Battle Of Worldviews Part 2

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  • Pages: 68
©2009 J. R. Johnson3

17 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL STEWARDSHIP AND THE OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY. One of the stories of history is the constant struggle over the ownership of land. It involves both the individual ownership of land and the corporate ownership found in businesses and governments. A person can learn much about history just by studying the changing boundaries of nations. If prostitution is called the oldest profession, it may find some debate over that by those who make maps. From the very first parts of history, the claim of ownership of land by one person has found someone else claiming the same land. Property disputes are fundamental in almost every dispute. The rise of the free market can almost be located in the values placed upon property. Once ownership is claimed over a parcel, value is added to it. The question then arises, how much value. That is determined by a number of factors. If no one else wants your land, it has very little value beyond what the owner can gain by the use of the land. Value can be added to the land by making improvements. Improvements usually are designed to increase the income generated by the owner. The increased revenue adds to the desirability of others wanting the same parcel of land. This leads to a second level of value. Once ownership has been claimed on a parcel, that land must be defended from those who find it cheaper to take the land rather than pay for it. If the land can be freely taken by whoever desires it, the value reverts back to near zero. Thus in order to maintain a land’s value, ways must be found to protect the land from those who do not want to pay for it. For the individual owner, it is cheapest to combine his interests with those of similar interests. Together, they can defend their lands from freeloaders. If the land is valuable enough, or if there are sufficient number of owners, a private army can be hired to protect the land. Many today think a deed is what determines the ownership of land. That is a rather modern concept. And it involves hidden costs that the owner is not usually aware of when he thinks of modern ownership. He pays taxes to a government to protect his deed from other claims of ownership. Government is necessary from the very first because ownership of land has been necessary from the very first. The problem with governments throughout history is that it also desires the ownership of all land under its jurisdiction. Just as the primitive property owner had to fear the army he hired to protect his land, so the modern owner has to fear the government he has hired to protect his land. History teaches that land ownership is never certain. Even if the land owner trusts his government, there are other governments who covet the land under the protection of his government. The result is something called ‘war.’ While there are many reasons to fight a war, it comes down to one reason: There are very few nations that are satisfied with just guaranteeing the ownership of just the land it now controls. It wants to expand its role as land protector to neighboring territories. Of course, the value of the land closest to its borders determines its willingness to go to war. War has to be cost effective. While some land has strategic value, most land is valued because people want to live and work the land. And who are willing to pay taxes to the government that protects that land. 180

Of course, land has strategic value to a state when the control of such land enables the state to defend the land upon which it collects taxes. If the government did not foresee making a profit from the control of its lands, it would not see war as an option. One of the myths of history is the belief governments operate differently than any other business. Just as businesses have a product or service to sell at a profit, so do governments. They sell a service to the people who reside within its borders. The government tries to maintain the myth that it serves the people within its borders. In past times, the private army tried to maintain the same myth. Even the owners of the land, after they had created a private army, were now no longer served by the army. They were held hostage by the army and maintained their property only by the continual paying of the army’s ransom. That same principle has applied to every government in history. Our founding fathers sought to create a government that served the people and did not hold the people hostage to it. Their government of the people only lasted about seventy years. The other traditional governments around the world could not tolerate this new form of government. From the very first, various attempts were made to undermine the new government. Secret agents were planted throughout the nation to bring about its downfall. If word got out to the peoples of the world that a government could exist without holding its people hostage, then the whole world might follow the example of the American Revolution. That idea had to be killed. The battle over the various forms of government is not just one of political organization. It is not just how to conduct elections, or whether to have one or two legislative houses. The battle boils down to the question of property, its ownership, and protection. Much is made of the first property disputes on the North American continent. Around 250,000 roving bands of Indians claimed ownership of the whole continent. There were no title deeds. There was no government to protect the land. The newcomers to America from Europe saw the land as being free. After all, the land had none of the historic qualities of ownership. There were no armies to protect the land. There was no taxing authority to hire an army. In the historic sense, such land was regarded as being free. Did the colonists steal the land from the American native Indians? The problem has to be approached from two different angles. According to the patterns established through Western history, such unprotected land was always free. With so few Indians and so much land, the right of absentee ownership was not recognized. Uninhabited land and unprotected land had always been free. The Indian saw the whole continent as theirs. Of course, the various tribes had wars as they came into contact. But with so much land and so few Indians, many conflicts could be avoided. If the Indian population had grown to the point where conflicts became regular, they would have had to work out some system of ownership. Their culture had no arrived to that point. Now the problem of land ownership was apparently never solved in Africa. Tribal warfare was constant. The fighting over hunting grounds and the right to control the slave trade made warfare a way of life. It was easier for many tribes to steal the food of a neighboring tribe than to work to secure its own food supply. An African view of land ownership never developed. The concept of stealing is not part of their culture. Ownership of objects and people had an entirely different basis than that developed by Western Culture. When the first whites settled in what is now South Africa, there were very few blacks. The land was basically free for the taking. 181

As the population of both races developed, there developed a war over who owned the land. While people read the Bible to gain insights into one’s spiritual existence, it is also a book about the ownership of property. To miss this fact is to ignore large portions of the Bible. The Israelites, after they had ‘stolen’ the land from the Canaanite’s, developed a philosophy of land ownership. With that concept there also developed a different idea of what a government should be. There also developed a different idea of how to protect the land from others who sought ownership of the same land. The Israelites claimed the land was theirs to possess. That involved warfare with those who also thought they owned the land. Whose land was it? And how are title deeds transferred? Those are the questions the Israelites had to settle. The basic idea of any culture or civilization is a philosophy of land ownership. Different ideas of ownership will result in different cultures and different governments. Does property belong to individuals or families? Upon the death of an owner, whose property is it? Does ownership mean more than just a place to build a home? Can the government or one of its agents enter the land for regulation and inspection? Can the government tax the land? How can the title be transferred from one to another? What limitations are there on ownership? How is ownership of land to be protected from others? All of these questions form the foundation of a social structure. The foundations of Western Civilization are based upon the Biblical idea of property. Do away with such ideas of property and you have destroyed Western Civilization. As has been mentioned before, the temptation is always to desire the results of certain beliefs, without believing those same beliefs. Mankind loves the civilization that developed out of the Biblical philosophy of property. The current experiment is to see if the fruits of that culture can be maintained without the old concept of property. It is a grand experiment, and if the Bible is correct, civilization is headed for disaster. The problem is that no one considers it an experiment at all. Reality is portrayed as the current way of living, and no choices are presented to society. The nature of property is the basic idea of government and society. Without an understanding of property, a true society cannot develop. The first level of understanding involves ownership. Whom has final ownership of property? In the modern world, the state now claims ownership over all of property under its control. The term used is ‘eminent domain.’ Today’s national governments claim sovereignty over their land. The Bible claims that all of the land belongs to God. Man is steward to the land and holds that trust directly from God. The state is to protect the land, but it does not own the land. The modern claim of statist ownership of all property and wealth within its borders is, in the Biblical sense, a claim of state sovereignty. This sovereignty brings it into conflict with the Bible and the God of the Bible. The original colonists saw God as sovereign. The word sovereign is never used in the constitution. Also, the constitution gives no power of eminent domain to the federal government. Thus, the modern government even claims that the personal wealth of each individual belongs to the central government. Individuals by way of exemptions are allowed to keep a small part of their personal income, but any money they keep is only at the permission of the state. Men in their opposition to this invented the idea of personal sovereignty. All controls over men, by any government, are a violation of man’s rights. Only nature and the laws of nature have any right to restrict the power of men. In the Bible the right of property ownership belongs to the family. It is to be passed onto members of the family through inheritance. The government is to act as a representative of the

family for the protection of the property. The government is allowed to tax individuals through a head tax, but no taxes are allowed upon property. The government cannot unduly restrict the right of ownership and the use of property. The individual is considered free only to the extent that his property belongs to him and he is safe on that property. Men who can be forcibly removed from their property are not free men. When men are free to reside on their own land without fear, they are considered free men. One of the wars of the ages is over the ownership of property. To not own property is to be a slave. A person who rents to exist is merely alive as long as he can meet the rent payments. In the modern, corporate world, ownership has become something of a problem. The corporate world requires its own kind of free market. It is the right of the corporation to buy and sell its products wherever it wishes. It needs a totally fluid environment without undue restrictions. It needs employees who are also fluid. Being able to relocate is part of the new employee’s condition of employment. Everything must be able to adjust to the new business environment. As products and technology change, all must be allowed to change with it. Any restrictions on change are a hindrance to corporate progress. Property ownership by God with the family as a steward of that property puts restrictions upon the ability of the central government and the corporate business to manipulate the environment for maximum production. All people upon entering the world are to be trained by the government in their schools to adjust to the ever-changing world that marks industrial progress. All such things as property, God, families act as restrictions on technological growth. While social Darwinism is not readily admitted, this is the basic state doctrine of statist supervision of social evolution. Every roadblock must be eliminated. One of the most important of these is private property. The new global world order must make war against traditional Christianity. If Christians ever discovered what their ancestors believed, it would put a stop to the vision of the new leaders. In the past frontal attacks on Christianity have not proved successful. The best attack is to remove the Children from their parents and educate them in the new form of Christianity that is acceptable to world order and the unification of all faiths. The new world man is not defined by ownership of anything, but by the ability of each person to train himself to enjoy the pleasures of this life to the maximum. Whether it is good food, sports, or sex, none need ownership in order to be enjoyed. If man wastes his time on the ownership of property, then it lessons his capability to enjoy the gifts of the new technological order. When men look upon the family and property as belonging to a man, then it changes his view of life and his goals. Such things as duty, honor and service become part of each man’s ethics. The idea of improving one’s property so that it can be passed on to one’s children is foreign to the new world order. The state, in the end, owns everything, and a man does not work to improve the state’s property. As men are drawn away from ownership, the new world order becomes a possibility. In the past, men were considered even the owners of their own family. This was before property became an evil word. The man was considered a steward over his family that God had given to him. That is why the family and property are tied together in their being a hindrance to the new, evolutionary improved, world order. 18 THE WAR BETWEEN BIBLICAL PEACE AND MENTAL HEALTH 183

Every failure to adjust to life causes a form of pain. In the Bible, the lack of adjustment is seen in terms of sin. Man rebel’s against God’s created order, and His plan for each man’s life. In the new world order, the pain experience by modern men is seen as a disease that can be cured through modern technological means. The big question is this: Is man a sinner or is he just ill? Much of the debate that goes on between Christians and the government is over this definition. If man is a sinner, then the giving up of sin can result in a cure. If man is sick, then a doctor of the mind must help the individual to get well so that functioning in the new world order is not a problem. In modernist terms, the cure of man dates from Sigmund Freud. The reason so many latched onto his new interpretations of man, is that he provided hope for a cure outside of the Biblical cure. Just as Darwin became an overnight hero for providing a theory of man separation for Biblical creation, so Freud also became an international celebrity. Since the time of Augustine, the Biblical world view had provided mankind with the explanations of reality. While all did not believe, they all operated under the assumptions of the Bible. Even nonChristians would talk about the evil of their deeds, or how their sins had found them out. When misfortune hit man, there was talk of the consequences of turning away from God. Men may have chosen to not believe, but they knew that there were consequences. They accepted those consequences and knew of the trade off they had made. With the Enlightenment, a rival to Christianity was presented to mankind. For the first time in over a thousand years, men were presented with a choice. There were religious battles, such as during the Protestant Reformation, but those quarrels were over minor points within the same Biblical world view. The Enlightenment provided the foundation for the laying of another totally way of interpreting the world. The Enlightenment was just the beginning. It would be up to others to fill in the blanks, or to build upon that foundation. The foundation was based upon the primary belief that the world and everyone in it could be explained by purely natural explanations. There was no need for a revelation to interpret reality, man could use the scientific method to discover everything he needed to know. The American Revolution and the second Constitution were based upon this foundation. A way of governing a nation was sought that would run without any need of God. Men could make the rules and design a nation that would serve men and would not be for believers only. A nation was designed to be governed on purely natural principles, principles that everyone could accept. The voters would be allowed to create a reality through their elective processes. While the implications of this belief were still to be worked out, the early years of the nation was governed upon the principles left over from the Biblical era. As the older generation died off and a new one arose, there developed an attitude among the Americans that was based more and more upon the Enlightenment principles. While Freud and Darwin were not Americans, their ideas were readily accepted here as they expressed what American’s already believed. During the nineteenth century as Americans experimented in various new religions and beliefs, there was a constant search for new answers to the old problems. To replace the church, all kinds of different communes and secret societies were created to fill in the void left by the lifeblood being drained out of the churches. Americans were looking for a new community to give meaning and fellowship to their lives. There also developed new religions based on the cure of the mind and the soul. Amateur scientists tried to

find cures for sin through the use of natural foods. The nineteenth century in America is one attempt after another to find a substitute for the Bible and its answers to life’s problems. By the early 1900's, Americans had firmly replaced traditional Christianity with a plethora of substitutes. Fundamentalist Churches no longer accepted the historic views of Christianity. The Christian Church was merely a parenthesis in history. The plan of God all along was for the Jews to rule the world. Between the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple, the church was to serve as a temporary substitute for the plans of God. The true plan of God would only be revealed when the Jews were restored to the holy land of Israel. This theology placed the church outside of true reality. It no longer saw itself as the center of history. It no longer tried to lay the foundations of history and of all rational thought. The world had been given over to the naturalists until the Jewish people would reign again as they did in the Old Testament. With Christianity no longer offering solutions to the problems of life, it was up to the new kings of the universe to design solutions for problems that had natural causes. Into this void stepped Sigmund Freud. He offered a new explanation for sin, except it was no longer a sin. (As with most ideas, a popularized version became part of man’s interpretation of everyday reality.) He saw man as having an ego, an id, and a superego. When the three were in balance, then men were considered healthy. If one or the other were to take over man’s personality, then the resulting imbalance would result in bizarre behavior. Also, the conflicts that men feel inside them are merely the three parts of man in war with each other. In order to restore balance into a man’s life, the psychiatrist must delve into a person’s innermost secrets, dreams, and unconscious thoughts. Balance can only be restored as the reasons for the imbalance can be discovered. It is to be found in some event in one’s past, usually in one’s childhood. Some traumatic occurred during childhood, sometimes of a very sexual nature, to cause the person to grow into adulthood with psychic baggage holding him back from mature and adjusted behavior. If the individual to recognize the event in his past that caused the imbalance, then the individual could be freed from the hold that event holds over him. The reason that event has been hidden is that the event was so traumatic that the person did not want to accept it as actually happening. While the above is the average American’s understanding of psychiatry, and many other explanations of behavior have followed Freud’s, the important point is that mankind was developing a new view of what it meant to be a man and what maturity entailed. Men were no longer to seek God’s will in their lives, but were to seek after discovering their own will. Men were no longer to do what was right in God’s eyes, but to seek to be true to their own inner selves. Men were no longer to be bound by traditions, contracts, or marriage covenants, but were to seek meaning in whatever way their true desires led. Men could only be adjusted and at peace with themselves, through the travail of seeking their own personal psychic liberation from everything that kept their personality and true desires enslaved. This was in total contrast to the Biblical view that developed with Saint Augustine. His confessions became a biography of a soul, seeking healing from God. His goal was not to be liberated from his psychic past, but from his sins. He saw a rebellion in his heart from God that needed to be cured. He saw himself as powerless to change himself and that if left to himself, only bad could result. While the terms were part of the Bible, it was through Augustine that 185

these words and others became part of Western Culture. His Confessions form the spiritual foundation of Western thinking. Through that one book, men looked upon themselves in a different light. The pagan way of thinking was superceded by a Christian world outlook. While Thomas Paine is given too much credit for the American Revolution, as his books were published late in the conflict, he is the Saint Augustine of America. His books were immense sellers in the new America, and they provided a whole different way of thinking and approaching reality. If George Washington is the father of American government, Thomas Paine is the father of the new secular way of believing that permeated its way into the thinking life of Americans between the Revolution and the War Between the States. While the American Revolution is George Washington’s war, the Civil War could be Thomas Paine’s war. Washington was a Southerner and the nation that he created was defeated in that war and replaced by the views of Paine. The old America built upon a spiritual foundation was replaced by one built upon a naturalistic foundation. The most famous sermon during early America had to be Jonathan Edward’s Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. The message told of each soul dangling over the fires of eternal hell suspended by a tiny web holding him from eternal damnation. The message brought terror into the hearts of all present. Some fainted, and some screamed out from the terror as pictured in their minds. Those days are over when men can be made to picture in their minds the terror of hell. But there is a new terror in the land. If that sermon were to be repeated today with today’s audience, the title might be An Unstable Mind in the Control of Cosmic Forces. In this age of an unstable brain, men fear that their brain may at any time revert to some primitive animalistic behavior. The popular idea is that the brain is a wild and uncontrollable organ which is kept in check by the social order. If men are ever separated from these social controls, there is a quick reversion to barbarism. In movie after movie, the theme is about some genius gone mad and terrorizing society. All men are seen as being on the border of such behavior. The image is of that of a government sitting on top of a volcano which is ready to erupt. It is only through mass schooling and many social programs that anarchy is avoided. One of the functions of the government is to see that the social controls are always in place and that all men can receive mental healing when necessary. In the Bible a sound mind is seen as a result of being in fellowship with God. The resulting mental stability is said to result in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-3) All of the above come as a package deal. It is not a question of choosing which ones a person wants to possess. The Christian has a mind that exhibits these traits. When men are separated from God and from Christian culture then the opposite traits can be expected. The mental health industry in America is the attempt through counseling and drugs to allow people to choose which of the above traits they would like to express in the personality. It is just a question of the proper treatment and the patient being willing to choose the proper lifestyle. The reason this whole area is a battlefield is that the very foundations of the new world order are based upon the idea that men are unstable and need supervision. If men are left to themselves, they will end up with the law of the jungle as the rule of the land. Under such conditions, life will become nasty, brutish, and short. The role of government is to impose upon the masses the healing power of a ruling elite. Mental health is not something that comes

naturally to man, but is something that must be held in place by the power of government and its power of the sword. The Bible sees men as capable of living with the most minimal of central governments. It sees men as having the choice to choose freedom and that the human personality as being most alive when surrounded with traditions and relationships. According to the Bible, insanity is not a medical thing, but the result of a broken relationship with God and the breakdown of social and cultural commitments. The brain is not treated as an organ similar to an appendix, but is seen as the vessel that houses a mind or a soul. It is more than just a reflex trained electrical stimulus machine. God has put something called life into the brain and it is that which makes man different from the animal with a brain. It is this belief which transforms man into a person. The Bible can cure the ills of the brain, but it involves curing the whole person. It sees the attempts to cure the brain by using the techniques that might be used on an animal as a form of rebellion and the final result of all rebellion is insanity and ultimately hell. 19 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL JOY AND HEDONISM Every foundation provides for a different style of culture. Change the foundation and a wholly different world will result. It is like in the field of geometry. If just one of the assumptions is changed, a whole different form of geometry is created. So it is with men and their attempts to build a world of their on liking. This battle is similar to the previous discussion of psychiatric health. How one defines good mental health and what causes poor mental health forms the foundation of a whole industry. The previous section discussed how professionals view life and how their approach to healing is determined by foundational beliefs–beliefs that are assumed from the start and are never seriously disputed. This section deals with the popular ideas of what people want out of their mental health. The Christian has different goals about life and how his mind should work than a person operating from a naturalistic perspective. The Christian rests in the providential care of a creator God. The naturalist understands that evolution brought about his current condition and only the ‘fit’ have survived. The Christian views that all striving is pointless unless the Creator places His stamp of approval upon one’s work. The secular person realizes that, if only the ‘fit’ survive, then it is up to each person to do every thing in his power to make sure his efforts are more fit than his neighbor’s efforts. Life is a constant struggle against a nature that may oppose one’s plans and it is a constant struggle against others who may be competing for the same earthly and cosmic space. A life based upon natural processes only is going to look upon this life as being all that there is. There is nothing beyond death. All values are created, not by God, but by each individual person. The only good in life is what each person can discover amidst the chaos of an unruly nature. In such circumstances, the good must be evaluated by how it makes me feel. Pain and pleasure are all that life has to offer. The natural world can make me feel good and it can give me pain. The goal of each person is to strive for pleasure and avoid pain. The other various goals are based upon this foundation. For example, a person will fight for his country because the consequences of not fighting are more painful than fighting. 187

