Project Managements

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  • Words: 2,837
  • Pages: 18
Unit 1. Basics of Project Management 1. Project: Project is a set of activities which are networked in an order and aimed towards achieving the goals of a project upon the completions of all the activities the goal of the project would have been achieved. A project is undertaken to achieve a purpose. 2. Management: Management is the technique of understanding the problems needs and controlling the use of resources, Such as cost, time, Manpower, materials etc. 3. Project Management: it is an art of controlling the cost, time, Manpower, hardware and software resources involved in projects. 4. Project Cycle: A project cycle basically consists of the various activities of operations, resources and the limitations imposed on them. 5. Process: A process is part of the project which consists of simple and routine instruction to achieve a desired result of any actives of the project. A process is responsible to bring about the changes in the input fed to the process and gives out desired output as a result of problems. 6. Resources: It refers to manpower, machinery, Money and materials required in the project. 7. Scope: it refers to the various parameters that affect the project in its planning, formulation and executions.

8. Project Cost: It is the budgeted expenditure of the projects. 9. Project Management is necessary because technology used may change during the course of project execution. 10. Relationship with other management discipline is not essential for a project to be successful. 11.A life cycle of a project consists of understanding the scope and objectives of project, formulation and planning various activities, project execution and project monitoring and control project the project resources. 12.The Project manager is responsible to carry out all the task of project. 13.Life Cycle of a project manager overlaps with the development life cycle in the middle. 14.The analysis and evaluation phase starts with receiving a request to analyze the problem from manager 15.Design phase consists of inputs received and output produced. 16.Project feedback analysis and project execution report is done in post completion analysis phase of the project. 17.Project management consist of interacting processes namely project process, process group, interactions and customization which are organized in a group.

18. Project process is classified in to project management process and project oriented process. 19.Tools and techniques refer to the mechanism applied on the inputs to create desired outputs. 20.One of the reason why the project may fails that project management is not observed. 21.If the project objectives are in alignment with business objective, then the project may be success not emphasized. 22.A project may be stated as a multi disciplinary team brought tighter for the project. 23.Scope, Cost or Schedule objectives, change in Scope, Cost or Schedule, contract t6erm and conditions and resources are parameters used for project negotiation. 24.Some of the steps of a god project management are define the project, reduce it to a set of manageable tasks and obtain appropriate and necessary resources. 25.Five Dimensions that must be managed on a project are Schedule, Feature, Quality, Cost and staff. 26.A constraint gives the project team virtually not flexible. 27.A graphically way to depict these points is to use a “Kiviat diagram”

28.The players in a project management are the individuals and the organization. 29.An experienced project manager and his team can manage more then one project at a time. 30.The team members are responsible for completion of the project as per the plans of the projects.

Unit 2. Project Processes



1. Any project is undertaken to deliver either a service or a product.

2. Key

stage of the project, project logic diagram, key stage responsibility chart, estimate for all key stage, Optimized project Gantt chart, update an reviewed project risk log, risk management forms for new high risk and project operating budget are the key issue documented in a project plan.

3. The five characteristics of a project are resources requirement, Funds, probability of completion, risk and design change.

4. The purpose of a project planning and scoping is to first identify the areas of the project work and identifying the forces affecting the project and then to define the boundaries of the projects.

5. Avoiding the area of problems which may affects the progress of the project is a step of project scoping and its characteristics.

6. Assess the capabilities and skills of all those identified as part of the project organization is the main step in the identification process of the project.

7. Compare the actual detail with that in the plan with respect to project stage is a task of the analysis process.

8. In

the control process the progress monitored and the changes are managed.


9. The entire process of a project may be considered to be made up on number of sub process placed in different stage called the WORK BRACKDOWN STRUCTURE(WBS)

10.Lead time is the amount of time, which a successor task can overlap with its predecessor task, i.e. the time before the completion of the predecessor at which the successor can start.

11.The estimation approaches are the bottom up and top down approach.

12.Expert judgment and analogy are type of estimation tools that managing a project.





13. Risk management aims to identify the risks and then take action to minimize their effect on the project.


components of risk are risk assessment, risk control, risk ranking and risk mitigation.

15.Identify the actions needed to minimize the risk consequences are generally called the risk mitigation step.

