Proofreading Skills

  • October 2019
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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Introduction Proofreading, one of the six questions in Section C, is difficult for candidates who are weak in grammar and usage. They find it difficult because of the following reasons: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Unable to analyze the syntax of sentences; Unable to locate and identify the errors; Unable to apply their logic to help them understand the meaning of the sentence, and Their inadequate knowledge of English grammar & usage.

The question items in proofreading can be categorized into the following 4 levels: Four Levels of Questions 1. Elementary, e.g. on Saturday, in the morning; use of articles 2. Intermediate, e.g. passive voice, tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs, part of speech, subject verb agreement, etc. 3. Advanced, e.g. participles, verb forms, relative clauses, participle clauses, verb forms in conditional sentences, subjunctive mood, causative, independent clause as the subject. 4. Other tricky questions

SUMMARY OF SKILLS — Proofreading 1. Read the whole sentence. 2. Analyze the syntactic structure of each sentence, e.g. subject, verb, verb-to-be, complement, participle clause / phrase, object, etc. 3. Locate & identify the errors. 4. Do not correct those pseudo-errors, e.g. styles of writing: changing ‘a’ into ‘the’, changing the singular noun into the plural form, changing another word which carries the same meaning. These are not dead errors that can make the sentence ungrammatical. 5. Look for big & dead errors, e.g. verb form, tense, subject verb agreement, finite & nonfinite (gerund, infinitive & participle), complement, independent clause as the subject, etc. © Copyrights reserved

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Frequent Grammar Items in UE Proofreading Verbs: 1. verb forms, e.g. pp form after ‘have / has / had’, ing form after verb-to-be, etc. 2. Transitive & Intransitive verbs 3. passive & active voice (main verb not in p.p. form, missing of auxiliary verb ‘be’, missing of preposition ‘by’ – agent) 4. missing of verb-to-be before the subject complement 5. participles, participle clause 6. Subordinate clause without finite verbs (e.g. When entering the room, before entering…) 7. conditional sentence verb forms (e.g. use of modal verbs, verb forms) 8. Phrasal Verbs 9. preposition + verb (gerund), e.g. 97UE No. 79 Nouns: 1. Plural noun referring to something general 2. Number in a noun, e.g. one of the resource(s), either (singular noun) or (sing. Noun) 3. Noun functioning as an adjective (hotel safe: 1997UE No. 94) Sentence Structures: 1. Sentence structures (subject, verb, clauses, direct object & indirect object) parallel structure (consistency of verb forms / tense) 2. Phrases & Clauses (Prepositional Phrase, Noun Clause, Relative Clause, Subordinate Clause, etc.) Part of Speech: 1. Part of speech, e.g. noun  adjective; wrong word, e.g. destruct (correct one: destroy), comparative & superlative adjectives Prepositions: 1. Preposition (either missing / wrong use) Pronouns: 1. Pronouns (relative pronoun, reflexive pronoun, possessive pronoun, etc.)

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Special Expressions e.g. used to, be used to

Quick Revision of Grammar Items Item 1 — Sentence Structures Basic Sentence Structures 1. Subject + Verb (transitive) + Object [SVO]

Remarks * SVO can be written in passive voice

e.g. He has drunk a bottle of wine. (Active voice) e.g. A bottle of wine has been drunk by him. (Passive voice) * Passive Voice verb form: BE + verb (past participle) 2. Subject + Verb (intransitive) [SV] e.g. He swam alone. (Subject + v.i. + adverb)

3. Subject + Verb-to-be + Complement [SVC] e.g. Agnes Chan is a tutor. (Noun) e.g. Agnes Chan is an English tutor. (Noun group) e.g. Agnes Chan is diligent. (Adjective) e.g. Agnes Chan is in her room. (Prepositional Phrase)

Sentence Types 1. Simple Sentence (Subject + 1 finite verb)

* SV cannot be written in passive voice * The verb in SV is not a verbto-be, e.g. is, am, are, etc. *Complement: Noun / Noun group, Adjective, or Prepositional Phrase

Conjunctions / Connectives? NIL

e.g. Agnes Chan (Subj.) is (finite verb)an English tutor. e.g. Agnes Chan (Subj.) studies (v.i.) at City University of HK. e.g. Agnes Chan (Subj.) majors (v.t.) English (object). 2. Compound Sentence (SV + SV) e.g. Agnes Chan is an English tutor (1st clause) and (conjunction) she studies English at City University of HK. (2nd clause) © Copyrights reserved

And, or, nor, for, but, so, yet  joining individual words, phrases or clauses.

