Psalm 53, Psalm 118 And The Stone Of Yisrael

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Myrbdl Myrpomh Ha’Misparim La’Debarim The Numbers of the Words by Craig Wm. Peters

Psalm 53, Psalm 118, and the Stone of Yisrael

a The three-letter, Hebrew word for “stone” is “eben,” and in the customary, block lettering, it looks like this:

Nba stone

The misparim value for this deeply significant word is fifty-three: ←

53 = (50) N + (2) b + (1) a = Nba = eben = stone Some months ago, perhaps in the late fall/early winter of 2006, a committed believer in the faith shared a most telling connection seen in the basic structure of this word: standing alone, the first two letters of “eben/stone” form a special, Hebrew word; likewise, the last two letters also form a Hebrew word. But there is more … The two words, thus formed, are profoundly connected! Just below, we show this inspired and amazing result: • Looking only at the first two letters of Nba (stone), we have, “ba” (pronounced “ab”), the Hebrew word meaning “father,” where “ba” is the short form for “abba.” And this short form for abba/father1 appears in many Hebrew names: Ab-igail: “Father of Joy.” Ab-ishag: “Father of Error/Intoxication.” Ab-ner: “Father of Lamp,” or “(My) Father is a Lamp.” Ab-salom, more correctly, “Abshalom:” “Father of Peace.” Eli-Ab: “My Elohim is Father.” Jo-Ab: “hwhy is Father.” • Looking only at the last two letters of Nba (stone), we have, “Nb” (pronounced “bāne,” or “beyn”), the Hebrew word meaning “son.” This word also appears in many Hebrew names: Beninu: “Our Son.” Ben-oni: “Son of My Sorrow.” Ben-hadad: “Mighty Son.” Ben-Hanan: “Son of Favor.” Ben-Chayil: “Son of Strength.” Binyamin (Benjamin): “Son of the Right Hand.” The connection which the word “eben” (stone) has with the Elohim of Yisrael is immediately apparent: the Word of hwhy prophesied the Messiah would be the Stone of Yisrael while elsewhere indicating that the Son of the Most High would be “the Stone which the builders rejected.”2 Having recently rejoiced over a newborn nephew named, “Stone,”3 the Spirit has 1 2 3

Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6 Psalm 118:22-23 Born in late July of 2007.


made the author far more mindful of these things during the past few months. With such a heightened awareness, it did not take long for this revelation to grow to the point of being nearly overwhelming in scope and magnitude,4 and we are now constrained to set forth a record at least some of the inspired details surrounding this profound, awe-inspiring truth. We pray our readers will find great blessings of peace and edification from the Word of hwhy herein revealed. As the misparim of “stone” is 53, our study continues with the reading of the Fifty-Third Psalm …

Tehillah 53 Maschil of David

1 A fool said in his heart, “There is no Elohim.” They have done corruptly, yes, they have done abominable iniquity, there is none doing good. 2 Elohim, from the heavens, looked on the sons of men, to see if there was one with understanding, one seeking Elohim. 3 Every one has gone back, together they became filthy: there is none doing good, not even one. 4 Have the workers of iniquity not known? Those eating my people have eaten bread, (upon) Elohim they have not called. 5 There they feared a fear, yet there was no fear, for Elohim has scattered the bones of him who is encamped against you. You have put them to shame, for Elohim has despised them. 6 Who will give the salvation of Yisrael out of Tziyon? When Elohim turns back the captivity of His people, Ya’acob will rejoice, Yisrael will be glad! To the Chief Musician on Neginoth 5 t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

The Messiah: The Stone of Yisrael, the Shepherd of the Flock As Ya’acob/Jacob pronounced the blessing upon his twelve sons, while speaking of Yoseph/Joseph, the patriarch prophesied that the Messiah would come forth directly from the Most High: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty One of Ya’acob; (from thence is the Shepherd, the Stone of Yisrael).6 Genesis 49:24 Before contemplating further thoughts on the Stone of Yisrael, we note this Scripture indicated the Messiah would proceed directly from the Mighty One of Jacob, and that is exactly what eswhy said of Himself:


Jeremiah 20:9, 33:3, Psalm 119:18 Naginoth = “smitings.” For an explanation of the placement of this psalm’s title (Superscription), as well as for the placement of its subtitle (Subscription), see the Companion Bible: Psalm 53 (page 771) and Appendix 64 (page 91). 6 Some have wrongly assumed that because this portion of Jacob’s blessing was generally referring to Yoseph that the Messiah would also come forth from the tribe of Yoseph: nothing could be farther from the truth, and operating under this assumption, such souls have not only greatly erred (Matthew 22:29, Mark 12:24), they have derived insidious, blasphemous doctrines. This text (Genesis 49:24) is asserting the Messiah would come forth from hwhy Himself. 5


