Profound And Deep Vol 2

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Profound and Deep #2 (1989) One for Communication The World Heavyweight Title Fight Beverley Wet Grey Sunday From my Window An Overall Liberation A Found Set of Encyclopaedias A Science Fiction Minimal Thought The Author A Paean to Golden Showers Short Speech for a Fuck Content Description of a TV Program Mark's Testimony Suburban Terrorist For People With a Literary Bent Cutting Edge Not Talking ? Long Term Relationship Blues in the Suburbs A Plot to Just Another Movie The Naked Clown #2 Why / Here I Am A Book on Adolf I Am a Bad Woman Dancing Not Rapping Prophecy Second Marriage Ceremony Alcoholism #2 Torture of Kind Meditation in a Time of Marital Stress Limitations of the Almighty Like I Don't Believe Events in Order The African Elephant Getting Older With a Groucho Philosophy Graffiti Doubt An Attempt At Last Will & Investment Detached Commentary on Commentary


Reader's Indigestion None Such None Miscomprehension A Visiting Literary Germ Definition by Definition Nature's Way Love During a War Time Seduction of a Housewife Madonna Smith Divine Commentary The Holocaust Carnival Indemnities Public Telephone Eavesdrop It Was My Weakness Self-Deprecation Private Hotels Love / Commercial Networks Product of the Moon Wishing / Not Wanting Insulation Obvious Gonads Bad Luck, Bad Stars Suggestion An Apple Just Fell From a Tree Emotional Blackmail Betrayal Railway Play I Spent Most of Yesterday A Postscript of Extraordinary Behaviour I Hear the Siren There are Two Photos Brian Henderson's Professionalism If I Describe the Truth The Latest News Suicide for a Shopping Centre The Living Dead A Sketch of Me by My Daughter Apparition in a Social Club A Da Vinci Reproduction Nocturne Immigrant Sons New House A Modern Art You ( A Death Threat) Answer To a Pop Cliché Video Release Religious Feeling Justification Beware of the Falling Talking Heads Video Arsehole Returns A Philosophy Mila's Right Just Plain Tired A Hope Less Parody The Spirit Safety Farce



God, The Invisible Rabbit's Foot Length Contact Fascism Statistics And/or Crime Forgiveness Problems Finished Video Clip Spiral 17 November 1993 If

PROFOUND AND DEEP #2 In the rain there wasn't a dry eye in the house but a punchline to cater for all. Jan89

ONE FOR COMMUNICATION Standing here naked thinking of you I wonder would the telephone do. Feb89

THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE FIGHT They've come to the t.v. bar to see the bruising of fame and flesh the spilling of colourized blood. ( Y'see the cut over his left eye the pisspot to his girlfriend said ). It's a waste of airwaves and electricity I complain and the loser gets at least a coupla million dollars.

If that's losing I would want to win. If that's losing we should all be rich and fabulously wealthy. 3apr89

BEVERLEY This afternoon driving in the wet I thought of you a near one of ten years ago. I used to curse each bus that did not bring you and then curse myself for cursing buses. Shit. What a lot of water and two children under the bridge. since then. 1apr89

WET GREY SUNDAY FROM MY WINDOW The raindrops gently hinting bring the whole leafy frond closer to the ground with the weight of a single life dripping to die from each tip touching then to the ground to disappear and live. 3 apr89

AN OVERALL LIBERATION It's great to be one of those who don't have

to sit down to pass. But other times it's not. 11apr89

A FOUND SET OF ENCYLOPAEDIAS They say nothing of one in every house of autos as economic necessities ( and not yet environmental disasters) Hitler's only a minor menace and there's to be no more world war. Eight volumes of nostalgia bound to come undone in a leathered antiquity. 16apr89

A SCIENCE FICTION In the outer reaches of Proximity light years away from Belief there's a breed smarter than us ( it's hard not to believe !) not only smarter but superior in every which way but loose for we are the loosest bowels in the bowels of the Universe. But that's not the whole point. The whole point is something else. And that means nothing at all. The intent is obvious. The result is dubious. We are all, at one Time or another, inmates of the Prison for the Criminally Deaf and Dumb. 18apr89


I think the less I have to say you see while the more you have the less you think to see I think. 14may89

THE AUTHOR One day people will write stuff about him - maybe even true things but somehow I have his doubts he said self-mockingly. 30may89

A PAEAN TO GOLDEN SHOWERS 1. The neurones or the moods go and I could never write those poems again. 2. I piss on women. Women piss on me. Billions piss in oceans but I do not. 23jun89

SHORT SPEECH FOR A FUCK Where is the love ? That's the song. And the sentiment.

