Proof Of Claim Template - Traffic Citation.docx

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  • Words: 1,556
  • Pages: 4
Full Name© A.P. c/o Address City, Republic of State


Dear Mr. 'Officer' and/or 'Prosecutor': In regards to the above 'Citation/Case,' I want to resolve this matter to the best of my ability as soon as possible, I find it prudently necessary to exhaust by due diligence my administrative remedy as it relates to your presentment/offer; OHP410320020620190451 which has left me somewhat confused. I realize that my past experience is urging me to argue every point, but now realize that I want to conditionally accept for value your offer/charges predicated upon 'proof of claim,' and I promise to pay the fine and even go to jail on behalf of the alleged debtor that you have brought the charges against, but I can only do so conditioned upon such verifiable 'proof of claim,' given under penalty of perjury, and as such, the necessary Proof(s) of Claim are exculpatory and sought on behalf of the alleged plaintiff and enumerated below so that the alleged debtor may justly ascertain liability in the interest of plaintiff, the court, and public interests, to perform accordingly touching upon the performance of the law relative to due process of law to which the debtor is presumed entitled, regarding a fair and impartial hearing within the due course of the law as it appertains to this proceeding or any other related matter hereto, according to the following to wit: 1. PROOF OF CLAIM on how the OHIO Constitution operates upon me, a private man. 2. PROOF OF CLAIM on how the State statutes by and through the Colorado Legislature and the DMV operate upon me, the private man. 3. PROOF OF CLAIM that name appearing on the charging instrument, in capital letters; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , is not a corporate fiction, but is the name of the Private Man in his private capacity. 4. PROOF OF CLAIM that the OHIO Revised Statutes describe any other class of license other than for commerce or for commercial trade, occupation or profession as all defined “Motor Vehicles” are classified under the Tax Class/Code (See 42-3-106(2)(a),(2)(b), (2)(c), (2)(d), (2)(e)) 5. PROOF OF CLAIM that in my private capacity, that I'm subject to Class A, B, C or any other Class License. 6. PROOF OF CLAIM that the State of OHIO via the DMV sells any other 'driver' license. 7. PROOF OF CLAIM that the Motor Vehicle code does not operate upon all 'drivers' of 'all' vehicles owned or operated by 'the United States,' 'this state,' 'or any county,' 'city, ' 'district, ' 'or any other political subdivision of this state' . . . and thus operates upon this private man. 8. PROOF O F CLAIM that the definition/ legal term of a … “person”…actually applies and or operates upon this private man.

9. PROOF OF CLAIM that my 'private vehicle is used for the transportation of persons for compensation or profit, or designed or used primarily for the transportation of property for hire. 10. PROOF OF CLAIM that the private man was a licensee at the time of the 'stop' to subject him-self to the motor vehicle code by agreement and as a signatory. (see Vehicle Traffic Law, 1 974 Rev Ed., page 238, 239) 11. PROOF OF CLAIM that the prosecutor is enforcing the license issue solely due to the private man 'acting for compensation' upon the highways. See Schmog v. Keiser, 1 89 Cal 596. 12. PROOF OF CLAIM that, "In view of this rule a statutory provision that the supervision officials "may" exempt such persons when the transportation is not on a commercial basis means that they "must" exempt them, generally applies in this matter (State v. Johnson, 243 P. 1 073 ; 60 C.J.S. section 94 pg 5 8 1 ) 13. PROOF OF CLAIM that the private man does not have the “inalienable right of travel” by means of any and all locomotion available. 14. PROOF O F CLAIM that the Prosecutor and the officers of the court are bound to support Amendment in Article I, § X, (No State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver coin a Tender in Payment of Debts)…to circulate as money"…and as it operates in this State under the para materia rule.] 15. PROOF OF CLAIM that the officers and employees of [ example-the Department of Revenue are bound to support Article XI, § I (of the Oregon Constitution) " . . .n or shall any bank . . . putting into circulation any bill, check, certificate, or other paper (NOTE(S», or the paper of any bank company ( 'federal reserve' ) 16. PROOF O F CLAIM that, in relation to any monetary penalty, the "giving a (‘federal reserve’) note does constitute payment." See Echart v Commissioners C.C.A., 42 Fd2d 1 58. 17. PROOF O F CLAIM that, in relation to any monetary penalty the use of a (federal reserve) 'Note' is not only a promise to pay. See Fidelity savings v Grimes, 1 3 1 P2d 894. 18. PROOF OF CLAIM that Legal Tender (‘federal reserve’) Notes are good and lawful money of the United States, in relation to any monetary penalty. See Rains v State, 226 S .W. 1 89. 19. PROOF OF CLAIM that (‘federal reserve’) 'Notes do operate as payment in the absence of an agreement that they shall constitute payment. 'See Blachshear Mfg. Co. v Harrell, 1 2 S.E. 2d 766. 20. PROOF OF CLAIM that the secured party has access to 'lawful money of account' to 'pay' debts at law without becoming a tort feasor. 21. PROOF OF CLAIM that the 'entity' bringing forth this claim can testify on the witness stand of the same and bring all relevant evidence. 22. PROOF OF CLAIM that the prosecutor, as an agent of the State, has established a 'liability bond' either personally or by and through any Risk Management Policy in this action to indemnify the private man in the event of any damnification, and I request the Policy Number and the address of the Insurer/Bonding Company.