33 For the bread of Elohim is He which came down from heaven, and gives life to the world. 34 Then they said to Him, Master, give us this bread evermore. 35 And eswhy said to them, I am the bread of life: he that comes to Me will never hunger; and he that believes on Me will never thirst … 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him that sent Me … 41 The Yehudim then murmured at Him, because He said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. 42 And they said, Is this not eswhy, the son of Yoseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it then that He said, I came down from heaven? … 47 Amein, amein, I say to you, he that believes on Me has age-abiding life. 48 I am that bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. 50 This is the bread which came down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he will live unto times age-abiding: and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world … 58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eats of this bread will live unto times age-abiding. John 6:3335, 38, 41-42, 47-51, 58 In other places, also, eswhy testified He came forth from the Father (thus fulfilling the patriarch’s prophecy that the Stone of Yisrael would come directly from the Mighty One of Jacob):

eswhy said to them, “If Elohim were your Father, you would love Me: for I proceeded forth and came from Elohim; neither did I come of Myself, but He sent Me.” John 8:42 For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from Elohim. I came forth from the Father, and have come into the world. Again, I will leave the world, and go to the Father. John 16:27-28 7 But we must now return to our main topic: the Messiah was prophesied to be the Shepherd,8 the Stone of Yisrael. We read of this, once again, in the words of Ya’acob’s blessing: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the Mighty One of Ya’acob; (from thence is the Shepherd, the Stone of Yisrael). Genesis 49:24 There are three more prophecies which specifically mention the Stone of Yisrael: one is seen in the Psalms, while the other two were given by hwhy through the prophet Isaiah. First, the very familiar, now famous text from Tehillah 118: The Stone which the builders refused has become the Head 9 of the corner. From hwhy this has come to be: it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:22-23


See also: John 3:13; 7:29,33; 13:1,3; 17:8-13 Matthew 9:36, John 10:11,14,16, Hebrews 13:20, 1Peter 2:25, 5:4, Revelation 7:17 < > Psalm 23:1-3 9 While “Head” is all too often translated “cornerstone” (see Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10 and Luke 20:17 in the NASB), the Hebrew Scripture indicates the Messiah would be the Head (“rosh”) of the corner. Hence, we recall the many places which speak of Him, not only of being the foundation, but also of being set as the Head over all things. 1Corinthians 11:3, Ephesians 1:19-23, Colossians 1:18, 2:10,19, 1Peter 2:7 8


Then we have the two places in the prophet Isaiah which continue to shed light on the nature of this Stone and which, we believe, evidently refer back to the Psalm 118 prophecy: And He shall be for a sanctuary; but for a Stone of stumbling and for a Rock of offence to both the houses of Yisrael, for a trap and for a snare to the inhabitants of Yerushalayim/Jerusalem. Isaiah 8:14 Therefore, thus says the Sovereign hwhy, “Behold, I lay in Tziyon for a foundation, a Stone – a tried Stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believes shall not make haste. Isaiah 28:16 Referring to this last prophecy Sha’ul, the emissary, wrote of eswhy the Messiah, the foundation Stone: For no one is able to lay any other foundation except that which has been laid, which is eswhy the Messiah. 1Corinthians 3:11 In fulfillment of the Isaiah 28:16 prophecy, the foundation was laid/completed by hwhy, the Father, and no one can ever undo that which He has established.10 Regarding the completion of this foundation, we have even more details from Sha’ul in his letter to the Ephesians: 19 So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow-citizens with the set-apart ones, and of the household of Elohim, 20 being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, eswhy the Messiah Himself being the Head of the corner, 21 in whom all the building, being fit together, increases into a set-apart Dwelling Place in the Sovereign; 22 in whom you also are being built together for a habitation of Elohim in the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22 This text is immeasurably significant because we see the Messiah was the all-important completion of the foundation which hwhy laid through the apostles and prophets sent to Yisrael of old.11 And we emphasize the word completion because eswhy did not abolish anything established by the prophets of hwhy who ministered the Word of Elohim to ancient Yisrael as they upheld the immutable, age-abiding Torah.12 As a matter of fact, eswhy stated He had come to fulfill everything previously established by those men of old. Namely, the Messiah was sent by hwhy to complete the foundation which had already been nearly finished through the work of the Spirit13 in the prophets who had gone before Him! Would it 10

