Product And Business Success

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 16
Ideal Protein takes a holistic approach to treating inner and outer health and beauty and is recommended by more than 3000 Professional establishments across North America.

Olivier’s multifaceted career has taken him into the worlds of business, professional speaking, training, education and natural health.

Our methodology was initially developed 20 years ago by our medical consultant, Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, MD, doctor of sports medicine, biology and nutrition. Today, through years of research and education we are pleased to offer the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method.

An herbalist, who started his career as a 5-star restaurant owner, began his quest into finding a solution to the epidemic of obesity 10 years ago. He began his studies as a protégé of Dr. Tran Tien Chahn (a European Medical Doctor, Dr. of Nutrition, Sports Medicine and Biology, who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity). Today, Olivier possesses a deep and rich reservoir of knowledge and experience in obesity related issues.

Our weight-loss method consists of a four phase protocol; weightloss in the first two phases, and maintenance in the later two. It has a beginning and an end. We offer protein foods which are available in over 40 delicious varieties, have a high-biological value, are low in calories and fat and contain 8 essential amino acids.

He is an international speaker who captures the attention of his audience with the ability to make complex ideas simple and simple ideas profound.

Our protocol not only ensures weight loss but also: • The stabilization of blood sugar levels and other obesity related conditions

Olivier Benloulou CEO and Co-Founder of Laboratoires C.O.P. inc Ideal Protein

• Cellulite reduction support • Skin revitalization

Olivier has successfully coached thousands of people both men and women in their struggle with weight and weight related issues. Olivier’s success stems from his being, energy and presence. He is authentic and lives by the words he speaks; this is why his message has energy and passion.

• Convalescence support If you are considering the challenging task of implementing a weight-loss method in your establishment, I invite you to contact us to learn how you can integrate our protocol and products into your establishment. Not only will this enable you to offer a superior, proven, solution for your clients but will also provide you with an additional lucrative income stream to your clinic.

Dr. Tran Tien Chanh MD PhD Laureate graduate of the University of Paris-college of medicine is a general practitioner and a doctor of nutrition, sports medicine and biology. Dr. Tran Tien has focused his career and research on nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues. He is one of the original creators of the protein rich diet which he has been prescribing since 1988. Dr. Tran Tien is also the founder of the French Association of Applied Nutritional Research and in an international speaker presenting the protein diet throughout Europe and North America. He is an accredited author haven written three reference books on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues. Dr. Tran Tien is a philanthropist who supports many children’s hospitals in Vietnam, has opened centers for Leprosy and funds housing for orphans. Dr. Tran Tien is a true humanitarian.

To ensure your Clinic’s success we offer: A Dedicated Area Director for personalized establishment support • Access to our Clinical Professionals • Initial one on one compressive training for your staff • Development workshops • Interactive clinic support conference calls • On-line account management tools • Friendly and courteous home office support staff I encourage you to contact our corporate office at 1-866-314-4447 to schedule an appointment to meet with your local Area Director. Sincerely,

Olivier Benloulou Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder

Dr. Tran Tien Chanh Medical Consultant and Co-Founder of Laboratoires C.O.P. inc Ideal Protein

Ideal Protein takes a holistic approach to treating inner and outer health and beauty and is recommended by more than 3000 Professional establishments across North America.

Olivier’s multifaceted career has taken him into the worlds of business, professional speaking, training, education and natural health.

Our methodology was initially developed 20 years ago by our medical consultant, Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, MD, doctor of sports medicine, biology and nutrition. Today, through years of research and education we are pleased to offer the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method.

An herbalist, who started his career as a 5-star restaurant owner, began his quest into finding a solution to the epidemic of obesity 10 years ago. He began his studies as a protégé of Dr. Tran Tien Chahn (a European Medical Doctor, Dr. of Nutrition, Sports Medicine and Biology, who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity). Today, Olivier possesses a deep and rich reservoir of knowledge and experience in obesity related issues.

Our weight-loss method consists of a four phase protocol; weightloss in the first two phases, and maintenance in the later two. It has a beginning and an end. We offer protein foods which are available in over 40 delicious varieties, have a high-biological value, are low in calories and fat and contain 8 essential amino acids.

He is an international speaker who captures the attention of his audience with the ability to make complex ideas simple and simple ideas profound.

Our protocol not only ensures weight loss but also: • The stabilization of blood sugar levels and other obesity related conditions

Olivier Benloulou CEO and Co-Founder of Laboratoires C.O.P. inc Ideal Protein

• Cellulite reduction support • Skin revitalization

Olivier has successfully coached thousands of people both men and women in their struggle with weight and weight related issues. Olivier’s success stems from his being, energy and presence. He is authentic and lives by the words he speaks; this is why his message has energy and passion.

• Convalescence support If you are considering the challenging task of implementing a weight-loss method in your establishment, I invite you to contact us to learn how you can integrate our protocol and products into your establishment. Not only will this enable you to offer a superior, proven, solution for your clients but will also provide you with an additional lucrative income stream to your clinic.

Dr. Tran Tien Chanh MD PhD Laureate graduate of the University of Paris-college of medicine is a general practitioner and a doctor of nutrition, sports medicine and biology. Dr. Tran Tien has focused his career and research on nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues. He is one of the original creators of the protein rich diet which he has been prescribing since 1988. Dr. Tran Tien is also the founder of the French Association of Applied Nutritional Research and in an international speaker presenting the protein diet throughout Europe and North America. He is an accredited author haven written three reference books on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues. Dr. Tran Tien is a philanthropist who supports many children’s hospitals in Vietnam, has opened centers for Leprosy and funds housing for orphans. Dr. Tran Tien is a true humanitarian.

To ensure your Clinic’s success we offer: A Dedicated Area Director for personalized establishment support • Access to our Clinical Professionals • Initial one on one compressive training for your staff • Development workshops • Interactive clinic support conference calls • On-line account management tools • Friendly and courteous home office support staff I encourage you to contact our corporate office at 1-866-314-4447 to schedule an appointment to meet with your local Area Director. Sincerely,

Olivier Benloulou Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder

Dr. Tran Tien Chanh Medical Consultant and Co-Founder of Laboratoires C.O.P. inc Ideal Protein


Syndrome X

Principles Behind the Protocol:

Ever heard of a diet that not only promotes fat loss but at the same time enhances muscle tone? While some high protein diets, often high in saturated fats, can tax the liver and the kidneys, the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method provides just the right amount of the highest quality protein needed to protect and improve muscle mass and vital organs.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method targets prevention and solutions for Syndrome X, also called the “metabolic syndrome.” To qualify as part of this epidemic that is steamrolling North America, adults or children need only suffer from 2 of the 4 components of the metabolic syndrome:

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method is a medically designed protocol that results in fat loss while sparing muscle mass. The protocol was developed in France 23 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, MD PhD, who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues.

