Professional Growth Plan

  • May 2020
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Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

PSIII PROFESSIONAL GOAL #1: Use classroom management strategies to create a classroom atmosphere that is safe and inviting for all of my students. TQS #4: Establishing Inclusive Learning Environment; a teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe. Rationale (Within the context of intern environment)

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I want all of my students to feel safe and comfortable in order to learn. I want to utilize the routine and strategies that are already in place, as well as come up with my own. I want my students to respect and respond to me, even though I am a new teacher in their classroom I want my classroom to generally be a calm space, so my students can hear me and I don’t have to raise my voice above a certain level.

Strategies (used throughout to achieve goal)

Discuss strategies with my mentor teacher, how I can implement her strategies properly so students feel comfortable and can expect consistency between my mentor teacher and myself. Make concise decisions regarding discipline, even when it makes me the bad guy. Research and ask other teachers for suggestions of classroom managements techniques. Use my own strategies with different students, since one strategy might work for one, but not another. Request my mentor teacher observe my classroom management techniques and offer suggestions on areas of improvement.

Resources (used throughout to achieve goal)

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Indicators of

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Mentor Teacher Administrator Attention grabbers such as clapping, counting to five, asking for eyes, “hands on top”, “Flat tire…shhhh”, whistle for gym. Mediation and relaxation breaks. Mindfulness within the classroom Brain Breaks – Just Dance videos, Go Noodle videos. Students respect my authority in the classroom.

Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

Progress (throughout practicum) Timeline (January 7th – April 18th, 2019)

Reflection (at the end of practicum)

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The noise level remains manageable throughout activities. Rules are automatically followed. My Mentor Teacher acknowledges my management techniques as effective. Students look for my guidance even when my Mentor Teacher is in the classroom. Become familiar with the current routine and climate of the classroom – January. Introduce my own strategies to ensure classroom climate is a climate I can comfortably teach in and my students can learn in – January.  Consult my Mentor Teacher with her observation of my classroom management strategies and anything I can improve on – Ongoing.  Request my Admin and UC to observe my classroom management strategies and get their feedback – Ongoing.  Reflect on my strategies daily – Ongoing.  Feel in control and comfortable running the daily classroom. – April I feel as though I successful met, and achieved this goal! Within the classroom the students were able to look up to me as an authority figure. I was able to maintain a comfortable balance of authority that was both fun, yet assertive. I was able to ensure the classroom was a safe and comfortable space for my students. That everyone felt included and safe to be who he or she wanted to be. I always tried to make my students feel as though they are always accepted within every avenue of learning. I had incorporated various different movement breaks to help break up the day, which included yoga, mindfulness activities and dance breaks. The students enjoyed these very much! I also used a variety of attention getters to help maintain management within the room. A positivity punch card was implemented halfway through my internship as well. Students responded very will to that, and it encouraged positive behaviour! My Mentor Teacher and Admin came in and observed many different times. They were able to see improvement and growth within my classroom management. Often times continually giving me advice on how to better my skills, which I always took graciously.

Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

PSIII PROFESSIONAL GOAL #2: Increase student literacy within all subject areas, outside of English Language Arts. Creating a more cross-curricular structured classroom. TQS #3: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge; a teacher applies a current repertoire of effective planning, instruction and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student Rationale (Within the context of intern environment)

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I want to include more literature into various subjects I want students realize reading can in-cooperated throughout all aspects of school I want to utilize more of a structure within my classroom time that allows for this to be included. I want to have more written assignments in lessons such as math & science

Strategies (used throughout to achieve goal)

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Discuss strategies with my mentor teacher, how I can implement her strategies of English Language Arts properly so students feel comfortable and can expect consistency between my mentor teacher and myself. Make concise decisions regarding how much literacy I will include within my daily classes. Research and ask other teachers for suggestions of literacy inclusion techniques. Use my own strategies with different students, since one strategy might work for one, but not another. Request my mentor teacher observe my techniques and offer suggestions on areas of improvement.

