must destroy churches while at the same time promoting them. A true church in the traditional sense has always fought the good shepherd in the government so that their version of the good shepherd should rule in his stead. Obviously, this is not an option in the new leader’s society. The problem has always been that to attack the church openly is to wake up some of its slumbering members. This cannot be allowed to happen. At the same time, the church must not be allowed to teach about any other shepherd of society.


In order to disable to the church, . . . a single global technological encourage the natural reticence individuals to civilization is rapidly establishing itself. take a position that might cost them some From its point of view, religion increasingly personal loss. The church as an organization looks like a troublesome survival from the must become dependent on the government. past: a local and traditional way of The easiest way is to provide benefits with no symbolizing, enacting, and combatively strings attached. There are strings attached asserting one’s own distinctive ethnic but those will come later. Most people will identity, in the face of the theat of sign a blank sheet of paper if there is assimilation into the all-encompassing something in it for them. The churches are anonymity of the new global culture. merely asked to register with the Internal Religion everywhere seems to be embattled, Revenue Service so that any contributions to fighting a rearguard action that it must them can be deducted. Without such a eventually lose. benefit the churches cannot survive. They all AFTER GOD, Don Cupitt, p. ix. sign. The next step is merely to threaten to take away such a deduction if the church takes a stand contrary to the approved government position. The first such requests should be over very minor issues that are of no consequence. The government may say that the church is merely to submit to annual safety checks or lose their status as a qualified charity. Who could refuse such a request without being made to appear silly? After all, are we not all for public safety? But the real reason is the threat behind the request. By submitting to a safety inspection the church has now come under government regulation. The pattern has been established. The next time the church needs to remodel or expand, there are more requests tied to the threat of Moral values live, and they swim or sink, in our daily public converse, exactly like and along with economic values. People on the Right are very illogical if they refuse to acknowledge that everything nowadays is beginning to float on a free global market–not only money and prices but also linguistic meanings, religious truths, and moral aesthetic values. AFTER GOD, Don Cupitt, p. xi. government sanctions. By the time anyone has caught onto what is happening, the church has become so financially dependent upon approved contributions that any stand at all would be fatal. Also, most members will see the current issue as just the continuation of the policies. It would not pay make sense to make a stand at this late date. The final goal must be always kept in mind and each step of enslavement be so small that it would appear ridiculous to risk all for such a small step. Of course, all of the steps taken by the government are only for the good of the people and the safety its members. We cannot have unsafe buildings. We cannot have sex deviants working in the church. We cannot have nurseries that do not meet proper health care standards. We cannot have church schools that do not teach approved knowledge. The list grows endlessly as more and more issues become the concern of the good shepherd. Eventually, only a shell of the original church will be left. It will not matter whether the


church is Catholic, Baptist, or Muslim. They will all have to meet the same government regulations and will all live in fear of the good shepherd. A final technique is the use of the government’s force against small and obnoxious church groups. Churches must be found that are outside the realm of public decency. Society being what it is, there will always be an embezzler or child molester in some small church somewhere. Find that church and move in and show such a concern for its people that no one would dare protest. Every action by the good shepherd is for the good of everyone. This must be repeated over and over. It is the leader’s mantra. The issue that must never be allowed to be discussed is this: Why is the government the only agency concerned about people? Are the people in a church totally unconcerned about safety? Are they capable of taking care of themselves without the government’s help? And of course, the government must always be the only one qualified to care for its people. Left to themselves, they will quickly return to the slums and filth. It is only the good shepherd who can prevent the return to the dark ages. It is easy to see how this piece is just another piece in creating a fearful and helpless people. Each individual must always be made to feel that without the government’s protection his live is in danger. Wherever the individual steps he must be made to see class conflicts, greedy corporations, con artists, incompetent contractors, and danger at every turn. He stands alone in a universe that is totally out of control. Control can only come from the government. The only choice must appear to be between total government control and anarchy. There is no middle ground. Here again, there are enough idiots when you have two hundred and fifty million people that there are always examples. Find one polluter in Cattle Crossing, Montana, and the whole world appears full of people just waiting to pollute. Expand the list indefinitely and you have the image of a very threatening world. The leader must always keep repeating: No one is safe; no one competent, we are all alone; and death and destruction are behind every door. T

Traditionally, the church leaders have always opposed leaders who attempt to change the teachings of the church. The new leader must destroy the church by uniting their organization with his new cultural myths. The church must be brought to the point where it advocates freedom, democracy, equality, patriotism, and unity. The leader should use the dangers of various cults to scare religious people into adopting his new rational faith. This new faith will enable all church members to adjust to the norms of the new world culture. 34 THE FAMILY MUST BE SEEN AS AN OBSOLESCENT DUTY.

One of the reasons that people will not follow the new leader is that they have personal obligations that take precedence over loyalty to the shepherd. These obligations must be made to appear as something out of the dark ages. Obviously, it will not take too much effort to find unhappy people. These unhappy souls are the poster children for the new way. Their lives can be shown how the tragedies in their lives have been caused by their relationships. No one wants to be saddled with raising a family when you could be doing more fun things. No one wants to be home helping their mate when they could be playing golf or tennis. No kid wants his parents


telling what he can and cannot do. The list goes on endlessly. The rule must be that when we engage with other people it must be one our own terms and only for short periods of time. Relationships are recreational. We get together to have fun but nothing else is implied. Historical sex has been associated with long term relationships. The new society must view sex as any other human activity designed for temporary pleasure: Just because you play golf with someone does not mean you are under any other personal obligation. And the same standards should apply to sex as to any other recreational activity. The official philosophy must be that before government programs to relieve suffering, people needed to find ways to make others feel indebted to us. The family has always been a The expression ‘the paradox of freedom’ substitute for government services. The means that whenever we exercise our problem with relying on the family is that freedom we limit ourselves, simply by there are no guarantees that the services will choosing one alternative over another. And arrive. Often people are frustrated when this is the joy of moral freedom. As G. K. their mate leaves them, or their kids refuse Chesterton put it, ‘the liberty for which one to help with their end of the bargain. It is should chiefly care is the liberty to bind like being forced to beg or become a oneself.’ . . . Licence basically means you can prostituted in order to be assured that I can do what you like without fear of restraint, and count on services being provided. When it it is the farthest thing from freedom because comes down to it, the only person that I can it means you have no immediate count on is my own self. The new shepherd responsibilities or obligations. . . . must not only encourage the above feelings, Unfortunately, the Freedom Illusion has done he must see that all feelings of insecurity the greats harm to our society by substitutting and need are directed to the leader and his self-gratification and licence for the true programs. meaning of moral freedom, which has to do The new leader must promise total with our freedom to make binding freedom. In the name of freedom all commitments. individual obligations on a personal level WAR AGAINST THE FAMILY, Gairdner, must be destroyed. Social independence is p.27-8. the goal of society. People must look upon all relationships as to the effects it will have on their freedom. And freedom must be equated with personal happiness. All must be made to feel that if they are not happy it is because there is something that is restricting their freedom. The suggestion then must be, that it is other people who are a threat to our ego and our personal satisfactions. It is such a simple truth, that it rarely goes unchallenged. The consequences of this line of reasoning are ideal for the new shepherd. Total freedom will eventually result in social chaos. No one can live in chaos. A world cannot be patterned after Henry Thoreau’s cabin the woods. There must be a social order. The unspoken rule is that people who are totally independent of all other people will become totally dependent on the government and the services it offers. The best way to enslave the masses is to promise them freedom. Total freedom will eventually lead to anarchy. Anarchy demands that someone step in and restore order. The usual method for restoring order is for a leader to promise order at the price of liberty. Order will always be chosen in times of chaos.


This whole process starts with government education. Schools must train the young from the very first in the ways of total independence. That is why the only good school is one that is separated from the parents. Home schooling prolongs the idea of dependence and obligation. Once the child has been separated from his parents, he must also be separated from other adults except for the government instructor. The child must see his immature peers as his whole world. Anyone who has watched children play knows the chaos that results. Arguing and fighting is the rule. Into this confusion the teacher can step in to restore order. The teacher thus represents the new shepherd that the child is being trained to look to for solutions. The real purpose of government education must be the teaching of the young that they are on this planet for their own pleasure. Unfortunately there are other people who are out there that are not nice as you. The real evil in this world are those greedy others who will take advantage of you and your desire for personal pleasure. These evil people are those corporations and other impersonal operations that will do anything for their personal pleasure. These evil men must be controlled. The only way a weak individual can stand up and prevent the world from being destroyed is to form an alliance with the government against all evil. The children must be programmed to look to the shepherd to protect them from the evils that will prevent their own personal pleasure. T

The new leader must come between children and their parents. The age of social obligations must be destroyed in favor of the isolated individual and his life’s goals. The destruction of all obligations is also the destruction of Western Civilization. The new civilization should be based upon only the central government, and the isolated individual, separate from all others.

35 LARGE SCALE IMMIGRATION WILL DESTROY CULTURAL UNITY One of the other sources of identity that people feel is their sense of ethnic heritage. This is especially true of Anglo-Saxons. The new leader must do everything in his power to lessen resistence. One of the best ways is to create a society made up of a number of ethnic groups. Each group should be separate from the other groups. Each group should be encouraged to preserve their ethnic heritage. As each groups battles for public space, it limits the power of all other groups in society. The new leader should always picture his goal as one of creating a new unified society out of the chaos of ethnic divisions. In actuality, ethnic divisions are one of his The architects of statism know that if the sense of privacy, and the historically deep moral feelings associated with romantic love and sex, can be removed from the function of sex, then removing taboos and traditions from other areas of human life will be relatively easy. Once the State invades intimacy itself, converting the private into the public, the intimate into the banal, then what is public becomes paramount over what was private. The equation carried in the minds of those–especially the young–who have been through this ‘morals striping’ process goes like this: ‘If the State was right about something as powerful as sex, ir must be right about everything else, too.’ THE WAR AGAINST THE FAMILY, William D. Gairdner, p. 29. 61

most powerful allies. His policies should thus have the twin goals of unity and division. What the leader must fear is an organized opposition among a large number of people. This cannot be allowed to happen. But to take on the opposition in a direct frontal attack only hardens the opposition. All attacks must be done in such a way that there is no way the leader will appear as the instigator. To accomplish this the leader should encourage both legal and illegal immigration of groups that will not align themselves with the groups that see themselves as the cultural leaders. After a family, a person will most naturally align himself with some ethnic or cultural heritage. It has already been pointed out the necessity of breaking up the family. That having been accomplished, the ethnic groups must be attacked. This goal, division through immigration, must not be presented in those terms obviously. The leader presents his goal through the most idealistic and humanitarian reasons. It must never appear that he is trying to break up a cultural homogeneity. The Statue of Liberty is the best example of this tactic. America was regarded up until this time as a haven for white Europeans. They tended to align themselves with Western Civilization. The call must go for every misfit from all over the world to come to the United States. It must be pictured as one of the great humanitarian acts of all of history. Every outcast for whatever reason will be welcomed to this nation. Once this goal has been achieved, the next step must be the portrayal of the new group as the victim of the established group. This usually does not require too much effort. Not only do these natural differences exist between the groups, there are competitive differences. Groups tend to look after their own. People of like nature, tend to associate together. But in any economy the new group also is in competition with the older group for jobs and government favors. All that is necessary for conflicts to arise is for the limitation of resources, such as occurs during a normal recession. When such a recession does occur, it is important for the groups to be pitted against each other. A big deal can be made out of the parceling out of government help through ethnic and racial quotas. No longer will one look upon himself as an American. One must now look upon himself as part of some group. The image of the melting pot can be maintained for propaganda purposes, but the real image must be that of a jungle. Groups will more and more see other groups as the enemy. If it were not for that other group, all would be well. Here is where the new leader must impose new laws. He must move in as the great peace maker who seeks to provide for all. He must be seen as doing everything possible to restore order. In fact, his immigration policies have brought about the whole situation. No matter. The particular groups will be so afraid of losing their share of the pie that they will not attack the dispenser of the pie.


It is but too common a remark of late, that the American character has within a short time been sadly degraded by numerous instances of riot and lawless violence in action, and a dangerous spirit of licentiousness in discussion. . . . There are some who rashly attribute it to the natural tendency of Democracy, which they say is essentially turbulent. This is the most dangerous opinion of any that is advanced, as it must of necessity weaken the attachment of those who advance it, to our form of government, and must produce in them a criminal indifference to its policy, or traitorous desires for its overthrow. One great opposing cause that embarrasses the benevolent operations of the country has apparently been wholly left out of the calculation, and yet it is a cause, which, more than all others, one would think, ought first to have attracted attention. This cause is Foreign Immigration. . . . How is it possible that foreign turbulence imported by ship-loads, that riot and ignorance in hundreds of thousands of human priest-controlled machines, should suddenly be thrown into our society, and not produce here turbulence and excess? Jcan one throw mud into pure water and not disturb its clearness? IMMINENT DANGERS TO THE FREE INSTITUTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES THROUGH FOREIGN IMMIGRATION, Samuel F. B. Morse, pp. 4-5. Everyone develops the attitude that if it were not for the good shepherd there would be an all-out race war. Just as Adam Smith used to talk about the invisible hand, the new leader must be the author of the real invisible hand. The various groups must never suspect that the shepherd manipulates the whole process. The shepherd and his policies are the new unity. No one bites the hand that feeds them and the leader must be sure that he is the hand that feeds them. Also, there will be no great cry for freedom out of fear of what the other group might do. The beauty of this whole system is that no one ever suspects that the great peace keeper is the very one who started the whole war. The use of propaganda maintains the image of the leader really having no control over the events that caused the conflicts, but is doing his best to solve the problem. T

The new leader understands that it is much better to use other people and guilt to fight his battles than to attack his enemies directly. To use an extreme example, to allow cannibals to immigrate into America, will create social conflicts. The new group and the established groups will have no common law system. Social peace can only be achieved through the imposition of a new law system by the leader which forces both groups to change their behavior–for the social good, of course. The resulting new laws desired by the leader will be accepted. An acceptance which would not have existed apart from the ethnic conflict. 36 THE NEW NATION MUST HAVE A NEW ARCHITECTURE

