Production Planning And Control-1

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  • Pages: 29
Production Planning and Control - 5 LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question When shop floor scheduling problem larger than 3 machines arise the analytical solution procedures leading to optimality are complex and difficult. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Total lead time is the summation of following factors :Correct Answer Queue and transit time , Manufacturing time , Order preparation time Your Answer Manufacturing time , Delay time , Queue and transit time Select The Blank Question Labour efficiency depends upon ________ Correct Answer Training and experience Your Answer Training and experience Select The Blank Question The LOB technique is made more accurate and fast by using ________. Correct Answer Computers Your Answer Log-tables Select The Blank Question Process plan is the process of establishing the ________ and most economical path that each part is to follow from raw material stage to finished product stage. Correct Answer Shortest Your Answer Optimum

Select The Blank Question ________reflects impact of money tied up in inventory. Correct Answer Inventory turnover Your Answer Inventory turnover Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The check list approach comprises of following parameters :Correct Answer Each department head concerned with efficiency of PPC function is given a set of questions to be answered. , The department head has to answer in "Yes/no" format only , Each "Yes" answer gives one negative score Your Answer Each department head concerned with efficiency of PPC function is given a set of questions to be answered. , The department head has to answer in "Yes/no" format only , Each "Yes" answer gives one negative score Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In ABC analysis, the classification is based on :Correct Answer Cumulative cost Your Answer Carrying cost Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Find EOQ in Rs from the following data :-Annual consumption = 20, 000 units, Ordering and receiving cost of material = Rs 20 per order, Annual carrying cost or storage cost = 10% of unit cost of material, Cost of material = Rs 50. Correct Answer 20000 Your Answer 10000 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Spares without which the system will not work are categorized as :Correct Answer Vital Your Answer Vital

Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Order quantity Factor influencing process planning Factor influencing process planning Machine capacity chart Dimensional accuracy Special purpose machines Mass production Special purpose machines General purpose machines with special toolings Standard elemental time data Compare alternative processes Break even analysis True/False Question C type items would never be vital under VED analysis. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question In replenishment system, the type of ordering is either according to "stock level" or "pre-fixed time scale". Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question At company's subsidiary stores /tool crib following tools are stored :Correct Answer Consumable tools , Inspection fixtures , Instruments and gauges Your Answer Consumable tools , Inspection fixtures , Instruments and gauges True/False Question Exponential smoothening is weighted average method. Correct Answer

True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The administrative lead time e.g. time involved in processing the order, which may be in periodical review system including the period until next review is called ________ lead time. Correct Answer Internal Your Answer Cumulative Select The Blank Question Heuristics methods involve drawing procedure diagram which indicates the ________ available for transferring tasks laterally from one column to another to arrive at most promising balance. Correct Answer Flexibility Your Answer Flexibility Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The light engineering company has one special purpose facing & centering machine And one copying lathe. The foreman has five work orders for processing . The operation Sequence is fixed [ each job is first faced and centered and then copy turned ] . The standard Hours required for each machine to process each work order are shown in the following Table :Work Order Processing Time [Hours ] Facing & centering machine Copying Lathe I 16 40 II 30 60 III 20 6 IV 15 16 V 25 12 find sequence to minimize requirements of machine hours. Correct Answer IV-I-II-V-III Your Answer II-III-IV-I-V True/False Question In PERT, use of dummy activities is not much essential. Correct Answer False Your Answer True

True/False Question The make-or-buy decision is not taken only at starting of a factory but has to be reviewed continuously. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Only satisfied customers get in ________ from new customers. Correct Answer Business Your Answer Business Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following are salient features of the fixed order quantity system :Correct Answer Reorder quantity is always the same which is usually economic order quantity , The time interval between deliveries varies. , Replenishment action is initiated when the stock on hand is just sufficient to meet demand during the lead time. Your Answer Reorder quantity is always the same which is usually economic order quantity , Replenishment action is initiated when the stock on hand is just sufficient to meet demand during the lead time. , Percent cumulative cost of item is taken into consideration. Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Tool order To instruct tool crib to keep tools ready Instruct to issue tools Move order Movement of material from stores to first machine Movement of material from stores to first machine Stores issue order Instruction to stores to issue material Instruction to stores to issue material Inspection order Report inspection results Report inspection results

