Project 2

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,473
  • Pages: 36
Morin ga Team

Introduction to A herb is a plant whose properties allow its use as herbs .a medicine Most of the herbs we use today as seasoning were .originally medicines They served for centuries as the principle .medicines of the times They were kept in pharmacies in dried form for .availability all year

?Do Herbs Work for Medicines Through out history Herbs were used as .medicines Today some of these herbs are well .researched and proven effective Herbs do work, but we have to choose the right herb for the right situation, body and .time If unresearched herbs were used the results .may be fatal

We have to take in :consideration Optimum Dosage Contraindications Possible side effects Medical history of patient Life style

We should use herbs with caution and respect .Most common herbs are safe as food Herbs shouldn’t be used carelessly as it may contain harmful chemical .constituents Some of the most virulent poisons come from plants like poison hemlock .and Belladonna Every chemical substance there must .be someone allergic to it

Risks of herbs :Lack of control over Dosage Purity

Medical interactions Overdose Combination of various prescriptions, for example dangerously low blood pressure may result from the combination of an herbal remedy that lowers blood pressure together with .prescription medicine that have the same effect

Residues of herb in food room farm animals(eg.: .(eggs, milk, and meat

A herbal remedy may cause harm which is unanticipated due to lack of full understanding of .its composition and biochemical effects

Some available Herbal remedies )Allergies )Hay fever . Cardiovascular )cholesterol, circulation,heart palpitations, . )high blood pressure, low blood pressure, water retention )Children's health )colic, teething . Cleansing and Digestion )Bowel disease, constipation, . diarrhea, flatulence, gastritis, indigestion, haemorroids, liver )support, stomach disorders, ulcers )Immune )cough syrups, flus and colds . )Infections )antiseptic, bladder infection . Joints and Muscles )anti-inflammatory, muscle pain and . )spasm )Nasal and respiratory )asthma, sinusitis, sore throat . )Skin )acne, dry skin, Eczema and psoriasis, sunburn .

Some of best researched herbs Garlic: helps to lower high blood pressure .1 Aids in cancer prevention Hawthorn: aids the heart pumping action .2 Slow a rapid heart rate and strengthen a failing heart Ephedrine: decongestant .3 Bronchodilator in asthma Licorice: antiviral .4 Treatment of gastrointestinal ulceration Aloe Vera: for burns .5 Boswell: for arthritis and joint injuries .6 Chamomile: for digestive problems .7 Coffee: for pain relief .8 Hibiscus: for hypertension .9

Advantages of Herbs Herbs will never replace pharmaceutical drugs, however research shows that herbs .work well for some conditions :There are some advantages like Being Cheaper Fewer side effects Patients are interested in them


Hypertension the Epidemic of people are at risk of developing 90% .hypertension Men are subjected more to . hypertension Women become at risk after menopause. There studies that show that estrogen hormone has .hypotensive effect Some people suffer from white coat .hypertension

Hypertension around the world

According to

Extrapolated statistics show that there are 13,992,172 Egyptian people suffering from hypertension.According to

This is another statistics done in England by University of Nottingham

Blood Pressure is the force applied against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped and the size and flexibility of the arteries

There are some groups like diabetic patients have certain precautions

HYPERTENSION commonly referred to as "high blood pressure", is a medical condition where the blood pressure is chronically elevated. It has .no symptoms

It can be classified to )Primary Hypertension )essential hypertension.1 Secondary Hypertension )which is a rise in.2 blood pressure due to another disease like ).kidney diseases or some tumors

Etiology of primary Hypertension Environment Salt Sensitivity Role of Renin Insulin Resistance Genetics Other Etiologies -

Etiology of secondary Hypertension Renal Hypertension Adrenal Hypertension Hypercalcemia Stress Hyper and Hypothyroidism Sleep Apnea Preeclampsia Aortic coarctation -

Symptoms There are no specific symptoms of Hypertension, but the rise of blood pressure may be accompanied with headache, blurred vision and .organ damage

Routine tests :Blood tests Creatinine Electrolytes Cholesterol Glucose :Additional tests Urine test ECG Chest X-Ray

Complications of Hypertension Hypertensive heart disease Heart attacks Congestive heart failure blood vessel damage ))arteriosclerosis aortic dissection Kidney failure stroke brain damage Loss of vision Bone weakening Other complications

Treatment of Hypertension Life style modification It is recommended even if chemical drugs are being used

:Changes include Exercising and weight loss Stopping smoking and alcohol DASH diet Increasing Ca intake and reducing Na intake Avoiding environmental stressors and emotional stress