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

3. Complex Sentence (Subordinate Clause + Main Clause) e.g. Agnes Chan has been teaching students English (1st clause) since she was a Sixth Former. (2nd clause)

instructor: agnes chan

after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, and while  showing the relationship between sentences.

Item 2 — Phrases & Clauses Phrases & Functions Examples 1. Noun Phrase F(1): A university student majors the subject s/he likes. (Subj.) Function (1): Subject, (2) F(2): He hit a university student. (Obj.) Object, (3) Direct Object, F(3): He gave a university student a campus map. (Direct Obj.) (4) Subject Complement, F(4): She is a university student. (Subj. Comp.) (5) Object Complement, F(5): I regard him a university student. (Obj. Comp.) (6) Adverbial F(6): This semester will end next week. (Adverbial) 2. Prepositional Phrase F(1): I’ve read a book about cooking. (adj. After noun) Function (1) adjective after a noun, (2) adverb after an adjective, (3) adverb of place, (4) adverb of time, (5) adverb of manner.

F(2): You will be happy with your new arrangement. (adv. After noun) F(3): The cockroach is hiding under the table. (adv. Of place) F(4): I will have a meeting with Rodney in the morning. (adv. Of time) F(5): In my opinion, we should hold more activities for students this year. (adv. Of manner)

Clauses & Functions Examples 1. Non-finite Clause F(1): Thinking about how to teach students better is his usual practice. (gerund as the subj. of the sentence) F(1): subject of sentence F(2): show another action F(2): He helped me send a letter to Mr. Smith. (another action) F(3): direct object F(3): I like dancing. (direct object) F(4): show time F(4): Punished by Mr. Lee, he felt very guilty. (role of subject) F(5): show role of subj. 2. That-clause

F(1): That he leaves Hong Kong is his final decision. (Subj.)

F(1): Subject F(2): I know that George wanted to copy Henry’s assignment to F(2): Object his. (Obj.) *The ‘that’ here can help © Copyrights reserved

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

make the independent clause into a dependent clause / noun clause. 3. Wh-Clause

instructor: agnes chan

F(1): Subject of a sentence:

Clauses start with whWhy she made this decision was understandable. word, e.g. what, who, F(2): Object of a sentence: when, whom, how, where A tourist asked me where Hong Kong Cultural Center was.

Clauses & Functions Examples 4. Relative Clause (who): The man who is sitting next to my friend is my uncle. Modify the preceded

(whom): The man whom you are talking to is very nice.

noun (形容名詞)

(preposition + whom): The girl with whom you are discussing the issue is kind. (Original: You are discussing the issue with the girl) (which): The notes which Agnes typed to me are quite useful. (in which): The theatre in which you performed in is very big. (Original: You performed in the theatre.) (whose): Mrs. Wu whose daughter has taken HKCEE is very poor. (Original: Mrs. Wu’s daughter has taken HKCEE.)

Relative pronouns: Who (subj.), whom (obj.), that (subj / obj.), Which, whose

5. Subordinate Clause (time): When you came back home, you had to finish all the tasks. Function: provide more information about the time, place, condition, purpose, manner that things happen.

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(place): Staying in New York, she didn’t feel secured. (condition): If you have got a cold, you can’t go to the party tonight. (purpose): To get good results in the test, he revised all the chapters of the textbook last night. (manner): Karen gave a blind eye to George, as if he had done something wrong to her. (manner---showing attitude, how something is like.)