With this in mind, each person is constantly weighing each situation by the pleasure standard. There are other standards, but they are merely secondary beliefs based upon the foundation of pleasure. The down side of this belief in the pleasure principle is that others know what your goals are. Not only will others be motivated by the pleasure principle, they will know that you are also. Others, such as a central government, can arrange circumstances so that people will automatically choose the government position. The culture can be manipulated by the powerful so that behavior is channeled into zones of pleasure. The rulers and the powerful will so control reality, that they can add pleasure or pain, to situations that they control. Ultimately, people motivated by pleasure, end up being controlled by others. The Christian views reality as being controlled by God for the glory of God. Man sees never more than a partial view of the total reality. God sees the bigger picture and the world operates according to this grand design. Men, by aligning their wills to this bigger design, can achieve peace and joy. Happiness is not always possible. For the Christian there is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is brought about by favorable circumstances. Joy is brought about by pleasing God and being part of His will. Life may require a person to endure pain and suffering. A Christian is called upon to serve higher goals than pleasure. One reason governments throughout history have opposed Christianity or have tried to corrupt it, is that real Christians are difficult to manipulate. They are not fooled by pleasurable situations. They lack the ‘hot’ buttons in their world view that are so necessary for political brainwashing. 20 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE FAMILY AND THE GOAL OF FREE ASSOCIATION Traditionally, families have exerted the ultimate call for allegiance. Only God could call forth a higher loyalty. Like very such higher calling, the calling stands in contrast to the principle of pleasure. It is also contrary to the individual’s right to be free of all restrictions. This battle boils down to the basic goal of life. Is pleasure the most real thing in life? Is there something which is more important than pleasure? It is quite easy for pleasure to become part of a new world government. It is very difficult to reconcile an allegiance to a family institution and at the same time to consider the family of man as one’s primary allegiance. Just as Jesus said a person cannot have two masters, so a person cannot have two families. It is impossible to have two primary units of bonding. First of all it is important to understand the nature of the family. The philosophy of the family has not been taught so the word has become nearly title associated with a house and some people. The Biblical idea of a lifetime bonding between two persons of the opposite sex is foreign to today’s idea of relationships being temporary. The very idea of two people who are growing and changing able to grow together seems impossible. The secular marriage is designed to provide pleasure for so long as both parties are receiving dividends. If the relationships become a negative drain on one’s lifestyle, then it is time to move onto other persons. It is pleasure or the promise of near term pleasure which holds people together. One of the tools of the new world government is the support it gives to people in their pursuit of pleasure. The laws are being changed to allow persons to move through life with the minimal of ethical and legal restrictions in terms of personal pleasure. In the short term, prostitution and

drugs are illegal only because these laws are useful to the new world government in their attempts to control people. As the new order takes hold over the whole world, then both drugs and all forms of sex whether for money or by consent will become legal. It will also add two giant industries to the tax base. The second idea of Biblical family is that the children produced in such a marriage represent a gift from God. Children are considered a divine blessing, and one of life’s great joys. The work involved in raising children is one way that Christians serve God. Children come into the world with no social or personal instincts. They must be taught everything they know and their behavior must be learned from their parents. This involves work. It is one of the commands from God. This work is a responsibility before God, and the parents are considered accountable to God for their treatment of their own children. The parents are to care for their children, educate them, and introduce them to God. The work and savings of a family are also to be passed onto one’s children in the form of an inheritance. The new world culture considers children as belonging to society as a whole. The government cares for children and educates them. The children are not to expect an inheritance from their parents, but are to expect the government to care for them in every way. The wealth that one accumulates in this life is for one’s one use. The idea of parents passing onto their children, their own wealth goes against the new world culture. Each individual has a direct relationship with the government and is free to accumulate wealth for his own pleasure during this life. He is to spend that wealth during his own lifetime. The passing on of this wealth to others involves a false hierarchy imported from Biblical times. One thing the new order must eliminate is the Biblical inheritance. Once this is eliminated, the family will finally be eliminated and replaced by new social structures. The family also produces traditions. Children are taught ways that conflict with the new world culture. Children are inspired to behave in certain ways by the use of family heritage. These family traditions might involve ethical, racial, and personality traits. It might also involve career choices. Children are often prepared to follow in their parent’s field of endeavor. The new world culture through its educational institutions is better able to establish career choices for the students. The use of tests and psychological profiles are more proficient at directing a child into a career choice than the parent’s pressuring of them. The family and its traditional parents are at war with a new all-inclusive culture that accepts each individual with no intermediating structures. The new world culture has a vision of what the ideal society should be like. It is a world where every individual that is allowed to be born in this world has certain rights. The major right is the goal of being allowed to pursue those avenues of pleasure that the culture has legalized. No one, no church, no institution, and no association will be allowed to infringe upon the individual in his pursuit of pleasure. Before the new world culture, the individual was restricted from pursuing life’s pleasure. Obligations to a family restricted pleasure. The church put ethical restrictions upon pleasurable behavior. Also, a restrictive culture would use peer pressure to confine behavior within acceptable roles. The fear of what others in a society might think is used as a tool to conform individuals within narrow limits. The new world culture frees the individual to pursue personal choice in every area. The only restrictions are those that society needs in order to function. The general social order 189

restricts the individual not in order to restrict pleasurable behavior, but to form an order that makes for all individuals being the most free of conflicts and obligations. The new culture contains individuals and governmental institutions. These institutions will provide for every social and psychological needs. Each person as long as he lives is thus freed from anything that might infringe upon a life of pleasure. Individuals are free to associate for pleasure without having any obligations beyond the moment of exhilaration.

21 THE BATTLE BETWEEN A BIBLICAL HEAVEN AND A SECULAR UTOPIA Pleasure cannot be eliminated from any philosophy. Men were either created by God for pleasure or they have evolved with needs for pleasure. Any philosophy that denies men pleasure will not succeed. Even when soldiers die in battle, they must be persuaded that their dying will somehow bring them some kind of vicarious pleasure. Both the Bible and the new world culture as we have been discussing, have different ideas of what pleasure is. But the idea of utopia involves more than pleasure. While people are attracted to pleasure, they desire that the pleasure be meaningful. It is necessary to put the pleasure of each person into some big picture. There appears to be a natural guilt associated with pleasure for pleasures sake. That is where the concept of utopia comes into play. The role of utopia is to provide a vision for the future. It also provides an ordering principle for everyday life. Even when religious principles are discarded, the principles of religion find their home in other places. Instead of heaven, men are to strive for perfection in the future of earth. The current concern for the environment is a reflection of this utopian faith. Because the resources of the earth are limited, and the utopian vision is in some distant future, the earth must be preserved for the future. To consume resources implies the idea that the earth was created for only temporary occupation. It would be pointless to strive for utopia if the earth had only a limited future. Just as evolution requires billions of years in the past to achieve its miracle, utopia requires millions of years in the future. As men can point to the slime from which they came, so they can point to a future which will show similar improvements. The faith in utopia requires a continuous progress that reflects the billions of years of progress shown in evolution. One of the current dilemmas is that conservation and progress need to be reconciled. There have been no limits in the past as men have conquered the earth. Only recently, as the post World War II utopia never arrived, has it become necessary to put off the vision into a distant future. The twentieth century instead of showing the fruits of modern technology, only showed the evils to which technology could be used. As a result of the wars of the last hundred years, a new kind of utopian order was called for to inspired mankind. The technology that seemed so promising at the beginning of the industrial revolution only brought wars of mass destruction. Something else was needed to inspire the quest for utopia and to justify the lifestyle of the masses. The first thing was to explain why technology had failed. The environmental movement is used as the excuse for past failures. The earth had provided material abundance, but it had come at a cost. The material

benefits which were supposed to free men from the menial tasks of living, only produced other frustrations and disappointments. The prime example is the automobile which promised so much home only to become both a blessing and a curse. The new utopian hope is no longer a material driven utopia that occupied many during the industrial revolution. As men become separated from the farms and small towns, mental problems replaced physical problems as man’s biggest ailment. What in the past was called the sin problem, now became the mental health problem. The new utopia had to find ways to solve the internal conflicts that plagued men’s souls, even in the midst of material abundance and pleasures. As men achieved new levels of pleasure only experienced by the elite in the pass, the satisfaction sought was not found. The new progress that men were to achieve would be in terms of mental pleasures. This belief fit in well with the new asceticism of the environmental movement. Evolution was seen as taking man on his next step in the conquering of the universe. Men had been brought to a new mental awareness of their condition. Mankind could now, through the new sciences of psychology and sociology, construct a better world than the one that had evolved through the randomness of natural selection. Just as the physical sciences had produced the world of technology, so the new social and mental sciences would produce the new mental revolution of the future. Men were free to experiment and discover what would best satisfy the needs of men, and then construct a social order based upon those discoveries. The new utopia would be peace of mind and contentment. The new utopia would offer the very same things that Christianity had been offering for over two thousand years. The big difference was that in the new world utopia men could achieve peace of mind without the ethical limits which had been so restrictive in the past. The uncertainty of life drives men to search out solutions to life’s problems. Living with uncertainty is not favorable to the good life. Christianity offers a picture of life that includes both now and a future life in heaven. Life is seen as encompassing both. To separate earthly life from heaven is to view life from an impossible perspective. Life demands completeness and to eliminate heaven is to have a life view that is incomplete. If a future cannot be located in heaven, then it must be found in some other place–that other place being the utopian future. Just about every description of heaven could also be applied to the dream that is offered to mankind through the utopian promises. If the new world order would lose control over the future, it would be impossible to convince people that the new world culture is a necessity. The battle between Christianity and the new world order is a battle over who will control the future visions that men desire. 22 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL ETHICS AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE If there is one word that has become an excuse for almost any behavior it is the word ‘freedom.’ People no longer do evil things, but are merely expressing their view of freedom. Those who deny them this right are the oppressors who would become the new Nazis. The very idea of right and wrong seems very outdated in a society that finds the right to freely express oneself as being paramount. Behavior has been relegated to the legal and illegal, but the ethical 191

and unethical are almost out of date in these modern times. Men define themselves by the choices they make, and to limit choices is to restrict men. In modern terms, any restrictions are viewed as a form of slavery. In the past there have been various restrictions upon people. There have been restrictions of travel, restrictions on sexual behavior, restrictions on religious expressions, restrictions on employment, restrictions on various marital bonds, and restrictions on association. When modern men think about freedom, they think in terms of the above ideas. If they are free from any of the above restrictions, they feel they are free. Men may be limited by any number of governmental regulations, but these are not viewed as limitation upon one’s freedom. They are seen as public behavior. Freedom is most desired in terms of private behavior. What we have today is private freedom of behavior and public restriction of behavior. We are told that people in the past suffered in various forms of slavery. Even those who lived during the Middle Ages and found themselves under the control of Church law, are today viewed as having been slaves. Yet these same people were fighting for freedom, but they were thinking in entirely different things when they thought of freedom. The freedom they were fighting for was in the public realm, and the freedom to control the laws of the land in which they lived. Today’s freedom centers around private behavior and forfeits the decisions of civilization to a higher power over which they seek no say. Western Civilization is being eliminated with little protest. Whether to eliminate it or to revive it is not up for public debate. The new secular world order is assumed to be a given about which there are no choices. One of the purposes of this book is to make people aware of the choices that are being made today. The really great decisions are treated as merely administrative and something that the common people are not in a position to do anything about. The modern world and the crises that face the nation are pictured as inevitable and that there are no other world views that the nation can operate by when making decisions. The great sleight of hand today is to keep people preoccupied with private matters. The masses are told that the only real choices involve the private individual. But he is not allowed to discuss what type of banking system the nation should live under, or whether the United States should be the policemen to the world. Many of the issues that we have been discussing in these pages are not up for public debate. The nature of the American system of government and the new grand design for the one world culture are not part of the voting process. The revolts documented in our old history books tell about Christians confronting their kind for a decision on what type of culture each area was to live. The ethical decisions that today are so important to Americans were seen as givens. The people in the past were not revolting for free sex, no-fault divorce, or the right to escape from their parent’s class. It was often for the right to take their Christian world view and form a whole society upon those beliefs. When the Biblical Christian talks about choice he has an entirely different view of what freedom involves. First of all, freedom can only exist within the boundaries established by God. There is no freedom outside the lines of Biblical law. The idea that men can create their own system of laws by mere will-power is absurd. Men can no more repeal God’s laws than he can repeal gravity. The modern idea is the men can create in his own mind a dream world and then work to bring that world into existence. That is an act of creation, and creation out of nothing is an act that belongs to God alone. A person can accept either the reality that God has created or he can live in rebellion against that system. Men can rebel but they cannot create.

Every attempt to create a castle in the clouds will fail. And yet, that is what modern men think of when they think of freedom. The freedom that belongs to the Christian is to create a world that reflects the world that God created. God created laws into the universe. Some laws are revealed by God. Some laws are discovered through study. The laws that are discovered will never contradict the revealed laws of God. The freedom that belongs to man is to create a civilization using the tools that God has placed within nature and his mind, but always being conscious of the boundaries that God has created. This is the true freedom that has been created into man’s nature. All other freedom is actually rebellion. It is sin. It results in a culture of death. Life is within God’s laws, and death is outside of God’s laws. When a man sits down to write a novel, he is the creator of a false reality. He can create a universe with its own laws. He can make up mean down, and west mean east. This is possible within the word of any fiction. Even the consequences of disobeying the new laws can be created by the author of a novel. This makes for good entertainment, but when the author stops writing, he returns to a world where someone else created the world in which he lives. Just as his fictional characters live in a world that the author created, so the author lives in a universe that God created. Man cannot any more escape the universe of God’s creation, than his characters in his novel can come to life and start acting a role beyond which the author writes. And yet that is what is happening today. The governments of the world are authoring a fictional world. They are creating a world that exists outside the boundaries of God’s creation. They are trying to form out of the dust of the ground a civilization and to breathe into that culture, life. That so few challenge the power of governments, to breathe life into a work of their own administrative laws, shows the insanity of the age in which we live. Just as people in the past believed that the Catholic Church could change wine into blood, so today’s true believers assert that the laws passed by a government can actually create a new reality. 23 THE FALSE BATTLE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND THE COMPETITIVE SOCIETY One of the alternatives to the new world culture is often pictured in terms of a world totally governed by a free market. In the absence of governmental controls, people envision a self-regulating society that is kept in balance by some giant invisible hand. Individuals are confronted with a world that sees issues in the form of a dialectic. Every issue appears to have a thesis and an antithesis. Just as there are two political parties vying for power, so there are also two sides to every confrontation. Reality is always a force versus an anti-force. The forces are in a state of constant competition. The free market is based upon the evolutionary theory that the side most fit to survive will prevail in the competitive marketplace. On paper, this theory appears to be correct. Do we not see it every day in sports? Does not the best team, usually, prevail in a conflict? This same principle applies to the conflicts between nations. As we have seen in American history, the side most committed to victory and able to produce the most war materials will usually win the war. A poor system might be able to declare war, but only a good system of government can do all of the things necessary to carry on a long conflict. The American system of business enterprise was 193

able to out produce its opponents in every war. The story of history is not a tale of good versus evil, but one of different forms of production and control of material goods. Wars are fought to determine who will control the resources necessary to supply a giant industrial machine. Various systems have been tried by governments to produce the most war machinery and the most wealth. In any system, motivating the masses is part of the process of maintaining high production. Even here, various techniques have been tried. The problem is how to produce the most motivated people with the least reward. Too much reward for the masses and the overall power system suffers a decline. Too little reward for the people and the system stagnates. In early America, from the Revolution to the Civil War, too much reward was given to the people. The government was not strong enough. In order to compete on the world scene for scarce resources, a strong army and navy were necessary to obtain the necessary supplies for an industrial economy. Another system was tried in Russia, but too little reward was given to the masses. This system provided a strong military, but the masses needed a gun pointed at their heads in order to motivate them. The vast wealth of the Soviet Union was not utilized. The system failed to inspire the people to produce, and it failed to organize society for optimum production. After the Civil War, America was in a transition stage. As we have discussed earlier, the period after the war was a time of mass indoctrination. The masses had to be converted from the era of too much reward. This required a whole new social organization. For one thing, the whole school system had to be overhauled. The thesis of early America was confronted in time with its antithesis in the form of the Soviet cold war machine. The result of the new experiment is slowly coming to light in this the twenty-first century. The managed society is being engineered. It had been tried earlier, but because of no computer technology, the management of the whole economy was not possible. Today, the philosophy of a perfect social structure finally has the technology to institute a new age in the history of mankind. In the early days of this transition from the free economy to the computer managed economy, it was called socialism. It was an attempt to lower the expectations of the masses under the ruse of providing for their every need. The controlling mechanisms of society were gradually moved from the local community to the central government. Every crisis was an excuse to lower expectations in the name of providing more services for every person. Every financial disruption was another excuse to change the economy from local and free, to one of centralized and controlled. Every market failure was a call for more central planning and more centralized control over the entire free market. With any change, it is vital that the changes appear both necessary and inevitable. The instituted changes must not even be open to debate. The crisis calls forth action, and only one form of action is presented as being able to control the crisis. Nevertheless, the thesis versus antithesis conflict is still presented. It is not presented as two choices in terms of future action. The thesis is the old system that is not working versus the new alternative presented by the national planners. The free market is still allowed to exist but only within the confines of the newly developed system imposed by the planners. In some areas where the central government deems necessary, the free market of competition is still allowed to exist. It such areas, the masses are told that this is the area where they are allowed to be free. One of the reasons the new system finds acceptance with the masses is the confusion of

terms that results from an inadequate understanding of Western Civilization. The uncontrolled free market is pictured as a jungle. The antithesis is pictured as a kind and controlling central state. The Christian in such a world has the choice of the jungle or the prison cell. Most Christians today have adopted the position that it is the duty of a Christian to put curtains on the cell, and decorate it as nice as possible. The role of the Christian in today’s society is seen as an ally of the central government. The Christian tries to make this world as tolerable as possible until such time as a new millennium is ushered in by God. Until such time, the Bible believer is to serve as a chaplain to the hurting in the daily struggles of living in the modern social prison system. There is no memory in the mind of the believer of the times when Christian fought for an entirely different system. The social construction envisioned by the Bible, creates a totally different reality than the choices presented to the modern individual. It is a society based upon family and local ties, where neighbors are responsible for each other. Each locality has limited sovereignty over its own affairs, but always under the mandates of God’s laws. The people are able to construct a social structure that is free, but limited. The marketing of goods and services are controlled by a free market, but buffered by systems that prevent the system exploiting the people. Some of the restrictions have been discussed under different topics. The restrictions on loans, taxes, and power will result in a different world than the one that exists today. The twin towers of control in today’s world of the free market or governmental controls are tempered in the Biblical world by people responsible to God and held accountable to God’s laws. None, not even the most powerful are above the laws. People are free, but there are limits to the freedom. There are also consequences built into the system for those that try to live outside the laws of God. Much is often made of some of the harshest penalties in the Bible, but most penalties are quite mild. They are also predictable. There are no loopholes for the rich or for those with great lawyers. There are relatively few laws and they are understandable by all. It is a system of responsible and free people. The system cannot operate with evil people. This leads those who would bring down a Christian system with an obvious tool. Corruption and Western Civilization cannot operate together. Sinful behavior and civilization cannot coexist. Those who would benefit from another system of social organization understand the Achilles Heal of Western Civilization. What another philosophy has to do to undermine it, is to promote sinful behavior. The attacks on the West involve such things as promoting free sex, ethical relativism, abortion, and pornography. If a society can be persuaded to adopt such behavior, then the consequences are a break down of the western social order. Such behaviors may work in other social orders, but they are the fuel that sets fire to the edifice of Western Civilization. While the western philosophy believes in a limited free market, there is no free market when it comes to the foundations of a culture. No culture can allow the very foundations to be fluid. Any order is based upon an order that involves not only predictable behavior, but encourages the type of person that is needed to carry on the culture from one generation to the next. Western Civilization is based upon a strong patriarchal family system. Any way that this belief is weakened, also weakens the entire culture. One of the foundations of the family system is the idea of individual responsibility within a definite belief system. Individuals are raised in such a way that they will carry on the foundational beliefs in that 195

culture. Western Civilization has always promoted freedom. This freedom was the great mark of the last thousand years. The picture today is that it was a totally repressive society. The reason is simple: There was no freedom allowed in the foundational beliefs. This is not just a characteristic of Western culture, but of every culture. The forms of repression today involving what is called ‘political correctness’ are nothing but another culture protecting its foundational beliefs. Western culture’s foundation includes responsibility and competition. Responsibility is being attacked in the name of individual freedom. Competition is becoming ridiculed by encouraging the extreme form of competition to rule in every area of society. Those who are at war with Western Civilization not only encourage sinful behavior, irresponsibility, and anarchy, but disguise their true motives. Every culture creates a class that has vested interests. Those who are promoting the new world culture aim to profit from the breakdown of the old order. They also aim to be the leading elites of the new order. The new centralized world order will create a new elite. Western culture is decentralized. Elites hate such a system. The war between the masses and the new elites is disguised through the use of government spending to make the masses think the new order cares about them. The new culture promises a utopian order of worldwide economic competition that will bring worldwide prosperity. The war between social responsibility and a competitive society is a false war. It is based upon the old thesis versus antithesis philosophy. The stoic Christian of the Victorian Age is pictured in contrast to the fun-loving rock-and-roll age. Any sane person when presented with such a choice would either pick the new age or accept the new synthesis of corporate work during the day, and a hedonistic lifestyle during his off hours. As always, there is really no choice. The alternatives are presented in such a way that the old social order based upon Christian responsibility and Biblical ethics appears to be total obsolete in this new scientific age. The foundations of Western culture were instituted before science, sociology, and psychology. The new elites say it is time to adopt a new culture that can serve the modern man. At this time, such arguments have won the day. 24 THE WAR BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND THE CORPORATE MODEL OF ORGANIZATION One of the problems in understanding today’s world is that we live in today’s world. The very structures that we spend our time have been so modified that it is difficult to imagine any other way of behaving. In this battle between two ways of organizing people, the corporate model has already defeated the church’s method of organizing people into a group. Today people do not even think of the church as a form of social organization. No one sees the church as offering any alternative to the corporate world. The reason is very simple: The church has adopted the corporate model to carry on its own affairs. The victory has already been won and there is no one around who can remember any other way of organizing groups of people for some socially approved action. One of the philosophies discussed is how our society has chosen to organize its people on totally different principles. Organizational ideas that were rare or in their infancy during the medieval period, have developed to dominate our society. While the Catholic church had a very

