Impact of a model for intervention on the development of spontaneous scientific tools in children aged 2 to 6.
Priority Area Scientific development and technology exchange Former Names: N.A (If applicable) Presented by: Colombia. Universidad del Valle. (Country and Institution) Type and Class of the Proposal:
and transfer
GOAL To contribute to the formation of spontaneous scientific tools in children, starting with the improvement of intervention strategies addressed to foster the scientific and technologic spirit, according to the order of those responsible of science and technology in the hemisphere, who ask for an appropriate way of understanding an diffusion of science and technology in the initial, basic and middle education.
Different instruments to visualize the scientific comprehension of the child, at a100% in a group of 300 teachers and 9000 children, in a limit time of one year, in three countries with different populations.
- Quantitative and qualitative information (to be found in the partial and final reports) of the intervention model tested. - Video samples which show the work done with children
- The legal frame of the three participant countries, related to the policies to foster science and technology.
- the supporting of this project to other countries with different populations, -Survey results will and a further convert to statistics data. monitoring to the project -A book, edited in two languages and different - High profile of the publications in national researchers and and international agreement in their journals. work views.
Purpose Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a re-elaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children.
- We hope to get available to the 100% of the teachers implements of the first order. We hope that 90% will be instructed and that at least 50% will initiate a process of change in their work process. Finally, we hope that at least 20% of them will drift towards a team work with psychologists and experts. -Our expectative is that at least a 60% of the children will have benefits from the changes gained in educational practice of their teachers who participate in the program.
-Results of the teacher's interview, pre and post intervention, which will allow us to establish the teachers' change of position regarding their view of the work with children. -We will monitoring the changes in children´s performance, when confronted to the new recreated situations and other typical intervention models and practices of the school. - Audio-visual aids made to this moment. - Classification systems with total transcriptios of problem solving situations designed .
-To count on the availability of teachers and children -To count on qualified human resources and a infrastructure on knowledge an organization to the work with teachers. -Proved efficiency of the teams in this kind of program with the education sector -Institutional laws according to the orders of hemisphere governments, in order to properly promote the diffusion and understanding of science and technology in initial education programs. -Long experience in basic research and accumulation of knowledge about the comprehension processes of the child
VERIFICATION Outputs/ Components
1- Teachers trained in a permanent process of reelaboration of their educational practice and a group of children which will benefit from the work done in the school, presented as a way of interacting with reality based on the child's own hypothesis, as well as on the use of their spontaneous cognitive tools.
- In the group of 300 teachers and group of 9000 children, to reach at least 50% of change in 60% of the population aimed at. During 5 months.
2- Set of problem solving situations will allow us to get to know better the comprehension abilities of the child
-Availability to use the - A minimum of 50 situations and new problem solving -List of problem solving materials (by finding situations analyzed situations. them in the internet, during one month. for example)
3- A team of professionals trained in the design of conceptual and methodological work tools, in order to favour in a short time the development of relevant and novel intervention programs addressed to young children.
- 4 trained professionals and 4 trained students of psychology beginning with permanent seminar througout ten months.
4- A manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues, from the three researchers which systematizes the experiment.
- Registrations, attendance lists and a sample of the opinions of the educators (found in the interviews) about the children's development and their interaction with knowledge.
- Reports, colloquia, scholarships, work memories.
-To count on the availability of teachers and children -To count on qualified human resources and a infrastructure on knowledge an organization to the work with teachers(management ability and experience of the teams).
-Extensive handling of the subject and methodological formation which favours the analysis and redesign of the knowledge situations with the child. -Availability of classification systems.
- A book - Contract with press
-Common theoretical burden and recovery of a set of ideas shared by the three principal researchers which guarantees the results (level of expertise of research teams).
Activities 1. Training to the teachers which involves the recreation of new work situations with the children. The phases of this work are:
- Training of 300 teachers, during 5 months, from January 3rd, to May 30th, 2000 (Total cost of all phases = US$37.800)
1.1- The carrying out of a - 5 meetings of 4 survey and the conceptual hours each one, for 500 teachers where and theoretical will be presentations appropriation of new conceptions about children and workshops, during 1 month. and the spontaneous scientific tools they use in (Cost of this phase = US$6.840) solving problems. 1.2- Showing audio-visual material of children performance faced with different situations.