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

Item 3 — Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech 1. Noun [名詞] 1.1 Concrete Noun [實質名詞] 1.2 Abstract Noun [抽象名詞] --- ideas 1.3 Count Noun

instructor: agnes chan


Computer, printer, bottle, water, disks, teddy bear, cassette tapes, mouse, keyboards, etc. Feminism, Racism, pollution, dignity, humiliation, immigration, exploitation, etc. Computer, printer, bottle, disks, teddy bear, cassette tapes, mouse, keyboards, words, books, pens, etc.

[可數名詞] ---singular & plural form [可單 可雙] 1.4 Uncountable Noun Water, sand, salt, sugar, light, air, information, research, etc. [不可數名詞] --singular only!

Parts of Speech Examples 1. Noun [名詞] (continued) 1.5 Singular Noun Computer, mouse, monitor, a disk, a bottle, a pen, a ruler, person, alumnus, phenomenon, etc. [單數名詞] 1.6 Plural Noun Computers, mouse, monitors, disks, bottles, pen, ruler, people, alumni, phenomena, etc. [眾數名詞] 2. Verb [動詞] 2.1 Finite Verb

She does not want to go to school.

The first verb element in a verb group, showing the tense & no. of agreement. 2.2 Non-finite Verb

She wants to go shopping with her husband. She was having her lunch at 3:30 p.m. She had submitted the loan for her tuition fees.

(gerund, infinitive, participle)

(To-infinitive): She wants to go shopping with her husband. (bare infinitive): She suggested me write a letter to my teacher to make the application of this scholarship. (present participle): She was having her lunch at 3:30 p.m. (past participle): My brother has broken the vase. (perfect participle): Having been to the UK for more than 3 months, I have got used to the life there.

2.2.1 Gerund

Being a successful English tutor is not easy. (subj.)

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(Gerund): Hiking is my favorite hobby.

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

verb + ing => Verbal Noun [動名詞] 2.2.2 Infinitive i) To-infinitive ii) Bare infinitive 2.2.3 Participles i) ii) iii)

instructor: agnes chan

I don’t like talking on the phone. (obj.) (to-infinitive) I want to be an excellent language teacher in Hong Kong. (bare infinitive) Please let me know your difficulties. i) I have been swimming in this pool for 2 hours. (Present Participle)

Present Participle Past Participle ii) I have swum in this pool for 2 hours. (Past Participle) Perfect Participle iii) Having swum for 3 hours, I felt very exhausted. (Perfect Participle)

2.3 Modals 2.4 Auxiliary Verbs

2.5 16 Verb Forms

Can, could, may, might, shall, should, ought to, need, care, must, have to, will, would, may, might, etc. Do, does, did, done; be, is, am, are, was, were, being, been; have, has, had

1) Present Simple — write 2) Present Continuous — is / am / are writing 3) Present Perfect — has / have written 4) Present Perfect Continuous — has / have been writing 5) Past Simple — wrote 6) Past Continuous — was / were writing 7) Past Perfect — had written 8) Past Perfect Continuous — had been writing 9) Future Simple — will write 10) Future Continuous — will be writing 11) Future Perfect — will have written 12) Future Perfect Continuous — will have been writing 13) Past Future Simple — would write 14) Past Future Continuous — would be writing 15) Past Future Perfect — would have written 16) Past Future Perfect Continuous — would have been writing

3. Adjective [形容詞] 3.1 Positive Form Beautiful, convenient, clear, loud, soft, strong, weak, bad, good 3.2 Comparative Form More beautiful, more convenient, clearer, louder, softer, stronger, weaker, worse, better 3.3 Superlative Form The most beautiful, the most convenient, the clearest, the loudest, the softest, the strongest, the weakest, the worst, the best 4. Adverb [副詞] © Copyrights reserved

