Programs Done In Nalco

  • November 2019
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DATE: 11-12-06 TO 10-01-07 //"DICTIONARY.C" FOR CHECKING WORDS PRESENT IN THE DICTIONARY //IT GIVES AVAILABILITY OF WORD IN THE DICTIONARY //USAGE OF TEXT FILE TO STORE THE WORDS "DWORD.TXT" #include<stdio.h> #include #include<string.h> #include #include struct clist { char name[20]; struct clist *link; }; struct clist *a[26]; main() { int sflag,l; char country[20],ch; FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("DWORD.TXT","r+"); printf("loading..."); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Unable to open the file"); exit(); } while(fgets(country,20,fp)) { l=strlen(country); country[l-1]='\0'; addtolist(toupper(country[0])-65,country); } while(1) { printf("\n Enter the word to search: "); fflush(stdin); gets(country); sflag=search_list(toupper(country[0])-65,country); if(sflag) printf("\n %s is present in the list\n",country); else

printf("\n Not present\n"); printf("\n Any more to search(y/n): "); fflush(stdin); ch=getch(); if(tolower(ch)!='y') break; } fclose(fp); return 0; } addtolist(int index,char *str) { char name[20]; struct clist *q,*r,*temp; temp=q=a[index]; r=malloc(sizeof(struct clist)); strcpy(r->name,str); //if list is empty if(q==NULL||strcmp(q->name,str)>0) { q=r; q->link=temp; a[index]=q; } else { //traverse the list while(temp!=NULL) { if(strcmp(temp->name,str)<=0 && (strcmp(temp->link->name,str)>0)||(temp>link==NULL)) { r->link=temp->link; temp->link=r; return; } temp=temp->link; } r->link=NULL; temp->link=r; } } search_list(int index,char *str) { struct clist *p; p=a[index]; if(p==NULL) return 0;

else { while(p!=NULL) { if(strcmp(p->name,str)==0) return 1; else p=p->link; } getch(); return 0; } } //PERMUTATION PROGRAM TO PERMUTATE THE GIVEN STRING #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "data.h" #include "stack.h" static void Perm(unsigned n); static int count = 0; int main() { unsigned n;// = ParseCmdLine(argc, argv); int i; printf("\nEnter a string : "); gets(data); n=strlen(data); InitializeData(n); printf("\nThe characters are : "); for(i=0;i
void Perm(unsigned n) { unsigned item; if ( n == 0 ) { PrintStack(); ++count; return; } for ( item = 0; item < n; ++item ) { Push(RemoveItem(item)); Perm(n-1); InsertItem(Pop(), item); } } //ITS THE PROGRAM WHICH USES FILE CONCEPT OF STORING DATA IN A FILE /*--------- library management---------*/ #include<stdio.h> #include #include<string.h> #include #include #include struct clist { char name[20]; struct clist *link; }; struct clist *a[26]; main() { int ch; clrscr(); printf("\t\t***********MENU**********\t"); begin: printf("\nEnter the choice"); printf("\n\t 1. New member account"); printf("\n\t 2. Book information"); printf("\n\t 3. Member info"); printf("\n\t 4. Book availability"); printf("\n\t 5. Quit"); printf("\n\n\tChoice: "); scanf("%d",&ch);

switch(ch) { case 1: libmain(); goto begin; case 2: bkinfo(); goto begin; case 3: { int sflag,l; char country[20],ch; FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("NAME.TXT","r"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Unable to open the file"); exit(); } /*while(fgets(country,20,fp)) { l=strlen(country); country[l-1]='\0'; addtolist(toupper(country[0])-65,country); } */ while(1) { printf("\n Enter the member to search: "); fflush(stdin); gets(country); sflag=search_list((country[0])-65,country); if(sflag) printf("\n %s is a member\n",country); else printf("\n Not a member\n"); printf("\n Any more members to search(y/n): "); fflush(stdin); ch=getche(); if(tolower(ch)!='y') break; } fclose(fp); } goto begin; case 4:

{ int sflag,l; char country[20],ch; FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("BKNM.TXT","r+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Unable to open the file"); exit(); } /*while(fgets(country,20,fp)) { l=strlen(country); country[l-1]='\0'; addtolist((country[0])-65,country); } */ while(1) { printf("\n Enter the book to search: "); fflush(stdin); gets(country); sflag=search_list((country[0])-65,country); if(sflag) printf("\n %s-- book is present\n",country); else printf("\nBook not present\n"); printf("\n Any more books to search(y/n): "); fflush(stdin); ch=getch(); if(tolower(ch)!='y') break; } fclose(fp); } goto begin; case 5: break; default: break; } return 0; } libmain() {

FILE *fp,*fs,*fn,*fi; int j,q; char ch,ch1,id[10],name[50],name1[50],name2[50],name4[50]; char address[100],first[50]; clrscr(); fp=fopen("MEMBER2.TXT","r+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the file...."); exit(); } printf("\n\n\n\t\t LIBRARY MANAGEMENT \t\n\n"); again: { puts(""); gets(name); n1: puts("\nEnter FIRST name: "); gets(name1); fn=fopen("NAME.TXT","r+"); if(strlen(name1)==0) { puts("\nEnter the name field"); goto n1; } fputs("\n",fn); fputs(name1,fn); fputs("\n\n--------\nNAME: ",fp); fputs(name1,fp); fclose(fn); n2: puts("\nEnter LAST name: "); gets(name2); if(strlen(name2)==0) { puts("\n Enter the name field"); goto n2; } fputs(" ",fp); fputs(name2,fp); n3: puts("\nEnter I.D: "); gets(id); if(strlen(id)==0) { puts("\nID field was empty,plz enter the field"); goto n3; } fputs("\nMEMBER I.D: ",fp); fputs(id,fp);


printf("\nEnter address: "); gets(address); if(strlen(address)==0) { puts("\nADDRESS field was empty,plz enter the field"); goto n4; } fputs("\nADDRESS: ",fp); fputs(address,fp);

} fclose(fp); printf("\n stored in the file"); /*copying the file frm member to member1*/ fp=fopen("MEMBER2.TXT","a+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the source file(create a new file and then run the program)"); exit(); } fs=fopen("MEMBER4.TXT","a+"); if(fs==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the target file(create a new file and then run the program)"); goto closing; } while(1) { ch=fgetc(fp); if(ch == EOF) goto closing; else fputc(ch,fs); } closing: fclose(fs); fclose(fp); getch(); return 0; } search_list(int index,char *str) { struct clist *p; p=a[index]; if(p==NULL) return 0; else

{ while(p!=NULL) { if(strcmp(p->name,str)==0) return 1; else p=p->link; } getch(); return 0; } } bkinfo() { FILE *fp,*fs,*fb; int ch; char q[10]; char name[10],bid[50],rid[50],bpur[20],blang[50],bname[100],bcat[80],baut[50]; clrscr(); clrscr(); fp=fopen("BK1.TXT","r+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the file...."); exit(); } printf("\n\n\n\t\t BOOK INFORMATION \t\n\n"); again: puts(""); gets(name); fputs("\n--------",fp); fputs("\nBook id: ",fp); n1: printf("\nEnter book id: "); gets(bid); if(strlen(bid)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n1; } fputs(bid,fp); n2:

fputs("\t\t Rack id: ",fp); printf("\nEnter rack id: "); gets(rid); if(strlen(rid)==0) {

puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n2; } fputs(rid,fp); n3:




fputs("\nbk_lang: ",fp); printf("\nEnter book language: "); gets(blang); if(strlen(blang)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n3; } fputs(blang,fp); fb=fopen("BKNM.TXT","a+"); fputs("\nbk_name: ",fp); printf("\nEnter book name: "); gets(bname); if(strlen(bname)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n4; } fputs(bname,fb); fputs(bname,fp); fclose(fb); fputs("\nbk_category: ",fp); printf("\nEnter book catagory: "); gets(bcat); if(strlen(bcat)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n5; } fputs(bcat,fp); fputs("\nbk_author: ",fp); printf("\nEnter authors name: "); gets(baut); if(strlen(baut)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n6; } fputs(baut,fp);

fputs("\nbk_purchase: ",fp); n7: printf("\nDate of purchase: "); //today=getdate(); //puts(today); //fputs(today,fp); /*if(strlen(bpur)==0) { puts("\nEnter the field"); goto n7; } fputs(bpur,fp); } */ fclose(fp); printf("\n stored in the file"); /*copying the file frm bk1 to bk2*/ fp=fopen("BK1.TXT","a+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the source file(create a new file and then run the program)"); exit(); } fs=fopen("BK2.TXT","a+"); if(fs==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the target file(create a new file and then run the program)"); goto closing; } while(1) { ch=fgetc(fp); if(ch == EOF) goto closing; else fputc(ch,fs); } closing: fclose(fs); fclose(fp); getch(); return 0; } // A menu driven program for database management(linker) //USAGE OF DAT FILES FOR MANIPULATIONS..FULLY COMPLETED VERSION //HAS LISTING PROBLEM IN IT

