Profile Of A Famous Person Side B

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 823
  • Pages: 1
Referring to the past era en el pasado ya desde hace sábado pasado el año pasado hace dos años recientemente antes

it was in the past already since last Saturday last year two years ago recently before

Referring to the future pasado mañana el próximo día quisiera / le gustaría en el futuro la semana que viene el año que viene

the day after tomorrow the next day he/she would like in the future next week next year

Time markers for sequencing Para empezar to start with Antes de nada first of all al principio in the beginning entonces then luego next más tarde later pero ahora but now en seguida immediately al final in the end finalmente finally como ya he dicho as I said después after that hoy today pronto soon un día one day

Coursework 1.1 Profile of a famous person

Verb forms INFINITIVE aprender to learn bailar to dance cantar to sing comprar to buy dar to give empezar to begin escribir to write estudiar to study ganar to win / earn

PRESENT aprende he / she learns baila he / she dances canta he / she sings compra he / she buys da he / she buys empieza he / she begins escribe he / she writes estudia he / she studies gana he / she wins / earns

grabar to record hacer to do / make

graba he / she records hace he / she does / makes

hacerse to become

se hace he / she becomes

ir to go jugar to play pasar to spend (time) poder to be able quedarse to stay / remain

va he / she goes juega he / she plays pasa he / she spends (time) puede he / she can/is able se queda he / she stays/remains

IMPERFECT aprendía he / she used to learn bailaba he / she used to dance cantaba he / she used to sing compraba he / she used to buy daba he / she used to give empezaba he / she used to begin escribía he / she used to write estudiaba he / she used to study ganaba he /she used to win/earn grababa he / she used to record hacía he /she used to do/make se hacía he / she used to become iba he / she used to go jugaba he / she used to play pasaba he / she used to spend podía he / she could se quedaba he / she used to stay

salir to leave ser to be tener to have terminar to finish tomar to take trabajar to work viajar to travel visitar to visit

sale he / she leaves/quits es he / she is tiene he / she has termina he / she finishes toma he / she takes trabaja he / she works viaja he / she travels visita he / she visits

salía he / she used to leave era he / she used to be tenía he / she used to have terminaba he / she used to finish tomaba he / she used to take trabajaba he / she used to work viajaba he / she used to travel visitaba he / she used to visit

PRETERITE aprendió he / she learnt bailó he / she danced cantó he / she sang compró he / she bought dio he / she gave empezó he / she begun escribió he / she wrote estudió he / she studied ganó he / she won / earned

FUTURE aprenderá he / she will learn bailará he / she will dance cantará he / she will sing comprará he / she will buy dará he / she will give empezará he / she will begin escribirá he / she will write estudiará he / she will study ganará he / she will win/earn

grabó he / she recorded hizo he / she did/made

grabará he / she will record hará he / she will do / make

se hizo he / she became

se hará he / she will become

fue he / she went jugó he / she played pasó he / she spent pudo he / she could se quedó he /she stayed/remained salió he / she left/quit fue he / she was tuvo he / she had terminó he / she finished tomó he / she took trabajó he / she worked viajó he / she travelled visitó he / she visited

irá he / she will go jugará he / she will play pasará he / she will spend podrá he / she will be able se quedará he / she will stay/remain saldrá he / she will leave/quit será he / she will be tendrá he / she will have terminará he / she will finish tomará he / she will take trabajará he / she will work viajará he / she will travel visitará he / she will visit

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