Project In Dtp

  • July 2020
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FORMAT LETTER Today's Date 334 Bates College Lewiston, ME 04240 Name Title/Division/Organization Address City, State, Zip Salutation: In the first paragraph tell why you are writing, who referred you, and/or mention the specific position you are applying for. In the second paragraph, draw attention to anything in your background that specifically makes you a viable candidate for the position. Amplify or clarify the achievements on your resume, or if the letter is in response to an employment listing, indicate how your experience or education fits the requirements of the position. Refer briefly, or summarize, parts of your past experience that are significant and important as qualifications for the duties of the position. In the third paragraph, continue to cite examples from your background, perhaps your studies and courses, and indicate your excitement or motivation for the position. Briefly state your desire for a career in the employer's area/organization/industry. In the fourth paragraph, say what you will do next. Convey that you will call or write, perhaps to set up an interview, or to inquire the employer for setting up an interview. Be proactive in the closing paragraph. Closing, (Signature) Your Name Typed Encl: resume

DETAILS To be effective, your cover letter should follow the basic format of a typical business letter and should address three general issues: 1. First Paragraph - Why you are writing 2. Middle Paragraphs - What you have to offer 3. Concluding Paragraph - How you will follow-up If you are writing a prospecting letter (review sample) a letter in which you inquire about possible job openings - state your specific job objective. Since this type of letter is unsolicited, it is even more important to capture the reader’s attention.

If you are writing a networking letter (review sample) to approach an individual for information, make your request clear. What You Have To Offer In responding to an advertisement, refer specifically to the qualifications listed and illustrate how your particular abilities and experiences relate to the position for which you are applying. In a prospecting letter express your potential to fulfill the employer's needs rather than focus on what the employer can offer you. You can do this by giving evidence that you have researched the organization thoroughly and that you possess skills used within that organization. Emphasize your achievements and problem-solving skills. Show how your education and work skills are transferable, and thus relevant, to the position for which you are applying. How You Will Follow Up Close by reiterating your interest in the job and letting the employer know how they can reach you and include your phone number and/or email address. Or bid directly for the job interview or informational interview and indicate that you will follow-up with a telephone call to set up an appointment at a mutually convenient time. Be sure to make the call within the time frame indicated. In some instances, an employer may explicitly prohibit phone calls or you may be responding to a “blind want-ad” which precludes you from this follow-up. Unless this is the case, make your best effort to reach the organization. At the very least, you should confirm that your materials were received and that your application is complete. If you are applying from outside the employer’s geographic area you may want to indicate if you’ll be in town during a certain time frame (this makes it easier for the employer to agree to meet with you).

Visiting card B. a s i c s o f V i s i t i n g C a r d s

. Most of the time many students of computer arts misunderstand the concept of designing visiting card. The space is limited and the matter too. People think it is easy but from the designing point of view, card designing is the most difficult part of DTP. In the good old days, PageMaker was the first preference. It is still going strong.

Maximum potential of software is utilized while designing visiting card if it is really designed with proper care. Here are some tips useful to design proper visiting card. Dimensions Generally visiting cards comes in two standard sizes. American size and Business size. American size is 92 X 54. Both the cards can be designed either horizontally or vertically according to the choice of the user. 2-3 mm space is left for the margin from the border of the card. Impressions Using colors depends upon the type of the card and the cost. More the colors more the cost is the rule of thumb. Formal cards need less color. It can be single color card or maximum two colors. The type of processing is also important. If the photograph is used for the card then it goes for offset printing. If it is more of a text with no continuous toned graphic it goes for screen-printing. The cost of the card is decided on the basis of color impressions. It is generally impression per thousand cards. Fonts The choice of font depends upon the type of the card. If it is very formal card like the card of lawyer, doctor etc. Times New Roman is the best choice. Arial also can be used. If you want to use some script font, the distance between the characters has to be properly adjusted by loosing the tracks. Bold and thick font can be used for company title. Address font is generally the smallest of size and at the bottom of the card. Spacing As a rule, you should keep good amount of white space in the card. It can become too crowded if lots and lots of things are added. The matter has to be chosen very carefully. It has to be short and precise. Since the sight travels from left to right, the most important things have to be aligned left if the card is not center aligned. Sometimes short cuts can be used to save the space i.e. Rd for Road etc. Horizontal line can be drawn above the address if you desire. It creates prominent impression. If you are using more than one address it can be separated with the vertical line. Graphics Designers use the combination of page layout and vector and/or raster packages to design visiting cards. Use of graphics is little tricky area and requires experience. The balance of the card should be properly taken care of while using graphics. Generally people want to print company logo on the card. It is fixed and nothing can be changed. Not even color. At this stage you can try out something by changing the size of the logo uniformly. Backgrounds You can get the ready-made colored or textured cards. There are no. of types available in the market from simple card to plastic coated and pearl finished stuff. Everything depends upon customer's choice. Designer can suggest the proper combination of the color, which can stand out with particular background. He can actually create the card with specific colors and show it to customer. For screen printing you need to have B/W output.