Unit 3. Project Essentials


1. Responsiveness refers to response of an individual.



2. It is possible to improve the pace of the project by reducing the time frame of the project. 3. Project mindset leys emphasis on flexible processes. 4. The individual processes are linked by inputs and outputs. 5. Outputs refer to the documents that are results of the process. 6. Identifying variances from the plan is a part of controlling process. 7. Large projects may need details which might indicate every detail in the initial stages. 8. It is possible to work according to the project plan only by careful monitoring of project process.

9. During the project process the member must keep a track of project progress and communicate the same to other related members of the project. 10.Quality control is possible if the project members follow the quality charts and norms very strictly. 11.Update the schedule for actual start date task started, actual finish date finished, and actual hours worked per task, latest estimated work in hour to complete. 12.While creating flash reports, summarize the accomplishments for the month, schedule status, upcoming tasks for the month and any major issues. 13. Change control is necessary to control the increase of work at various stage of project and to manage effectively the disruptions in the stages, if any. 14.CMS and CM are the tools used for changing a process. 15.Project review questionnaire may become important if the reviews are to be structure and group discussion may be initiated depending upon the point to be discussed.

Unit 4. Concept of Managing Conflict, Quality and IS 1. It is possible to manage conflict by discussing and sharing the problems.

2. Build employ trust in the communication process so that hones feedback becomes a part of the natural way of working is an essential characteristic of a communication network. 3. Quality of any product or service is defined as its conformance to the standards or the stated requirements. 4. Irrespective of whichever way one wants to coordinate for effective outputs, the essential processes are the meticulous of all the activities, referring to checklist which could have been creatively designed, adopting quality control measure, standards etc. 5. The perception of a manager in current trends in project management is to obtain results. 6. Continues Business Process Improvement is a process through which a project team passes on the details of any system as recommendation for standardization. 7. Management Assurance Measure is a task performed by the project leader to balance efforts to convince management against wavering with effort to prepare team members to counter any unexpected storms in the project. 8. Reviews are check process in the plan-do-checkact cycle of quality cycle. 9. The team can find benefits for the project manager because it helps in term of discipline and control.

10. The modern mantra of project management may be considered to essentially the five aspects Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Standardize (DMAIS)

Unit 5. Project through PMO and HR


1. In cases where there are many project running, the PMO will act as a coordinating body giving support to all of them in terms of human resources, budgets, procurement of materials 2. Documentation and authorization should be closely watched for the success of project. 3. The POR is for both process and tools. 4. A review is a process where we capture information from the team experience and see the variances and deviation from the plan. 5. By there very natural projects tend to create chaos. 6. The final measure of success of the project is satisfaction of the customer. 7. The Project Manager should understand the business of the organization he works for. 8. During implementation there will be doubts about the correctness of decision. 9. Installing Development Methodology and quality system is the responsibility of managers.

10. We have more number of employees per unit value in the conventional project than in IT project. 11. Both type of project have diversity complexity peculiar to each of them.


12. Unlike productivity on shop floors. Personnel Productivity can be considered on a collective basis. 13. As members are from different functions, understanding the requirements or compulsions of other is difficult.

Unit 6. Project Development and Modern Trends in PM Perception 1. A Project generally satisfied the need for something which will be useful only for a long time. 2. In Programme Evaluation and review Technique (PERT), we give time estimates Optimistic, Most likely and pessimistic. 3. Many good projects have floundered on account of project over runs. 4. Force field theory enunciated by Kurt Lewin, states that the two sets of forces are in opposition. 5. The project manager should take the assistance of a system administrator and run checks as frequently as possible.

6. Principal of TQM, Kaizen and lean manufacturing are being applied by most companies to derive leverage by eliminating waste. 7. Transaction is on line making Reporting, Feedback and decision making becomes faster. 8. Having given autonomy to teams the management needs to keep track of their activities.

Unit 7. Organizational Issues in Project Management 1. Organization will have structures, hierarchies, Functions, Communication Patterns, Decision centre and most importantly cultures - which define them and make them unique. 2. Make changes with the outcome in mind and not the tasks the result in them. 3. Such a work culture is very conductive for problem solving which is the aim of all creativity. 4. To implement changes successfully, it is essential that employees are involved in the implementation of change. 5. Opportunities for creativity are many in project. 6. When multiple projects are handled restructuring is almost a continuous.

Unit 8. Project and Programme Management - P2M for Enterprise Innovation Structure


Projectised Organizations are not special or a separate species but those which tend to treat most of the work they do as compartmentalized projects.