The ruler must see to it that every detail reflects his desires. Nothing can be left to chance. He may proclaim chance rules and all is chaos, but that is only for public


consumption. He knows better. One of the details that must be used is the creation of a national architecture that reflects the new realities. If you go to Europe and visit some of the great old cities you will often find a peacefulness in one’s heart as one walks the streets. There is something about the city that strikes a cord in one’s heart. The reason is that architecture reflects the beliefs of the people that live in those environments. Our architecture does not reflect life at a slower pace. Our architecture is designed to sell and to maintain a constant flow of The people involved in this work [of people. building preservation] speak, often, not just We have environments designed for of architectural beauty but of the character of leisure and some for pleasure and some for a place, or its essential spirit, or the quality of selling. Each is designed as a commodity to lie there, or of its livability, genius, flavor, be bought and sold. We live in a feeling, ambience, essence, resonance, environment that has totally transformed us presence, aura, harmony, grace, charm, or and we have totally transformed the seemliness. These are probably allusion to an environment. We have gone from being a actual direct experience of some place. And total person who prefers to interact with a mention of ‘people places,’ or of the total environment to a specialist. It is like we individuality of specific place, or the urban or have a cord sticking outside of our body with rural or wilderness quality there, or its scale, a plug on it. We travel to different locations or human scale, or visual charm, or beauty, or to push this plug into many different scenic quality, will most likely be an attempt architectural environments. We plug it into to convey some specific component of an the theme park, we plug it into the shopping experience. mall, or we plug it into the church. Whatever THE EXPERIENCE OF PLACE, Tony Hiss, we feel our particular need is, we just go p. 15. there, and plug our experience connector into the environment. The new shepherd must keep this in mind when selling his programs and seeking to attain votes. We are no longer the humble human seeking meaningful interaction with other humans. We are seeking an experience or a transaction. Our new ideas of freedom are not about teaching a particular history or view of life to our kids, it is about the ability to plug into as many experiences as possible. There is some remnant of the farm ideal of a ‘barn-raising’ or local grange meeting in all of us. And while the propagandist can use these memories to mold ideas, the new leader must realize where people really live. They live in the houses and the strip malls and the sub-division. This is the type of architecture which promotes the government dependent person. The leader must never give in to these fantasies of a golden farm age. If a person wants to get the feeling of living in the past, he can go to an amusement park that specializes in this type of experience. The cities must be built without the traditional neighborhoods. The experiences of shopping, visiting friends, and going to the park must be separate commodities both in architecture and in people’s minds. An architectural style that makes people want to interact, and to slow down, is not useful to building the new communities. The great thing about controlling the environment is that no one will realize that the very way everything is organized affects the way they think. People’s minds can be controlled through the total architecture of the city just as easily as


through government schools. And of course, the school should also reflect the environment of the modern factory. The school buildings should not reflect beliefs that no leader wants the children to learn. Obviously, we could build schools to look like Swiss alpine villages. But such buildings would not prepare the youth to live in the new architecture of plug-in pleasure. By having beliefs built into the architecture, reform ideas are much less likely to catch on. The beliefs of the new society will be so ingrained into the environment that no one will be able to imagine living any other way. That is how the leader wants. This is not only the best of all possible worlds, it is the only possible world. All who oppose the leader are made to appear as opposing reality itself. Only a fool would take a stand against gravity. T

The shepherd must create individuals who desire his services. The nation is to be constructed around specialized modules. The individual learns that every need has a specific location. The new citizen learns to satisfy his needs by knowing the location that fulfills every need. This directs him to the governmentally designed locations, and it keeps him from looking to his friends and neighbors for his basic human needs. 37 ALL LEADERS NEED AN OPPOSITION DEVIL

Sometimes it is easier to motivate people with hatred than it is with positive ideals. The ultimate hatred is the Christian idea of the devil or Satan. Any good philosophy of life that denies Christianity is well disposed to offer a new devil for the masses to vent their hatred upon. The leader must locate a group or groups that oppose his policies. The best group in today’s world is to picture religious extremists as the new devil. People have already thoroughly prepared mentally that religious people are not in touch with the real world. Of course, the shepherd gets to define the meaning of “real”. And any opposition is most likely to come from this type of group. Thus, a shepherd can not only get rid of his main opposition, but use them to carry out his purposes. There will always be problems in The general picture emerges that society. All problems must have a source. If individuals, when frustrated or unhappy, tend a source is not found, the idea might develop to displace aggression onto groups that are that the leader’s plans are themselves to be visible, and are relatively powerless. blamed. It is important to have extremist Moreover, the form the aggression takes groups to blame. Thus, while a leader wants depends on what is allowed or approved by to denounce the actions of an extremist the in-group in question. group, he does not want to eliminate them. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Aronson, Wilson, He wants to use them. Any group that is and Akert, p. 525. actually a serious threat must be eliminated. Baring some extreme crisis, such a group existing in today’s world will not survive for long. Even the “so-called” extremist groups would unite behind a real threat. What the leader wants above all are pseudo threats. They can be used without being a threat and can actually be crushed at any time the leader so wishes. There are not many right wing groups that cannot be


eliminated with just the rounding up of a hundred leaders. The power of hate is enormous. It is impossible to fight a war without the mobilizing of hatred. It seems innate within all of us for the need to express hatred. The leader must make use of this prime motivator. While a few may find comfort in job, hearth, and home, most require something concrete and powerful to raise their attention level. It is like in a sporting event. Nothing sells tickets like a hatred for the opposing team. Some will show up just to watch the game, but most want the evil opponent smashed. It helps if the opponent has black uniforms or caps. The darkness of evil is a fundamental. In fact, in the absence of everyday evil, people will create it through sporting events. The leader will encourage such sporting events. This keeps the spirit of hatred alive while can then be redirected at any time necessary. The official term is to scapegoat. The important thing to remember that men project their hostilities onto powerless groups. It is the leaders job to make sure that the groups that he uses be powerless except in the image created for them. Also, society will project their frustrations onto officially approved groups for such person. The leader by example must point out which groups he finds distasteful and “dangerous”. By using loaded words to describe groups that are out of favor it makes it much easier for people to attack them. After all, who would not want to attack a hate group? And who would dare come to the defense of hate? To examine the consequences of guilt, In order to break the resistence of social psychologists have induced people to those might oppose scapegoating, it is transgress: to lie, to deliver shock, to knock necessary to instill a sense of guilt into over a table loaded with alphabetized cards, society. People who feel guilty over some to break a machine, to cheat. Afterward, the misdeed are much more guilty to need a guilt-laden participants may be offered a way scapegoat. And it helps if the person feels to relieve their guilt: by confessing, by guilty toward the leader and his new social disparaging the one harmed, or by doing a order. The best way to produce guilt is good deed to offset the bad one. The results through such a system as the income tax are remarkably consistent: People will do laws. Many of the laws are intentionally whatever can be done to expunge the guilt vague. Most will err in their own favor. This and restore their self-image. will result in a certain feeling of obligation SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, David G. Myers, toward the government. This is a good p. 524. feeling upon which the leader can draw. We naturally want to earn the good favor of those more powerful than we are. Especially those that we might have wronged. Other forms of implied social shortcomings are also important to impart to a population such as racism and sexism. T

The leader understands that evil resides in all people. Most people are looking for ways to purify themselves. The many false religions cater to this need. But it is also important that the leader provide an outlet for those who feel some social guilt. A nation can be unified around a leader who leads them down the paths of social purification. The focusing of the nation upon some evil unites everyone in a common bond and feels good about a leader who makes them feel pure and accepted.


38 THE WORKPLACE SHOULD BECOME THE NEW FAMILY AND BASIC SOCIAL UNIT With the breakdown of normal social relations, substitutes need to be provided. The work place can become one of the most productive substitutes for past feelings of belonging. With corporations looking for ways to increase productivity, the establishment of family ties will create an environment conducive to productivity. This is not an option, but a necessity. With the disappearance of the traditional family, substitutes must be found. The building of workplace ties also can be more permanent than the family. Moving from a job today can involve personal costs and in many ways the new job is more permanent than the family. Because of fringe benefits accumulated through seniority, most are very reluctant to leave their jobs. On the surface this does not sound like a topic that the new leader would be interested in any way. That is not the case. Large corporations are very responsive to government regulations. They can be easily controlled. The new shepherd can use this responsiveness to change the way people think and behave. It was nearly impossible for the government to move in and regulate the traditional family. By the very word “traditional,” it implies a resistence to change. The modern corporation is born out of change and is constantly changing. Change is an accepted part of the life of any business. The new leader moves in with suggestions and regulations which the business is advised to follow. Any resistence to the suggestions has the implied threat of government regulation. One of the new powers of the modern corporation is the use of personality management upon its workers. The large business must not only manage people for more productivity, it must manage people so that they form a team. With a multi-racial, multi-ethic, and multi-religious work force, ways must be found to unify this diverse group into a homogeneous whole. This purpose fits in well with the new shepherd’s goal of the formation of a new type of nation. Pressure can be applied to the corporation to use their power and its captive audience to create the new man. Workers can be required to attend psychological training which they would never even think of attending outside of the workplace. Just as the church used to teach people the doctrines of the Bible, the new corporation must teach its workers the doctrines of the new worker. The leader must see to it that the government schools resemble the corporation. There will be less resistance to the teaching corporation if the worker has spent his entire life in a structure that resembles the new business organization. People just do not automatically form impersonal relationships and think they are real. They must be trained to think that working together is a meaningful relationship. The classroom can fulfill this function. The students can learn to interact in the classroom setting. The discussions monitored by the teacher can be used to create a false sense of personal communication. Students can be made to feel that sitting around and talking about the national healthcare crisis is participating in reality. The school can be used to isolate the individual from his heritage, to force him into new social mixes, and to destroy all natural loyalties. The school becomes the new primary reference point. The student’s loyalty can be transferred to the school’s sports teams: ‘Go Big Blue’ become the new nationalism. The school can also be used to create the new meritocracy. By


separating students according to their test scores, they learn that all are not equal in the new world of social training. Also, the students are isolated by function. Educational adjustment to a corporate life becomes the goal, just like a corporation manufactures products. Kids commute to perform the educational production routine. This is just like real life. The life the leaders want his people to look upon as real. The school and the business must The net effect of holding children in become one in order to build the new man for confinement for twelve years without honor the new shepherd. The government must paid to the spirit is a compelling discourage any alternative form of education. demonstration that the State considers the For example, the old one-room school house Western spiritual tradition dangerous. And of did a better job of educating the whole course it is. School is about creating loyalty person. There was an interaction between all to certain goals and habits, a vision of lie, age levels. Older students were expected to support for a class structure, an intricate be mentors. And the school was seen as an system of human relationships cleverly extension of the family. The parents and designed to manufacture the continuous low teachers were closely associated, and the level of discontent upon which mass education catered to the interests of the local production and finance rely. community. The student that graduates from THE UNDERGROUND HISTORY OF this type of school will not fit in well with the AMERICAN EDUCATION, John Taylor new impersonal global multi-national Gatto, p. 288. conglomerate. The new factory school creates a person who has been trained to think of the impersonal world of the large centrally located school as the best of all possible worlds. The student and the worker both must be trained to see their self esteem as being fulfilled by the full participation in the group process. The loner in the school is to feel just as much as an outsider as the loner in business. It is only by full participation in the factory that one comes to feel that life has meaningful purpose. Both the factory school and the factory business must be built on the principles of the Skinner Box. A maze must be created for all to navigate. Rewards are given to those who navigate the maze and achieve the desired results. In schools the rewards are grades and letterman jackets. In business the rewards are promotions and increased pay. People must be trained to see these rewards as worthy of working their whole lives for, and not seeing the emptiness of it all. The pressures of being re-manufactured into the new man are great. The students must be trained to see personal pleasure and consumption as the counterpoint to the factory system. This is why sex education must be part of any government school system. The student must be trained from early on to see the purpose of life as the creation of as many personal pleasurable moments. The student must see the consumption of sex or products as the purpose of life. This training will carry over into life in a corporate world. He will work in the global factory to keep the supplies of products and pleasures on his psychic table. And because he has spent his entire life inside this artificially created reality, it will not dawn on him that there exist other possible worlds. Life is the story of working for the rewards that are offered up as the purpose of life. T

The leader can only rule over humans that behave in predictable ways. From


childhood though adulthood, each individual must learn to see life based on the corporate model. The traditional family must be replaced with a new type family that can be managed, and that can find the impersonal corporate world meaningful. All life must be seen as existing within the world culture that has been created to maximize production and to see consumption as the goal of living. 39 COMMUNICATION MUST BE TOTALLY TRANSFORMED Language is the great thing that makes us human. The very words we use and their meanings shape our personalities. The shaping of the language cannot be left to chance. By changing language, the leader can limit the ways people understand society. This use of words, is one of the most revolutionary ideas that the new shepherd must understand. Control words and their definitions and you control people. This is why one of the new battlefields today is over the use of words and their definitions. Control words and you control people. Control definitions and you control how they think. Change the way people talk and you can change the very cultural systems and the government itself. If our concept of words we use is changed This is why political correctness is so so that we no long believe those words reflect concerned with those who use improper an external reality, then our commitment to words. There is an understanding that if external reality itself is undermined. one’s opponents hold onto their speech This strong connection between words and patterns, you have not defeated them. The our perceptions of external reality makes our final defeat of any enemy is the defeat of ability to appreciate reality vulnerable to the their language. When the former language manipulation of our language. has been finally put to rest, the enemy can THE DEATH OF REALITY, Lawrence then be declared defeated. Therefore, the Dawson, p. 43. new leader must so define new words to such an extent that no one will even realize that the old meanings have disappeared. For example, the new definition of freedom has no connection with the definition of freedom from two hundred years ago. Yet anyone who tries to retrieve the old definition is pictured as someone using some Appalachian Mountain dialect. Propaganda is often described as the forcing of ideas onto people. A defeated nation is submitted to a barrage of manufactured information creating a mirage of guilt which the defeated people are to adopt as real. This is the overt propaganda but is easy to detect. It is also easy to confront if someone has access to information that disproves the propaganda. This is the weakness of propaganda. But there is no such weakness in the use of language as a weapon of propaganda. Back to the idea of freedom. Those educated in government schools have a wholly new idea of freedom. It has several meanings. It means one is no longer a slave, such as in the old South. It means that one is free to choose one’s moral ethic. It means that no other person has power over me. The primary definition of freedom, that attracts supporters today, is the doctrine that freedom to pursue personal pleasure is the ultimate purpose of life. A person who is free to


choose to be moral or immoral with consenting adults is considered to be free. It is proclaimed over and over that no one can tell me what to do. It is repeated so often that very few realize how limited the new freedom is. The new freedom does not apply when it comes to the relationship of the individual with any regulating government agency. As such agencies take over the regulating of life in the name of creating the good life, there is little room for even the new freedom. A good example is that people can grow marijuana in their own house, use it in their own house and not involve anyone else, and yet be breaking the law. But the new regulations are greater than the new freedom of personal pleasure. The purpose of Newspeak was not only to We are all familiar with George provide a medium of expression for the Orwell’s book 1984 and its use of new speak. world-view and mental habits proper to the There is hardly a more important document devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other for the new leader. As often as we joke about modes of thought impossible. It as intended Orwell’s thesis not happening, it really has. that when Newspeak had been adopted once The problem is not that it did not happen, is and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical that so few recognize that it did come true. thought, a heretical thought–that is, a thought We do live in a world of Newspeak. The diverging from the principles of Ingsoc– proper use of language is one of the current should be literally unthinkable, at least so far cultural battlegrounds. Each race is to be as though is dependent on words. referred to by their new accepted title, the 1984, George, Orwell, 303. proper use of gender specific pronouns has become a mark of one’s liberation from tradition, and the labeling of opponents through certain words can spell their doom. For example, what politician could survive an attack which said he associated with right-wing, neo-Nazi, white- supremacist, anti-Semitic hategroup? These are words that are used as bullets to kill any discussion of such views. T