Psalm 33:11, Proverbs 21:30, Ecclesiastes 3:14, Isaiah 46:10 The prophets of old were also apostles (ones sent): they were sent to Yisrael by hwhy to teach them the Torah! Exodus 3:15, 4:28, 7:16, Numbers 16:28-34, Deuteronomy 34:10-12, Joshua 24:2-5, Judges 6:7-10, 1Samuel 12:8,11, 15:1, 2Samuel 12:24-25, 2Kings 2:2,4,6, 17:13, 2Chronicles 25:15, 36:15-16, Psalm 105:26, Isaiah 48:16, 61:1, Jeremiah 7:25; 19:14; 25:4; 17; 26:5,12,15; 28:9; 29:18-19; 35:15; 42:21; 43:1-2; 44:4-5; Amos 7:14-15; Haggai 1:12; Zechariah 2:8-11; 4:8-9; 6:15; 7:12 12 The Torah given by hwhy through the prophet Mosheh/Moses! 13 Zechariah 7:11-12, Isaiah 63:10, Acts 7:51-53, 2Peter 1:21. Charismatics and Pentecostals, as well as all other Christians who purport to believe Scripture, must realize: the Spirit of hwhy is in complete unison with His Torah (Isaiah 63:10, Jeremiah 31:31-33, Ezekiel 36:26-27) and Yisrael suffered great wrath at the Hand of hwhy for profaning the Seventh Day Sabbath. Nehemiah 13:15-18/2Chronicles 36:15-16-21 This wrath was prophesied to come upon them by the mouth of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 17:19-27), and it did, indeed, come. For the very same reason, the Almighty’s wrath will soon come upon America apart from national repentance. 11


have made any sense for eswhy to destroy the foundation which He came to complete as the Head of the corner? Hardly. Hence, we may now find an even greater understanding of His words to the multitude: 17 Think not that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass away from the Torah, until all things are accomplished. 19 Whosoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness shall exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:17-20 When referring to the Messiah as the completion of the foundation14 – a foundation which began with the apostles and prophets of old – Sha’ul was referring to this very Scripture from the Sermon on the Mount: eswhy came to complete the foundation, after which time, the building of the House could begin in earnest.15 For those who have, heretofore, believed the present day “mystery of lawlessness”16 – perpetuated by the majority of today’s supposed pastors – now is the time to turn to the Messiah and Lawgiver.17 The Torah has never been abolished, and the authentic believer’s reward will be determined by his or her level of obedience – obedience which is defined by one’s standing in relation to the immutable precepts of the Torah.18 The Torah has been commanded to a thousand generations,19 and even using the lowest case scenario (of 40 years) for one generation, this will be an immense time span of some 40,000 years, at a minimum.20 The Fool (Nabal) Has Said in His Heart: There is No Elohim There is yet another connection with Tehillah/Psalm 53 and the Stone of Yisrael: this song is a remembrance of David’s dealings with Nabal21 and the subsequent judgment which fell upon the cruel man’s house for denying the Most High and for conducting himself with such a hard, calloused heart. The Hebrew for the opening line of Tehillah 53 is seen below: ← ← ←





there is not

in his heart


lbn Nabal(a fool)

rma Says

Ephesians 2:20 Zechariah 6:12-13, John 14:1-3, Ephesians 2:19-22, 1Peter 2:4-5, Revelation 3:12 16 Daniel 7:25, 2Thessalonians 2:7-9, 2Timothy 4:3-4 17 Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 33:22, Matthew 7:12, 19:17, John 14:15, 15:10, James 4:12 18 Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 7:24-27, Romans 2:13, 3:31, 8:7, James 1:22-25, 1John 3:4, Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14 19 Deuteronomy 7:9, 1Chronicles 16:15-17, Psalm 105:8-10 20 How can something commanded to a thousand generations be “abolished?” There are many studies which show the Torah is incumbent upon all New Covenant believers. In this regard, we suggest new readers consider the tract, “Clean or Unclean?” at Once a person comes to the realization that laws concerning clean and unclean animal flesh have remained in effect following the Savior’s death and resurrection, it also becomes evident that other moral laws are still binding upon those who proclaim faith in the Messiah. Romans 2:13, 3:31, James 4:11, 1John 2:4-6 21 1Samuel 25 15


While the second, Hebrew word of this text was translated to apply to the fool, in general, being the same Hebrew word as the name of the infidel, “Nabal”22– a man termed by the Scriptures “a son of Beliya’al,”23 or “son of worthlessness” – we believe this psalm refers to David’s encounter with that harsh, ungrateful, and self-centered person.24 The above text could have easily been translated: Nabal said in his heart, “There is no Elohim.” After referring to the man directly, the psalm could still continue speaking of the fool, in general. Evidence indicates the Scriptures hold forth Nabal as the epitome of the ultimate fool, and that he is used by hwhy to represent all those who are morally foolish.25 To provide yet more evidence Psalm 53 is drawing upon David’s encounter with Nabal, we contrast David’s humility with the harsh, brazen verbal abuse heard coming from the calloused heart of this implacable fool. We have been left with much evidence as to the character of this apparent reprobate. First, David’s approach: in need of provisions, he sent some of his men to request assistance from Nabal; one cannot help but notice the humility of David as well as those men who were representing him … • On David’s behalf, his servants came before Nabal referring to David as Nabal’s son.26 • David and his men had an already established history of voluntarily watching the flocks of Nabal; they never stole anything from the man27 even though he had a great abundance.28 And if such a loss had even been noticed, Nabal would have likely never known the source of the deficit. • David’s band not only treated Nabal’s servants with kindness, they protected them by day and night.29 In response to these things: • Nabal not only mocks David, he belittles David’s father by including him in the underserved rebuke.30 • The fool refused to share anything with the men, although he was basking in great abundance and prosperity. Nabal was even preparing for an extravagant feast31 which he would later conduct on that very day.32 • The base fellow ended his harangue by accusing David’s band of being nothing more than runaway slaves who had abandoned their masters, and he refused to help them in any way.33 22