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Responsibility of smooth flow of work through different work centers or departments of company rests with :Correct Answer Production control department Your Answer Production control department Select The Blank Question ________ is the sum of set up time and run time. Correct Answer Manufacturing time Your Answer Manufacturing time Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Detachable ticket, after filling in required information is :Correct Answer Placed in a tray/box Your Answer Given to progress section Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Subsidiary orders include :Correct Answer Material Order , Shop order , Inspection order Your Answer Material Order , Shop order , Inspection order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Long termed forecasts are for the period of :Correct Answer 5 to 10 years Your Answer One year Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question If actual demand far exceeds forecast, it will result into :Correct Answer Better utilization of equipment , Project margin , Higher material purchase

Your Answer Better utilization of equipment , Higher material purchase , Increase in labour productivity Select The Blank Question Classification of items on basis of their capital lock up is called ________ analysis. Correct Answer XYZ Your Answer VED Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Physical Count method of collecting information from manufacturing shops is applicable in following situation :Correct Answer Workshops employing few machines Your Answer Workshops producing small parts in huge quantities Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The expected time can be minimised by minimising following parameters :Correct Answer Optimistic time , Pessimistic time , Most likely time Your Answer Pessimistic time , Lead time Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In order to maintain precedence relationships, the most common approach is to make use of :Correct Answer Precedence diagrams Your Answer Precedence diagrams True/False Question There are five manufacturing systems. However, many manufacturers combines two or more systems to produce a final product. Correct Answer True Your Answer

True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question HML Analysis helps to :Correct Answer Access storage & security requirements , Keep control over departmental head level , Determine frequency of stock verification Your Answer Access storage & security requirements , Determine frequency of stock verification , Controls carrying cost Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The sourcing of vendors in case of 'B' type of items is :Correct Answer Medium Your Answer Minimum Select The Blank Question Production Planning and Control department acts as a link between company's sales and ________ department. Correct Answer Manufacturing Your Answer Manufacturing Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Move orders, released for material movement from stores to first work center are used for following types of organizations :Correct Answer Big steel plants , Power plants , Heavy machinery manufacturers Your Answer Big steel plants , Heavy machinery manufacturers , High volume white goods manufacturers Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Smoothing performs following activities:Correct Answer Reallocation of resources , Improving utilization of resources , Conducting Heuristic approach Your Answer Improving utilization of resources , Conducting Heuristic approach ,

Conducting Load flow analysis Select The Blank Question ________ phase of PPC makes sure that the programmed production is constantly maintained. Correct Answer Control Your Answer Control Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Process Sheet contains following information :Correct Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour Your Answer Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Order Quantity True/False Question The make-or-buy decision becomes necessary when the current source of supply is not able to supply the material in accordance with buyer's quality requirements. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Negative value of critical ratio :Correct Answer Is meaningless Your Answer Indicates shortfall in scheduled delivery period Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In linear programming method of line balancing, there are three types of constraints namely :Correct Answer Cycle time constraint , Step or task constraint , Precedence constraints Your Answer Cycle time constraint , Step or task constraint , Precedence constraints Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Let us suppose that activity M & N can not start until activity K & L are completed. Activities K &L are therefore :Correct Answer Preceding Your Answer Preceding True/False Question XYZ analysis helps to identify few items which account for large amount of money locked up in the stock and take steps for liquidation / reduction. Correct Answer True Your Answer False True/False Question Overlapping of operations helps in compressing manufacturing time. Correct Answer True Your Answer False at 4:57 AM 0 comments Links to this post Labels: Production Planning and Control (Set-2)

Production Planning and Control - 4 LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Purchase cost include :Correct Answer Excise , Packing and forwarding , Octroi Your Answer Excise , Octroi True/False Question Inspection operations is a part of process plan for a part. Correct Answer True Your Answer

True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Why customer is called the king? Correct Answer Customer's orders gives us work Your Answer Customer's orders gives us work True/False Question To solve "n jobs - 3 machines" sequencing problem, the largest of time of any job on the second machine must be smaller than or equal to the smallest time of any job on first machine or third machine. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Line staff can assist PPC by manufacturing some of their needs in their own shops rather than making PPC to tool room or purchase. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Ordering of raw material is based on :Correct Answer Sales forecast Your Answer Material availability Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The queue time is intended to compensate for the time for which the job has to :Correct Answer Wait near the machines for its turn until other jobs ahead of it are completed. , Lie after its completion till is picked up and moved to next machine/work center. , Spend extra time due to emergent situations Your Answer Wait near the machines for its turn until other jobs ahead of it are

completed. , Lie after its completion till is picked up and moved to next machine/work center. , Wait until inspection and storage is completed. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In an organization, poor material handling system may result in the following :Correct Answer Damage to material/product , Delays in supply of material , Accidents while handling Your Answer Damage to material/product , Delays in supply of material , Accidents while handling True/False Question LOB is a manual planning and scheduling technique similar in nature to MRP [Material Resource Planning]. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Standard time accounts for :Correct Answer Contingency allowance , Operator's rating/efficiency , Tool change time Your Answer Contingency allowance , Tool change time , Job splitting time True/False Question As per a study on materials management practices, a typical firm spends almost half of its rupee sales on goods purchased from vendors. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ analysis mainly helps to identify non-existing items for which store keeps bin cards, wastes computer memory or wastes computer stationary while preparing stores ledger. Correct Answer MNG Analysis