Please understand that I want to resolve this matter as soon as possible, I realize that I may have made a few mistakes in the past, but seeing now the need to exhaust my administrative remedy/process, I now request the above 'proofs of claim' that you are relying upon to support your 'Claim of Action' in this matter. Per your due diligence or acceptance to bring forth 'proof of claim,' you will be found in formal acceptance and will have admitted a damage and injury to this private man and will have stipulated to the facts that the private man herein is not subject to the Colorado Vehicle Code and that he has a right

to travel in his private automobile/conveyance/locomotion in non-commercial use of same and as to any monetary and/or pecuniary fine, that the undersigned can only discharge the monetary accounting penalty in behalf of the person/debtor named on the charging instrument. You are requested to send Proofs of Claim to the undersigned and a copy to the Third Party or Notary as addressed below. The undersigned herein respectfully requires the Prosecutor to reply within Ten (1 0) days from receipt of this presentment plus three (3) days return service to respond. General acquiescence as a non-response shall be taken as an acceptance to provide 'proof of claim' and forthwith shall constitute agreement by the Prosecutor that the undersigned/Secured Party can exercise the remedy provided by Congress via HJR- 1 92, to discharge debt(s) 'dollar for dollar' with a draft, time draft, Bill of Exchange, or Accepted for Value and Returned for Discharge as necessary and that the undersigned' s exclusive remedy, if necessary, is Tort, to be governed by the terms of the Notice of Claim presented by Claimant appertaining to the matters relative hereto, or otherwise. Sincerely Without Prejudice __________________________________________ Full Name Authorized Representative-Attorney-In-Fact in behalf of FULL NAME IN ALL CAPS... ©, Ens legis


(Applicable to all Successors and Assigns) RESPONDEAT SUPERIOR State of PENNSYLVANIA County of ALLEGHENY

From: __________________________ Notary Public Address of Notary here, full name of State, [Zip code] _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Service: Certified mail No.: __________________________; with return receipt; Notary's Certificate of Service. I have been contacted by Christopher Wilson, a private man/woman from Allegheny County Pennsylvania herein after “Offeree” purpose of presenting a Conditional Acceptance Requesting for Proof of Claim under notary seal. It is hereby certified, that on the date noted below, the undersigned Notary Public herein after “Respondent Superior,” copied, placed in an envelope, sealed, addressed and mailed said envelope to: Steubenville Municipal Court, 123 South Third Street, Steubenville, Ohio 43952 Dated: ____/______/20____

Third Party or Notary Address: Notary Signature _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Notary Expiration Date: ____/ ____/ 20___


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