1) Obesity

Learn to live off of the body's own fat reserves. The body employs energy from three reserves: glycogen (carbohydrate), protein and fats. First from it’s simple and complex carbohydrate reserves and when depleted, turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves for energy. A person not in need of weight loss typically has approximately 1-2% of their body's reserves from carbs, approximately 19% from their muscle mass and 79% of their body reserves from fat.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method is a 4-phase protocol which helps stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels while burning fat and maintaining muscle and other lean tissue. This protocol is also an excellent treatment for cellulite reduction and has been used in well over one thousand Medi-spas and aesthetical clinics in North America over the last eight years with great success. Our FDA approved labeled products are only available through trained and certified professionals and health care professionals. Each Ideal Protein establishment has one or more experts to guide the dieter through the program. This valuable process serves to educate and encourage the dieters with a consistent method that is scientifically proven and deemed by most as easy to execute and maintain. Obesity in Today’s Society The Center for Disease Control and Prevention labels obesity as public enemy number one. Obesity is a serious health issue that affects nearly 30% of the population in North America. Obese individuals have a higher-than-normal rate of hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder diseases, osteoarthritis, strokes, respiratory diseases and even some types of cancers. Government studies predict that one in three people born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime. According to the US Surgeon General, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight adolescents has tripled since 1980 in the USA. We are one of the richest countries in the world with the largest obesity rate per capita and some of the largest healthcare costs per person. How did we get here? Increased consumption of more energydense, nutrient-poor foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, combined with reduced physical activity and stress, all have contributed to where we are today, a state that the World Health Organization has no qualms labeling as an “obesity epidemic.”

2) Blood sugar issues (Diabetes) 3) Cholesterol problems 4) High blood pressure What is the Source of Most Weight Issues? According to Dr. Tran Tien, “The cause of most weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn - very much like the North American diet causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.” An overproduction of insulin also leads to hypoglycemia or low glycemia, which in turn induces constant sugar cravings and weight gain. Insulin’s primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels however it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it "locks" the fat in the fat cell, preventing it to be used as a source of energy. Now, because the blood sugar has dropped (and we can't access the fat as a fuel source) we get "sugar cravings' and the vicious cycle begins again. An over abundance of insulin causes weight gain. The Ideal Protein protocol will transform the body's ability to digest sugars properly by regulating insulin levels. How? By giving the pancreas a well-deserved break and by restricting simple and complex carbs until the weight-loss goal is achieved.

Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight-loss. The body stores approximately three days worth of carbohydrates. Because of this, the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method has a beginning and an end. Until 100% of the weight loss goal is achieved, we restrict sugars (simple and complex). Why? Because, as long as sugar is being consumed, the body is not burning fat. It's as simple as that. Remember, the first source of energy is derived from glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves. The main principle is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely in order to compel the body to turn to its fat reserve to burn calories. How do we get the body to burn its fat reserves and not its muscle mass reserves, if both are depleted simultaneously? First, by providing the body with foods that have a high protein value, complete with 8 essential amino acids, 97% absorbable, which make them biologically-complete proteins.


Syndrome X

Principles Behind the Protocol:

Ever heard of a diet that not only promotes fat loss but at the same time enhances muscle tone? While some high protein diets, often high in saturated fats, can tax the liver and the kidneys, the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method provides just the right amount of the highest quality protein needed to protect and improve muscle mass and vital organs.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method targets prevention and solutions for Syndrome X, also called the “metabolic syndrome.” To qualify as part of this epidemic that is steamrolling North America, adults or children need only suffer from 2 of the 4 components of the metabolic syndrome:

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method is a medically designed protocol that results in fat loss while sparing muscle mass. The protocol was developed in France 23 years ago by Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, MD PhD, who focused his career and research on nutrition with a particular emphasis on the treatment of obesity and obesity related issues.

1) Obesity

Learn to live off of the body's own fat reserves. The body employs energy from three reserves: glycogen (carbohydrate), protein and fats. First from it’s simple and complex carbohydrate reserves and when depleted, turns simultaneously to its protein and fat reserves for energy. A person not in need of weight loss typically has approximately 1-2% of their body's reserves from carbs, approximately 19% from their muscle mass and 79% of their body reserves from fat.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method is a 4-phase protocol which helps stabilize the pancreas and blood sugar levels while burning fat and maintaining muscle and other lean tissue. This protocol is also an excellent treatment for cellulite reduction and has been used in well over one thousand Medi-spas and aesthetical clinics in North America over the last eight years with great success. Our FDA approved labeled products are only available through trained and certified professionals and health care professionals. Each Ideal Protein establishment has one or more experts to guide the dieter through the program. This valuable process serves to educate and encourage the dieters with a consistent method that is scientifically proven and deemed by most as easy to execute and maintain. Obesity in Today’s Society The Center for Disease Control and Prevention labels obesity as public enemy number one. Obesity is a serious health issue that affects nearly 30% of the population in North America. Obese individuals have a higher-than-normal rate of hypertension, type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gallbladder diseases, osteoarthritis, strokes, respiratory diseases and even some types of cancers. Government studies predict that one in three people born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime. According to the US Surgeon General, the number of overweight children has doubled and the number of overweight adolescents has tripled since 1980 in the USA. We are one of the richest countries in the world with the largest obesity rate per capita and some of the largest healthcare costs per person. How did we get here? Increased consumption of more energydense, nutrient-poor foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, combined with reduced physical activity and stress, all have contributed to where we are today, a state that the World Health Organization has no qualms labeling as an “obesity epidemic.”

2) Blood sugar issues (Diabetes) 3) Cholesterol problems 4) High blood pressure What is the Source of Most Weight Issues? According to Dr. Tran Tien, “The cause of most weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction. A diet grossly disproportionate in its share of saturated fats and sugars, such as in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries, pasta, pizza, rice, corn - very much like the North American diet causes the pancreas to produce an overabundance of insulin, which stays in the system and puts the blood sugar level in a negative balance.” An overproduction of insulin also leads to hypoglycemia or low glycemia, which in turn induces constant sugar cravings and weight gain. Insulin’s primary function is to regulate blood sugar levels however it is also the hormone that facilitates the transport of fat (triglycerides) into the fat cells. Even worse, it "locks" the fat in the fat cell, preventing it to be used as a source of energy. Now, because the blood sugar has dropped (and we can't access the fat as a fuel source) we get "sugar cravings' and the vicious cycle begins again. An over abundance of insulin causes weight gain. The Ideal Protein protocol will transform the body's ability to digest sugars properly by regulating insulin levels. How? By giving the pancreas a well-deserved break and by restricting simple and complex carbs until the weight-loss goal is achieved.