-3 meetings during 1 month of 4 hours each one, for 500 teachers to show audio-visual material. (Cost of this phase = US$6.840)
1.3- Advising teachers in the process of making their own situations to work with children
- 3 meetings during 1 month of 4 hours each one, for 500 teachers, with small groups of teachers to give advising. (Cost of this phase = US$10.440).
1.4- Monitoring the teacher's work with the children at the school when proving their proposed situations.
- 5 meetings during 2 months of 4 hours each one, for 500 teachers in the classroom to monitoring their work (Cost of this phase = US$13.680).
2. Identification and analysis of the situations from the work with teachers and children.
- 5 meetings during 1 month to analyzed the problem solving situations (Total cost this phase = = US$5.520
- Meeting's minutes, teachers' registrations, attendance lists, number of children for each teacher, attendance certificates. memories.
- To count on financial resources available and on time.
- bills, finacial reports.
- Level of experience of the professionals involved
- Physical infrastructure installed
Activities 3. 1- Work On systematization and analysis of information gathered by the application of the intervention model.
- Memories of monitoring the teachers' work along 4 months; analysis of data charts , gathering information tools.
3.2- Making virtual meetings and colloquia in order to analyze the production of the intervention model.
- 2 real meetings, which will need moving 3 times (From Cali to Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, From Rio de Janeiro to Cali and from Buenos Aires to Cali). (Total cost of phases 3.1 and 3.2 = US$47.868
4- Interaction with researchers in Psychology and education in three countries, giving place to the appropriate conditions to a platform of continuous and systematic work.
- Work memories and accumulated documents, sent mail, during 2 months from November 01 to December 31 /2000. (Total cost of this activity =US$25.200.
Points to check
Check ✔
The Goal is clearly stated.
The Goal indicators are verifiable in terms of quantity, quality and time.
The project has one Purpose only.
The Purpose is clearly stated.
The Purpose indicators show the achievement of the Purpose, independently of the indicators corresponding to the Output.
There are enough Purpose indicators to measure what is important.
The Purpose indicators have quantity, quality and time measures.
The Purpose indicators measure the results expected at the end of project execution.
The Project’s Outputs are clearly stated.
The Outputs are stated as results.
All the Outputs are necessary for accomplishing the Purpose
Producing all the Outputs is the responsibility of the project management.
The Output indicators are verifiable in terms of quantity, quality and time.
The Activities include all the actions necessary to produce each Output.
The Activities identify any actions required for gathering information on indicators.
The Activities are all the tasks for which costs are incurred to produce the Outputs.
The relationship between the Activities and budget is realistic.
The if/then relationship (cause and effect) between the Purpose and Goal is logical and does not skip important steps.
The relationship between the Outputs and the Purpose is realistic.
The vertical logic among Activities, Outputs, Purpose and Goal is realistic as a whole.
The Purpose plus assumptions at that level describe the necessary, although not sufficient conditions for achieving the Goal.
The Outputs, plus the assumptions at that level, describe the necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the Purpose.
The assumptions at the activity level do not include any tasks that have to be carried out before the other Activities can begin. (Conditions precedent are listed separately.)
The means of verification column identifies where the information for verifying each indicator can be found.
The Logical Framework defines the information necessary for project evaluation (e.g., initial; of progress; at project completion, ex-post.)
June 03 / 1999
Registro SEDI: I.
Impact of a model for intervention on the development of spontaneous scientific tools in children aged 2 to 6.
2. Presented by: Colombia.
Universidad del Valle.
Former names of the Cooperation Project or Activity and year executed (if applicable): N. A.
