2006-2007 SY Instructor: Kim Pehrson
[email protected] 801-278-9460, ext. 211 Welcome back! I am excited to be offering AP Psychology as an elective again this year at AMES. Last year’s students excelled in class and their AP scores exceeded my wildest expectations for our first year. I have very high hopes for our class this year! As many of you know, I spent three years at Westminster College as a Psychology major before switching my focus to secondary education and history. Academically speaking, Psychology is my first love. As a high school student, all those many years ago, I took and passed AP Psychology, earned college credit and had the advantage of taking more specialized courses my first semester of college. This is an introductory Psychology class and will prepare students to take the AP Test in the spring. Though students are not required to take the AP Test to receive high school credit for the class, it is strongly recommended on account of the opportunity for college credit and the valuable experience with a college level test. Students who pass the AP Psychology test earn 3 credit hours and fulfill their Introductory Psychology class requirement at most colleges. (Check individual institutions for specifics). Further information on AP and the test will be forthcoming. I’m looking forward to another wonderful year here at AMES. Let’s make it a good one! Sincerely, Kim Pehrson TEXTBOOK Nevid, Jeffrey S. (2003). Psychology: Concepts and Applications. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Additional readings from various sources will be assigned periodically. MATERIALS 1. Students will have a copy of the textbook checked out to them for the duration of the class. It should be brought to class EVERY DAY. 2. Pen/pencil, paper, and BRAIN! 3. AMES STUDENT PLANNER, every day! 4. I strongly suggest students have a large 3-ring binder for keeping all assignments and handouts given in class. NOTHING SHOULD BE THROWN AWAY!
**I will allow snacks and drinks in class. However, this is subject to change if it becomes disruptive or messy. Students late to class will not be allowed to have food or drink. **All nuisance items (cell phones, pagers, PDAs, etc.) must be turned off and put away during class. Anything that becomes a distraction or disruption will be taken from the student. Any items confiscated will be sent to the office, to be retrieved from the principal by a parent or guardian. ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING Course grades will be determined using the following categories: Assignments (50%) – Anything assigned in class or as homework, including individual and group projects, lecture notes, and research assignments. Exams and Essays (35%) – There will be a midterm and final exam each term. Students will also be assigned both in-class and take home essays. Participation (15%) – Success in this class requires students to attend and participate in class activities, and to complete their assigned reading and class work on time. Students are also required to use their AMES Student Planners to keep record of class topics and assignments. Planners will be checked periodically as part of the points in this category. Late and make-up assignments: Late assignments will be accepted no more than two weeks past the due date. Students may lose points on late assignments. Make-up work will only be accepted for absences that have been EXCUSED through our office. Students are responsible for collecting work they have missed in a timely fashion in order to receive credit. GRADING SCALE 94-100% 90-93% 87-89% 83-86% 80-82% 77-79% 73-76% 70-72% 69% ↓
SCHEDULE The following is a tentative schedule of the content that will be covered in the class: Term 1
Term 3
History and Approaches Research Methods Biological Bases of Behavior Sensation and Perception States of Consciousness
Personality Testing and Individual Differences Abnormal Psychology Treatment of Psychological Disorders Term 4
Term 2 Learning Cognition Motivation and Emotion Developmental**
Social Psychology Review for AP Exam AP Test: Wednesday, May 16th Research Project
**This section includes reading and discussion of gender identity and gender roles, both of which
appear in the AP Psychology curriculum and test. Readings beyond these topics will not be assigned. USOE guidelines will be followed. Please contact me if you would like to have more specific information on this unit.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns related to these policies and procedures or for any other reason. Thank You, Kim Pehrson
PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE FOR EXTRA CREDIT BY SEPTEMBER 8th I have read and understand the above disclosure statement for AP Psychology with instructor Kim Pehrson. Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Date Date
PARENTS/GUARDIANS – Please provide the following contact information The best way to reach me is by: