Program -- Kakkampi Forum 01 (21 April 2002)

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  • Words: 809
  • Pages: 4
Karapatan at Kaunlaran ng Migranteng Manggagawa KAKKAMPI Migrant resource handbook Know your rights Unlad Kabayan workshop KAKKAMPI Computer learning center Film Showing

Unlad Kabayan

Migrants Rights In te r n a tion a l

21 April 2002 from 13:00 h World Council of Churches Open house 150 Rte. De Ferney, Geneva

K a p a t i r a n p a r a s a K a u n l a r a n a t K a r ap a t a n

n g M an g g ag a w an g P i l i p i n o s a I b a y o n g d ag a t

For more information, contact: KAKKAMPI tel: +41 76 522 7161

Kaunlaran at Karapatan ng mga Migranteng Manggagawa Program Opening remarks Dennis de Guzman on KAKKAMPI Genevieve Gencianos on Migrants Rights International Lily Angelical on Babaylan and other Filipino groups in Switzerland Film showing Jean-Pierre Garbade on Know your rights May-an Villalba on Unlad Kabayan Question and Answer Merienda

KAKKAMPI Also known as Kapatiran para sa Karapatan at Kaunlaran ng mga Manggagaw ang Pilipino sa Ibayong dagat is an association of Filipino migrant workers based in Geneva advocating for the rights and welfare of migrant workers through netw orking with relevant NGOs and institutions, lobbying and organising. We also aim to empower migrant workers through education, training and other activities. Gather and disseminate, through forums and publications, information that promote the rights of migrants and uplift their economic status. KAKKAMPI is also working for the democratization of information technology by organiz ing computer learning centres that of fer free computer classes and w orkshops with access to on-the-job training with partner organizations.

Unlad Kabayan established in 1994 as a program of the Asian Migrant Center (AMC), a non-government or ganization based in Hong Kong . After years of or ganiz ing migrant workers and providing various ser vices to help them cope with their pr oblems, the AMC decided that the long ter m solution to migration is savings mobilization, building of savings associations among migrant w orkers and alter native investments at home. This “r e-integration” scheme was seen as a means to prepar e migrant workers for their eventual retur n to their countries and at the same time to help create small enter prises at home. With the projected establishment of enterprises at home the migrant w orkers help cr eate new jobs for their families and communities and even for themselves in case overseas employment is terminated suddenly. The pr ogram was set up in the Philippines in 1996 and has become a model for other labor sending countries in Asia to bring home their migrants with dignity, and as early as possible, so as to reduce the hazards they may be exposed to overseas.

Migrants Rights International is the independent global monitoring body focusing on human rights of migrants, founded in Cairo in 1994. Its pur poses are to promote recognition and respect for the rights of all migrants; to advocate for ratification of the 1990 Inter national Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families; and to facilitate work of and cooperation among migrant associations, NGOs and international or ganizations.

Geneva Forum for Philippine Concerns aims to build awareness on Philippine issues and concer ns especially those which affect disadvantaged gr oups. It seeks to cr eate linkages among individuals and groups with similar concerns and to generate support in Switzerland for these issues and concer ns.

Know your Rights a Legal Guide for Household-Emplo yees in Switzerland is a definitive reference for anyone seeking answ er to questions about employment in most households in Switz erland. The book patiently explain in simple English and in non legal language to the extent possible, the natur e of household employment contracts,minimum salar y-rates, overtime pay, days of f medical insurance, social security, children allowance and other entitlements, work permits, unjust and valid terminations, employment in diplomatic households. and other important information on household employment never before available -in one convenient volume. Probably the first book or manual of its kind, “ Your Rights” is a simple but authoritative guide that may be used not only by domestic workers, but also by employers, jurists, students and academicians,gover nment authorities, international or ganisations, migrants rights ad vocates and basically any person,r egardless of nationality or status, who may wish to be informed -of the .rights, as w ell as the obligations or household employment in Switzer land Know y our Rights was written by Jean-Pierre Garbade, a noted lawyer and human rights advocate and in collaboration with Gene va Forum f or Philippine Concerns.

special thanks to

Chez Boubou Boulangerie Patisserie

28 Rue Jean-Violette 1205 Geneva Tel.: +41 22 320 60 38

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