Simple and complex carbohydrates can prevent weight-loss. The body stores approximately three days worth of carbohydrates. Because of this, the Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method has a beginning and an end. Until 100% of the weight loss goal is achieved, we restrict sugars (simple and complex). Why? Because, as long as sugar is being consumed, the body is not burning fat. It's as simple as that. Remember, the first source of energy is derived from glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves. The main principle is to deplete the glycogen (carbohydrate) reserves completely in order to compel the body to turn to its fat reserve to burn calories. How do we get the body to burn its fat reserves and not its muscle mass reserves, if both are depleted simultaneously? First, by providing the body with foods that have a high protein value, complete with 8 essential amino acids, 97% absorbable, which make them biologically-complete proteins.

Secondly, by supplementing with nutrient-rich supplements such as Natura Multi-Vita, Natura Calcium & Magnesium and Natura Potassium, key ingredient in muscle building and electrolytes to replace those normally found in foods restricted on the Ideal Protein protocol. A dieter will feel energized, look vibrant and feel strong. It is no wonder. Given the opportunity for the body’s natural ability to heal itself and showcase its innate and ingenious powers, such as in the way during the protocol the body will return the favor with unparalleled force, radiance and beauty. The Ideal Protein Food Selections Our Ideal Protein selections have a high biological value and employ five different proteins: The centerpiece of our protocol is our gourmet protein based foods which the dieter will consume during the weight loss phases of the program. These are high biological value proteins and employ five different proteins: whey isolates, soy isolates, whole milk protein, albumin, and hydrolyzed collagen. This gives the client many options and is designed so people with sensitivities to dairy, soy or vegetarians may participate in the program. They are delicious, practical, satisfying and are available in an array of textures and flavors. The assortment includes foods that are crunchy, chewy, hearty, smooth, sweet, spicy and salty. They can be served hot, warm, cold or even frozen The client will use these products to build complete meals, adding vegetables and salads. Each sealed envelope ensures full potency and contains up to 20 grams of protein with very little to no fat or sugar. These are easy to prepare and can be incorporated into a busy lifestyle very nicely. What to Expect On average, women lose weight at the rate of 3 to 4 pounds per week and 4 to 7 pounds per week for men. Based on over 23 years of experience and 5 million people in Europe, Canada, and now a large group of people in the United States, the program enables the following: • Quick weight loss without sacrificing muscle mass • Gaining an understanding of how food affects and is utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage • Utilization of fat for energy usually by day 4—fat (including cellulite) that sequesters chemical toxins • Improved energy and appetite control, reduced cravings—usually on day 4 or 5 • Improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure

Secondly, by supplementing with nutrient-rich supplements such as Natura Multi-Vita, Natura Calcium & Magnesium and Natura Potassium, key ingredient in muscle building and electrolytes to replace those normally found in foods restricted on the Ideal Protein protocol. A dieter will feel energized, look vibrant and feel strong. It is no wonder. Given the opportunity for the body’s natural ability to heal itself and showcase its innate and ingenious powers, such as in the way during the protocol the body will return the favor with unparalleled force, radiance and beauty. The Ideal Protein Food Selections Our Ideal Protein selections have a high biological value and employ five different proteins: The centerpiece of our protocol is our gourmet protein based foods which the dieter will consume during the weight loss phases of the program. These are high biological value proteins and employ five different proteins: whey isolates, soy isolates, whole milk protein, albumin, and hydrolyzed collagen. This gives the client many options and is designed so people with sensitivities to dairy, soy or vegetarians may participate in the program. They are delicious, practical, satisfying and are available in an array of textures and flavors. The assortment includes foods that are crunchy, chewy, hearty, smooth, sweet, spicy and salty. They can be served hot, warm, cold or even frozen The client will use these products to build complete meals, adding vegetables and salads. Each sealed envelope ensures full potency and contains up to 20 grams of protein with very little to no fat or sugar. These are easy to prepare and can be incorporated into a busy lifestyle very nicely. What to Expect On average, women lose weight at the rate of 3 to 4 pounds per week and 4 to 7 pounds per week for men. Based on over 23 years of experience and 5 million people in Europe, Canada, and now a large group of people in the United States, the program enables the following: • Quick weight loss without sacrificing muscle mass • Gaining an understanding of how food affects and is utilized by the body, including what causes fat storage • Utilization of fat for energy usually by day 4—fat (including cellulite) that sequesters chemical toxins • Improved energy and appetite control, reduced cravings—usually on day 4 or 5 • Improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure

So how do we maintain our new healthy weight? • Choices. Making good meal choices begins back at the grocery store with what you are putting in your carriage. Check labels, buy whole grains, fresh vegetables, and lean meats avoiding processed foods. • Eating for pleasure. Food should not be a replacement for something else that is missing in your life. You should never feel guilty after you’ve eaten because you stuffed yourself with food you didn’t have the chance to enjoy. Meals should be savory plates that challenge your taste buds. Good meals should be something you enjoy sitting down with your family or friends or even relaxing alone. • Food combinations. Fats & carbohydrates should be treated like 2 children that disrupt the class. You cannot remove them completely, and both can be very good but just not together. Separate them and there is harmony. You can eat carbohydrates twice a day just not with your fats. Once you have reached your Ideal weight, you move onto to the 4th phase of our protocol. If you were to ask how long phase 4 lasts, the answer is: for life. Phase 4 is really the happy ending to perhaps a lifelong battle with your excess weight. Now it’s time to live happily ever after.

• Eat protein. Everyone should be eating half their lean body mass in grams of protein. (ex:130 lb. individual - 130/2= 65grams) No more letting our bodies live “protein deprived”! Eat good quality protein throughout the day. Our heart, muscles, skin, nails and even hair are made of protein; let’s keep our bodies healthy! • The CHEAT day! It is not recommended but mandatory to take one day out of the week and indulge in your favorite foods with all the trimmings. This cheat day of course should never turn into a cheat week. What is considered a cheat? That’s entirely up to you! What do you love to eat? And there is no guilty feeling afterwards or worry that the weight will be put back on. The following day you will eat as you did in phase 1 and restrict carbohydrates. We know that a carbohydrate and a fat is a bad food combination in the presence of insulin. Insulin is the key that stores the combination into the fat cell (weight-gain!) Therefore we restrict carbohydrates, we will have very little glycemia in our blood and the pancreas will produce very little insulin. No extra insulin, no key, no fat storage! Our bodies will eliminate the “cheats” naturally.

Eat like a King for Breakfast, Eat like a Prince for Lunch, Eat like a Pauper for Dinner. Typical Day Breakfast: 2 slices of whole grain toast, scrambled eggs & ham with berries and a glass of milk. Lunch: Chicken with baked eggplant with melted mozzarella cheese. Diner: Spaghetti and meatballs in a tomato sauce. Snack: Fresh Berries, nuts or an Ideal Protein Raspberry Jelly Above all we want you to enjoy your personal success, your new shape, your healthier body and that you have just successfully completed…

Your Last Diet.