Let us go into the deep of using fonts for visiting cards. we have already mentioned in the previous articles that fonts would reflect the subject and the mood of the card. We must know what type of fonts should be avoided as far as possible. And if you want to use it then you need to process it by working with font style, size and track. Address is the tricky part of the visiting card. Most of the times, it occupies the major portion of the card while it is one of the most important part. You do not have much scope to decorate it as it contains lot of text than any other area. Mostly people prefer to be formal while working with address font. This is an attitude to have minimum risk and not to play with the delicate part of the card. Taking everything into consideration, we need to carefully choose the font for address. It must be easily readable and should be harmonious with the rest of the design and the fonts. What and why can not be used? You certainly can not use the tight fonts like script for address which may be difficult to read. You also can't use decorative fonts that may not be again readable when decreased to smaller size. Thick fonts are also not a good choice for address as they occupy more space than normal one besides may become problem to read if reduced to smaller size. We have given some examples of the font types that may not be the good choice for address.

Adding Graphics or the logo in the card need special attention as it can take the card to new height or it can even ruin the

effect. When you use graphics, if it include more colors, you may need to think of changing font color also. Type of graphics You can use single color logo or the picture, line art with flat colors or even a photograph. Just make sure that the picture is clear with no crooked edges and it should be sharp without blur. While adding the picture in the card we need to consider lot of things. The size does matter here. We need to fix the size first. This depends upon what preference you give to the graphics and the name of the company. Once you decide this the next decision is to find the appropriate place to place the graphics. Placing Graphics We are using american size card to place the graphics. We will use it along with the other matter like your name, company name, phone number and address. Following figure represents the standard american size card of 92 x 54 mm.

Greeting cards Making greeting cards is a wonderful hobby to enjoy with your family and friends. In fact, card making is becoming more and more popular and it's now a novelty to send handmade greeting cards. Have you ever look at a handmade card and thought to yourself, "So beautiful! I wish I know how to make my own greeting cards." Well, now you can! Imagine people receiving your homemade greetings with your name on the back! Making greeting cards is easy. Many people are making cards and so can you. Make you own greeting cards and sign them by rubber stamping "Handcrafted by (YOUR NAME)" on the back of every of your handmade cards. Cool! Taking up card making as a hobby is not expensive since you should have most of the supplies for making greeting cards in your home. For a basic homemade card, all you need is paper, cutter, glue and some color pencils. But though inexpensive, making greeting cards has many benefits. Creating beautiful homemade cards is such a rewarding way of spending time with family and friends. The joy of gathering cardmaking ideas, paper, embellishments, and other card making supplies to make the cards and the joy that the handmade greeting cards give to the recipients are just feelings that cannot be purchased. Receiving a handmade greeting card is so special, isn't it? So start making greeting cards in the comfort of your home by following the instructions on this card making website.

Specially For You Who Feel That You Are Not So Crafty To you who just are not the paper, scissors and glue kind, don't despair. Making greeting cards as a hobby is still a possibility. Yes, you can also make and send yur own homemade greeting cards to your friends. You could design your own greeting cards using a graphic software, or take a photo with your digital camera and upload it to your computer. Add an appropriate poem or quote and print it. Voila! A Personalised one-of-a-kind greeting card.

So whether you are a die-hard crafter or the digital designer, making greeting cards is a great way to relax, be creative and connect with others.