Now, whistle the tune. 24jun89

CONTENT DESCRIPTION OF A TV PROGRAM GENERAL PRACTICE : Drama/Comedy. Featuring various actors. A woman is torn between the conflicting demands of her sick father, fiancee and career. 24jun89

MARK'S TESTIMONY He was surprised he said as how well I worked. I'm as good as the next man I said to defend myself. Yes, he said, but usually the next man's no good. 27jun89

SUBURBAN TERRORIST I'd like to see this shopping centre awash with the blood of hardware men and butchers. On television, I mean. Nothing too personal. 23jul89

FOR PEOPLE WITH A LITERARY BENT The bedraggled remnants of James Joyce are a joke to begin with. And so on.

It's a REAL life out there and songs and poems rarely compare. It's like a country and western movie but the sountrack's something else. 2aug89

CUTTING EDGE Power, Mao said, came from the barrel of a gun but we can still see blood and know who was wrong. Give me a simple pair of snips we'll edit this film and do more damage than a cannon. 21aug89

NOT TALKING ? I know you use the English language. Why not do it with me ? 21aug89

LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Was. Not was. I still love you Any way. Even though I never have had

you. Till when? 22aug89

BLUES IN THE SUBURBS I always thought I'd die putting out the flames. It's more likely now I'll not put out but peg out putting out the clothes. 25aug89

A PLOT TO JUST ANOTHER MOVIE This big woman with great tits turns up claiming to be The Wifethat is, the one the audience knows that has just passed away. Unlike most movies watched by the herd where the appearance is protested the good husband says not a word. For this the man is quite detested. 2sep89

THE NAKED CLOWN #2 When I stop to consider you can only laugh. 2sep89 WHY/ HERE I AM Bereft in a world of Robinson Crusoes. Adrift in a world of mercury. Barefoot in a world of rhythm and blues. Genuinely pretending not to be scared or alone.


A BOOK ON ADOLF It must be an intellectual one it has not pictures and draws no easy conclusions. 6feb90

I AM A BAD WOMAN She sat in the main stream in the main street with her indifference to the wall and her back to the Big Town with a sign about her neck saying I Am a Bad Woman ( she'd read this in a book ) If she was aware of anything she knew she was oblivious to the Oblivion. 1apr90

DANCING NOT RAPPING ( a poem pinched from a book title) Eyeless in Gaza an Appointment in Samara poinlessness in modern art blind drunk in Australia eyeless and legless yes but listen to the beat. 2apr90


I said yesterday it wasn't for tomorrow we'd have nothing to speak of today. 21apr90

SECOND MARRIAGE CEREMONY It was so beautiful but knowing what was to come made me want to laugh. 28apr90

ALCOHOLISM #2 Last night I spent the night with twelve or so brown mates. All those elbow ribs and smiles, those well-constructed lies. This morning I woke up alone. 1jun90

TORTURE OF KIND 1.When the Pain Is When the pain is, nothing else exists. I can't hear anything you say. I can't hear you. 2. And Nothing Else Matters These serious faced and sexual men are apt to do what they want to do and if you allow them they usually will.


MEDITATION IN A TIME OF MARITAL STRESS Already this house is feeling strange to me. I look through too all the cupboards where my things do not belong. 29jun90

LIMITATIONS OF THE ALMIGHTY Yeah, sure. God is omniscient. God is omnipotent. But. But not even Supeman can be in two places at once. Omnipresent, my arse. If He's not on drugs he really should be. Know-all bastard. 13jul90

LIKE I DON'T BELIEVE Like I don't believe in the image of God as an uptight dickhead. He's probably a good Bloke who figures if it's human to err it Godly to earthquake, flood, create Woman and motor cars. Yeah, sure. 13jul90


1. Forty Years of Age I don't feel it not even in the rain. I feel like an adolescent spraying his ignorance on a passing train. 2. Passing About the same week 50,000 Iranians died so did my mother too. Her own personal earthquake. One became history. The other did not. 13jul90

THE AFRICAN ELEPHANT The ears are bigger or they are smaller whichever it is I can't remember. I before He except after She. You could learn a lot about the African elephant by not going to school at all. Crushed mice under post-Mastodons have failed to learn their history. Apart from anything else these animals are ! Unrelated statements & sweeping facts are surely signs of the times. 26aug90

GETTING OLDER WITH A GROUCHO PHILOSOPHY A long time ago there used to be a person that I could call me. That person exists no longer.