developed organization, it was decentralized and allowed quite local allowances to differing beliefs. It wasn’t until the invention of the computer and its ability to track every detail that the corporation became the dominating force it is today. During the Civil War, corporations came into their own in America. The family business could not handle the mass quantities needed for the war. Only some giant organization could produce the war materials needed. After the war, the corporations united with the already developed world of international finance to form an empire of their own. And yet, even centralized control was still not possible. Each division could almost be run as a separate entity. And the individual workers were seen as just that. They were persons hired to do a job. They were not considered part of some industrial family, and a worker was judged only by the quality of his job, and his ability to get along with his immediate boss. The very idea of hiring someone according to their temperament or personality would not have been possible. The invention of psychological tests and worker profiles were still waiting for World War I to develop these new techniques. When corporations during the Cold War evolved into multinational corporations, there developed a whole different approach to organization. As the United States welcomed more and more immigrants into the nation, the racial and religious mix of the work force also changed during this period. Something called diversity developed. Also, the nature of the new production techniques brought more and more workers into interaction with each other. This was combined with the breakdown of society outside of the work place. In the past, the workers that lived in the same neighborhood, would also work with each other. The organization of the local neighborhood was carried with them into their work place. The triple factors of immigration, social decay, and computerized integration of the work force, made the corporation become something more than just a place to work. The new corporation started becoming a family to it employees, and at times, it took on paternal functions to keep workers in line. The corporation found that its workers no longer had the social foundation and the interpersonal skills that employees in former times might have. The atmosphere during work started looking more like a high school, with the problems of immaturity which must be handled by the teachers. The new boss started had to be trained to deal with the same problems a school principle might have to deal. With the triple factors becoming even more dominant, the school looked to the corporation for help. The two organizations found out that if the two organizations were similar, then students could more easily move from school to career. In time, all society became patterned after the corporate model. The church, the shopping mall, and the various clubs all became more and more patterned after the corporate model taught to students and workers. There were two reasons for this: First of all it worked, and second, people became used to dealing with other people on the level they were used to at work and school. The basic personality became modeled after the corporate model of interaction. The corporation and it model of human behavior has become the primary organizational form for the new world culture. The new child is now trained from day care all the way through his schooling to fit into the structures of a corporate world. If a person were to be transported forward from two hundred years ago he would not fit into today’s world. We would think him a bit odd and uncouth. He would be rough around the edges and lack many of the mannerisms that we expect out of people today. He would not only be politically incorrect, but he would laugh 197

too loud, talk too much, and smell, at best, like simply old soap. And worst of all, he would make all of us feel very uncomfortable. He would express parts of a human personality that are unknown to people today. The new world culture needs social institutions that support the new corporate model of human behavior. Not only the school, which is vital, but the church is just as important in supporting this ideal. The churches that are deemed as contributing support are granted tax concessions. Those that do not will discover themselves being audited or losing their independent status as a church. It is an ironic twist in that the churches were originally tax exempt to insure their independence from outside interference. It was felt that the power to tax is the power to destroy any person or institution. Thus, the churches were exempt thus from taxes and governmental regulation. But now, the exemption is taken away if the church is seen as a threat to the government. The situation is such that the church can only remain independent by doing what the government says it should do. As a result, the churches not only model the corporate model of the new world culture, but the views expressed by such a church must be within Internal Revenue Service guidelines. We thus have the double speak of the new world culture in that the church is free as long as it does what it is told to do. The fact that this statement does not seem ridiculous to those who are filling out their compliance forms suggests the effectiveness of the new world culture. Of course, the reasons for compliance are so that the government can prevent corruption and cheating on taxes. This makes sense only after a person is totally involved in the tax maze. As the tax codes have become more and more complex and the tax rates higher and higher, many have look for tax loopholes within the system. On what a tangled weave we web when first we create special exemptions. Historically, as tax rates have gone above twenty-five per cent, tax cheating becomes more and more common. There are two common ways to cheat: One, you find some vague loophole; or two, you can have a law passed that creates an exemption for you. Most choose the first. This results in new laws closing the loopholes. The problem is not with the churches, but with an ever increasing tax burden and ever increasing searches for exemptions. The reason nothing is done about this is that the new world government finds the complex tax codes to their liking. It gives them as excuse to rule the churches, and all others, in the name of granting freedom. Back to the main point, the complex tax codes and the high tax rates are used to direct the churches into the desired direction. As a result, the church takes on the image of a business corporation. One reason is that in order to get tax exemption it has to show that the church body is a proper organization. It must be incorporated. The very actions that are necessary for the tax exemption create a structure which defeats the purpose of the church. This is done so subtlety that the members of the church are not even aware of what has been done to them. They have been changed from a church body to a corporate body without even realizing it. In time, everyone thinks that a corporate body is a church body, so what is the big deal. This is of such importance that I will be taking a bit longer than on the other topics. The corporate model of behavior has permeated almost every social structure. Even tennis clubs take on a corporate structure. But the most damaging of all is when the church takes on a structure that attacks the very life that it is supposed to model. The church is modeled after the family. The behaviors that children and parents learn as they run a family are to be carried over into the public life of the church. The hierarchy of the family is to find expression in the hierarchy of the

church. The bonding that occurs in the family is to be found in the church relationships. The behaviors that children learn about sharing, giving, and self-control growing up in a family are so that those behaviors can be expressed within the church. Just as the father is the head of the family, so the church has male leadership. The skills of leadership for a church are not learned by being a corporate executive, but are learned by the father giving of himself to serve his family. The leader in the corporate world sits atop the pyramid. The leader in the church and the family has the pyramid on top of him. The pyramid is inverted with the leader at the very bottom. This is one of the most glaring differences between a corporation and a church. The corporate church takes on the structure of the business corporation and its pyramid has taken on an upright position. When an organization takes on a corporate structure, then something strange happens. It is like a Frankenstein that comes alive. The structure takes on a life of its own and the service of the corporation is the purpose of it people. The structure requires that its members do what is necessary to keep the structure alive. In the church world, the service to God is now made synonymous with the serving of the corporate church structure. What is good for the corporate order must be good for God. In times of crisis, whatever is necessary to keep the church alive must be done. In a different way but similarly the way, a business will lay off a large percentage of its employees during a crisis. No matter how many lives are affected, the structure must be made to survive. Here again, this may be the way a business operates, but this business structure has been transferred to the church. The way the church survives during a crisis is to change the way it perceives its mission. A business corporation must always ask itself: Who is my customer? This simple question can keep a business focused on its primary goal–pleasing their customers. Sometimes those employees working within a corporate structure, set up little empires to make themselves the customer. They see themselves as the customer within the corporate empire. A good business will always keep before it the picture of the proper customer. Churches have a similar problem in defining their customer. The Bible says that the customer of the church is God. The problem is that during lean times, a corporate structure will decide that in order to survive the church needs more members to pay the bills. The structure discovers that its customers are the people who attend the church. The goals of the church than become to attract new members so that the corporate structure can survive. Programs are devised to minister to people’s needs. Entertainment becomes the focus of the church service. New sermons are written so as to offend no one. Attracting and keeping new paying customers becomes the primary goal of the corporate structure. Another characteristic of a normal pyramid structure is that those on top feel that the purpose of those below them is to serve them. Money, power, and prestige all flow upward in a normal pyramid. In a business pyramid, the rising up the pyramid is used as an incentive to motivate the employees to work harder. Good work will be rewarded with a higher position in the pyramid, and all that goes with that. The same thing happens in the church pyramid. Various behaviors are encouraged with which people can be motivated to serve the church organization. Those who serve the church the best are rewarded with movement up the normal pyramid. The structure sees the people as a customer, but those employees working within the organization see the structure as their customer. 199

Different behaviors are expected in different social structures. People behave differently in a family than they do in a corporation. Human behavior is controlled and directed by cultural expectations. Each form of organization has its own cultural expectations. Everything from the army to the primary school playground has cultural expectations. One way to change society is to do so in an indirect manner. Direct attacks create resistance. By changing the various social structures that regulate daily life, people’s lives are changed. People automatically adjust to a changing environment. From the early days of school, children are taught that society keeps changing. Much is made of the difference between the children and their parents. The children are told that they are on the cutting edge of a new era. They are flattered into going against their parents in their desire to please their teachers. One of the beliefs taught is that the culture of America is a power all of its own making. Students are taught that a culture is something that seems to have a life of its own. It is supposed to be an exciting hobby just to watch the various cultural changes which occur. Every fad creates an excitement as something that is coming to life. Children love to conform to every new fad as a symbol of their new awareness that the adult world is just too busy to notice. The youth become the heralds of a new age. The fresh intellectual awareness, that they are told they possess, enables them to have the eyes of a prophet. This creates in the young a conscious desire to conform to corporate expectations. This redirection of primary reality from personal interaction to social conformity is one of the trademarks of our age. The church in its mission is to model behavior based upon the interaction learned by children and parents in the family situation. The learned behaviors of honesty, sharing, serving, and obedience are to find a public expression in the social world of the community church. The family, among other things, is a training ground for the behavior to be exhibited in the church. The social environment of the familial church also has expectations. People, without being aware of it, conform to the expectations of such an organization and find their behavior brought into conformity to Biblical expectations. The problem of the new world order is that the behaviors learned in the Biblical church do not transfer well to the new global environment. The corporate business structure desires different behaviors than those exhibited in the church. The Bible sees the church as an agent of social transformation. The behaviors learned in the church are to go forth and change the entire world and its various social structures. During this current age, the process has been reversed. The corporate structure has invaded the church. The new world culture does not want the behaviors formed in a church setting. Such personal behaviors are destructive to an impersonal business-oriented world. The failure of the church to realize the attack upon its mission has resulted in church that has gladly remade it structure into the corporate model. Its mission has been redefined as one that enables people to succeed and fill at ease in the new world wide culture. Just as the church in the past has been called upon to bless the acts of a nation at war, so it is today called upon to bless the new world culture. Messages abound to help Christians be at peace with themselves and to achieve success. The corporate church has joined the corporate business to unite in the forming of a new hope for the salvation of mankind. The war between the two social visions has been won by those with a corporate vision of social control and order.

25 THE THEOLOGY OF HOPE VERSUS THE PHILOSOPHY OF RISING EXPECTATIONS Maybe the most quoted saying of Jesus is that ‘man cannot live by bread alone.’ One of the most vital items beyond bread is the necessity of hope. Ever since The Enlightenment, there have been two basic hopes for mankind. The hope of the message of Jesus Christ and the Church is at war with the hope of reason as proclaimed by philosophy. During hard times, it is tempting to dream of a world where you can sit under a tree, talk, and have abundant food all around. That is not how we are made. Whether we like it or not, we need challenges. We need difficult tasks in life. To escape from life’s difficulties is very similar to a death wish. The greatest joys in life are not attained by sitting at the bottom of a mountain and looking at it, but climbing to the top and looking from whence you came. Utopian communities usually fail. The reason is that they try to achieve a level of life where the difficult tasks of living are reduced to a minimum. Boredom sets in and then other problems result. When difficult tasks are reduced to a minimum, adventure is also reduced. The camaraderie of being part of a team working for some difficult goal is eliminated. When this is lost, petty bickering results. The bickering escalates, in time, escalates into full conflicts. It is not long before the land of utopia is deserted. Some move onto another search, for a world withing toil and trouble. The problem is that Americans have inherited a pagan view of work and effort. Individuals cannot work without hope. There must be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Life cannot be lived where change is eliminated. Most utopian dreams consist of a world where nothing changes. Most of life’s problems have been solved and life can be lived without the threat of any disasters. It is like living in the home of Beaver Cleaver where no one ever grows up or anything changes. For some, they dream of having a family where such a thing could be possible. A family life built around the raising of teenagers, with little league games and family outings, seems very appealing. Why not dream of a world where everything could be frozen in time and every day would be just as much fun as yesterday. Such a world does not exist. It goes against the nature of man as revealed in the Bible. Before getting into the Biblical view of man and his nature, it is important to talk about the dreams of the philosophers and the dreamers. No one has to prove that the world has problems. Whether it is two neighbors fighting or two nations, conflicts are ever present. Any time two people have to work or live together there are conflicts. Even couples that are madly in love become disillusioned quickly. Their life of living happily ever after, as in the fairy tale stories of love, does not happen in their life. The only safe haven in a heartless world turns out to be also heartless. If the bonds of love and sex cannot solve the conflicts that afflict human beings, then is there any hope for ordinary people? Since the Enlightenment, the power of man’s reason to analyze problems and find solutions has become the great hope of mankind. In the same way an engineer will look at a problem on an automobile, analyze the processes involved, and find a solution; so the power of the mind to create a perfect car, was seen as being able to engineer a better society. The problems of society could be viewed through the power of reason. The mind would break down life to constituent parts, analyze the processes, fight faults, correct them, and then reassemble the 201

parts in their proper functioning order. The power of the mind to improve the mental processes and social processes of life seemed so easy. But people in all of this kept asking that oft repeated question: ‘If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we . . . .?’ There really isn’t any answer to that question as long as life and society are viewed as an engineering problem. For a time during the early days of the Enlightenment, many searched for the solution in the perfectly engineered constitution. The United States’ constitution seemed so perfect. It only took four score and ten years for America to discover that its constitution was not as perfect as they had bragged. The blessings of the constitution were the result of the nature of the early settlers, and not a result of the perfectly engineered form of government. The Civil War turned into one of the bloodiest and bitter civil wars in history, especially between people of the same race and often same families. After the war, the new form of social reconstruction was used in the defeated South. For the first time, an extensive twelve-year program was launched to change the people, cultural and governments of the South. In other times, nations were defeated in war. Sometimes the people who lost the war were moved to a new location and new people moved into the defeated land. In the South, the winning side took over the complete reconstruction of every aspect of Southern life. The power of reason to create a new society was used to destroy one way of life and construct another. The new philosophy of the rational belief in man’s power to organize cultural realty launched a new era in the United States. Part of the new philosophy of hope was seen in the use of education to teach the young the new faith in man’s power. The colleges were the first to change. A new generation of leaders went out from the colleges to perform their rational magic upon every area of society. The religious life the founders and early America were pushed to the periphery. The new era taught that the age of religious solutions to problems was over. The new mind of man and the power of his reason could construct a new America. Such subjects as sociology and psychology become part of this new rational planning of society. Between the Civil War and the First World War was an age of technology and philosophical hope. Even the religious outcasts were recruited to help remake society. Philosophy had liberated man from superstition. With advances in technology and medicine, life looked really good for the first time in history. Up until this era, the teachings of the Bible provided the intellectual hope for mankind. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, was viewed as the turning point in history. In previous times, men were enslaved to sin, and its consequences. No amount of effort of thought could provide a cure for the disease called sin. All efforts at finding a cure for sin were seen as efforts to bring back to life a decaying body. It was impossible. With the power of God as exhibited through the resurrection, all men chosen by God were eligible for God’s forgiveness and the formation of a new, cured life. The new hope for mankind was first the formation of a new life within his own self. After this healing by God, the person was to band together with others of a like nature. They were to use the talents that God had given each person to teach and serve the entire body of believers. A new society was to be built upon the principles as revealed in the Bible. Through study and prayer, the institutions of society were to be rebuilt. Each locality was to be responsible for its locality. As the affairs of each locality showed the results of the new era, the followers of Jesus Christ were to go unto the whole earth and teach each community the principals of a new social and religious culture.

The hope for the earth was that as each community applied the Biblical principles and learned to teach other communities and their own children, gradually the whole earth would come to the realization of the Biblical cure for sin. The hope of mankind was not in armies or the teachings of the philosophers, but it was the application of Biblical teachings to every problem and social structure. The principles being set forth in this book represent the Biblical hope for mankind. It is to be a long term project. The stories about a quick victory or a soon end to the earth are not Biblical teachings. No one knows how long it will take to conquer the earth for Jesus Christ or when the end of the earth is to happen. The conflict between these beliefs systems were to be in conflict until the final victory of Jesus Christ. The opposition was to serve as a motivator and a teaching device to the Christians. The very opposition that seems so difficult and threatening are some of the tools that God is using to transform the world. God designed man with a nature that needs both a challenge and a hope for success. A challenge which only leads to certain defeat is not a challenge. Before a solution can be found, there has to be the belief that a solution is possible. This is what the Bible gives to mankind. The problems and the opposition seem overwhelming. There appears to be no point in the daily struggles to serve God and the Bible. The hope of the Bible is that all of the struggles are on the right track. There is a goal and the goal can be attained. This certainty of victory in life and in historic time is the hope that the Bible gives to men. 27 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE USE OF DRUGS TO ACHIEVE HUMAN POTENTIAL AND PEACE Men were not created to stagnate, yet desire security. Men are designed to achieve world dominion, yet desire internal peace. Attaining both at the same time often seems impossible. One of the more puzzling aspects of man is his own brain. The will of man and his brain, seem to be totally separate life forms. That is confusing. The will resists the brain and the brain resists the will. Man dreams of a great destiny, but becomes afraid of achieving that destiny. These twin goals, fighting to be heard inside of man, create a world of turmoil. Men swing between the twin poles of adventure and security. The mind and will are in turmoil. The confusion about this has created so many of the problems for men in history. At the back of every adventure is the thought of death. This leads to a desire for total security. Some refer to this as a desire to return to the safety of the womb. As a child’ awareness grows, he also becomes aware of death. Even the fairy tales told to children often are about death. The threat of death is the theme of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, and Little Red Riding Hood. Children are pictured as looking for a place of safety. The Three Pigs find safety in a solid brick house. Nothing can harm them there. Life is often an attempt to find the little brick house to retreat to in times of danger. Sometime during adolescence, the child becomes aware that there are no safe havens. The problem is that life cannot be lived without the security of the fairy tales. While a teenager no longer believes in the safety of a parent’s arms, or the security of a deserted island, the desire for such a place never leaves. Many of the social institutions a society develops are attempts to give its people a new place to feel secure. Whether it is a cradle-to-grave social 203

program, or a great social myth, the state needs to find an answer to this problem if the people are to remain loyal to the government and its taxes. It is good for a government to have an anxious nation of people. These individuals are open to manipulation and control. But it is also necessary that the anxiety not get out of control. Outlets must be provided for the more unstable elements of individuals, and society. While some people are satisfied with ordinary levels of anxiety control, many desire deeper levels of peace. Alcohol and drugs must be part of every government’s repertoire. These provide a peace from the anxiety of living in an impersonal world where everyone seems all alone. Perhaps one of man’s greatest fears is the threat of dying all alone, or dying and leaving no mark. These fears must be controlled if they are to function. The recreational use of thought suppressants is vital. All men must have a place of safety. The feelings of peace and security and eternal bliss surrounding a chemical escape gives hope that there is more to life than anxiety. Technology may be close to finding a substitute for drugs. If men can come home from work and plug into a virtual reality machine, then each day would provide a time of blessings and peace. The virtual peace machine would allow even further government control over people’s lives. No matter how much regulation and restrictions a person faced during the day, at night he could attain the feelings of being the kind of person he was designed to be. The virtual drug machine would provide vital highs necessary for people to submit to a centralized, totalitarian government. A government that could provide safe and effective health care, and an adventure-subduing virtual reality machine, would have at its disposal a nation of sheep looking for a shepherd. And the sheep would not complain about being sheared. This is one of the more evident conflicts between the state and its religion and the Christian faith. The Bible states that the believer is not to be drunk with wine (drugs), but is to be drunk with the Spirit of God. The implications of this are often over looked. This world requires some sort of ‘high.’ Life requires a zone of peace and security and a feeling of oneness with reality. Christianity offers men that. The state also offers a substitute form of oneness and feelings of bliss. The two cannot coexist. Either the state will have to get out of the religion business, or the Christian faith will oppose the state in its attempt to rule over its people. People who have peace and adventure do not need the government except for a few basic services. A government that allows Christianity to blossom will be a very small government. The average person today cannot understand why there is such a war between traditional Christianity and the federal government. The issue of abortion seems like the only real issue separating the faithful from the central government. The real issue is who is going to provide the peace and adventure that every individual requires to survive. The peace and security that Christianity provides are at contrary purposes with the dream of an empire, that every government aspires to create. The Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the government cannot both rule over the earth. Both need foot soldiers to carry out their plans. The foot soldier requires peace and adventure. Both have systems to supply this need to its people. Neither government nor Christianity allows for the other to exist in its true form. The two kingdoms both seek to supply to men, a great adventure, and a great mental and spiritual high. The nation in search of an empire could never outlaw drugs and alcohol. When the British navy ruled the seas, a daily supply of grog was given to every sailor. But this is not limited to the navy. The government bent upon an obedient population must supply other forms of daily grog to its people. A Christian faith that has its own form of grog would be a threat that

