Project Chonology Checklist

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  • Words: 1,251
  • Pages: 6



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

Other Notes:

When was Kimball selected: A. Engineering Agreement / Work Order Authorization, Cost and Scope Prepared B. Kimball Divisions (Or Other Subconsultants) Contacted for Cost Estimates / Estimated Received C. Status of Environmental Finding Completed D. Scoping Meeting with Client Conducted E. Add Recovery Costs for Project Development Previously Completed (12yr Plan, Environmental, Etc) F. Project Schedule Completed and Submitted for Incorporation into Master Schedule G. ALP Checked for Planning Consistency H. In-House Agreement Review Completed I. Agreement / Work Scope Finalized Agreement Submitted to Client for Review Agreement Submitted to FAA / State for Review (Based on Client Approval) If over $100,000, Independent Fee Estimate (IFE) Done Revise Agreement as Necessary Kimball Signs Agreement / Work Order Fully executed Agreement / Work Order from Client Received Signed Agreement Sent to FAA and/or the State Information to Accounting via 117 Form / KRM Form Establish Project Team Which Server the Documents be Stored


Date Completed


1. Status of FAA Environmental Finding

2. Does this Project Need an Environmental Form Completed (Other than a 3.

Categorical Exclusion) Determine what Environmental Studies and Permits are Required A. NPDES B. Land Development C. Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study D. Zoning E. Building Review / Permit F. Other


Revised 3-8-2007

Other Notes:


Date Completed


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Other Notes:

FAA’s 5 Year ACIP Up-to-Date State’s Planning Documents also Up-to-Date Are the Necessary Pre-applications Filed (if Required) What is the Current DBE Goal Is it Current Discuss Schedule with Client. What are the Critical Dates for this Project? Initial Coordination with FAA (Airways Facilities) if NAVAIDS are Affected Project File Folders Set Up Peer / STL Reviewer Assigned For Airports Using the Request for Reimbursement (RFR) Forms (SF271), Forms Prepared and Ready for Use


Date Completed


5. 6.

7. 8.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Other Notes:

Project Schedule Revised Utility One Call Completed Geotechnical Investigation Scheduled/Completed Surveying/Mapping Scheduled/Completed Initial Drawing Schedule List Completed In-house Design Meeting Completed and Project Team Established Pre-Design Meeting Conducted (Completed With FAA/State/Client) Pre-Design Meeting Minutes Written and Distributed A. 7460 “Notice of Proposed Construction” Submitted When Scope is Set B. Construction Phasing Plan Sent with 7460 as Applicable C. Airport Layout Plan (ALP) “Pen & Ink” Change Submitted (if applicable) D. 7480 “Notice of Landing Area Proposal” Submitted (if applicable) Modifications of Standards (MODs)? Submit Now, if Required Prepare Preliminary Cost Estimate 30% Engineers Report Completed List of Outline Specs Completed 30% In-House Review Completed Design Review With Client Completed


Date Completed


1. If E&S is Required, Submit Appropriate Documents (Control Plan and 2.

Report) to the County Conservation District If Municipal approval is Required, Submit for Approval


Revised 3-8-2007

Other Notes:

3. Other Permits Submitted (List Permits) A. B. NOTES:

Date Completed


Other Notes:

1. Assemble Draft Project Manual Including: - Front End Specs - Detailed Specs 2. A. 90% In-house Project Review Completed (Plans and Specs) B. All Comments Addressed 3. Construction Phasing Plan Completed 4. Project Manual Finalized (Covers and Dividers made) 5. A. Construction Cost Estimate Finalized B. Put Quantities in Bid Proposal 6. Complete all Design Certifications (Have them signed) 7. PennDOT-20 PT Checklist Completed (PennDOT Item Only) 8. Engineer’s Report Completed 9. Documents Signed and Sealed (by Engineer of that State) 10. Appropriate Completed Design Documents (Plans, Specs, and Engineer’s Report) and Certifications Sent to Client / FAA / State 11. As Advertised Drawings Bound in CADD NOTES:

Date Completed


1. Appropriate Federal or State Wage Rates Incorporated into Project Manual - Pre-Bid Meeting Date Set (If Applicable) - Invitation to Bid Completed - Invitation to Bid Sent to Client and Plan Houses - (Bid Opening Date should be at least 15 days after 1st date Bid Ad is Published) 2. Planholders List Document set up (Keep Current) 3. A. Pre-Bid Meeting conducted, if Applicable B. Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes Sent / Addendum #1 Issued 4. Other Addendums Sent Out (As Necessary) 5. Bid Checks Sent to Accounting (Put to Appropriate Project # and Phase) 6. Bid Opening Date 7. Bid Tabulation Compiled and Verify Completeness of Bidding Documents (Math Checked) 8. Apparent Low Bidder Documents Reviewed 9. Apparent Low Bidder References Checked (As Necessary) 10. Bidding Letters Prepared Letters to Client, FAA, and State Submitted (as Applicable) 11. DBE Information from Apparent Low Bidder Received and Approved 12. For most Projects, Grants are Based on Bids. Appropriate Grant Applications/Letters Submitted to the FAA and/or State /var/www/apps/pdfcoke/pdfcoke/tmp/scratch3/9673864.doc

Revised 3-8-2007

Other Notes:

13. FAA and State Issued Concurrence on Low Bidder 14. Low Bidder Awarded the Project (The Bid Amount $ (The Contractor is:



Revised 3-8-2007

) )

Date Completed


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Other Notes:

Conformed (As-Bid) Plans Bound in AutoCADD Addendum changes added to the Project Manual Identify (Est.) Date when grant money will be available Contractor provided with up to six (6) copies of the project manual for execution Verify all appropriate bonds and insurance form (ACORD form) are included in the executed project manuals Executed project manuals distributed to FAA / State / Owner Kimball Inspector Identified (that person should attend the Pre-Con. meeting) Pre-Construction Conference date Established Pre-Construction Meeting Conducted Pre-Construction Minutes Issued Contractor’s Schedule and material submittals / JMF’s requested. Comments / Approvals on Contractor submittals. Notice to Proceed Date (NTP) Issued to Contractor (Copy to FAA / State / Owner) Construction Notebook (Binder) prepared Request for Reimbursements (RFR’s) / State Payment Application forms started. Complete and submit RFR #1 when able


Date Completed


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Project Start date letter sent to Contractor (Copy to FAA / State / Owner) Daily reports formatted / first one written. (On-going item) Weekly reports formatted / first one sent. Submit weekly. (On-Going item) Schedule and conduct regular progress meetings. (Weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) First payment request by Contractor processed. Submit to Owner for approval (On-going item) 6. Stop Work Order (Only if Necessary) 7. Restart Work Order (Only if Necessary) 8. Substantial Completion date issued for the project 9. Are liquidated damages a factor? 10. Pre-final punchlist completed. 11. Punchlist submitted to Contractor 12. Punch-list items reviewed 13. Quantities finalized with the Contractor 14. Verify that all Certified Payrolls have been submitted 15. Summary of Test Results Started (On-going throughout Project) NOTES:


Revised 3-8-2007

Other Notes:

Date Completed


1. Final Inspection Date Set 2. Final Inspection Completed 3.

Final Inspection Minutes Issued with Final Punchlist 4. A. Finalize As-Built Drawings B. As-Built Drawings Bound in CADD 5. Final Change Order prepared 6. Final Change Order signed by all and distribute 7. Final DBE information received from Contractor 8. AIP Final Inspection Report prepared 9. Summary of Test Results compiled 10. All Construction Certifications completed (have them signed.) 11. Final AIP Project Cost Summary completed 12. All Close-out documentation submitted to FAA / State / Owner (as applicable) 13. Final Engineering Invoice submitted 14. Final RFR’s / State Payment Applications submitted 15. Project Cost Summary submitted and request for grant to be closed 16. Files boxed up and archived


Revised 3-8-2007

Other Notes:

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