Product Ingredients

  • June 2020
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Fruits and berries offer tremendous health enhancing qualities and contain hundreds of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, fiber & phytonutrients. The 4 “Super Fruits” contained in Chews-4-Health are considered by many experts to be the most nutrient rich fruits the world has to offer. Our carefully selected super-fruit complex gives you the power of all 4 in one supplement.

GOJI It’s hard to ignore all the positive publicity Goji berries have been receiving in the media. These include: The Today Show, LA Times, Time Magazine, Harper’s Bizaar, CNN, ABC, Larry King, Oprah and many more. Even world renowned “celebrity dermatologist”, Dr. Howard Murad, recommends Goji in his latest book, The Cellulite Solution.

What exactly are Goji berries? Goji are delicious, bright red berries native to the Orient. They grow on a vine that reaches up to 20 feet high. When ripe, the berries are collected by shaking the vines over special mats where they are untouched and left to dry under the Himalayan sun. It is vital that the berries are never touched by the human hands when they are fresh, otherwise they will oxidize, causing them to turn black and become unusable.

There are many health benefits attributed to the Goji berry and most of these have been linked to its very high antioxidant properties. To compare the antioxidant values of various foods and nutrients, scientists developed a unit of measuring called the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity.) The higher the ORAC rating of a substance, the more free-radicals it can destroy. Free Radicals are one of the leading causes of premature aging. According to Agricultural Research Service, USDA (Tufts University in Boston), the recommended amount of antioxidants a person should consume daily should be a minimum of 5000-7000 ORAC units. Dried Goji berries contain an astounding 22,000 ORAC units per 100 grams!! These healthy berries also contain powerful polysaccharides which have anti-aging properties as well as improved learning, memory abilities and remarkable immune system enhancing capabilities.* This could explain why the Goji berries may contribute to living a longer and healthier life.* Goji berries have 18 amino acids (including 8 essential amino acids). Essential amino acids are ones that the body cannot produce and must come from the food we eat. Goji berries also contain trace minerals and protein. There is more beta carotene in Goji berries than in carrots and they

contain MORE VITAMIN C THAN ORANGES! They are also a rich source of naturally occurring B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, essential fatty acids and polysaccharides.

WARNING: Not all Goji is the same!! Some manufacturers use artificial heat and sulfur dioxide to retard the fermentation process. These procedures diminish nutritional potency of the berries. Chews-4-Health contains Goji berries that are naturally processed, verified and tested to contain no sulfur dioxide. Our “A” rated manufacturing plant guarantees high quality, 100% pure Goji.

MANGOSTEEN The mangosteen fruit is about the size of a tangerine. It has a smooth, dark purple rind encasing a snow-white fruit. Limited to tropical zones with abundant rainfall, the mangosteen tree takes 10 years to mature and bear fruit. Fully mature trees can be up to 80 feet tall, and may produce thousands of individual fruits each year. Mangosteen has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia for its health enhancing properties. When Queen Victoria tasted this imported delicacy in the mid-1800s, she promptly declared it her favorite fruit. Since then it’s been commonly referred to as, “Queen of Fruits.” Centuries later, science has finally corroborated what folklore medicine has known for centuries: Mangosteen works! The key ingredient of the mangosteen fruit is called xanthones, a natural chemical substance that has recently won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. What’s remarkable is that the mangosteen—not just the inner flesh, but the whole fruit— represents the single greatest known supply of these tremendously beneficial xanthones. Despite the fact that mangosteen has only recently been discovered in the West, there have already been literally hundreds of research papers and third party studies conducted on mangosteen and xanthones throughout the world. Positive articles are being published across the country in scientific journals including: •

Biochemical Pharmacology

Free Radical Research

Journal of Pharmacology

Journal of Enzyme Inhibitors

Planta Medica

Journal of Natural Products

ACAI Açaí berries (pronounced ah-SAH’-ee) are produced by a palm tree common in floodplain areas of the Amazon River. These dark purple berries, a little smaller than a blueberry, contain a thin layer of edible pulp surrounding a large seed. One of the main plant chemicals getting a lot of attention in acai, is a compound called anthocyanin, a group of flavonoids. A very well known antioxidant, anthocyanin-rich fruits have been shown to have anti-aging properties, help increase energy and aid in many skin conditions*.