Medicinal Drugs There are many drugs with different mechanisms some :examples are ACE inhibitors ARBs Alpha and Beta blockers Ca channel blockers Diuretics others

Herbs used for Hypertension

Purslane English name: purslane :Arabic name ‫بذر الرجلة‬ Other names: Little Hogweed Latin Name: Portulaca .oleracea L Family: Portulacaceae Part used: Herb, juice, and seeds

Description The purslane family includes several. .fleshy plants P. oleraceais a herbaceous, succulent,. annual weed. Purslane grows 10 to 30 cm tall and has reddish­brown stems, alternate wedge­shaped leaves, and clusters of yellow flowers containing 4 .to 6 petals that bloom in summer Its numerous seeds are black, shiny,. .and rough .The plant prefers: sandy soil. (P. sativa)is a similar, Golden purslane. related species to purslane, with yellow leaves, but is a larger plant and .is not weedy

Chemical constituents -1 P. oleracea contains many biologically active compounds and is a source of .many nutrients Some of the biologically active include-2 free oxalic acids, alkaloids, omega-3 fatty acids, coumarins,flavonoids, cardiac glycosides , andanthraquinone .glycosides It has high contents of-3Omega-3 fatty acids and.protein It also contains -4vitamins (mainly vitamin C , and somevitamin B and carotenoids ), as well as

Medical Uses It contain high percentage of Omega-3 fatty acid so it aids the-1 body in the production of compound that effect blood pressure, clotting ,the immune system, prevent inflammation, lower .cholesterol, prevent certain cancers and control coronary spasms It has positive effect on the brain and may aid in such condition as-2 depression, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and .migraine .In constipation and inflammation of the urinary system -3 .The fresh juice : used in the treatment of coughs and sores-4 The leaves are poulticed and applied to burns, both they and the-5 plant juice are particularly effective in the skin disease and insect .bitting A tea made from the leaves : used in the treatment of stomach-6 .aches and headaches Purslane is beneficial in urinary and digestive problems, has-7 antifungal and antimicrobial effects, is high in vitamins and .minerals, and has been used as food source Purslane appears among a list of herbs considered to help benefit-8 .conditions such as osteoporosis and psoriasis Purslane herb has also been used as a purgative, cardiac tonic,-9 emollient, muscle relaxant, and in anti-inflammatory and diuretic .treatments

Special precautions .Avoid use during pregnancy .-1 Purslane is said to be safe, even .-2 .in high dosages Individual with history of kidney -3 should use purslane with caution, as it may increase kidney filtration, urine production, and .possibly cause a stone to move Purslane injection induces -4. powerful contractions of the uterus, but oral purslane is said .to weaken uterine contractions

Doum Palm Current name: Hyphaene thebaica .Authority: (L.) Mart Family: Arecaceae synonyms .Corypha thebaica L .Hyphaene guineense Schum. & Thonn Common names Amharic) : zembaba) Arabic) : dom) English) : doum palm, Egyptian doum palm, gingerbread palm) Swahili) : mkoma) Tigrigna) : arkobkobai, kambash)

Parts Used

Plant part used : the fruit pulp,Hypocotyl,leaves of .palm : Nature of doum palm palm tree with oval fruits: an Egyptian palm tree with egg-shaped fruits .that have a gingery taste Origin : The doum palm is a type of palm tree, also called ,gingerbread tree, with edible oval fruit originally native to the Nile valley It was considered sacred by the Ancient Egyptians and the .stone was found in many pharaoh's tombs

Nutritional Composition of Indian Doum Palm Mesocarp,Hyphaene dichotoma (young (fruit

Energy Cal/100 g )%( Water )%( Protein )%( Fat Carbohydrate )%(

406 0

)%( Fiber )%( Ash

9.26 Calcium ))mg/100g 7.21 Phosphorus ))mg/100g 75.81 Iron ))mg/100g

.Note: 1. High iron value probably due to soil type Source: Bondeet al . 1990

50.07 7.69 268 224 38.241

Active constituents and uses Alkaloid (S), reducing sugars and.1 glucosides which is proven to be hypotensive through .ganglionic blockage . Hypocholesterolemic drug.2 .3Hyphaene thebaica provide fibres from pounded leaf petioles from which fibres are manually separated and used for cordage, strings or raw fibres for binding and the manufacture of domestic articles and .handicrafts

Remedy 1 Remedy 1 was purchased from a merchant in smouha, it is composed :of Hibiscus 28.3% Sweet marjoram 15% Borassus 37.7% Purslane 18.9% :Method of dispensing Infusion of one tea spoonful twice daily (first time before breakfast and the

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