Programme: Mba Course: Behavioural Science Name Of Faculty: Prof. (col.) A.k.rajpal

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Download & View Programme: Mba Course: Behavioural Science Name Of Faculty: Prof. (col.) A.k.rajpal as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 421
  • Pages: 8
Amity Business School


Amity Business School

UNIT - IV BUILDING INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (Stephen Covey Model of Interdependence)

• As we develop these Competencies (related to self, others and tasks) at the work place, we move progressively on a maturity continuum from ‘Dependence’ to ‘Independence’ to ‘Interdependence’.

Amity Business School

DEPENDENCE •On the maturity continuum, ‘dependence is the paradigm of ‘you’. You take care of me You come through for me You didn’t come through I blame you for the results

Amity Business School

•In others words, dependent people need others to get what they want :•If Physically Dependent •If Emotionally Dependent •If Intellectually Dependent •However, there is no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour.

Amity Business School

INDEPENDENCE •Independence is the paradigm of ‘I’:I can do it.  I am self reliant

 I m responsible  I can choose

Amity Business School

•If I were physically independent, I could pretty well make in on my own. •Mentally, I could think my own thoughts. Emotionally, I would be validated from within. I would be inner directed and my sense of worth would not be a function of being liked or treated well. •But, much of our current emphasis on independence is a reaction to dependence – to having others control us, use us and manipulate us.

Amity Business School

INTERDEPENDENCE •As we continue to grow and mature, we become increasingly aware that all of nature is interdependent, that there is an ecological system that governs nature, including society.

•Interdependence is the paradigm of ‘we’ :•We can do it. •We can cooperate. •We can combine our talents and ability. •We can create something greater together.

Amity Business School

•Life is by nature, highly interdependent. To try to achieve maximum effectiveness through independence is like playing tennis with golf club – the tool is not suited to the reality. •Interdependence, therefore, is far more mature, more advanced concept. •Interdependence is a choice only independent people can make. Dependent people can not choose to become interdependent. They don’t have character to do it. They don’t know enough of themselves. As a part of an interdependent world, you have to relate to that world everyday. In the seven habits paradigm, the habit envisaging all factors (sharpen your skill) is the habit of continuous improvement which creates upward spiral growth that lifts you to new levels of understanding and on a progressively higher plane.

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