What is Cellulite? Cellulite is the expression used to describe pockets of fat which are trapped and cause dimpling in the skin. This dimpling is irregular and patchy and has been identified with orange peel. It is not a medical or scientific term and is unrelated to cellulitis, which is an infection of the skin and its underlying connective tissue. Cellulite occurs mostly on the thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. It is in no way pathological, and it is not inflammatory, infectious, or waterfilled. What Causes Cellulite? There is much research done on the exact cause of cellulite. The following is a list of common factors most experts would agree on. Hormones: Many researchers believe hormones play a role in aggravating cellulite. Estrogen is thought to be involved because, • the condition mainly affects women. • It usually appears after puberty • Condition is aggravated during pregnancy, menstruation, nursing and estrogen therapy • Estrogens interacts and influences other hormones.The other hormones that may be involved are insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones.

Genetics Important hereditary factors include: • Sex, affects mostly women • Fatty Tissue distribution • Hormones like estrogen and cortisol Lifestyle Research shows that cellulite may be influenced by diet, hormones and other factors. A diet with excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats provokes hyperinsulunemia and an increase in lipogenesis. Hyperinsulinemia is a condition caused by a high level of insulin in the blood; it is almost always caused by an individual’s diet. Lipogenisis is the sequence of biological reactions involved in the storage of lipids (fats). The body can only use so much fat for energy and the excess is stored in fat cells (adipocytes) which leads to obesity and more cellulite.

So how do we maintain our new healthy weight? • Choices. Making good meal choices begins back at the grocery store with what you are putting in your carriage. Check labels, buy whole grains, fresh vegetables, and lean meats avoiding processed foods. • Eating for pleasure. Food should not be a replacement for something else that is missing in your life. You should never feel guilty after you’ve eaten because you stuffed yourself with food you didn’t have the chance to enjoy. Meals should be savory plates that challenge your taste buds. Good meals should be something you enjoy sitting down with your family or friends or even relaxing alone. • Food combinations. Fats & carbohydrates should be treated like 2 children that disrupt the class. You cannot remove them completely, and both can be very good but just not together. Separate them and there is harmony. You can eat carbohydrates twice a day just not with your fats. Once you have reached your Ideal weight, you move onto to the 4th phase of our protocol. If you were to ask how long phase 4 lasts, the answer is: for life. Phase 4 is really the happy ending to perhaps a lifelong battle with your excess weight. Now it’s time to live happily ever after.

• Eat protein. Everyone should be eating half their lean body mass in grams of protein. (ex:130 lb. individual - 130/2= 65grams) No more letting our bodies live “protein deprived”! Eat good quality protein throughout the day. Our heart, muscles, skin, nails and even hair are made of protein; let’s keep our bodies healthy! • The CHEAT day! It is not recommended but mandatory to take one day out of the week and indulge in your favorite foods with all the trimmings. This cheat day of course should never turn into a cheat week. What is considered a cheat? That’s entirely up to you! What do you love to eat? And there is no guilty feeling afterwards or worry that the weight will be put back on. The following day you will eat as you did in phase 1 and restrict carbohydrates. We know that a carbohydrate and a fat is a bad food combination in the presence of insulin. Insulin is the key that stores the combination into the fat cell (weight-gain!) Therefore we restrict carbohydrates, we will have very little glycemia in our blood and the pancreas will produce very little insulin. No extra insulin, no key, no fat storage! Our bodies will eliminate the “cheats” naturally.

Eat like a King for Breakfast, Eat like a Prince for Lunch, Eat like a Pauper for Dinner. Typical Day Breakfast: 2 slices of whole grain toast, scrambled eggs & ham with berries and a glass of milk. Lunch: Chicken with baked eggplant with melted mozzarella cheese. Diner: Spaghetti and meatballs in a tomato sauce. Snack: Fresh Berries, nuts or an Ideal Protein Raspberry Jelly Above all we want you to enjoy your personal success, your new shape, your healthier body and that you have just successfully completed…

Your Last Diet.

What is Cellulite? Cellulite is the expression used to describe pockets of fat which are trapped and cause dimpling in the skin. This dimpling is irregular and patchy and has been identified with orange peel. It is not a medical or scientific term and is unrelated to cellulitis, which is an infection of the skin and its underlying connective tissue. Cellulite occurs mostly on the thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. It is in no way pathological, and it is not inflammatory, infectious, or waterfilled. What Causes Cellulite? There is much research done on the exact cause of cellulite. The following is a list of common factors most experts would agree on. Hormones: Many researchers believe hormones play a role in aggravating cellulite. Estrogen is thought to be involved because, • the condition mainly affects women. • It usually appears after puberty • Condition is aggravated during pregnancy, menstruation, nursing and estrogen therapy • Estrogens interacts and influences other hormones.The other hormones that may be involved are insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones.

Genetics Important hereditary factors include: • Sex, affects mostly women • Fatty Tissue distribution • Hormones like estrogen and cortisol Lifestyle Research shows that cellulite may be influenced by diet, hormones and other factors. A diet with excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats provokes hyperinsulunemia and an increase in lipogenesis. Hyperinsulinemia is a condition caused by a high level of insulin in the blood; it is almost always caused by an individual’s diet. Lipogenisis is the sequence of biological reactions involved in the storage of lipids (fats). The body can only use so much fat for energy and the excess is stored in fat cells (adipocytes) which leads to obesity and more cellulite.

How does Ideal Protein aid in the reduction of cellulite?

over such a short period of time time-literally week.. Dr Shughrue lost 35 pounds in just under 11 weeks and has kept the weight off for more than 6 months without any “ yo-yo” effects.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method addresses many of the causes of cellulite. When a woman has excess fat in her abdominal area it facilitates the storage of extra hormones, namely estrogen. When we are following the protocol and begin to loose weight, we naturally eliminate the extra hormones that were trapped in our fat cells. Not only will this aid in the reduction of cellulite but it is a natural way to regulate hormone levels.

With new found enthusiasm Ideal Protein was implemented as part of the practice’s health maintenance activities and within 6 months more than 100 patient have gone successfully through the program out performing other bariatric procedures (lap band and gastric bypass) as an effective weight loss initiative. Patients have maintained their vitality, lost targeted inches, and have actually improved their glycemic and advanced lipid panel results in just a few months time.

Our protocol also puts an emphasis on regulating our insulin levels by restricting our simple and complex carbohydrate intake for a period of time and reintroducing them gradually once our goal is achieved. In doing this we are preventing our bad food combinations (fat and carbohydrates) to have the ability to be stored in our fat cells. (Lipogenisis) No new fat cells, less visible cellulite. When we restrict our carbohydrate intake we are also forcing our bodies to turn to our lipid (fat) and protein reserve for energy. Because we are incorporating high biological protein isolates into our diet, we will maintain our muscle mass and our bodies have no choice but to exhaust the adipocytes (fat cells). Reduction of fat cells results in reduction of cellulite. Over all, the human body needs a minimum of 1/2 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass per day to function optionally. It is essential not only for weight-loss and cellulite reduction but essential for growth and development. Skin, organs, muscles, hair and nails are all mainly proteins. Our Ideal Protein foods are also crucial to the immune system, because antibodies which are synthesized from specific proteins fight disease.

