Project Evaluation

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Application of Evaluation From constant evaluating the MDP after each stage (i.e. Project Proposal, Project Management, Project Development and Project Realisation), I now realize how evaluation kept me from going off track with my design. Below are the clear evidences of applications after evaluating each section. Project Proposal The conclusions of not continue doing the folio in a site. After constant reviewing the site and evaluating it, I gave up on wasting time trying to figure out what to do with Dreamweaver. The purpose of it was stated in the on-going evaluation: to focus more on the project. After that a lot more time was spent on doing the project as well as on the folio. Project Management From the evaluation of Project management, the most impacting section was the finance plan. After the evaluation, I took 100% notice to the budget and successfully kept the final actual budget. For example, you can tell HUGE colour difference between two sections of the action and time plan because of the different printers. The first section was printed off for free in the design studio to save money spent on printing. Project Development I found the Technical/critical evaluation was very helpful. I made a lot of improvements on the project after this evaluation section. Because I was not satisfied with my testing and experimentation section, I did extra ones during the process of making my chair. The idea of using the expanding screws was tested and can be seen on the right of the seating part. The result of it was obvious – it didn’t turn out very well because of my poor skill level of drilling holes when I first started off making the chair. Then I evaluated it and stopped using expanding screws. Project Realisation With the on-going evaluation process during the chair making, I found that making the jigsaw was very hard because of the time and my practical skill was not high enough. This is shown in the seat part of the chair, the crooked curves and turning points don’t look amazing at all. This is why I didn’t do the jigsaw for the back part; I simply drew on it with dried paint. These evidences clearly showed the importance of on-going evaluation throughout the whole MDP and it does have a positive impact on the project.

Analysis and Evaluation of Functional and Aesthetic Aspects of the Design Function If, the chair is to be a life-size chair; my first criteria to evaluate success will be achieved. The chair did end up looking very bizarre but is still functional, this was proven after the testing of putting heavy textbooks onto the seat. The fact is that my final design is only a half-sized model; hence, technically my chair is not functional in this scale. Looking at the second part of the Criteria to evaluate success, my final design should be multifunctional. This was not achieved in the actual final design. The reason why it isn’t a multifunctional chair was because I dismissed the idea of having a multifunctional chair and focus on the representation of the elements of frustration in the chair. Future improvements: Before I start making the chair, I have to do very detailed measurements rather than “play it by ear”. Although this project wasn’t expected to be a life-size model, I still need to do careful measurements and plan the amount of the material needed to make the project. The reason why I didn’t plan was because there were materials available at school. This shouldn’t become a habit and I should reduce my reliance on school to provide materials. Aesthetic In the aspects of being aesthetically pleasing, my final project would not be called successful. However, according to my criteria to evaluate success specifically for my chair. It is successful. The chair itself is not pretty, which is exactly I wanted it to be like. To suit with the theme of showing frustration, it is impossible to make the chair aesthetically pleasing. The project follows the basic design elements and principle - The colour of the project is metallic along with a bit of white, it shows the cold consumerism society at the moment. I chose black to be the colour of the only graphic on the chair is because darkness is always something most people are scared of and black is a mysterious, unlucky colour for most people. - Almost no lines in my project are parallel, this shows the “messiness” of the final project, which is what I aimed to have the project to look like - The spacing in the project is not very relaxing, the closeness of the rods gives whoever sitting in the chair a claustrophobic feeling. - There’s a big contrast put into the chair, which is the contrast between the straight tough metal rods and the slightly softer wood with curvy lines drawn on it. Although the graphics in the chair is to add elements of frustration (i.e. jigsaw, maze) Further improvements: My further improvements would have to be improving my painting and metal work skills. My project doesn’t look even closer to be professional. A stronger skill of controlling the paintbrush is something I always needed to have and improve.