Type and class of proposal: MULTILATERAL X
Participating countries: (See Guide for appropriate country code) X
Date of execution of the proposal: 6.1 Starting date
6.2 Completion date
Executive summary of the proposal. 1.1 Background
For several years, different research teams in Colombia, Brazil and Argentina have been trying to identify the proper conditions which would support the cognitive development of children between 0 and 6 years old. This work is the result of the growing need to strengthen the child's intellectual and scientific development, which is one of the mechanisms designed to drive the social, cultural, political and economic development of our countries. The efforts have been centered on the encouragement of the early scientific spirit and the activities involve strategic interventions related to the training of teachers and to the all-round development in childhood. The experience gained in previous studies and the results obtained require more ample research, which would help determine the impact of a given model of intervention on the development of scientific tools in children. That is the objective of the present project. 1.2Identify the priority area(s) of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development 1997-2001 to which this proposal relates (if more than one, rank them in order of importance, 1 to 8): Social development and generation of productive employment Education
Economic diversification and integration, trade liberalization and market access Scientific development and technology exchange and transfer
Strengthening democratic institutions Sustainable tourism development Sustainable development and environment Culture 1.3 Relationship to the national development priorities
Within the priorities for the overall development of the countries involved in this project, educational, scientific and technological development have a central place. In different documents (Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1999–2002, Proyecto de Ley No.173 of 1999 for Colombia, the Ley Federal de Educación of Argentina, and the Plan Nacional de Desarrollo of Brazil) the governments have committed themselves to the development of specific activities which would attend to these needs. In particular, the training of teachers and the identification and implementation of successful educational models are considered essential strategies. This project responds to these priorities by proposing a study of the impact of an educational model on the cognitive development of the child, based on the training of teachers. In this respect, we must point out that, by cultivating the cognitive potential of the child, we are fomenting in a concrete way much that can be carried on later in the family and school.
1.4 Relationship to regional development priorities
This project has its place within the proposals of a Plan of Action which the American States have agreed to in order to foster the development of the region, particularly in what pertains to educational, scientific and technological development. It endeavours to contribute with concrete actions to the improvement of strategies designed to promote a scientific mentality in children. Moreover, it relates to be order of the ministers responsible of science and technology in the hemisphere, who’s Plan of Action (Cartagena, march/99, section 2.2.1 No.6) solicitates “to incentive in an appropiate way to difusion and comprehension of science and technology in the educational program, in special the initial, basic and middle education, to promote and innovative posture in the youth.
Description of the proposal: 2.1 Goal of the proposal or Integral Development General Objective :
To contribute to the formation of spontaneous scientific tools in children, starting with the improvement of intervention strategies addressed to foster the scientific and technologic spirit, according to the order of those responsible of science and technology in the hemisphere, who ask for an appropriate way of understanding an diffusion of science and technology in the initial, basic and middle education. 2.2 Purpose or Annual Objective of the proposal and execution process. a.
Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a reelaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children. b.
Relationship of the Purpose or Annual Objective with the Strategic Plan
This project is related to the "Strategic Plan for Partnership following manner:
1997-2001" in the
- It proposes the evaluation of a program of training and tuition of teachers which endeavours to respond to the requirements of a relevant education of quality, in relation to the formation of scientific tools in the young child. - It contributes to the improvement of intervention programs with young children, based on a proposal coming from the knowledge derived from basic research processes. - It contributes to the systematization of relevant information concerning the training experience, and it sustains the formulation and execution of a project destined to improve the professional capacity of the teachers with regard to the creation of scientific tools in preschool childhood. - Strengthening of co-operation between three countries of the hemisphere through the execution of a joint work, that aims to achieve the integration and information exchange.
Relationship of the Purpose or Annual Objective with the corresponding Inter-American Program
On what scientific development technology’s exchange and transference concerns, this project’s purpose in to promote the development of early childhood´s scientific abilities. In relation with education, it contributes to improve the quality through preschool teachers training in the design of novel strategies of intervention. This project is consonant with the interests of the Interamerican Program of CYT (PRICYT) of the OAS. It is related to the exchange of information and cooperation programs intended to support the design and realization of innovative projects in education, as well as the adoption of new educational models for stimulating creativity and generating useful knowledge for society.
Execution process for the cooperation project/activity/ Specify the outputs/components within the time frame and their order of execution Productos/Componentes
A group of 300 teachers trained and 9000 children will benefit.
A set of a minimum of 50 problem solving situations for work with children
A group of 4 trained professionals and 4 trained students of psychology, during 10 months.
One (1) manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues
Enero - Abril
Mayo Agosto
Sept. - Dic.
Describe how the outputs/components included in this table relate to each other to reach the Purpose or Annual objective and how this contributes to reaching the Goal.