How Ideal Protein has helped with the challenges of treating obesity in Family Medicine Dr Cynthia Shughrue, owner Family Care Medical Services of North Texas, is a Board Certified Osteopathic Family Practitioner that has practiced for 20 years in the United States and Brazil. Dr Shughrue and her staff have always taken pride in offering personalized services that were oriented towards prevention and maintenance of health. Currently, Dr. Shughrue practices in Dallas Texas with a focus on wellness through preventive practices and aggressive management of risk factors for metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. In addition to general medicine the practice also offers a variety of aesthetic procedures including IPL photorejuvenation, laser hair removal, laser skin tightening and laser resurfacing procedures. In a current climate with concierge medicine coming into vogue Dr Shughrue’s practice has prided itself in providing the latest technologies in medicine as well as personalized care for each and every patient. With obesity and diabetes on the rise Dr Shughrue had been searching for effective ways to work with patients to optimize their health and longevity. Unfortunately in the area of weight loss and glycemic control the overall success rate was lacking due to patients inability or capacity to follow prescriptive eating and lifestyle programs until Ideal Protein was implemented. In February 2008, while attending a medical conference Dr Shughrue was introduced to Ideal Protein. Skeptical at first she decided to use the product on a trial basis with herself and her staff as test subjects. In the first month all members had lost significant weight and inches! The results were ore dramatic and accelerated than anything used prior but the most impressive outcome was the change in lipid and comprehensive blood panels

Not only have the health improvements made this Ideal Protein program uniquely popular but the aesthetic, targeted fat loss and body recontouring has increased the programs popularity within the Dallas Metroplex.. Dr Shughrue’s weekly new starts have increased by 100% in the past 3 months. Not only are patients decreasing their medication use for glycemic control, hypertension, and lipid disorders but they are completely transformed with identifiable fat loss. The clinic is now seeing an increased number of referrals from area specialists for non surgical options of patients requiring some form of assistance with their metabolic dysfunctions and weight loss. Ideal Protein has outperformed its initial implementation as a weight loss program and has found a solid place in the clinics promotion of returning overall health and wellness to patients.

How does Ideal Protein aid in the reduction of cellulite?

over such a short period of time time-literally week.. Dr Shughrue lost 35 pounds in just under 11 weeks and has kept the weight off for more than 6 months without any “ yo-yo” effects.

The Ideal Protein Weight-loss Method addresses many of the causes of cellulite. When a woman has excess fat in her abdominal area it facilitates the storage of extra hormones, namely estrogen. When we are following the protocol and begin to loose weight, we naturally eliminate the extra hormones that were trapped in our fat cells. Not only will this aid in the reduction of cellulite but it is a natural way to regulate hormone levels.

With new found enthusiasm Ideal Protein was implemented as part of the practice’s health maintenance activities and within 6 months more than 100 patient have gone successfully through the program out performing other bariatric procedures (lap band and gastric bypass) as an effective weight loss initiative. Patients have maintained their vitality, lost targeted inches, and have actually improved their glycemic and advanced lipid panel results in just a few months time.

Our protocol also puts an emphasis on regulating our insulin levels by restricting our simple and complex carbohydrate intake for a period of time and reintroducing them gradually once our goal is achieved. In doing this we are preventing our bad food combinations (fat and carbohydrates) to have the ability to be stored in our fat cells. (Lipogenisis) No new fat cells, less visible cellulite. When we restrict our carbohydrate intake we are also forcing our bodies to turn to our lipid (fat) and protein reserve for energy. Because we are incorporating high biological protein isolates into our diet, we will maintain our muscle mass and our bodies have no choice but to exhaust the adipocytes (fat cells). Reduction of fat cells results in reduction of cellulite. Over all, the human body needs a minimum of 1/2 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass per day to function optionally. It is essential not only for weight-loss and cellulite reduction but essential for growth and development. Skin, organs, muscles, hair and nails are all mainly proteins. Our Ideal Protein foods are also crucial to the immune system, because antibodies which are synthesized from specific proteins fight disease.

How Ideal Protein has helped with the challenges of treating obesity in Family Medicine Dr Cynthia Shughrue, owner Family Care Medical Services of North Texas, is a Board Certified Osteopathic Family Practitioner that has practiced for 20 years in the United States and Brazil. Dr Shughrue and her staff have always taken pride in offering personalized services that were oriented towards prevention and maintenance of health. Currently, Dr. Shughrue practices in Dallas Texas with a focus on wellness through preventive practices and aggressive management of risk factors for metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis. In addition to general medicine the practice also offers a variety of aesthetic procedures including IPL photorejuvenation, laser hair removal, laser skin tightening and laser resurfacing procedures. In a current climate with concierge medicine coming into vogue Dr Shughrue’s practice has prided itself in providing the latest technologies in medicine as well as personalized care for each and every patient. With obesity and diabetes on the rise Dr Shughrue had been searching for effective ways to work with patients to optimize their health and longevity. Unfortunately in the area of weight loss and glycemic control the overall success rate was lacking due to patients inability or capacity to follow prescriptive eating and lifestyle programs until Ideal Protein was implemented. In February 2008, while attending a medical conference Dr Shughrue was introduced to Ideal Protein. Skeptical at first she decided to use the product on a trial basis with herself and her staff as test subjects. In the first month all members had lost significant weight and inches! The results were ore dramatic and accelerated than anything used prior but the most impressive outcome was the change in lipid and comprehensive blood panels

Not only have the health improvements made this Ideal Protein program uniquely popular but the aesthetic, targeted fat loss and body recontouring has increased the programs popularity within the Dallas Metroplex.. Dr Shughrue’s weekly new starts have increased by 100% in the past 3 months. Not only are patients decreasing their medication use for glycemic control, hypertension, and lipid disorders but they are completely transformed with identifiable fat loss. The clinic is now seeing an increased number of referrals from area specialists for non surgical options of patients requiring some form of assistance with their metabolic dysfunctions and weight loss. Ideal Protein has outperformed its initial implementation as a weight loss program and has found a solid place in the clinics promotion of returning overall health and wellness to patients.

“I was 33 years old, 5’ 11” tall and I weighed 258 pounds.” In the first quarter of 2008, I met Tim Callahan of Ideal Protein at a Health Expo in Montreal Canada. I was visiting the booths nearby his and after several attempts to gain my attention, Tim took a more direct approach, saying “Tell me Doc, how do you look your patients in the eye and lecture them on the merits of a healthy lifestyle?” Frankly, I wasn’t really sure how to respond or if I’d even heard him correctly.