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

4.1 Adverb of Place In the building, at home, at school, in the jungle, in the office 4.2 Adverb of Time In the morning, at noon, at midnight, at 4:30 4.3 Adverb of Manner Beautifully, conveniently, clearly, loudly, fast, quickly, well 4.4 Adverb of Degree Very much, so, quite, rather, pretty, less, more 5. Preposition [介詞] In, on, at, from, against, about, concerning, beside, behind, under, with, beneath, between, into, onto, to, etc. 6. Article [冠詞] A F(1): a computer, a cup, a printer, a table, a desk, etc. F(1): any one of a particular thing F(2): before singular count noun F(2): I’ll be in the UK for a year. F(3): words begin with consonant sounds Please wait for a minute. I’ll come back to your question later. F(3): a university / / , a one-parent  family // An F(1): an orphan / /, an Italian / …/ F(1): words starting with a vowel sound F(2): same as the Function (1 ~ 2) of ‘a’ The

F(1): Beijing is the capital city of China.

F(1): something unique F(2): before a superlative adjective F(3): there is only one of a particular thing F(4): a thing / person that is modified by a relative clause (i.e. a particular thing) F(5): with phrases beginning ‘of…’ / ‘The of…’ F(6): a thing / person mentioned in the 2nd time

F(2): Charlene Choi is the youngest female singer holding her first concert in The Hong Kong Coliseum. F(3): the sun, the North Pole, the world, the international market, etc. F(4): The teacher who teaches us English is very nice. F(5): Do you know the meaning of these new words? F(6): I put a coin into a cup, and the coin sinks.


F(1): I always like hearing good news. (= good news in general)

F(1): uncountable and plural nouns

Lazy students like finding excuses for their laziness. (= excuses in general; lazy students in general) 7. Conjunction 7.1 Co-ordinating Conjunction

Joining words, phrases or independent clauses — And, or, so, but, nor, for, yet

7.2 Subordinating

Indicating the nature of the relationship among the independent

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading


8. Pronoun [代名詞] 8.1 Personal Pronoun 8.1.1 As subjects 8.1.2 As objects 8.1.2 As adjectives 8.2 Possessive Pronoun 8.3 Indefinite Pronoun

8.4 Reflexive Pronoun

8.5 Demonstrative

8.6 Interrogative Pronoun

8.7 Relative Pronoun © Copyrights reserved

instructor: agnes chan

clause(s) and the dependent clause(s) — after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, and while.

I, you, we, they, he, she, it Me, you, us, them, him, her, it My, your, our, their, his, her, its Mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its One, other (plural), the other (1 out of 2, singular), the others (the left people / things), others (other people / things) another (singular), someone (singular), everybody (singular), anybody (singular), neither (singular / plural), all, many, etc. Myself, yourself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself. e.g. Although Sandy is an 8-year-old girl, she takes care of herself. This — referring to a specific thing / person (singular) That — referring a thing / person that is away from us. (singular) These — referring to specific things / people (plural) Those — referring to things / people away from us. (plural) Whom — Object of a sentence Who — Subject Which — a specific thing / person from a class What — a specific thing / person Whose — the agent who owns a thing / person When — time Where — place How — manner That — a person / thing, a subject / object; only used in defining UE Proofreading - 9 -

UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

clauses. Which — a particular thing Whose — a agent who owns a thing / person Whom — Object of the relative clause Who — Subject of the relative clause

Item 4 — Conditional Sentences

Types 1. Real situation

If + verb (Present Simple), will + verb

Examples If you listen (Present Simple) to this smooth jazz music, you will be (will + verb) more relaxed. If you press (Present Simple) this button, you will print (will + verb) out the document. If I were you, I would not react so violently.

2. Impossible thing If + verb (Past Simple), + If you listened to him, you would not do such a silly thing. would + verb 3. Hypothesis / If I had finished typing the document, I would not have been something in the past worried about it.

If + verb (Past Perfect), + If the teacher had been ill, I would not have attended his lecture. would have + verb (p.p.)

