Professional Ethics In Human Values

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  • Words: 842
  • Pages: 25
Professional Ethics

By :- Deepak Yadav B.Tech. Final year

Professional Ethics The modern world needs services of a large number of distinct specialist groups. They range from plumbers, bakers, salespersons, clerks, managers, engineers and university professors..

Professional Ethics Some professional groups, like those of lawyers, doctors, engineers, scientists command great respect and authority in the society.. They are better organized and are more conscious of their professional belongings, professional image and duties.

Professional Ethics Francis Bacon said that knowledge is power. Like other forms of power it has great potential for advancing human well-being..

Professional Ethics Wily lawyers, corrupt judges, greedy doctors, irresponsible engineers and insincere teachers are scourge to the society.. Therefore it is necessary to regulate these professions to safeguard the interests of the society through legislative and legal processes..

What is a profession ?

What is a profession ? The term profession and professional are used in many different senses. One meaning of professional is a person who engages in sporting, artistic or some other leisurely activity for earning money rather than for merely enjoying it as a hobby In this sense it distinguishes a professional from an amateur..

Five distinct attributes of modern professions Systematic body of theory. Professional Authority. Sanction of community. Regulative code of ethics. The professional culture

Systematic body of theory Every profession has a distinct body of organised theoretical knowledge and certain practical skills associated with it. The practical skills also flow out of the theory. To master them one have to learn theory through adequate academic training..

Systematic body of theory Acquiring theoretical knowledge is intellectually more demanding than learning operational procedures and practical skills of a trade.. Theoretical knowledge of professional subjects is developed through academic study and research..

Professional Authority Because of specialized knowledge, skills and experience professionals acquire a kind of authority over the clients, patients and others who seek their professional services.. Client has to have trust and faith in the profession.

Professional Authority Honouring this trust by safeguarding the interests of the client and rendering him the best professional service is a moral obligation on the professional..

Sanction of community All professions are social constructs. Their operation, growth, and importance depend upon community sanction. This sanction is given because the professions serve the society and satisfy some indispensable social need. They help realize certain values which are cherished by the society.

Sanction of community Legal profession helps establishment of justice in the society. Medical profession serves by relieving us of suffering from diseases and by promoting good health. Engineering profession works for material prosperity, conveniences and comforts.

Regulative code of ethics Many a times considerations of personal gain make individual professionals lose sight of the professional ideas and values. They may misutilise their professional authority and privileges to the detriment of their clients or of the society at large..

Regulative code of ethics Concerned with such acts all higher professions have evolved code of ethics to regulate professional practice and conduct of their members. A code of professional ethics informs the public of the ethical concerns of the profession It is a form of commitment to the public and lets them know the level and the quality of the service they should expect from the professionals..

The professional culture Every profession develops a special kind of group culture which plays an important role in professional life. Professional feel that they are providing some very valuable service to the society without which life would be very much poorer.

Professional Ethos

Professional Ethos One main pillar of professional ethos is striving for excellence. Professional excellence requires mastery of theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills of the profession and their continuous up gradation to keep abreast of latest development in ones field..

Professional Ethos The second pillar of professionalism is motivation of service. When a person approaches a professional, say with a medical or legal problem, the professionals primary concern ought to be, how can I help the person with the possible remedy, while safeguarding the interests of the workers, the community and the natural environment..

Professional Ethos The professional ethos does not impel a person to renounce worldly comforts or to become a monk. It only seeks primacy of services over personal gains..

Professional Ethos  The spirit of professionalism is clearly bought in the following pledge adopted by USA’s National Security of Professional Engineers.

Professional Ethos “As a professional Engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledge or skill to the advancement and betterment of human welfare. I Pledge : To give the utmost performance; To participate in none but honest enterprise; To live and work according to the laws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct; To place service before profit ,the honour and standing of the profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare about all considerations. In humility and with need of Divine Grace, I make this Pledge”.

Professional Ethos The third pillar of professionalism is the abiding sense of responsibility. The professional is morally responsible to safeguard the interest of ordinary people..

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