Dr. Jonathan Gerber My name is Dr. Jonathan Gerber, my practice is a relatively young one and I take pride in the fact that it’s very different from other Chiropractic and Healthcare offices in our area. We’re consistently updating, educating and improving because we genuinely care about bringing the very best care available to our patients. Gerber Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center is located in the Adirondack Mountain Region of Northern New York. Our mission is to provide the people of the Adirondack region of New York State with a resource for Chiropractic and Proactive Healthcare and the Achievement of Optimum Wellness. We included the word “Family” in our name for two reasons. First, both of my parents are very active in the practice. My dad is “Dr. Detox”, serving our Aqua Detox patients and wearing pretty much whatever hat is needed at any given moment. My mom is my financial advisor, sounding board and occasionally the source of a random reality check. Second, when you come here, whether it’s for a chiro visit, detox or a weigh in, you’re welcomed like family come for a visit. My patients are very important to me and I make sure they know it. They come in for an appointment but often stay for a cup of coffee or tea. I love hearing my patients tell me how much they look forward to spending a little time in my office and every effort is made to maintain a warm, friendly and caring environment.

Time to give you the sad facts as they were then. I was 33 years old, 5’ 11” tall and I weighed 258 pounds. I was living a young, single and successful lifestyle, what I liked to call “Living Large” with a half laugh at the pun. In two and a half seconds this little, bald man had reduced my self image to something that was anything but funny and I couldn’t for the life of me decide which of us to punish first. While I was deciding, Tim began to tell me about Ideal Protein and before I knew it, I had agreed to a meeting at my office in New York the following week. Within a months time, I, my parents and my Office Manager were all using Ideal Protein in sort of a “trial run” to learn first hand what the system is like and whether it could truly live up to the incredible claims made by it’s proprietors. As the pounds quickly and easily began to drop off of me, I felt energized and healthier, more incredibly vital than I could ever remember feeling in my entire life. My mom, dad and office manager were all experiencing similar wonders. I had seen my mom spend thousands and I mean that literally, thousands and thousands of dollars to try to lose weight on the more popular plans available in the US. To give credit where credit is due, they worked. For as long as she was on the plan, she lost weight. It wasn’t until she “graduated” that she began to pack the pounds back on, faster than they left and in greater numbers. I’m now a fit and healthy 164 pounds. Among the four of us, we’ve lost more than 300 pounds! In short order we all agreed that we needed to bring this incredible program to our patients and our patients having seen the dramatic changes were demanding that we share the secret.

On August 7th, 2008, we made the program available to my patients. On October 24, 2008, I hosted a dinner party for 35 of my first Ideal Protein participants. As a group, they had lost over 900 pounds in less than 3 months, an average of more than 25 pounds each. That night, we shared our stories, our successes, our secrets, lots of laughs and even a few tears of pure joy. It was both humbling and inspirational. I am so amazingly grateful to have found this program and to be able to offer such hope and health to so many. Today, my office touches more lives than ever. We’ve grown and adopted another “family” member (one of our IP participants looking to help others find success) to help us to continue to provide the level of care and quality of service that has made our office a great place to spend time. The program has taken on a dynamic energy whereby each patient experiencing this incredibly positive lifestyle goes out and spreads the word to many others. My office is flooded with inquiries about the program and my staff and I are sought for questioning nearly every time we venture out of the office. In the next few weeks, I expect to have more than 100 active Ideal Protein patients and counting. We’re more committed to our mission than ever before and the Ideal Protein System is an amazing and highly effective tool. As new patients experience our support and dedication to their success on IP, they turn to us for other types of care and as a result, even my Chiropractic and Detox areas of the practice have seen a growth of nearly 35% in the past few months. All of my patients are thriving and growing stronger and healthier every day and because we put them first, my practice is thriving and growing stronger and healthier every day. Dr. Jonathan Gerber

“I was 33 years old, 5’ 11” tall and I weighed 258 pounds.” In the first quarter of 2008, I met Tim Callahan of Ideal Protein at a Health Expo in Montreal Canada. I was visiting the booths nearby his and after several attempts to gain my attention, Tim took a more direct approach, saying “Tell me Doc, how do you look your patients in the eye and lecture them on the merits of a healthy lifestyle?” Frankly, I wasn’t really sure how to respond or if I’d even heard him correctly.

Dr. Jonathan Gerber My name is Dr. Jonathan Gerber, my practice is a relatively young one and I take pride in the fact that it’s very different from other Chiropractic and Healthcare offices in our area. We’re consistently updating, educating and improving because we genuinely care about bringing the very best care available to our patients. Gerber Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center is located in the Adirondack Mountain Region of Northern New York. Our mission is to provide the people of the Adirondack region of New York State with a resource for Chiropractic and Proactive Healthcare and the Achievement of Optimum Wellness. We included the word “Family” in our name for two reasons. First, both of my parents are very active in the practice. My dad is “Dr. Detox”, serving our Aqua Detox patients and wearing pretty much whatever hat is needed at any given moment. My mom is my financial advisor, sounding board and occasionally the source of a random reality check. Second, when you come here, whether it’s for a chiro visit, detox or a weigh in, you’re welcomed like family come for a visit. My patients are very important to me and I make sure they know it. They come in for an appointment but often stay for a cup of coffee or tea. I love hearing my patients tell me how much they look forward to spending a little time in my office and every effort is made to maintain a warm, friendly and caring environment.

Time to give you the sad facts as they were then. I was 33 years old, 5’ 11” tall and I weighed 258 pounds. I was living a young, single and successful lifestyle, what I liked to call “Living Large” with a half laugh at the pun. In two and a half seconds this little, bald man had reduced my self image to something that was anything but funny and I couldn’t for the life of me decide which of us to punish first. While I was deciding, Tim began to tell me about Ideal Protein and before I knew it, I had agreed to a meeting at my office in New York the following week. Within a months time, I, my parents and my Office Manager were all using Ideal Protein in sort of a “trial run” to learn first hand what the system is like and whether it could truly live up to the incredible claims made by it’s proprietors. As the pounds quickly and easily began to drop off of me, I felt energized and healthier, more incredibly vital than I could ever remember feeling in my entire life. My mom, dad and office manager were all experiencing similar wonders. I had seen my mom spend thousands and I mean that literally, thousands and thousands of dollars to try to lose weight on the more popular plans available in the US. To give credit where credit is due, they worked. For as long as she was on the plan, she lost weight. It wasn’t until she “graduated” that she began to pack the pounds back on, faster than they left and in greater numbers. I’m now a fit and healthy 164 pounds. Among the four of us, we’ve lost more than 300 pounds! In short order we all agreed that we needed to bring this incredible program to our patients and our patients having seen the dramatic changes were demanding that we share the secret.