Item 5 – Active Voice Vs. Passive Voice Passive Voice – Verb Structure:

Verb Forms Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous © Copyrights reserved

be + verb (past participle) e.g. is + written (past participle of ‘write’) Active Voice Write Is writing Has / have written Has / have been writing Wrote Was / were writing

Passive Voice Is / are written Is / are being written Has / have been written Has / have been being written Was / were written Was / were being written UE Proofreading - 10 -

UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous Past Future Simple Past Future Continuous Past Future Perfect Past Future Perfect Continuous

instructor: agnes chan

Had written Had been writing Will write Will be writing Will have written Will have been writing Would write Would be writing Would have written Would have been writing

Had been written Had been being written Will be written Will be being written Will have been written Will have been being written Would be written Would be being written Would have been written Would have been being written

Item 6 — Participle Clause

Types Present Participle Clause

F(1): continuous action F(2): immediate action followed by the main clause F(3): describe a person’s feelings / characteristics Past Participle Clause F(1): passive voice Perfect Participle Clause

Examples F(1): Swimming in the pool, she discovered that she had forgotten to bring the shampoo and conditioner. (= When she was swimming in the pool) F(2): Seeing some blood on her clothes, she fainted. (= After seeing some blood on her clothes) F(3): Being interested in reading books, she is smart and knowledgeable. (= Because she is interested in reading books) F(1): Cheated by her classmates this morning, Jenny was very unhappy. (= Because Jenny was cheated by her classmates…) F(1): Having had our dinner, we went to the Arts Gallery. (= After we had had our dinner)

F(1): Action happened before that in main clause F(2): Having been scolded by his mum for 2 hours, Jack felt Perfect Participle very sorry. (= After Jack had been scolded by his mum for 2 hours) Clause in PASSIVE F(1): Same as the active Having been trained for 3 years, he became skilful in doing this voice one job. (= After he had been trained for 3 years) Participle Clause after a The man employed in 1993 has been fired by Francis last Friday. Noun —to modify the (= who was employed in 1993) noun My niece, drawing a colorful picture to me, is very diligent. (= who is drawing a colorful picture to me)

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

*** WARNING: The subject in the Participle Clause and main clause MUST BE the same person, and the subject in the main clause CANNOT be an inanimate subject. [死物] [在分詞句式和主句式裡面,主語必須為同一人,而且不可以物件作主語。]

Item 7 – Question Tags

Types ‘+ve’ verb + Negative Tag — assuming other people agree with you. (TONE: falling tone in the question tag)

Examples You like playing ICQ, don’t you? (‘like’ + negative tag: don’t you)

‘-ve’ verb + Positive Tag — showing suspicion / doubt / uncertainty (TONE: rising tong in the question tag)

You don’t like playing ICQ, do you? (don’t like + positive tag: do you)

She has applied for her first job, hasn’t she? (‘has applied’ + negative tag: hasn’t she) George is teaching well today, isn’t he? (‘is teaching’ + negative tag: isn’t he)

She hasn’t applied for her first job, has she? (‘hasn’t applied’ + positive tag: has she?) George isn’t teaching well today, is he? (isn’t teaching + positive tag: is he)

7 Common Grammar Errors 1. Run-on Sentence Wrong: English grammar was the first thing that I encountered when I was in primary school, I didn’t think that it did any harm to me, because I loved studying grammar, living with grammar, reading English books to improve my grammar.  © Copyrights reserved

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Right: English grammar was the first thing that I encountered when I was in primary school. I didn’t think that it did any harm to me, because I loved studying grammar, living with grammar, reading English books to improve my grammar.  Explanations — The first sentence is wrong because the sentences “English grammar… primary school” and “I didn’t think…my grammar” are not linked together by any conjunctions or connectives. The first sentence contains 1 main clause plus two other clauses: relative clause & subordinate clause. The second sentence contains 1 main clause plus a subordinate clause telling the reason that I loved studying grammar. If these 2 sentences do not have any relationship in meaning (e.g. cause & effect, concession, etc.), they should not be written in ONE sentence. If they are, they will be regarded as Run-on sentences.