The new leader always uses direct control as a last resort. His successful reign of power requires that he master the art of indirect control over people’s lives and their mind. The control of words and their meanings is to control the behavior of the masses. For example, everyone desires freedom, so the leader defines ‘freedom’ in a way that elicits the behavior he desires. 40 CREATE A WORLD OF TRIVIAL REALITY

Distractions must be so much a part of life, that no one will have the time or the inclination to seek out any other lifestyle than the one provided for by the new shepherd. Some of the distractions have already been listed such as a constant banter between minor rival power groups. Listen to the news on television, or scan or local paper. This is the stuff that is to occupy the minds of the common people. The new leader is to keep so many issues before the public that reality will appear as a desert made up of particles of sand. Each piece of sand represents one bit of information programmed daily for publication. As the information piles up the reality of the desert is born. But it is dry and endless and not inviting at all. This is how the


Thus, a prime requisite for being a TV news anchor is not necessarily that of being on top of the news but of being able to mollify us, to soothe us after a long hard day of stress. When ideas and events themselves no longer carry any badge or mark of instant coherency and credibility, then the cohesion we need to make sense of our lives has to be carried by some other elements in our society. In this age of huge, bureaucratic institutions, lacking not only the personal touch, care, and concern, but also regard for the dignity of either their employees or those whom they pretend to serve, what better supplier of continuity could there be than the pleasant faces who make pablum out of chaos and soothe our fragile egos by masquerading as our ‘friends.’ THE UNREALITY INDUSTRY, Mirtroff and Bennis, pp. 13-14. world must appear to the average consumer. It is not just a question of information being overloaded, it is a question of trivial information being overloaded. So much inconsequential information is published each day that there is no way anyone can make sense of it all. This is the purpose. The information presented must be of such a nature that no overall meaning can be discerned. It is to appear like the random popping of popcorn. The popping is not music, just random noise. Information that ties together has the appearance of music. It projects a reality that can be discerned. The random popping is just that random. There is nothing to be learned or understood. It is just noise. And it is the noise of everyday life that is to be the real news taught each day. . . . TV knowledge is essentially visual, Each piece of random news must be incoherent, frenetic, lacking context, without treated as if it were important. The a larger framework to ground the images that announcers on television must be like priests are thrown at the view, and contradictory; serving communion to the congregation. The i.e., essentially it is patternless knowledge, if news items are to be treated as something that can be called knowledge at all in the very sacred. And just as no one understands classic sense of the term. the real meaning of religious rituals, so the THE UNREALITY INDUSTRY, Mitroff and news must be similarly understood. People Bennis, p. 181. sit and receive the news and feel like the person who has been to church. The church goer and the viewer have done a duty. What that duty really means is irrelevant. It is something that must be done to be a Christian or an informed citizen. And just as the average church goer feels part of something, so does the viewer. But also, just as the average church goer does not really understand why his presence matters, so the average citizen does not understand his being informed is so important. As the leader keeps people occupied with trivial matters, the government is then free to pursue it own political agenda with little interference. After all, reality is so complex, no amateur would dare invade the domain on issues of such supreme importance. The leader must be presented a little bit like Jesus and His twelve disciples. The shepherd can be seen conferring with his Harvard and Yale trained experts. What they talk about is not really said. That is that the issue. The important thing is that the new leader must appear as the master in charge of fate.


For example, the average person is not expected to understand the nature of money and how the government and bankers create money and then earn interest on it. It is too complex except for only the very elite. The media will report only the trivia involved in finance, not the real issues. Real issues are not part of the new reality. If the average viewer does not feel totally overwhelmed after reading or watching the news, then the leader has not done his job. The whole purpose of creating a trivial reality is to send people back to little bits of reality they think they can understand and control. Others might enjoy becoming a spectator of trivial reality by listening to talk shows. This creates the situation where a person mows his lawn and feels good inside. He has done something he can understand, can control, and can see the results. Trivial reality has driven him into a private world. This is good. The trivial spectator gets the same feeling by writing his congressman about some issue discussed on talk radio. It gives the same feeling as mowing your lawn. But in the end you are the only one who cares whether you mow your loan or write some letter. But for the shepherd these and many more acts like them are to be encouraged. This is the reality that the shepherd is selling. This is the “real” world created for consumption. We are preoccupied with unreality This whole scenario is one reason so precisely because we lack a good myth, i.e., a many feel a low level frustration with life. really good Big Story to give ultimate They feel sometimes as if life is just not that meaning and purpose to our lives. The old big a deal. This is why the shepherd must myths, the old stories, have collapsed and no constantly play up the good times that await new ones have emerged to fill the vacuum. for those who retire. The new government . . . given a reality that is too painful to without a retirement is not possible. This is bear, the people will drift toward unreality. one reason why, as society changed from Great, true leaders and myths are therefore individuals in control to the government in necessary to stem the tide. control, that Social Security was an essential THE UNREALITY INDUSTRY, p. 193. part of it. Being in control of one’s life and one’s destiny gives one a certain satisfaction. It is its own reward. Take away that reward and some other reward must be added. Social Security is the best way. It is the carrot on the stick, but it is a very long stick. The promise is this: Work for fifty years doing something you really do not want to do and get no satisfaction from, and we will reward you. You can be free and in control of your destiny after you have served the leader for a time. T

The new leader cannot change human nature, so he must understand how to direct it to his own ends. The desire to understand the world and to be in control must be transferred to the leadership. In its place, substitutes must be offered that allow the masses to think they still have some of their natural human powers left. The masses must be made to feel that they share in the leadership and his decisions, even when they do not. And in time, all can retire to a life where they make their own reality and control their own destiny. 41 THE AVERAGE PERSON MUST BE MADE TO FEEL FRAGILE


The new leader is not looking for a nation of leaders. Society only needs one leader and several wise counselors. The rest of society must constantly feel that to be a human is a very precarious thing. Individuals who are vulnerable are good followers. The new shepherd must work to instill fears and doubts into his people from the very young to the very old. Children must be taught to see an enemy in every adult. The school should instill a sense of helplessness in all students. Subjects such as sexual abuse and parental misconduct should be introduced into the curriculum of the elementary school. Children should be taught to accept a view of the world that is very threatening. There is no refuge for safety except the government school and the government paid advisors. From the earliest age the child must feel that the government is the Society’s prospectivity has shifted modes. What society looks toward is no longer a return to the promised land but a general disaster that is already upon us, woven into the fabric of day-to-day life. The content of the disaster is unimportant. Its particulars are annulled by its plurality of possible agents and times; here and to come. What registers is its magnitude. In its most compelling and characteristic incarnations, the now unspecified enemy is infinite. Infinitely small or infinitely large: viral or environmental. THE POLITICS OF EVERYDAY FEAR, ed. by Brain Massumi, p. 11. old thing he can depend on for safety. Even in schools a certain amount of chaos is good for the leader’s goals. By allowing some amount of unruliness to exist (in the name of freedom and individual expression, of course) in the school the student gains a feeling of being alone. The student is made to feel that even the world of his peers is very threatening. Once the student has fully accepted the message of total aloneness in a chaotic universe, he is open to suggestions to quiet his sense of despair. This is the real purpose of education. The leader should encourage people to argue about test scores and which subjects should be taught as long as the school is allowed to continue its real mission. As in all events that the leader programs, deception is vital. Schooling is no exception. Even when the leader allows a certain amount of violence to exist in a school, all of this must be used as part of the smoke screen. One of the other messages that must be taught to the students is the incompetence of parents in today’s world. Parents must be seen as totally out of touch with the new world created by the shepherd. One way this can be is the introduction of subjects into the curriculum which the parents did not have. This is easy today with the teaching of computer skills to children. Children must be taught how superior they are to their parents. After all, your parents are no help when it comes to helping you with your computer lessons. In other times, radical ways of teaching math made parents feel out of touch. There is no way the parents knew what their children’s lessons were about. All of this is done for a purpose. It not only undermines the parents’ authority in other areas, it destroys the child’s confidence in his parents. Only the government school knows how the world really works. As the young progress through the governmental system, more sophisticated methods must be used. In the teenage years the insecurity of the average teenager must be manipulated to instill a sense of insanity. The idea must be taught that insanity is something that can strike


anyone. There is not one kid that when he goes through puberty and enters the adult world that does not experience a feeling of being out of control. These feelings left to themselves are harmless. The new leader must see that the school amplifies these feelings. By allowing a low level of drug use and the amplifying of random insane acts of violence, there is a feeling that one’s mind is not stable. That what happened to the student being held up as an example that could happen to anyone. This is certainly frightening to the child. Again, a frightened student is open to all kinds of suggestions. As the student progresses into the job market, it is vital that there be periods of unemployment for the entry level worker. The business cycle must be taught as something that is part of nature like rain. It could strike anytime with any amount of severity. Every generation must be made to feel the pain of unemployment and debt. This not only continues the education into fear, it gives the shepherd a chance to move in and prove to the young worker that the new shepherd cares about him. He offers financial assistance and programs to help find a new job. Again, the message is one of a very threatening world where even the best fight just to survive. With the groundwork already done in the worker’s younger years, the message despair and powerlessness is easily accepted. As the person progresses into More than a hundred years have passed adulthood, other fears must be accented to since Nietzsche observed that God was dead, keep the fears alive. Each stage of a person’s and it may be that the television anchor, life is susceptible to different fears. The parodically sitting at the right hand of leader must study and understand each stage nothing, is only monitoring events with the and be prepared to capitalize on the rest of humanity, attempting to conjure into insecurities of each level. As the worker existence a new home for humanity. But the becomes established in his job, new fears home anchor wishes to establish is . . . [in] a arise. The sense that his days of immunity permanent state of emergency. from death and disease must be introduced. THE POLITICS OF EVERYDAY FEAR, The press should be used to play up any new pp. 318-9. disease or even the threat from each flu epidemic. Any person that appears to be in good health and is suddenly stricken makes for good fear inducement. The idea must be that even when a person eats right and exercises right gives one no sense of assurance. Disease and death could strike anyone at any moment. Again, persons caught up in such fears make poor leaders. People that feel helpless even in regards to their own body are not very likely to have confidence that they can change the world for the better. Sometimes when persons become old there is a renewed sense of courage. There is an acceptance of death and the pains of life. Some people lose their fears at this time in their life. This age is the most difficult one for the leader to manipulate. The old must be made to feel a responsibility for the young. There must be a turning of their fearlessness into a fear for their kids. The old must be directed into the same programs for saving the young that the government is using. One other method must be to keep the old in fear and that is financial insecurity. The governmental policies such as medicare, social security, and tax laws for the retired must be as complex as possible. The forms must be difficult to fill out and the feeling that a person could lose his entitlement or be in violation of some tax code must be forced into the elderly’s


consciousness. Again, keep them in fear and insecure with a sense of guilt for the young. Then they are in control by the new leader. As you can you. The new world is As far back as 1994, fifty-nine percent of very threatening. We are all alone with no American adults believed doomsday to be hope. All we have is the pleasure of the day. very near. Of these individuals, sixteen As long we feel that the world is a place that percent saw it happening within several is nasty, brutish and short, we will not act to hundred years, twenty-one percent gave earth change it. We become preoccupied with just just decades, and twelve percent place the survival. This is the ideal world for the terminus of humanity somewhere within a leader. Just as in times past people were so few years. concerned with earning their daily bread that END TIME VISIONS, Richard Abanes, p. they were literally slaves to the system even viii. though they were called free. It is no longer politically possible to use food as a great manipulator, but a person can be made to feel mentally hungry just as people in the past were physically hungry. We live in a nation of starving individuals. They are starving in their psyche. They have been told that this is normal just as governments in the past told people as food shortage was normal. Into such a world, no one is going to step forward to lead the masses. Even if a fearless leader should have escaped government programming, who would be fearless enough to follow him? The answer is no one will. The new shepherd is now in firm control. T

The new leader understands that the theory of evolution is his ally. A world of chaos ruled by chance is presented as reality. In a world without any intelligent design, a ruler must be there to give some kind of coherence and reassurance to those who experience the terror of a godless universe. In fact, the only source with enough power to confront the powers of the universe is the new leader. The masses find their security only in the arms of the new shepherd.

42 VOODOO ECONOMICS MUST BE TAUGHT TO THE NATION No one must be allowed to come into contact with reality anywhere. All reality must be a manufactured reality. One area where reality has a tendency to break into the mental world is economics. Economics is one of those subjects that must not be taught in government schools. There is little to be gained in teaching this subject below the college level. Traditional economics, that teaches just the law of supply and demand is opening up a taboo subject. The basic laws of economics are so simple that almost all students can understand them. With a few simple illustrations every student can come to understand that if you increase the price of something you decrease the demand. And if you decrease the supply of something you increase the demand. You place one ugly girl in a boys school and you have a very good example of a short supply of something creating a demand.