1Samuel 25:25 See the Hebrew text of 1Samuel 25:25 24 We invite readers to read the entire account, as seen in 1Samuel 25, before continuing with this study. 25 1Samuel 25:25 26 1Samuel 25:8 27 1Samuel 25:7-8 28 1Samuel 25:2 29 1Samuel 25:7, 14-16 30 1Samuel 25:10 31 1Samuel 25:11. There is actually one other possibility, and it is something which would show Nabal to be even more spiteful: in response to David’s request, Nabal decided to make what was originally going to be a “normal” event an extravagant one, so as to convey additional malice towards David and his men. 32 1Samuel 25:2,36 33 1Samuel 25:11 23


• Further, one of his own servants said of Nabal, …“he is such a son of Beliya’al, that one cannot speak to him.” 1Samuel 25:17 The true proverb says, “In the mouth of a fool is a rod of pride, but the lips of the wise preserve them.”34 As many will have already realized through every day experience, this rod of pride is used by the morally bankrupt to smite/strike others with harsh words, and such reckless speech is often characterized with cruel, insensitive insults and untrue allegations.35 Such was the man named Nabal. We see this fool smiting others with the rod of pride and uttering harsh words of contempt as he refused to do even the smallest thing to help David in a time of great need. But the results of his brash, selfish dealings and unbelief returned upon the head of Nabal all too soon. While Abiga’il (Nabal’s wife) was able to avert David from slaughtering the fool’s household,36 Nabal’s ways led to his demise all the same. The following account informs us of what transpired upon her return home to Nabal … 36 And Abigail came to Nabal; and, behold, he held a feast in his house, like the feast of a king; and Nabal’s heart was merry within him, for he was very drunk: therefore she told him nothing, less or more, until the morning light. 37 But it came to pass in the morning, when the wine was gone out of Nabal, and his wife had told him these things, that his heart died within him, and he became as a stone (eben). 38 And it came to pass about ten days later that hwhy smote Nabal, so that he died. 1Samuel 25:36-38 From the judgment which came upon Nabal,37 we see there was a direct reason that Psalm 53 was so numbered! The subject matter of Tehillah 53 is clearly connected to David’s encounter with the man, Nabal, and with the ensuing judgment which befell him: his heart became as a stone (which adds to 53 in Hebrew). In denying hwhy, Nabal was judged; instead of honoring the Stone of Yisrael,38 Nabal honored himself. Consequently, Nabal’s heart became as a stone, (eben, Nba). Thus, the misparim of Nba being exactly 53, and Nabal’s name being directly39 mentioned in Tehillah 53, we have every reason to assert this psalm reflects on the results of a fool’s life in failing to exalt the Stone of Yisrael, the Messiah, of Whom King David was a forerunner, or what many people call “a prophetic type.” Whether we are looking at the Torah and the Prophets or the New Covenant Writings, denying Elohim and denying the Stone of Yisrael are seen to be connected throughout the Scriptures. In this vein, we will now consider more Scriptures from both the Tanak as well as the Messianic Writings.


Proverbs 14:3 Quite recently, my wife and I witnessed the results of a rude, female customer complaining to a female cashier about not being able to obtain some kind of a box (gratis, of course). It so happened, after said customer moved on, that we were next in line, and as soon as the poor girl felt some amount of kindness from us, she nearly broke down sobbing. While it was nice to have been able offer a word of help and support, it was still so regretful to see this person suffer at the hands of such verbal abuse over something as trivial as a cardboard box. As we have noted elsewhere, the wicked ever seek to prevail with their tongues, and those walking in darkness will oftentimes speak rashly when using words as a verbal weapon. Psalm 12:4, Proverbs 12:6,18, 26:25, Jeremiah 9:8 36 1Samuel 25:14-35 37 1Samuel 25:38-39 38 (in dishonoring David, Nabal was also dishonoring the Messiah, who would come forth from the house of David) 39 (or indirectly) 35