Final Evaluation of the Project with Respect to the Project Proposal Design brief My final product shows the frustration existing in the society by using metal rods coming from everywhere in the chair and the jigsaw mazes shown in the seat. This goes with the design brief perfectly. However, multimedia isn’t included in the final product. This was because of the lack of time, if I had less time restrictions, I would choose to integrate multimedia into the chair (i.e. getting images of frustration projected onto the seat). Motivation and Purpose I failed to show the different kinds of frustrations through the chair because the chair itself turned out to look frustrating itself. Hence I only achieved half of my purpose. I do think I have done a good job showing off my ability to express an idea through different mediums, this way I did it was to put elements of frustration throughout the whole MDP. The folio for example, has a demonstration of FRUSTRATION everywhere, eg, the metal mesh front cover and the frustration photographs included in each sections. Target Market I did an evaluation survey about my final product aimed at my target market (teenagers – older generations). The feedbacks are very good, approximately 60% of the people who took the survey ranked 9~10 out of 10 for the representation of the elements of frustration of the chair. This survey was done during the school design show on 21st August, and most people were very amazed by my design and are willing to take my 4 questions questionnaire. The age of the people who have taken the questionnaire varies between 16 ~ 60 max. They all belong to my target market and positive results were shown.

Votes for the representation of elements of frustration in the chair 10 9 8 7 6 Votes 5 votes

Inspiration The inspirations mentioned in project proposal did end up having a HUGE impact on my design. The process of making the chair is a very big releasing frustration method for me and I put a lot of effort into it. Without these inspirations, this whole project wouldn’t be developed in a clear way and a lot more troubles could’ve been faced. I kept referring back to my inspiration in Project Proposal section so that I make sure I don’t go off track.

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6 Level





Final Evaluation of the Project’s Impact on Society The impact on society was evaluated after I analysed the evaluation survey. Because of the aim of my project is to raise the awareness in the society that people are in a state of denial when they are frustrated. In other words, I want people to release their frustration after seeing the chair and I think I have achieved this purpose. Frustration level of the chair as a whole 10 9 8 7 6 Level

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These are the few phrases people wrote down for the question: Imagine this as a life-size chair. How would you feel when you are sitting in it?

“Angering” “Painful” “The metal would stick into me.” “Very uncomfortable” “Entangled” “Disoriented” “Trapped and confused” “Cautious” “A little on edge” “Tensing” “Modern, excited” “Claustrophobic” “Unsettled” “Very frustrated”

After seeing all these responses, I feel like I have done a very good job on the chair and am very proud of myself.

Final Evaluation of the Project’s Impact on the Environment Sustainability Because of the wood composition of the chair, this product is not a sustainable design. As we all know, cutting down trees to produce wood gives a huge impact on the environment, as it is one of the causes of the climate change. Recyclability This whole product can be broken down after use to serve as a raw material for a new product. The metal rods can be taken apart and reused to make up a complete new product. Or even sent off to factories to be broken down and reshaped for a new product. It is possible to send away the wood for reusing of it, eg. Production of recycled paper. Pollution The production of metal rods from factories needs chemicals that are not environmentally friendly. This means that this is not reducing the pollution level at the moment. As mentioned above in sustainability, cutting down trees don’t have a straight impact on the pollution but the increasing level of greenhouse gas need the help of trees. Hence, this has an indirect impact on the pollution. In conclusion, this project is not very environmentally friendly and this area should be improved in the future.

Final Evaluation Positive outcome of the whole project It is a successful project with respect to the way it followed the design brief and achieved what I have expected as a whole. The improvement of my practical skill is one of the positive outcomes of making this chair. The time it takes me to drill holes for one joining point on two metal rods and putting the screws through them reduced from about 10 minutes to 5 minutes. This is a very clear evidence of improvements achieved during the making of the chair. My intension of showing frustration through the chair was successful. Clear evidence is shown from the evaluation survey. The folio cover itself is a success because it also goes with the FRUSTRATION theme and provides another way of representing frustration. Integration of technology in the folio is evidently shown throughout and I am very happy with the colour theme and layout of the whole folio. Personally, I am very happy about the shape the chair is in and how it represents frustration well. Negatives/future improvements More rods could be added to the chair but the time was restricted, this is the most I don’t like about the finishing of the project. Time management wasn’t satisfying, which causes the rough finish to the chair. The biggest thing I need to improve is my overall project management skills and make sure that I keep referring back to the action and time plan. The environmental friendliness was not high and it might end up having a negative impact on the environment. I will have to make sure that in criteria to evaluate success section for the future projects, environmental friendliness has to be taken into consideration. Some holes drilled by the hand drill aren’t drilled properly (i.e. the four holes not in the same line) and they could be improved by better planning before drilling and easily be prevented. The weakest area I think I have for a project is the time management and I am very disappointed in myself. But, I learnt a lesson from it and will make sure I don’t make the same mistakes again.

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