2. Fragment Sentence Wrong: Although I am hungry.  Right: Although I am hungry, I don’t want to eat anything.  Explanations — The first ‘sentence’ is wrong because it is NOT a complete sentence. It is called Fragment sentence. This kind of sentences are usually dependent clauses, i.e. Although + clause; Because + clause; Since + clause, etc. Here are more examples of fragment sentences: e.g. Because he is still young. e.g. Since he lived in this flat. e.g. Before he went out to have a walk. To identify this kind of errors, you can ask yourself after you have written these clauses, for example, “Because he is still young” (so?); “Since he lived in this flat” (what happened then?); “Before he went out to have a walk” (what had he done?). If there is no answer after these sentences, you can be sure that the clauses are fragment sentences.

3. Independent Clause as the Subject of a sentence Wrong: He puts so much effort in answering our questions impresses most of us.  Right: That he puts so much effort in answering our questions impresses most of us.  Right: The fact that he puts so much effort….impresses most of us.  © Copyrights reserved

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Right: He puts so much effort… questions. This impresses most of us.  Explanations — The main clause of the first sentence should be [Subject + impresses most of us]. The subject is [he puts so much effort in answering our questions]. However, this sentence is ungrammatical because the subject here is NOT a noun / noun group. It’s a clause instead. Therefore, to make this sentence grammatical, we have to change the clause [He puts so much… questions] into a noun / noun group. We can make the sentence in the above example in the following three ways: 1. Change clause [he puts…questions] into a noun group by adding That. i.e. Change the independent clause into a nominal clause (noun clause) 2. Add The fact that to change the clause into a noun clause. 3. Split this long sentence into two. Use This to refer back to the WHOLE idea: [He puts so much effort in answering our questions.]

4. Singular Countable Noun Without an Article Wrong: Computer is widely used in the world.  Right: Computers are widely used in the world.  Right: A computer is widely used in the world.  Explanations — The first sentence is ungrammatical because [computer] is referred to something general. When the noun is a singular countable noun and when we want to use that noun to say something general, we should either use the singular form with an article or use the plural form. See the right examples.

5. Active & Passive Voice Case 1: Wrong: This picture is not liked by me.  Right: I don’t like this picture.  Right: This picture doesn’t please me.  Explanations — There is no passive voice when you use verbs: like, hate, love, dislike, realized, admired, forget, in your sentences. You have to change the verbs if you want to keep the subject (see right sentence 2). You can change it by changing ‘by me’ into the subject  ‘I’, and write the sentence in an active voice.

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UE – SECTION C – Proofreading

instructor: agnes chan

Case 2: Wrong: They were go to the Gallery yesterday.  Right: They went to the Gallery yesterday.  Explanations — [go] is a finite showing tense, number of agreement as well as showing actions, i.e. what you did yesterday. Therefore, adding ‘were’ (auxiliary verb) is unnecessary and redundant.

6. Existential Sentences Wrong: There have (had) many cockroaches on my bed!  Right: There are (were) many cockroaches on my bed!  Explanations — The word [there] is in fact a dummy subject, i.e. it doesn’t have any actual meaning. We use [there] because we want to show the existence of the later ‘subject’, e.g. ‘many cockroaches’ in this sentence. The use of verb [are] is dependent on the ‘subject’ afterwards. Therefore, if the subject is ‘many cockroaches’, we have to use a verb in plural form. If the subject is ‘a girl’, we have to use the singular verb, ‘is’, instead.

7. Pseudo-tough movement Wrong: I am difficult to learn English.  Right: It is difficult for me to learn English.  Right: To learn English is difficult for me.  Explanations — The first sentence is ungrammatical because the complement [difficult] is mistakenly used to modify the subject ‘I’. But in fact, we want to say, “learning English is difficult for me”, but not “I am difficult…”. To correct this sentence, you can ask yourself, “What is difficult for me?” This ‘what question’ leads us to find out ‘to learn English’ is the actual difficulty for us. Therefore, © Copyrights reserved

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instructor: agnes chan

you can write something like, “It is difficult for me to learn English.” Or, you can relocate the [to-infinitive clause] “to learn English” to be the subject of the sentence. We come to another correct example, “To learn English is difficult for me.”

Syntactic Analysis & Past Paper Review (199UE)

Syntactic Analysis in Proofreading + Past Paper Analysis (2 in ONE!)

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