Product Placement In Movies

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 2,908
  • Pages: 30


Chitra K


Kirthiga T


Kirthiga Sekar


Nivetha Grace R (08AA28) Sneha N Doss




1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. WHAT IS PRODUCT PLACEMENT? A product placement is the inclusion of a product, brand name or the name of the firm in a movie for increasing memorability of the brand and instant recognition at the point of purchase. It is an advertising technique in which the companies pay a fee or provide service in exchange for a prominent display of their product. Product placement appears in plays, film, television series, music videos, video games and books. Product placement occurs with the inclusion of a brand's logo in shot, or a favorable mention or appearance of a product in shot. This is done without disclosure, and under the premise that it is a natural part of the work. Most major movie releases today contain product placements. The most common form is movie and television placements and more recently computer and video games. 1.2. BRIEF HISTORY The first film to feature product placement was Wings (released in 1927), the first film to win the Oscar for Best Picture. It contained a plug for Hershey's chocolate. In other early media, e.g. radio in the 1930s and 1940s and early television in the 1950s, programs were often underwritten by companies. "Soap operas" are called such because they were initially underwritten by consumer packaged goods companies such as Procter & Gamble or Unilever. Sponsorship still exists today with programs being sponsored by major vendors such as Hallmark. Incorporation of products into the actual plot of a TV show is generally called "brand integration". The earliest example of product placement in a computer or video game occurs in the 1984 game Action Biker for KP's Skips crisps. Video games, such as Crazy Taxi feature real retail stores as game destinations. However, sometimes the economics are reversed 2

and video game makers pay for the rights to use real sports teams and players. Today, product placement in online-video is also becoming common. Online agencies are specializing in connecting online-video producers, which are usually individuals, with brands and advertisers.

1.3. EXAMPLES Certain products are featured more than others. Commonly seen are automobiles, consumer electronics and computers, and tobacco products. Automobiles The most common products to be promoted in this way are automobiles.. For example, The X-Files used Fords, as do leading characters on 24. The James Bond films pioneered such placement. The 1974 film The Man with the Golden Gun featured extensive use of AMC cars, even in scenes in Thailand, where AMC cars weren't sold. The last two Bond films had used vehicles from Ford or its subsidiaries. In Bad Boys 2 and The Matrix Reloaded, almost every car was made by General Motors, the only exception being the Ferrari in Bad Boys 2. Nissan cars also feature prominently in the 'Heroes' TV show, the logos often zoomed in/out of or whole cars shown for a few seconds at the beginning of a new scene. In The Matrix Reloaded, a key chase scene is conducted between a brand new Cadillac CTS and a Cadillac Escalade EXT. The chase scene also features a Ducati motorcycle in the getaway. Three of the James Bond films starring Pierce Brosnan featured a BMW car before fan outcry pressured the producers to return to using the traditional Aston Martin, which was owned by Ford Motor Company at the time and thus brought in more product placement. In addition, a Shelby GT500 is used extensively at the beginning of I Am Legend. In the 2008 movie Taken Liam Neeson drives AUDI cars, first an A3 and a S8.


Consumer electronics and computers The 2006 film Casino Royale features many Sony product placements throughout, all characters use VAIO laptops, Sony Ericsson cell phones and GPSs, BRAVIA televisions, and Bond uses a Cyber-shot to take photos. Apple's products frequently appear in films and on television. In video games, products that most often appear are placements for processors or graphics cards. For example in EA's Battlefield 2142, ads for Intel Core 2 processors appear on map billboards. In the video game F.E.A.R all of the laptops have a dell screensaver on them. Tobacco The James Bond film License to Kill featured use of the Lark brand of cigarette and the producers accepted payment for that product placement. The studio's executives apparently believed that the placement triggered the American warning notice requirement for cigarette advertisements and thus the movie carried the Surgeon General's Warning at the end credits of the film. Quantification methods track brand integrations, with both basic quantitative and more demonstrative qualitative systems used to determine the cost and effective media value of a placement. Rating systems measure the type of placement and on-screen exposure is gauged by audience recall rates. Products might be featured but hardly identifiable, clearly identifiable, long or recurrent in exposure, associated with a main character, verbally mentioned and/or they may play a key role in the storyline. Media values are also weighed over time, depending on a specific product's degree of presence in the market.



