Professional Growth Plan

  • May 2020
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Professional Growth Plan Name: Kendra LaRocque School: École Agnes Davisdon Practicum Dates: Jan 7th- Apr 18th, 2019 Teacher Mentor: Patti Abbott School Administrator: Broc Higginson Faculty Mentor: Donna Dalby A. Professional Goals • Goal #1: I will learn about and implement effective classroom management techniques, so that I can foster a caring and understanding learning environment where the student still respects my authority in the classroom. Rationale: Classroom Management is a struggle for most beginning teachers and is something that I struggled with in my previous placements. The TQS calls for teachers to be able to develop a respectful classroom where teachers are still an authoritative presence. I hope to be able to further develop a classroom built on mutual respect. TQS #4: A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe. (f)employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environments; • Goal #2: I will learn about First Nation, Métis and Inuit foundational knowledge, so that I can work to incorporate their understanding into my current practice. Rationale: With the new TQS and the truth and reconciliation call to action, I am hoping to apply more foundational knowledge of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit into subjects that I teach. TQS #5: A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit for the benefit of all students. • Goal #3: I will commence weekly physical activity. Rationale: Teacher burnout is a big issue by making sure to workout once a week I will help to destress. B. Strategies (How I will go about achieving my goals?) • Strategies for addressing Goal #1: Discussions with Teacher Mentor and Administrator, read a classroom management book. • Strategies for addressing Goal #2: Attend weekly Blackfoot language classes at the Galt Museum Thursday 7pm February 7th-April 11th. • Strategies for addressing Goal #3: Attend weekly gym classes, keep a log of my workouts.

C. Indicators of Progress Towards Goals (How I will know when and if I have achieved my goals?) • Indicators of Progress for Goal #1: Presence of less interruptions in class, less need for attention grabbers, evaluations from my Teacher Mentor, Administrator and University Consultant. • Indicators of Progress for Goal #2: Regular attendance at Blackfoot language class and implementation of First Nation, Metis and Inuit foundational knowledge in one subject that I am teaching. • Indicators of Progress for Goal #3: Enrollment in a regular gym class, regular maintenance of gym log. D. Timeline for Completion • All goals will be completed from January to April 2019. E. Summary of Growth and Goals Achieved (Final plan only) Goal #1: I have found that this goal has been a challenge for me. I have not found a good classroom management book to read, however I have had the chance to attend a session on Classroom management offered by the ATA and the specialist councils in the month of March. I have however been able to learn so much in terms of classroom management techniques from observing my mentor teacher, observing other teacher and even discussions will fellow teachers. They have given me countless advice and ideas to try. I have in fact, had the chance to implement some of the techniques that have been suggested. Some of the suggestions have been counting down and individual behaviour charts. In terms of behaviour management, I have o struggles with my tier 1 students. I am still working on addressing my students that fall in tier 2. Current strategies that I have in place is a classroom behaviour chart, individual behaviour charts, I have attention grabbers and reduced work loads and breaks for some of the students in my class. I do feel that I still have room to grow within this area, but I have seen great strides since the start of my internship. The amount of interruptions is down since the beginning of my internship, I also feel more confident in dealing with students that have behaviours that fall in tier 2. I am far from being a well seasoned teacher, that has no interruptions, but I do know that I am making headway. In the time remaining. I am going to still work on adding new strategies to my classroom management repertoire to aid my tier 2 students. I feel that in the next four weeks I will continue to see growth in my management style. Goal #2: I would have to say that I have achieved this goal. I have currently attended all the Blackfoot language classes that have been offered and have come away with a much better understanding of their culture, customs and language. I have not had the chance to implement what I have learned from this class in my lessons, but I do look forward to the opportunities to do so. I am hoping to see if I can introduce some of the words for nice weather in their science unit on Spring. I have also had the chance to teach a lesson on soapstone carving where I brought forth the traditional art that Inuit groups do. I was able to discuss how the Inuit view their animals, as all having their own character and personality. I know that these classes have allowed me to learn in my understanding of first nation, metis and Inuit foundational knowledge. I know that thanks to this class I have been able to correct mistakes I had made when pronouncing their

names and assumptions that I had about the Blackfoot Confederacy. I look forward to the many different opportunities that I will have to apply this knowledge in my own practice. Goal #3: I would have to say that I have achieved this goal. I have not attended every single week, but I have been trying very hard to attend nearly every week. I have found that my weekly yoga classes on Tuesday nights have been a good way to destress and even refocus for the rest of the week. I believe that if I did not take this time for self-care, I would have felt overwhelmed by the work or even just worry about my students. I even feel that I will continue with the weekly yoga classes after the end of my internship, just due to the benefit that I have found from attending the class.

F. Reflections on Professional Growth (Final plan only) At the start of my internship, I knew that there would be the opportunity for professional growth, however, I did not expect to grow and learn so much during my internship. I started going in feeling as though I knew all that I would need to be successful in my practice, however I know now that was not the case and have since been able to learn so much. I knew that I was going to learn a lot about classroom management and First nation, Métis and Inuit foundational knowledge as I made those goals that I was working towards, but I learnt so much more outside of those two areas. I have had the opportunity to gather so many techniques to aid in classroom management and have also learnt so much about the Blackfoot language and culture. The biggest area of growth and learning and one that I that I was not expecting was surrounding teaching reading to emergent readers. I have learnt so much about how students begin to learn to read, how to aid them in their reading and even what signs show that students may be struggling readers. One area, that I feel as though I would have loved to have seen more growth is in my classroom management. I have had a lot of improvement in this area and have developed a large repertoire of classroom management tips and tricks, so I don’t feel as though I have not achieved my goal, but I still feel as though there is room for improvement. I feel that an area that I struggle with the most is with children with behaviour needs, I am starting to gain a better understanding of how to work with them but will need more time to be an expert in this area. I am looking forward to everything else that I can learn in the next four weeks of my internship.

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