On August 7th, 2008, we made the program available to my patients. On October 24, 2008, I hosted a dinner party for 35 of my first Ideal Protein participants. As a group, they had lost over 900 pounds in less than 3 months, an average of more than 25 pounds each. That night, we shared our stories, our successes, our secrets, lots of laughs and even a few tears of pure joy. It was both humbling and inspirational. I am so amazingly grateful to have found this program and to be able to offer such hope and health to so many. Today, my office touches more lives than ever. We’ve grown and adopted another “family” member (one of our IP participants looking to help others find success) to help us to continue to provide the level of care and quality of service that has made our office a great place to spend time. The program has taken on a dynamic energy whereby each patient experiencing this incredibly positive lifestyle goes out and spreads the word to many others. My office is flooded with inquiries about the program and my staff and I are sought for questioning nearly every time we venture out of the office. In the next few weeks, I expect to have more than 100 active Ideal Protein patients and counting. We’re more committed to our mission than ever before and the Ideal Protein System is an amazing and highly effective tool. As new patients experience our support and dedication to their success on IP, they turn to us for other types of care and as a result, even my Chiropractic and Detox areas of the practice have seen a growth of nearly 35% in the past few months. All of my patients are thriving and growing stronger and healthier every day and because we put them first, my practice is thriving and growing stronger and healthier every day. Dr. Jonathan Gerber

Your hunger is gone, your cravings are gone, your energy is high— you just feel fantastic!”

Ending the Wait for Ideal Weight How Ideal Protein proved to be the perfect body shaping tool for one high-end medical spa. Tawni Weaver, owner of Renu Medispa in Eagle, Idaho, was not looking for a weight loss program for her business when she decided to try Ideal Protein. She wanted something that would help her lose about 30 pounds and restore her energy levels. Ideal Protein turned out to be the perfect solution both to Weaver’s personal weight loss goals and to her desire to grow her already popular medical spa. Credit for the spa’s success—Renu is one of the premiere medical spa centers in the Northwest—belongs largely to Weaver, an energetic, engaging woman whose academic science background blends perfectly with her professional marketing expertise. Weaver is committed to providing the latest and best technological advances to her clients. But until she found Ideal Protein, she was wary of offering weight loss programs because so many had high failure rates, even for people who were compliant. “From a business perspective I never wanted to be in the weight loss industry—I felt like it’s more trend driven and not focused on the underlying causes of weight gain or the need to keep the weight off,” Weaver, who holds a B.S. in Anatomy and Physiology, says. But Weaver was intrigued by Ideal Protein’s physiological, pancreatic treatment based approach to weight loss. She decided to try the system for herself and lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks. The next 10 also came off quickly, and she has now maintained her target weight for more than six months without dieting. Because Ideal Protein effectively “resets” pancreas function, people on the diet can return to normal balanced eating without fear of rebounding. Weaver’s good friend Angie Koch, an attractive, vibrant, and newly slender woman, also tried the program and lost 60 pounds between May and September. Koch’s weight loss was so dramatic that she was the perfect choice to direct Renu’s new Wellness Program, which features Ideal Protein at its core. The two women’s own success stories led to a groundswell of interest and word of mouth referrals for what is now one of the most popular offerings at this posh medical spa in suburban Boise.

Aesthetics and Wellness Weaver stresses three key points about Ideal Protein’s ability to help medical spa owners provide the best service for their clients. “If you’re looking at it from an aesthetics and wellness point of view, there’s so much that Ideal Protein can do,” Weaver says. “People look completely different after they lose 20 pounds. They are healthier, and their skin glows from their improved nutritional intake. They have more energy, and that translates into their attitude and how they present themselves.” There have also been positive changes to several clients’ blood profiles. Weaver notes that referrals from general practitioners and other medical specialists have skyrocketed since her spa began offering the weight loss program. “The results give us credibility in the medical community,” she says. “Clients have returned to us from their primary physicians to report they have been taken off glucose and blood pressure medications. It is very satisfying to produce positive aesthetic and health benefits for our clients.” The program is also a cost effective solution to body shaping. Expensive non-invasive laser therapy has become increasingly popular among clients trying to reduce body circumference. Weaver still believes in lasers as powerful tools for skin tigh-

tening and resurfacing, but short of liposuction, a client’s best option for rapid “dress-size” reduction remains responsible weight loss. “I can spend $85-100,000 on a laser that will only produce a two or three centimeter reduction after four treatments over several months and cost the client $2,000,” Weaver notes, “Or I can help a client lose far more than two centimeters in just one week on the Ideal Protein program for less than $150.” Retail Sales Another key point for business owners is the enormous retail sales potential Ideal Protein provides. Since Weaver began offering the program in May 2008, Ideal Protein product sales have grown to the point that it now outsells all of the spa’s skincare products combined. “And we’re a skin care facility!” Weaver laughs. Even when clients achieve their weight goals and come off of the program, many continue to supplement their diets. “Once people see their success, you empower them. They realize they can control what they look like and what they feel like,” Weaver notes. Best of all: clients’ success with their weight loss often leads them to try other treatments they would not have previously considered, including injectables such as Botox or non-

invasive laser procedures. “They look and feel so much better that they want to see what else is possible,” Weaver says. Adjunct Therapy A third key benefit for Weaver is the rapid recovery from other treatments such as smart lipo and plastic surgery that the Ideal Protein program provides her clients. “We have a strong referral base from the plastic surgery community, and we’re seeing a dramatic decrease in recovery time post-surgery for our clients who are placed on the Ideal Protein program,” she says, noting that the alkaline environment produced by the diet reduces water retention and swelling associated with post-operative care. In addition, Weaver has personally observed an increase in effectiveness for patients who have had laser treatments or resurfacing procedures. “You just heal and respond better if you have the right nutritional components,” she says. The diet has also proved ideal for people with special dietary needs, including athletes who want a source of low glycemic index carbohydrates and the right kinds of proteins. Type II diabetics, those who suffer from hypoglycemia, and patients who have undergone bariatric surgery and need high energy food can also benefit from the program. “It touches everything we do at the spa,” Weaver says.

In addition to the Ideal Protein program, Renu offers all of the standard services clients expect from a medispa, including IPL photorejuvenation, laser hair removal, laser skin tightening and resurfacing, chemical peels, and medical facials. They also offer specialized treatments such as myofacial cavitation and ultrasound, a non-surgical facelift procedure that rebuilds the muscle structure of the face, and laserdermology for cellulite. Renu earned the coveted Platinum Injector status with Allergan, the makers of Botox and Juvederm. Renu also promotes recent technological advances, and Weaver often attends conferences to ensure that she has the best, most effective treatments to offer her clients. The spa’s medical director, Dr. Tamara Simon, a board-certified surgeon who operates one of the largest agemanagement practices in the Northwest, performs Smartlipo, a laser-assisted liposuction, at an adjoining facility. Together, Weaver and Simon are passionate about providing their clients with the goldstandard of medispa care. Koch is thrilled to be part of the Renu team. Sharing the secret to her own weight loss success story is her favorite part of her job. “I tried everything,” Koch says. “Weight Watchers or the gym might work for some people, but it takes a long time to see results, and the weight is frequently regained within the first year. On the Ideal Protein diet, if you are compliant, you will lose weight—it’s physiologically impossible not to.” Koch is especially enthusiastic about the Ideal Protein program’s effect on her clients’ energy levels. “Your hunger is gone, your cravings are gone, your energy is high—you just feel fantastic!” she says.