Açaí contains naturally occurring, plant based vitamin B, vitamin E, minerals such as iron and calcium, fiber and protein. Açaí berries contain naturally occurring amino acids, essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, and 9), and has an extremely high amount of antioxidants compared to other fruits. Acai even has more antioxidants than raw spinach, and 10 to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine. Acai berries also contain beneficial Phytosterols. These are natural plant based chemicals that have been shown to offer immune system benefits.*

NONI Noni fruit (morinda citrifolia ) comes from the mulberry plant grown on the South Sea Islands of Tahiti and Hawaii. Noni has been used in folk remedies by Polynesians for over 2000 years and

is reported to have a broad range of health benefits. Noni (which means “longevity”) is a sacred fruit known as a balancing agent which helps stabilize and enhance the health of the body. The Noni plant, considered vital to ancient settlers, was one of the four basic plants they brought with them in canoes when they colonized new islands. Today, millions across the world are discovering the health balancing properties of this once hidden island secret. Even the National Library of Medicine lists 26 articles about Noni (morinda citrifolia.) One of the most important components of the noni fruit is proxeronine, a natural ingredient, which is a building block essential to human cell growth*. Human cells require xeronine to function properly*

What are Antioxidants? They work by neutralizing the damaging effects of free radicals, rendering them harmless to your body. This helps protect your skin and body from the ravaging effects of premature aging*

What are free radicals? A visual example of free radicals at work is a sliced apple. After leaving it exposed for a short time, it turns brown! Free radicals exist in the air and can result from cigarette smoke, car exhaust and industrial fumes. Ironically enough, just breathing in pure oxygen promotes free radicals! Our bodies encounter about 10,000 free radical hits on a daily basis. It is virtually impossible to escape from them. But there are measures we can take to protect ourselves from the destructive forces of free radicals!

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is necessary for the body’s normal synthesis of red blood cells, important for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and vital for the proper growth and development of children.* The Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board recommends that adults older than 50 years get most of their vitamin B12 from vitamin supplements or fortified food because of the high incidence of impaired ability to absorb vitamin B12 from foods that come from animals.

B12 is also important in maintaining the health of nerves in the human body. The nervous system contains an insulating fatty covering comprised of a complex protein called myelin. B12 plays a vital role in the metabolism of fatty acids essential for the maintenance of this nerve covering.

B12 supplementation is crucial if you are a vegetarian because, since there isn’t an adequate source of vitamin B12 in plant foods, vegetarians often have low serum B12 levels. The

American Dietetic Association has stated that vegetarians are at risk of a vitamin B12 deficiency and highly recommend supplementing their diets with B12. If deficiency of B12 occurs, symptoms include lack of energy, shortness of breath, anemia, menstrual disorders and poor resistance to infection.

FOLIC ACID Folic Acid is needed for the body’s energy production and is necessary for the body’s normal creation of red blood cells.* It also helps synthesize DNA, which carries the body’s genetic information, helps with normal tissue growth and cell function.* In addition, Folic Acid also helps support the formation of digestive acids.*

It is commonly referred to as the “brain supplement” and has been shown to help with maintaining a healthy mental and emotionally balanced state.* Folic acid helps regulate embryonic and fetal development of the nerve cells and is VITAL for normal growth and development.* Studies indicate that Folic Acid works best when combined with B12. Since 1998 the March of Dimes has been leading a national education campaign about folic acid and its role in preventing birth defects, and they recommend Folic Acid supplementation for all women ranging from 15 to 45 years of age.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a naturally occurring compound that is synthesized in small amounts by plants, animals and humans. Scientists first discovered the importance of ALA in 1953, and it

was recognized as an antioxidant in 1988. It has recently been the subject of a tremendous amount of research around the world, including the University of California Berkeley, The Linus Pauling Institute and The Mayo Clinic. ALA is highly recommended in the New York Times’ best selling book, The Perricone Prescription by Nicholas V. Perricone, M.D. The body requires ALA to produce energy and also plays a crucial role in the mitochondria, our cellular energy-producing structures.* Foods contain only tiny amounts of it so supplementation may be beneficial. ALA is very unique compared to other forms of antioxidants because of its versatility—it helps deactivate a wide array of cell-damaging free radicals in many bodily systems. But many scientists consider the most important benefit of ALA to be its protection of the body’s mitochondria and DNA.* As we age, mitochondrial function is impaired, and this may be an important contributor to some of the adverse effects of aging. ALA also works closely with vitamin C and E and some other antioxidants, "recycling" them, which makes them much more effective.*