This project will be carried out in four phases. The first one corresponds to the training of 300 teachers with a direct profit to 9000 children, during 5 months and constitutes the starting point from which to measure the impact of the intervention model on the educational practice and on the formation of scientific tools in the child. It starts with the application of a questionnaire designed to identify previous conceptions related to the cognitive development of the child. The information obtained with the questionnaire and the performance of the teachers during the training phase are fundamental in order to determine the relevance of this model for the education of young children. The second phase correspond to identify and to analyze a set of problem solving situations obtained beginning with work with teachers and children. This phase will realize during one month. The third phase tries to determine the impact that the training has on the educational practice of the teacher, through the identification of significative changes in their production and proposals after of participation in the program. This phase lasts 4 months and the activities correspond to a program of research, rather than to one of intervention. During this term, the participating research teams offer assistantships which will favour the conceptual and methodological use of the project's problems. The result of this phase is a group of 4 trained professionals and 4 trained students of psychology. The fourth phase correspond to edition of a book in spanish and portuguese. This phase will realize during two months.
Types of Cooperation Advisory services and exchange of experts Creation of cooperation networks Joint studies and research Upgrading human resources Meetings (congresses, conferences, dialogue fora) Transfer and dissemination of information
3 4 1 2
3. Institutional data: 3.1 Coordinating Institution: Information on the institution that will be responsible for coordinating the cooperation project/activity. a. Name of the national institution: Universidad
del Valle b. Name and title of responsible official: Luis Fernando Castro, Vice-rector de Investigaciones. c. Address: Universidad del Valle. Ciudad Universitaria Meléndez.A.A.25360 d. State/Province: Departamento del Valle del Cauca e. Country: Colombia Telephone:
57-23393259 57-23398534
G: Fax:
h. E-mail:
[email protected]. /~vrinv
Web Page:
j. Information on the institutional capacity for managing, coordinating and executing cooperation projects/activities.
The Universidad del valle is a decentralized public institution, depending from the regional goverment. It was created by the regulation # 12, 11th June 1945, and lagally recognized by the 1406 Decree, 21st June 1956, from the National Goverment. The University is well know for its wide accomplishment in the area of humanities, as well as for its important development in scientific research and applied technology. For this activities the institution has received great support from several national and international organisms, and other universities through institutional agreements of mutual cooperation. 3.2 Executing Institution(s). Responsible institutions for each country in which the project will be executed
Universidad del Valle. Centro de investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados en Psicología, Cognición y Cultura. b. Name and title of responsible official: Rebeca Puche Navarro, Director. c. Address: Universidad del Valle. Ciudad Universitaria Meléndez. Edificio CREE, 2do.piso.A.A.25360 a. Name of institution:
d. State/Province: Departamento del Valle del f.Telephone: G .Fax: h: E-mail:
e. Country: Colombia i. Web Page:
[email protected]
j. Information on the institutional capacity for executing cooperation projects/activities
The Centro de investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados en Psicología, Cognición y Cultura is a research unit at the Universidad del Valle, approved by Resolution No. 016, March 5 1997 by the Consejo Superior. It operates under the legal capacity of the Universidad del Valle and handles 8 investigative lines. In 1996 and 1998 it was awarded by Colciencias the honor of being designated as a "group of excelence". In 1998 the MEN granted it the program of Training and Refreshing of Teachers of Risaralda, work done with 700 teachers. In 1990, the program "El niño y la Escuela", which develops the processes of construction of written language and of mathematical knowledge, was given an award from UNESCO as an exemplary program for Latin America. Between 1996 and 1999 it carried out the intervention module "The child as a scientist". Up to the date 315 people have been trained in that module including preschool teachers, foster mothers and personnel in charge of programs which care for young children.
Universidad de Buenos Aires. Centro de Formación e Investigación en Enseñanza de las Ciencias (CEFIEC). Secretaría Académica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. b. Name and title of responsible official: Dra. Carmen Skosa, Director. a.