Another law that is simple to In economics, as elsewhere in life, while understand is this: Bad money drives out we are free to do whatever we wish, we are good. Any kid who played marbles growing not free to have the consequences be up knows this law. Every kid had his marbles whatever we want them to be. . . . sorted by good marbles and bad marbles. Economics is a study of the consequences of Cheap ones or chipped marbles were not various ways of allocating scarce resources worth much. If your opponent in a game put which have alternative uses. It is not a study bad marbles in the pot, you put bad marbles. of our hopes and values. You were not going to risk losing good On the contrary, economics was christened marbles going after bad. This is so obvious ‘the dismal science’ precisely because its with marbles. It is, also, so obvious that if I analysis frustrated so many hopes and have a choice of giving a piece of paper to desires. On the other hand, knowing what buy something and using gold or silver to buy was not possible saved many disappointments something, I will give up the paper and save and disasters. the bullion. The value of the paper may BASIC ECONMICS, Thomas Sowell, p. 45. change dramatically, but metals tend to retain their value. Any student that understands this might suspect the government’s handling of the money supply and its confiscation of gold and replacing it with paper. There are some questions that are better left unasked. Teaching of economics strikes at the very heart of a modern government. The leader must always proclaim that economics is an imprecise science, and that a good government is able to so manage its affairs that the laws of economics can be abrogated. If only the above two laws are understood, then every action by the government will come under scrutiny. When the leader tries to regulate prices, rents, or oil supplies, people might ask whether the actions will increase or decrease supply or demand. The purpose of the leader is not to rule in a sound economic manner, it is to use the power of government to control people. If you take away the leader’s power to manipulate supplies or prices, you have taken away a large portion of his power. If you take away the leader’s power to inflate or deflate currency, you have altered his ability to control his people. The citizens of the nation must think of governmental control only in terms of laws. The leader is to emphasize that his laws are just the response to forces that are out of his control. Often laws are just the response to the violation of economic laws by the shepherd. The best way to keep economics a Back in the days of the roman Empire, the secret is to flood economics with so many emperor Diocletian issued imperial decrees statistics and graphs that the whole subject which set the prices of many goods–and becomes meaningless. The other thing is to ‘people brought provisions no more to promote many opposing schools of thought. markets,’ as a contemporary put it. It would Make economics appear like a religious be much the same story nearly two thousand convention. Picture the economists as years later, when price controls during the arguing over points no one understands and Nixon administration led to declining probably arguing over ideas that do not supplies of goods subject to those controls. matter anyway. Use the term “voodoo BASIC ECONOMICS, p. 48. economics” to describe all sound economic


policies. The very name implies that even though the laws may appear as simple and correct, they are just mindless imaginations. The leader must teach that a good leader can make his own laws and that the nation can be ruled through laws that the leader passes. It must never appear that economics has anything to do with reality. Reality is what the leader says it is. T

The new leader cannot be shown to have feet of clay. He must be the master of the universe. Nothing can appear to infringe upon the impression that the leader can do anything. If any universal laws appear greater than the ruler, the masses lose their faith in the power of him to work miracles and inspire awe. The laws of economics are the Achilles Heel of the leader as he must obey them or suffer the consequences. It is vital that the consequences of breaking these laws be blamed upon the proper scapegoat. 43 THE NATION MUST BE CONDITIONED FOR EMERGENCIES

There comes a time in every government when people refuse to be ruled. After all, everything is going smoothly, why do we need more laws? As every leader knows that a good emergency can break even the most devout opponent. But the crisis must never appear as if the leader initiated the problem. One way to keep suspicion off the ruler is to keep a series of crises before the public eye at all times. The world must be seen as a very troubling place, with trouble spots all over. There must be foreign enemies, right-wing extremists, Arab terrorists, environmental disasters, product shortages, new viral dangers, and a whole host of everyday disasters that could strike anyone. The world is a very dangerous place, almost unfit for human habitation. Behind every disaster must be seen the ruler who is there to prevent if at all possible any foul thing befouling us. Just as in times past, people looked to God in the midst of disasters, so now people must look to the new leader. Life cannot be lived in the midst of disasters, or the threats of disaster. People will either find an escape, create a new religion, or throw themselves onto a leader who promises them the care and protection of a fatherly god. One of the shepherd’s jobs is to see that no new religions are established to take the place of the leader. One of the most effective ways to do this is to insist on the separation of church and state. Actually, what the ruler is really saying is this: There shall be no other gods before me. This is the reality but it cannot be expressed that way. Another way to prevent the establishment of a counter religion is through the creative use of tax codes. Any faith that deviates from public policy can be denied the status of a religious faith. In most instances, this is enough to kill any new faith. Most people do not want to give to an organization which carries with it a tax liability. Also, the average person has a suspicion of any religion that does not come with a government seal of approval. This fear of an unauthorized faith can be enhanced by playing up any weird cult. Any cult that ends up in suicides or child molestation is an ideal candidate for publicity. These cults can be shown to have existed outside the leader’s approval and reinforce the belief that it is a dangerous world outside the view of the good leader.


Into such a world that the leader has The fact is that the individual’s sense of created, anarchy is seen just below the security, his psychological satisfactions, and surface. It is only by the most strenuous moral standards come mainly from his efforts of the shepherd that individuals are primary groups, and when these disintegrate kept from destroying each other. Through he is left insecure, anonymous, and a constant promotion of class conflict, the potential victim of mob psychology or leader has already planted the image in individual eccentricity and psychopathy. people’s minds, that hatred abounds. It is THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF important that “war zones” or ghettoes be INDUSTRY, J. A. C. Brown, p. 273. maintained to show what life would be like without the leader. Occasional urban riots also strike at the heart of every suburbanite. The news footage of such outbreaks must be shown over and over. Also, the school textbooks should picture the fragile nature of civilization. One the most effective means of showing this has been the vivid picture of a mob-inspired lynching. The idea must be planted that this is what happens when people are allowed to rule themselves. No one is safe. Finally, the goal is to have the people where they are no longer capable of resistance. The leader should see to it that a local shortage of some necessity occur from time to time. It is very similar to the plan used by the drug dealer: First get people hooked, then create a shortage of the drug. During such a crisis, it is quite easy to bring any support for some dissident group to an end. Even just a small shortage today can strike fear into the heart of the average suburbanite. There has never been a time when people have felt so dependent on the system operating smoothly. Most cities have a three-day supply of food. Cut off fresh supplies and riots will result. Most people sense this. The leader can see to it that there are occasional break downs in the flow of services to some community on occasions. The pictures of such a crisis will easily be imprinted into the minds of all consumers. With the above scenario in place, the All goals proceed from duress. Life is a leader has in place the “a-bomb” of social continuous escape. Without force and threat control. Should the leader need to enhance there can be no striving. Without pain there his power, or instill in everyone a fresh can be no desire to escape from pain. understanding of the need for a shepherd, Without the threat of punishment there can be radical shortages can be created. Just as the no gain. Without duress and command there shortage of paper money created the Great can be no alignment of bodily functions. Depression, so a leader can create chaos Without rigorous and forthright control, there almost overnight. Because the government can be no accomplished goals for the State. also controls the collection of data, the root BRAINWASHING, ed. Kenneth Goff, p. 17. cause of any crisis can be hidden from public view. The ultimate control is the control of food. Control the food supply and the leader is God. This plan of control was developed by Stalin into the ultimate form of social planning and social control. A few men conquered a continent through the systematic application of shortages and rewarding the faithful with fresh supplies. Control the supply of food and you possess the real A-Bomb.



The new leader should construct a world that cannot be ruled apart from constant controls. The masses must be brought to a state of dependence through the threat of social anarchy. Even the threat of shortages of vital supplies can keep the masses in subjection to the leader. In times of prosperity, terrorism or the threat of terrorist acts, can subdue even the most resistant of the leader’s opposition. In the new world culture there are no safe places, there are no safe environments, there are no perfect medical cures, there are no healthy relationships, and there are no sustainable lives apart from government services.

44 RECONSTRUCTING MORALITY RECONSTRUCTS A NATION The days are long past when the leader must point a gun at somebody to do his bidding. Of course, this image must be in all of the textbooks. From the earliest age the young must be taught that you are free if no one is pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to do something. By constructing false images of freedom and false images of slavery, the new leader is free to reconstruct a nation after his image. In the same way, false images of morality must be taught to the people. The leader must realize that he may not believe in morals, but it is quite necessary that the people believe in morals. Not only do moral conflicts provide ample ammunition for

The last supernaturalist illusion is the belief that we can find salvation by retreating into some fenced-ff and privileged area: a personal spirituality, a local vocabulary, an ethnic group, a traditional certainty. Such a retreat was indeed very common in the past, but today its effects are pernicious. Cultural, national, and religious identities used to be constructed out of differences–divisions and exclusions. Every we always identified itself as being not-likethem. Philadelphia was always built on a firm foundation of xenophobia: thus, Jews defined themselves by the way they separated themselves from gentiles, and Christians similarly from Jews, and Muslims from Christians, with the long-term result that the more clearly any human group identifies itself, the more it sees itself as surrounded by enemies. AFTER GOD, Don Cupitt, p. xiii. class conflicts, they can serve as a valuable distraction. There will always be the traditional Puritan views of morality. While it is important to isolate those with these views from the mainstream, they serve as a necessary foil when portraying the dangers of the past and of religion. Traditional morality must be pictured as a lifestyle of hate. Puritans hate themselves and their own bodies. They fight in their little churches among themselves. They hate all those who oppose their views. They hate progress and they hate all other races. The choice of moderns must be between the new progressive morality of the new leader and the backward looking small-town morality of Puritanism. Obviously, it is a decision that requires no brains. The key to understanding the Puritan morality is that once people hate the old morality,


the leader is free to impose his morality on his subjects. The fact that the Puritans saw themselves as fighters of governmental evil and dictatorships must be eliminated from public consciousness. A new moral way of thinking must be instilled into the public mind. All moralities involve absolutes. So new absolutes must be created in an age that does not believe in absolutes. It is actually quite easy. The new absolutes are used to destroy the old absolutes and few seem to notice the sleight-of-hand. The new absolutes are the following: Democracy, Freedom, Relativism, Multi-Culturalism, Education, Pleasure, and World Trade. The Puritans must be seen in the media as opposing all of the above. If they will not oppose something such as world trade, then neo-Puritans must be used to protest in the Puritan’s place. The great thing about the new absolutes is that they are blank slates which can be written on by the new shepherd. All of the emotional appeal of fighting for a crusade which Puritans used to do can be transferred to the new absolutes without any fear of a revolt being started. When the people do “revolt” in the name of one of the new absolutes, they are merely carrying out the wishes of the shepherd. If some of the young get carried away in their fervor for freedom, that is good. The media must picture them as the new crusaders leading the people in their war against our Puritan past. In fact the same thing is true of all of the new absolutes. It is hard to take an absolute too absolutely. The more relativism the better. The more people want to A single continuous world culture is very rapidly consolidating itself. This new world culture is secular and increasingly transnational. Within it we hear the language of nationalism and of religion only from those people who most fear and are trying the hardest to resist the changes that are taking place. They fear oblivion, because they suspect that they and every they have stood for–their world, their beliefs and values, their identity–will shortly vanish unlamented and be completely forgotten. . . . and the time will come when the voice of the markets demanding peace and stability will be louder than the voice of the old gods demanding war. AFTER GOD, pp 121-2. spend on education the better. Another aspect of the new morality is that it can be exported better than any other form of morality. This is the new world-wide morality and it is the new imperialism. As the new shepherd goes forth to conquer, he must have a morality to take with him to subvert the other nations. Because the old morality of Western Civilization has been associated with Christianity, it will not serve as an effective conquering wedge. The new morality has a whole world appeal and it does not come with any emotional baggage. It can be presented to foreign nations as the new liberator and the hope of the world. Just as Christianity conquered nations offering them a morality to oppose pagan rule, so the new shepherd offers his morality as an escape from the prison of local customs and traditional beliefs. T

The new leader is also the new prophet. He is to lead the nation, and eventually the world, on a new crusade. Just as the Popes organized the Medieval Crusades, the new leader must organize the masses on a world wide crusade to eliminate all


opposition to the new world culture. All those who oppose the new morality of the new global culture must be pictured as terrorists and enemies of the peace of mankind. The new morality must pervade the entire world in order for the new global culture to succeed.

45 TO CONTROL GUILT IS TO CONTROL THE PERSON One of the great sources of power, that the Catholic Church has used to keep its people in line, has been the power to either forgive or not forgive sin, and its corollary of guilt. The Church has discovered the power to define sin and the power to forgive is one the greatest powers on earth. The human person, no matter what he believes, suffers from guilt. There is no escaping it. The power to relieve this suffering puts the reliever in control. Is there any way to explain the longevity of the Catholic Church and the power it has over people? It is by the power it has over people’s guilt. Remove sin and guilt and you have disarmed the Catholic Church. One of the attacks upon the Church has been by the psychiatric industry, which offers others ways to alleviate guilt. There is money and power in guilt and its removal. As the Protestant Church has done away with guilt in various ways, it has had to find substitute forms of control. Those churches that have been unable to find substitutes have had to rely on other methods to justify their existence. As Calvinism moved away from guilt due from original sin, new forms of sin were needed. The new guilt was based on a positive performance. Was the Christian showing the fruits of conversion? If not, then the person returned to guilt in the new sense: A failure to perform. The Protestant Church has its power renewed as it becomes the institution that enables one to achieve the Christian life. Stray from the institution and one loses the tools to demonstrate that one is a Christian. . . . guilt, real or imagined, is crippling and The new leader should learn well destructive. Guilty men turn on themselves, from these examples. He must be the definer or on others. Guilty men turn on themselves, of the new sin and he must have to power to or on others, in sado-masochistic activities. It forgive sins. One of the new sins is sexual is to the advantage of statists and all powersuppression. Any individual that controls his hungry men to cultivate and induce guilt in sexual desires is doing the equivalent of other men as a means of power. damming a large river. The flow will be SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, Rousas J. diverted elsewhere. Social and mental Rushdoony, 942. problems can be shown to result from the over zealous control of one’s natural impulse. The leader should then encourage his people to give full expression within the law to their natural urges. The consequences of sexual suppression are alleviated through the ruler’s rewriting of the laws. He now permits former law breakers to be now considered fully legal. This is the new salvation. Just as the Church provided penance for those who sinned, the new shepherd must provide a new penance. This new penance can be in the form of acts performed that the leader now defines as contributing to the good of humanity. Then environmental movement provides


excellent opportunities for people to do something that makes them feel good. The best penance is symbolic and is really only a minor inconvenience. Just as the repeating of some religious phrase or doctrine was not very inconvenient, it did give the person a feeling that he was paying for his sins. Having people sort through their garbage and put out separate containers is a mild inconvenience. But it does give a person a good feeling and relieves the guilt of being a wasteful consumer. Mankind is incurably religious. The Encouragement is thus given to the practice new leader must never forget this. Leaders in of actual sins, redefined as freedom, in order the past have tried to eliminate religion from to produce a guilt-ridden and broken people. their people, thinking this would make them The world of entertainment and literature is more willing to follow the new divine important in this effort to give actual sin the dictator. It did not work. Human beings status of freedom and virtue, as an exercise of make poor gods, even if they appear to be all human ‘rights’ to enjoy life. powerful. The shepherd must find new SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY, p. 943. symbolic gods. The current worship of mother earth is a great substitute for the God of the Bible. Mother Earth appears personal and it contains all of the makings of a worldwide faith. The faith must appear to be larger than any singular nation. The great thing about the new cult is that the leader is free to write the doctrines and pass those off as science. The shepherd is thus not a god, but the high priest of the new religion. But this high priest must not wear the clothes of a pope but must dress down. He must appear as Jesus did. He must walk among the people and be one of them. Except he is the ‘exalted one’ who controls the power. The person who really has the power does not have to dress up like a peacock of a pope. The Pope without his clerical garb would not be able to be a religious leader. The Pope’s power is intangible. All of the Pope’s power is delegated power. His power comes from God and God’s power is very invisible. After all, how many prisons does God operate? A person with real power can dress like an average guy. This is proof of how much power he has. Everybody knows the new shepherd can unleash the power of the federal bureaucracy against anyone. And he does operate jails. T

The new leader rules by eliminating substitutes for submission to a great power. He has the power to make the immoral appear to be moral, and the power to provide substitutes for religious penance. The shepherd is to give the masses a substitute faith which assures them of their own goodness: Good people care about the environment and love endangered species. And the bottom line is the threat of hell, i.e. prison, from the new leader is more real than the threat of some hell from an invisible God. 46 EVERYBODY NEEDS TO BE ENTERTAINED

The leader must recognize that no central government can operate without giving its people a release and a true sense of reality. Each day, people need their daily dose of escape.


When you work all day, some thought has to give meaning to that work. A dollar earned is only as good as the entertainment it will buy. For all of the slogans and the programs that exist, a pressure builds up inside the average person which calls out for release. The leader must see to it that the release is channeled into appropriate areas. All dictators or shepherds, new bread and circuses. The names must be changed from the days of old. We no longer have Caesars or dictators or coliseums with brutal sacrifices and gladiatorial conflicts, at least by those names. But the reality behind those names has not changed. . . . the deliberate application of the When it comes down to it, the visual techniques of theater to politics, religion, fiction of movies and television are education, literature, commerce, warfare, considered real by the receiving brain. Take crime, everything, has converted them in any number of subjects and try to get them to branches of show business, where the describe what really happened on the Apollo overriding objective is getting and satisfying Moon Mission 13. The fictional version is an audience. the one they will tell you. The movie version LIFE THE MOVIE, Neal Gabler, p. 5. of truth is more real than what “really” happened. Going one step further, after a short time, many cannot recall what they saw on CNN and what they saw in a movie about a similar subject. The Roman Emperor did not have fiction and dramatic images to draw upon. He had to stage the real thing. But the events must go on in any artificial social form that substitutes images and forms for actual interpersonal events. The leader must realize this: When Entertainment was Plato’s worst nightmare. philosophers talked about the radical . . . Entertainment was less about morality or difference between modern and primitive even aesthetics than about power–the power societies, they were describing a reality. to replace the old cultural order with a new Needs that at one time were met through one, the power to replace the sublime with actual living and through other people are no fun. longer being met in today’s artificial world. LIFE THE MOVIE, p. 21. The more the new leader changes society the more artificial it becomes. But the new shepherd must never use the words of the philosophers. The words come loaded with meanings that should not be imported into the leader’s world. That the primitive is natural and the modern is artificial is one of those loaded definitions. All social organizations are artificial and man makes his own world whether it is today or two thousand years ago. They should say over and over that all that man does and creates is natural. Once the new words are in place, the leader is free to move ahead. The desire to go back to healthy living must be replaced with the idea of going forward to healthy living. People have always had problems. Wars have always been bad. There have always been diseases. People have always felt alone. Nothing has changed except this: Now we can do something about it. We have the power that no people on earth have ever had. We actually do have to create the utopia or the promised land that was only a phantasy in the past. What people feel now in their frustrations are only the birth pangs that look forward to the dreams of the ages. The new


shepherd is leading his people into the true promised land in this generation. The Kingdom of Man has arrived. Individual problems represent “birth Once we sat in movie theaters dreaming of pangs,” that can cause trouble for the new stardom. Now we live in a movie dreaming leader. Despite preaching about the new of celebrity. world that is about to arrive, escapes from the An every-growing segment of the old world must be kept in place. Whether the American economy is now devoted to dreams ever come true is irrelevant to the designing, building and then dressing eh sets leader. He must always preach: “We are in which we live, work, shop and play’ to almost there.” He must always see to it that creating our costumes; to making our hair there are many escapes in place. The more shine and our faces glow’ to slenderizing our the better. In fact, it the leader’s perfect bodies; to supplying our props–all so that we world, it will be a society built around can appropriate the trappings of celebrity, if escapes. The masses are to be totally not the actuality of it, for the life movie. occupied with pleasure and those occupied LIFE THE MOVE, p. 8. with such pleasure will not become radicals or philosophers who oppose the new order. The philosophers of society have come from the outcasts and the frustrated. Any society will always have these. These people have to become marginalized. The real outcasts from society can be labeled as mentally deranged and left alone. The ones that can function are usually happy to be a college professor where they can live in the phantasy that they are changing the world by getting kids to memorize answers. Like most kids in college, what I really learned was how to past tests. I did not learn what the professor was teaching. I think this experience is almost universal. Humans do not learn well in abstract settings. This is why the leader can use the college system to syphon off people who are not happy with the entertainment culture. It is rather ironic that by turning college into a place where students learn about the entertainment world, and couldn’t care less about the curriculum, most professors contribute to the very system they think they are fighting. T

The good leader understands that his people are mere animals and desire the pleasures of the barnyard. Every great leader gives the masses an artificial world that creates a world where pleasure is reality. The culture is organized around pleasure. Obedience is gained as the masses work with the cultural systems in order to earn the necessary income to pursue cultural acceptable pleasures. The leader creates a world where the values of the barnyard are obtainable to those who accept his world view.

47 THE LEADER MUST SEARCH OUT EVERY NEED IN SOCIETY Governments have created themselves by showing how they can fulfill a need better than any other system. That is the myth we are all taught. The new leader must know the truth.


Governments can fulfill needs better than anyone else if anyone else that tries is shot. That is the truth. To keep the truth from being known, the leader must see that no new needs develop which the people learn to fulfill on their own. If floods develop, there is a governmental solution. If prescription drug expenses soar, there is a governmental solution. If people start having various social problems, guess what, there is a solution from your leader forthcoming. What are needs but a cry for service? That is how the people must be trained to think. The very idea that people can organize themselves to solve problems is contrary to what the new government is all about. It is not about self government. The new view is that the people are to become dependents upon the government. Being dependent creates a slave mentality. This is the mentality that is necessary for any good shepherd to instill in his people. If people taste independence and accomplishment apart from the government in even one important area, they will seek it in others. Eventually there will develop a cry for real freedom. Not the sexual freedom that is passed off as freedom today, but freedom from government control and their Despite the great variety of issues in a series of crusading movements among the intelligentsia during the twentieth century, several key elements have been common to most of them: 1. Assertions of a great danger to the whole society, a danger to which the masses of people are oblivious. 2. An urgent need for action to avert impending catastrophe. 3. A need for government to drastically curtail the dangerous behavior of the many, in response to the prescient conclusions of the few. 4. A disdainful dismissal of arguments to the contrary as either uninformed, irresponsible, or motivated by unworthy purposes. THE VISION OF THE ANOINTED, Thomas Sowell, p. 5. services. Once this happens they have no need for a shepherd. The attentive shepherd should imagine himself like the proverbial ‘ambulance chaser.’ He will be constantly scanning the horizon for any pattern of human need or human initiative. If the schools and media have done their jobs properly, this will be an easy task. The people will have been trained to quickly point out any new need to the appropriate authorities. A welltrained electorate is like the grade school tattle tale: They cannot wait to run to the government and cry for help. Again, any initiative that people show should only be in the direction of calling for more aid from the government. The new initiative means being an activist in terms of working with the government to solve problems. No graduate from the government school system should have of the old ideas of initiative left in his thoughts. This whole process of expanding the government’s power base through expanded services starts in the school system and the media. From the very first grade, the school books should show how the government has solved so many problems in people’s lives and made the world a better place. When I was a child, I read over and over in different text books as we progressed through the grades about the wonderful programs that saved the nation during the depression. In fact, every textbook seemed to show how the government had stepped in to cure


diseases, build dams, and keep the world safe. Also, the class conflicts had been controlled by government action to avoid another civil war. By the time I graduated I had no idea of what individual initiative even meant. While the radicals and the fringe Class warfare has become the basic premise groups are looking for government of politics, and, by 10950, the negroes had brainwashing and propaganda, the new picked up the same mythology, as have other shepherd can carry on his program right so-called minority groups since, notably below their noses. It is vital that the leader Mexicans, Indians, and women. The conflict even have helpers among the radicals to of interests faith creates a warfare society, a divert their attention from what really is state of permanent war as natural and happening. The helping radicals can talk inevitable. In a warfare society, the power of about Chinese brainwashing and the the state grows rapidly, in that the sate both advertisers that are subverting the American incites the warfare by legislation which way of life. This is a good diversion. It assumes a conflict of interest, and then makes the average person feel secure in his presents itself as the referee. belief that he is free from having his behavior CHRISTIANITY AND THE STATE, Rousas modified. But the really effective mind J. Rushdoony, p. 22. changing operations can be carried on without interference or awareness. The shepherd sees to it that the values, attitudes and words people used are being changed all in the name of creating a better world. While a few fear the Chinese brainwashing, the majority are being made fit subjects through the control of the media and the educational services. T

The new leader must create a system that the masses consider to be the only source of real security and the only place to turn in times of need. In olden times, children treated their parents with respect, partly out of fear of being disowned and being disinherited. The family was the source of human fulfillment. The new shepherd patterns his government after that traditional family. The masses will treat the leader with respect, because he is the only one who can support the lifestyle all need in this modern age.

48 THE COLLEGE IS TO BE USED TO OVERTHROW TRADITIONAL BELIEFS The new leader rules through sleight of hand. He proclaims the good that he does over and over. The new world created by government action in service to the people accomplishes more than any revolution ever could. Perhaps the greatest revolution has been the government social service of the college education. A system that was created to supply educated ministers to the new nation has been turned into a system for the transformation of the nation’s youth. The subversion of the nation’s ministers worked so well that the system was applied to the rest of the nation. Ministers were traditionally taught as interns in churches. Future ministers learned their


trade from current ministers. The system is designed for the carrying on of a tradition. It is also grounded in reality. A minister learns his trade through dealing with ordinary people and understanding their problems. This is not a great system for change. Traditions are passed on from one generation to another. Christianity was a system of local churches. With the enlightenment and a new urban world, there were those who sought a new urban organizational presence of Christianity. With the great thinkers leaving Christianity in the backwoods, an educated and revolutionary ministry was needed. A wedge was needed to drive the local minister away from his congregation. As always, people do not respond to the point of a gun. They respond by being flattered. A new school system developed for training clergy who would be acceptable to the elite of the new intellectual classes. This would remove the local churches from the training of their ministers. It worked very well. Except for the circuit riding preachers, who remained uneducated, the nation’s clergy were transformed. As the nation became more and more involved in the new enlightenment world scene, a system of education was needed to break American youth from their traditional parents. The college system was developed. The object was to break of the local control of education and the local control of occupational training. The promise was that college would open up great doors of opportunity for rural youth. The world was becoming too complicated for the average person to understand. Trained experts were needed or America would lose out in its striving to be a world power. A mass system of indoctrination was initiated under the promise of riches, power, and world recognition. One of the first things to understand for the new leader is that the structure of an organization is more important than the content. The leader will understand that there is really very little difference from a Bible college and a state-supported university. The structures are similar and they accomplish similar goals. To insure the structure of all schools is the same, the state insists on a central control of accreditation. These boards of certification should have the pretense of being concerned with quality, but the main purpose is to insure the uniformity of college structures. What is it that makes the college structure so subversive? And why is it that the structural effects of college are the least mentioned aspect of education? The first purpose is to separate kids from their parents. The school must bring students from all over to live in on-campus residence. The students should be randomly mixes to end any feelings of community. It is similar to the experience of death and rebirth. The child has died and is reborn. Just as his parents guided the youth into its introduction into the physical world, so the new parents (college instructors) will guide the youth into their indoctrination of the modern world. But the deeper education is not what the instructors teach. The student learns that specialists are needed to understand everything. He learns that the new thinking is impersonal and detached from the lives of everyday people like his parents.