Shorter maybe but no longer. You can blame her and the children. I usually do. 5oct90

GRAFFITI DOUBT I sometimes think that God is Not. 28oct90

AN ATTEMPT AT The shortest distance between now and when I was born was not a straight line. I beg to differ and plead to be different. 28oct90

LAST WILL & INVESTMENT So now both parents have slipped the Earth and still I've nothing to show maybe a few old black and whites but definitely none of the green stuff.

This poem : it's all I have claimed not to be. 2nov90

DETACHED You can have he said with I can sit in drink in the

your career, a sneer, this bar and public air. 8nov90

COMMENTARY ON COMMENTARY A fine philosopher and a foul-mouthed bastard. I seem to suit this century all the time. All the way. All the same. 11nov90

READER'S INDIGESTION If If , as some sage would have it is the middle word in Life then Eat is the middle word in Death. And we all know what that means. 15nov90

NONE SUCH NONE None of what I say is meant to be taken literally but it has been taken down and used it against me. 14dec90

MISCOMPREHENSION I wrote too once a poem that was as misconstrued as making sense. 14dec90

A VISITING LITERARY GERM This Chinese guy said that after Beckett literature had hit a wall. I had to agree but it's really great punctuation. 14dec90

DEFINITION BY DEFINITION A lesbian, I said at some party, is someone who understands men. It went straight over most of their legs. 24dec90

NATURE'S WAY Like a lovesick schoolboy I approach this season Like a seasoned traveller I approach the schoolboy blushing like I never have before blushing like I never might again It's a constant wonder how the seasons change.


LOVE DURING A WAR TIME Let's be sensible and hold our secret in a public place. No one will notice just how far we went. 6apr91

SEDUCTION OF A HOUSEWIFE It was easy because I didn't. I treated her like a human being and I touched her. 20apr91

MADONNA SMITH Most people wouldn't think butter melts in her mouth but I'm glad to say it does. 22apr91

DIVINE COMMENTARY ( AN INSURANCE CLAUSE) Struck by lightning quite by accident. No one's fault. So take the blame. 27apr91

THE HOLOCAUST CARNIVAL ( from Dachau to Dili) History is lies you tell yourself but at one time it was fleshed out and your bloodiness, ruled and cancelled, could never conceal could never excuse the genocide of one. 21may91

INDEMNITIES I keep all my secrets written down in poems. The wife never reads them. I'd have to twist her arm. This woman, this secret woman, keeps too these poems where her husband never looks on her side of the bed. may91

PUBLIC TELEPHONE EAVESDROP As I passed the booth he said he was sorry about last night. Whatever that meant to him meant a thousand things to me and then something different to the person on the other end of the person in the booth. 31may91 IT WAS MY WEAKNESS It was my weakness on the telephone

that got us caught. It's one way to communicate. Another to contaminate. July 91

SELF-DEPRECATION I said I'd take her down to the car and she said she'd be alright. If you were alright I replied you wouldn't be here with me. 25aug91

PRIVATE HOTELS "It's not depressing. It's a simple statement of fact

which is comical, more often than not."

G. F. "He had known since the age of nine that essentially

he was alone, a conclusion more common to the

forties. " Now, in his forties, he was seized by a fantasy life of

with the brilliance and freshness and immediacy childhood. It took him one step beyond Alone." Thomas Harris, Red Dragon

1. It's not depressing. In these rooms for rent we all have our problems, copulate at different times

and sleep spent when we no longer rage. Most of us are alone, lucky not to be dead. What more can be said ? 2. There are eleven geniuses living here, trying to outwit each other, and succeeding only in making fools of themselves. Stupid arseholes. 3. All this large information feeds into these tiny rooms. What to do with it all ? We'd all like to know. Or subject it to trivia. 4. For something to do I vacuum the floors and polish the knobs on doors. No, of course I don't. I live with the dust and the detriment. 5. Those who live alone and not together are on strange breeding grounds. Sometimes they never ask their friends around. 6. If your marriage is lonely anyway, come to join us. Become unbruised. Face the past. Reply to the future Live with the worst person in the world. You guessed it. You stuffed it. 7. I like living at this roundabout. It does go round in circles but it does make sense. 8 In these rooms for rent we all have our problems.

