Psyc 2301 Final Review

  • Uploaded by: Clay Handley
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 699
  • Pages: 4

Anything that has to do with research – case study, correlational, experiment, independent and dependent variables, double blind, placebo, cross-sectional, longitudinal

Biology of the brain – sympathetic, parasympathetic, frontal lobes, hypothalamus, limbic system

Brain scans – Differences in PET, CT, MRI, EEG, etc.


Understanding stress – sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, approach-aproach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, general adaption syndrome

Health and stress management – coping strategies, type A/B personalities

Personality – classical and operant conditioning, little Albert and the rabbit, neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, negative/positive reinforcement, shaping, observational, cognitive

Memory – different models of memory (p. 175), green boxes on 176+177

Studying development (p. 228) – early development, physical development, pag’s stages

Moral development stages (p. 260)

Ericson’s Psychosocial stages

Humanistic, Freud, personality disorders

Personality assessment, 5 factor model

Test #4 Questions/Answers An individual’s relatively stable and enduring patten of thoughs, feelings, and actions is known as his or her A: personality Research shows that the “Big 5” may be a biological universal because A: the five traits correlate with characteristics that are preferred by the opposite sex, the first four most preferred traits for mates are the same for females and males, cross-cultural studies support the “Big 5”

A major premise underlying psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality is that A: unconscious forces have an enormaous impact on our behavior according to Freud the thoughts and information that you are fcurrently aware of, or remembering is called your A: conscious concerned with immediate graitificatiion A: id the rational part of the psyche that deals with reality and tries to meet the needs of the other two mental structures is called the A: ego The ____ operates on the pleasure principle, seeking immediate gratification A: id first and most basic defense mechanism A: repression According to Freud, each stage of development is characterized by a conflict between the id and the ____. If unresolved, Freud believed a person would become _____. A: social demands; fixated which is incorrectly matched A: oral conflict: language development According to Jung, our collective unconscious consists of _____. A: inherited archetypes (not one’s cultural architecture or the “archaeology of the soul” According to Jung, the primitive images and patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that reside in the collective underscore A: Archetypes Animus and Anima A: Female and Male components of personality

On _____ personality tests, people are asked to descrive themselves on paper and pencil tasks that have a limited number of response options and a standardized scorin g system objective A multiphasic personality test measures _____. A: a range of personality traits Most widely researched and clinically used self-report, personality test is _____. A: MMPI-2 DSM-IV means A: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

A major depressive is disorder is BEST charactized by ____. A: a long-lasting depressed mood Persons with anxiety disorders who are hyper vigilant are thought to have ____. A: faulty thinking patterns Someone who experiences episodes of mania or cycles between mania and depression has a _____. A: bipolar disorder A disorder that is characterized by severely disturbed perception, language, thought, emotion and behavior is ______. A: schizophrenia Term for sensory perception that occurs in the absence of an external stimulus. A: hallucination Schizophrenia is associated with ____. A: withdrawal from others, withdrawal from reality, delusions and hallucinations Egocentrism, lack of conscious, impulsive behavior, and superficial charm are characteristics of ____. A: anti-social behavior

Psychotherapy is defined in your text as the various methods of therapy that ____. A: aim to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life. System of psychotherapy developed by Freud that seeks to bring unconscious conflicts into conscious awareness is known as ____. A: psychoanalysis Which part of the mind has strong defense mechanisms that block unconscious thought from becoming conscious? A: ego Hoarding is most commonly associated with which mental illness? A: OCD Client-centered therapy _____. A: all of the above This type of group does not have a professional leader is ____. A: self-help group A major premise underlying psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality is that _____. A: unconscious forces have an enormous impact on our behavior

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