The educational state, as a life system for the larger corporate liberal state, served a vital process of supplying trained manpower for production and consumption, as well as perhaps the more important function of keeping large numbers of people off the labor market. In such mass-production-oriented society, the schools were used to standardize the future citizen as interchangeable parts for an intricate production and consumption system. Testing, guidance and curriculum reform movements all helped to objectify and rationalize the child for his place within the system. SHAPING THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL STATE, Clarence J. Karier, p. 22. Knowledge used to be community based. The local residents knew what was best for their town and community. The new student is cut off from that community and their influence. He is not only cut off from their influence, but from their morals and heritage. Throughout history parents have passed on to their kids an inheritance. One generation works to pass onto the next generation a whole system of experiences and beliefs acquired over the ages. The promise is given to the youth, that in exchange for their past, they will be given a new, more exciting heritage. The youth will be set free from their past. They will be free to mold their own future according to their own desires. It is an exhilarating feeling to youth. It offers a new freedom from the discipline of reality as experienced through the control of the small town. Place a healthy kid into an atmosphere of very little control and you can almost expect certain things to happen. This has been shown to be true in every war. Take kids away from home and their morals deteriorate. And it happens very quickly. Many have used this fact to show that morals are artificial. This is what the leader must maintain, but he must understand that morals are more than personal ethics. In order to rule he must know that all morals are social. We would like to think of ourselves as individuals but that is only part of the story. We are individuals in community. The leader must take away the community and replace it with another community. When you do this, you will change the person. And he will not even realize . . . [Christian] education was an inevitable concern, and it was seen, not as a break with the community and a separation of the ‘intellectual’ from the ‘peasant,’ but an aspect of the image mandate within the framework of the covenant. Education, as an aspect of the covenantal life, could not see itself as called to foster rootlessness but to implement the covenant’s development of its life and promises. It did not function to sever home times, for example, but to confirm them, in that it worked to develop more fully man’s knowledge, righteousness, holiness and dominion in terms of every aspect of life. It was thus concerned with the development of godly scholarship, and godly youth who would also be godly sons and daughters now and husbands, wives and parents tomorrow. INTELLECTUAL SCHIZOPHRENIA, Rousas J. Rushdoony, p. 9. what has been done to him. When a person is separated from his community and placed in another he gets the feeling of liberation. He must be told that this feeling is the growing up process that makes him a new


adult person. When a young person is placed in a community with no traditional social structure and no community ethic, he feels liberated and feels free like a little kid in a candy store. This feeling must be interpreted for him. He must be told that small towns were nothing but prisons which kept him chained to an outdated past. By going to college, he is being confronted with a future that has no limits. Small towns are nothing but havens for failures and the fearful. College liberates one from all of such trash. College creates the new man. This is heady stuff and the leader can use it over and over in other situations. What works in the military and college can be transferred to neighborhoods. The new leader to create new persons should get as many of the young into the military and college as possible. He should attack the older through the breakup of neighborhoods and small towns. Ever small town should have the same regulations as huge cities. And the schools in every little town should be turned over to national controls. This way even the very young in some out of the way fork in the road will be bused to a far away school almost like going to college. The same arguments should be presented to local folks. By undergoing change you are being prepared for the new cosmopolitan world and are becoming modern just like your big city brethren. One of the other behaviors created by the college structure is to instill, in all students, a belief in hedonism. By applying pressure after pressure in the classroom, the student will seek a release in some form. To redirect those pressures into pleasure is one of the things to be learned in the college. Entertainment and pleasure should be readily available for all. The college can also prepare the students for a lifetime of escapism by making sports an integral part of the college scene. By creating pressure, and then focusing this pressure into release into sports, the school has programmed the student to see sports entertainment as something one can use for release the rest of his life. The new shepherd should focus major energies into the college system. It is one of the most secretive forms of brainwashing. The leader can take one eighteen-year-old Christian and make him into a twenty-two-year-old agnostic. If the leader tried to do this by direct attack the student would resist. By sneaking the whole message into the structure of life it is almost invisible. Very few students will see that the system is the message. And not many professors will risk tenure to bite the hand that pays them. After all, college campuses are a great ‘haven from a heartless world.’ Who wouldn’t sell his soul to work in such a pristine setting. The new leader will have more than enough volunteers to preach the message of the government. People are one of the cheapest of expenses. Those who graduate from this system ideally would be given a medal for them to wear. This would serve the same function as medals do in the military. At this point in time, such medals are not needed as an elitist attitude can be created during the college stay that will serve as a medal. The graduate feels like he has passed through a second puberty, and for the rest of his life he can claim that he has come of age. To be a graduate is to become part of an invisible fraternity. And jobs are promised to all who are part of this fraternity. The fact that the government’s degree factory is often just a waste of time and money, should be never be allowed to become a visible fact. Just like lottery winners are pictured as vacationing all over the world for the rest of their lives, so should the lives of college graduates be pictured. Lottery losers and unemployed college graduates are not fit for media attention. As the whole of society is changed into the leader’s image, a great transformation takes


place. Individuals must be willing to sacrifice for the sheepskin, and schools must be willing to die for accreditation. When the leader has achieved this, he is in the ultimate control. The reason being, no one knows he is a slave to the leader. What a great system. The great leader understands that the best indoctrination is invisible. People resist the visible. Also, it is important to have visible forms for the people to resist. College students can be seen protesting a whole host of minor and inconsequential issues. This give them the feeling that they are free. And behind the scenes the leader can control their every move. The axiom is this: Rule through the visible, control through the invisible. T

The new leader knows that the local community and the family contain traditions which will resist his rule. It is necessary to separate the young from such conserving influences. The maze of college is not designed to educate future workers. This could be done in other ways. The college’s maze is designed to destroy the student’s cultural roots. And there is a promise of great reward for those who submit. 49 SUBSTITUTES FOR THE RELIGIOUS IMPULSE ARE VITAL

The elimination of all religious impulses is impossible, at least for the immediate future. It will thus be necessary to give the people substitutes for their normal religious feelings. The new leader should see to it that he is the one that supplies these needs. Traditional . . . democratic educationalists like Dewey religions should be restricted to private [believe that]. . . for so long as religion is areas–inside a church building and inside regarded as a private matter which only the believer’s head. As long as believers concerns the conscience and the feelings of and their churches obey the rules, the leader the individual, it is a very good thing. But should see that those institutions are the moment that it attempts to create its own accredited. This means that these faiths will community of thought and to separate its not be labeled as cults and the Internal adherents from the common mind of the Revenue Service will keep those churches democratic society and from the State school with their tax deductions. Basically, the which is the organ of the common mine, it same procedures that worked to tame and becomes an anti-social force which every control the American college system should good democrat must reject and condemn. be used to control the churches. THE CRISIS OF WESTERN EDUCATION, Any college that seeks to operate Christopher Dawson, p. 107. without accreditation or certification will find it so isolated from the mainstream, that any major operation would be precluded.

Major religious differences can persist in a functionally unified society only at the cost of sharp conflict on the one hand or by the reduction of the significance of these religions to their adherents on the other, or by some mixture of these processes. Insofar as it is reduction in the significance of traditional beliefs that occurs, men do not thereby give up the search for a unifying system of values. They develop a quasi religion to do the job. Most often in our time it is nationalism, sometimes pursued with an almost desperate sense of urgency for the conviction of unity. Familiar religious elements become associated with the nation. Sacred 90 writings, saints, ceremonies, demands for fervent expressions of loyalty to the nation as the ultimate object of allegiance appear. SOCIOLOGY LOOKS AT RELIIGON, j. Milton Yinger, p. 31.

Any college is free to operate at the fringes of society. It will find that it will have neither the money nor the students necessary to carry on very long. The same should be for churches. Any church that functions without government approval should be showcased in the media in the same class as terrorists or snake handlers. This will keep most average people away. Most trust what the government says about such groups. It is important to exploit any fringe group that does something to illustrate its decadence. Any religious member from such a group who does anything abnormal should be made into a media poster child. Using any fringe group in California, the leader can impugn all groups across the country. The shepherd should not be above helping in some way the forming of a few good examples of religious crazies. Once the major faiths have been marginalized, the shepherd is free to impose a new national and public faith. This will be the true faith of America. All other faiths are personal and are free to fight among themselves and be criticized by all. The new national faith should be above public criticism. We talked earlier about creating a civil faith. There should also be something that is above such a faith. As much as possible the new leader should make himself into the modern version of a king. People should look to the shepherd as somebody who is the closest thing possible to a secular pope. While not everyone will buy into a secular faith, all should be made to feel part of something important. Such national feelings can be created through the emphasizing of elections as participating in the life of the nation. Also, such happenings as the Super Bowl can be used to create secular religious feelings. The other holidays can also be used to create the participation of all in something we all have in common. There is developed a national feeling bigger than any religion and yet makes even the atheist feel he is a part of it. Also, in formerly religious holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, these should be so secularized that they become something that has no religious meaning left. National feelings can be created by using network news channels such as CNN. When events such as the Challenger disaster are broadcast over the news, a national feeling is celebrated. When a celebrity dies, there is a national morning and a national feeling of participation. These are not religious events in any sense of the word, but serve a religious function in that a sense of being part of something significant is created. The Gulf War is another example. It was the ideal television war. Most of the casualties went to the enemy and the United States was in no danger of being invaded by Iraq. The slight threat of a domestic terrorist attack added a slight sense of anxiety to make the war feel real. All of America felt, during the televising of daily film footage and talking heads, that they were actually part of something important. A good leader should see to it that such events happen often enough to keep the people feeling a great need for the government. It also creates a feeling of thankfulness for the shepherd. All national feelings need the other aspects of religion also. Schools and their buildings create the impression of a national faith. The school is seen as offering to the young the training to become part of the new national feelings of solidarity. This is another one of the functions of the school system that is more important than the teaching of the so-called three “R’s”. The other part of the national faith is the offering of salvation through technological science. The leader should tie the health care system into the hope of eternal life. The impression should be given that through government research we are constantly improving life and the conquering of all disease is in the not too distant future. The leader must also give the impression that any new


breakthroughs will be available to all of the people. Salvation is universal. Since the first draft, the events of September 11, 2001 have occurred. This is a great example of the event being turned into a national religious happening. As the nation mourned the dead, the entire population was caught up in the families and their grieving. The televising of numerous funerals, and the elevating of the firemen and policemen into something more than mere mortals, created a national spirit of unity. The whole nation was unified into a common purpose that went beyond revenge. The leadership structure was able to launch a new American revolution. It would be the uniting of all religious faiths into a world mission where the threat of terrorism would not exist, and everyone would be free to pursue ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ T

The new leader should support private, devotional faiths for his people. These faiths are, however, exclusive. A national inclusive faith is necessary to secure the benefits of having the masses remain faithful to their leader. If the new shepherd does not provide a truly national faith, someone else will come along and offer one in opposition to the leader. While in past times, race, nation, and religion were used to unify the masses, something new is now needed to unify. The new leader should focus on the benefits society provides for all and how the nation is unified through the caring leadership of the new shepherd. 50 EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE SHOULD BE RUN BY CORPORATIONS

The new shepherd should realize that he is creating an impersonal world. If his people have very personal interactions, it awakens desires which it may be difficult to control. For example, sex is to use as a form of control. Love is not a useful tool. Real love awakens thoughts and feelings in people which are not useful to control. Real love is an end in itself. It also tends to make people contended. It also gives people a source of strength outside of the relationship he has with his government. Sex has none of these drawbacks. Every leader then always encourages his people to engage in free and recreational sex. Such sex offers nothing more than a good roller coaster ride, except you don’t have to wait in line. And it keeps people coming back for more and it helps create an impersonal means of interaction. It is important that life be organized around impersonal relationships. For example, when leaders opposed slavery in the United States it was not for the reasons given. Of course, that is true of every issue. Slavery as it existed in the United States was based on personal relationships. Even when the slave owners left to fight the Civil War, the slaves kept on working the farms and plantations. Abraham Lincoln tried to create a slave revolt through the Emancipation Proclamation. That did not work. The reason is that for the most part the relationship between slave owner and slave was a personal one. There actually existed a deep respect and mutual responsible attitude. One of the great purposes of the War was to destroy such relationships and the society that produced such mutual caring networks.


Who can deny that networks can get some jobs done? They do. But they lack any ability to nourish their members emotionally. The extreme rationality at the core of networking is based on the same misperception of human nature the French Enlightenment and Comte were guilty of. Networks divide people, first from themselves and then from each other, on the grounds that this is the efficient way to perform a task. It may well be, but it is lousy way to feel good about being alive. Networks make people lonely. They cannot correct their inhuman mechanism and still succeed as networks. DUMBING US DOWN, John Taylor Gatto, p. 58. As government and businesses have grown in the modern world, corporations have become the ruling power at every level of society. Corporations rule by regulations and the mastering of rational techniques. There are processes covering everything. People interact through a series of rules. Nothing is based on personal relationships. People, who are employed in such an environment, are changed into the type of person that is needed by the new leader. In fact, the rise of corporations and the teaching of bureaucratic ethics is one reason the marriage relationship is in jeopardy. It is all part of the same phenomenon. Traditional marriage cannot last in a world ruled by corporations. The letter of the law replaces all personal relations. In law, the goal is to make the court system totally impersonal. The impersonal law covers everything. Justice is not the determining of guilt of or innocense, but the following of correct legal

But the failure of the rationalistic-scientistic technicisms is most obvious because every major problem has inspired dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of different sets of technicisms for solving the problem. . . . Each ballyhooed technical solution commonly has some good effects in the very short run because of the effects of faith (technically known as placebo or Hawthorne effects), though they also commonly produce some instantaneous catastrophes. Rationalist techniques almost always fail to solve human problems and unintentionally produce highly dysphoric, dystopian consequence because their implicit assumptions about human beings are wrong. Most commonly they assume, either explicitly or implicitly, that human beings are a clean slate, a tabula rasa, upon which the technicist may write whatever theme he has the power to try. Most importantly, they assume that there is no such thing as human nature and that each society, culture, or expert can socialize its newborn members into any form dictated by traditionalist techniques. THE MYTH OF THE WELFARE STATE, Jack D. Douglas, p. 297. procedures. The young should be taught to live in a bureaucratic system by the abolishing of small schools and incorporating them into large schools. The student should learn, from the very earliest age, that he lives in an impersonal world. The school should be large enough that students can be mixed up regularly. In a large school it is important that friends be separated and


not even see each other all day. The student learns the skills of relating to people he has no deep feelings for except the common loyalty to the school. Knowledge must be divided up into impersonal subjects that have little relation to the life the student lives. Knowledge is the acquiring of facts so that tests can be passed. And if the student passes enough such vague tests and does well in standardized impersonal tests, then he is declared ready to join the real adult Artificial integration that controls human association–think of those college dorms or fraternities–appears strong but is actually quite weak; seems close-knit but in reality its bonds are loose; suggests durability but is usually transient. And it is most often badly adjusted to what people need although it masquerades as being exactly what they need. DUMBING US DOWN, p. 73. world of unreality. The religions of the culture must also be turned into corporations. The small church is as much a threat to the new shepherd as any other institution. The attack on the churches must be very subtle and must not appear like an attack at all. The leader must appear as a very religious person who is trying to help his people become better Christians. The attack must come on three separate but all related fronts. Churches should be encouraged to become mega-churches. The media can be used to puff the greatness of the new large church. Small churches should always be portrayed as clannish and out of touch with reality. Every time some Christian commits a crime, if he can be tied in with a small church, the church must be emphasized as contributing to the crime. The criminal is just the victim of having been part of an obsolete and dysfunctional society. The leader must see to it the government is doing all it can to help the mass media become an important part of the church. The government can require television to carry religious programming. It can also make it easy for churches to form small television stations. The use of the impersonal media as the way to present the Gospel is to be encouraged. Because Christians live and work in an impersonal world, they can easily be persuaded to change the personal message of the Christian faith into something that is impersonal. They have been trained to think that the impersonal message is just as real as the personal faith. Thus when the whole message of the Bible is made to fit on the television screen, it will seem as the natural way to reach the lost in the modern impersonal world. The whole message is made to appear as the intellectual acceptance of certain facts. When we die, God gives us one of his standardized tests just like the ones we had in school. Television is a great communicator of impersonal facts, and such facts are what the modern man has been trained to see as prime reality. The third area of attack on the church must be the transformation of its theology. But the transformation again must be done with deception. The personal God of the Bible must be gradually replaced with the mechanical god of Deism. This can be done in several ways. In order to defend the Bible against Evolution, God must be taught as the real force in Evolution. He has guided the survival of the fittest through impersonal laws that He has incorporated into the universe. God is still personal the people are told, but He has stepped out of the running of the universe and left it to the laws that he has created into the universe. It is a very subtle


