This bilingual project will focus on the similarities and differences beteen the participating countries , regarding the cultural aspects of both regions and their tourism as the basis of the regional economy. The main aim of this project is : - to increase the awareness of the importance of the regions of both secondary schools . The European Union as emphasized the importance of the development of “the Europe of Regions” as a suitable framework in order to study in depth the idea of the Europen citizenship from a nearer framework. Following this idea our Students will research and describe : -their living experiences linked to compulsory and non-compulsory education - the health system -cultural and sports equipment -youth policies -social service network -immigrant assistance - professional qualification -the labour-market
Students will reseach into these aspects in their own countries and they will
exchange information with the sudents of the Sunnfjord Region , so as to carry out a contrastive analysis of the researched aspects. The results of this reseach will be on a web page (also published in the bilingual blog of IES Cañada de las Eras) which will include a databank comprising all the services , public administrations and associations offer which are also relevant in the students´life. Short essays and audiovisual material regarding students´personal experiences in the use of these sevices will also be included. The language to be used during the whole project will be English , both among students and teachers. In order to carry out the research of the above topics students will use : -questionnaires -interviews -visits -writing articles -Comenius Day :presenting results to the local community and interested schools. -exchanges -excursions - cultural activities - attending bilingual lessons -meetings of students and teachers in order to discuss the progress, further steps... ALL the sudents and the teachers involved in the project will learn about the specific pecularities of two very different European regions regarded from a cultural and geographical point of view. This information will be shared in each institution. The use of three different languages all through the project (English, Norwegian and Spanish ) will develop the capacity of interacting with people from differnt cultures. This project will also highlight the idea of “the Union in Diversity”.
All the activities will be implemented by the students both through individual reseach and group work. WORK PROGRAMME : PLANNED ACTIVITIES 2008-09 - powerpoint presentations of region and its main landmarks and facilities - web page preparation -reseach into the geographical , historical, economic aspects of the regions ; powerpoint presentations of the most outstanding results of the previous reseach. - mobility for presentation and contrastive analysis of results.Norwegian classes ; sports activities;visit to the main landmarks.