Behold the Stone! It is quite significant that Yehoshua/Joshua was also used to prophesy of the Stone of Yisrael: he not only had the same Hebrew name as the Messiah, Yehoshua was a conquering warrior.40 When speaking of the stone, Yehoshua also mentions the danger of denying Elohim: And Yehoshua said to all the people, “Behold, the stone, the very one which shall be a witness against us; for it has heard all the words of hwhy which He spoke to us: it shall be, therefore, a witness against you, lest you deny your Elohim.” Joshua 24:27 In Hebrew, “Behold the stone,” looks like this: ←



the stone


And the misparim value of this phrase is obtained as follows: ←

= Nbah hnh = Hineh ha’eben = “Behold the stone” 118 = (58) Nbah

+ (60) hnh = (50) N + (2) b + (1) a + (5) h + (5) h + (50) n + (5) h

Here we see Yehoshua/Joshua declaring to Yisrael, “Behold the stone” … And given that this phrase adds to 118 in Hebrew, we cannot help but be directed to the 118th Psalm, the psalm in which the Messiah is called “the Stone which the builders rejected!” The Stone which the builders refused has become the Head of the corner. From hwhy this has come to be: it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 118:22-2341 Consequently, it would not be incorrect to say the theme of this psalm is “Behold the Stone!” And notice, once more, what Yehoshua spoke of this stone: … it has heard all the words of hwhy which He spoke to us.” Joshua 24:27 Yet this sounds exactly like the testimony of eswhy in His days on earth: … all things that I have heard of My Father, I have made known to you. John 15:15 I speak that which I have seen with My Father … John 8:38 For I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father who sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak … whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the Father has spoken to Me, so I speak. John 12:49-50

40 41

Compare: Joshua 1:1-5, 10:7-8, Revelation 5:5, 19:11-16, Exodus 15:3 See the places in which the Messiah cited this Scripture: Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:7-12, Luke 20:15-19


Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I speak not of Myself, but the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works. John 14:10 He that does not love Me does not keep My words: and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me. John 14:24 It is just as John wrote in the opening lines of his Evangel: … the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He (the Son) has declared Him (the Father). John 1:18 Considering the Hebrew word, stone (Nba), we can literally say that the Son (Nb) is in the Father (ba) and the Father (ba) is in the Son (Nb)! This is literally the case because the two words – “father” and “son” – overlap within the word “stone:”

Nb >>> Nba <<< ba Son



“Ab” is in “Beyn” and “Beyn” is in “Ab”! So it is with the Stone of Yisrael, the Messiah: He is in the Father and the Father is in Him! Believe Me, that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me … John 14:11 eswhy heard all the words of the Father, and as the Stone – as the Son in the Father – the Messiah declared all the words of hwhy!42 He was precisely like the stone of Joshua (24:27) which heard all the words of hwhy! Consequently, we must hear the words of the Son or we are rejecting the words of the Father:43 Let that, therefore, abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning.44 If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, you also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 1John 2:24 We cannot overlook the words of Joshua (24:27) that the stone was set up as a witness against Yisrael, lest they deny their Elohim. As we near the end of our study, then, let us consider this more fully.


Other Scriptures indicate the very same thing: John 4:25, 41-42, 14:24, 1Corinthians 1:24,30, Colossians 2:2-3 Deuteronomy 18:15-18, Matthew 17:5, Mark 9:7, Luke 9:35 44 “That which you have heard from the beginning,” was John’s reference to the Torah, what is commonly called “The Five Books of Moses.” Compare Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1-5. This connection emphasizes the Messiah was the Word made flesh and that He never did anything to abolish the Torah. What they had heard “from the beginning” with hwhy the Father, was no different than that which they had heard “from the beginning” with eswhy the Son. Only through the Messiah, the Torah now became full of favor and truth as eswhy magnified the Teaching, giving it clarity and shining upon it abundantly more light, thus, making it possible for this Law to be fully written on the heart of mankind. John 1:14-17, Isaiah 42:24, 2Corinthians 3:2-3/Hebrews 8:8-10, 4:4, 2Timothy 1:10, 2Corinthians 3:14-16 43


Where is Nabal Today?45 Denying the Father and the Son The fool has said in his heart, “There is no Elohim.” In contrast, the righteous knows hwhy to be the sovereign, living Elohim, ever watchful and ever present.46 Being the Stone of Yisrael, we can now better understand how (and why), eswhy could warn that to reject Him was to reject the Father: He that hears you hears Me; and he that rejects you rejects Me; and he that rejects Me, rejects Him that sent Me. Luke 10:1647 In removing “Son/Beyn/Nb” from “Stone/Nba,” one must necessarily desecrate/remove the “Father/Ab/ba.” The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father: they are one in the Spirit, and we see this oneness set forth, literally, in the Hebrew word for “stone” – a major, prophetic title for the Messiah:

Nb >>>




<<< ba Father

So every time eswhy asserted the great truth that He was in the Father and the Father was in Him, the Son of David was also declaring Himself to be the Stone of Yisrael, the Messiah! … though you do not believe Me, believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that the Father is in Me, and I in Him. John 10:38 Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I speak to you I speak not from Myself: but the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works. Believe Me, that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me: or else, believe Me for the very works’ sake. John 14:10-11


While there are many today who deny eswhy is the Messiah, we do not necessarily say that this immediately classifies them to be fools at the same level as the Nabal, of old. Many sincere people might otherwise believe, if they had a true encounter with the Messiah, the Son of David. As the Good News preached today is so watered-down and deficient compared to that which was preached by the first apostles, we should generally withhold judgment in this regard. However, there are many today who have tasted the loving kindness of hwhy through His Son (Hebrews 6:4-6, 10:26-29) and who have later rejected Him as the Messiah (2Peter 2:1-3); they have obviously lost the abiding humility and gratitude which redeemed sinners should exhibit before the Most High. 2Peter 1:9 Such ingratitude results in being delivered over to one’s enemies (Deuteronomy 28:47-48), in being given over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:22-28 And this is the case with those who have rejected the Messiah: they have actually dispensed with the New Covenant Writings and proclaim they still await the coming of the Savior! And so very often, their “study” of the Hebrew Scriptures has, ironically, been the very thing which led to such a false, egregious deduction. Hence, hwhy answers that the Hebrew tongue only upholds the fact that eswhy is His Son, the Messiah of Elohim, who was nailed to the tree in the foreknowledge of the Most High, and who was raised from the dead to be made the Sovereign of All. Acts 2:22-36 46 2Chronicles 16:9, Psalm 46:1-5, 94:9, Proverbs 20:12, Hebrews 4:13 47 John 12:44


At that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. John 14:20 … That they all may be one; as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that You have sent Me. John 17:21 The Stone of Yisrael was (and is) a union of the Father with His Son! After considering all of the above, we fully believe Yochanan/John, the emissary, was likewise writing of the Stone of Yisrael, and that he was fully mindful of the Father-Son connection given in the inspired, Hebrew word “stone/eben/Nba,” when recording the following Scriptures: 22 Who is the liar, except the one denying that eswhy is the Messiah? This is the antiMessiah, the one denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one denying the Son has the Father. The one confessing the Son has the Father as well. 1John 2:22-23, ISRV 10 He that believes on the Son of Elohim has the witness in himself: he that does not believe Elohim has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the witness that Elohim has borne concerning His Son. 11 And the witness is this: that Elohim has given to us age-abiding life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He that has the Son has the life; he that does not have the Son of Elohim does not have the life. 1John 5:10-12 The Stone has heard all the words of hwhy that He has spoken to us,48 and He is a witness against us, or more properly, before us,49 lest we deny our Elohim! Remove the Son (Beyn) from “Stone” (Nba) …

Nb <<<<<< a the Son


… and it is also quite evident that you no longer have the Father (ba/Ab). Of course, you no longer have the Stone, the Messiah, and as Yochanan/John has warned, you will also no longer have age-abiding life.50 This is the great truth which those who deny the Messiah will have to learn the hard way. But for those who believe in the Stone of Yisrael, and who believe He came forth from the Father, we greatly rejoice with abundant gratitude and proclaim of this awe-inspiring truth: This is from hwhy: it is marvelous in our eyes! Psalm 118:23


Hebrews 1:1-3, John 1:18, Joshua 24:27 Hebrews 12:2 50 What you do have is the Hebrew letter “aleph” – the letter which, as a prefix, represents the personal pronoun “I.” As a symbol, one of the things which this letter represents is the ox and, by analogy, “strength.” We believe, then, that rejecting the Son conveys the pride and self-sufficiency (“I”) of those who are trusting in their own strength. Deuteronomy 8:11-18 (especially vs. 17), Judges 7:2, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Daniel 4:30, Amos 6:13 49