Name of institution:
CEFIEC, Secretaria Académica, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón II, PB, Capital Federal (1428) c. Address:
d. State/Province: Capital Federal f.Telephone: G .Fax:
h: E-mail:
(5411) 45763351
(5411) 45763331
e. Country: Argentina i. Web Page:
j. Information on the institutional capacity for executing cooperation projects/activities
The CEFIEC is a research team at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, responsible for teachers of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales of the UBA, which carries out research and intervention projects. At the present time the team is carrying out the project "Modularidad y Desarrollo: Ideas Previas en los Dominios Biologico y Físico en niños de 2 a 7 años". Some of their work involves training teachers and curricular development, some of those development in aggrement of cooperation with others institutions.
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Centro de Estudos Sociais Aplicados. Facultade de Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em educação. b. Name and title of responsible official: Eunice Schilling Trein, Coordinator c. Address: Campus do Gragoatá/Bloco D – Rua Visconde do Rio Branco 882 – 5º. Andar-Sala 512. Gragoatá-Niteroi. a.
Name of institution:
d. State/Province: Rio f.Telephone:
(+55-21) 620-6935
de Janeiro
e. Country: Brazil i. Web Page:
G .Fax:
h: E-mail:
(+55-21) 717-1281
[email protected]
j. Information on the institutional capacity for executing cooperation projects/activities
The team (Núcleo Multidisciplinar de Pesquisa e Extensão do Estudo da Criança de 0 a 6 anos, NMPE) has been working for several years in research and extension projects, related to the development of children aged 0 to 6 by means of the NMPE. Their main activities include various activities of continued training of child educators as well as studies and investigations focused on the child educator (their training, working conditions and pedagogical conceptions) and on the all-round development of the child.
3.3Coordination mechanism for the execution of activities and resources
Institution responsible for the global coordination: COUNTRY
Universidad del Valle
US$ 81.474
Universidade Federal Fluminense
US$ 17.457
Universidad de Buenos Aires
US$ 17.457
TOTAL US$116.388 Describe the mechanism agreed by the coordinating and executing institutions for the coordination and execution of the resources:
Based on the assigned budget to each one of the institutions, all of three promise to execute only the expenditure of authorized expenses (the groups of Brazil and Argentina will execute only resources for fellowships and contracts in accord with number of persons, and the group of Colombia will execute these same expenses in accord with the project).
3.4 Recipient Institution(s). List the institutions that will not be directly involved in carrying out the project/activity, but who will benefit from its implementation
Secretaría de Educación Departamental del Valle del Cauca. Subsecretaría Técnico-Pedagógica. División de Desarrollo Técnico Pedagógico. a. Name of institution:
b. Name and title of responsible official: Yolanda Varela.
Chief of Department.
Gobernación del Departamento del Valle del Cauca. Palacio de San Francisco, piso 7mo. Cali, Colombia. c. Address:
d. State/Province: Departamento f.Telephone:
g. Fax:
del Valle del Cauca
e. Country:
[email protected]
4. If applicable, indicate what other institutions (governmental and non-governmental) will contribute to the execution
of this project/activity. Include the name and title of the liaison official and a brief description of the form of contribution (financial, technical, material, informational) of the institution. If the contribution is monetary, indicate the amount in section VII.2 Data on Contributing National Institutions
41. Institution: Universidad del Valle.
Data on Contributing International Institutions 4.2
Liaison official: Rebeca Puche Navarro. Director of the Centro de Investigaciones en Psicología, Cognición y Cultura. Email:
[email protected] Form of contribution: expert psychologist, equipments, materials. 4.3 Institution: Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Liaison official: Dominique Colinvaux. Researcher of the Centro de Estudos Sociais Aplicados. Facultade de Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em educação. Email:
[email protected] Form of contribution: expert psychologist, equipments, materials. 4.5 Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Liaison official: Maria Celia Dibar. Researcher of CEFIEC. Email:
[email protected] Form of contribution: expert psychologist and educator, equipments, materials.
4.7. Institution: Gobernación del Departamento del Valle del Cauca. Secretaría de Educación Departamental. Subsecretaría Técnico-Pedagógica. División de Desarrollo Técnico Pedagógico.
Liaison official: Luis Guillermo Bustamante, Researcher. Email:
[email protected] Form of contribution: technicals, informationaland equipments.