Making greeting cards is a wonderful hobby to enjoy with your family and friends. In fact, card making is becoming more and more popular and it's now a novelty to send handmade greeting cards. Have you ever look at a handmade card and thought to yourself, "So beautiful! I wish I know how to make my own greeting cards." Well, now you can! Imagine people receiving your homemade greetings with your name on the back! Making greeting cards is easy. Many people are making cards and so can you. Make you own greeting cards and sign them by rubber stamping "Handcrafted by (YOUR NAME)" on the back of every of your handmade cards. Cool! Taking up card making as a hobby is not expensive since you should have most of the supplies for making greeting cards in your home. For a basic homemade card, all you need is paper, cutter, glue and some color pencils. But though inexpensive, making greeting cards has many benefits. Creating beautiful homemade cards is such a rewarding way of spending time with family and friends. The joy of gathering cardmaking ideas, paper, embellishments, and other card making supplies to make the cards and the joy that the handmade greeting cards give to the recipients are just feelings that cannot be purchased. Receiving a handmade greeting card is so special, isn't it? So start making greeting cards in the comfort of your home by following the instructions on this card making website.

Specially For You Who Feel That You Are Not So Crafty To you who just are not the paper, scissors and glue kind, don't despair. Making greeting cards as a hobby is still a possibility. Yes, you can also make and send yur own homemade greeting cards to your friends. You could design your own greeting cards using a graphic software, or take a photo with your digital camera and upload it to your computer. Add an appropriate poem or quote and print it. Voila! A Personalised one-of-a-kind greeting card. So whether you are a die-hard crafter or the digital designer, making greeting cards is a great way to relax, be creative and connect with others.

In card making, good cutting tools are very important. Here are some of the basic card making cutting tools you will need to give your cards that professional neat look...

Adhesives and tapes are one of the basic card making supplies. You need adhesives, tapes or paper glue for most cardmaking projects. Whether you do collage, rubber stamping, quilling, punchart, or just a simple photo greeting card

I love decorative punches. In fact, I have more than 100 of these beautiful decorative punches. Some have such intricate design that I just love to use them for my handmade cards. Each paper punch can last you for a life time. When you begin making greeting cards,... (more info)

Card Making Embellishments

Card making embellishments are stuff that you can use to add a sparkle or 3D effect to your handmade greeting cards. Beads, color stones, stickers, eyelets, glitters, tassels - these are some of the many embellishments that you can glue or sew to your cards... (more info)

Rubber Stamping Supplies When you are into rubber stamping, you will have preference for certain companies rubber stamps. For example, I love Hero Arts Rubber Stamps, Posh Impressions Rubber Stamps, rubber stamps by Penny Black Inc., Magenta Rubber Stamps and also rubber stamps from quite a few other angel companies. But beside rubber stamps, you will also need other rubber stamping supplies which are now available in most craft stores.

Multimedia cards, such as the holiday card shown below, are easy to create and fun to personalize. And you can really make the most of your work by saving a card as a template. Because templates allow a document to be used many times, you can create a holiday card, save it as a template, and then create new cards based upon the original holiday card. The template itself will remain unchanged, no matter how many times you open a copy and personalize it.


On the File menu, click New.


In the New Presentation pane, under New, click From existing presentation.



In Pagemaker 2002, click Choose presentation under New from existing presentation. Select the template you created and then click the Create New button. A copy of the template

opens as a new presentation. 4.

Make any changes, and then save your new presentation.


Send your new card through e-mail as an attachment.


If the recipient of the attachment has an older version of PageMaker, some of the card's features,

such as animation, will be lost. Also, if the recipient does not have PageMaker installed, they may not be able to open the card.

Main points

Setup your PageMaker Document Launch PageMaker 7. In the Template palette, open the Category drop-down box and click on Brochures. This will present you with thumbnails of available templates.

Selecting a Template

Select one of the templates to work with. Although the specific details of each template are not clear from the thumbnail, you can still discern the layouts. To create a tri-fold pamphlet, you will choose a template with three columns, which fits the tri-fold layout. Click on the selected template and then click the Create Publication button in the upper right-hand corner. This will open a copy of this template.

Selecting a Template

In the upper, right-hand corner of the template is a Production box that specifies information on the template including the type of template, colors, font types and special printing requirements. Once you read the contents, discard the Production box by clicking on with the Pointer tool, and then pressing delete or backspace on your keyboard.

The Production box

Enter Your Text and Images to Create your PageMaker Pamphlet Replace the placeholders in the template with your own content. All the text and the images in your template serve as placeholders. Replace each of the placeholders with your own text and images. => To replace text, click on the Text tool and then highlight the text in the text holder. Type in your own text to replace the gibberish in the placeholder. => To replace an image placeholder, click on the placeholder and then press the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard. Click on the File menu and select Place. Next, browse for the image you want to replace it with. Click OK. Position your image, and resize it to fit the available space.

Replacing the text and image placeholders

Now go to the second page. You can move from one page of your document to another by clicking on one of the numbered icons in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Replace the placeholder text and images with your own.