cannot be allowed. This has been discussed in other parts, but one way the government achieves its purposes, is to form an alliance with those religious practices that provide false forms of grog to its people. One way the kingdom of man has achieved its purpose for world government has been to form an alliance with emotional and revivalistic religious practices. This allows a false form of religious high which is not considered a threat to the government’s plan for world government. A true high from God also gives real power to the individual Christian to pursue the adventure of creating God’s kingdom, but to do it with internal peace and joy. True Christian faith comes with doctrinal content. False religious highs contain little content. Such false religious practices can actually be used to support the government’s plans for global culture. The alliance between Billy Graham and the government is a prime example of a symbiotic relationship. The truncated Biblical technique of revivalism can offer no theological opposition to a new world culture. In conclusion, the following are the choices: (1) A government allowed high of alcohol, drugs, or entertainment. (2) The Christian high of having the Spirit of God living within. (3) The emotional enthusiasm of imitation Christianity, or other faiths. (4) A life dominated by a daily routine with neither any highs nor lows. The majority of any culture will adjust to the patterns of the leadership. The direction of a culture is maintained by dominating those who are a threat to the ruling elite and their plan. That is why it is so necessary for society to have emotional outlets which provide a real escape from the tedium of the daily routine. While the mind requires a high, most can live a life without it. It is seen as too risky or too lower class. That is why boredom and its alleviation are today’s most important preoccupations. Thus with the minds of the masses dulled, and the efforts of possible resistence siphoned off into some form of brain ecstasy, the rulers are free to pursue their plan for a one world culture. One final word of clarification is needed. When speaking of the rival kingdoms on this earth, it is important to understand that they are totally different. The kingdom of man seeks a centralized world government and culture. Every aspect of men’s lives is controlled so that no pocket of resistence will arise to threaten those in power and the culture they have established to support that kingdom. The Kingdom of God has no formal governmental structure. Each county or parish is allowed to form their own small kingdom based upon their application of the laws of life revealed in the Bible. Allowing for racial, cultural, and personal differences, each minikingdom will appear differently. In fact, one parish may not approve of another’s application of God’s laws. That is part of the nature of the Kingdom of God. Decisions are made on a local level. Any mistakes are localized and the consequences are also localized. Thus, in the submission to the Kingdom of God, men are truly free. 27 THE WAR BETWEEN GOVERNMENTAL WARS AND BIBLICAL CONQUEST. The theme of the new world culture might be this: World peace through world war. The ultimate goal of history is to be achieved to a massive military campaign that will defeat every 205

enemy of the new one world culture and centralized governmental rule. This truth is presented as the only possible choice. The choice is between world chaos, and world government. Whether encouraged or supported by the new world elite, the new global terrorists are helping the goals of the new elite–no terrorism, no world government. Whatever the motives, the pressure is being applied to eliminate local governments and local cultures. In order to accomplish the goals of the new world government, opposing choices must be eliminated. Their arguments must be discredited, and the leaders made to appear as fools. The masses must not be allowed to choose. All of the information that reaches the masses must be in support of a world government. One thing is correct. There is going to be a world government. The choice is between the Kingdom of God, and the kingdom of man. That is the choice which is being kept from the people. The kingdom of man is presented as the only hope, the only possible hope for peace and security of the world. Histories are being written to show that the history of the human race all points toward this one result. First, there is going to be a worldwide kingdom. Second, there is going to be a war over which type of kingdom will reign. Third, the kingdom of man wins only through deception. Fourth, according to the Bible, the Kingdom of God wins in the end. This is the true nature of the global situation in which we are involved. The reality depicts the reality of creation. When men strive to create another reality it is rebellion against God. It is obvious when men murder that they are disobeying the laws of the universe. It is not so obvious when the government rebels against God. The biggest difference between the two is that the government is able to create an environment where its actions appear reasonable. Just as the murderer claims self defense, so the government seeks to justify its actions. To establish a world government and the control necessary, the people must be persuaded that the necessary sacrifice will bring about some advantages. One of the better kept secrets, are the events that have been planned to create a world environment in which world government through a powerful military is seen as progress. The last two hundred years can be seen from many perspectives. One of these, is how one crisis after another has been used to destroy men’s confidence in their ability to rule themselves on a local level. Through the manipulation of wars, depressions, crime, drug use, social anarchy, and fear, a whole world has been pressured into believing that the kingdom of man is the only possible hope for mankind. To repeat what was said earlier, one of the laws of nature taught throughout the government school system is that ‘stuff just happens.’ No one seems to know why events or trends occur. Wars just happen. Riots arise out of popular uprisings. Drug use is a result of many conditions, but there is no one cause. The fact that events can be planned is kept secret. The fact that groups profit from causing various events is kept secret. Two contradictory beliefs must be held to promote this environment. First, no one could possibly control the world to cause such events to occur. Second, man can control the future to eliminate all of the problems that face men. The myth is that men did not control anything in the past, but they are capable of controlling the future. Once again, a simple explanation about the so-called conspiracy theorists. First of all, all people plan according to their own interests and beliefs. Second, powerful people have more control over events than the average person. Third, it is in the best interests of the powerful to pretend to be powerless. Fourth, lunatics are used to picture the unsound minds of those who believe, that the elite control plans in pursuant of their private interests. And fifth, any grand

design is hidden in a multitude of imitation grand designs. It is in this environment that large scale planning does exist. The ‘secret’ Bildenberg meetings are the more obvious example of many meetings that seek to direct world events toward a pre-ordained goal. Just as any individual plans for his future, and works for that goal, so the powerful elite with a lot more resources at their disposal make plans for their futures. 28 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE IMMORAL AND THE ILLEGAL One of the giant battles every culture faces, is how to determine the right from the wrong, and how these ethical judgments are to be expressed in the legal system. Because there are many sources of right and wrong, the state must choose which system of ethics to translate into law. The problem is that not every ethical decision becomes legal or illegal, and not every ethical system can be translated into statist law. If a culture has a uniform system of ethics, then there is little conflict between culture and the state. In a multi-cultural society, such as lived in right now, the state must decide which cultural mores are enacted into state enforced laws. The problem is that there are many ethical systems that do not become enacted into laws. Thus, a government must not only to decide which ethical system to enact into law, but it must make decisions about those individuals that live under another system. Are those individuals allowed to speak out and criticize the new laws, and to what extent are they subject to laws they disagree with their enforcement? As the United States has become a nation-state based upon secular humanism, the conflict between Christians and their ethics with the government has come out into the open. It is obvious that the facade of the United States being a Christian nation, had been torn down. What was to be done with these Christians? A plan had to be developed which would allow the large number of Christians to become integrated into the American culture. The theology of Dispensationalism was used to integrate the Christians and the law system into the new American culture. Dispensationalism saw the Old Testament legal system confined to the Jews in the B.C. period, and to a future time when Christians would be raptured from this earth. At some future time God was going to remove all Christians from the earth to heaven. At such a time, the Jews would be placed in control of the earth. The Jewish Temple would be restored and the Ten Commandments would be restored as the law of the law. Between these two periods the church was to reign supremely. . The message of the church was to be one of forgiveness, not one of law. The salvation message was to save people from their sins and allow them to return to society and live under the secular authorities. The Christian was to live as a secular example of a person who has accepted Jesus Christ as a savior. In this world, the laws were to be based upon practical considerations. While the Christian might not agree with the laws, he saw them as for the good of society. The laws were supposed to be the lowest common level for a functioning society. The Christian may not agree with the laws, but he was supposed to be above the law. In one sense, the laws of the land did not apply to the Christian. He felt that to live on that low of a level was a denial of his faith in the new life in Christ. The laws were designed for those who did not have the power of God in their lives and needed a gun pointed at their heads in order to obey. The American legal system 207

was considered just a bureaucratic system to enable everyone to live together. The Christian saw himself as totally above such a system of laws. His standards were higher than the state’s. Many of the laws on the books during the twentieth century were called blue laws. Many of these laws were a left over from the days when various Christians got laws passed which supported Christian behavior. There were prohibiting assorted Sunday behaviors or enforcing various Christian sexual norms. These laws were often on the fringes of society and were only selectively enforced. Small towns which might desire a Christian culture might enforce them, but the larger cities felt little compulsion to enforce Christian norms. The laws might be passed to give the impression of upright behavior, or to satisfy a Christian constituency, but many of the laws were considered a joke. The blue laws did serve a purpose. It enabled the Christians to have their church socials and pot luck dinners, secure in the belief that the United States was a good and safe place for Christians to live. The only people who felt repressed by society were those who lived outside the sexual boundaries and who wanted to operate a business on Sunday. The repression was mild compared to the unity that resulted. All Americans felt part of a great system of laws and that America was a light to the nations. The church became a symbol of every community and numerous Norman Rockwell pictures. Even those who did not identify with the church, felt having churches prominent in the community was a good thing for all. Slowly the idea of law changed. Law was no longer something to punish wrongdoers, but was a tool to achieve some positive behavior. At first, only a few of the Christians noticed much of a difference. Laws restricting divorce were liberalized, but it was said it was for the good of the children. And laws forbidding Sunday sales were annulled, but it was for the good of the economy. Alcohol again became legalized, but President Roosevelt said it was necessary, and Christians trusted him. Every change was pictured as bringing America into the twentieth century. The few Christians who resisted found themselves labeled fundamentalists. Those Christians, a small minority, were pictured a backward sect living on fringes of society. All through the 1960's Christians were leaders in defending American culture against the attacks of the anti-war radicals and hippies. The contrast between traditional American culture which Christians were comfortable and the new sixties’ youth culture made taking sides very easy. As long as churches were able to hold services and say what they pleased, they assumed the culture in which those churches existed was a Christian culture. The fact that the American government had used successful propaganda to enlist the aid of Christians was not part of the Christian consciousness. Christians voted for what they thought were just causes and fought in wars they thought were wars for Christian principles. The Christians had gone along with bans on school prayer and public support for private schools. The churches were left free and there seemed to be so much good in America. The propaganda machine lured Christians with the constant contrast between the United States and Communist Russia. The material advantages of Capitalism were said to be God’s endorsement on the American way of life. The Thanksgiving holiday became a symbol of the material abundance that represented all that was good in America. America, the line went, was free, prosperous, righteous, and had the purest form of democracy. It was said, to be the closest thing to the Kingdom of God on earth in all of history. The attempts to keep Christians united with the American establishment and culture took a major setback when the Supreme Court mandated legalized abortion. It not only made it legal

for states to authorize abortion, it made it illegal for states to restrict abortion. While this act was a natural progression by those who wanted a new world culture, it turned out to be a grave mistake. Until then, Christians were united in their support of the American way of life. For the first time, many Christians started waking up to the idea that the American way of life now included the killing of unwanted children. Children and family formed the bedrock of Christian beliefs and the local church. The attack on children was an act of war. As the courts moved beyond the abortion issue to attack the patriarchal family, the evangelical church was now united in its belief that the church had no future in America. Frances Schaeffer led an attack on the destruction of children. Through his writings during the seventies, a new generation of college students was educated to a way of thinking that they did not receive in the American educational system. James Dobson followed with a defense of the Biblical family. His Focus on the Family aired daily on hundreds of stations and serve to educated Christians in the nature of the war they were facing from the political and cultural establishment. A less well known figure, but Rousas J. Rushdoony flooded the Christian book market with a series of books on the theological foundations of a Christian culture. A movement without a firm grasp of their foundations will not last beyond a few years. There needs to be a total understanding of the intellectual side of the Christian life. He provided this foundation. While his name never became a household word, the people he influences through his writings permeated the Christian culture. His influence is difficult to gage directly. Because he stated the Christian position so clearly he made a lot of enemies. Some of his followers adopted many of his ideas without giving him credit. They wanted to disassociate themselves from his more radical positions. Nevertheless, the restoration of a Calvinistic faith that prospered in the old American South, was restored to many Christians in the last part of the twentieth century. The result of all of this is that many Christians became aware of the nature of the legal system. Up until this time, it was assumed that the American way of life was something that everyone could support, however many faults it might have. Those who were seeking to establish a total global culture found themselves with a well-educated intellectual opposition. The Fundamentalists and their hero William Jennings Bryan could be dismissed as backwater buffoons. The new opposition to the new legality being instituted in America could not be so easily dismissed. The intelligent young Christians made it difficult to make a joke out of their whole movement. This unexpected opposition from Christians caught those who support the new world global order off guard. The Christians had gone along, for the most part, with their own subjection for almost two hundred years. They had fought and died to help set up the United Nations. They identified with their oppressors as a bunch of sheep being led to their own slaughter. The Christians during the seventies woke up and started studying Biblical law and found something very amazing. God did have a plan for this world that involved not only establishing churches, but it involved the setting up of a legal framework in which Christian behavior could prosper. There arose an awareness that united laws and morality. While many Christians still are not aware of the Christian revolution taking place, a new Reformation was in the offing. For nearly two hundred years morality was seen as something private. The laws were of no concern 209

to the Christian. As laws became instruments of social revolution, the Christians realized that without their firm opposition, in time, Christianity would become illegal. The current battle between the two law systems is the Maginot Line of the new world government. If Christian ethics are allowed to dictate laws, then there will be no new world government with a unified culture. This war does not make the headlines because that would only serve the interests of Christians and encourage their faithful. But the war is real and it is being fought as we live. 29 THE BATTLE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN HOLINESS AND CULTURAL CORRECTNESS What does a good person look like? How does he behave? How does a person know when the approval of others is acceptable? In business, one of the most important principles is this: Know whom your customer is. If a business does not know who their customer is, they may be guilty of a misdirected focus. It sounds simple, but every person within a business might have a different customer. The problem can be reworded as this: Whom should I be trying to please? Often people are trying to please the wrong person. Sometimes within an organization workers will try to please each other rather than the true customer. Businesses often go bankrupt as they develop all sorts of internal customers and lose their true focus. In every society, ethics are based upon a system which decides who the customer is. In the Bible, the Christian sees his customer as God. He is to life a life pleasing to God. In any culture, a system of ethical customers develops. Every person develops many ethical customers. The child sees a world where his ethical customers are his parents and teachers. A father sees his customers as his wife, his boss, his kids, and a few assorted others. As a culture becomes more centralized, the government becomes the major customer of more and more people. Pleasing the government becomes, in fact, the most important customer. The centralized government will often have some supporting agencies. While the government can put one in jail for ethical lapses, the supporting agencies act as the town criers of old. These groups walk through the streets announcing that someone has violated the current ethical standards expected of American citizens. The term used is ‘political correctness.’ The social disapproval is the penalty for not pleasing the current cultural standards. In today’s world an individual has these two main customers: The federal government, and the social approval agencies are the primary customers citizens must orient their lives around. The Christian sees his customer as the God of the Bible. He orients his life around the ethics revealed in the Bible. Pleasing God is to be the primary focus of his life. A problem develops when the government, with its legal mechanisms, has a different ethical system. In early America, the systems of ethics were close enough that a Christian could please God and not worry about getting into trouble with the government. As the government has tried to centralize the whole society under its ethical umbrella, Christians have found themselves in an awkward position. They can violate governmental laws while pleasing to God. The church is to be totally independent of government regulation. The church sees its property and activities that occur in church buildings, as similar to a foreign embassy. The government cannot regulate a foreign embassy’s building or operations without violating diplomatic protocol. The church sees its activities in the same vein. The church is independent

of all intrusions by a foreign power. The new centralized government cannot allow such an agency to have a life within its own borders. The new government sees the active, Biblical church as an invading force that must be defeated, or at least corralled. The Christian is to lead a life of holiness which is pleasing to God. The non-Christian sees his life as obeying the laws of the government. The freedom of the Christian is the freedom to do good. The freedom of the non-Christian is to do whatever he wants in areas that are legal, and does not meet with the disapproval of the new town criers. This is why the current battle between the Christian and his government. We have gone from a system where the laws of the government coincided closely with the laws of the Bible. There were two different systems, but the laws were similar. As the government’s laws have grown further and further from their similarity to the Bible, the difference between the two systems has become apparent. In a culture that does not understand holiness, the Christians are seen as behaving irrationally. The Christian sees the penalties for violating God’s laws of an entire different magnitude. When a government makes laws which force a Christian to choose which laws system to obey, he forces the Christian to disobey. The result should not be surprising. Maybe the only surprising thing is how few Christians choose God over the governmental threats. The biggest reason being that the governmental threats are more immediate while the penalties from God appear to be in the future and less definite. As long as there are two separate legal systems in America, there will be problems. 29 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE RESURRECTION AND EARTHLY DECAY Time creates a problem. It flows in one direction. And regardless of what people may hope, time is flowing from the new to the old. Nothing new appears to have been created. Ever since the beginning of the universe, time has flowed in one direction–from the new to the old. Everywhere you look you find death and decay. The law that every child used to learn about that ‘matter can neither be created nor destroyed’ seems to preclude renewal. The creation of new matter seems to have stopped. While no matter is any longer being created, it is being dissipated. The expanding universe and the consumption of the earth’s resources imply an end to time. Ancients had placed their hope in recurring cycles of creation or the reincarnation of one’s soul. Those ideas have faded. Modern mad sees little hope in believing in a new ‘big bang’ and he no longer believes in a soul. The belief in something that outlasts one’s own death seems to be part of human existence. Every religion and group myth appeals to this part of human nature. Living in a world of decay, men reach out for something that does not decay or is constantly renewed. Religious cults and nationalistic myths may supply some substitute for a meaningful life, both are bogus imitations of the Christian faith. In the absence of the true Christian faith, however, counterfeits can supply the need: In the absence of steak, hot dogs will do. As Christianity has no longer given men hope of eternal life through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, many alternatives have flowered. In fact, many leaders understand that their appeal to the masses can only have some affect on people who have no faith in Jesus Christ. The war over beliefs that outlast one’s own death runs in a cycle. The masses would 211

never accept a false system of belief if they had faith. The person who supplies a false system of belief must attack Christianity. The two fronts are constantly at battle. The loss of faith feeds the myth, and the stronger the myth the stronger the attack on Christianity. This weakens the faith which results in further attacks on Christianity. Those who have followed the argument of this book realize that the best attacks are indirect. The followers of a faith will resist direct attacks. Not because they may believe them, but will defend it out of personal pride. The best attacks on Christianity have been those that make the faith irrelevant to the operation of the modern world, or to dilute the beliefs as to make Christianity harmless. The new leader of the world culture has many reasons to want to limit or destroy Christianity. But its belief in the resurrection is one of the beliefs which prevents the masses from believing in the eternal state and its message of the eternal reign of its citizens. The ethics of Christians can be converted to the use of the state, but the resurrection of the Christian to eternal life is a concept that wars against the state and its message. The masses will not accept the idea of dying for the ‘fatherland’ or some other concept if they believe that their role is to die for the Christian faith. The nation can only inscribe their name on a plaque or statue, which is a poor substitute for eternal life. The belief in the eternal soul which will live again in heaven also gives the believer the power to live for Christ and to die defending those who oppose Christianity. Eternal life gives a person courage in opposing the new world leader. Without the use of fear, one of the new leader’s most powerful weapons is disabled. Death and fear are part of the new leader’s arsenal of political and psychological weapons. The new leader will use decay and death to inspire people to escape from the twin terrors. The leader’s propaganda will focus on the power of the state’s myth to allow the fearful to find relief. Even when the leader talks about eliminating death and decay, he is using to instill fear. The masses know that the victory of death and decay will not happen during this lifetime. Thus the very message of hope reenforces the fears that lay buried within one’s psyche. The progress the state has made in this war can be seen in the reasons people give today for going to church. The reasons vary but they are focused on the impact they have on the believer’s life. Some go to a church to make business contacts. Some like the singing. Some like the idea of belonging to a group of respectable people. Some like the dinners and the fellowship of like-minded people. Some go to experience an emotional release through loud and enthusiastic preaching. Some like the good, clean entertainment. Some want psychological assurance. Some want a place to educate their children with some values. Some like the various ministries of the church such as singles’ clubs, and child care. The hope of eternal life through the power of the resurrection reflected in a holy life is not one of the more popular reasons for attending a church. This is good news for the new world culture and its leaders. 31 THE WAR BETWEEN WORK AND LEISURE All cultures must motivate their members. All belief systems are in one sense a justification for the cultural motivators. Every individual needs to be motivated and needs to feel rewarded in some way. Goals, motivations, and rewards exist in all cultures and various cultures