Note: for national or multilateral project proposals go to Section IV
III. PROPOSALS FOR NATIONAL OR MULTILATERAL COOPERATION ACTIVITIES 1. Describe the specific activities to be carried out for obtaining the outputs/components and their cost by object of expenditure Purpose or annual objective: N. A. Activities and UNITARY COSTS by object of expenditure for obtaining the Outputs/components.
Starting date:
Date of completion:
N. A. Financing
Requested from CIDI (US$):
Total amount requested per object of expenditure 03 04 05 06 Fellowships Travel Documents Equipment
08 Contracts
Country Contribution(s) (US$): Verifiable results – Description and quantity
N. A. 2.
Explain how the proposed cooperation activity contributes to development initiatives (estimate between 50 and 80 words)
N. A. 3. Date of submission of final report for the cooperation activity: ___/___/___ Note: For activity proposals, go on to Section V
09 Other
Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a re-elaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children. Activities and UNITARY Costs per object of expenditure for obtaining the output
Starting date: January 03 / 2000
COMPONENT: Teachers trained in a permanent process of re-elaboration of their educational practice and a group of children which will benefit from the work done in the school, presented as a way of interacting with reality based on the child's own hypothesis, as well as on the use of their spontaneous cognitive tools.
ACTIVITY 1: Training of teachers. The phases of this work are the following: carrying out of a survey and the
Date of completion:May 30/ 2000 Calendar of Expense -CIDI Resources Jan-Apr
US$ 34.120
US$ 3.680
conceptual and theoretical appropriation, showing audio-visual material, advising teachers, monitoring the teacher's work with the children at the school.
a. Description Object 3 (Fellowships): Transport and travel allowance for 4 psychologists and 4 students to attend course for training about development of scientific tools in children, at three cities (Cali, Niteroi y Buenos Aires) from January to May / 2000. Expense separation: transport psychologists and students US$375 each; travel allowance for psychologists and students US$450 each).
Counterpart (Fellowships): The total counterpart funds is US$1.000 to travel project´s directors.
b. Counterpart (Documents): The total counterpart funds is US$3.400 to buy bibliographic materials and to make videotapes. c.
Counterpart (Equipments): The total counterpart funds is US$5.000 to buy and to use computers videocams, VCRs.
Description Object 8 (Contracts): To hire 4 psychologists and 4 students to attend the training of 300 teachers during 5 months. The cost is US$ 6.0000 each (psychologists ) and US$ 900 each (students).
Counterpart (Contracts): The total counterpart funds is US$12.000 to pay proyect´s directors during five months with ¼ time dedication. Description Object 9 (Others / subexpense Photocopy): Expense of photocopys during the course for training about development of scientific tools in children, at Cali, Niteroi and Buenos Aires. From January to May / 2000. They cost US$12 each teacher. d.
S eptDec
Financing Requested from CIDI (US$) for this project output:
03 Fellowships
04 Travel
Total amount requested per object of expenditure 05 06 08 Documents Equipment Contracts
US$ 6.600 Country Contribution(s) (US$):
US$ 1.000
US$ 27.600 US$ 3.400
Verifiable results – Description and quantity
300 teachers trained 9000 children benefit 3. Date of submission of final report for the cooperation activity: 31
/08 /2000
US$ 5.000
US$ 12.000
09 Other
US$ 3.600
US$ 37.800 US$ 21.400
Purpose or annual objective
Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a re-elaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children. Activities and UNITARY Costs per object of expenditure for obtaining the output
Starting date:
Date of completion:
June 01 / 2000
june 30 / 2000
COMPONENT: Set of problem solving situations will allow us to get to know better the comprehension abilities of the child
ACTIVITY 2: Identification and analysis of the situations from the work with teachers and children a.
counterpart (Equipments): The total counterpart funds is US$3.400 during one month. The percentages: Colombia = 60%, Brazil = 20% and Argentina =20% .