#include<stdio.h> #include #include "lbr.c" #include "lbr1.c" main() { char choice; clrscr(); cls(); beg: printf("\n\n LIBRARY MANAGEMENT"); printf("\n\n 1.MEMBER AREA"); printf("\n\n 2.BOOK AREA"); printf("\n\n 3.EXIT"); printf("\n\n ENTER CHOICE: "); choice=getche(); clrscr(); switch(choice) { case '1':goto main1; case '2':goto main2; case '3': printf("\n THANK YOU"); printf("\n press any key to exit"); getch(); exit(); default:goto beg; } main1: { FILE *fp,*ft,*fq; char another,choice; struct emp { char name[60]; int age; int id; char address[100]; }; struct emp e; char empname[40]; long int recize; int a; fp=fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { fp=fopen("EMP.DAT","wb+");

if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the file"); exit(); } } recize=sizeof(e); while(1) { cls(); //printf("MEMBER AREA"); gotorc(2,10); printf("1. ADD MEMBER"); gotorc(3,10); //printf("2. LIST MEMBERS"); //gotorc(4,10); printf("2. MODIFY MEMBER"); gotorc(4,10); printf("3. DELETE MEMBER"); gotorc(5,10); printf("4. EXIT"); gotorc(7,10); printf(" ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "); fflush(stdin); choice=getche(); switch(choice) { case '1': fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { //fq=fopen("MEMBERINFO.TXT","a+"); printf("\n"); printf(" Name: "); gets(; //fputs(,fq); printf("\n Age: "); scanf("%d",e.age); //fprintf(e.age,fq); printf("\n I.D: "); scanf("%d",; //fprintf(,fq); printf("\n Address: "); gets(e.address);

//fputs(e.address,fq); printf(""); scanf("%d",a); fwrite(&e,recize,1,fp); //fclose(fq); printf("\n ADD ANOTHER MEMBER: "); fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } break; /*case '2': rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recize,1,fp)==1) printf("\n %s %d",,; puts(; printf("\t\b,"); printf("%d",e.age); printf("\t\b,"); printf("%d",; printf("\t\b,"); puts(e.address); break;*/ case '2': another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { printf("\n Enter name of the member to modify"); gets(empname); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname)==0) { //fq=fopen("MEMBERMOD.TXT","a+"); printf("\n Enter new name: "); gets(; //fputs(empname,fq); //fputs("---modified as--- ",fq); //fputs(,fq); printf("\n Enter new age: "); scanf("%d",e.age); printf("\n Enter new ID: "); scanf("%d",; printf("\n Enter new address: "); gets(e.address); printf(""); scanf("%d",a); goto dot;

} } dot: printf("\n\n Modify another record: "); fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } break; case '3': another='y'; while(another=='y'|| another=='Y') { printf("\n Enter member name to delete: "); gets(empname); ft=fopen("TEMP.DAT","wb"); rewind(fp); { while(fread(&e,recize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname)!=0) fwrite(&e,recize,1,ft); } fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("EMP.DAT"); rename("TEMP.DAT","EMP.DAT"); printf("Member deleted"); } fp=fopen("EMP.DAT","rb+"); printf("\n Delete another member: "); fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } break; case '4': fclose(fp); goto beg; } } } main2: { FILE *fp,*ft,fe; char another,choice; struct emp1 { char name[40]; char category[40];