Your Answer SOS Analysis Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If more variety is to be manufactured, the manufacturing facilities would have to be :Correct Answer Commonised Your Answer Expanded True/False Question Work measurement is not useful for choosing between two alternate methods of production. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question On completion of work the job card is returned to production planning and control department for reference and record. Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question Curve fitting method of statistical forecasting uses curve line approach. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ is a production line made up of operations that form or change the physical or sometimes chemical characteristics of a product. Correct Answer Fabrication line Your Answer Assembly line

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Keeping procurement cost and carrying cost constant, if annual usage of certain product becomes 4 times, the EOQ would be :Correct Answer Doubled Your Answer Halved Multiple Choice Single Answer Question LOB technique was devised by US army in the year :Correct Answer 1952 Your Answer 1955 True/False Question Transit time for manufactured items should be considered only when it is insignificant. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question 5 jobs are to be processed on machines M1 and M2 , first on M1 and then on M2. The processing times in hours are as follows.Find the sequence for 5 jobs that will minimize total elapsed time .also find idle time & total elapsed time. Job Processing time [ hours ] Machine M1 Machine M2 1 5 2 2 1 6 8 9 7 6 3 8 5 10 4 Correct Answer 2-4-3-5-1 , Minimum time 28 hours , Idle time = 1 & 2 Hours for M1 & M2 respectively. Your Answer 2-4-3-5-1 , Minimum time 28 hours , Idle time = 1 & 2 Hours for M1 & M2 respectively. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question SDE analysis is based on problems of procurement namely :Correct Answer Non-availability , Scarcity , Longer lead time Your Answer Non-availability , Scarcity , Longer lead time

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In a mass production assembly shop following work measurement techniques are used :Correct Answer Time study , Work sampling , Production study Your Answer Time study , Production study , Analytical estimating Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Due to the following emergent events, the queue time has to compensate for the time for which the job has to undergo an extra time :Correct Answer Tool breakage , Job split up , Change in priorities Your Answer Tool breakage , Job split up , Store inventory Select The Blank Question Given the following data :- procurement cost per order = Rs 30 ; frequency of ordering per year =4 ; number of suppliers = 3 . Form the above data, total procurement cost would be Rs ________. Correct Answer 360 Your Answer 40 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question In replenishment system, the fixed order quantity system is also called by following names :Correct Answer Fixed order system , Min-max system , Re-order point system Your Answer Fixed order system , Min-max system , Re-order point system Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Given a decision for designing a line layout, major problem is subdividing a work so that smooth flow can result. The subdivision process is called :Correct Answer Line balancing Your Answer Line balancing

True/False Question In CPM, use of dummy activities is much essential . Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The commonly used network techniques other than PERT and CPM are as follows :Correct Answer MOSS [ Multi Operation Scheduling System ] , PCS [ Project Control System ] , GERT [ Graphical Evaluation Review Techniques ] Your Answer MOSS [ Multi Operation Scheduling System ] , PCS [ Project Control System ] , GERT [ Graphical Evaluation Review Techniques ] Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Work element Smallest portion of work identified during the breakdown analysis of the job. Smallest portion of work identified during the breakdown analysis of the job. Production line Arrangement of workstations where each workman performs a predetermined task on an incomplete unit which passes down the line of subsequent unit until it is finished. Arrangement of workstations where each workman performs a predetermined task on an incomplete unit which passes down the line of subsequent unit until it is finished. Work Station Assigned location, zone, place or stage in assembly where designated work is performed on part component of product. Assigned location, zone, place or stage in assembly where designated work is performed on part component of product. Station work content Time required to perform the designated amount of work at a given work station and is obtained by adding up time of work elements allotted to the work station. Time after which a finished product comes off the production line. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Steps involved in process planning include the following :Correct Answer Enlist feature influencing selection of manufacturing process , Prepare sequence of basic operation , Write down route sheet Your Answer Prepare sequence of basic operation , Write down route sheet , Indent requirement of tooling and fixtures Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Effective capacity per period is calculated as :Correct Answer Multiplication of net capacity with labour efficiency Your Answer Multiplication of net capacity by utilization index Select The Blank Question Orders with ________ slack time remaining per operation are run first. Correct Answer Shortest Your Answer Longest Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Time taken by each job at each machine Processing time Job time Time between starting of first job and completion of last job Elapsed time Processing time Number of stages the job has to pass Number of machines Number of machines Time during which the machine is standstill Idle time Job priority Select The Blank Question LOB has advantage that it is more ________ oriented than MRP. Correct Answer Customer