Description Object 8 (Contracts): To hire 4 psychologists and 4 students of psichology, to attend the
Calendar of Expense -CIDI Resources Jan-Apr
analysis during one month. The cost US$1.200 each (psychologists ) and US$180 each (students). c.
counterpart (Others): The total counterpart funds is US$1.700 to pay photocopies and materials during one month.. Financing
Requested from CIDI (US$) for this project output:
03 Fellowships
04 Travel
US$ 5.520
Total amount requested per object of expenditure 05 06 08 Documents Equipment Contracts
09 Other
US$ 5.520 US$3.40 0
Country Contribution(s) (US$): Verifiable results – Description and quantity
A minimum of 50 problem solving situations for work with children 3. Date of submission of final report for the cooperation activity: 31
/08 /2000
US$1.70 0
US$ 5.520 US$5.10 0
Purpose or annual objective
Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a re-elaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children. Activities and UNITARY Costs per object of expenditure for obtaining the output
Starting date: July 01 / 2000
Date of completion:Oct.31/ 2000
COMPONENT: A team of professionals trained in the design of conceptual and methodological work tools, in Calendar of Expense -CIDI order to favour in a short time the development of relevant and novel intervention programs addressed to young children.
ACTIVITY 3.1: Work on systematization and analysis of information gathered by the application of the intervention model ACTIVITY 3.2: Making virtual meetings and colloquia in order to analyze the production of the intervention model a.
Description Object 8 (Contracts): To hire 4 psychologists and 4 students to realize analysis work systematization the teacher´s proposals, bibliographic review, making partial and final reports, during 4 months. The cost US$4.800 each (psychologists ) and US$720. each (students). Counterpart (Contracts): The total counterpart funds is US$2.000 to pay projects´s directors with ¼ time dedication .
b. Description Object 9 (Others / subexpense Fees): Payment of fees corresponding to 60 hours (1 expert in data bases and methodology), at Centro de Investigaciones en psicología, Cognición y Cultura. Universidad del Valle. Colombia, from July to October / 2000. The cost per each hour is US$ 60. c.
Description Object 9 (Others / subexpense comunicactions): Expense of comunications (phone, fax, mail), from July to October /2000. The total cost is US$2000 Counterpart (Others): The total counterpart funds is US$1.800 to pay photocopies and materials during 4 months.
Resources JanApr
Description Object 4 (Travels): Air tickets and travel allowance to 5 specialists in psychology and education, from July 01 to october 30/2000: - 1 travel Cali-Rio de Janeiro-Buenos Aires-Cali, during 15 days (US$3088 travel allowance and US$3500 travel) - 1 travel Cali-Buenos Aires during 15 days (US$3690 travel allowance and US$2500 travel) -1 travel Cali-Rio de Janeiro during 15 days (US$2100 travel allowance and US$2000 travel) -1 travel Rio de Janeiro-Cali during 15 days (US$1905 travel allowance and US$2000 travel) -1 travel Buenos Aires-Cali during 15 days (US$1905 travel allowance and US$2500 travel) Counterpart (travels): The total counterpart funds is US$5.000 to travel projects´s directors during 4 months. Financing
Requested from CIDI (US$) for this project output:
Country Contribution(s) (US$):
03 Fellowships
04 Travel
Total amount requested per object of expenditure 05 06 08 Documents Equipment Contracts
US$20.1 88 US$5.00 0
Verifiable results – Description and quantity
4 trained professionals and 4 trained students of psychology. 3. Date of submission of final report for the cooperation activity: 30
/11 /2000
US$ 22.080 US$2.00 0
US$ 23.934
US$ 23.934
09 Other
US$ 5.600 US$1.8 00
US$ 47.868 US$8.80 0
Purpose or annual objective
Teachers involved in a way of educational work which is innovative in terms of a re-elaboration and re-creation of the tools used in their work with children. Those tools will lead to the strengthening of cognitive tools that are responsible of the development of a scientific rationality in children. Activities and UNITARY Costs per object of expenditure for obtaining the output
Starting date: November 01/ 2000
Date of completion: December 31/2000 Calendar of Expense -CIDI Resources
COMPONENT: One (1) manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues
ACTIVITY 4: Interaction with researchers in Psychology and education in three countries, giving place to the Jan-Apr appropriate conditions to a platform of continuous and systematic work. a.
Description Object 8 (Contracts): To hire 3 experts to realize analysis work and making the book, during 2 months. The cost US$2.400 each psychologists. Counterpart (Contracts): The total counterpart funds is US$2.000 to pay project´s directors with ¼ time dedication, during 2 months.