Without them we'd..... be someplace else. It's a simple statement of fact. 9. A private hotel is something only you can occupy. To think you know how another feels is a wishful thought. 21aug/sep91



1. They're comforting facts but I cannot relax. I try to rebel. I cannot buy what they pretend to sell. I guess I could never believe in a life-time guarantee. 2. By the light of this t.v. all I can grab are the sins of my foreskin and some demographic demon. 11sep91

PRODUCT OF THE MOON Awake now at 1 or 2am I hope to see things in a different moonlight than I do by the day. A certain brand of lunacy and a kind of luxury. 16sep91



Across the road from a convent I'm sitting almost naked in a chair with the light on.

I've yet to receive a congratulatory telegram or a visit from the other police. 16sep91

INSULATION Like a motion picture character to protect himself from devils to protect himself from himself he plasters his walls with Bible pages assorted crucifixes and mumbo jumbo. Lengths of literature line my room, there's a Tchaikovsky record cover and a genuine copy of the Mona Lisa. I hope it works. 16sep91

OBVIOUS A dead body is just that. An act of mercy is much the same. Play dead. And roll over. That's a bit radical. Vote Conservative instead 12sep91 GONADS The penis is an amazing piece of technology. It will stand when all around it don't want it to. In the wrong hands it can become a cunt. Dear God. Or a gun. 22sep91

BAD LUCK, BAD STARS Somehow, on the way, a paid pallbearer got lost. I had to carry my mother to the grave. Typical. Of her life. Nothing went right. Or left. That too. Like a bad joke. 28sep91

SUGGESTION ( On putting some flowers under a windscreen wiper ) If you can't take these flowers home it doesn't matter because you can't take me there either. The backseat of your car will do. 3oct91

AN APPLE JUST FELL FROM A TREE As sympathetic as I was an Arab spokesman got it right the other night ( on t.v. of all places!) All the Jews want to talk about is History. They've not renewed their subscription to Time. 3oct91


If you come to me I'll give up drinking and I won't commit suicide whichever comes first if it's the latter you'll follow me so, what good would that do because I don't believe we'd be together anyway but alive. 3oct91

BETRAYAL Like an exchange of bullets a smile still seems, suddenly. to be the safest way to kill. Yep. She's staying with her husband through every fault of her own. It's a constant wonder how the seasons change. 6oct91

RAILWAY PLAY Unlike my life this artery into the city knows it size by history, fact and clickety-clack. 6oct91

I SPENT YESTERDAY ( specifically addressed to an ex-wife) I spent most of yesterday

how I want to be bone naked. If you must know the truth (which you don't normally) I never could have done it at home. Or anywhere else for that matter to silence your criticism. 6oct91

A POSTSCRIPT OF EXTRAORDINARY BEHAVIOUR I know I missed you one night, my vision impaired, but tonight so much I needed to see you still my teeth gripped the window sill and I could have cried if I wished enough inside. 11oct91

I HEAR THE SIREN I hear the siren and then I think who gives a fuck ? If it's the police if it's the firemen if it's the ambulance who gives a fuck ? It's city muzak. Unless it's reported in the Daily Tabloid we won't be shocked. Couldn't give a fuck. 13oct91

THERE ARE TWO PHOTOS There are two photos in my room of Michael. One, where he's a baby and as happy as Larry

and then, another one, when he four or so and showing his doubt. God blessed him. God bless him. And the rest of us. 23oct91

BRIAN HENDERSON'S PROFESSIONIALISM Brian Henderson's professionalism was so great, great, great that his Vietnam War tone was the same one he used in a street corner accident that held up Sydney traffic for two or three hours and inconvenienced Sydney commuters. Journalistic subjectivity has always given me the news. And the shits. 31oct91

IF I DESCRIBE THE TRUTH If I describe the truth how we were to a group of women which is what you do it's romantic If I tell a bunch of blokes which is what you do it's pornographic It was neither and yet it was both because it's what we did. 2nov91


All the boys down the stairs coming in white robes out of the church and one carrying a golden cross and then the senior in a green robe as the pigs go by their sirens screaming. It has no meaning. It just happened. It was an accident I caught from my window. Last Saturday afternoon and I was half-pissed. What do you make of that? It'll never be on t.v. but it was news to me . 2nov91

SUICIDE FOR A SHOPPING CENTRE Boom Bang Boom Bang Boom Bang rattattattatt for I think I do not have a gun. 9nov91

THE LIVING DEAD Outside the Hilton Hotel where the garbos died someone will one day unscrew the plaque for the price of the brass and ask will it make any difference and be answered with a rifle shot.