As a form of covert marketing communication tool, the practice of placing branded products within films for commercial purposes has gained popularity among marketers and brand managers. At the same time, the popularity of this practice increases concerns and discussions of public well-being from various groups such as public policy makers, consumer interest groups, regulatory agencies, and consumers. By employing a survey with a sample of 3,340 nonstudents, the current study provides a more accurate picture of attitudes towards product placement in films. Overall findings suggest that consumers are overall positively disposed toward product placement, do not see a need for regulation, and have a tendency towards neutrality regarding several of the practice’s facets. -Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication


"One of the most important benefits a corporation can gain is by having a star imply endorsement of their product by using it in a film. Most specifically, big name stars almost never appear in U.S. television advertisements but if they are seen using a company's product in a "reality like" situation in a film, Turcotte notes that it has been shown that the audience is more likely to believe that this action might imply the star's endorsement of the product than if the star were to do a paid advertisement." - Benefits to corporate America


3. METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN 3.1.1 Purpose of the study The research purpose indicates that this study is primarily descriptive. A descriptive study is undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation. The research draws some conclusions from the data collected which makes it descriptive. 3.1.2 Extent of researcher interference The extent of researcher interference is minimal in this study. Respondents were made aware of the topic “product placement”. Oral examples like the brand Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise's phone in the movie Minority Report, the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded and the brand Motorola used by Kamal Hasan in the movie Vettaiyadu Villayadu. The events were studied as they normally occur. 3.1.3 Data collection method Questionnaire Since the respondents were English speakers, the statements were set only in English in a simplified style. The questionnaire was primarily adopted and based on the works by students from Sheffield Hallam University, UK and some questions were framed by the researchers through brainstorming. A five point Likert-type scale was used, with ‘strongly agree’ at point one; ‘agree’ at point two; ‘neither agree nor disagree’ at point three; ‘disagree’ at point four; and ‘strongly disagree’ at point five. Another five point scale with points like “always, mostly, sometimes, rarely and never” was used. Certain direct questions were given only two options “yes” or “no”


3.1.4 Time horizon Data were collected from students for a period of two days. The data has been collected just once and will not be collected again from them for this research. This makes the study purely cross sectional. 3.1.5 Data analysis This data was entered into SPSS, and the required computations had been completed in SPSS itself. Descriptive statistics like mean, median and standard deviation. Also graphical representations like pie charts, bar graphs and histograms were used. Cross tabulation was executed. 3.1.6 Study setting The research was carried out in a natural environment with minimal interference of the researcher which shows that it is a field study in a noncontrived setting. 3.2 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Our population consists of graduates from PSGIM and PSG College of Technology .For the purpose of this research, the sampling method used was a non-probability convenient sampling approach. The elements in the population do not have any probabilities attached to their being chosen as the sample subjects. The findings from the study of the sample alone cannot be generalized to the population.


4. SAMPLE Our sample consists of 50 students, 25 male and 25 female students from PSGIM and PSG College of Technology. The motivation for this selection was that respondents were thought to be an appropriate sample since young adults (18 to 24 years of age) are avid film attendees. Respondents also possess the disposable income to attend films. Product placement in films is therefore an effective way to target young, affluent and welleducated consumers. The data thus collected is primary in nature. It was entered into SPSS, and the required computations were completed in SPSS itself. But prior to this a secondary research was done through available online resources.







Standard deviation

Noticing product 50 4(rarely)
















Influence against 50 4(strongly





agree) 2.50(FMCG)




movies Knowing product 50 2(mostly) placement as a method


advertising Disruption in the 50 5(never) flow of movie Ability to recall 50 5(never) brands Preference

for 50 5(never)

real brands


disagree) 50 6(others)


1(electronic goods)

products Curiosity

in 50 5(never)




Discussion with 50 5(never)







products others Probability

of 50 5(never)


purchase Products

50 5(others)

purchased After





product 50 3(revert



to 1(continue

1.88(switch brands 0.689

using it)

after sometime)



preference) Sympathy towards

50 5(never) the


Item – questions surveyed N – number of respondents Maximum – mostly opted choice Minimum – least opted choice Mean – average choice Standard deviation – measure of dispersion for interval 5.2 GRAPHICAL STATISTICS 5.2.1



Maximum respondents are of the age 21.