Description Object 9 (Documents): A manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues about development of scientific tools in children, and to divulge the results of the research realized. The cost is US$18.000. Counterpart (Documents): The total counterpart funds is US$2.000 to buy bibliographic materials And others editions expenses during 2 months.
Counterpart (Equipments): The total counterpart funds is US$2.000 to buy software and to use computers, during 2 months. Financing
Requested from CIDI (US$) for this project output:
Country Contribution(s) (US$):
03 Fellowships
04 Travel
US$ 25.200
Total amount requested per object of expenditure 05 06 08 Documents Equipment Contracts
US$ 18.000 US$ 2.000
US$ 2.000
US$ 7.200 US$ 2.000
09 Other
US$ 25.200 US$ 6.000
Verifiable results – Description and quantity
One (1) manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues, from the three researchers which systematizes the experiment. contributions, and its contents will be centred on the scientific tools which are part of the spontaneous development of the young child, that is, classification, planification, inference, formulation of hypotheses and experimentation. 3. Date of submission of final report for the cooperation activity: 31
/12 /2000
Total national counterpart funding in US$
Describe the benefits to the country as a result of its participation and quantify wherever possible.
US$ 30.000
- 180 teachers will be directly trained by the participation in the program Estudios e intervenciones en el desarrollo de la primera infancia. - 5400 children will benefit through the training of their teachers. - It will participate in a project which unites research teams from other countries which will contribute their experience and knowledge. The teams will also promote knowledge about the child through joint publications. - 2 professional researchers will be trained who will contribute in the development of programs of attention to young children.
US$ 5.650
- 60 teachers will be directly trained by the participation in the program Estudios e intervenciones en el desarrollo de la primera infancia. - 1800 children will benefit through the training of their teachers. - It will participate in a project which unites research teams from other countries which will contribute their experience and knowledge. The teams will also promote knowledge about the child through joint publications. - 1 professional researcher will be trained who will contribute in the development of programs of attention to young children.
US$ 5.650
- 60 teachers will be directly trained by the participation in the program Estudios e intervenciones en el desarrollo de la primera infancia. - 1800 children will benefit through the training of their teachers. - It will participate in a project which unites research teams from other countries which will contribute their experience and knowledge. The teams will also promote knowledge about the child through joint publications. - 1 professional researcher will be trained who will contribute in the development of programs of attention to young children.
US$ 41.300
Identify the output/ componten t
A group of 300 teachers trained and 9000 children will benefit. A set of a minimum of 50 problem solving situations for work with children A group of 4 trained professionals and 4 trained students of psychology
Fellowsh. Object 3
Travel Object 4
Eq Ob ject 6
Contracts Object 8
US$ 27.600
US$6.6 00
Other Object 9
US$ 3.600
US$ 5.520
US$ 20.188
One (1) manuscript book in spanish and traslated to portugues Total
Docs. Object 5
US$6.6 00
% in relation to total %
US$20. 188
US$ 22.080
US$ 18.000
US$ 7.200
US$ 18.000
US$ 62.400
US$ 5.600
US$ 9.200
US$ 37.800
% in relation to Total 32. 48%
US$ 5.520
4.74 %
US$ 47.868
41.13 %
US$ 25.200
21.65 %
US$ 116.388
VII.PLANNED FINANCING FOR THE COOPERATION PROJECT/ACTIVITY 1. Details of financial contributions from other institutions or countries that are not members of the Organization (in US $1,000) for the year of execution * Name of contributing institution
Amount of contribution(US$)
Total * Please attach supporting documentation (letters from institutions, promissory notes, etc.) 2 Year
Indicate the amount requested from each funding source (in US $1,000) for the year of execution: OAS/CIDI
Other OAS Fund
Executing Country (Countries)
Counterpart financial funds committed
2000 US$ 116.388 3
Total funding available from other institutions or countries
Date counterpart funds will be available
US$ 157.688
Calendar of Disbursements of OAS/CIDI resources:
1st Disbursement (40%)
2nd Disbursement (40%)
3rd Disbursement (20%)
US$ 46.555
US$ 46.555
US$ 23.078
US$ 116.388
Estimated funding requirements if the proposal is expected to have a duration of more than one year (in US $1,000): Year
Executing country (countries)
Other institutions
US$ 50
US$ 50
US$ 50
US$ 50