and belief systems can be compared on these three elements alone. The different ways these three items are addressed will make for entirely different lifestyles. Pleasure and pain are the two prime motivators in most cultures. Others that might be classified as sub-systems of the above two are fear, security, rewards, and confinement. The new world culture is designed around these motivations. In order to establish the new leader in firm control, the masses must be persuaded that to accept the new leader is in their best (pleasurable) interests. The primary reward of the new order is financial. That is why a world economy is being pursued with such vigor. It is important to spread the wealth of the world around to as many as possible. But that wealth must have a purpose. Money must be good for something. One of man’s most important pleasures is the cessation of work and the enjoyment of some activity. A society cannot be held together with just work. The masses need a promise that if they work at meaningless jobs for a number of years they are entitled to a life of leisure and the money to enjoy that time in their life. Thus, a government-sponsored retirement plan is essential to any control. The retirement plan is one of the best motivators. Also, it can be placed at the end of a person’s life. Thus the reward is geared for a time when the worker may not be alive, or is in his declining years of productivity. The government is able to get forty years of work out of a person in exchanged for a few years of subsidized living. The ironic thing is that the worker is required to subsidize his own reward. It is a great selling job when the government says to a worker: I will take fifteen per cent of your income for 40 years, spend it, and then if I have the money, will give you some of it back as a reward. It is a great deal for the government, and the worker is able to finance his own slavery and dependence upon the governmental system. Thus, aside from all of the minor rewards that life offers, there is the giant reward of having ten or twenty years of leisure at the end of one’s life. This hope has proven to be an effective tool in the pacification of the masses. It promises pleasure in the form of leisure and it acts as a poison pill for all of those who might think about revolting against the government. The millions, who have much to lose in the reformulation of a governmental system, create a build-in defense against hostile takeovers. This, combined with the millions of workers, who depend upon the government for their paycheck, makes any major change to the ruling system highly improbable. This area of motivation is one area where the differences between the new culture and Christianity are most obvious. The Christian is commanded to work. Work is considered an important part of life. Work itself is to be its own reward. The concept of work is tied up with the Christian mission of remaking the whole world into the image of God. There are rewards, but many of the rewards are in the afterlife. There are cultural rewards in the Bible. God promises to bless a culture that follows God’s laws. The problem is that the blessings may not kick in during one’s own lifetime. A good example would be the first few generations who came to the American wilderness. Only after much danger and hard work were others able to profit from the blessings of their forefathers. The Christian idea of work is that when a person works in connection with his mission from God, then the work is satisfying. Unfortunately, much modern work has little connection with the way God designed work to be. From a Biblical perspective, modern work could be easily compared to wage slavery. There is little meaning to the job except for the paycheck and 213

the promise of eventual retirement. Each day is patterned after a routine that has been simplified so that the worker can be easily replaced by another worker. The new jobs of the new culture do not require master craftsmen. Also, jobs that take a lifetime to learn are no longer part of the scene. A violin can be cut out by a computerized milling machine much better than by someone who has spent a lifetime learning the violin trade. The new world culture is based upon one goal: The maximization of production at the cheapest cost. This can only be achieved through a world wide network of trading raw resources and finished products. The factory and all of the infrastructure that supports such a system are the organizing principles of life. Factors such as local autonomy, the family, the neighborhood, and making one’s local environment reflect the character of God cannot be allowed. The Christian pleasures of working, family, learning, and teaching must be eliminated. The worldwide culture attempts to destroy such pleasures in the name of temporary sensual pleasures and the promise of the leisure of retirement. The new world culture is based upon an entirely different view of man, his nature, and his mission upon this earth. If the Christian were allowed to live according to the principles of the Bible, he would resist the leader’s attempts to impose a one world culture and economy. The desire to value families, children, meaningful work, and God’s laws are at war with the world as it is being planned today. The new culture does not attack these beliefs directly except when it is forced into such action. It is much better to attack the formal aspects of Christianity and some of its more foolish followers. Christianity is pictured as people attending a meaningless ritual for an hour each week, and as television evangelists robbing widows and getting rich. The Christian is working to turn the whole world into an image of a garden. It is to be a place where man feels at home and the beauty is a thing to behold. The term ‘garden’ is symbolic of creating a place which abides by the laws of God, and seeks to restore the environment and the constructions of man into a thing of beauty. The difference can be seen in the difference between the ancient swamps of Illinois and the beautiful farms which took their place. The difference can be seen in the difference between an Austrian town and the modern American cities. In Austria beauty seems to take precedence over function, or at the least beauty is combined with function. In Los Angles, there has been no attempt to preserve any beauty, everything is designed for function and around the automobile. The architecture of buildings can reflect the nature of man or boxes can be created which do keep the weather out and do provide space for humans. The vision of the Christian is to take the laws of the Bible and apply them to every area of human endeavor. This is what he is called to do and it involves work. It takes more work to create a house that makes a person feel at home with the creation than it does to make a tract house. Modern constructions are built as him the designer and builder were attempting to oppose all of the laws of God. The Christian does not believe in some vague utopia as there will always be sin and human imperfections. The utopian vision of the Christian is a constant work and the hope of passing onto his children a better world. The Christian utopia does not try to change the humanness that God gave man. He builds his new world without any false ideas of human perfection. Each day will always require human effort and the world and fallen human nature will always resist his efforts. 32 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL HIERARCHY VERSUS PERSONAL

AUTONOMY The Bible requires that men organize themselves into groups. The lone individual going forth to conquer the world is not part of the Christian world view. The church is to be a model of corporate behavior. The training ground for the church is the Christian family. Men were created by God to form groups and to build the Biblical garden through corporate endeavors. The non-Christian organizes his endeavors, but with a different model in mind. The Christian organization is based upon servant leadership. It is based upon, as we have discussed, the inverted pyramid. The lone leader leads through an upright pyramid. He leads by command. Everyone below him obeys his order and passes on his orders to those below him. One of the more offensive ideas in the modern, liberated mind is the Biblical idea of hierarchy. The male leadership model for family, church and government does not sit well with those who have their own ideas about organization. That the world can only achieve its potential through male leadership and through servant-leadership confronts the modern liberated ego. When a person rebels against God, he attempts to kick God off of His heavenly throne. With an empty throne, the new man places himself in the place of God. The modern corporate world models this rebellion against God. The rebel enlists others into his organization to achieve the goals of the man on God’s throne. Corporate leadership seeks to serve those above him. Just as the father of a family is to lead the family through service, through dying if necessary, and by achieving his leadership by helping others achieve their God-given purposes, so the leader in a Biblical organization is to model the behavior of the loving father. The difference can be seen in the difference between a family and an army. Families are to nurture people, and armies are designed to destroy and conquer. Families build up and create while armies use people and reflect the ego of its generals. Many of the modern businesses see themselves more like an army and an organized along this line. One of the tragedies of this age is that the family has discarded the Biblical image in favor of the corporate model. The battle to be the top ego in the family is seen in such movements as women’s liberation and children’s liberation. When Christianity declines, male leadership declines. With the male off the throne of servant leadership, the throne is empty. The male in liberated times seems quite content to just walk away from the responsibilities of servitude. Men liberate themselves by either giving the leadership to someone else and ignoring the new leader, or by merely avoiding all familial responsibilities and seek sex as a form of recreation. When the wife or children are allowed to run the family the result is social and individual chaos.

33 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL REPRESENTATIVE MAN AND THE MODERN MASS MAN One of the least understood Biblical ideas is the concept of the representative covenant. The non-Christian why the sin of Adam should inflict a curse upon all mankind. Also, the fact 215

that mankind can be redeemed through the death of one is also a mystery. It is the one and the many problem. Man stands alone, yet he is saved or lost according to corporate membership. The ‘many’ of all men are real, yet the ‘one’ of the corporate world is also real. History is often a swing between the rule of one man and the rule of the mob. Different systems are tried and each fails to satisfy. When a dictator rules as one, the many revolts. When the many rules, the corporate entities revolt. The Biblical world view sees both the one and the many as being part of realty. Neither can rule nor explain the world without the other. Also, men are to make covenants with a corporate reality. The marriage covenant is the most obvious example. Governments are formed by men covenanting together to form a more perfect union. All covenants involve some system of ethics. There is a responsibility. Similar to the marriage vows which promise rewards and responsibilities for both parties, so all of the covenants that men enter into are of a similar nature. A child born into a family is also born into that covenant. A decision made by his parents is binding upon the child. Also, when men enter into a covenant to form a government, the children born into that covenant are accountable to a covenant that others made. The covenant made by Adam has affected every person born after Adam. The lone individual idea of reality sees this as being unfair. It is similar to today when children complain about the family into which they were born. They ignore the fact that the covenant they entered into is what produced the life they possess. There is no such thing as a life lived outside of a covenant and many of these choices were not made by the individual. The modern idea of justice is tied up with the fantasy of a reality that can be totally controlled by each individual. Anything that affects the person must be of his own choosing or he feels a victim of some injustice. The cry of the modern man is to be a god who can create a world of his own choosing. The novel, the motion picture, and the television sitcom permeate everyone’s life. The average man lives in a fictional world. In fiction, the author can write a story which does not have to conform to reality. The story can suspend any laws of the universe. There are no covenants in fiction. Covenants create restrictions upon the author. The author wants to create a story without any restrictions. That is one of the most significant messages which men learn from their fictional world. Each man wants to be the author of his own life. He wants to write his own script. Each man is pictured as free from the laws of the universe if that suits his plan. Only those laws that defy disobedience, such as gravity, do men submit to, though only reluctantly. A historical example of the covenant comes from the life of Robert E. Lee. He could have been a general in the Union army. He chose to join the army of Virginia. He felt a covenant responsibility to be with the people of his birth. That was a choice that his parents made for him, but he chose to honor them and that choice. He was a citizen of the state of Virginia and he recognized the responsibilities of such a covenant. Such local loyalties are a part of a fading past. The modern man sees a vague citizenship to the entire world. In such a world there is only one covenant. There will be no regional or private loyalties, or covenants. The new world in which men live will be made up of one covenant, the new world culture. The Biblical covenants of Adam, Christ, and the Christian Church will be annulled. Within the one world order, men will be free to write their own fictional versions of their life. Every restriction and every responsibility will be of man’s own choosing. The only obligation will be to the world covenant. This covenant will apply to everyone equally so any sense of

injustice is not possible. We thus have a world where there is only a mass man. Everyone will be free to choose a micro world of his own choosing. There will be no accountability or responsibility. The new world will be a world where Adam did not rebel against God and condemn everyone to participate in the consequences. It will see the liberation of women from her husband and children from their parents. Men will be freed from local citizenship and the dilemma of Robert E. Lee will be a thing of the past. The new world will be a world of fictionalized pleasure. Every man will create his own fictional life. Every other person will be there for his own personal pleasure and use. The phrase ‘consenting adults’ will be replaced by consenting living organisms. 34 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL WEALTH AND THE RIGHT TO POSSESS Civilization is marked by ownership. The various definitions of ownership define the way a civilization will develop. It is one of the least discussed philosophies and yet forms one of the foundational stones of every society. Various utopian experiments have been tried, which eliminated private property from the cultural mix. From that point on, capital accumulation ceases. Outside of attracting new capital, the level of prosperity declines to the point that, in only a few years, only a few individuals are left. The initial investment declines to the point of zero when group ownership rules. Thus, every ruler of a social order must have some plan which allows some form of private ownership if he expects his rule to last. For those who have some idealistic view of society as one big happy family, the problem of property serves as a large dose of unacceptable reality. When individuals write novels, it provides harmless entertainment. Many attend motion pictures to see a reality that does not exist, but provides an escape from the pains of everyday life. The outrageous plot provides a two-hour respite from the more difficult aspects of living a life. Limited to that, the movies are just harmless distractions. Problems arise when individuals start believing the people and ideas in the movies as real. The script writer can fashion a reality that does not have to align itself with any facts in the universe. He is a god of his own creation. Societies and individuals however cannot create a world of their own choosing and then live in it. Dire consequences await such attempts. Every new order must have a philosophy that has some contact with reality. To the degree that the new order is fiction, to that extent the society will reflect maladjustment. When individuals live their lives in such an order, a massive amount of frustration will result. The society will promise great things for every person, and yet no one seems to be able to achieve the results promised. Two things can happen. Either the masses will attack the social order, or they will blame themselves for not achieving the desired and promised rewards. No leader can allow the masses to blame him or the social order. The people must blame themselves. It is important that every successful new order provide a theology of failure for the masses. They must be made to understand that their frustrations are the result of poor choices on their part. This will be a guilt-oriented culture. The leader will encourage revivalistic 217

religious faiths which are heavy on personal and corporate guilt. The guilt that is preached in these revival messages will deal will the failures of persons in their lives. A few Biblical sins will be imported to give the messages the use of the Biblical symbolic world. But most of the preaching will deal with generalized guilt that results when individuals try to achieve the social goals promised by the cultural world in which they live. The First Great Awakening in America dealt with religious guilt. The Second Great Awakening dealt with cultural guilt. The first served to give a renewed mission to the churches and the people of the colonies. Their newfound strength resulted in the American Revolution. The Second was the result of powerful speakers such as Charles Finney who dwelt with the social guilt of a changing world. The nineteenth century in America was an age of utopian hope for a paradise on earth. The religious faith of the revolutionary age was left behind as men thought they could build a utopian order. The massive opportunities and new wealth created by independence from England created a world that seemed to be open to any possibilities. The fantasy world of unlimited wealth seemed real for a time, and many did achieve great success. Many, however, found that life was less satisfying than promised. The utopian promises did not match up with real life. This frustration was seen as an opportunity for religious entrepreneurs. These men were able to take their experience in the business world and translate these skills into a religious business. They developed a theology which sought to appeal to the cultural losers. They allowed people to relieve their social and personal guilt feelings through emotional religious revivals. These revivals were similar to a modern rock concert and the behavior of the participants was very similar. The hope of wealth and property was part of the new world of opportunity created by American independence. It also produced two forms of guilt. Protestant theology did not teach a Biblical understanding of property and wealth. Those who achieved wealth and those who did not, both suffered from guilt. This guilt was not good for a social order. If left untreated, so to speak, a social revolution could occur. The problem with the new revivalistic teachings is that they dealt with guilt but not property and wealth. The tensions were not solved and the social problems were transferred to another generation. The war between the states was not just over slavery, but over two different theological understandings of property. The new industrial empire of the north saw wealth as something factories produced for consumption. A nation was needed where the individuals wanted to buy and consume the products of the new industrial wealth. The Southern way of life had a different view of life and the pleasure. The wealth of property, family, and friends was of a different kind than that which was considered wealth in the north. The rise of success and a business culture changed away the North thought about life and property. A new propertyless class of persons was being born. Even though in its infant stages, a new type of American was being created. A wage slave was replacing slavery as the favored form of labor. The Civil War was a war over two views of property and two views of human nature. The ideal of a leisurely, rural life built around the farm and community was replaced with a life based upon the city and the wage laborer. Life became centered around possessions and entertainment. The rural life of personal relationships and the wealth of property to be passed onto one’s children was defeated in the Civil War. The fact that the Bible supports property and ownership as one of the prime motives for living was ignored. The new age demanded a new view of man and how he was to relate to the world.

In the Biblical and rural vision, man was a steward of all the earth. The mission of man was to tame the wilderness for the good of all mankind through the efforts of each individual treating his own land as a gift from God. The land was not sacred, but was to be used to give glory to God through the improvement of the land. The wealth of the earth both in fertile soil above and minerals below all are from God. Just as it is possible to harm the farmland through abuse, so it is possible to destroy the land through the abuse of mining techniques. Both represent a non-Biblical view of the earth. The land of man is to be improved for a gift to one’s children. The abuse of the land represents the abuse of one’s children. The wealth that comes from the improvement and the care of the land results both in prosperity, and personal moral character. One of the results of the industrial revolution was the rise of an immoral mass of people. The factory system with its impersonal mass production resulted in individuals becoming less than whole persons. With the death of slavery, the new man of mass production was born. The worst forms of slavery were created when the slave owner treated his slaves as his possession. The result was a corruption of both the slave owner and the slave. The same process occurred during the industrial revolution. Both the factory owner and the worker became slaves to an impersonal system that ruled their lives. One of the modern theological heresies was the creation of a theology to justify the new impersonal city life that was created. The center of emotion was confined to the church and the revival service. The women were to give of their free time to form charitable organizations. The men were to work and provide for their families. The husband and wife were to confine their God-given mission to plant a garden to the family home. The church was to provide the necessary encouragement to enable men to achieve some success in the industrial empire. The church became, in Marx’s term, a drug that enabled people to tolerate the pains of the impersonal city life, and the jobs that went with such impersonal structures. With the defeat of the South, possessions and consumption became the new gospel of the American dream. Men were to strive to do well in the system in which they were born to achieve the most possessions and to consume the most services. The prize of financial success was increasing wealth in terms of the new industrial empire. This impersonal life took its toll. Mental illness became part of life. Not just for the insane, but for everyone to some extent. Poverty of life was cured in the physical realm, but poverty of mental and social life resulted. As men sought to escape from the rigors of city life, crime and immoral behavior became the norm. When individuals trained to be introverted workers, the senses became the true realm of man’s life.

35 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL ACCEPTANCE AND CONTEMPORARY TOLERANCE The confusion over these two terms is seen in the current battle over political correctness in American life. Biblical acceptance is not tolerance. The modern idea of tolerance is based upon the total acceptance of all ideas and behavior. Actual behavior belies that profession, as 219

there is no acceptance or tolerance for those who are not politically correct. The tolerance culture is a weapon used to defeat the Biblical philosophy of reality. The new multi-cultural world order cries out for tolerance when its motives and goals are revealed. When the same world order confronts Christians who want to be treated with tolerance, there is no tolerance. As the new tolerant world order becomes established, the room for behavior classified as ‘tolerated’ will narrow. When the Christian thinks of acceptance, it is within a narrow band of behavior. Obviously, neither the Christian nor any society can tolerate acts of violence, murder, theft, and rebellion. A society is based upon a vision of what constitutes a good culture and way of life. Defending upon the level of danger to the accepted way of life, the penalties will vary. Most societies save the worst penalties for treason. To rebel against the established authorities is treated as an act of war. Even to voice certain opinions seen as encouraging rebellion, is treated as inciting others to commit an act of rebellion. Violence to individuals is rarely as severely punished as violence against society as a whole. The cultural order is seen on the same level as a religious order. Rebellion is an act of heresy. The modern world condemns the church for its heresy trials, yet similar trials are in every culture. The current trend to wipe out all expression of Nazi or Confederate symbols from our culture is very similar to the medieval heresy trials. For any individual to publicly display such symbols could lead to serious social, political, and criminal consequences. Imagine a fan at a football game displaying a Nazi flag in the stands in amongst the other flags being waved. Imagine a fan at a National Basketball Association game displaying a Confederate flag. Even in middle schools students have been beaten by other students for wearing a small confederate flag. People who belonged to the Klu Klux Klan at some time in their life suffer a fate similar to heretics in the middle ages. The new world order has standards of conduct which are as strict as any Church in the socalled Dark Ages. To question certain truths in public are not allowed. No one can question the Jewish interpretation of the Holocaust without severe social, and in many cases, criminal consequences. To teach one’s school children at home without including mandated material opens one up to criminal charges. To publicly proclaim that certain religions or races are superior to others will separate one from the protection of the law in many cases. In an extreme case, try being a Neo-Nazi and enlisting the police to help you catch someone who attacked you. A young man beaten by minorities for expressing pride in his Confederate heritage was given no help by police. Even though he could identify those who beat him, little action was taken. Those Christians who trace their white heritage back through Scotland to the northern tribes of Israel find themselves in political and legal trouble. They are harassed by other groups and police officers for their public stand. Their heritage is not considered to be under the protection of the heritage-conscious new world culture. Some cultures will not be allowed. As the new world culture grows in acceptance and power, more and more groups associated with Western Culture will find themselves in trouble with the law over maintaining what will be called ‘historical inaccuracies.’ The Christian learns about acceptance from the way God uses the term. A Christian who aligns his life with Jesus Christ is accepted by God through his identification with Christ. He is accepted as a person who has no sin. Yet, his sinful acts are not tolerated and will be dealt with, severely if necessary. Neither God nor the church will tolerate acts of sin against God, church,