A SKETCH OF ME BY MY DAUGHTER Somehow she's got me with a smile but then still looking grim a bit like the him I do not want to reconcile. 7dec91 APPARITION IN A SOCIAL CLUB In walks my mother the ghost of herself but no, it's not. it's somebody else. On the street when I left there I was beside myself, inside. 19dec91


head on the pillow face soft from sex looks like the painting face is the picture of. 22jan92

NOCTURNE 1. Night Passage Lying awake in the dark there's a monster taking shape in the form of something I fear. 2. Night Mirror

Something I fear in the form of taking shape there's a monster in the dark lying awake. 2feb92 IMMIGRANT SONS Leaving home and screeching in their cars they leave rubber like they seen on that video. They're not poor. They're not pathetic. The poor, pathetic bastards. 21feb92

NEW HOUSE And here there is nothing to remind you of the past but every thing. 21mar92

A MODERN ART ( after seeing a doco on John Cage) If you've made sense of this century you've been lucky and

WRONG!!! and if you've made sense of any other century you've been unlucky enough to have lived that long. 22mar92

YOU ( A DEATH THREAT ) You trivialise everything by putting it on video and then repeating it over and over again and then again in slo mo and reverse one day I'd like to get my repeater and trvialize you. 17apr92

ANSWER TO A POP CLICHE Why be alone when we can be apart ? 18apr92

VIDEO RELEASE There is humour somewhere in the uni verse But God doesn't think It's funny 19apr92

RELIGIOUS FEELINGS ( a service at St.Mary's) As the man swung the gold cup filled with smoke the room filled with architecture of the past and then the next and tells again a story that he's told before every easterpunchline remains ever the same in the middle of smoke, though, a feeling of gold. 3may92

JUSTIFICATION It's not that I need you physically. It's just that I need you for fuck's sake! 11oct92


It's near the end of a precipice, a long/short weekend. To catch me you'll have to use up your whole three hands, 2nov92

TALKING HEADS VIDEO Beneath that kimono black and white she just isn't naked she simply isn't there. 7nov92

ARSEHOLE RETURNS In answer to anyone who asks me how I stuffed my relation ships I just reply totally rectum. 8nov92

A PHILOSOPHY Nothing ever just happens. Nor is anything related. 8nov92

MILA'S RIGHT Mila's right. Sex, death and god are easy questions. Who's turn to wash up and where the spoons go are the difficult ones.


JUST PLAIN TIRED If video could replace real life who would notice the difference ? Who would care ? 8nov92 A HOPE LESS PARODY I am an old man, still. I have no other fantasy. Why can't I breast feed children in the park ? 5dec92

THE SPIRIT Christmas comes but once a year is not enough. 19dec92

SAFETY FARCE In a sterile world of contraceptives & condoms seat belts & restraints we still ( have to ) impregnate windscreens now and then.

of condoms & seat belts


GOD, THE INVISIBLE RABBIT'S FOOT So Thus so far have we believed in him. End of sentence. 13feb93

LENGTH ( for Rex) Is something only pricks worry about and thyme for people with time, and nothing else. 6mar93

CONTACT Somewhere in the darkness in the middle of the brightness of the gaudy Royal Easter Show I put my one sensitive finger on the softest part in the whole hard place and you respond, get moist somewhere in the darkness. 9mar93 FASCISM Appeals. It's not the timetable to end chaos the gun, the haircut or evolution into holocaust it's the bloody uniform. Of course.


STATISTICS AND/OR CRIME A dangerous event is something that occurs after a very brief storm or a quiet thunder taken down by a newsman, multiplied by an algebra-in. 21mar93 FORGIVENESS We all forgive the drunks among us but not the ones who kill our sons or wound our daughters we love movie drunks those video villains who drink neat scotch and never botch the job of killing and the slapstick pisspots whose pratfalls and blues make us laugh about booze as they fall to the ground just as we're conveniently walking past. 17apr93

PROBLEMS I wish there was someone you could talk to to tell them your secrets because no one will ever know ( no one ) not until you die and even then not even then who you love who you can't. 18apr93

FINISHED ( for the umpteenth time) I put our two years into a photo album. One photo only says it all. 8may93

VIDEO CLIP A little girl is running with a flower in her hand in a pop song to save the world but, in reality, she has a bomb strapped to her waist. Some third world people will do anything to get their precious seconds of death and Fame, and video re-runstheir piece of permanent fame. 30may93

SPIRAL I worry that no because do what

about things one else does someone has to no one else does. 19aug93

17 NOVEMBER 1993 I woke this morning and drank some wine I can only hope the rumour is benign I can only hope

the humour is mine. 17nov93

IF If you could educate the masses there's be no need for government. 17nov93

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