Your hunger is gone, your cravings are gone, your energy is high— you just feel fantastic!”

Ending the Wait for Ideal Weight How Ideal Protein proved to be the perfect body shaping tool for one high-end medical spa. Tawni Weaver, owner of Renu Medispa in Eagle, Idaho, was not looking for a weight loss program for her business when she decided to try Ideal Protein. She wanted something that would help her lose about 30 pounds and restore her energy levels. Ideal Protein turned out to be the perfect solution both to Weaver’s personal weight loss goals and to her desire to grow her already popular medical spa. Credit for the spa’s success—Renu is one of the premiere medical spa centers in the Northwest—belongs largely to Weaver, an energetic, engaging woman whose academic science background blends perfectly with her professional marketing expertise. Weaver is committed to providing the latest and best technological advances to her clients. But until she found Ideal Protein, she was wary of offering weight loss programs because so many had high failure rates, even for people who were compliant. “From a business perspective I never wanted to be in the weight loss industry—I felt like it’s more trend driven and not focused on the underlying causes of weight gain or the need to keep the weight off,” Weaver, who holds a B.S. in Anatomy and Physiology, says. But Weaver was intrigued by Ideal Protein’s physiological, pancreatic treatment based approach to weight loss. She decided to try the system for herself and lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks. The next 10 also came off quickly, and she has now maintained her target weight for more than six months without dieting. Because Ideal Protein effectively “resets” pancreas function, people on the diet can return to normal balanced eating without fear of rebounding. Weaver’s good friend Angie Koch, an attractive, vibrant, and newly slender woman, also tried the program and lost 60 pounds between May and September. Koch’s weight loss was so dramatic that she was the perfect choice to direct Renu’s new Wellness Program, which features Ideal Protein at its core. The two women’s own success stories led to a groundswell of interest and word of mouth referrals for what is now one of the most popular offerings at this posh medical spa in suburban Boise.

Aesthetics and Wellness Weaver stresses three key points about Ideal Protein’s ability to help medical spa owners provide the best service for their clients. “If you’re looking at it from an aesthetics and wellness point of view, there’s so much that Ideal Protein can do,” Weaver says. “People look completely different after they lose 20 pounds. They are healthier, and their skin glows from their improved nutritional intake. They have more energy, and that translates into their attitude and how they present themselves.” There have also been positive changes to several clients’ blood profiles. Weaver notes that referrals from general practitioners and other medical specialists have skyrocketed since her spa began offering the weight loss program. “The results give us credibility in the medical community,” she says. “Clients have returned to us from their primary physicians to report they have been taken off glucose and blood pressure medications. It is very satisfying to produce positive aesthetic and health benefits for our clients.” The program is also a cost effective solution to body shaping. Expensive non-invasive laser therapy has become increasingly popular among clients trying to reduce body circumference. Weaver still believes in lasers as powerful tools for skin tigh-

tening and resurfacing, but short of liposuction, a client’s best option for rapid “dress-size” reduction remains responsible weight loss. “I can spend $85-100,000 on a laser that will only produce a two or three centimeter reduction after four treatments over several months and cost the client $2,000,” Weaver notes, “Or I can help a client lose far more than two centimeters in just one week on the Ideal Protein program for less than $150.” Retail Sales Another key point for business owners is the enormous retail sales potential Ideal Protein provides. Since Weaver began offering the program in May 2008, Ideal Protein product sales have grown to the point that it now outsells all of the spa’s skincare products combined. “And we’re a skin care facility!” Weaver laughs. Even when clients achieve their weight goals and come off of the program, many continue to supplement their diets. “Once people see their success, you empower them. They realize they can control what they look like and what they feel like,” Weaver notes. Best of all: clients’ success with their weight loss often leads them to try other treatments they would not have previously considered, including injectables such as Botox or non-

invasive laser procedures. “They look and feel so much better that they want to see what else is possible,” Weaver says. Adjunct Therapy A third key benefit for Weaver is the rapid recovery from other treatments such as smart lipo and plastic surgery that the Ideal Protein program provides her clients. “We have a strong referral base from the plastic surgery community, and we’re seeing a dramatic decrease in recovery time post-surgery for our clients who are placed on the Ideal Protein program,” she says, noting that the alkaline environment produced by the diet reduces water retention and swelling associated with post-operative care. In addition, Weaver has personally observed an increase in effectiveness for patients who have had laser treatments or resurfacing procedures. “You just heal and respond better if you have the right nutritional components,” she says. The diet has also proved ideal for people with special dietary needs, including athletes who want a source of low glycemic index carbohydrates and the right kinds of proteins. Type II diabetics, those who suffer from hypoglycemia, and patients who have undergone bariatric surgery and need high energy food can also benefit from the program. “It touches everything we do at the spa,” Weaver says.

In addition to the Ideal Protein program, Renu offers all of the standard services clients expect from a medispa, including IPL photorejuvenation, laser hair removal, laser skin tightening and resurfacing, chemical peels, and medical facials. They also offer specialized treatments such as myofacial cavitation and ultrasound, a non-surgical facelift procedure that rebuilds the muscle structure of the face, and laserdermology for cellulite. Renu earned the coveted Platinum Injector status with Allergan, the makers of Botox and Juvederm. Renu also promotes recent technological advances, and Weaver often attends conferences to ensure that she has the best, most effective treatments to offer her clients. The spa’s medical director, Dr. Tamara Simon, a board-certified surgeon who operates one of the largest agemanagement practices in the Northwest, performs Smartlipo, a laser-assisted liposuction, at an adjoining facility. Together, Weaver and Simon are passionate about providing their clients with the goldstandard of medispa care. Koch is thrilled to be part of the Renu team. Sharing the secret to her own weight loss success story is her favorite part of her job. “I tried everything,” Koch says. “Weight Watchers or the gym might work for some people, but it takes a long time to see results, and the weight is frequently regained within the first year. On the Ideal Protein diet, if you are compliant, you will lose weight—it’s physiologically impossible not to.” Koch is especially enthusiastic about the Ideal Protein program’s effect on her clients’ energy levels. “Your hunger is gone, your cravings are gone, your energy is high—you just feel fantastic!” she says.

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