persons, or property. The rule being that the person is accepted, but not certain behaviors. There is also an acceptance of immature behavior and beliefs. Acts of sin that reflect lack of growth rather than acts of rebellion are treated with acceptance. Those who have confessed their acts of rebellion against the laws of God are also treated with acceptance. Restitution must be made where necessary, but the person is accepted all through the process. The Christian is never tolerant of sin or those individuals who refuse to leave their immatureness behind them. Acceptance is never tolerance in the Bible. For the Christian, there are many behaviors which are treated as indifferent. While a Christian accepts a person who is walking in Christ, he may have some beliefs or behaviors which are of no consequence. He may be a fanatic about playing golf, or spend all of his free time working on his yard, but such behaviors are personal and most are indifferent to such behavior. Most people think of tolerance when they really mean indifference. They are not tolerant over behaviors they regard as important. Because propaganda uses words such as acceptance, indifference, and tolerance to spread its message, the words are never defined correctly for public usage. The words take on loaded meanings which can be used to attack or reject certain individuals no tolerated in the new world culture. 36 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE BIBLICAL IDEA OF GOLD AND THE MODERN IDEA OF MONEY Every culture has processes which determine monetary value. Gold and silver have value in the Bible. It is not mere decoration but the basis of money. While other cultures have considered many things of value and used many different items for money, the Bible denotes gold and silver as money. The Bible even forbids the diluting of gold and silver to inflate its value. The theft of money through the issue of cheap substitutes has been one of the marks of injustice. It is quite ironic in that the many liberals who fight for Biblical justice never seem to call into question the cheap substitutes that are passed off as money in American culture. It reveals that their concern for justice is not based upon the Bible, but involves a separate agenda. Had they desired Godly justice, they would certainly question the use of paper currency and debased coins. The modern forms of injustice are small compared to the mass distribution of worthless paper money. It is one of the greatest confidence games in history. Money used to represent real wealth. At times, receipts for products served as money. In old Virginia, receipts for tobacco served as a real form of money. The paper receipt represented a title to something of real value. Early forms of paper money were actually such a receipt. The owner of a paper bill could exchange his paper money for metallic money at any time. The process was a slow transformation, but in time people thought that the piece of paper actually had value on it own. The masses failed to understand the different types of money. Real money is different from legal tender. Money represents something of value. Legal tender is something the government orders to be treated as if it were of real value. The importance of this is that the creation of money by government decree imparts a lesson to other parts of the culture. If money can be created by an act of Congress or by 221

executive order, then other values can be created by government. One of the most important values to a society is its money supply. No organized society can exist without some form of money. Barter is only good for small communities. No worker at McDonald’s wants to be paid in Big Macs and then in turn purchase items he needs by trading Big Macs. When people sell their property or labor, they want something of equal value. Historical gold has served as a good, portable system of trading values. The price of gold was fairly constant and everyone considered it just as valuable as the commodities for which it was traded. As worthless paper became just as good as gold, other forms of government decrees starting exchanging other forms of real value for cheap substitutes. Every culture values families, friends, communities, reputations, and property. These were considered something of real value, something said to be as good as gold. As money lost its value through government legal tender laws, other areas of society also loss value. The connections between a corrupt government and a corrupt society are often not noticed, but they do go together. A government that defrauds its people creates individuals who end up behaving in a similar manor. As the government cheapens money, so the other values of society of cheapened. The new world culture seeks to create a culture that is totally man-made. As the new money appears to be working, mankind feels the power to extend that power to every level of society. If government can trade pieces of paper for something of real value, then the same process can work in every area of life. The government can pass laws which get people to give up the former Biblical values for the new Congressional decreed values. Many fail to see that the value of money parallels the value of friendship and marriage. A society that has sound and valuable money will see that reflected in sound values in other areas of life. A nation that bases its currency on theft will see dishonesty in every area of life. 37 THE BIBLICAL WAR BETWEEN FELLOWSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENT One of the most difficult things to find in the Bible is a favorable comment on entertainment. Pagan societies are associated with various forms, often brutal, of entertainment. The Bible looks upon fellowship as a primary form of entertainment. The things that people do together create entertainment. It involves an active participation of the people. Worship services, and religious festivals require the active involvement of the person. As religious faith declines, the services and festivals become more and more passive. The person goes to the religious service to be entertained, or merely just to be present. A faith that encompasses all of one’s life in a meaningful life way, results in the total participation of the whole person. The twentieth century was marked by several trends. It was a century of war, technological innovation, and entertainment. During the Civil War the troops would often sit around the camp fires and sing songs together. During World War II, the soldier was provided with V-discs. These were Victory Recordings. They were recordings of the favorite musical groups and supplied to the troops. The trend was from singing to listening. This was more than accidental. It showed the difference in the times. It showed the difference between a fellowship based on personal interaction and fellowship based upon sharing the same entertainment. As the entertainment culture has progressed, it has permeated every area of life. As entertainment has entered the church, the results have been disastrous. The church and family

are the two organizations that teach people the skill of being a human being in fellowship with other humans. It is not something that comes naturally to the human person. Our natural tendency is to be isolated from our fellow men. The ability to get along with others has to be taught. Once this skill is learned, then people seek out ways to find fellowship with others. Dancing, singing, games, and working become some of the delights of life when done with others who have mastered the skill of human interaction also. This process of learning to enjoy others and to be enjoyable to others is a cultural process. One of the beliefs taught today is that a child is born with certain gifts and tendencies and these are to be liberated by the culture in which they live. One of the roles of the church and parents is seen as stepping aside and allowing the free expression of latent behaviors. The individual ego is treated as something inviolable and is not to be abused in any way. The teaching of certain socially accepted behaviors is considered a form of psychical abuse. The result has been a culture that gives rise to lonely individuals seeking some emotional stimulation. Fellowship is stimulating. In its absence, false forms of stimuli must be found. In a free enterprise system, where there is a need there will be entrepreneurs. When individuals lose the ability to entertain each other, someone will step in with a business to sell a product by caters to that need. In the early 1900's the motion picture and the phonograph were invented. Inventions are not by accident. Someone sees a need, and discovers something with that in mind. As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. The lonely individual was seen not as a person, but as a consumer. This revolution changed the whole organization of the social order. The good feelings that came with being entertained became the new goal of life. Men now worked not to survive but to afford the best in entertainment. The value society puts on the various professions is reflected in the monetary reward that the best in each field receive. In the Industrial Civilization in which we live, the entertainers are the most heavily rewarded. The sports and music heroes earn ten to twenty times, in one year, as the average person will earn in his lifetime. And, of course, every kid wants to grow up to be an entertainment hero. There is a new career crisis in this culture. Many in their mid twenties go through a period of despair as they realize they are not going to be a celebrity and they are consigned to a life of working and paying to be entertained. With the decline of the family and the church, entertainment must be a major part of the new world culture. If a world government is to be successful, it must be through some form of world entertainment. The American sports must be broadened to include the nations of the world. Just as sports have been used to unify Americans around a new set of holidays such as Super Bowl Sunday, so the world must be unified around similar entertainment holidays. Already the American movie and music are well established in forming a world culture. This is important, but they do not have to power to unify a nation like sports can. While the World Cup in soccer occurs every four years, there is a need for annual festivals of worldwide interest. The biggest resistence to the new world culture will occur in those individuals who still have good families and healthy churches. The church has basically been destroyed, so the only remaining obstacle to a world culture is the persistence of the traditional family in some areas of the world. Historical, when dictators have desired to rule over a nation, they have weakened the family and provided substitutes for the family. Hitler’s made use of many youth groups to separate the children from their parents. In the United States, the government school system has 223

served a similar function. At this time in history, there are not many areas of the world that still have a strong family system. All that is needed is to unify the world is a new emphasis on world sports, world television, world films, and world music. The bottom line of this process is that it creates a different personality. 38 THE WAR BETWEEN BIBLICAL TEACHING AND GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA Every child comes into the world with a blank mind. He must learn everything. There are no human instincts for any form of behavior. But the masses are taught that the world that men must learn to live in is just out there to be instinctively learned. That is the myth that is taught by the new world culture: There is only one real world. Every man when he is educated automatically has the tools to perceive the world as it really exists. Having been taught this myth, the mass man trusts the world as he sees it. His goal in life is to adjust his behavior so that he survives and succeeds in this given world. The many self-help books, that are so popular, are nothing more than road maps to adjustment to the world that men appear to find themselves. One of the first purposes of the government propaganda is to present the world as the government wants it to be interpreted. The new world culture is taught from childhood on up and continues throughout one’s entire life. The child is taught to be a fish in water and to never question the world he lives in, any more than the fish doubts the existence of the water. The child sees the world of his parents, his school, and the world of the media. It is all one. It is unified in its presentation. There are no alternative world views in the child’s world. The process of growing up is to understand that world and adjust to the adult world the child wishes to join. The rewards for accepting the system are constantly held up as a carrot on a stick. Everything the child has grown to want, are out there, within his grasp. Much is made of youth culture with its special language, music, and dress. It appears to be a culture all of its own. The youth are taught that their generation is special and that their insights are much purer and finer than their parents. Every teenager seems to have a special vision about life and its purposes. Every teenager thinks he sees the real world as no other generation as ever seen it. His ego is manipulated to believe that it is capable on its own, and not in need of any help. The adults are told that this is a counter culture, and represents a threat to their world view. This creates a false myth, that there are really two worlds contesting for dominance. What is actually taking place in this generation gap debate? Those who control the new world culture have a goal in mind. This goal cannot be achieved except through the destruction of the old order and the imposition of a new order. People do not accept change. Change occurs as a result of conflict. It is the famous Hegelian dialectic. Change occurs as two sides are brought into conflict and a new synthesis is the result. Both sides give up their past to form a new and better future. The teenagers become the new adults. They are taught to leave their teenage years behind, but they never adopt the culture of their parents. They see themselves as pioneers into a great future and as survivors of a great conflict. Thus those who would change a generation of kids do it in the name of rebellion, freedom, and pursuing one’s identity. The parents and their culture are taught to children as

being corrupt and a form of death. Kids do not want to grow up to be like their parents. They do not want to adopt the cultural corruption of their parent’s culture. The old culture is presented in schools and movies as one that rapes the planet and turns adults into walking dead men. The child wants to grow up to be concerned about the environment and to live a healthy life. The child sees himself without prejudice and with a clean mind. He sees himself freed from the rules that oppressed the previous generation and as one who can live a totally new life. Because the child is not taught about the nature of propaganda in his schooling, he is never given an understanding of the nature of reality. The child grows up seeing the culture of his parents as something they created and that the youth can create another type of culture. The fact that their parents were taught their world view in school and in the media is never understood. He thinks that the idealism of his parents was nothing but hypocrisy. Each generation has fallen into the same trap. The propaganda machine does its work. The same process will be used upon the children of the next generation. It is not difficult to picture the world as imperfect and corrupt. The child has an ego that wants to be told great things. The plan works for each generation. The message of the church is totally opposite from the propaganda of the new world state and its cultural goals. First of all, adults are to pursue a life of learning and growth. The condition of the world is not fixed, but is in need of improvement. Life is not something static which adults merely seek to enjoy. It is an arena of conflict, which requires participation. Biblical chronology is different from the current social set of cultural goals. The typical American thinks of childhood, schooling, marriage, work, and retirement. Life differs as to the details, but most plan their life according to this plan. The Bible creates a different picture for life. The current cultural plan seems so obvious that any other way of seeing life does not seem possible. Maybe the most important difference is the Biblical idea of spiritual conflict. Life is measured by one’s desire to engage in this battle. Life cannot be lived outside of the spiritual battle. There are no neutral lands from which one can live life. While the child is currently taught of the conflicts which is parents are part of growing up, the Christian child is taught from his earliest years of this spiritual conflict. The battle that he sees inside his own self and with others is spiritual. The environment and social structures do not cause this problem. The primary purpose in life is to understand the nature of this conflict and to actively confront these spiritual powers on every level. This placing of the conflict in both inside oneself and in social structures keeps the child from elevating himself to the purity of innocence. The current society elevates the egos of the young to a state of purity, innocence, and power. The youth feel a bond with others of equal vision and understanding. The adults are seen as having been corrupted by the environment, having sold out to the system. The Christian child feels a bond with all others regardless of age who sharp his world view. There are no generation gaps, and no need for an adolescent rebellion. The roll of the adults is to provide guidance from their experiences of fighting this spiritual battle. Second, life’s lessons are seen as a continuous. . The lessons learned by adults can be learned and used by their children. One of the roles the parents are to play is that of being a mentor. The new world order teaches radical discontinuity between generations. The lessons 225

learned by the adults are considered out of date. The new technological order is pictured as making the adult experiences irrelevant to life. Each generation is to learn only from each other, not from the previous generation. The Bible teaches about a universe that has a beginning and an end. In between there is the goal of bringing all of reality into conformity with the laws of God. Each generation is to learn from the previous generation, but is not to revolt from the previous generation. There is no revolution in the Christian view. The new world order is built upon the idea of a total remaking of all of reality. Men will create their own laws and build a universe according to their idea of the universe. The goal is similar to the Christians except for who will be the source of the law. Are man’s laws or God’s laws to be the patterns? In the Bible there are two sources of law, in the new world culture there is only one source. This difference can never be bridged. Two will never equal one and one will never equal two. The new world order cannot allow the Christian world view to find expression. It must be destroyed. The current propaganda barrage against Christianity is to destroy the remnants of a Christian understanding of the world. One of the battle cries of the attack upon the Bible is the phrase, ‘separation of church and state.’ This is a smoke screen as individuals who base their views upon the Bible should be treated no differently than those who base their views upon Voltaire. However, this is not the case. Those who read the Bible and incorporate it into their public philosophies, are considered part of a state church. It is absurd, but that is the propaganda. This fact that a majority of Americans believe such an interpretation, shows the effectiveness of the propaganda line. To divert attention, all attempts at Biblical evangelism are labeled as propaganda. Teaching the Bible to others is a subversive act, but it could not be described as propaganda. It is treason to the new world order, but it is not propaganda. 39 THE BATTLE BETWEEN WESTERN CIVILIZATION AND INDUSTRIAL CIVILIZATION If a proper label is needed to describe the new world order being created, it is this: This is the age of the Corporate Civilization. The corporation is becoming the unifying power that is attempting to unite the whole world into the same organizational structure. Just as the medieval church supplied the ecclesiastical structure as the basic building block of the whole society, so does the modern corporation serve a similar function. Every society will be organized around some principle. There is no society without some hierarchical structure. Take away such an understanding and you are left with primitive tribes. Tribes are not a culture. With the decline of the church during the reformation, other organizing principles arose. The idea of a king served for a short time as an organizing principle. Each separate nation was unified by the symbol of the king and his line. The problem is that human nature is not capable of having divine powers. Corruption follows unlimited power. Also, with power centralized, there are constant squabbles and wars over who is to be the divinely ordained king. The life of an heir was not always safe. More than one heir, which there usually was because of inner marriages, made political transitions difficult. With the French and American Revolutions, new ways were sought to organize a society.

In the chaos created in the absence of an organizing principle, many thought a free-for-all system would work. Nature created a system in which the best and the brightest would survive in the conflicts in every area of life. The world would evolve through social wars from the smallest business conflicts to the wars between the nations. It sounded great on paper, but the masses had trouble understanding how great the system worked. They were the ones who suffered from the wars and shortages. A new system was needed to unite the world so that there would no longer be institutionalized chaos. After a series of wars, the United Nations was formed as a mediating institution between the various global conflicts. While the UN may have prevented another world war, there was one crisis after another. Minor wars became a way of life for just about every area of the globe. The world seemed divided into a warring camps that could never be brought into any kind of unity. With the pressure of food shortages, terrorism, and nuclear bombs, something different from the United Nations was needed. As long as each nation considered itself a world unto itself, there would always be conflicts. The local sovereign state remained a king on its own turf, but the decisions made by one nation affected all of its neighbors. The age of the isolated nation was no longer possible. As new ways of organizing the world, the leaders of the world turned to the business model. Economics was proving more powerful than a gun. While the masses would revolt against another nation’s army, they readily accepted a foreign factory in their midst. No one objected to working for a Japanese company in the United States if it provided jobs. If a foreign government were to set up offices in their town the people would go to war, but a business appeared to be a neutral force. The company provided jobs and produced products. There seemed to be nothing to fear from working for a business operated out of a foreign nation. In the same light, workers found no objection in buying products built by slave labor in Communist China, or some other nation. With the acceptance of foreign ownership by the people of the world, a new form of world power was discovered. A business could invade a foreign nation without any resistence. It could impose its corporate culture upon its workers with little resistence. It was a surprising new trend. The hopes of a United Nations had failed, but a new savior appeared upon the scene. The new world power was the multi-national corporation. The business was truly global with offices and factories throughout the nations. A plane made by the Boeing Company has parts for that plane delivered from all over the world. These businesses could no longer operate in a world in turmoil. The ability to produce parts locally was gone. The infrastructure to shift production back to one location was lost. The major businesses could no longer produce their products in a world at war. The free flow and timely flow of goods from suppliers were mandatory. The masses that worked for these multinationals would be out of work should their governments go to war with one of their supplier nations. A multi-national corporation must keep expanding. It is part of the growth that is necessary for promotions and stock value increases. A corporation that does not growth tends to stagnate and its talented employees tend to leave for more rewarding work. During the final stages of Western Civilization, it looking like national empires would be the rule and not the exception. The empires had spread civilization through the world, and a person could travel safely just about anywhere in the world. It seemed that a person could get 227

the London Times just about in every country of the world. These were exciting times. Even the jungles of Africa were being tamed and Western Civilization was being accepted by the tribes of that continent. The world at the opening of the twentieth century appeared to many, to be a world on the bridge of establishing the utopian dreams that had inspired the masses for centuries. World War I changed all of that. The age of empires came to an end and a new empire was born. The age of Industrial Civilization had been born. The First World War changed the way nations thought about the world. It was not the size of a nation’s empire that mattered most, but its ability to produce weapons. Giant corporations could produce weapons on a massive scale. It was the modern corporation with its plan to organize workers, and production that won the day. Planning and organization came out of the war as the real winner. It did not matter whether a nation was democratic or socialist that mattered, what mattered was the efficiency of its industrial empire. The ability of government planners to direct production for the war effort displayed unheard of powers. A new type of society was born. It was a society not organized around free men, but around men who worked and believed in the power of corporations. The early corporations were small in comparison to today, but the principles of a new order for the world were there. What worked on a small scale, seemed destined to spread across the whole world. Just as the nation states that arose with the decline of feudalism dreamed of ruling the world, so the new corporate empires seemed destined for a great future. The early nations unified the laws over its territory. The chaos of trying to rule a territory with dissimilar laws was replaced by a unified law system for the entire nation. Also, with this unity came the ability to increase the tax base and collection techniques. The new corporation also established its own systems of laws. When an individual went to work for a corporation, it had a system of rules that applied to the entire production process. Just as being a citizen of a nation implied certain obligations and loss of freedom, so with the new corporate worker. His life and even his free time became organized around the corporate production schedules. He was no longer a free person at work, but his time away from work became his ‘free time.’ Each worker saw himself as a piece of a machine. Each worker was a cog in a machine-like order. A watch needed all of its pieces to fit together in perfect order in order for the watch to fulfill its purpose. So it was with the new industrial machine. As the philosophy of the corporate world developed, it took on all of the appearances of becoming a religion. The efficiency of a corporation could be increased dramatically by adopting religious principles into its organizational philosophy. A multi-national corporation needs a unity in its workforce. Other loyalties must be suspended when a person enters his workplace. A new form of loyalty must be provided to the worker become just monetary reward. The successful business would learn to adopt a form of religious teachings in its relationship with its workers. The worker must be taught the philosophy of the corporation, in the same way a priest or minister would talk to its congregation. The worker must be taught about the history of the business, its economic goals, it purposes in this world, and the role of each worker in the overall big picture. Each worker must be taught to feel the corporate workplace is a new form of family with a new sense of belonging. An efficient corporation must teach its workers adopt a corporate ethic. All private ethical behaviors must be left behind when one enters the workplace. The interaction of workers must

not be crippled by racial, ethical, or religious differences. Each worker must appear to be the same when interacting with other workers. Cultural differences that might lead to squabbles away from work must be eliminated. The worker is taught the inspirational story of a world under the influence of multinational corporations. As the borders dividing the nations are erased by the multitude of giant corporations, the reasons for nations to fight each other will be diminished. No nation will go to war against a business that has suppliers in its enemy’s land. The cut off of vital supplies, in a just in time economy, will destroy jobs in both nations. As businesses become more powerful, the need for equally powerful worldwide organizations to referee any disputes becomes vital. The growth of giant businesses and the growth of world government are tied together. No business wants to be dependent upon any government it might not be able to control. Thus, we have the hope that war will become increasingly unprofitable for local governments, and the hope that as businesses growth, so grows the need for a uniform law system throughout the world. The trends offer a world of prosperity and peace. The world peace that could not be achieved, through the weapons of war, will be achieved through the economic dependence of each nation on another. The failed attempts at world empires, by the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church, and various dictators such as Napoleon will find success in the alliance of world government and world business. The alliance will form a symbiotic relationship. The government will supply the laws and keep any governmental lawbreakers in line, the businesses will control the masses. Without a business or governmental connection, no person will be able to find work. The new world alliance to conquer the world through business and laws is very close to its goal. The instituting of free trade is one of the new weapons of economic warfare. No border can keep back the forces of world trade. The nation state without trade will revert back to the stone age, as is popular to say. But no nation today can live as a separate nation. The only nations that could have survived totally independent status have long since bought into the world trade system. As trade expands to the entire world, a world-monetary system will follow. The nations of the world will be totally locked into the free trade pacts, and a standard monetary system. The science of business and economics will achieve what armies and dictators have failed to achieve for thousands of years–world peace through economic dependence.