change, but it portrays the universe as being impersonal at the very core of reality. Once God has been replaced by science and a mechanical universe, then man is now the real god of this world. He is free to remake the world according to a new image. The new leader must present himself as the person who has the power to mold the world and create the new paradise on earth. As with God, the leader must have no competing powers. Just as the original God had no rivals, so the new god must have none who can oppose his will. Rivals must be seen as those who would frustrate the plans for the creation of the new and better world. The unity of the Godhead must be replaced by the unity of the vision in the new plan. Those who oppose are the new heretics. This is where the leader must be very deceptive. By allowing all sorts of religious diversity and cultural diversity the impression is given that differences of opinion are allowed. This is true in a limited sense. Differences are allowed where the leader does not choose to rule. In such areas, pluralism and diversity are not to be allowed. Democracy is allowed only within a very narrow range. Those who would challenge the nature of the system or the basic ideas of society must be branded as heretics and outside of the acceptable. The new heresy trials are played out in the media. The media can brand those who oppose the plan as being unfit for participation in the public arena. Burning heretics only creates martyrs. Destroying their reputation only leaves broken people: People that no one looks up to or admires. Because people now live and work surrounded by a bureaucracy, anyone that is not acceptable to those in power, becomes outside of reality. Just as the religious heretics lived on the fringes of society, so the new heretics are pictured as living outside the mainstream. Because such people now live without any government help, positions of leadership and various government grants are not possible. The new heretics really do live outside the bounds of society. You will not find them even in government schools and universities. The heretic must really beg to earn a living just as in former times. By forcing the enemies of the state to earn money outside the positions of prestige and power, their influence is greatly reduced. T

The new leader can only rule through a giant bureaucracy. Every level of social existence must be patterned after the impersonal reality of the bureaucrat. The human person who has been given a distinct personality from God must be destroyed. If the leader can destroy true personality, he has destroyed the mass’s ability to commune with a personal God. An impersonal religious faith is easily manipulated by the bureaucrat, as the rule of bureaucracy match the masses psychic perceptions of reality. 51 MAKE THE PRIVATE LIFE VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE

There has been a gradual reduction of what would be called individual areas of personal rule. It is difficult for most people to even understand how life was before the government took over the control of virtually every area of life. In 1862 the first mailing addresses were instituted. Before then, a person would go to the post office to pick up his mail. The government had no idea where a person lived. It had no idea individuals existed except for broad census numbers. You can understand the problem with imposing the military draft during the


Civil War. Before you can draft someone, first you have to find them. And if the government does not know if someone exists, there can hardly be a penalty for avoiding the draft. The new leader cannot rule under such conditions. One of the goals of the shepherd is to leave no area of anyone’s life outside of government knowledge. There are several ways this can be achieved. One is through taxes, one is through regulation, and one is through benefits. First, impersonal taxes should be avoided. The more personal the tax, the more the government knows about each individual. This is why the extremely complex income tax is such a blessing to the leader. Not only is every area of income taxed, the tax payer must keep and report every detail of his earnings and expenditures. The government is thus in a position to use such information to keep any person in line. Also, with multiple and complex regulations, there are very few who do not violate the law in some areas. When the leader so needs to enforce some law, he can declare anyone a law breaker. This is a powerful tool to keep all in fear of falling under the inspection of some government official. By using regulation to create the new . . . people who hold wrong and hurtful paradise, every area of a person’s life now opinions should be punished for the good of falls under government scrutiny. The society. If they cannot be put in jail, then government regulates his buying and selling. they should lose their jobs, be subjected to Building and buying a house is under organized campaigns of vilification, be made scrutiny. The car one drives must be to apologize, be pressed to recant. If registered and licenced. It must be certified government cannot do the punishing, then pollution free. The driver must be licenced private institutions and pressure groups– and he must have the proper safety devices though vigilantes, in effect–should do it. such as seat belts and child restraints. The KINDLY INQUISITORS, Jonathan Rauch, insurance is monitored. One’s water use is p. 6. regulated in one’s home. How one behaves toward one’s spouse and children are monitored. This does not include the monitoring of work related behavior or the regulations business ownership. There is no area outside the survey of some government regulator or monitor. The leader should use these laws to create a dependent and helpless class. The media can be used to help create the feeling of helplessness against the government. One popular form of movie takes the form of a person who tries to run but they cannot hide. No matter where they go, there are surveillance cameras, all purchases are monitored by credit card numbers, and it seems his car is traced by satellite wherever he drives it. The feeling is created that there is no such thing as a private act anymore. Our lives are monitored and when the focus is turned up, the government knows all, just like God does. Just as people used to live in fear of an omnipotent God, now they live in fear of a government that is almost as powerful. The leader creates the image that any person who opposes the general will, will come under a focus that no one can withstand. In connection with the above, every scandal must be the focus of the media. The news helps the leader help create the image that anyone who stands out from the crowd will have every indiscretion revealed. No person can stand up in today’s world, to such scrutiny. Because social controls have largely broken down, there is immense freedom to all while growing up. In past times, the youth were kept in check during their growing up years by community pressure.


There is no such pressure today. Kids are free to explore areas that have previously been considered out of bounds. The problem is that, while a person while young feels such freedom, his youthful mistakes become part of his history. Very few mistakes are made in the absence of witnesses or some record left behind. With the media promising instant celebrity status for those who come forward to rat on their old friends, there are always peoples willing to talk about some targeted person. The leader sees to it that the various government agencies appear to be out of control. The Internal Revenue Service works best when it is pictured as a terrorist group. Stories should be circulated of someone who made an honest mistake and was made to pay dearly for such a trespass. With the new government, there are no honest mistakes. Other regulating groups should serve the leader in the same way. The Environmental Protection Agency should target small businessmen. Minor regulatory infractions, over rules that are only known by expensive lawyers, should be used to intimidate or destroy small businessmen. This serves two purposes. People who are independent in business are often independent in thought. The elimination of such operations serves to stifle future opposition. Also, as business is transferred to large corporations, it becomes easier for the government to control all aspects of business life. Through all of this, the leader should have a thorough understanding of the new terrorism. It is again vital that the traditional form of terrorism should show forth every now and then. This serves to remind people of what terrorism is supposed to be like. This helps disguise the new terrorism which is part of the new leader’s plans of rule. One well-placed bomb can do much to keep the eyes of everyone off the leader and his use of bureaucratic terror. The new terrorist doesn’t use bombs to destroy people, but regulations are used to destroy law breakers. With enough laws, a whole society can become law breakers. It is the selective enforcement of the regulations that creates the terror. The saying must be on the lips of people as they see a violator being hauled off: There go I but for the grace of the new leader. Just as all sin and fall short of the glory of God, so all citizens are law breakers and fall short of legal perfection: Just as Christians in former time lived by the grace of God. After all, they all knew how far they fell short of the requirements of divine law. The new citizen lives in the constant knowledge how he also falls short of the perfection required by every government agency. The power and authority that used to exist in the Church are now transferred to the new government. As the Church could threaten Hell to those who resisted its rule, so those who resist the shepherd are confined to the new hells of the penitentiary system. The pattern can be followed even to the ability of the rich to buy their way out of Hell. Just as the rich could purchase indulgences from the Church for absolution, so the new citizens can hire lawyers to free them from the new hell. The medieval Church is the pattern that every shepherd should copy. The modern government should learn to copy and update every aspect of the Churches rule. The Church held people in a form of slavery for nearly fifteen hundred years. It used this time to develop and perfect a system of ruling. The new leader can save a lot of time by studying the mistakes of the Church, and how it fell out of favor with the people. There is much to be learned from its example. While making many minor mistakes, the Church made two major mistakes: It lost control on its monopoly of communication, and it lost control of the new merchant class. There are parallels today. The internet provides free expression across the world at virtually no cost. Some speaker in Montana can literally be heard around the world.


The growth in both the legal and illegal world trade has created a class that seems to be independent of the government’s control. The attempt to fence in Microsoft is an example of how a leader can lose his edge to newcomers on the scene. Like the Church, the new leader will always face new opposition and he must be vigilant. Frontal attacks rarely work against large organizations. A leader attacks individual citizens and regulates the corporations. The Microsoft lawsuit is an example of how churches or governments lose power. To the average citizen the lawsuit seems to be about free trade or its restraint, but to the government, it is about control. The new leader cannot allow any class or individual to become independent of his controls. A global corporation as powerful as Microsoft is a potential threat to the new world government. T

The new leader recognizes that others have failed to control the masses because their methods became too obvious. The new system of control should at all times to appear to be ‘just the way the world is.’ The ruling voice must state: The modern world needs tighter controls, and everyone must be regulated closely for the good of society. The leader creates a ruling apparatus that he controls, but only from behind the scenes. As children are taught regulations from day care through adulthood, the memory of any independence will not exist in anyone’s vocabulary. 52 THE ABILITY TO DEFINE ‘LAW’ IS A POWERFUL RULING CONCEPT

There seems a natural tendency in every human to obey what he thinks the law says. The child, trained in the social mores, discovers it easier to follow the law than rebel. A strong social conscience, and the guilt that results from a law’s violation, make most kids grow up obeying what the society has decreed to be ‘a law-abiding citizen.’ The shepherd must be the one who controls the making and defining of laws. The idea that laws are innate must be abolished. The public must never see laws as something created into the code of the universe. No person can change gravity, not even a shepherd. Therefore, laws must not be associated with anything but public opinion. That is why the leader must always talk about public opinion polls We can also see an increasing theatricality of politics, in which events are scripted and stage-managed for mass consumption, and in which individuals and groups struggle for starring roles (or at least bit parts) in dramas of life. This theatricality is a natural–and inevitable–feature of our time. It is what happens when a lot of people begin to understand that reality is a social construction. REALITY ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE, Walter Truett Anderson, p. 5. and how he feels that they are the new laws of the universe. With the new absolute of public opinion in place, the leader can change laws by changing public opinion. Thus, the new leader is always seeking ways to control public opinion in the direction he wants to go. When this is accomplished, new laws are made to appear as following from the demands of the general will. With this structure in place, every action taken by the


shepherd appears to be legal. After all, the people are the source of the law. The people feel they are in control and that they are sovereign: They are the new foundation of the universe. The leader is now free to do anything. The more he can control public opinion, the more he is free to pursue anything he desires. The legislature in these conditions must always appear as the ones who are implementing the will of the people. The idea of leadership passes from the scene. The congress creates the illusion that every decision is based on the will of the people. This must be spoken over and over. The news must always be about the search of finding solutions for problems that serve as tools for action. Laws are merely the solution to every problem. Of course, the leader must decide what constitutes a problem. If one controls the problems, one controls the agenda. The new leader rules through the controlled creation of the proper problems. The public must be instilled with fear in every location that the leader chooses to act. This fear leads to problems, which leads to new laws, which leads to total control by the shepherd. It is the formula for ruling today. The next step is to evolve law into the From the time when lawgivers gave over legalization of every area of society. In one attempt to maintain the general security by sense, freedom is perceived as acting outside belief that particular bodies of human law had of the control of the law. The new leader been divinely dictated of divinely revealed or says that any thing not covered by law is divinely sanctioned, they have had to wrestle anarchy. Anarchy destroys society. No with the problem of proving to mankind that anarchy must be allowed to exist. Therefore, the law was something fixed and settled, every area of life must be subject to some whose authority was beyond question, while form of law. The public must feel that the at the same time enabling it to make constant new freedom is obeying the law and not readjustments and occasional radical changes being punished. We are free when we obey under the pressure of infinite and variable the speed limit. We are free when we pay human desires. taxes. We are free when we follow Roscoe Pound, Dean Harvard Law School, government regulations for child care. In quote in GOD, MAN, AND LAW, p.18. time the traditional meaning of freedom can be totally transformed into the following of the new laws. There is one narrow ban of behavior that must be promoted. This is the feeling of release from law through the properly controlled expression of wild emotion. Law and emotion must be presented as two sides of the same coin. There is a public behavior which the leader controls for the good of all. In time, the definition of public behavior becomes more encompassing. To prevent rebellion there must be times of controlled release of the pressure of law. The new leader must promote sports, music, and sex as the new saviors of human freedom in a world of regulation. The more schools regulate the youth, the more they must be allowed to misbehave in areas provided for them. The more jobs become regulated and demeaning, the more workers must be shown ways to carry on in adult ways of misbehaving and releasing frustration. With the new laws there must, therefore, be a new morality. The old morality acted to control the leader along with his people. The old morality emphasized self-control. The old morality meant the freedom to accomplish some good. All of these things go against the new ruler. Self control interferes with the release of pent up frustration living in a law dominated


society. It is vital that the public not feel guilty for their emotional excesses. Guilt seeks a solution and the solution cannot always be controlled by the shepherd. Religious revivals have been started by guilt. That must not be allowed to happen. Revivals and revolutions often go hand in hand. The other aspect of morality is the desire to do some positive good. Positive good must be seen as the role of the government and those that work for the new shepherd. Positive good gives the idea of freedom apart from the law. If the people can have their own schools and their own charities, it creates a feeling that is not part of the controlled feelings the shepherd seeks to instill. Feeling good is part of the planned emotions that the leader channels into various forms of releases. Positive good is part of the image of the shepherd. He is the author of all good. If there is good, the leader will pass a law and authorize it. Doing good apart from the law implies that there exists solutions apart from the new legal system. This cannot be allowed to happen. In the new society, doing unauthorized good is rebellion against the goodness of the total system of supplying our every need. T

The new leader must develop the mental thinking of the masses. If he can control their thought processes, he can control them without the use of force. By teaching the masses the new definitions of freedom, pleasure, and legality, he can direct their behavior through the channels desired and needed for the new world culture. The masses must come to accept the Roman Empire view of life: All those outside of the state’s jurisdiction and control are barbarians–not fit for life.



