
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 223
  • Pages: 2
University of Adelaide

Production Documentation Your Name _____________Edwdard Kelly


Date/s of Production ____________05 june 2008____________________________________________

Song Title ________You don’t know what love is_________

Format Sampling Rate _____48k______ Bit Depth __24__ Duration __6’30”__

Total Time Spent on Production ___6__ Hours _____ Minutes

Notes/Issues/Commentary on Production (Maximum 200 words) Wanted a warm furry bass that took up extra room, kind of got there.

Track Information Example (Duplicate this table as necessary for each track) Track Instrument Performer Name # Production Techniques applied (EQ, dynamics processing, colouration etc, reasoning for application and reference to reading and lecture.) (Maximum 100 words per entry) 01 Bass Drum Equalisation, mild compression, Reverb 02 Snare drum Equalisation, compression, reverb 03 Rim shot Equalisation, reverb 04 Hi hats Equalisation, compression. 05 Hi tom Equalisation, compression. Trimmed unused audio. 06 Lo tom, Equalisation, compression, Trimmed unused aduio. 07 Overheads buss. Equalisation. Compression. 08 Bass DI. Equalisatino, compression, side chain compresion with kick drum Version: 2 | Created: 26/6/08 | Saved: 26/6/08 | Printed: 26/6/08

University of Adelaide

09 10 11 12

Guitar. Equalisation, compression, doubler for extra spaciousness (very subtle) Vocal Overdub Equlalisation, compression, reverb. Had to snip a bit from first take to clean up. Reverb Snare, hi hats, vocals Reverb Bass drum, Hi hats, Overheads, Bass guitar, Guitar.

Version: 2 | Created: 26/6/08 | Saved: 26/6/08 | Printed: 26/6/08

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