40 THE BATTLE BETWEEN BIBLICAL LOVE AND SENSUAL EXCHANGE The modern worker must be adjusted to the world of business. The human that has been free to move about the world and to be free to work at the job of his choice, needs to be remade into a new type of person. Thousands of years of an under populated earth allowed room for easy escape from any restrictions. The new man must be content to be part of a multi-national bureaucracy. His goals and dreams must be changed. The psychological make up of the new man must be changed so that the frustrations of bureaucratic life can be dissipated. A new world requires a new man. Every age must have a vision of the world and the type of man that is needed to fit into that vision. 229

If there is one word that has been used to justify about every form of behavior imaginable, it is the word ‘love.’ Love has been used to manipulate others to do what another wants, it has been used by parents to justify cruel treatment of their own treatment, and, of course, it has been used as a pseudonym for sexual feelings. Individuals love their nation, their work, their hobbies, their neighbors, and just about everything possible. It should come as no surprise that the Bible defines love very precisely and it is quite different from the common conception of the word. Every culture must come to terms with this word and the behavior associated with it. Love is one of those concepts that permeates every area of life. Every culture uses the promise of love as a way to attain behavior that is desirable. A culture that promises certain rewards must define love in terms of those rewards. The history of the world’s cultures can be defined in terms of the concept of love. Some primitive cultures have had perverse concepts of love. Some tribes have looked upon love as a form of weakness. Any sign of love opens one up for attack. The other extreme is revealed during the romantic era. The feelings of love are seen as an end in itself. Whether these feelings come from reading romance novels, watching a play, or from human conduct, the result is the same: One’s soul is overcome with sentiment. In our time, songs and movies about love will always be in style. More often than not, it seems, frustrated love is one of the most themes. There remains the romantic notion of love in our culture. This feeling oriented love is very popular among teenagers as the goal of life. The puppy love infatuations are pictured as the high points of adolescence. The romantic stage is regarded as a stage in one’s life. After high school, one is supposed to get more realistic goals about the attainment of love. Love is still one of the cultural motifs, but business and career, at this age, become much more important. Even at this stage, many of the emotions of love are transferred to one’s career. Earning a living has become one of the primary motives as a job has been changed into something one love’s to do. The narrow Biblical definition is one of the reasons the Bible has found itself under attack in almost every culture and every time. The feelings of love are well down the list in the Bible. The idea of love is bound up with duty toward others and toward God. A person expresses love for another being by becoming a servant. A father is to serve his wife and children. A wife is to serve her husband through obedience and to be an example to others in her good behavior. Children are to express love for their parents by being obedient. This concept is still alive today in our idea about government workers: They are public servants. It is found in the military cadet code of duty, honor, and country. These are pictured as expressions of love. The Bible does not condemn the feelings of love. It only condemns those who make an end in themselves of those feelings. This lack of emphasis on feelings certainly places Christian culture at war with the new world culture. The world of the new age is based upon good feelings. The goals of life are directed toward the attainment of positive feelings: As depicted in the line from the song, ‘If it feels so good, How can it be wrong?’ Good feelings are seen as moral behavior. Every attempt to displace Biblical culture must find a way to reward those who follow the substitute culture with good feelings. Failing this, severe penalties of pain must be inflicted upon those who resist the new culture. However, this method only works for short periods. Sooner or later the new culture must provide positive rewards or decay and rebellion will result.

41 THE BIBLICAL IDEA OF DOMINION VERSUS A FEAR OF THE FUTURE Every culture has forms of fortune telling. Everyone wants to know the future. Sooner or later everyone must confront the terrors of an unknown future. The masses look to fortune tellers and mystics. The government looks to experts in various fields of knowledge. The media will take opinion polls to determine the future as seen by a cross section of a nation. The schools of a nation will teach the past and inform the students of historical trends. The churches all talk about various forms of prophecy and books about the Book of Revelation are best sellers. Whether it be government statistics pointing in one direct or 900 number psychics, the future is something that people are willing to work hard to predict or are willing to pay a lot of money to obtain. For the Christian, the future involves a responsibility. The future is not the terror of the environmental destruction, it is not the doom of the soothsayers such as Nostradamus, but it is a picture of a world brought into conformity to the laws of God. It is not an easy task, and it is not something that will happen quickly. The Bible proclaims the future for the Christian and it involves hard work and duty. The world has been subjected to the curse of Adam’s rebellion and it no longer the home it was designed to be for mankind. The transformation of the earth is no longer the task it was meant to be. The Bible says that the earth resists the efforts of men to make it a home. Also, the nature of man rebels against the idea of laws coming from God. The problem is that there is only one future, the future that God has ordained for man. When men rebel against the plans of God for this universe, it becomes a place of terror. God will not allow any false laws or false gods to succeed. This world becomes even more cursed than it is as God puts roadblocks in the way of all rebellion. Some of thee roadblocks come in the form of war, plagues, and mental problems. Every effort of men to create a world apart from God only results in an earth that becomes a threat to the plans of men. The future becomes a terror. Not only does God resist the efforts of rebellious men, the nature, of the laws of God are the only rules that will operate in this earth. The terrors of the future are not without a use. Any ruling body has found it necessary to use the rebellious acts of men to its own purpose. With the masses facing an uncertain future that only seems to hold more of the disasters recorded in the past, they are open to manipulation. The more governments attempt to take the place of God, the more the earth becomes a place unfit for mankind’s habitation. The more the masses fear the future, the more they call upon government to save them from such uncertainties. The freedom which God has planned for men becomes aborted as men sell themselves into slavery for some security. It is the vicious circle that has been repeated over and over again in history. When mankind rebels against God they seek ways to avoid the consequences of their behavior. The picture taught to men is that the future is open to man’s manipulation. He can create any reality he desires. The purpose of government, mankind is told, is to help him create the civilization that will answer to his needs. The direction of history has been toward the liberation of men from the terrors of the future and the liberation of men from absolute laws. Democracy promises to men that they will be able to decide for themselves what the future should be. Government is the servant of the people to create a civilization that the voters decide they want. 231

The picture is of a safer future for men, and any unexpected disaster can be handled by the immense powers of the modern government. This modern government and the promises it holds out to the masses are at war with the vision of the Bible. One of the purposes of this book has been to create a total world view of the Christian and to show how it conflicts with the promises held out to men by the new world civilization. The Bible has views about the future, the nature of man, the laws of the universe, the purpose of government, the role of the community, and the consequences of deviating from the plans of God. When the Christian attempts to follow his beliefs he becomes a threat to the powers of man invested in government. Historically, the attempts of Christians to live their lives according to the Bible have resulted in persecution from the prevailing powers. As in any movement, the creation of martyrs can be self-defeating. Governments have found that direct attacks upon Christians have only strengthened their resolve. Even mass executions did not stop the desire of Christians to follow God. The new world order has been careful to not use force to achieve their purposes. There have been many false forms of Christianity promoted as the latest trends. As Christians have been increasingly educated by the government, their knowledge of their own Bible has declined. This has opened them up to the various heretical forms of Christianity. Rather than repeat what has been written earlier, the important thing to remember is that the attack upon Christians has been on two fronts. One form has been to create in Christians an attitude of despair for this earth. The future only holds fear and terror, and the only thing the Christian can do, is to wait for the return of Christ. He is to hide in his churches and occupy himself with various church programs, dinners, and assorted forms of entertainment. The duty of the Christian is no longer to conquer the earth, but he is to hide from it. The other form of heresy taught to Christians has been to teach them to see their religion as one of many upon the earth. The religious wars are pictured as the cause of the world’s problems. The future can be one of peace if the various faiths can be united into one worldwide religious understanding.

42 THE BATTLE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN PROVIDENCE AND THE SECULAR IDEA OF LUCK In ancient history, one of the most common views about the future was one of fate. There was no control over the future. There were gods, but the gods had no more idea about the future than did mankind. Men and gods were both victims of an unpredictable future. There is to be a stoical acceptance of tomorrow. No power on earth is strong enough to change any event that tomorrow might hold. The very idea of providence is that God is in control of the events on this earth. It is contrary to the idea of luck or fate. Luck implies an open universe where anything might happen. There is no controlling force or Godhead. The universe is open to any possibility. While it sounds like a very cold universe, there are reasons for this belief. When providence is denied, man is affirmed. Men would rather live in a cold, impersonal universe than live in one which was controlled by a God who created it. If there is a God of creation, then the Creator might have his own agenda for mankind. Worse yet, he might have a system of ethics which men are expected to conform. A universe where chance rules is not really what it sounds

like it says on the surface. Men may affirm chance, but what they are really saying is that in a world without God, man rules. In exchange for the caring and providential care of the Bible, men choose a universe where without God, but only matter. As a society turns its back upon the Bible, it is a society that has turned its back on Biblical ethics also. The rejection of the Bible is actually more concerned with ethics than anything else. When the ethics of the Bible have been rejected, then the social organism allows all forms of behavior. Men are free to pursue their own visions of utopia. It is an ego-enhancing universe where men are kings of their own destiny. The ideal of luck is another way of men saying, I will do what I want and take my chances. Such a universe is also a universe filled with terror. Much as men do not like to admit it, the universe was no designed for security apart from the care of God. As a society grows into its philosophy of luck, two symptoms appear. One, gambling becomes more and more important to the citizens of such a society. Even when the odds are stacked against the gambler, that is not an impediment to his desires and hopes. If luck reigns, then the odds are to be ignored. In the lottery, the odds against winning are around 40 million to one. That is not a deterrent, however luck has nothing to do with the reality of odds. It is no secret that as America has become a secular nation, it has also become a nation of gamblers. The rise of not just Las Vegas, but casinos all over America have become one of the signs of the times and the belief that luck reigns supreme. On of the other signs of a secular universe is the desire to escape from the terrors of uncertainty. Men cannot live in a world chance. It is not possible. We were not created for such a world. It is frightening beyond description to know at any second one could cease to exist. The Bible states that God has planted eternity in our hearts. We are designed to live in light of that fact. Our decisions are to be based upon the really long term effects of our actions. When men behave in an ethical manner, it requires a God who rewards such behavior. If there is no heavenly reward, there are no ethics. Frightened men with no rewards develop a whole new ethic and a totally different way of behaving. One of the marks of such men is the desire to seek an escape. Gambling is one escape. It is open to everyone. A hedonistic lifestyle is also a way to quiet the furies of an alien universe. The investment in a life of work for society or one’s children is no longer seen as a comfort. One wants to spend one’s inheritance. There is no profit in working so that one leaves a better world behind after you are gone. If there are no eternal rewards, then all rewards are during this life. Each person must pursue those rewards every day of his life. And those rewards must elevate the feelings that life today is worth it, no matter what tomorrow may hold. Excitement today keeps one’s mind off the terrors of tomorrow. Thus, the belief in luck is actually a very revolutionary concept. Once men turn to fortune and luck, it changes their whole philosophy about life and about the purpose of men in society. Men look to themselves and other men as the new saviors. Luck in the realm of the private turns into the fear of the unknown. This leaves them susceptible to any number of substitutes for Christianity. While men may temporarily enjoy the excitement of living in a universe where the roulette table rules, this is not a situation that they can live in comfortably over time. Once the king of the universe has been kicked out, a new king is quickly enthroned. Such has been the story of the last hundred years. 233

43 THE BATTLE BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND CIVIL RELIGION While luck may provide a temporary substitute for Christianity, and prove to be a form of recreation, a new religion will always arise to take the place of the defeated church. An effective government sees to it that it is in control of any religion that arises from the ashes of Christianity. It is important to use a form of Christianity as the memories and history of the Christian Church can be used effectively. The new civil church will incorporate the structures of the old church but with a new theology. To the average person on the street there will appear to be a real continuity between the old church and the new church. Most are not theologically astute. Once the old church has lost its power, the masses will look for new sources of power. It is important that the church of ‘luck’ provide religious experiences without any content. While Dietrich Bonhoeffer may foreseen a ‘religionless’ Christianity, when has developed is a religion without content. The new mega churches find that people with all sorts of beliefs feel at home in their religious services. The reason is that the new church is not preaching Christianity, but the giving people a religious experience. It is an experience that can be enjoyed by those who belief many different ways about God and ultimate reality. It is similar to the excitement enjoyed by the playing of the game. Attending church is one of the experiences of life that helps one survive the loneliness of a universe ruled by chance. The very participation in such a service reassures one that all men share the same fate together–it is a community of shared terror. While the new world order may eventually be able to create a new universal church that the whole world can participate in, there must be a time of transition in which forms of the old and forms of the new are combined. The new psychology of mass behavior and human manipulation can be used to instill in mankind, a faith in the rituals of the new church. As the content of Christianity is phased out, a new content with the same religious experience can be phased in. As the masses are taught to focus on the religious experience during this time of transition, few will notice as they experience the same religious emotion but with a different content. The forms that must be preserved in the new civic religion are those aspects of Christianity which can easily be given new meanings. When one looks at rock musicians and sees their wearing of the Christian cross, it is easy to see how even the most sacred of symbols can be converted to a new use. No one is going to accuse these stars of being real Christians, but their use of the cross has transformed its meaning entirely. It has become a badge of concern for those spiritual sides of life apart from any ethical or theological content or concerns. It is only a matter of time before the Christian cross can be used across the world as universal symbol of the new world order. Wherever rock music is performed, the cross can be used to communicate the new faith to the mass of unsuspecting youth. The churches with their traditional architecture can easily be transformed. Just as a whole generation has learned to associate the Golden Arches with McDonald’s, so a new generation can be trained to see the church and its steeple with the new world faith. It only takes

one generation to totally change the way a nation thinks about it heritage and symbols. As the textbooks become rewritten, the children can be taught entirely new meanings to every aspect of the old Christian culture. As parents become preoccupied with earning a living and enjoying the pleasures of the new culture, the children can be raised and trained by the government and its approved agents. It is vital that the child be immersed in the new civic faith from the earliest time as possible. Government schooling, and child care can be coordinated to provide a total substitute for parental child rearing and the teaching functions of the local church. In the Christian world, the church is one of the agencies to build a world view into the child. It is vital for the new world culture that the Christian Church become transformed into a harmless force. This is especially true of the American church. If it cannot be changed into a new global force, it must be neutralized through doctrinal changes. Most churches have adopted theologies that conform to the goals of a new world culture. Doctrines that would motivate the church members to fight the world wide order have been eliminated. It is very rare today to hear sermons about the Kingdom of God. The theology that God establishes his own order throughout the world cultures is no longer taught. God is confined to the ecstatic experiences. When religion is confined to an experience, it is easy to see the same experience in individuals who have had a similar experience in other faiths. As Christians are able to see the same goals and behaviors in the other faiths, which have also been neutralized, then the scene has been set for a true world wide faith. It is an easy step to go from a common experience of the supernatural, to the worship of a common God. This will be accomplished, as more and more religious faiths are brought to America with the many immigrants. These immigrants will be schooled in the common assumptions of America about democracy, equality, and freedom. As they incorporate these beliefs into their religious faith, their old world faiths will become modernized. The Biblical faith in its traditional form as taught by Calvin, Luther, and Augustine is divisive. Witness the numerous religious wars in history of the doctrines of these reformers. And, of course, the Bible in the Old Testament is basically a book about wars and religious killings. The prophets in the Bible were constantly calling the true people of God to separate themselves from the world and its false gods. The early Christians that came to America were not wanted in Europe because their beliefs still had elements of this conflict-laden faith. These outcasts were the early settlers of America. One of the reasons the early colonies wanted to remain separate is that they still had a divisive view of reality. Each state had its own vision of reality and did not want another state dictating a false view. This has always been the case wherever Christians have settled. Their original faith has always made them separatists. They either wanted to dominate others or they wanted to be left alone. If the true idea of Christianity were to be allowed to express itself in the modern American culture, it would have to be destroyed. The true church that Jesus Christ founded has no place in the modern world order. The followers of him have been trained to accept the doctrines of the American culture right along with the other faiths that are growing and prospering in American. American Muslims are not the same as Iranian Muslims. Living in America has transformed their beliefs. This is happening to all faiths. This first happened to the Christians in the 19th century. The ideas of the Enlightenment were no match for the followers of Jesus and their theological ideas. The primitive doctrines of 235

Christianity could not exist in the world culture created by the Enlightenment. The Christians had either to isolate themselves from American culture or change their doctrines to fit into the new American way of life. Those who isolated themselves died out over time. Those who incorporated the new views into Christianity prospered in the new American way of life. This process is being repeated today to every immigrant that comes to America. The prosperity that results from conforming is to tempting to remain an outcast. Poverty is one of the best teachers about the enlightenment and how to fit in with the new way of life.

44 THE BATTLE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN SANCTIFICATION AND THE NEW WORLD OF HUMAN ENGINEERING No person doubts that if children are not taught the rules of a culture, the result is quite destructive. Every child must be changed from the animal that is born into the world, to a citizen of the culture of his birth. A child born in an African tribe will develop different behavioral traits than a child born into the conflicts of Northern Ireland. The very idea that children have some innate nature, whether for good or bad, seems absurd when seen in this light. Take a baby away from his parents in Belfast and ship him to another family in China and the result will be a totally different child. Any child can be transformed into whatever the adult in his life wants him to become. This is even confirmed in the Christian Bible when it tells parents that if they train a child in his youth a certain way, when that child becomes an adult he will not depart from such training. The conflict over the raising of children exhibits some of the fundamental conflicts between the new world culture and the Christian church. It is not only a question of what the children should be taught, but who is going to do the teaching, and how is the goal to be accomplished: The three big questions of whom, what, and how? In the great public debates the question is often just about how much money is to be spent. More money in education is the false goal that is debated endlessly. Every problem is seen as having been caused by inadequate funding. This is one way to divert the public’s attention away from the real issues. In order to support the funding issues, the goal of education is seen as higher test scores. If more money is spent on education, those in charge promise higher test scores. By holding up false issues as the real issues, those who oppose the ‘who, what, and how’ of mass training are never able to gather a public forum. While test scores are dependent upon the design of the test, there is little relation, from the Christian view, between education and scoring well on one particular test. This is obvious. Education is presented in public as the transmission of facts and other data. The brain is a receptacle that teachers pour full of data, and

if they do it right, then the students achieve adequate test scores. This process goes back to the idea of a child being born with a blank sheet for a brain. The role of the agencies of culture is to imprint markings on that blank slate. Every culture must have goals. The Bible sees a culture as having certain purposes. The cultural leaders must train their children to achieve the goals that the Bible sees as vital. Schooling is seen as on three levels, the teaching of learning skills, and the transmission of a body of cultural knowledge, and the training of the young in ethical behaviors. While the Christian view and the new order agree about the transmission of certain educational skills, such as the traditional reading, writing, and math, there is no agreement about what constitutes cultural knowledge, and what constitutes ethical behavior. Because the Bible is so opposed to the new world culture, there is a war between the true Christian, and the new world culture. One of the purposes of this book is to show how the cultural history over the last two hundred years has changed. Every culture has a story to tell. The story of America has been changed from religious freedom to individual freedom. Religious freedom is about group freedom while the new freedom is only about each individual’s right to be what he decides he wants to do. Religious freedom is about a group of individuals who constitute a church. When an individual joins a group, he becomes part of that group’s purposes. The individual is free to choose between different organizations, but the real purpose of freedom is so that the various groupings can achieve their goals. It is back to the issue discussed earlier of both the one and the many as being real. The individual is free to join a group and the group is free to accomplish its purposes. The individual without a group is not really an individual in the Biblical sense. A person becomes real by his relating to and joining groups such as the family, the community school, the church, the labor union, and other civic groups. The image of the Marlboro man roaming the American prairie is not a picture of the good life. Yet, that is the image most have when they think of when they want to describe what it means to be free. The individual is free from all outside interference with the development of his goals. One of the undiscussed issues of modern culture is what is done to a child to make him into a culturally acceptable man. While the idea of the innocent child still holds some popular support, most believe that if the innocent child is not taught, he loses most of his innocence. It boils down to questions of what should a society teach its children, and how is that teaching to be accomplished? And if a child is free, when does teaching become indoctrination? Is mere information to be given to the child, or is the child taught a particular world view? Is the child presented a story within which to incorporate the facts, or is the child free to develop his own story which fits the facts? Does the education process involve schooling only, or is the entire culture organized to incorporate the young into the life of the nation? This is where the Bible and modern culture conflict at the most basic level. The innocent child is contrasted with the child born into sin. The Bible sees the child as being born into a culture and needing constant training. This training involves not just facts, but the child is to be guided into certain behaviors. The child grows up into a cultural and law system. The Bible sees the laws of God as constituting the cultural environment. In the United States, there is another law culture which opposes the Biblical culture. The American culture will borrow many of the phrases of the Bible and Western culture, but the meanings will be entirely different. That is why 237