Turning the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children and the Hearts of the Children to the Fathers There is still one final thought which should be pondered before we close our study. The ultimate intent of hwhy was/is to be the King of His people.51 His original intent was to rule over Yisrael through the priesthood.52 If this had occurred,53 the entire nation would have been a kingdom of priests to the other nations of the world,54 and the results would have filled the earth with the righteousness and splendor of hwhy.55 This will still occur at some future point after the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Elohim and His Messiah.56 But we must not miss the point: one of the ultimate purposes of the Levitical Priesthood was to serve the families of Yisrael by representing the Torah so as to continually turn the hearts of the people from iniquity and towards hwhy.57 And this would ultimately occur only if the hearts of the fathers were turned to the children,58 and the hearts of the children were turned to the fathers.59 Hence, it is quite significant that names of the twelve sons of Yisrael were engraved on the twelve stones of the breastplate and worn on the chest of the high priest: because we better understand how each stone represented the father-son relationship (since the Hebrew word “eben” contains both “father” and “son”), it is also easily seen that this breastplate was a continual testimony to the all-essential ministry-service of the priesthood. It is only when the father-son relationship in its rightful place that love, joy, and peace can then fill the earth. Below are a few Scripture texts showing the names of the children of Yisrael were carved onto the stones of the breastplate: 5 And the embroidered band of his shoulder garment that was on it was of the same work of gold, and blue, and purple, and scarlet material, and of fine woven linen, as hwhy had commanded Mosheh. 6 And they made the shoham stones, set in plated work of gold, engraved as signets are engraved, according to the names of the sons of Yisra’ĕl. 7 And he put them on the shoulders of the shoulder garment, stones of remembrance for the sons of Yisra’ĕl, as hwhy had commanded Mosheh. 8 And he made the breastplate, a work of a skilled workman, like the work of the shoulder garment, of gold, of blue and purple, and scarlet material, and of fine woven linen. 9 It was square, they made the breastplate double, its length a span, its width a span, doubled. 10 And they filled it with four rows of stones: a row of ruby, a topaz, and an emerald was the first row; 11 and the second row a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond; 12 and the third row a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst; 13 and the fourth row a beryl, a shoham, and a jasper – set in plated work of gold in their settings. 14 And the stones were according to the names of the sons of Yisra’ĕl, twelve according to their names, engraved like a signet, each one with its own name according to the twelve tribes. Exodus 39:5-14, ISRV If anyone reasons we are making too much of the father-son connection seen in the word “stone,” we have yet more evidence of the truth of the matter: many Scriptures support the 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

1Samuel 8:4-8; 12:6-12; 16-19; Isaiah 33:22 Exodus 19:5-6 And it still will, in the future! Psalm 22:27-28; 65:1-2; 86:9, Isaiah 2:1-2; 66:23, Revelation 15:4 Deuteronomy 4:5-6 Numbers 14:21, Psalm 72:19, Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14 Daniel 7:14,22,27, Revelation 11:15 Malachi 2:6-7 Genesis 26:4-5, Deuteronomy 4:9-10; 5:29; 6:6-9; 11:18-21 Exodus 20:12, Malachi 4:4-6


fact that the ministry-service of Eliyah was also to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and those of the children to the fathers.60 And notice what the prophet Eliyah did as he opposed the prophets of Ba’al and prepared to bring honor to the Name of hwhy on Mount Carmel: 31 And Eliyah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Ya’acob, unto whom the word of hwhy came, saying, Yisrael shall be your name. 32 And with the stones he built an altar in the Name of hwhy: and he made a trench about the altar, as great as would contain two measures of seed. 1Kings 18:31-32 A few hours later, this is what transpired after the prophets of Ba’al failed to be heard by a false, nonexistent, and demon-inspired deity: 36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Eliyah the prophet came near, and said, hwhy Elohim of Abraham, Yitschak/Isaac, and of Yisrael, let it be known this day that You are Elohim in Yisrael, and that I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word. 37 Hear me, hwhy, hear me, that this people may know that You are hwhy Elohim, and that You have turned their heart back again. 38 Then the fire of hwhy fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, hwhy, He is the Elohim; hwhy, He is the Elohim.61 1Kings 18:36-39 We pray the Fire of hwhy will fall from heaven in our time and that His Spirit will turn back the hearts of many people in these Last Days as He fulfills His word in the psalms: They will remember and return to hwhy, all the ends of the earth, They will worship before Your Face, all the families of the nations. Psalm 22:27 We pray all of our readers will realize: no person is able to reach his or her fullest potential apart from the Messiah dwelling within them.62 When eswhy stated, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing,”63 He was emphasizing the greatest human need: the Presence of hwhy. For it is only through the shed blood of the Messiah that we can come before the Presence of hwhy and that our petitions can be accepted before Him. This was the meaning of that which He spoke in regard to drawing near to the Almighty in prayer: … “No man comes to the Father except by Me.” John 14:6 eswhy is the High Priest after the order of Melchi-tzedek, and apart from what hwhy has done in providing for us a Lamb,64 we can do nothing. Apart from Him, we cannot draw near to Elohim, and we cannot have the light and splendor of hwhy by which believers are clothed with the armor of His light. And those who do not walk in the light of hwhy will not 60