Your Answer Practical Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A company has 10 machines, working in two shifts. Utilization index is 0.75 and shop efficiency is 80%. Effective capacity hours for loading and scheduling are :Correct Answer 576 Your Answer 576 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The cost involved in subcontracting some of the operations of item outside the home plant is called :Correct Answer Outside operations cost Your Answer Outdoor cost Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question LOB deals with :Correct Answer Identification of crucial operations in a job , Establishment crucial operations , Attraction of attention of those who do the schedule. Your Answer Identification of crucial operations in a job , Establishment crucial operations , Attraction of attention of those who do the schedule.

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Select The Blank Question ________items should be excluded from ABC Analysis. Correct Answer Non-moving Your Answer Seasonal Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To keep facilities busy, waiting time due to non-availability of work should be kept at :Correct Answer

Minimum . Your Answer Minimum . Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Installed capacity :Correct Answer Can be equal to or less than licensed capacity Your Answer Can be equal to or less than licensed capacity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Scheduling can be considered as a process of :Correct Answer Fitting shop order into uncommitted time available for a machine Your Answer Determining time required for each operation Select The Blank Question Short term forecasts are for ________. Correct Answer Material Planning Your Answer Material Planning Select The Blank Question The ________ makes scheduling process simpler but does not provide economy in manufacture. Correct Answer First-come-first scheduled Your Answer First-come-first scheduled Select The Blank Question Good quality and ________are the two main requirements to secure maximum business from a customer. Correct Answer Competitive rates Your Answer Competitive rates Select The Blank

Question Generally for ________ flow system, Heuristic method is preferred. Correct Answer Intermittent Your Answer Continuous Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Sequencing helps management to determine the most economical job sequence the one that consumes minimum :Correct Answer Elapsed time Your Answer Lead time at 4:55 AM 0 comments Links to this post Labels: Production Planning and Control (Set-2)

Production Planning and Control - 3 LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question Purchase department must keep PPC informed regarding lead time of different items specially where lead times are extended. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question In order to complete a project on time, each critical activity need not be completed in time. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question Because of uncertainty of activity timings, PERT acquired a shape of ________ model. Correct Answer

Probabilistic Your Answer Probabilistic True/False Question Flexibility and product variety are not inter-related with each other. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The 'G' group of GOLF analysis covers items procurement from Government suppliers such as :Correct Answer STC , MMTC , Public Sector Undertaking Your Answer STC , MMTC , Public Sector Undertaking Select The Blank Question Buying for C quantities should be made in ________ quantities . Correct Answer Large Your Answer Small Select The Blank Question Of all the work measurement techniques the most widely used techniques is________. Correct Answer Time study Your Answer Time study Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Keeping available time per day constant, if the desired production rate per day is to be doubled ,cycle time will be reduced by :Correct Answer 0.5 Your Answer 0.5

Select The Blank Question In alternate routing, the delayed job may be routed to a ________ machine where rate of production is faster. Correct Answer Costlier Your Answer New Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Mass & flow production and process production are categorized under :Correct Answer Continuous production Your Answer Continuous production Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The earliest start time of an activity equals to earliest event time of :Correct Answer Tail event Your Answer Head event Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If efficiency is more, the manufacturing time required for completion of job would be generally :Correct Answer Less Your Answer Less Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Move order Transport material from and to required work centers Transport material from and to required work centers Materials Order Allocation of material required in connection with shop order Allocation of material required in connection with shop order Work Order Bird's eye view of production programme Order from contractor to execute job