char author[40]; int id; int rid; char language[100]; }; struct emp1 e1; char empname[40]; long int recize; int a,q,w; fp=fopen("EMP1.DAT","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { fp=fopen("EMP1.DAT","wb+"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("\n Cannot open the file"); exit(); } } recize=sizeof(e1); while(1) { cls1(); //printf("BOOK AREA"); gotorc1(2,10); printf("1. ADD BOOK"); gotorc1(3,10); //printf("2. LIST BOOKS"); //gotorc1(4,10); printf("2. MODIFY BOOK INFO"); gotorc1(4,10); printf("3. ISSUE BOOK"); gotorc1(5,10); printf("4. EXIT"); gotorc1(7,10); printf(" ENTER YOUR CHOICE: "); fflush(stdin); choice=getche(); switch(choice) { case '1': fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='Y';

while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { //fe=fopen("BOOKINFO.TXT","a+"); printf("\n"); printf(" Book name: "); gets(; //fputs(,fe); printf("\n Book i.d: "); scanf("%d",; //fputs(,fe); printf("\n Authors name: "); gets(; //fputs(,fe); printf(""); scanf("%d",&q); //printf("\n Rack i.d: "); //scanf("%d",&q); //scanf("%d",e1.rid); //scanf("%d",&q); printf("\n Book Category: "); gets(e1.category); //fputs(e1.category,fe); printf(""); scanf("%d",&w); printf("\n Book Language: "); gets(e1.language); //fputs(e1.language,fe); scanf("%d",&q); fwrite(&e1,recize,1,fp); //fclose(fe); printf("\n ADD ANOTHER BOOK: "); fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } break; /*case '2': rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recize,1,fp)==1) printf("\n %s %d",,; puts(; printf("\t\b,"); printf("%d",e.age); printf("\t\b,"); printf("%d",; printf("\t\b,"); puts(e.address); break;*/ case '2':

another='Y'; while(another=='Y'|| another=='y') { printf("\n Enter name of the book to modify:"); gets(empname); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e1,recize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname)==0) { //fe=fopen("BOOKMOD.TXT","a+"); printf("\n Enter new book name: "); gets(; //fputs(empname,fe); //fputs("---modified as---",fe); //fputs(,fe); printf("\n Enter new rack id: "); scanf("%d",; /*printf("\n Enter new ID: "); scanf("%d",; printf("\n Enter new address: "); gets(e.address); printf(""); scanf("%d",a);*/ } } printf("\n\n Modify another record: "); fflush(stdin); //fclose(fe); another=getche(); } break; case '3': another='y'; while(another=='y'|| another=='Y') { printf("\n Enter book name to ISSUE: "); gets(empname); ft=fopen("TEMP1.DAT","wb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e1,recize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname)!=0) fwrite(&e1,recize,1,ft); } fclose(fp); fclose(ft);

remove("EMP1.DAT"); rename("TEMP1.DAT","EMP1.DAT"); fp=fopen("EMP1.DAT","rb+"); printf("\n ISSUE another book: "); fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } break; case '4': fclose(fp); goto beg; } } } } //WRITE TO FILE #include<stdio.h> #include main() { FILE *fp; char s[80]; clrscr(); fp=fopen("POEM.TXT","w"); if(fp==NULL) { puts("canot open the file"); exit(); } printf("\nEnter name:"); gets(s); while(strlen(get(s))>0); { fputs(s,fp); fputs("\n",fp); } fclose(fp); getch(); return 0; } /*program to append the usage of SPRINTF AND SSCANF*/ #include<stdio.h>

#include main() { { int i=10 ; char ch='A'; float a=3.14; char str[20]; clrscr(); printf("\n%d%c%f",i,ch,a); sprintf(str,"%d%c%f",i,ch,a); /*it store the information in the array str*/ printf("\n%s",str); /*prints the array in the str*/ getch(); return 0; } /*illustrates the working of puts() and gets()*/ #include<stdio.h> #include main() { char f[40]; clrscr(); puts("enter name: "); gets(f); puts("HAPPY FOOTBALLING"); puts(f); getch(); return 0; } /*illustrates the working of putchar(),putch(),fputchar()*/ #include<stdio.h> #include main() { char ch='A'; putch(ch); putchar(ch); fputchar(ch); putch('Z'); putchar('z'); fputchar('z'); return 0; }

/*illustrates the usage of the functions getch(),getche(), fgetchar(),getchar()*/ #include<stdio.h> #include main() { char ch; printf("\n enter any key to continue:"); getch(); printf("\n enter any character"); /*no need of enter 4 goin 2 the next row*/ ch=getche(); printf("\n type the character"); getchar(); printf("\n continue"); fgetchar(); return 0; }

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