Proof Me

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,779
  • Pages: 7
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my about me
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July 24 12:37 P.m
so i stayed up all night yesterday to watch fated to love you till 10 ish and had 1 hour of sleeep *yawn* that was a great drama btw :) highly recommmended IF you want time to burn.

July 22 11:40 a.m
hey guys! well lately ive been doing my summer reading for my ap courses this fall, ive gotten 2 books red out of 5.. so its a bit of a long way to go :( i just finished the 2nd one, ive been distracted by playing games. hmm.. btw, my cousin from vietnam is coming over this friday to stay with us for a while, so she can go to school here, prettty coool.

July 21 9:08 p.m
alright, so lately i've beeen playing maplestory still, lvl 45 with 10mill now ! :)

july 17...9:25 p.mokay! so i went to work today from 10-2 and yeah, then i went out with my love..., and now im home, playing ... maplestory... gosh i kinda wish i wasnt soooo addicted. im a level 37 Fire Poison mage with 6m now! :) tomorrow i wont be working all day, so ill have plenty of time to squeeze in some layout making, ill try making 2.0 layouts since sooo many people wants them, and yeah im also going to be playing maplestory, catch me on Bera channel :)

july 14...5:15 a.m yes, im up this late, :) i just made you a new brush set :) click
july 14
so yes, i know i havent updated in this thing for about 4 days ... so heres a catch up... i just got back to playing a game called maplestory, the last time i played it was when i was a freshman in highschool.. and now i picked it up again, im currently a lvl 31 Fire/poison mage for those who are asking. :) uhm my old account was a lvl 50 Cleric, which i lost the pw and pin too :( alright, to the layout site.. i'll me making some brushes when i have time, im glad that ive gotten so many downloads, that shows that people really like them! if youd like to see more of something, always comment, i placed the approval before a comment posting on purpose people: so that i dont miss any of your comments! :)

july 10 09 12:23 AM
OKAY, so i finally made a few brushes, check it out :) click

july 9 09 2:43 p.m
i'm back from work.. ill be working all day today, 10:30-2..4:30-9:00 :P ill back back around 9 ish!comment me to suggest what i should update nextttt ! :P

july 08, 2009 2:11 P.M
*stretches* goooddd afternooonnnn.... i just woke up from a 13 hour sleep, which was awesome btw, i'm gonna be starting to get ready for work in about an hour, which suckkssss.... gr.. i seriously need to get started on my summer projects for my ap courses this fall. OH also, i'm getting really sick and tired of repeatedly having to say that YES, i am shantea mac's little sister, GOAHHH. k, moving on, blah, i hate the feeling of summer coming to an end...

july 07, 2009 2:29 A.M
so yeah, i made another pixel, it only took a few minutes ! making layouts take so long, eh. Anyways, i also uploaded 2 new photos, yes they are designed the same, thats because i dont intend on keeping both, just 1. so blah! alright im sleeeepyyyyy.

july 06, 2009 10:19 p.m
back from work! i got off at nine and got home around 9:20 ish.. i ate and i made this little fella in about 10 minutes :), you can check out more by clicking on the extras in the navigations & then scribbles :)



july 06, 2009 1:48 p.m

align="left" />Hey! did you like that apple guy next to these words? i just made him and it only took 10 minutes, i will be making more scribbles/pixels since they dont take too long, OH btw, i updated my fun / interesting reads. i also updated some stuff for sites, YOU CAN CHECK THESE ALL OUT IN THE EXTRAS SECTION. i gotta go get ready to see my love & then work at 4:30, bye!

july O6, 2OO9 1.18 p.m
I added a rate your site blog for sites that are interested in seeing what i think about their site.. click to view blog... also, i recently just read over my a4a comments and i realized that i never responded to some of them, so please, sites if you are interested in being affies, recomment that blog :)

july O6, 2OO9 10:00 am ish
so i just got back from worlds of fun / oceans of fun... I'm totallyyy tan-er and somewhat burnt >.<... which really hurts. my shoulders and forehead is a little owwie but other than that im reallly not pale yellow anymore. My two day vacation is good enough to last me this summer, I can't wait to be going to Vietnam (hopefully) after I graduate next spring :). I'll be heading to work at 4:30 to 9:00 today so yeah, definitely won't be able to update on this site. If you were wondering, i work at a Chinese restaurant as a hostess for 9.OO an hour, which is pretty good for a 16 year old like me :P... recently i've been practicing on my driving, which is pathetic because I'll be a senior this fall and I still don't have my license. :P its okay, I've been getting better though, so that's great.

june 29, 2009
so i decided to be providing services for my shop such as editing pictures / making layouts for now, i'm not sure, it might change, but we will seee... bleh im soo lazy but ill be posting up some pictures of what ill be selling, still new to this, so yeah, definitely wont be 'trading' or whatever that is.

june 26, 2OO9
Hey all, finally finished the layout today, hopefully you like it, the navigation is down there :) leave feedback by commenting! :)

If you like my site, spread the word by posting this on your page :), thank-u
to copy, press cntrl+a+c
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