Do you notice products placed in a movie?

Valid Always Mostly Sometim es Rarely Total

Frequen cy Percent 5 10.0 20 40.0

Valid Cumulativ Percent e Percent 10.0 10.0 40.0 50.0





9 50

18.0 100.0

18.0 100.0


Most of the respondents notice the products placed in the movie.


Most of the respondents feel that product placement rarely hinders the flow of the movie.



Almost all respondents are aware of product placement as a method of advertising. 













 The respondents have ranked talk shows to be the most influencing medium. The next influential media are movies and music videos. Soaps and theatre plays are the least influential. 



 It is inferred that 83.3% females always discuss products after watching movies which is very high compared to 16.7% males who rarely discuss the products.






The respondents give primary importance to the product and then the brand followed by the celebrity.



 It is seen that females mostly have purchased FMCG products whereas men have purchased electronic goods.



All most all the respondents notice the products placed in the movie.

Most of the respondents feel that product placement rarely hinders the flow of the movie.

Almost all respondents are aware of product placement as a method of advertising.

The respondents have ranked talk shows to be the most influencing medium. The next influential media are movies and music videos. Soaps and theatre plays are the least influential.

It is inferred that 83.3% females always discuss products after watching movies which is very high compared to 16.7% males who rarely discuss the products.

The respondents give primary importance to the product and then the brand followed by the celebrity.

It is seen that females mostly have purchased FMCG products whereas men have purchased electronic goods.

6.2 SUGGESTIONS This research has only investigated a small part of this area of research. Investigating a large sample through a quantitative research could shed a better light on some of the points revealed through this research. With regards to strategic action that needs to be taken in the future, the following recommendations are put forward:

Further in-depth studies can be conducted into the nature of consumers’ recognition of product placements.


It can be analyzed in future whether the cost associated with product placements should be determined prior to the implementation thereof to establish the feasibility with regard to the cost per viewer and the reach of the target market

Like other promotion tools, managers must actively assess product placement opportunities to ensure the product’s appearance works in synergy with its image and competitive positioning in the market.

In future it should also be attempted to recreate an authentic cinema experience in order to see whether consumers remember product placements to the same extent when they are in a normal cinema-viewing environment.

Research in future should examine audience attitudes towards, or interest, in brands and branded goods to gain a more thorough understanding of an individual’s tendency to be influenced by branded images.

In order to avoid the bias introduced by individual recognition, future research should investigate utilizing a research design where association between placement exposure and reported behavior is framed more definitely (for example by the time period and event).

The placements on Mobile Communication Media (MCM), with its physical small size and clear images, reception of undistorted visuals, marketers and advertisers should ensure prominently placed brand names.

Finally, product placement’s growing importance as a component of integrated marketing communication requires that marketers strive to better understand its potential. This knowledge is expected to help marketers better define their strategies for marketing and brand integration.


7. CONCLUSION The research results indicate that consumers are aware about product placement being a method of advertising. They are influenced by the placements and have bought products that had been placed in movies and other media. Thus product placement seems to have gained acceptance as a form of advertisement and can be continued to be used. Also, most do not feel that product placements are irritating and interrupting the flow of the movie. People are generally expressing a positive attitude toward product placement and are influenced by it. A conclusion drawn from the research was that products placed prominently in films were better recognized than those placements placed subtly within the context of the film. Another aspect closely considered in this research was the effect product placements have on the realism of the film. The research shows that product placements in films are a viable alternative to traditional forms of advertising. The reason for this is that product placement (especially prominent product placements) is readily recognized by viewers. Product placements therefore offer numerous benefits to the marketer in terms of reach and diminishing cost per viewer. Product placement is an immense field of research within which much is yet to be discovered.


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