Production Order Reserve material required in connection with sales order Reserve material required in connection with sales order Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Development of additional vendors/suppliers depends upon :Correct Answer Sales forecast Your Answer Sales forecast Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The assignment method is also called as :Correct Answer Hungarian Method Your Answer Hungarian Method Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Material control function embraces a following techniques :Correct Answer Make -or -buy decision , Pareto's analysis , Replenishment system Your Answer Make -or -buy decision , Replenishment system Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Overtime can be avoided in many ways and they are :Correct Answer Unrealistic delivery date , Acceptance of too many rush order , Excessive machine breakdown Your Answer Acceptance of too many rush order , Excessive machine breakdown , Insufficient manpower or machines Select The Blank Question Lead time is ________ for different items. Correct Answer Different Your Answer Different Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The tooling data is prepared in respect of following measuring instruments :Correct Answer Vernier caliper , Micrometer screw gauge , Strain gauge Your Answer Vernier caliper , Micrometer screw gauge , Strain gauge True/False Question The LOB technique is most appropriate for assembly operations involving number of distinct components. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question If number of work stations is 8 and work content of all stations is 32 , the cycle time would be ________. Correct Answer 4 Your Answer 4 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The minimum requirements for application software for line balancing are as follows :Correct Answer 1 Ghz processor , 1 Gb hard Disk free memory , Windows or equivalent operating system. Your Answer 1 Ghz processor , 1 Gb hard Disk free memory , Windows or equivalent operating system. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Detachable Card contain following information :Correct Answer Quantity produced , Operation , Date of completion Your Answer Quantity produced , Operation , Sequence of operation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question

The assembly work content [ Wi ] of the i'th station having n work stations is given by :Correct Answer å Wi from i=1 to n Your Answer Wi / n True/False Question Production Planning and Control makes the supervisor ineffective. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Select The Blank Question ________ are grouped so that their total time is preferably equal to or little lesser than the time available each work station. Correct Answer Tasks Your Answer Assembly lines Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The work measurement and time study belong to the following school of management :Correct Answer Scientific School of management Your Answer Scientific School of management Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Economic indicator for forecasting fertilizer requirements are :Correct Answer Land under cultivation , Trends of rainfall , Credit offered by banks Your Answer Land under cultivation , Trends of rainfall , Credit offered by banks Multiple Choice Single Answer Question As the quantity increases, the procurement cost :Correct Answer Reduces Your Answer

Also increases Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question To minimize total throughout time we are required to minimize :Correct Answer Queuing , Idle time , Inventory Your Answer Queuing , Idle time Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are the factors which influence tool life :Correct Answer Type of tool , Material it is required to operate upon , Operators efficiency Your Answer Type of tool , Material it is required to operate upon , Operators efficiency Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What are the customer's expectation from the supplier? Correct Answer Consistent good quality of products Your Answer Consistent good quality of products Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question While communicating to customer on delays in delivery following information should be given :Correct Answer Information on identification of job , Reasons for delays , Revised date of delivery Your Answer Reasons for delays , Revised date of delivery , Derailed production records Select The Blank Question Job production requires ________ capital investment. Correct Answer Lowest Your Answer High Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question To operate fixed order quantity system, following parameters are required

to be fixed:Correct Answer Minimum stock , Re-order point , Standard reorder quantity Your Answer Minimum stock , Re-order point , Breakeven point Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer End piece allowance Material insufficient to produce one piece Material insufficient to produce one piece Stock allowance Quantity to meet requirement of spares Quantity to meet requirement of spares Machining allowance Extra material requirement Extra material requirement Spoilage allowance Process rejection Process rejection Select The Blank Question Work sampling is ________ Correct Answer Done at random interval Your Answer Done continuously without interval Select The Blank Question The information on the nature of tooling required for an item can be obtained from its ________. Correct Answer Route sheet Your Answer Route sheet Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The main characteristics of jobbing production are :Correct Answer Small production runs , Discontinuous flow of materials , Disproportionate manufacturing cycle time Your Answer

Small production runs , Discontinuous flow of materials , Disproportionate manufacturing cycle time Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Let us suppose that activity P & Q can not start until activity R& S are completed. Activities P &Q are therefore :Correct Answer Succeeding Your Answer Succeeding Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Critical ratio equals to one indicates that :Correct Answer Job is just on schedule and requires to be watched closely. Your Answer Job is just on schedule and requires to be watched closely. True/False Question Random fluctuation is addition of cyclical fluctuation and seasonal fluctuation. Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question Labour efficiency factor is applied after capacity requirement of equipment is calculated. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ is the specific instant of time that marks start and end of activity. Correct Answer Event Your Answer Event

True/False Question Increase in inventory carrying cost increases EOQ. Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question A company where different personnel give conflicting delivery promises need to improve its scheduling and processing function. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question A type items are always vital under VED analysis. Correct Answer False Your Answer True

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