2. The portfolio of project consists of both programmes of projects and individuals projects. 3. The initiatives taken up for multiple projects and issues related to benefits and risk constitute P2M. 4. Two main supporting services for project management are Human Resources and IT. 5. Assign priority of divisional management efforts based on Pareto’s law backed by statistic or rules of thumb for prevention of problems. 6. The traditional way of technology development is carried out without any link to the product development of activities. 7. High technology gestation period.





8. Failures in the early stage of the project are less costly and harmful then at larger stage. 9. With the use of computer system this costly procedure can be substituted by Computational Fluid Dynamics. 10.Technology substitution is based on the fact that several alternatives technology routes are exiting to create a particular device. These alternate routes are normally hidden behind the commonly known process, in different forms.

Identification of these hidden technologies will open up opportunities for technology substitution.

Unit 9. Guide to Systematic Scientific Project Management 1. Modern development processes in field of project management are very dynamic and call for high technology and extensive out sourcing. 2. One of the most dangerous aspects of the thinking process is to expecting, assuming and favoring. 3. Value goods on getting added along the supply chain. 4. DMAIS stages in a project is Define, measure, Analyze, Improve and Standardize. 5. Benchmark – The supply chain standards achieved by the best in the industries. 6. Cause and Effect Diagrams- also called Fishbone Diagrams. 7. Measures to remove the defect found earlier are implemented for improving Design of Experiments, Robust Design and Tolerances. 8. The three important characteristics of data are relevancy, sufficiency and time lines. 9. ERP packages help in integrating data from all sources and present them to individual members in the way they require.

10.ROI- Return on Investmentinvestment proposal



11.Customer satisfaction- Meeting client’s needs, expectations and define scope. 12.Time and budge to date – How much of the original budget and schedule has elapsed to date as against work accomplished. 13. Quality – The matrix that will be used to determine acceptability of the end products.

Unit 10. Process



1. Project management review process for corporate and major information system was instituted to review all major information system in development, enhancement or production of a product / service. 2. Project management reviews serve as a forum to raise issues and concerns that will impact the project and insure that acceptable action or corrective plans exist for addressing any significant negative impact. 3. There is mutual benefit for corporate and major information system project teams and many of the programs as a result of the information exchange generate by the Project management reviews. 4. Throughout the project life-cycle it is important to apply standard project management best practice,

including tracking and reporting, to all projects, regardless of size. 5. The full form of CSIA is the corporate system information architecture. 6. There are two formats for review briefing first-time and ongoing. 7. The project management reviews are scheduled every three month in conjunction with the fiscal year. 8. Each project management review meeting starts with an introduction of the face-to-face and meetme call participate and an opportunity for general comment. 9. The templates serve as a means of standardizing the reporting requirement and enabling a common set of criteria for evaluating the health and progress of the Department’s corporate and major information system. 10. The project manger is expected to check this list in preparation for the current review, include all listed items on the slide, and provide the status of each item. 11.The program/project manager is responsible for ensuring that capitalization costs are captured for the project. 12.A “program” may be any activity, project, function or policy that has an identifiable purpose or set of activities.

13.The project manager is responsible for raising issues for concern that require assistant or guidance to the attention of the CIO. 14.The staff supporting the CIO quarterly reviews will prepare a summary report after each Project Management Review (PMR).

Unit 11. Project Risk Management 1. Risk management is insurance for project, and can help reduce your cost and efforts when trouble strikes. 2. Industries risk arising out of a change in scientific instrument used in business activity, changes in company policies because of changes in the industries. 3.

Risks are potential problems once that are not guaranteed to occur.

4. The first step in risk analysis is to make each risk item more specific. 5. In sensitive analysis a study is done to analyses the changes in the various valuable because of a change in one or more of the decision criteria. 6. In the probability analysis, the frequency of a particular event occurring is determined, based on which it average weighted average value is calculated. 7. In managing risk, the first step is to take action to reduce (or partly reduce) the likelihood of risk occurring.

8. In managing risk, the second step is to take action to reduce the impact if the risk does occur. 9. Risk management process involves identifying potential problems (risks), analyzing those risks, planning to manage them and reviewing them. 10.Risk identification can be done using a brainstorm session. 11.Performance measurements are used in project management and quality processes to determine and communicate status and accomplishment measured against specific objective, schedules, and milestone. These measurements extend to include delivery of desired products and services.

Unit 12. Fundamental Application Software 1. Risk management


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