Navigating from one page to the other

Once you have entered all your desired content, and are satisfied with the final pamphlet design, you are ready to print. Click on the File menu and select Print. Click the on Print button to print your pamphlet 1.

Pick a greeting card format. Before you begin think about what kind of greeting card you want to make - funny, serious, oversized, top fold, side fold, personalized. Having a vision ahead of time can speed up the process even if you'll be using templates straight from the software.


Set up a greeting card document. If your software has a blank template or wizard for the style of greeting card you want, use it to set up your greeting card. Or, create a layout from scratch in the desired size. For a top or side fold card printed on letter size paper (rather than other types of specialty greeting card papers) create a folded dummy and mark the front, inside front, message area, and back of the greeting card.


Choose graphics. If you want to keep it simple, stick with one image or a few simple, icon-like figures. Some clip art is drawn with a less realistic, more cartoonish appearance. Some styles suggest "modern" while other clip art has a distinct 50s or 60s air about it. Some images are "fun" while others are "serious" or at least more subdued. Color and types of lines and the amount of detail can all contribute to the overall style. Mix and match images that share a similar style.


Modify the images. Some graphics work without modification but simple changes to size and color can make a image work better for your greeting card layout. You can also use color and frames or boxes with dissimilar images to create a more unified appearance.


Select a font. For a greeting card, you will probably stick with one, maybe two typefaces. More would be distracting and less professional-looking in most cases. Usually you want your type and images to convey the same tone or mood whether that's formal, fun, subdued, or in your face. You can change the font color so it that contrasts with your paper color and other graphics or pick a color that appears within your clip art to tie the two together. Plain black is always a good choice too.


Arrange text and graphics. Even in a simple greeting card, try using a grid to align objects. Draw boxes or horizontal and vertical guidelines to help you align edges. Not every inch of your page, nor every inch of every row or column, has to be filled with clip art or text. Use your grid to help balance out the white space (empty places) on your card.


Create a consistent look. As you tweak the front and inside of your gretting card, aim for a consistent look and feel. Use the same grid, the same or complimentary graphics and fonts. Print out your front and inside pages and place them side-by-side. Do they look as if they are part of the same card or do they look as if they don't belong together? You want consistency but it's ok to throw in some contrasting elements too.


Add a credit line. You've just created your masterpiece. Why not take a little bow before hitting the print button? One way to do this is to use the back of the card to credit yourself with the design. If you are making greeting cards for a customer or to sell direct, you may want to include your business name and contact information (such as phone number) -- but do keep it simple (and make sure that the credit is part of your agreement with the client).


Proof and print the greeting card. When it comes time to print your final greeting card, don't forget that final proof. Before putting your creation on expensive photo paper or greeting card stock print a final proof in draft mode.

   

Check text and graphics and layout. Check margins and alignment. Fold your proof and make sure everything lines up correctly. If printing multiple copies of the final card, first print just one at high quality on the desired paper. Check color and ink coverage.

Use appropriate software.s If you are already familiar with the operation of PageMaker, InDesign, or other professional desktop publishing software then use it. If new to desktop publishing and your main goal is make your own greeting cards, consumer software such as Art Explosion Greeting Card Factory or Hallmark Card Studio are good software choices to make a greeting card. Familiarize yourself with the basic operation before you begin


Borders and Fonts

Choose from simple graphics to intricate Art Nouveau fashioned borders - from casual to fine dining. Also included - themed and fancy borders perfect for children's or holiday menus. Fonts include brush and casual scripts, hand-written fonts, bold headliners, blackletter fonts, kids fonts, formal typefaces, and every day workhorses.

The MenuPro Font Collection The fonts that come with MenuPro are licensed from Monotype Imaging and ITC (International Typeface Corporation and Linotype GmbH). These are original source fonts, not crude imitations. Far from shareware or free knock-offs you get the real deal with MenuPro - the same typefaces that professional designers use

Food Photos

Food and culinary photographs of the highest quality, from inviting ingredients to tools of the trade. Photos come in six variations: photo, watercolor, drop shadow, sepia, charcoal, and menu background. All are color corrected and background free.

MenuPro Graphics - Clipart, Borders, and Fonts

MenuPro comes with over 1500 graphics for restaurant menus including menu and food clipart, illustrations, borders, food photos, watermarks, backgrounds, and over 130 genuine Monotype and ITC fonts.