Resources (used throughout to achieve goal)

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Mentor Teacher Administrator Picture books Audio books Videos Large posters Chart paper Students begin to understand the importance of including literacy.

Indicators of

Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

Progress (throughout practicum) Timeline (January 7th – April 18th, 2019)

Reflection (at the end of practicum)

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I am planning with the idea of cross-curricular outcomes in mind. Each lesson has & meets outcomes for various subjects. The notion of a cross-curricular classroom becomes a natural within my teaching. Become familiar with the current curriculum within grade 2– January. Introduce my own strategies to ensure classroom has a natural flow for students to being to settle in – January.  Consult my Mentor Teacher on her ideas of how to complete and meet this goal – Ongoing.  Request my Admin and UC to observe lessons and get their feedback – Ongoing.  Reflect on my strategies daily – Ongoing.  Math & Science lesson plans include curricular outcomes for both English and/or Social Studies – February  Planning is demonstrating multiple curricular outcomes within each lesson. – April At the beginning of my internship, I had anticipated this to be one of the more challenging goals to successfully meet. However once I got going and really put my focus into cross-curricular literacy, it became quite easy and I was able to successfully meet this goal! I really strived to incorporate literacy into my math and science classes. I would always begin my afternoon with story time. Each story would be related to the math or science topic we were currently studying. The students appreciated this, as it was a calm way to ease in new topics and new ideas. I was able to incorporate other literacy aspects within my lessons. Our school participated in a 1 District 1 Book endeavour. This provided me with the ability to incorporate math (measurement), science (nature) and literacy into one cross-curricular lesson.

Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

PSIII PROFESSIONAL GOAL #3: Have a better understanding of how to accurately and appropriately assess student’s summatively in all subject areas. TQS #3: Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge; a teacher applies a current repertoire of effective planning, instruction and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student Rationale (within the context of intern environment)

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Strategies (used throughout to achieve goal)

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Resources (used throughout to achieve goal)

I want to have solid evidence of student achievement for report cards I want to have solid evidence of student achievement to demonstrate for parents I want to have a good understanding at the end of a unit what information the students have taken away from the lessons taught. I want to ensure that the GLO’s and SLO’s have all been effectively met for each unit taught. Create checkbric’s for each unit prior to beginning the unit Have frequent check-ins with students via conversational observations Communication with Teacher Mentor and Admin about effective summative assessment Record summative student assessment in a grade book (online) to keep track of assessments Research effective summative assessment strategies and ideas. Mentor Teacher Administrator Learn Alberta Assessment for Learning

* Will add more when necessary

Indicators of Progress (throughout

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I have assessments planned at the beginning of the unit Students are successful throughout the unit I have demonstrated a proper distribution of formative and summative assessment

Sydney MacRae’s PSIII Professional Goals January 1, 2019

practicum) Timeline (January 7th – April 18th, 2019) Reflection (at the end of practicum)

 I am accurately summatively assessing students on the correct material  I have sufficient summative grading material recorded  Summativly assess students in various subjects through Checkbric once a week – End of January  Introduce self-evaluation form for students as both formative & summative assessment – February  Ensure grade book is kept updated and is well created – Ongoing  Students successfully met the GLO’s and SLO’s covered – April In DIV 1, it can be difficult to effectively assess student’s summativly. In order to do this successfully, I really had to be watching the students at all times. With this, I was able to meet this goal. I assessed my students in many different ways. Majority of assessment was formative, as I would have students complete an activity multiple different ways to allow them to build up their skills. I used class projects, Checkbric’s, and 1-on-1 conferencing as forms of summative assessment for my grade book. During my internship, I was a part of the winter report card period. This helped strengthen my understanding of how to effectively assess my students, and what was required for the report card itself. My Teacher Mentor was a huge help in this area, as she was able to help identify the main areas of focus and how to assess multiple students at once. Incorporating GLO’s and SLO’s within the daily schedule was something I was able to successfully compete as well. I ensured that they were always a part of every lesson, being included in each plan and reflected upon after every lesson as well.

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