RESVERATROL Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound produced in plants and grapes, found primarily in the skin and seeds. Resveratrol is the key ingredient in red wine that made headlines in November (2006) when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging process. Very few medical discoveries have generated such an instant buzz . Scientists became interested in exploring the potential health benefits of resveratrol when its presence was reported in red wine, leading to speculation that resveratrol might help explain the “French Red Wine Paradox” (The French have less mortality rate and lower incidence of coronary disease.) Their consumption of resveratrol containing red wine is considered by many in the scientific community, including the Linus Pauling Institute, to be the reason for their longevity and good health. The benefits of drinking red wine have even been recognized by the American Heart Association who now recommends 1 to 2 glasses per day for men and 1 glass per day for women. Obviously the alcohol content of wine does have its drawbacks (impairs brain function, can’t be combined with many medications, children and pregnant people can’t drink it and long term use may harm the liver.) Chews-4-Health contains extracted resveratrol, so now you can have the benefits of this heart healthy nutrient, without the negative alcohol side effects* Click the play button to learn more about Resveratrol from Dr. Friedman's segment on "The Balancing Act" entitled, "Red Wine: The Fountain of Youth".

Chews-4-Health contains 4 sea vegetables ( Kelp, Nori, Dulse and Bladderwrack.) Sea vegetation is considered superior to vegetables grown on land because they do not contain the genetic modification and chemicals frequently used in farming. Land plants take carbon dioxide out of the air and make vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids. However, plants can not make minerals and, therefore, have to rely on getting minerals from the soil. When Farmers fertilize their fields with only the minimal nutrients needed to grow a crop, this can leave the soil devoid of many vital minerals needed by the body. Our Sea Vegetable blend contains up to 70 naturally occurring plant source minerals from A to Z. Sea Vegetables provide a rich source of minerals in the vegetable kingdom because they don’t rely on land soil but have access to the abundance of minerals found in the ocean. Sea vegetables are virtually fat-free, low in calories and offer soluble, plant based trace elements. They also contain chlorophyll and are a good source of protein. Click the play button below to watch Dr. Friedman's segment "The Health Benefits of Sea Vegetables" on "The Balancing Act".

WHY ARE MINERALS IMPORTANT? The human body doesn’t naturally create the minerals it requires. For that reason, diet and supplementation are key, however, most of today’s “convenience foods” lack the minerals essential for energy production, protection from free radical damage and the support of other vital body functions.*

Chews-4-Health contains 4 select fruit concentrates (Pomegranate, Blueberry, Cranberry and Raspberry.) These carefully selected fruits were chosen as part of the formulation because of their combined health enhancing properties. The majority of healthcare professionals now believe there is a clear association between overall health and a diet high in fruits. However, most people fail to eat the government’s recommended 5 servings of fruit per day. Do you eat that much fruit? Chews-4-Health can help fill that void for those who don’t.

Research on pomegranates have gained a lot of publicity lately for their cardiovascular support.* Researchers at the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) have found that blueberries rank #1 in free radical neutralizing activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. Cranberries and raspberries have also received notoriety by several authorities for their many health benefits including: Food Science and Nutrition, Rutgers University, Journal of The American Medical Association and University of Wisconsin. Antioxidants from fruits are increasingly being shown to help optimize human health. University studies show that fruits play a vital role in improved health, performance and may aid in promoting healthy organs.*


(Also called phytonutrients)

The term "phyto" originated from a Greek word meaning plant. Phytonutrients are certain organic components of plants which have been shown to promote human health*

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