With MenuPro's easy-to-use interface, it's a snap to add any image or background to your menu. Here's a sample of what's included with MenuPro:

Classic Loose Ink Illustrations

Stylish food and hospitality menu clipart in the classic loose ink style - created exclusively for SoftCafe. Well defined shapes and sharp lines make these images stand out on any printer. Each image has been converted to vector format, so resizing the image maintains its smoothness (some images come in color and watermark).

Menu Design Illustrations

Vibrant original illustrations of foods and hospitality themes drenched with intensely colored ink (black & white also)

Backgrounds and Watermarks

Watermarks and backgrounds of all types, from subtle filigrees to bold statements. Each can be used as a primary background or can resized and inserted to work in combination with other art.

Elctrictiy The costs above electricity market price of electricity from co-generation, waste and renewables is also financed by consumers, but this is not indicated as a separate item, but is included in the price of electricity as a product. The structure of individual items with official price and market price builds up as follows: - system use charge o transmission system operation charge o ancillary services charge o distribution energy charge (consumed) o distribution standing charge or capacity charge o distribution network loss charge o time-schedule balancing charge - assets o the price discount of electricity consumed by pensioners of electricity industry o the support of restructuring of coal industry (’coal cent’) - energy fee What should the bill look like? Not all users are equally interested in these pieces of information. For this reason the Hungarian Energy Office and the National Consumer Protection Authority worked out a recommendation how the universal suppliers should itemize their bills by considering first of all the needs of residential users. It is essential that the bill identification data (issuer of bill, customer data, date of issue, serial number), which are already applied in other areas and which have to be identified in accordance with the Act on VAT, shall be followed by the data, which are most important to the consumers, namely the amount to be paid and

the deadline for payment. After this, according to our recommendation, the amount of bill shall be indicated (net, VAT, and gross) summing up by tax category as prescribed by the Act on VAT, showing the possible overpayment and supports. It is also recommended in our recommendation that the actual degree of debt shall be indicated as well, it is also an important piece of information for the user, it warns him if he failed to pay an earlier bill. The next block should include the quantity data justifying the bill, identification numbers of the meters, value (kWh) shown by the meter. If the bill is a partial bill, then the date of the last settlement and the relevant value (kWh) shown by the meter shall be indicated, if it is a settlement bill the date of the previous settlement, the relevant value (kWh) shown by the meter and the quantity to be billed shall be indicated. The energy unit price justified by the quantity (kWh) of energy consumed, the individual system use charges and the itemized amounts to be paid calculated on the basis of unit price shall be indicated next. These separately presented details following the quantitative data justifying the bill and the amount to be paid ensure that those interested are given itemized information and those not interested are not bothered by the many data. The above bill structure was well-tested before in other service areas. Everybody got used to the telecommunication bill which consists of also several lines, but it is true that the suppliers regularly give detailed information on the content and structure of the bill. In the area of electricity this detailed bill with many items is new and the definitions on the bill are unusual, too. The users, residential consumers need time to learn these definitions and to scan easily and quickly for the information they are interested in and find it in a flash

Receipt In English speaking countries the term most frequently applies to the printed record given to a customer at checkout that lists the purchases made, the total amount of the transaction including taxes, discounts and other adjustments, the amount paid and the method of payment. Increasingly, these receipts may also include messages from the retailer, warranty or return details, special offers, advertisements or coupons. Receipts may also be provided for non-retail operations such as banking transactions. A receipt is a legal document[citation needed]. Printed receipts are usually produced by thermal printing on rolls of narrow paper tape, although dot-matrix technology is also used.[citation needed] Recent innovations have led to multi-colored thermal printing technology and the ability to print double-sided receipts.

Gift receipts Receipts may be presented as proof of a transaction for the purpose of exchanging or returning merchandise. Some retailers provide special "gift receipts" specifically for this purpose. Unlike a standard purchase receipt, the gift receipt omits certain information, most notably the price that was paid for an item. The receipt usually has a barcode along the bottom so that the retailer can call up the transaction information from a database of previous purchases, thus authenticating a return.

[edit] Barcodes Increasingly, retailers are using barcodes on receipts that allow them to identify the transaction in their system later on. This is helpful for proving the authenticity of the receipt, especially when a customer is returning or exchanging goods. Some retailers' point-of-sale systems allow the salesperson to see a complete record of the customer's buying history, including information about other store locations the customer has visited, what they purchased or returned, and total accumulated spendings, among other things- all by scanning a receipt barcode. This kind of monitoring has led to considerable savings among retailers by helping to prevent fraudulent returns

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