See the following in this regard: Malachi 4:5-6, Luke 1:16-17 In Hebrew, the phrase “hwhy, He is the Elohim,” adds up to 130. Since this was spoken two times, we have a total misparim of 260. This, we believe, is a number parable for the Name of hwhy (since the misparim of hwhy = 26) and the Ten Commandments (10). Since 26 x 10 = 260, with a great display of awe and wonder, the Name/Spirit of hwhy prevailed to turn the hearts of the people back to Him by renewing their determination to obey His Torah. 62 John 15:5, Acts 17:28, Colossians 1:25-27, Revelation 3:7 63 John 15:5 64 Genesis 22:7-8, John 1:29,36, Hebrews 9:14 61


overcome: they will not reign in the Millennium with eswhy. Possessing hearts which are lifted up with pride and self-sufficiency, they will have no part in such things; they are content to deny the Stone of Yisrael, to reject eswhy as the Messiah and to spurn the atoning work which hwhy has done through Him. Those with hearts stone65 will be rejected and cast out by the Stone of Yisrael. t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

Summary We continue to rejoice in hwhy and to stand in awe of His Word and ways. The Father has bestowed His Qadosh66 Name on the Son,67 and He has exalted the Messiah to be the Sovereign over all things.68 Hence, hwhy is the Stone of Yisrael, and whoever rejects the Son also rejects the Father. The Hebrew word, “Eben/Stone” contains both the Father and the Son, and thus did the Messiah say, “Believe in Elohim, believe also in Me.” John 14:1 In our days, and in very recent times, many former believers in the Messiah have undertaken the study of the Hebrew language only to gradually turn aside to Jewish fables and commandment-nullifying traditions.69 The knowledge they acquired in their brief time of study was meager,70 at the very best, yet this was all it took to sow the seeds of pride and selfsufficiency.71 Many of these people began teaching the New Testament was “uninspired,” and in short order, they began scoffing at the fundamental truths of salvation. Not long hence, they were outright denying the Master who bought them. We believe the present study to have been given by hwhy as at least a partial answer to any who would think themselves justified in using the set apart, Hebrew tongue, or any portion of the Torah and the Prophets, to deny His Son. Through faith in eswhy of Nazareth, we not only establish the Torah,72 but the Torah, if truly understood, fully establishes Him to be the Messiah of Yisrael.73 Hence, readers who were unaware of the tragic events we mention will now, perhaps, better understand our joy and gratitude when hwhy makes known things of such great magnitude concerning His Son – especially when it involves a profound revelation from the Hebrew Scriptures as seen in this present study. For those still seeking to find faith in the Messiah of Yisrael, He promises not to cast out anyone who comes to the Father through Him.74 Believe in hwhy; believe in His Son, eswhy, the Word made flesh.75 Only through eswhy may we come to the fullest understanding of the ageless, immutable Torah of hwhy El Elyon;76 for it is the Messiah who shines a light and splendor on the Word of hwhy which far exceeds the light that came forth from the face of Mosheh/Moses: 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

Hebrews 3:7-8, 12-19 i.e., Set Apart Philippians 2:9-11 Acts 2:32-36 Matthew 15:3-9, Mark 7:6-13, Galatians 1:13-14, Titus 1:13-14 Proverbs 30:2-3, 1Corinthians 8:2, Job 26:14 > Psalm 145:3 > Romans 11:33 1Corinthians 8:1 Matthew 5:17-20, Romans 2:13, 3:31 Luke 24:13-27 John 6:37 John 1:1-5,14-18 hwhy Most High.


… 14 but their minds were hardened: for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains, it not being revealed to them that it is done away in the Messiah. 15 But until this day, whenever Mosheh is read, a veil lies upon their heart. 16 But whenever it shall turn to the Sovereign, the veil is taken away. 17 Now hwhy is the Spirit: and where the Spirit of hwhy is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the splendor of the Sovereign, are transformed into the same image from splendor to splendor, even as from hwhy the Spirit. 2Corinthians 3:14 -18 t t s r q u p e o n m l k y j x z w h d g b a

Copyright 2006-2008, by Craig Wm. Peters.

This document may be freely copied and distributed if it is left unaltered and in its entirety. It must also be given away without cost to recipients, and it may not be included in any publication without the author’s written permission.

hwhy El Shaddai will rebuke anyone who copies these truths for personal republication and/or who subsequently attempts to reproduce and sell them. Isaiah 55:1-2, Micah 3:11, 1Peter 5:2

The full details/stipulations of the applicable copyright are seen in the Prologue to this series, a file which is available for downloading, without cost, at the IAH website: An Excellent Translation of the Scriptures “ISRV” is an acronym which means: “INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH VERSION.” We have used this acronym in this document to indicate we have quoted a Scripture text from the translation produced by the INSTITUTE FOR SCRIPTURE RESEARCH – an organization of Messianic believers based in South Africa. These believers have published an excellent version of the Word of hwhy which is entitled “The Scriptures.” For those wishing to make further inquiry, their website address is:


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