every course of education appears to be a form of indoctrination. In fact, one of the doctrines of the new world culture is that all other forms of teaching are indoctrination, but the new global education is based only upon the facts. The goals of the church and the new world culture are totally different in the kind of person that is to be created. This also is not publically debated in any political contest. The Bible sees the training of a child using both positive and negative rewards. Pain is actually used in the training of the Christian child. The child is taught that some wrong decisions result in painful consequences. The Christian parent feels that a child must be taught about pain early in life so that it can avoid pain in later life. The minor pain of a spanking is mild in comparison to the major pain a teenager can inflict upon himself and others. This is opposed by the new order which only uses positive reinforcement. Unfortunately, the child who never experiences pain, and is only rewarded develops a desire for pleasure. The constant positive reinforcements teach a child to desire those things that make him feel good. The good feelings are associated with good behavior and produce the feelings of a positive reward. Also, the Biblical child is required to work as part of his belonging to a family and church. Work is taught as one of the good things in life that God gives to man. It is through work that the man supports his family, church and society. It is through work that the world is transformed into the image of its Creator. The world is a wilderness that must be transformed into a garden. It is part of the child’s education to learn the value of work and every Christian education will involve the child in meaningful work. The other aspects of a Christian training process involve the teaching of discipline and self control. The rote training of youth is not just the teaching of memorized facts, but it is the teaching of a process of learning, a process that is designed to carry over into all of one’s life pursuits. The Christian child is told that his desires do not conform to reality. That his desires contain both the good and the bad. It is only by the application of Biblical truths to one’s feelings and desires, is one able to separate the good from the bad. The modern child is taught to trust his desires and wishes, as being representative of his true nature and that these desires are to imprint themselves upon his self and his world. Rather than change the world into the image of God, the modern youth is taught to change the world according to his desires. It is thus vitally important that the child in today’s system have his desires molded by the ruling powers. The goal is to so train a child that he will pursue his own desires, but his desires will represent the same goals as those that are needed for the new world culture. This is why the new order must have a government controlled education process. Only the government is big enough to coordinate the entire world of the child so that the school, the media, and the laws are all one. The world the child sees must be one. There must be a unity among the trinity of the school, the media or culture, and government or laws. When a child grows up among a unified system, he naturally assumes that the world view presented as being correct. There are two different goals involved. The Bible pictures life as taking place under God, and within a broad outline of rules. Just as football is played within the boundaries, so the Christian life occurs within the broad outline of the laws laid out in this book. The Ten Commandments, plus the underlying social assumptions of the Bible, constitute the big picture. The Christian is to work toward the goal of making the earth into God’s creative image, and to making himself into a complete human person that God made man to be. The idea of progress is an essential part of the Christian message. Each generation is to build upon the social,

environmental, and intellectual foundations of the previous generation. Rather than giving the younger generation a goal of rebelling against a corrupt world that they inherited, the young are encouraged to build upon the achievements of their parents. The new world order promises the young a world of untold pleasure in a life that is filled of one pleasure after another. There is a level of pleasure for each age level, but the goals are the same for all. Life is the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain. All are in search of the same goals. The new world culture is built upon that premise. The young are to be trained for such a life. The reason the current young generations are taught to rebel is that there are still remnants of Western Civilization left in people’s minds. Once the vestiges of Western Civilization have been destroyed, then the new order will no longer teach the young to be rebels. The Bible teaches that, each person can only become the person God created him to become, by being in a personal relationship with God. This friendship based upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives the individual a restored relationship with God and access to the wisdom necessary to understand his place in the great plans of God. While the Bible does not deny pleasures, it places a limit on them and places them in amongst other aspects of life. There are parts of life that require discipline, self-denial, and pain and these are as much a part of life as pleasure. To maintain that pleasure is the prime goal in life cuts the individual off from those parts of life that cannot be built upon pleasure alone. A marriage based only upon mutual enjoyment will not last. Pleasure in marriage is part of the marriage vows, but include those famous phrases about in sickness and in health, and poverty and riches. The training done by the Christian is very overt. There is training but it does not have hidden motives. The Bible is not a book about secrets. It spells out in advance, the goals and the consequences of not following God and His plan. There are no secret messages or codes in the Bible or its instruction. The child is not fooled into some proper behavior. There is no attempt to sugar-coat life, or to make the child believe that all succeed in the end, or that all choices in life will work out for the best. Christian education tries to teach an open and honest curriculum imparted by the parents and teachers who also attempt to be an example of the doctrines they seek to impart to the children. The teachers are to be real people who model the ideals of the Bible. Thus the goal of human improvement in the Bible is something God does through man. It is not initiated by man, and the goals are not of man’s making. The new global culture is about the evolution of mankind to a new level of attainment, pleasure, and satisfaction. The goals are made by man, for man, and attained by man. The new god of the universe is the product of evolution. Evolution gives mankind the mandate to remake the earth and to structure life and culture to the glory of the king. The final battle of this earth is over who is to be the king and who is to be the lawmaker. If there is a God that the Bible talks about, then the disasters that the Bible declares for those who would dethrone God, are about to happen for this earth. The battle over human engineering and indoctrination is the battle for the survival of man himself. 45 THE GREAT AND FINAL BATTLE BETWEEN THE BIBLICAL AGENDA AND THE PLANS OF MEN 239

There really is a war to end all wars. It is the war that currently wages throughout the earth. It is the battle over whose agenda will prevail. Will it be the Biblical agenda or will it be the evolution of a new era for mankind? Right now, the Bible appears to be a totally discredited book. Even those who claim to be fundamentalist Bible believers only believe parts of the Bible. The total world view as described in this book is not longer accepted by the vast majority of Christians in America. Even though who claim to follow every word of the Bible realize it is only a position for public posture. If confronted with the many ignored verses, believers simple find some excuse for why such verses no longer apply. If the average Christian were to be confronted with the writings of Calvin, Luther, and Augustine, they would not recognize their own heritage. They would think that whoever believed such teachings would be some kind of radical and would certainly not be Christian. The traditions that Christian claim to follow, are not really taught or understood. The past is used to give a false heritage to the modern believer. What makes it most difficult to conduct a debate about Christianity today, is that Christianity has been so modified that it no longer represents the true content of the Bible. The modern debates between the new order and Christianity are more often debates about power and turf, than about two interpretations of reality. One of the main purposes of this book has been to restore a Biblical heritage which can be debated publically. Rather than debated merely minor moral issues such as abortion or sexuality, the debate should be centered on the vital and main tenets of Christianity. While abortion and sexual behavior are important parts of a Christian world view, the debates about them will never solve anything. Even if the new world culture were to restrict abortion, it would not change the total culture which is being created. When Christianity was in the process of being replaced following the Civil War, there was much debate as to how socially involved the Christian should be. The very debate missed the really important issue. The debate was not about the true nature of Christianity and how it was to be preserved. The debate was only about how the Christian was to express his beliefs as society became secularized. To avoid true debate, a false Hegelian dialectic is used to divert attention from the primary and vital issues. Two issues are presented in conflict. The public is allowed to debate both sides of the issue. A compromise is reached as a result of the debate and everyone thinks that the democratic process has been served and a temporary position of true has been established. In philosophical terms, the thesis gives rise to its antithesis, which results in a new synthesis. This synthesis becomes the new thesis which in turn, gives rise to its antithesis. The debate between these two gives rise to another synthesis. This process is how mankind is said to evolve over time. This philosophy is upon which many believe will establish an ever-improving world. The laws that Hegel elaborated are said to be the way the universe operates. There is a fallacy in all of this. Those are many possible theses in this world. At any time, there are many issues which are never taught as forming a thesis. The control of the theses selection translates into the control of the society. Every issue will create those who oppose that issue. In the political debate some sort of solution will result and everyone is said to be happy. But there are often more than two sides to an issue. For example, in the great evolution debate, two sides are pitted against each other as the thesis of evolution means its antithesis in creationism. Over the last hundred years this debate between the two sides has occupied many individuals. However, there are issues to this debate which are not presented because they are not presented as being part of either side.

The new world culture is being built upon this Hegelian dialectic. Through the control of the public debate the masses are fooled into thinking that they are free and actually were participants of this new order. It is one of those techniques which is not debated openly. It is one of our cultural assumptions upon which everyone thinks is true. It is similar to our two-party system in politics. The debate between the Republicans and the Democrats is supposed to result in the best of all possible worlds. When the two parties debate what type of national health care is best for all, the assumption is that a national health care policy is necessary is assumed from the start. The debate is often lost before it begins. No matter which party wins the debate, a new national health care will result. The same process is repeated in a national debate over the proper form of public education. There is no debate about ending a federal policy of control. That is never considered as a thesis. Neither party desires to return the school system to the control of parents in each neighborhood. Because the whole American system for over two hundred years has been founded upon the Hegelian dialectic, the new world order has progressed from one compromise to another. Each compromise gives rise to another compromise, but in the end, the result will be a new world order. It takes longer using the debate, but resistence is broken down, and the masses are totally unaware that they are participating in their own enslavement. The issues presented in this book are outside the realm of the current thesis versus antithesis debate. The Bible is not based upon a false dialectic and truth is revealed, it is not the result of a process. Mankind is to strive toward the truths revealed by God and to apply them. The application of truth can be debated, but the result is not to be a compromise. While a compromise may pacify the various parties involved, truth is not attained in this matter. The Bible contains assumptions which are beyond debate. The Christian culture must be based upon the Biblical assumptions and the belief that these assumptions have been revealed by God to man. Assumptions cannot be attained through a dialectic or through some evolutionary process. The foundation of every culture must be assumed from the Beginning. This is why this book maintains that the Christian culture has been under attack ever since the second American constitution. The assumptions of the whole control were changed at this time. It was a sleight of hand. The Christian culture was not attacked and the Christian masses felt secure under the new government. It was only in time that the results of these assumptions started working themselves into the cultural expression. For example, the Civil War was a result of the new assumptions coming into conflict with the old Christian culture. In such a war, assumptions usually will win because the masses are totally unaware of the debate. The assumptions will form the basis of the action and the argument, and the result will always go in their favor, especially over the long run. In order to discuss the real issues, some knowledge of the historical process is necessary. If people think that events just happen randomly, they will act in a certain way. If they believe that nature is in control, they will seek to understand the laws of nature. One of the problems man is confronted with is the reality of his life. Do laws of life exist, or is man alone in a universe of matter? Is man more than a giant amoeba? And if he is, how is he to live his life? One of the purposes of this book is to present a picture of reality in order that men may know what to look for when he searches for data of everyday events. Part of the constant conflict seen in the media every day, are the various groups, all presenting different pictures of reality. 241

The Bible presents a world that is making progress. This progress is under the control of God. In Bible times, the prophets interpreted history so that the people might understand the events of the day. Life is never a system of self-interpreting events. That is why the chaotic version of reality is so appealing. It puts the universe outside of man’s understanding, but it also puts control in the mind and hands of mankind. If there are no laws, men can make laws. If the universe is made out of building blocks and not blueprint, then men are free to form out of those building blocks anything they desire. In the Bible, that desire to form a universe outside of God is called the Kingdom of Babylon, or the Kingdom of Satan. The Bible thus provides a framework for the understanding of events. This framework is to be applied by men for the understanding of current events. If events cannot be understood within some framework, then intelligent discussion of current events is impossible. It becomes an orgy of competition between assorted powerful groups and individuals. The events of the day are seen not in light of Gods’s word, but only to observe the happenings of various groups. The news of the day can be seen as a series of war stories. The war is being fought for the control of the various institutions of society. One of the ways this is done, is to take on the role as the interpreter of the events of the day. If the masses can become convinced that certain individuals or groups have to power to understand and interpret the chaos of the day, these groups are given immense powers of leadership. It is very similar to the seers in more primitive times. If someone could convince the public that they understood what no one else could, then they were given leadership powers. For example, if a priest could predict an eclipse, then he must have control over the stars. Such control implied control over all aspects of life. While the names have changed, the power to show the masses that you can understand and interpret bestows much honor in every community. Whether think tanks, university professors, or economic advisors, all seek to display a talent reserved for the seers of ancient times. Whenever there is a crisis, the various educated experts appear out of nowhere, to be the qualified prophetic voice for the masses. Returning to our theme of public debate over the historical processes, the Bible presents an alternative to the Hegelian dialectic. Events are not to be discussed within the framework of conflict. Every issue is seen today in a conflict. Progress is made as the various competing sources of interpretation of reality fight it out in debate. History is nothing but the survival of the fittest and the various kinds of wars over who is to be the ‘fittest.’ The Bible history as moving toward a goal. That goal is determined by God and it is the work of man to do the work of God. The laws of the universe have been set in stone tablets. Men are to use these laws in order to bring the earth as close to the Biblical idea of heaven. The question everyone wants to know is, how does God work within such a universe? It seems as if the conflict mode of thinking accurately reflects the reality as men see it. There are those who preach a false form of good news. Rather than preach the good news of the Bible which is forgiveness and acceptance by God, many preach the goods news of prosperity and a charmed life. The hand of God is seen as a servant to the desires of men. If men call upon Him, they will find their prayers answered and their life will one of continual happiness. This form of Christianity especially appeals during ages when mankind is caught up in the dream of peace, prosperity, and happiness. The goals of the Declaration of Independence and Christianity appear to be one and the same. If men do not know how God acts within history, they will not perceive His work. And if

they do not perceive it, they will assume that we live in a universe that is entirely on its own. This will lead to false philosophies and false doctrines of Christianity. Lacking any external control exerted by God, men will revert to various controls of their own. We thus live in a universe where we must understand how God works or we will find ourselves in situations that we have no control. It is a paradox: The more we try to control the universe without God, the less control they have of their own world. This universe and the men who live it require some form of control. Living without controls is not possible. How then does God work in history? How can men recognize the Day of the Lord as it is pictured in the Bible? How can men see God when He appears in the historical record? The first thing to realize is that men’s ideas of God do not always coincide with the Biblical ideas of God’s presence. That is where the problem begins. There are false interpretations of God and these are applied by religious charlatans. There are also the wishes of men for an escape from the rigors of life. There are also governments that need a false religion which will support its programs and its institutions. All of this and more, makes the plans and controls of God appear to be lost among a maze of contradictory actions. God appears among men as a judge. God does reward lawfulness. He does judge lawbreakers. The problem is that often God’s judgments begin among His own people. He expects more of those who are His people. When people do not know the Bible and how God acts this can lead to misinterpreting God’s role in history. If God visits judgments upon His own people, what is the point of being a Christian? That is an important question and reveals a totally inadequate understanding of God and His word. God’s goal is not to give man everything he desires. It is not to make heaven upon earth. It is to use this earth to make for Himself a people. Therefore, to understand history, it is essential to understand how God perfects people. If God’s goal in history is to make a nation that serves Him in maturity, then to understand history one must understand how God is accomplishing His goals. God operates through visiting people’s lives in the form of trouble and judgment. The path of the follower of God is marked by trials and tribulations. Not knowing this can lead many to look in the wrong places for a blessing from God. It also leads many to retreat from any commitment to God. These are not looking for God, but they are looking for a cosmic assurance that their desires are good. At first, this appears to be very confusing. A good historical example of what this book is about, can be seen in the Civil War. The North had turned their backs upon Christianity and orthodox beliefs. The South, while having some faults, was seeking in many ways to serve the God of the Bible. The Confederate army was probably the most Christian army in the history of the world. Daily chapel, the singing of Christian songs, and informal Bible studies were a daily part of the soldier’s routine. After the war, there was a crisis of faith among the surviving Southern Christians. It was very difficult for many to accept defeat from a morally inferior nation. It was difficult for them to see the hand of God. Yet, this is the necessary part of understanding history. The purposes of God are greater than man’s purposes. This is the first rule of understanding the workings of God. There are several elements of blessing from God and they all must be understood in order to gain a total overview of history and civilization. There is the blessing of becoming a Christian. It is good to have one’s sins forgiven and to have one’s relationship to God restored. There is the blessing of fellowship. As the Christian aligns his life with acts of obedience there 243

are other blessings. For example, to follow the Biblical ideals about the family and all that it involves leads to further blessings from God. These blessings are built into the very psychology of man. It is not necessary for a person to be a Christian in order to enjoy these created blessings. They are part of the universe and are open to all. This has often led to some confusing conclusions. For example, the Japanese and Chinese have gained shares of these blessings because of their strong family system. Many of these created blessings can be learned through observation, and some must be learned from the reading of God’s word. It is fairly obvious with any reading of history to see the blessings of a monogynous heterosexual relationship. It usually takes the insights of the Bible to see the blessings in the marriage vows which promise fidelity through sickness, poverty, and in bad times. The blessings of forming a bond with someone else until death seems a bit extreme apart from the understanding of God’s word. Statistically it can be shown how children achieve better in school when they come from a normal Christian family or its imitation. But it is harder to show the tragedy of abortion without the insights that come from God’s word. We move from the blessings for the individual, to the blessings of moral behavior, to the blessings of corporations. Groups of people can also achieve blessings or curses from God depending upon the behavior of the group of which they belong. It becomes confusing when you have individual Christians, who behave in a moral manner, but who align themselves with corporations that behave in ways not conducive to moral health. Such corporations as schools, churches, or nations can have moral individuals and still behave in an immoral manner. The reverse is also true. Sometimes non-Christians, who are not morally personally, behave in groups that allows them to experience blessings which they do not experience on a personal level. There is another level which is one of the most difficult to understand when discussing any situation. God is bringing all events in time to serve a greater purpose. Civilizations are held accountable not only for their corporate behavior, but God is using all civilizations to accomplish His goals in historical time. This means that while a civilization may be good compared to other civilizations, it is not on the path that God is moving. This is vital. If God were to allow good civilizations to prosper, then the values of that civilization would tend to become absolute. It is never just a question of doing good whether as an individual or a civilization. God is taking history in a particular direction. History does not stand still. There is a progression. Humans want a utopia where nothing changes. The reason is that in a world where nothing changes, man can pretend he is in control. If tomorrow is the same as yesterday, then man can safely predict the future. This gives men the illusion of being in control. When the universe is constantly changing, then tomorrow is a mystery. Only God knows and understands the future. That is why prophetic teachings are an important part of the Bible. God is letting us know that even in a world of flux and disorder, He is in control. Men do not desire to hear this message. They want to use God to control the future to suit men. The battles of history are based upon these facts: Men can control their destiny, and some men want to control the destiny of other men. As we conclude this book, maybe the most important section is this last one. It is about the judgments of God in history. Men not only seek their own goals in history, they seek to use the means that God has established to achieve their own goals. That is why the judgments of

God can be so mysterious in history. What is appears to be a good thing, the respect for the rules of the Biblical family, can be bad if people are merely using the family to achieve some private desire. God’s purposes in history are greater than our own and He will not to used to support man’s goals. Once this is understood, some of the mysteries of the history can be made more intelligible. Thus, false truths are not only judged, but false goals and desires. When the North defeated the South, that victory was proclaimed in the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It shouted forth the victorious armies of the Lord marching out His will upon the earth. The Southern grapes are being trampled into a wine as the North totally destroys the South in order to make a new wine out of the old grapes. The victor in every battle attributes his success to the righteousness of his cause. There is an arrogance in every triumph. This arrogance is translated into a plan to remake the world as only God can do, or should. The tragedy of this 21st century is built upon one victory after another over the last 150 years. America can do no wrong and every victory has only seemed to enlarge its own vision of taking the place of God in history. As men prepare for another disaster, the appearance of another judgment of God appears to be in the offing. It is also apparent that some men, in their desire to be a god, hope to imitate the judgments of God in history. More and more, governments and assorted groups, attempt to bring about historical judgments. Whether it is legitimate terrorism, or illegitimate terrorism, men everywhere are seeking to judge others through a ‘terrible swift sword’. God appears to be excluded from history in this 21st century. The silence of the heavens right now leaves men alone in a terrible time of quiet. As God appears to have left men alone, the world is seeing the rise of men who would take the place of God on the throne. The first sign of a true revival is renewal of interest in the Old South, and the traditions of the Confederacy. Men are discovering the stories of great men of God and the writings of men who served God in faithfulness. The blindness of the South to their own failings is being acknowledged while at the same time realizing the greatness of the nation and the people who fought and died for the Stars and Bars. The current hatred for all of the symbols of the Confederacy is a sign of the revival of a true, Christian South. God appears to be awakening from His slumber and his withdrawal from the affairs of men. The coming crisis will see whether the Kingdom of Man will rule the world, or whether God will judge all pretenders to the throne. If God choose this age to again reveal His concern and His power for this world, then it is time for mankind to again realize the Bible and how its laws apply to every age.



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