Nations have been destroyed in the past because they neglected to employ people of above average intelligence. Intellectuals can be easily bought with a little money and the idea that they are part of the ruling elite. The modern college system is perfect for this purpose. Not only does it create a need for many intelligent persons to be kept off the streets, it also gives them a false sense of being independent and important. Depending on one’s personality, there are two other systems designed to keep potential threats employed and content. They are the public school system and the government bureaucracy. Those who think these groups are designed for what their stated purpose is are sorely misled. All three serve as agents of control. Those who work in these systems must learn certain behaviors to maintain their employment. Those who think they are free should realize they are only free in areas they are told they are free. If you step outside of the regulated areas of behavior, you will find that your job was not as secure as first thought.


The new leader must constantly tell The fact is that this is what society is and the people how important all three areas are always has been: a symbolic action system, a to the security and future of the nation. It is structure of statuses and roles, customs and almost impossible for anyone in America rules for behavior, designed to serve as a today to even imagine what life would be vehicle for earthly heroism. Each script is without the university system, public schools, somewhat unique, each culture has a different and the variety of public services provided by hero system. What the anthropologists call the government agencies. These various ‘cultural relativity’ is thus really the relativity agencies are never thought of as being of hero-systems the world over. But each efficient. Their services are considered so cultural system is a dramatization of earthly vital that the very thought of efficiency seems heroics. But each cultural system is a to imply an attack on their services. When dramatization of earthly heroics; each system was the last time anyone thought of ways to cuts out roles for performances of various make the modern university system a costdegrees of heroism: from the ‘high’ heroism effective organization. No one would even of a Churchill, a Mao, or a Buddha, to the know how to go about such a plane. Only ‘low’ heroism of the coal miner, the peasant, about fifty per cent of the employees in the simple priest; the plain everyday, earthy public schools have any contact with the heroism wrought by gnarled working hands students. Yet anytime cuts are announced, Except for professionals executives guiding a family through and hunger and disease. it is the teachers who are threatened with lay most are emotionally involved THEAmericans DENIAL OF DEATH, Ernest Becker, offs. neither p. 5. in their occupation (what they do) nor Most revolutions are not political, in their job (the place where they do it). they are economic. The fall of the Soviet What finally relates the average person to Union was not because people stopped life, space, and people is his own personal believing in Communism. Most had intimate economy: his family, house, and car. stopped believing in that years earlier. The He has labelled his occupational world ‘not nation fell because of economic failures. involved,’ and turned inward upon his own People will put up with most any conditions little world of family, hobbies, and living as long as there is enough of life’s standard. necessities to make life tolerable. If there is CULTURE AGAINST MAN, Jules Henry, p. any continued shortfall in goods produced, 29. then people become political. The extremes which people will go can be seen in the French Revolution and the Nazi Revolution. Both came on the scene because of economic failures. People were willing to give up most of what they valued in life in exchange for some bread and some security. The good leader will always remember this. Also, it is not necessary to keep the lower classes employed, but the middle classes. They are the ones who provide the leadership for rebellion. The lower classes will grumble and maybe throw a few stones, but they can be controlled. They back down when confronted with force. With the three arms of government employment three different types of people are kept content and given some security. The intellectuals are kept busy inside the walls of academia and are made to feel like they are doing something important. The average, frustrated, middle class person can be given the “exalted” task of teaching the young. They are made to feel


important even though they are mere pawns in the manipulation of the young. Others who may be more action oriented, or less-vocal personalities can be employed in such agencies as Social Security or the Environmental Protection Agency. As each person is matched to his particular need, the government has successfully channeled dissent into constructive channels. Even during hard times, it is vital that the government keep all three of these areas fully employed. Those who are not connected with any of these organizations will have trouble drawing up support for any radical change. Radical change will be resisted by all of those who work for the forces of non-change. 54 THE DESTRUCTION OF FREEDOM THROUGH LIABILITY A person who could be ruined with any possible misdeed will not act. If to act opens a person to legal or financial punishments, then people will be prevented from acting. In fact, they will be glad to be relieved of any obligation to act. When freedom carries penalties too severe for the individual to survive, then people will gladly turn their freedom over to someone who is . . . the omnipresent tort tax we pay today was conceived in the 1950s and set in place in the 1960s and 1970s by a new generation of lawyers and judges. In the space of twenty years they transformed the legal landscape, proclaiming sweeping new rights to sue. Some famous and more grew rich selling their services to enforce the rights that they themselves invented. . . . Tort law as we know it is a peculiarly American institution. No other country in the world administers anything remotely like it. LIABILITY, Peter W. Huber, pp. 4-5. not afraid to act or who is not liable. If this is done properly, no one will even notice that the new leader from the beginning instituted policies which made every mistake in society open to legal redress. While in times past a person might be sued for incompetence, now anyone who has something unexpected happen “on his watch” is now open for some form of legal redress. All that any leader has to do to get his people to hand over all of their freedoms to him is to make their every public action open to some form of legal review. Humans have something that is not curable, it is that they are human. No quarterback completes all of his passes. No batter hits for a 1.000 average. The best basketball player misses an easy shot. You can expand the list to every profession. What the new leader has succeeded in doing is to make hitting less than a 1.000 by a doctor an illegal act. Every person is some area is not just expected to be competent, but is expected to be perfect. When the standard of behavior is raised so high that maybe only the very best can meet that standard, you have the foundation for chaos and fear. Once people accept this as something that individuals can be held accountable for, the leader can step in and offer his services to free his people from the burden of performing their duties.


Those who work for the government Every sale of a car, toaster, or cigarette can be made above legal redress. Those who lighter, every hookup of an electric or gas work for a large corporation can have their customer, every ticker for an ocean cruise or liabilities shifted to the corporation. Those roller coaster ride, every college admission, who live and work outside the protection of a hotel room rental, or tensillectomy, is based governmental or corporate umbrella, are on contract. The old law depended on buy exposed to threats of legal liabilities. These and seller to decide privately beforehand who liabilities are designed to instill fear into the would pay for what if an accident befell. average person. The idea of being ‘wiped When the courts abandoned contract, they left out’ through one mistake is enough to make a cavernous void that had to be refilled. . even the bravest person take the path of the LIABILITY, p. 33. corporate world. One of the most effective methods to curtail protests at abortion clinics has been the use of liability laws against the protesters. The successful lawsuits, waged against those conducting protests, have been very The tort Founders were intent on rewriting contract, private or public, so that no individual would ever lose. Their successors discovered, in the end, that they had created a world where there were far fewer contracts in which anyone ver won. Having allowed the lawyers to cut a great road through the right of contract to get after the devil, the citizenry had nowhere to hide when the devil then turned upon them, the contractual landscape now being entirely flat. LIABILITY, p. 189. effective in silencing their efforts. T

The leader is well aware that any direct attack upon the freedom of protest will create a reaction. The best way to control the masses is through the making of undesirable behavior subject to civil redress. When any group or organization can be sued for ‘illegal’ behavior, their compliance is almost automatic. Given the cost of even defending one’s innocense, compliance to the leader’s laws can readily be expected. 55


The destruction of Southern heritage is a symbol of what must be done to every culture which the new leader seeks to subdue. Memories are dangerous. The empires of Assyria and Babylon in ancient times understood this process well. When they conquered a nation, they transplanted the conquered peoples to a new location. The idea was to break an enemy by destroying his history. The people would no longer be in contact with the land and it memories. They would no longer see the symbols of their faith, and historical and psychological heritage. The destruction of a nation’s past was, in essence, the destruction of the nation.


In the United States today, the American South is experiencing a similar destruction of their heritage. It is not possible to transport the residents to another part of the United States. Thus, the memories of the Southerners must be destroyed just as if they were moved away from their land. This new form of historical destruction is proving to be very effective. The South has been subjected to an inflow of a large number of people both from the North and from Mexico. These people have no memories or ties with the land. As the population has become increasingly dominated by the newcomers, the history of the Old South has become transformed. The pride in the South has been turned into one of shame. As I write this, there is immense pressure throughout the South to change the names of schools, roads, and places that date back to the Civil War. Monuments are either being removed or moved to another, not so obvious, location. The Christian history in the South has been transformed into one of an evil nation that ruled without scruples. The events of the South’s history are being rewritten to remove the fondness for the old way of life. Even the battlefields where so many Southerners fought and died, are being changed into mere memories of the stubbornness of the nation and its lost cause. The real history and beliefs of the Southerners are being eliminated. A new interpretation of events is being taught to the youth throughout the What set American culture of the late twentieth century apart is not avarice, but a surfeit of machine-made things. What is clear is that most of these things in and of themselves simply do not mean enough. So we have developed very powerful ways to add meaning to goods. . . . consumption of things and their meanings is how most Western young people cope in a world that science has pretty much bled of traditional religious meanings. Generations ago, consumption played out its Saturnalian excesses alongside the church, literally, at the carnival. Mardi Gras and Lent were connected. Consumption, then denial. . . . We used to go into the dark cathedral looking for life’s meaning and then do a little shopping on the side. Now we just go straight to the mall. If you travel about the globe, you will find that millions are quietly queuing up waiting their turn to start shopping. Woe to that government or church that tries to turn them back. LEAD US INTO TEMPTATION, James B. Twitchell, pp. 12,27. Southern region. The new leader should study this process because it has been so effective. It has transformed a whole region without the necessity of physical relocation. It has been so effective that the people living in the Old South are hardly aware of their once proud and Christian heritage. The Christians living in the South have even adopted the theologies of their Northern Brethren. The churches that split during the conflict between the states are now hardly aware of why they split in the first place. Any person traveling from Boston to Atlanta is hardly aware that there was once an immense difference between the two regions. The South has been conquered in such a way, that even war had found impossible to do: A mall in the South looks just like one in the North. The leader can apply these lessons to every area that he seeks to include in his new world order and culture.



The new shepherd must write the history books. He must control the holidays, and the monuments. He must mix people of contrary heritage into the same area. The resultant conflicts will allow the leader to destroy things that offend him in the name of being a guardian of peace and a common destiny. Every thing must be done to make the immigrant group feel that the new land is their land, and any offensive symbols must be eliminated. The leader thus appears to be a peacemaker rather than the destroyer of a nation’s past.

56 THE LEADER MUST USE EVERY MEANS NECESSARY TO DEFEND THE STATE The new leader must realize that, once he starts his project of bringing the nations together in one culture, there will be dissenters. Not everyone wants to be part of the new world culture. Most can be brought into line through the various economic, social, and psychological pressures that the state has at its disposal. But, and this is very important, there are some who would rather die than submit to world government. They are not only willing to die, they are willing to take millions with them on their journey. The current commercials encouraging men to join the U. S. Army tells people, “You can be an army of one.” Unfortunately, this is truer than anyone wants to admit. The superior army, in times past, could usually defeat their opponent. Governments could invest in men and machines knowing that such investments Change is very rare in the life of any society; it too often produces inconvenience, hardship, and bewilderment. Eric Hoffer correctly refers to ‘the ordeal of change.’ Habit is our adaptation to uncertainty. No one familiar with the role of the rebel, the heretic, and the deviant in most of man’s history will doubt the immense power of tradition and of persistence in society or the monumental difficulties encountered by the genius, the prophet, or the individual simply seeking escape from the stifling atmosphere that tradition and conformity can sometimes lead to. TWILIGHT OF AUTHORITY, Robert A. Nisbet, p. 141. would make a difference. This is no longer true. Today, an army of one can defeat a very well trained army. This is the age of the reign of the terrorist. This is the new army. And it is very difficult to defeat. If the new leader is not able to defeat the new army, everything else he does will not matter. Essentially, all of the king’s horses and all of the king’s men cannot stand up to the threat of germ, atomic weapons, or attacks of terror. The new leader must understand that the only way to defeat the new army of one is to take control of every aspect of society. Unless every single person and his activities in a nation can be controlled, the threat of terrorism will always be there. The new leader must use every means available to change his nation so that nothing happens that cannot be observed.


The computer has the technology An interest in war and in the uses of war which the leader can use to make every and of the military is a vivid characteristic of aspect of life under his control. The issuance the intellectual mind in Western history. . . . of nation identification cards, the elimination War, like revolution, is crisis, and crisis is of paper money, and the governmental always an opportunity for a break with the monopoly on all services must be a priority. despised present, for liberation from the kinds The leader must have the ability to find of authority which are most repugnant to anyone at any time, and to shut off his supply bold, creative, and utopian minds. of goods and services. Any individual who TWILIGHT OF AUTHORITY, Robert A. finds himself as a suspect can have his Nisbet, p. 161. purchasing power eliminated, his access to medical and food supplies curtailed, and making his ability to hide for long virtually impossible. The masses will consent to such controls as they must be made to fear the deadly result of any act of terror. Threatened with the contaminated food and water, or the attack of a deadly virus, the masses will submit. Thus, the terrorists can be the leader’s allies. He can use their threat to bring about the defeat of every idea and area of resistance. By using the techniques as outlined above, the new leader will not only transform his own nation, but can lead his nation in the transformation of the whole world. The principles that worked so well in the South can be applied to the whole world. The threat of terrorism can be used to bring even the most stubborn of peoples under control. As the youth are indoctrinated into the life of hedonism, they will not be willing to suffer pain or death for any belief. The dream of a world empire ruled by the will of man is about to change the whole world. The history of the world and all of its conflicts will come to an end. There will be one leader, one land, one religion, and one life. The new shepherd can bring peace and security to the whole world. This will be the end of history as it is now taught and initiation of a whole new man. T

The new leader’s world is about to be in place. Every aspect of reality is in place. He must be the new evangelist proclaiming the good news. Peace on earth and good will among all mankind has finally been accomplished. The hope of all history has become reality. The desires of the ages has been accomplished. The ages of fear are now to be only a memory. Mankind has become his own master. He is now the master of his fate.







Will this new leader bring heaven down to earth, or will he create hell on earth? That is the story of this age in which we live. Utopias have been tried in various places throughout history, but the people could always move West to escape. There is no longer a “West” to travel. We are cornered and trapped. May God help us.



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